LTTPR | Sunday Shenanigans :) All Dungeons Keysanity with a ~TWIST~

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yup i agree i just realized i need a bingo card on my stream well yeah so yeah you don't all right andy pick a number from 1 to 25 except for 13 apparently because that has to be free oh yeah we're doing it this way then it doesn't matter so yeah that's what i said thank you well we don't have to do the bingo squares right so that's why it doesn't matter like what's for and what's not yeah yeah that's fine all right just pick a number one two three twenty five are you writing them down yeah uh i'll be seventeen all right one i also need to write this down i suppose uh oh well he can just rattle them off when it's over yeah yeah i can't just do it all right so ski uh what why am i next because what about you duncan he already picked oh he picked one okay 12. 12. okay i pick 24. so it's andy again uh 25. i'm gonna pick three because [ __ ] okay [Music] i'm picking six then because then he can't go down once as well and i'm gonna be seven just to put him in a little box at the top i get i guess i guess you got yeah okay we'll just go until nobody ruins uh 25 yeah that's already taken [ __ ] this is gonna take a while oh yeah we'd already be halfway into the first dungeon if we just picked rose what what did you pick 18 please okay i pick 20 then i'll take 21. okay i'm pretty sure four is still out there yeah that's it so ski uh yeah that's three so i've just picked eight so what do we have like nine ten there's 13 14 15 16 22 23 19. i'll do 13. i'll do 9 15 for me epic 16 then uh 10 okay uh what's left uh we have 14 is the next close give me 14. i'm gonna i'm gonna do the uno reverse i'm going to steal duncan's 14. uh boy no i don't think that's gonna work what's left um we have 19 22 23. let's go 22. okay and i picked 23. so 19 is a free one so anybody can do 19. it's just it's not even on the board okay i mean it is on the boat but right right but it doesn't count yeah it doesn't matter oh i have to select the game okay and then are we just going to mark our own so that we know that these are it's everybody else's i feel like i'm playing a lotto here uh it's because you are 24 6. create the concept of this is all right i marked my squish could you read mine off please uh one second yeah so it's one two four five 9 and 14. oh that's not bad mine should be 3 11 15 18 12 and 22 correct uh 12 3 18 11 15 22. yep all right thanks oh god well there's a few of them on here at least we can avoid two pendants this sucks well yeah that's required collect the bow is required i mean most of these are going to be required to what light world dungeons okay two light world dungeons so is it you don't actually complete that until you pick up the item yeah yeah three just immediately [ __ ] me so 12 [ __ ] me so two light world dungeons let's say it's i finished the second one is eastern i kill that i pick up the crystal and then i can then i have to save play what's that yeah dude freeze the dongle free i have to do that is there any actually killed bosses on this i have defeat armors who's fifteen so scared uh the only one the only one this applies to is defeat almost because the other ones are like it happens when you collect when you collect the item so mine is so [ __ ] i'm gonna i'm gonna s at least three times dude mine's great i love yeah i'm actually fine with mine oh i gotta finish one i don't even have to worry about that [ __ ] is there uh an easy way to like display this or is it just like a screen capture that's somebody i'm just gonna take i'm just gonna take a screen capture because it's not okay it's not gonna move so i just wasn't sure if there was like a browser source built in or something there kind of is but what a copy i'm a big old bingo newbie okay that's okay you'll get used to it you tell by my name my name i'm not sol yeah no the i play bingo daily 69. oh nice yup okay so i don't think there's anything else here that's like oh wow i like the open five small doors and pod that one that doesn't work one of us somebody's gonna accidentally do that that's mine get owned yeah i can't wait for you guys to just get [ __ ] three crystals two like world dungeons for our craters okay let's uh let's get [ __ ] mine kind of suck i guess that's not good let's add the source you still have to join the restroom sosuke well i will don't worry just getting the bingo screencap first all right you know the longer this goes the longer the fiber is just going to sit in nabisco imagine someone accidentally completing the hamburger oh no i got lost i hope souls he just does it for the memes it'll happen okay how do i want to do this um for you guys destroying a wall does um agas curtains count oh [ __ ] that's why i think that's not a wall i didn't think it was either i just wanted to check i was really hoping it would because boy that'd be hilarious i mean whenever you go to back of escape that's already like destroying a wall i guess right yeah i mean back of escape would count yeah any any wall that's considered a dungeon so i just see i didn't know if that in the uh skull woods counted as well i didn't think it would why do people connect any of like colors where did that come from um all right well could be worse cannot remove people from this i hope that like link's house is a heart container we can just get that one out of the way early oh wait no four heart containers means picks up wait is that one because isn't there one that says like half 12 hearts or something like that uh no it's four hot containers not four hearts in total right okay okay that's what i thought i thought yeah i thought there was one that also says like once you get eight hearts then it counts okay so that's four individual containers you ever see was quite there for a minute maybe he went and just pushed it off now [Laughter] are you do you have a beer with that too because it's savage i will i'm just stuck actually that's a good man good morning chad no tracker today you get the bingo board get owned your beat i love having a beer fridge like five steps away now so good all right i thought i joined the hell there we go who's orange by the way that's me okay so you're the only one that doesn't have to [ __ ] do almost twice yep i don't think that's avoidable so every time we defeat armos we have to redo it well no because then the c would never end once you do it once you're good yeah you can only complete the squares one time okay all right cool yeah and yeah i mean i guess theoretically if big key is behind ice armos you're [ __ ] are we clicking the squares on here too are we trying to keep it clean uh you can click it i mean you can you see you see which one you haven't completed right yeah yeah because yeah because it'll just yeah it'll if i do that it'll just know that i've done that yeah this one yeah that's fine go for it uh just know your color excuse me also everyone's chat remember to notify your favorite streamer if they complete a square and they don't notice yup that's gonna happen at least once all right i'm ready what more is this again open a d insanity okay sure i'm gonna go ahead and that turtle rock compass i'm gonna everybody want to click it just get it out of the way i don't like having this one in there it's random you don't have to i guess but i just wanted to get it so that i know it's that doesn't count [Music] uh yeah dude i'm really excited for you guys to find the desert map and to have to save and quit no matter where the hell you guys are gonna be [ __ ] gt yeah yeah i mean it's gonna i've got my map on mine so good luck okay i'm trying to think if there's a good way for me to display this bingo board and also do a tracker [Music] nope you can put it like as a transparent and then just have it like behind your face or your game screen that sounds terrible [ __ ] that's the point [Music] oh yeah most people just do either either tracker or bingo boat yeah oh that's not what i want because i have a cat cam which no i don't [ __ ] even have cats anymore that sit in this thing they've given up on [ __ ] cat beds let's remove that god i gotta think about all these [ __ ] squares as i play [Music] all right [Music] question okay one question before we start what's the question and this is more of a i don't know if you can do this defeat aga agathoo um i don't even know if you can save quit i mean you can save and quit on the pyramid then okay that's what i was assuming i don't even think you could during the animation when agg is doing this thing so no i don't think you can but once you have the mirror then it's literally like three [Music] yeah i don't know okay that's all these so you will so all d um wait this isn't cross worlds what [ __ ] i think keeping track of the bingo board is like confusing enough already yeah i i don't need the [ __ ] what connects 18 different connectors while