A History Teacher Reacts | Extra Credits - Otto von Bismarck (Parts 1-2)

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hey YouTube I'm mr. Terry and welcome to another history teacher reacts video as I continue my quest of historical knowledge today we are going to be watching or starting to watch the video series on Otto von Bismarck by extra credits this video was voted on by my patrons in the latest patrons pic pol patron members get to vote in a weekly poll of some of the highly suggested videos I had received currently I had the set to anybody of any pledging value gets to pledge for that so for interested in doing that though you link to the patreon down below alright so I've seen a couple video series from the extra credits people and they've been good I've looked at Catherine the Great and Genghis Khan so but this one has been heavily and I'll possibly the most recommended from the extra credit series is on otto von bismarck but you're gonna so interesting because there's some other more well-known characters and the general public usually does not know or hear too much about Otto von Bismarck so hopefully it can be educational for you as as well as for me here so we'll go ahead and start it here in just a second just want to plug the original video if you like the original video there'll be a description down below that you can go to and give them a like and subscribe what we're gonna be doing here today is watching episodes 1 & 2 it looks like this series is six parts so we'll do a video here on episodes 1 & 2 I'll do another one later on 3 & 4 and then we'll wrap up with 5 & 6 alright with that I think we'll go ahead and get started okay out of own Bismarck the title of this first episode is the wild man Bismarck alright let's check it out what they got and with a proud walrus mustache character of a man from the character of his youth well the character of a man from the you cannot always tell the character of a man from the character of his youth true true a lot of us if you are an adult scan 78 the Congress of Berlin a graying man with a proud walrus mustache stands and says Europe today is a powder keg and the leaders are like men smoking in an arsenal a single spark will set off an explosion that will consume us all I cannot tell you when that explosion will occur but I can tell you where so I can tell you it's World War one this is a very very famous quote that people have talked about with the powder keg right you have all these ingredients for warfare and you can see back healing the late later 1800s people are already starting to see that as the conditions are they're ripe for a large conflict so yeah maybe a little foreshadowing there right come us all I cannot tell you when that explosion will occur but I can tell you where some damned foolish thing in the Balkans will set it off 1890 zero a prince in the middle of his life goes to visit the man whose work starts man now it is the last time the two will meet for the Younger wilhelm ii dismissed this old man years before but as their visit concludes the old man issues a warning he says your majesty so long as you have this present officer corps you can do as you please but when this is no longer the case it will be very different for you then he says the crash will come 20 years after my departure if things go on like this the old man will die in July of 1898 in November 1918 that principle of the second will abdicate the throne having lost the backing of his army in the disaster that was the First World War Bismarck's prediction was off by only four months Wow such was the most crazy that he predicted it with such sort of accuracy there yeah war ends in 1918 starts in 1914 but that's amazing going back you know 20 years seeing those conditions and being able to make that bold of a prediction so that's a pretty good I think that's a really good intro and kind of like an immediate hook there to get you because right there you're like man this guy must know what he's talking about so awesome I'm excited to see more with a god on Bismark find that would use Europe for a chessboard and to redraw the map forever but this was something that few could see in his youth Otto's time in grade school was middling and we know little of his early teenage years but at 17 when he enters college we begin to get a picture of the man six feet of dashing with a toss old mane of copper blond hair often seen walking not with a walking stick but with a twisted staff of iron he cut a dashing figure I've noticed with the this this history credits people they love to do that stuff they love to just like like build up the person they love to do that I romanticize everybody they were doing it with with Catherine and they were doing it with Genghis Khan and so many these like these other traits that you get you know some people say it's a little overblown but looks like they're doing it again here with Bismarck let's hear again what they said last five seconds with a walking stick but with a twisted staff of iron he cut a dashing figure classes weren't really for him he stopped going almost immediately preferring Byron and Walter Scott as tutors to any other he was quick with words and equally quick to a challenge he got himself into more than one duel per month while he was at his first University engaging in 26 contests of honor and being wounded only once you know this so famous like people talk about history how duels were just like a common thing you got beef with somebody you just you go of a duel and then the results are respected and apparently you're not charged with you know murder or something you know what I mean but even like it like in older days in certain countries of like politicians or it some politician offends another one and they're like I challenge you to a duel and they go outside and you know half the fight so you imagine if that was just like a legal like it like a thing today just politicians or whatever to someone you didn't like challenged you to a duel and then like that's well you agreed upon it so will respect the results and he was doing it and Bismarck's doing multiples of them that's great University engaging in 26 contests of honor and being wounded only once pretty good day he would insist that he was only wounded because his opponents rapier broke he consumed monumental amounts of alcohol discovered a profound if not so profound