Best of Caleb: Reunion Edition

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and I keep trying to convince Caleb to go in and like take this teaching job that way we can have an inside man but he's like good you know I want to dip my feet in and just twice now you pull away from the ship in the ocean instead back to the massive capital city of the dundalian empire known as Rex and trim here we get closer to the continuously sprawling Skyscape of numerous towers and buildings archways and multi-layered neighborhoods upon others the Topography of this town is this intense Central cityscape where people can easily get lost whether they choose to or not but here towards the center not too far from ungerbook Castle there is the sulturist academy grounds or the finest of academic learning within the empire partakes in the student body that comes to learn from it here in the late afternoon we come to the second floor of one of the various Academy Halls heading through a series of glass windows we come into a classroom where a smattering of just over a dozen students sit behind desks as they all look up to the front of the room we see in the process of finishing a lecture the guest teacher Caleb winnercast [Music] um on the tail end of a guest lecture because I'm I don't have tenure here or anything uh Astrid has been trying to coax mayborgat as well to take a position but I'm not quite ready for that I've only been home for a few months but here I am speaking to these students and I'm on the tail end and Caleb Resorts looks around the room and resorts to his notes pausing um and with that uh I think we can all see the importance of a strong grasp of the alchemical base as you climb the higher rungs of the transmutative ladder but if I could leave you with one challenge as we break for today it will be to set aside the what and the how for some time and to consider the why now as each of you leaves the academy and you go on to poke and prod at the edges of reality ask yourselves but the knowledge and power you've gained here is for [Music] transmutation is a powerful tool for change how will you use it to alter the world around you and to what end and ask yourself how will it change you when I studied at this school myself that question was never on any exam maybe it should have been also make time in your studies for history or you will be doomed to repeat it history is littered with sharp-minded individuals like yourselves who bit off more than they can chew and it somehow always comes back to bite them in the butt but that is all for today students uh give them a warm and a round of applause and thank you for our guest speaker um a previous alumni student of the academy uh Mr Caleb Widow guest thank you so much for coming um it's a test dismissed the students again just quickly Gathering their things their books and picking up their satchels and the bustle of them all discussing things [Music] as the as the students do leave there is one young kind of 16 year old looking uh half elf girl bookish spectacles and uh her hair uh this kind of like uh kind of strawberry poof of uh kind of blonde red hair uh she kind of nervously walks up to you kind of books clashing her hand Mr caliper oh yeah your name was root isn't it yes um I was um just wanted to say thank you for your lecture it was very nice to have you back in here it's always very nice to have have you here in class that we learn a lot um it's becoming a bit of a habit isn't it please um anyway I hope you come back when she nervously shuffles out of the room kind of a blush on her face and leaves the chambers hopefully the students have grapple onto any of it hmm well I would like to think that the student body here uh will learn thinking skills and the ability to think for themselves of course not just memorized by wrote indeed I find the uh presentation a little bit dramatic and Theatrical at times for my tastes uh to each their own I suppose and you know so is the arrogance of Youth yeah good day good day you can Rush his faces his hand in the door is gonna open up what a martial still feels Beyond surreal to be here and Beauregard has been pushing me to take up permanently maybe I will but not quite ready yet [Music] anyway she'll want to report for the day uh we share a sending Stone now to share information back and forth between the cities so I'm going to head back to my own small cottage which is um very much in the style of the home that Bren was raised in uh there's uh two small planter boxes out front full of green beans uh and a room at the back where he teaches a handful of students who uh were not accepted at the Academy we still show a great promise and occasionally uh Beth brings Luke by uh for a starter class or two not that she is incapable of teaching the boy herself she is very capable [Laughter] Caleb still looks and smells like [ __ ] right like a branded cologne I think that he will uh put up the tower inside his home uh the home is really more of a front and he'll spend time in the uh study and um wonder if he'll get a visit from [Music] his crin friend uh this week Caleb are both sank everybody well I don't know Ford gave away the key we'll meet you need you we're in just it's so good to hear from you if you message me back tell me where you are spell slot that's always sad that's all sadly um I pull out my uh sanding Stone um hello Beauregard I know that it is outside working hours and that can be a bit of a prickly pair with you but we have a bit of an emergency are you available to talk yeah Caleb hi okay I set the stone wait for me two feet away what do you need [Music] uh