i'm looking at a goddamn bingo board to see if i don't have it i thought about doing uh inverted but then arie already has it on the board so i'm really i'm actually really surprised that guy though i don't know i thought we had a good question actually i can do like a chill mode for once what is uh finishing in a room with a bumper uh and that one's nothing i mean you're not gonna ever hit it so yeah that's a little square that's a free square okay it's basically if you play play backup blackout bingo or like regular bingo it would be the last where you can oh gotcha okay yeah you guys got lucky on that one yeah every bingo board has one i guess [Music] no starting boots unbelievable imagine [Music] hey what's up pizza it says racing with voice chat seems like a ban [Laughter] [Music] hashtag free hitsu but not really got him got him alright you guys ready yeah i'm good get it all right let's do it good luck gamers good luck i'll say this was only 30 minutes of setup dunker and it was not because we picked numbers it would have been a lot quicker if we didn't i blame duncan i do [Music] all right good luck good luck oh man i was going to laugh if that was the desperate dude [Laughter] i wanted that so bad i don't even know what my squares are because i have not looked at them [Music] imagine not knowing your squares already with the half hour setup all right chad here's here's the deal you don't really uh uh desert compass um this is all dungeons key sanity seed uh we have to do our bingo squares wall finish wait um what hold on okay stay waiting how do i do that again what oh it's customizer so you can't do it uh i'm pretty sure i got that this is not customizer [Music] oh i didn't run my own tracker oh oh where am i going oh i forgot something desert compass is a save and quit oh yeah it is all right well it's okay i'll just save it afterwards anyways [Music] i don't know where i'm going i'm just guessing okay there we go there we are [Music] i also just noticed that two of the squares are the same with the rod and cane of opposite colors yeah but the other one is the same colors oh but yes since it's required you you're most likely you'll have to say request at least once depending on the field that's nice i can read i promise [Music] you sure about that oh god his ass is so fat what is so fat everyone's favorite uh seesaw boy [Music] like chat is his ass not fat look at this look at that i can't get by it's like space pirate level hitbox right there uh no because they're two different squares you'd have to save and quit both times unless one of those squares is yours you don't have to save and quit if you do your own squares that's just a tragedy the question is though what happens when you have let's say blue and red cane and you find like uh ice rod just the same i quit go back in same equipment again [Music] i think once it's fine yeah i want one yeah yeah kind of yeah already all right [Music] art containers from four heart pieces count as a heart container i don't think so i do know they're actual they're actual hercules yeah yeah there there's a square that could exist correct or like 13 hearts or whatever right uh pickets are the the little pumpkin dudes that steal your shoes yep yep that's the ones [Music] if you accidentally do that we also get to laugh at you yeah there's only like guarantee you someone will i guarantee you [Music] keck w i don't have to track that it's so good [Music] who's the hamburger helper hand you'll you'll know when you see it i'm the only on my stream because i could have to all right well then no one's going to see the hamburger he's one of like the the hint guys in a cave in the dark world he's a dark shopping mall isn't he yeah yeah literally a dancing boy in a cave he waves at you [Music] yep or wiggles i don't know which one you want to call it but yeah uh one of the squares is a free uh a free square yeah the one that we all mocked already except for me hold on i will i will correct my mistake [Music] duncan why'd you unclick your desert palace compass [Music] yeah oh i must do it it doesn't matter it's messing with my emergency we should all have we should all have six and then there's one three square i think i forgot to mark something that was okay hey so also use that better for you yes thank you appreciate that i i did it for you i did it for you thank you [Music] oh andy has gloves no way bro i i found the hyrule castle small key and i just walked through escape dude the gamer [Music] imagine having to do that twice i actually should have already save and quit because i definitely forgot that's the host for this house so [ __ ] bomb wall that's not it's not done [Music] oh it's in a dungeon god dude but yes i did save and quit for escape that's right i'll read more than half of the bingo goals eventually did i miss the did i miss the compass unless you like european routing dude it explains everything no i'm just asking isn't it maybe maybe maybe he thought it was uh cross keys and did the uh fake flipper that's a witch start the classic [Music] uh we just have to finish the seed it's an all dungeon seed but uh uh if we finish a bingo goal that is not our own we have to save and quit no matter what we're doing smokey doggy [Music] don't listen to them to them you represent germany i don't know if that's a good or bad thing [Laughter] [Music] uh i'm orange literally florida man you got aryan gems [Music] so [Music] yeah marking the ones that i've done already so i don't save and quit for them again later by accident [Music] there's one heart container i'm gonna note that down in my stupid notepad i guess [Music] oh there's a second one [Music] really looking forward to having to save and quit out of this category before i'm done super happy super happy when i saw i got that one [Music] that's not on the list hello [Music] nice to meet you [Music] so [Music] [Music] food [Music] so [Music] oh yeah we take this that's a good item [Music] [Music] yeah that's the same i quit unlucky uh where is it there [Music] it's not a gt [Music] i'm severely disappointed whose idea was it to give the gamer the center square we just got to pick numbers [Music] i don't have the center square what yeah exactly sosuke it's kind of a bingo we don't actually have to finish any of the goals it's just when we finish a goal that's not our color uh yeah it's not it's not like a bingo seed where we're like anti-bingo but anti-bingo anti-bingo with no bingo [Music] when i find the bow i have bingo though so that means i win um this is wind waker ost that's kind of a cool concept actually [Music] this is already bad yep no not exactly the item we want i hope um yeah that's fine patty that's fine what happens if finishing the seed involves something that's not your square then you just save and quit isn't that 3a items uh bomb flute hammer uh no those would be y items wait hammer [Music] oh no what what he found it that's a good idea [Music] you have rebound your controller [Music] oh my god why is that there dude yeah a a that red square at the bottom is the a items [Music] moon pearl is an a item by the way [Music] hey harry will be in trouble huh or not in trouble actually because it's just swords for him give me [Music] oh it says break never mind well i still save it quit get on does reading it count i guess it does right [Music] isn't it under due in the menu well all the menus have like buttons on them i mean reading doesn't count you didn't break it really yeah reading doesn't all right no okay yeah that's okay so you're telling me the books out there i would never do that [Music] oh i did this horribly wrong that's just fine [Music] a question does a second glove count as a third a item no usually not good question but specifically the spots i believe why is that there that's just that's just wacky really should do this first really should do this first [Music] what's up guys yeah i've been recruited to the shenanigans crew sorry now i'm forced to wake up early on saturdays very elites group i'm forced to start work earlier saturdays see you soon big booty boy awesome look at the contest romantic true i mean i literally stole your guy's content last night two weeks ago i even did that [ __ ] a second time [Laughter] because it was fun oh my god it was way it was way less kind it was it was really nice until i died a little over two hours in on my first game yeah what did you die to oh god dumb the stupid little shadows that come out of the bomb cracks and turtle rocks they did seven and a half hearts and i was [ __ ] pissed at least you didn't die to a [ __ ] bomb under a bush like i did that's pretty god it was so funny though he was like yeah and he was setting up a dash and then the shadow the dust bunnies just got him from the back and i already had like 14 hearts like i was pretty close to go mode and i was like man am i going to one shot this one no and then yeah just