love of the fairer sex and managed to rack up a small mountain of debts most intriguing of all though he got himself cast as a character named Otto von ribbon mark when his roommates wrote a novel about their wild college life by the way this man who was quite aptly named motley would soon become a historian of some note and one of the diplomats who kept Europe from siding with the Confederacy in the American Civil War anyway that wild college life of theirs eventually caught up to Otto and he moved to Berlin both to attend law school and to dodge the consequences of his roguish ways he's going with motley he never once went to class while in law school but when graduation time drew near he hired what is politely known as a Kramer at the last minute and managed to pass the exam to become a practitioner of law is there any way that's possible in a modern law school to just never go and then yeah just cram at the last minute I'm sure every law student that you can say is say that wouldn't be possible so that makes you question either the the standards of the test or maybe this guy was just that good you know he could even a fraction of a time be able to actually learn enough to pass a law exam you know and I mean but wow a Kramer at the last minute and managed to pass the exam to become a practitioner of law and all the while he read voraciously not only Romantic poets but also history economics and philosophy although not the heady abstractions of Hegel or Kent that were the rage at the time by the time he left law school he felt ready for a career in the diplomatic service unfortunately the Foreign Minister did not hold a high opinion of the diplomatic abilities of Prussian nobility and prefer to hire from without so rather than maybe because they apparently don't have to put in much to to get a law degree so they don't respect it being assigned some glorious foreign posting Bismarck was soon sent to Aachen a territory taken from the French in the Napoleonic Wars and he was given the job of figuring out how to better integrate it into Prussia this task never really captured his interest it was the English he was far more interested in for arkin had become a popular spa and vacation spot for the English Gentry and more notably their daughters unfortunately more notably and after he overstayed a river trip with one of these daughters by three months it took some significant family influence to get this self designated to leave quietly swept under the rug auda was soon involuntarily volunteered for the army but before even his year of mandatory service was done his mother took ill and died this tragedy finally made his path clear his father had never been good at managing anything and his mother had run their more unruly estates with her passing Otto would take over this duty a gentleman farmer's life for him he was completely unprepared for this task but he did still have his secret weapon the one expedient that had carried him for every challenge life dealt him cramming so as his military service wrapped up request later Howard books on agricultural science estate management and economics he even managed to get himself into a soil chemistry course at a nearby agricultural institute armed with this knowledge he set to his task with vigor and so even as the agricultural markets of northern Europe collapsed around him his estate grew in value and his diligence was matched only by his eccentricities so I mean I guess the the theme right here that they're getting to drowning out and drowning on is he's a fast learner he's a very fast learner and feels pretty confident that he can kind of take shortcuts from kind of traditional paths of learning and parent he's proven it right I mean cram for law school and basically crammed to run a farm when he had note you know experience really with that so looks like yeah fast fast learner right I think a lot of us wish we had that ability right to be able to just absorb so quickly he became known for unpredictable behavior like marking his entrance into a neighbor's house by firing a pistol into their ceiling or releasing foxes into mere drawing-rooms he earned the nickname the wild man Bismarck from the locals and as always from the local ladies as well but this wild man treated his laborer as well much better than their ceilings and drawing-rooms anyway and he further devoted himself to his studies diving deep into history poetry English politics and even philosophy though he did still have a preference for Spinoza over the German philosophers that were informing many of his more liberal colleagues thoughts at the time all of this and perhaps age began to refine him to smooth out his roughest edges and though country life weighed heavy sharing her anyways he was well suited for it it looked as though the life of a country squire was to be his calling over time he settled in he made friends he even married a woman who seemed wholly unsuited to him a quiet devout woman with no interest in politics or English poetry but she made him quite happy without balancing our religion Pietism to marry her and such is the strange character of Bismarck that he did so earnestly or at least he adopted the parts of her faith which he earnestly found compelling but her father doubted that otto was sincere in his conversion this was the wild man Bismarck after all but Bismarck checked above the daughter at his mark always has a plan he wrote his beloved's father a letter detailing his path to finding faith and when the man still hesitated Bismarck being Bismarck seized the moment tour all the way across Pomerania in the middle of winter and showed up at the man's estate to convince him in person when Bismarck returned from that's gonna go a long way with the father I you you know father naturally is going to be suspicious of daughters suitors and especially if someone like a pretty wild history it sounds like like him but looks like he's really trying to prove himself here so maybe he'll score some points with the dad here and showed up at the man's estate to convince him in person when Bismarck returned from this excursion he found on his desk it was an invitation to take charge of running the dykes on the Elbe it may not seem like much but it was an official position his time in the doghouse with the government might be over so he attacked the work then in 1847 something monumental happened the King