then I will instantly teleport outside of uh yaza and Beth's home as you arrive here mid evening in the streets of nicodranis sorry sorry of course we're gone that's okay that's okay Jessica can message them later let's go yeah you're already gone Caleb too quick always uh I mean not okay we go he blushes him last thing you see is his cheeks written as you catch up on the sand box sorry I tried to get us here faster I did my best a mile or so into the forest okay so I'll just uh go and start to Veer down in that direction what do you see Caleb eagle Kegel I'm going to uh pull out a stick of incense and a crystal vial with phosphorescent material and crack one and rub it in the palm of my hand making a Sigil drawing it in the air and I will cast hypnotic pattern Caleb you're up yeah Okay I uh slammed these Storm Rider boots together and take to the air and I go into the air and I'm going to zip right along over his body okay close enough so that the boots Scorch his body with lightning and as I swing by I'm dragging a lodestone up my arm and I drag a disintegrate beam across his entire body oh [ __ ] 36 plus 40. so 76 Points Plus 40. damage yeah it's disintegrated wizard [ __ ] just reach out really quick and lay my hand on Jessica's arm and say oh just like all times yeah be safe and I push myself to standing and I hit the boots blast up into the sky and you see three calebs shooting up past the mass and I'll fly to here and just when I hit here massive blue dragon appears in the sky oh [ __ ] yeah it's gonna go ahead multi-attack it's gonna be a Slam against that's me Slam against you yeah that's Your Dragon's form got space for uh that's gonna be 20. see Shield because you can do that dragons can do Shield well he in the spell he's using shape change he gets to the castle oh the tendril whips how to try and grab you and just ricochets off of this Arcane form this feel that whoa appears around the Dragon [Laughter] all right so uh Caleb dragon is going to fly oh he's gonna wheel around go well do I need to recharge or at this point cool so and then he's gonna fly up into the air and you see him go like 50 60 70 feet in the air and that blue triangles suddenly you see a massive turtle shell and a dragon Turtle drops out of the sky and goes anukatoa's head and then just rolls into the water sure well what do you have to I returned to rock syndrome and pick up where I left off so there are many uh late night meetings not in person but Beauregard everything's done on Seven Stone these days uh and we continue our work together occasionally hop over to different towns to have dinner with different friends uh I finally uh get it over with and both add Beauregard's constant pestering and astrids uh requests as well I do take up a position at the solstice Academy as a teacher of transmutation both to mold a future generation and to keep tabs on the aftermath of the full Striker program and keep tabs on my friends Astrid and Adolf I do visit the camp and give a few uh workshops I teach I try to teach the children how to create a single glowing globule but only one 14 year old boy and Luke are the only two who are able to master it but everyone tried the best so gold star um I start the tradition of gathering up all of us once a month uh at a different location every time of our choosing and we stay for two nights in the tower and catch up and fill each other in on everything that we're doing and uh in those first two weeks back um I continue to teach my private practice I continue to tend the green beans on my property and every day uh as I'm in the garden I look up the road and wonder if I will see my friend return and you do within a short time after this journey eventually you hear that familiar knock at your door opening it you see the image of a young Elven man blonde hair kind of hood up a bit who steps into your Chambers and right as he crosses the threshold the illusion Fades and you see the uh that light lavender skin and white hair of Asic you just can dress off the ground for a bit and turns around okay let me do guests I hear there is a story you have to tell me about a grand Sea Adventure that you went on I hope like I know we have lots of ideas for for the nine and doing things with them but I hope that we return to play more games with him because I I really love those [ __ ] I have ideas I have thoughts yeah we had to finish with the third topic you didn't have to we could have no I have to hit all three of the main points and the ones on the bottom you are yeah those are optional yeah so reluctant to accept the position at the soil trust Academy oh how does he feel now that he's taking it it's Allison so why didn't he run towards a job at the soldiers Academy um well it's unclear how much of the volt strucker program still exists it's unclear how many members of the assembly are still involved it's unclear how much either entirely or 80 or 20 percent of the schools in the pocket of shitty people so he didn't want to become part of the system again it's still really early uh with lots of things changing and even just like I'm buying a house and my friends are leaving and uh my uh so is on the lamb all these things uh uh but I think ultimately better to keep your enemies close um and Beauregard sort of kicked his butt and toured it to so that's why
Channel: SariaSpeaks
Views: 9,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Critical Role, Best of, Caleb Widogast, Compilation, 4-Sided Dive, Mighty Nein, Reunion, M9, Campaign 2
Id: YoAp6TenmuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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