like you're like how much how much that even do you have like seven and a half hearts yeah [Music] it seems super fun to run an attorney setting so the new the new pog champion weights are gonna have a possible bingo roll which is gonna be a [ __ ] show [Music] this is like baby's first bingo where i don't actually have to do anything oh i found it so i like how you guys oh my god european routing dude because i don't do this stupid starting that's why it's european road [Music] casual 19-minute uncle check oh yeah [Music] well the the mystery pog champion tournament is separate from the what's ladder wildcats i'm pretty sure people would yell at dunka to no end if you made the mystery mode in the latter oh god the punk champions not there i would love it that'd be fantastic but why is that there i think well just people just people wouldn't play it that's all yeah it'd be it'd be worse than sword was this season god and swordless is really bad yeah i saw yesterday there was like a race with just four people uh we've had a couple of twos [Music] i wonder who my opponent [Music] is oh hey duncan you remember the first ladder test or like the first like season race and i was like hey who has this hash you know you're like no [Laughter] i'll say this you've at least you've at least implemented several safety measures that we know [Music] [Laughter] oh my god was he so he was so i was i was a little upset i gave him some gifts he probably did after it's fine [Music] the soul skis that that like qa test that everyone [ __ ] hates but does does their job well so they keep them around why why is he doing this what the [ __ ] yeah ugh what was it was like 137 queued up commands oh it was horrible it was something ridiculous yeah i went back and counted because i logged it it was something absurd literally just bringing out that like rts [Music] so going back to there the swordless thing is actually i'm really disappointed that people aren't doing sort of this because it was the one mode that everybody bitched give a sword let's give a sword list and then you finally get [ __ ] service and nobody got you nobody [ __ ] plays [Music] it was that and triforce hunts are the two that everybody constantly says why don't you do this and then it finally gets done so what i'm saying is i'm gonna stop listening yeah it's pretty fair [Music] it doesn't help that like a million tournaments all started right when the season of ladder started oh yeah i mean i get it just yeah and i think people are just scared of map and compass shuffle scared slash dislike it a lot [Music] [Music] it's possible so the last few places haven't checked he found it [Laughter] [Music] i sure did knots [Music] i can't wait for it to be there dude i'll actually laugh [Music] how did that not get collected hello [Music] really i don't think we have yet might be wrong [Music] got a nice boost what both would actually be one is that your third day item he's doing the math uh jamie thinks that 25 months shouldn't be hard to figure out because you gotta have two [Music] oh yeah you're right that is my square actually wait he's yeah he's purple though right so he doesn't have to [ __ ] do that [Music] [Music] if that was doesn't matter i would have lost it here we go okie dokie duncan rage yup i never rage you know what you're talking oh about [ __ ] rage last night oh my god the hamburger helper guys in darth vader i was playing a uh free enterprise doing a free enterprise practice and it was just the most ridiculous scenario i i wiped on zeramis five times i think it sounds like funny sometimes [Music] we tried i went immediately to bed i was like [ __ ] this i'm going back the the pot area helper is the tree that talks forever [Music] you got squid boy and dark sanctuary and then it's way to work bird in like dark death mountain i think no maybe bird is my area i don't remember [Music] jack can you see the difference because i barely can [Music] when how swap goes wrong yup my my my deep and shallow water is almost identical yep almost same i've had them be identical before once it's literally it was like a shade off [Music] let's do this then we'll go for that meme [Music] [Music] need some chlorine yeah it's uh green [Music] i don't know if having the most squares completed is good or not [Music] he's in the lead [Music] so let's not forget i just haven't quit an extra time for reading to eat the monolith oops i'm sure we're almost there chat 27 minutes in [Music] uh yes it'd be before collecting the prize but i don't have to because that's my square so everyone gets to save and quit at least one time except for me what's going on what is going on outside [Music] there it is chat 27 minutes in [Music] god help well the square only triggers once [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] i got it [Music] all right let's do this [Music] [Music] so don't go do a lot of people still play um free enterprise yeah thanks for the two months appreciate it jesus that's a lot of nerds thank you yeah it's big it's it's it's not near as big as like this community but it's maybe like 20 of the size but yeah it's it's pretty big nice it's a good game it just it gets so [ __ ] frustrating it's a big [Music] all right chad it's time to throw it's time to throw ah dunk orgasm what else oh god i mean that could happen rashford that was the worst possible time to find that item could happen like if eastern was a pendant and you beat ice armor before regular armors dungeon seed i mean that it's your own fault i guess we're not good to easter earlier well what if eastern big keys upstairs in gt it's not yeah i know it's really in my inventory but they were they were they yeah i mean it can happen right yeah not really the only one that has three [ __ ] a items are you serious oh [ __ ] i'm i might have three of them yeah you mentioned it already it's your [ __ ] square uh good trap get styled on boy i was gonna say at least you guys have to have it by now [Music] [Music] we're not doing that here clemos on this channel another thing that's what i wanted uh yes sire square you would have to um [Music] what clutter freebie squares there's only one and we've all collected materials which i believe we found i think that was the the desert compass i think no it's turtle rock companies oh okay oh yeah we already we just all did also imagine if there's one person out there that just didn't have it oh my god [Music] seriously [Music] what are you doing hold onto your diapers baby we're going in [Music] so bad this would have been the perfect dungeon to come back to i think [Music] i haven't played months yeah i haven't played for enterprise in months as well probably years now oh it's so much better than it was before with the way the objective system works it's really [ __ ] good can't wait for that axiom verge randomizer to hit oh my god what the second one yeah is that one two [Music] am i blind [Music] [Music] i don't remember where it was but yo what are you blind i'm really excited to just leave i'm just leaving chess all over the place with all these random save and quits i'm happy to do that that's right i can't do that yet [Music] [Music] oh that sucks [Music] you guys want me to tell you what's in purple chess yeah okay how much do we pay [Music] one straw penny only if it's made out of real strong [Music] this might be the weirdest routing i've done in a while here [Music] yeah no we don't think this has been a kicked up you guys [Music] oh come on [Music] man if i can only just read the seed when i'm behind and just catch right up and find like five progressive items in a row that'd be great sadly i do not possess the power of a third monitor uh let's go over here [Music] not yet what's even going on right now please help thank you thank you [Music] rip yes there are way more than 25 possible goals [Music] by the way [Music] so [Music] i don't think any more of the maps messed me up the desert matches everyone else really mad that's my square [Music] yeah let's go with compass is the last one that'll mess me up dungeon item wise [Music] uh it doesn't hex page that'd be uh the bumper one would be like if you were doing a bingo and that was one of your squares you had to complete it'd be like you being done it's like completing the bingo bot is your goal yeah yeah [Music] and some weeks a little bit confusing [Music] ah you know what sure let's do it are you sure though yeah are you yeah yeah i mean it's fine we all picked them randomly so nothing you can do about it like no one's gonna accidentally go to pay the hamburger helper so like it is what it is challenge accepted i really hope we don't need to freeze it [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] no oh [Music] [Applause] all i've found is bombs yeah it's all dungeons sanity [Applause] i see where this is going game [Music] i have three squares all over the place i don't know how to