of Prussia called a parliament for the first time Prussians would get together debate and vote on things but Otto's wedding date was near and besides he hated Berlin and he was a staunch conservative believing in the power of the monarchy at a time when liberalism and democracy were in vote in the idea that this is an interesting time period where the classical forms of absolutism and absolute monarchy are really starting to sort of clash with kind of these post enlightenment deals or sorry philosophies and ideologies and yeah the kind of expansion of more of these democratic type type values here I think this is this is post like French Revolution and so these ideas I like that you say liberalism things were becoming a little more popular so there's kind of an interesting clash of like like yeah more classical forms of government Society again with like absolute monarchy and then more of the modern institutions that we see today and you're seeing yeah this is like late 1800s and that really then comes to - as part of kind of the explosive effects of World War one we see the removal of monarchies and things like that so yeah this is an interesting political time period here or of the monarchy at a time when liberalism and democracy were in vogue even the idea of a parliament graded against his royal ously things for though this was a summoned rather than an elected parliament it was almost certainly going to be used to push for a proper elected parliament one which by all very nature must power from the royal government so he was reluctant to go even if he were to be summoned he might not but then fate turned he received another letter an acquaintance whose good graces he wanted to stay in and suddenly fallen ill now requested that otto take up his post as representative of the prussian saxon nobility this request made no sense as technically otto was not part of the Prussian Saxon nobility his estates were all either in Altmark or Pomerania but never mind that such an important request so he made his way to the United diet where a push for a true Parliament was already in session pro-democratic speeches were given one man got up and declared that the Prussian people had only thrown back Napoleon because they were promised a constitution this was too much good point is mark stood and responded that the Prussian people had thrown back Napoleon for Prussia did the man really think that Prussians wouldn't have stood up against an invader without being promised a piece of paper yeah absolutely when you're down in the trenches that is not what you're thinking about it's not what you're thinking about you're gonna defend yourself regardless you know what I mean so I don't know if he if he's trying to make the case if Bismarck's trying to make the case that these people are distorting their history their right and trying to like yeah yeah I just kind of like yeah bring that up almost as leverage like hey this is what people thought and died for right and you appeal to that kind of patriotism you can only really counter it with with facts like he's trying to do here the reality of the situation of fighting Napoleon before this the hall erupted in boos yeah shouted and stamped the place how dare you yes but Bismarck being Bismarck just picked up a newspaper and began to leisurely read through it until they were quite done and then he finished his speech and in that moment Bismarck the country squire became Bismarck The Statesman okay so he's definitely roughing ruffling the feathers is the right word but a right phrase but definitely trying to yeah keep keep pressure more grounded here as far as like the direction it seems like society is kind of headed and and trying to you know keep them from keep them kind of I guess fact-check not just running away with these ideas and trying to slow it down and this era of conservatism versus liberalism that's kind of one of the traits they say is you have this social change and these types of changes happening and more on the conservative movements were far more I guess calculated and a little not as quick to rush into these new changes right and not necessarily just deny or try to ya block these new and philosophies coming through but slow it down a little bit and yeah it seems like he's in that kind of classical definition the classical conservative definition okay so that looks like that's the first video they spent again the first part talking about how he was a quick learner right that was a key feature the first about half of this video and then seeing his way kind of almost accidentally and pretty much non intentional finding himself into into government and his looks like making a name for himself by kind of going against the grain of a lot of things like there but so what what I'm predicting is it gonna need to happen is he's going to need a bail he's gonna need to be able to convince people of keeping some of these classical ways right but probably not though although blocking any kind of form of progression or you know any kind of progressive additions to the society and government here so finding that balance is it looks like probably something he's gonna have to try to find and we'll see that's just something I've been crossing my mind right now is we be jumping into the next episode here so all right so that was episode 1 the wild man Bismark okay again there'll be a link to this video down in the description if you want to make sure to go over there maybe you want to watch again without my commentary watch it go through quicker or something like that but uh and just give them a like you know subscribe view stuff like that alright let's pop over to video two so it looks like this one is call out of on Bismarck a man of great idea so yeah let's see what he can propose in the face of social change that and that is happening here in Europe 1848 the people spring springtime of Nations the year of revolution [Music] Bismarck's political life ended nearly as abruptly as it started for as the summer of 1847 began the king unable to get a railroad grant from the diet without also granting a constitution threw his hands up in the air dissolved the diet and sent everybody packing Bismarck went back home to his event finally cleared that whole business of getting married and went on his honeymoon but as he traveled Europe and when he returned home he noticed a strange tension in the