route any of this [ __ ] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] down here [Music] oh that's actually bad routing [Music] come on hey duncan was in the purple chest oh my god it's boots why did you open it even oh my god [Music] imagine having boots [Music] europe um when we finally get all six we need to have a three on three north america versus europe we have to have andy and i will just carry dunka and just i'm fine with it i'm totally fine with this plan i i'm a fan of this me and solsky lock hands while we double piggyback duncan yup that's hey we can do that [Music] the problem is how do you suggest that mo because if if it gets picked and then there's only four people it's not not good [Music] didn't we do this once where we had a mode that was on standby because we were waiting for all five people to be there this is way back in the blind days uh pretty sure we did and then it took like a month and then it finally happened and we just did that mode instead of the voted mode for that week i mean we should [ __ ] do that have it like be like the midseason all-star game yeah something like that a three-on-three co-op i would suggest a multi-world but uh i think eric can play it so right yeah i can't either yeah [Music] they're europe's problem now he thought i mean i could but i refuse to [ __ ] put it in here yeah yeah same for everything he doesn't want to ruin his uh muscle memory and stuff oh god yeah i don't know how this works [Music] hmm [Music] nobody told [Music] what he's clipping actually clip it dude now i clipped [Music] [Music] actually i should probably go [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] now that's funny [Music] i appreciate it um i made a mistake oops [Music] oh god [Music] that's okay though [Music] he found it [Music] [Music] hey dunka are you a fan of chicago deep dish pizza it's good i actually prefer thin crust personally that's a better answer deep dish is something that like i always get when i'm chicago in chicago but i only do it once yeah and you do it in small quantities because you just you can't eat that [ __ ] every day yup i could eat thin crust pizza three times three times a day and be fine but yep but you you can't eat pizza soup three times [Music] it's really good i love how nowhere local does chicago style deep dish i think last time i went we had giordano's i think yeah i'm usually a geno's east boy i like gino's better than g it's just no help chad it's just no help yeah it's it's it's lose lose is number one clear in my book and then gino's [Music] god i remember went to geno's east before like sgdq 2015 or something like that and uh there's eight of us and we all got deep dish pizzas and we took home like 25 pounds of pizza poor ivan's parents had to fit 25 pounds of pizza in their stupid fridge do you not know how much was there or what no we did just everybody wanted different stuff i guess okay i mean that's leftovers for three days yup it's pizza time which one did you go to by chance i'm curious uh i'd have to ask ivan probably was it downtown yeah okay there's only one downtown that's the original i'm pretty sure [Music] chat we did it [Music] don't be a stupid item in this chest please what's up [Music] hey not a stupid item [Music] [Music] thanks for the raid buddy [Music] [Music] i'm setting my step up myself up for disaster here same channeling my inner german all right okay i can't get the item meet you there when am i finishing my sprite redemptions whenever i feel like playing 30 seats of spongebob [Laughter] i nixed sprite redemptions for points real quick when it was all invisible man purple chest invincible man hey you think it's a good idea because it's like oh yeah uh like a different sprite every now and then right but then people that's why we can't have nice things right yep just does not work uh that was my square uh to start with [Music] did anyone make you play the eggplant andy uh one person did i think poor guy [Music] dirty seeds of spongebob i don't know if lane sounds like another local tournament for you let's be able to meet that guy yeah i i won every match at spongebob except for one in the finals i think so i started i think like own one in the finals so i was like okay let's let's play this and like i don't care about the spongebob oh my god next time you should just play the laptop like as a loop as you're playing it [Music] they'll do wonders for your sanity i swear let's go here because i hate myself so what does this see dude any progression anyway yeah i hate this like i'm just gonna go here because i want to die i'm doing great i don't know what you guys are doing chicago routing like right there yeah [Music] no it doesn't matter what potion you used [Laughter] this [ __ ] sucks dude god why is that there the worst okay [Music] my god nobody saw that nobody saw that that was so bad oh [Music] [Music] this is the worst [Music] well i guess we're isolating this one spot nothing wrong right [Music] hell yeah that's precisely what i want to hear [Music] whoops oh man yeah this seats kind of cheeks not gonna lie yeah i'm not finding stuff either it's kind of bad now getting a bingo doesn't do anything you're just looking in the wrong spot it's just downloading that's the log for it that's a good point okay thanks i'm here to help chicago routing dude that's the best isn't it [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] that's my next stop guys so it's convenient [Music] i am out of coffee probably go take a take a coffee break when i'm done with this dungeon hey uh solsky by the way how you feeling over there uh feeling pretty good you don't feel a break coming on uh not yet don't worry he'll know remember he's going to yell in the bisco as he runs away from the knuckles 100 shredded wheat wheat beer how can that end up right there's no way that's gonna end badly [Music] i know where you've been yeah the ether monitor [Music] no [Laughter] [ __ ] dang i'm really excited to find that knowing i don't have to save and quit [Music] [Laughter] uh [Music] oh that is a not fun spot for those uh where's the a items there it is um i know later do they go flippy flip yeah [Music] isn't that a piece of [ __ ] it's okay it's going right back yes you are why would you play a mode like this shake my head because i'm a real gamer unlike you ninjambro get owned oh [ __ ] me all right duncan i was a little too much that was harsh man that's what's going on did you find your third teammate or what [Music] shots on bingo now no there's no there's no if if people getting bingos affected other players people would have picked their spots a little differently nice nice i mean come on a good way already oh no i tried let's do this that'd be an interesting idea for the future though somebody gets a bingo and everyone else has to save and quit [Music] [Music] not enough to pull to get zero rush yeah [Music] i mean my earlier comment should kind of seal the deal on that one right [Music] bingo ladder win that sounds like a pain in the ass correct that's never gonna happen because i'm not dealing with those [ __ ] appeals what do you mean yeah he went there he didn't do that square he did it 10 seconds before [Music] i want i want a full retime [Music] the guy lost by like 26. i want a full retime oh nothing that is enforceable will ever well that's so bad no i don't know where to go i don't want to go back you sure don't oh my god that's so stupid whose square was that that's andy square right yeah it's my square oh did you just get the a adam one no i did the the ron kane of opposite colors oh yeah [Music] going back boys [Music] and girls [Music] job wayne yo thanks brian also what's up how are you doing i haven't seen you in like hi boyd [Music] oh actually let's do this he's just fully recharging when he comes back he's going to destroy everybody [Music] [Music] uh yes savage ball shuffle on two now no atomizer settings are on it's just open key sanity or all dungeons sanity yeah that's that's the andrew exactly um no [Music] no one let me [Music] does everyone save and quit or just the person who filled the square uh just the person who filled the square we all kissed everybody um we picked six squares uh at the start so you had that one already marked so you don't have to save and quit for those six but all the other ones you would have to save and quit for [Music] [Music] [Music] three [Music] uh [Music] oh no i i need to ask you oh no anything but that [Music] uh we didn't know the cards before we picked them profile [Music] i'm an idiot i'm sure we also don't need to do them so they're just kind of pointless uh finishing in a room with a bumper would be like the last card you do in a bingo and it'd just be you know being in a room with a bumper oh you dirty game there's the dongos and link to the past uh i think they're actually called kadangos they're called but uh they're the dudes in house correctness that shoot fire and i guess there's simon here too yep but uh yeah they're actually called kadangos so it doesn't count [Music] i can't imagine why you wanna just do it oh god i thought that was the i accidentally used the ice rod hera oh god oh [Music] oops well we're stuck here see you later [Music] see it's so bad by the way yup logic wise [Music] fast is yet to come uh i already i already found the best don't worry have you though yeah i don't see two pendants marks [Music] [Music] oh yeah after the cut oh that's stuff like how it was there why did i go through the door [Music] so mean [Music] i don't even know where to go anymore i just i'm just thinking the exact same thing here [Music] imagine having nine million options in this game going for the ravens huh that's the question [Laughter] it's funny it's funny cause it's true [Music] the single double or triple bingo it's not bingo at all [Music] it uses a bingo card for weird things bad i want to take a wild guess and say that this dungeon i'm about to beat [Music] i know where you are [Music] yeah we all know this so where does soul scare all the good squares two pendants three crystals two lightweight dungeons are you kidding me uh i had to click the dependent one i don't have all your ones yeah that was not reversals two light roll ones are mine yeah all right oh no i have to save and quit [Laughter] just like this oh no i got a saving clip where is it there it is uh i want to go here [Music] [Music] but then you don't have a second pendant yeah but i mean you sell it you have it but yeah that's that's like the one race we did like years ago with gloin where it says like lumberjack tree and he like bonks it and then save and quit or like goes away bro you have to pick up the item dude this is not god what i got the lumberjack you just like bonked the trigger that was funny yeah dude the trees on my screen i can save and quit [Music] no did we also dequeue him for that i don't remember if we did or not i remember we dequeued erie because in across crusky's race he like clipped into a cave and he thought that was totally good i remember that and then there was like the only way to get there was like super roundabout it was super messed up and everyone was like how did you get that mirror like 20 minutes into the race that does not make any sense because it was like super late game i don't i don't need to save and quit [Music] i got red mail i can beat the game now this is [Music] whoa [Music] no oh that scared me yes [Laughter] oh man are you going back salsa [Music] kill all the enemies in this room oh my god i just thought my running is smart for now the finger card said nope you still gotta do it why is that here no [Music] uh thank god that's my square holy [ __ ] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] that's what i wanted [Music] oh that's so gross oh my god [Music] question is what did he find because that's much about things going to see that [Music] i know what he found kind of puked in my mouth a little bit no one expects the chicago dude except for duncan apparently apparently i invented it [Music] was the chicago and that'd be dunka chicago [Music] it's no help there's no help sounds a little bit like chess i'm playing the chicago opening [Music] [Laughter] why is that big key vomit against the european defense there's something you never want to see god in that in that particular chess [Laughter] you hate to see it you hate to see it [Music] um is that bad because generally you want to skip that chest and keep sanity um because if you open that chest you need all four turtle rock small keys to get to the boss [Music] and because the big keys in there that means we need to grab it which means we need all four uh turtle rock smalls as well [Music] i forgot entirely how this works i just ran it that's close [Music] oh you [ __ ] where is that [Laughter] oh you no no no no that's in such a bad spot i'm gonna call that the nabisco chest dude [Laughter] god i can't wait to see where that [ __ ] is dude oh my god very excited [Laughter] it's actually probably one of the responses [Music] which is hilarious [Music] same just sailing on death mountain dude same same not happy [Music] this seed's great huh yeah that's fantastic spectacular way to either end or start your saturday depending on where you live [Laughter] oh god [Music] okay that's interesting it's rare to have that yeah elaine is the the fourth exclamation mark multi oh red man i'm winning who said that earlier i did right it makes sense i would be surprised if someone had said it did they don't have the desert map correct that won't be kind of kind of weird i don't know man you you that's the [ __ ] against the past i i have a feeling i am three seconds away from getting that desert map it's gonna be right in front of me i am i gonna do a fellaine here and start skipping chests that's what it's gonna say dude actually i did laser bridge bottom the top because i thought you guys all got [ __ ] with top legs [Music] see it doesn't even matter it doesn't matter if desert maps in an awful chest because i'm just gonna laugh when i find it cause i don't have to save and quit so that's what that's what we're looking forward to had to come back [Music] that's a w for me i think cac w one of my squares [Laughter] oh god that's like w yeah i'm also not looking forward to what's going to be happening here in the future i actually love my spurs dude uh rat king thanks for 33 months actually if i hard reset a pod door does that count uh i would say yes cause you open it damn it's fair i wasn't gonna reset anyways but i mean i i already skipped one one of them so i think it's [Music] fair oh yeah we'll just have to i have like five dungeons that i started that i did not finish because i had to save and quit out of them that's uh maybe saving put out a pod before yeah i'm just gonna have to go open the the door to helmet or after the wall and then save and quit so [Music] i don't have to yeah this is just doing an all dungeons sanity seed with these bingo cards as like saving quit points basically so it's not bingo [Music] yeah they're not really there to be friendly [Music] [Music] why am i doing it that way hello [Music] oh man oh you're fine you are fine trying to think of what else i even have after this one chest that i'm going back to right now kick dub oh never mind i know what i have okay [Music] who would freeze the dongo on purpose well some of the goals just don't work very well for what we're using the bingo bingo board for um but all the scores are randomly picked before we saw the bingo card we picked numbers [Music] what how can i go out that door [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i'm very confused so whatever must have gotten stuck on the corner or something [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] did not open the purple chest or broken the ether monolith correct interesting [Music] say hi because no one else is going to i was actually gonna meme on it and then i never found the chance oh no where's that one oh my god [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] right where is it i know it's here okay maybe it's not there all right that's the one you were just talking about right there it is [Music] no it's not bashful we just we we picked six squares a pop at the start and then those are just six that we won't have to save and quit for when they happen what a man it could have been and it was i knew it was there i [ __ ] knew it was there it's like i it's like it's gonna be one of two spots and it's like is it here or is it [Music] welcome to the game well it's like i know where else it goes [Music] who doesn't love the last location i'm pretty sure that was all i had i have that one last location [Music] hmm now with the canadian opening [Music] [Laughter] did you just see my wombo combo [Music] this is the worst it's it's pretty bad it doesn't really match what matter which ones i started with like if you look at the yellow squares you can just see which ones i don't have to worry about anymore [Music] i almost galaxies were in that chest but didn't [Music] and have you found it yet done what the the map nope not yet you will [Music] i mean it doesn't matter i don't quit exactly that's why but yeah i'm really looking forward to it i'm being quite honest [Music] unless i did find it already no i don't have it i looked at my inventory to find out why you stop there i was wondering when i was gonna run into that actually [Music] [Music] oh is this it oh that's [ __ ] gross dude [Laughter] [Music] holy [ __ ] that's that's [ __ ] hilarious dude oh my god don't mind me just going to go keep on going to kill argus that's probably because you get the freebie for almost two yep wow [Music] oh man [Music] holy [ __ ] don't be good [Music] um [Music] well yeah one good old center square probably gonna be the last annoying one the surprise so this is probably a pendant depending on or like oh you don't have your i [ __ ] the information's been out there for a while i think i don't know i'm just uh listening to you guys right i know what's what the second pendant is going to be oh you've only got the one oh uh ansi jones thanks for the 311. [Music] sure did that's kind of not not really go but like gt go i guess if that makes sense now we have to go back to all the 20 dungeons we're just saving quit in you sure do oh it's a redo ice because guess what guess who did not hit the switch it's everywhere dude because in knocking sanity it doesn't really matter so i never do it [Music] [Music] wanted to do that for science testing to confirm so we gotta go back oh man [Music] just an fyi you can most definitely s and q before picking up the crystal [Music] just as an fyi oh before picking up the crystal yeah so i'm heading on back [Music] yeah that came out because of ag we don't know if you could save quit after be during the ag animation no no you can yeah oh you can no you cannot okay you can't i didn't think you could and once egg is dead it kind of launched the game yeah that'd be pretty brutal though yeah i know that that's why i asked [Laughter] and you and like if everything's locked behind agathoo some [ __ ] like that wouldn't that that would be the [ __ ] worse wouldn't it be best i i would like that oh you're purple right maybe maybe i got two lines i'm winning winning god there's the other one that wasn't a kind of shitty spot as well certainly was [Music] oh my god really wake up it's a beautiful saturday where am i going [Music] satisfies that condition [Music] he found him i followed him [Music] i'm pretty sure that was the last gotcha that i have to worry about which is great [Music] oops it's gonna wrap nicely actually all right let's just pretend it's [Music] dude come on come on come on so if my second light world dungeon and my third crystal are the same thing am i just saving queen twice no just once okay that's actually good a good question yeah because because now i messed it up [Laughter] [Music] it's okay though i think saving quitting after a dungeon it's not really oh that sounded like nothing i just gotta go back and get a dungeon prize oh no [Music] oh let's go back and get a dungeon prize rip yeah i know that's gonna be pogba [Music] oh ha ha that's my advantage now for once he's going to vanish [Music] oh yeah at least it was here in not swamp [Music] okay yup calm down the double dude oh my god oh god that was a nice dog so i think souls gets like a dungeon ahead but not for long [Music] you sure about that yeah okay [Music] okay [Music] what i even still need is that big key in that small key i think that's it right needs a small key w there's only one well i guess there's two [Music] i think we all know where that is [Music] that's why i think that's funny that [Music] oh my god okay okay i'm still missing some stuff i know [Music] a biggie and a smoky [Music] [Music] [Applause] do we go back for the chest though that's the question i need to save and quit now why i just [ __ ] up hardcore on that god damn it it's just like troubling yeah save and quit now andy okay what's the other light world dungeon that i've done i [ __ ] up hardcore there [Music] [Music] okay way to flex on me that's what it was like i was waiting for it dude i was like i hope he's getting one of these [Music] it's okay at least i know it's out there right it's out there somewhere [Music] sure is [Music] same who doesn't like it tripled it into ethan [Music] so stupid actually mine was what uh quad yeah mine was squad what's good when you're saving quit hera uh collecting rotten pain at the same time that [Music] oops it could have been uh it could have been actually a fifth one too well i guess not [Applause] you can do squares at the same time ugh [Music] god why is that there [Music] [Music] same where am i going same [Music] see like 20 minutes ago i thought hey this is this is actually kind of fun but then i realized hey i have to go back to almost in a second that's not fun anymore just roll the number next time forehead pick that square [Music] why are you doing this dude like get the [ __ ] out of that corner it's actually the worst right now god dude i've hit him 30 times like what the [ __ ] [Music] what a piece of [ __ ] there that is no they're like they they still act the same dewey but the colors are just different because of color palettes like they always act exactly the same as they would okay i know all right let's go back boys it's pretty obvious [Music] it's pretty obvious [Music] okay [Music] where am i going that's not the right way isn't it though [Music] this is trash [Music] it's immediately trash [Music] rip can't wait for this monkey to be in the chest that i skipped earlier [Music] skipping chests [Music] although i guess um no i think i it can't be in there it's on the thing of what would look a little bit different [Music] man i'm running into arrow problems here yup i do too because i can't use them [Laughter] rip uh yeah that's that's the functionality of the compass i mean i know where it is because there's nothing else left [Music] sure dude i think it's normally there in like easy modes as well maybe interesting i don't actually remember anymore [Music] nice downward d boost somehow okay [Music] deja vu yeah i've seen this part time to suck it up [Music] not very much left to do so [Music] i did this right yes oh god no [Music] okay all right this is where we overtake zoneski oh god [Music] oh chat help i forgot this one too oh no [Music] [Laughter] [Music] dude everything all right over there [Music] uh i forgot some things but they were fine i know exactly why that happened to you [Music] chad that could have been actually horrific if a specific item was there did not click on collectable i save and quit though i just did not click it wow this guy defeated armas before collecting the bow with a cheater yeah he's throwing you off the scent [Laughter] oh whoops i forgot to click it no i save it quit though i just did not click it on the fingerboard i'm just messing i know i'm sick why is that there smoky oh there it is finding pens all right [Music] same [Music] oh come on dude yeah i think i've done basically everything in the wrong order let's see that'll happen um you would be surprised how often you get clowned on in this uh saturday mo yeah because people do the dumbest thing it happens all the time oh my god we're the worst we're [ __ ] awful i've learned to just do the dumb [ __ ] and then it actually works yeah yeah that's my raw usually it took me eight races to figure that out annie maybe you're smarter than me but yeah why am i keep getting third oh oh okay i got you [Music] just wait until you realize occasionally fellain and ariel will talk to each other in german um and we know they're passing notes does that actually happen i don't think we do i mean you've done it before what did we oh yeah we usually don't ever talking to him though because every time we know that it was that's how we knew you were passing notes [Laughter] because eric doesn't like it so i avoid it that's where i would just um pull up the old google translator and just put my mic up to my my headphones and just just speed it straight up hurry up and see we'll talk to three find out if i made a colossal mistake earlier i almost did oh my god if it was actually there i would have screamed i i'm feeling [Music] oh my gosh the screenshot i did not okay well that's fantastic all right oh you've got to be kidding me [Laughter] all right it all makes sense now at all where is that one it's here i know where it is all the purple chats hey i know what you did time to finish the game live i hope you don't find ron and kane of opposite colors would be a shame [Music] oh i know i'm gonna probably run into it there don't worry i mean you need it anyway right yup god [Music] i mean where else would it be uh there are a few spots no it really would be there it's the only place it could exist hey what what [ __ ] does not spawn it no spoilery nose never i'm doing a 180. based on just that to stop now [Music] this seat sucks really bad i i also don't know i also don't know how i got away so good actually because uh i did quite a few things in the wrong order are you an actual item drummer i i only need a one big key okay and i think and imagine imagine only needing one yeah i only need one as well same and i still need my bow which i know i'm going to get in the next 15 seconds cause there's literally nothing yep i'd be very surprised if i'm not about to get my bow uh if i'm not about to get my butt this is quite literally the last spot to check let's just say wombo combo why have you where have you mark collect the bow then bunker [Music] um because it's my square oh right that makes sense [Laughter] for some reason i thought it was so scary never nevermind then oh my god i can't believe it was there [Music] mark the other one mark the other one andy mark the other one oh [ __ ] you're right the wombo dang the actual spoiler bingo card i was so worried you guys well fellain said it early he said oh you didn't see that i'm guessing that's what that was it's not too reset since they happen at the same time we talked about this earlier it was just in regards to crystals instead of the bow all right well now i'm in i'm in one big key mode must be nice welcome why is that there why is that there if you're far away from gt though right like two crystals or something uh yeah [Music] well two and a half crystals i guess yes i need to go back to ice oh there's boots hello excuse me hahaha boots were on the contrast right is that what i said a long long long ass time ago because i'm lying wow wow i will say the bow and desert pounds from not checking it hey look center square how does that feel awful because i'm still missing some key information where else could i go realistically [Music] i feel like i'm really unlucky with something [Music] here to light world dungeons is there any square that could still make me save and quit except for the pendants i don't think so right unless i open small key doors in part like an idiot oh i'm gonna have to save and quit when i open the fifth pod small key door on my way to hell yeah that one's gonna kill me because i didn't figure that out and and i realized i didn't have the bow when i went in there so there was no way i was gonna do it that way [Music] routing advantage dude i had the square so i i just i i went in for the the big key chests when i uh went back to eastern for the one chest that i had to save and quit from three bow [Music] god damn it dude where the [ __ ] is this it's this key right [Music] is it going to be in there god damn it [Music] i've i messed this up oh my god dude this is actually the worst [Music] how do i not have that yet oh no that's not an item i wanted to see in the scene [Music] duncan's covering his tracks extremely shameful behavior [Music] all right i think i'm just going to throw here no i just i'm still looking for the [ __ ] the uh oh there it is it's right next to it i'm really worried it's here i don't think anything else really makes sense [Music] [Music] i almost [ __ ] cheated there oh god dude just everything's a bomb everything's a [ __ ] bomb [Music] oh we want this [Music] [Music] what [Music] oh my god oh okay okay that went as bad as it could get imagine doing lambo with severes and you miss like five in a row [Music] oh that was so bad oh [ __ ] can't wait for it to be there oh i know what you're missing oh no oh yeah i know [Music] so he doesn't okay that makes sense [Music] it's real [ __ ] stupid let me tell you [Music] real [ __ ] stupid oh [Music] oh man [Music] thanksgiving i appreciate that [Music] and we know this is good why is it piss yellow god mountain dude you enjoying your trip back duncan oh it's the best it's great isn't it it's [ __ ] fantastic i love everything about [Music] did you find that big key you're looking for something big he was kind of a [ __ ] wasn't it yeah that was the thing that i complained about like an hour ago i can't wait to find the remainder of my items i need now yeah i because you mentioned doing laser bridge before doing the rest yeah a little bit yeah so it's like i kind of knew that was something at that point i was like oh sure i gotta go back there right you're the only one smart enough to pick up on that so it's okay wait wait wait wait didn't give a [ __ ] yeah i know you so you didn't have to pick it up you already knew i even set up like a like a um key save and quit thingy right oh god they're just like well [ __ ] me i guess you get it then i went back in die to the lasers right on the left entrance and then and then i picked it up i was like man all that time for nothing oh god i had a feeling like super early when we got like all three like small keys i was like this is too quick yup [Music] and hero was so far out of the way to you oh [Music] okay so [Music] i found it [Music] oh that's gross [Music] [Music] i've seen you before it's quite a bad to you not gonna lie [Music] it takes a while back there too yup especially without boots especially without boobs it's like haven't i killed you before [Music] [Music] that was nice all of us got one [ __ ] square that no one else is gonna do yeah well some are worse than others [Music] and there's at least there's no more nobody's left [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] all right well let's go to the last location the new one [Music] oh [Music] [Music] god i'm ready i'm ready for nabisco rainbow now i'm ready dude it i'm ready for it after this seed i'm ready for it uh yeah [Music] [Music] actually hunting fish i think it could be worse i think that's pretty good never mind [Music] it's not good anymore i'll take that back [Music] dude are you looking for nothing one item he could be looking for [Music] [Music] everything's a bomb [Music] [Music] oh same [Music] [Music] guess what happens when you don't play except for every saturday [Music] same [Music] yeah i've not played in a very long time actually yeah sam [Music] what like three days andy that's like 24 hours [Music] i i decided it'd be a good idea to join open ladder race yesterday was it a good idea it was all right i hate this game go mode bow and pod you know the usual come on go god damn dude that sucks was it pod big chess at least so uh the meme continues no it was pod rupee basement [Music] so stupid [Music] that did not hit that switch earlier [Music] it was not doing we just never found out if it was or not [Music] oh [Music] [Music] everything's a bomb [Music] uh i really hope everyone's been really quiet lately which means everyone's like exhausted this seat already i really hope it's not no i'm just thinking about something please help [Music] yeah the more souls he talks the more he's going to get in the disco so i'm getting a biscuit right now [Music] oh my god oops imagine the sea getting worse so where's everyone right now don't worry about uh is defeat again just hanging in one or does it not matter okay don't worry about it oh again him defeat again either one of them or just one the other one either one okay [Music] why'd i go here oh yeah that's a good point hunting fish that's actually a good point [Music] this was nothing right [Music] we injecting the spongebob sprite right hold on i gotta change into my costume [Music] slick open an in-game wardrobe that would be kind of neat though like you talk to link's bad and it like gives you all the sprites that was the start of the nabisco yell dude uh [Applause] [Music] that's what i was hoping for too so i was hoping for two [Music] of course dude of course [Music] what the [ __ ] oh no i paid the helper hand on accident [Laughter] this guy's styling on us my chat made a good point if you're not membing her like as hard as possible are you playing shenanigans storm again damn dude i think he realizes he's just probably in the lead [Music] i'm like [Music] time to put in the fake talk [Music] yeah who would do that now i deserve that if that happens i fully deserve it [Music] oh man hashtag hitsu [Music] it is totally not awkward trust me the seed [ __ ] sucks did you find it oh my god i'm still looking for something dude [Music] actually [ __ ] sucks this is the worst [ __ ] ever hey dude oh my god he's done [Music] he's gonna match my collection rate hey look last week alone i can fast forward oh my god and somebody in chat had to tell me that that was a new feature when it came out [Music] let's see it was so bad oh [Music] my god no i don't even think the saving quitting made it like much worse it was basically it was just horrible yeah oh yeah that's bad it made you more miserable but that's what it if it's [ __ ] here i'm gonna scream [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] who finished the lane finished [Music] why are you there [Music] no did you notice that your bingo board never updated salsa it's just a picture oh okay i see i was gonna say hmm it does not look like the bigger board [Music] now yeah i have to do this it's all dungeons 25 7 quits great 194 collection right i think mine's going to be more than that brian if you go about a nice palace i'm going to i'm going to reach up to the council about this he didn't he forgot [Music] yeah he forgot to hit switch so he couldn't beat the ball hit the switch so he couldn't kill him i cleared it and then i forgot to hit the switch come back feels real bad man [Music] andy say something funny he muted himself [Music] unbelievable [Music] um it's not so much oh [ __ ] i was still muted you've been muted for like 20 minutes at least yeah that's fine [Music] [Music] how [ __ ] up is that duncan is not happy i think what do you mean [Music] i play on that okay i don't know what you're doing sonitsky oh you know what oh no i just realized what happens [Music] oh no i don't know what happened all right sasuke's throwing right now it's pretty bad andy you don't need to you don't need to do that it's not required [Laughter] andy stop yeah oh no i remember yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the old [ __ ] changes dude yeah imagine how much of the game i fall clear before that extra wasn't there something like a pod smoking last week as well uh i don't think so no that was that was a logic thing you know that was the logic change thing i didn't know about this i knew about i just forgot i thought it was like yeah uh i clicked and unclicked defeat again like 17 times that's what happened [Music] can't wait to see how i threw second place [Music] what's hello i did not hit up there not i did not hit up there i don't know what happened but okay [Music] don't worry i got i got one more save and quit i gotta do oh do you still have that i just did that one [Music] yeah you haven't marked it though but you save and quit you know where's my bingo boy yeah yeah was that juno no god no no no juno's the 17 pound tiny dog i don't think she could work that deep and she tried that's interesting because it's like always outside but it kind of sounds like like dog and kids and stuff is like always right next to me but they're not [Music] i need to hit this [Music] oh no [Laughter] oh man [Music] there's the input again there's a reminder of it too sticking sticking with it i'm just going to click this now it's going to happen in like 10 seconds this blackout bingo [Music] except in this case uh we actually have to beat the pig how unfortunate all right the with the back of hot key door been faster um i mean we you have to do the cut scene no matter what so [Music] blaine that's a pretty big throw huh i don't know honestly i think it's pretty big because i'm not 100 sure who did one already close to me i did the backup because i think it's a lot faster than going down and getting that second one but it's probably pretty minimal it's probably about even yeah it's it's closer than i thought it was going to be and then i got knocked off the [ __ ] bridge by the [ __ ] mini hummus you want to know the right way to do it which i thought of earlier is when you went and defeat ammos you just go through the dark road i would have but i didn't have a bow i i didn't have it set up when i was there i yeah because i had to say no no no i mean when you when you defeated almost right for the second time yes but you didn't have to seven quit and then you just didn't have to save and quit because that was my second crystal um but yeah you could have just went back to the through the mirror portal open the door and then save and quit [Music] no no yeah i totally would have done [Music] s and q question mark i recommend reading the rules in the command that is nicely made in the chat for you what if i don't wanna then i'm not gonna answer your stupid questions here tough footbear can't argue that [Music] [Music] i've also learned that a good number of people have a difficult time spelling shenanigans [Music] oh [ __ ] it's my fingers time [Music] pump up those numbers [Music] [Music] 100 for a second oh yeah i mean that was how long you have no idea dude well i mean you didn't do the lava chest so yeah uh there was worse he did not grab the gt picking which was in skyward's pinball chest oh god actually i screwed up earlier that was my third crystal was skull woods and i didn't do the bridge chest oh god i went in i killed moth and then realized [ __ ] i can't go back in and get the last chest i was on my way for ped and then i remembered that i didn't do it it's not cross piece i was like [ __ ] because i got three skulls keys and i was like that's so [ __ ] up and then it like clicked when i was driving by like oh no [Laughter] so many we did like all the gt basically i didn't do g i i got who's everybody in go everybody in hard go or yeah yeah yep okay yeah because i got the boots and get the [ __ ] out it's like boots has got to get right oh and i just played the 5050 on on lumberjack geez ggs yeah i didn't even know there was a big hero lumberjack otherwise just oh you didn't know no i didn't know either i feel clear trick that i always check lumberjack to begin yeah i knew i knew i full cleared gt and then did i did shovel pyramid fairy and king's tomb and bonk rocks before seeing the big key on uh i definitely wasn't going back to ice palace before checking lumberjack though so yeah i thought that is picky i was like oh no and then i thought hey that's actually good for me because i have to go back either way oh where was that where was the ice palace big it was oh [ __ ] okay and then like 20 seconds after i was like okay i guess that's not good anymore god that would have been gross gt boots for a pendant big key for another pen and big piece yeah that happens all the time it happens more more than i'd like to admit [Music] all right let's see this this 200 collection rate dude mine's actually not going to be that bad mine's probably going to be in the 170s because i could skip all the g2 for well half of you i think i would have been really close it would have been really close between us if i had that gt pig um gg that was close actually other than fellain kicking the [ __ ] out of us yeah i mean so to get through hard with that t-rex you were i think you're at limo when why when i was basically going to gt entry yeah you used to he was the missing quake the t-rock mickey and gt vicky for like an eternity yeah i mean avoiding turtle rock the like the super obvious early turtle rock play was really good [Music] because of so many safe quits i think that i think that 181 just the scene was really terrible yeah i mean logically the seat was [ __ ] yep but everybody got at least one or two gotchas where it was just bad one or two a couple i guess the order you do it in yeah i think i might have been first to hook it's pretty good so yeah 36 save and quits oh i wasn't 15 minutes and 21 seconds so 197 not quite 200 not quite you said it was 100 or you said it was 30 elaine yeah yeah i think i think i saw that yeah i wasn't even paying attention so here's the important question who gets the veto next year um [Music] we didn't have the no vote well the novo it's the veto that's that's walter oh both on that same one but i don't know what the order is right now yeah i guess you cause he won today let's make it this way i know what i'm gonna be once once walter puts his once walter puts his in then i will veto souls [Music] oh man okay i'm gonna make a mode that's gonna [ __ ] just you're gonna oh yeah the plumber boys are back i can't do this so ski i have a question are we just be doing each other just to be dicks at this point yes [Laughter] [Music] [Music] yeah nice i [ __ ] forgot guys i forgot distillery and c-shapes [Laughter] god i was doing some cleanup i was like oh uh 267 quits 14 minutes long time 196. nice i won i won i won the save and quits and the collection rate let's go dude what was your collection rick 197 damn you see i i i only got like i think eight items out of gt so yeah thanks for doing these guys ggs well that was fun let's do it again next weekend maybe oh wait i can't sorry no it ain't gonna happen okay no i can't i can't do it next week there is a possibility that walter puts up a mode so shitty that i cannot possibly beat him or not possibly todd not i'm [Music] two more weeks i probably won't be here because it's kelsey's birthday yeah i have a couple of weeks i'll have to miss in the next couple um uh i've got one coming up in september yeah and i'm missing two straight in september because of a beach trip nice i'm looking at the map here or the [ __ ] the calendar of jesus [Laughter] um it is the [ __ ] which one is it there's possibly two uh uh the 11th is possible but i can bet i can get away with that one and be here the the october 2nd for sure i think the others are different 11th and 18th i'll be on the road both of those days and then the 20 the 28th i could maybe do depending upon what our birthday plans are but we shall see oh cool all right guys i'm gonna i gotta do some clean up here we got buddies coming over in pr so you guys next week see ya all right see you all right take care guys see ya does anyone run max heart races no just like nobody runs 100 randomizer races
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 8,100
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: all dungeons, alttp, bingo, games, keys, keysanity, lttp, lttpr, rando, randomizer, shenanigans, twitch, zelda
Id: jKr4AmfqaCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 57sec (10377 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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