air and unrest in the streets in the cities then in February 1848 Paris erupted the monarchy fell a republic was reestablished in France Bismarck was concerned at home and you know just to just to go back if you're thinking man what wait didn't didn't France get rid of their monarchy right executed louis xvi well people forget that that was not just the aunt that was just the like end of the future of monarchy in France no France kind of reverted back to a lot of that I mean they kept a lot of the Sun of the the some of the values of the revolution but Napoleon changed a lot of that to a somebody that was seemingly trying to Teeter on the side of revolutionary ideas but also kind of the classical ideas of strong rulership but yeah they kind of go back and then have another string sort of monarchs they're a lot of people forget that about the French Revolution is they kind of it was like two steps forward one step back you know in this movement yeah a lot of people don't don't really remember that so and abroad he had seen the strain between the working class and those who ruled but he never expected something so abrupt or so successful to happen in France then Vienna fell metonic the great Austrian statesman and architect of the concert of Europe was displaced this opened up an opportunity as the author has long been the dominant force among Germans look at what a mess like Europe has been geographically like when you look at like Prussia and it's it's like geographical situation I always thought that's interesting and studying the geography of these borders and this time is of course how much they change and now you know if you if you look at a map now it's very very different specifically with with Prussia not being a nation-state necessarily anymore and other countries you know Germany in developing some of these regions a creation of Poland kind of the resizing of Russia the Austrian Empire's your nose broken up two ton of different pieces eventually so and this is if you didn't think about it says not that long ago really right mid to late-1800s not that long ago but Europe's known for those you know those uh somebody border changes and a lot of those resulting for Wars of course dates but it also served as a warning it was clear that revolution was coming to Prussia soon but Bismarck worried that the king was too weakened to vacillating to put down a revolution and he was regard to spread word revolution in Vienna spread Prussians took to the streets and soon the King promised them a constitutional government yeah this this was similar to the original French Revolution monarchs around France were very very fearful that the Revolution and the ideas the revolution revolution would spread it to their countries and all of these monarchs made very hard stances that basically said that they would support the French monarchy and and and and if you try to remove them they will intervene which was very scary for the revolutionaries thinking that they may not just be picking a fight with their own monarchy but they may die picking a fight with all the monarchies of Europe so yeah monarchs had to be very careful because it's like if this thing is successful over in France right the people are successful in this potentially even overthrowing a monarch that that would inspire the people of their nation so this this made them very very nervous and as you can see it's already becoming successful thus pressuring the Prussian monarchy here to to have to make changes Russians took to the streets and soon the King promised them a constitutional government but as the people were celebrating their victory in Berlin the celebration turned into a clash shots were fired government troops killed revolutionaries many including Bismarck believed that now there was no choice but to crush the Ellucian the king though disagreed and ordered the troops out of Berlin effectively leaving himself hostage to the revolution and then came the first of Bruce Marx good ish ideas he raced back to his estate and organized an old-school peasant levee yes in the middle of the 19th century he tried to press his peasants into service as their feudal lord in order to put down a revolution whose stated goals were to enfranchise and empower those same peasants yeah you would not think that this would be something peasants would willingly go into you'd think they'd be on the side more of the revolution so [Music] yeah they should to see how this could work a revolution whose stated goals were to enfranchise and empower those same peasants with this great idea in mind he handed them all shotguns and said come on lads to Berlin but just as they were storming off one of his spoilsport neighbors came out and told him to stop hurling a firebrand into the country threatening to talk the peasants out of this nonsense Bismarck politely replied you know that I am a quiet man but if you do that I shall shoot you so with revolver in hand and for yes four bullets in his pocket he led his futile levy to go liberate the king unfortunately when he got to the first army camp which was staffed by many of the conservative officers that he had come to mingle with after making his fiery speeches in Berlin he was promptly told yes we are all a bit disappointed right now but no we really don't want your peasant mob messing this up even more so how about you go send your peasants back and bring us some corn and potatoes or something it's like hey you wanna you want to help us don't bring these these people you go get us some booze and some food and stuff like that so he's gonna be a good girl he's he's upset he wants to be a part of this thing and do it his way right about you go send your peasants back and bring us some corn and potatoes or something not content to serve as mere fodder provider for the army Otto then had his second good ish idea he left his estate and tried to sneak into Berlin again with the cleverest of ruses trimming his beard needless to say many people saw through his incredible mind games and soon he was laughed out of Berlin what disguise he had a third good dish idea with the King making ever greater concessions to the revolutionaries Bismarck saw it as his place to help elevate one of the Kings relatives to the throne so Bismarck went all-in on trying to replace King Frederick Wilhelm with a confusingly but more succinctly named King Vilhelm but Vilhelm had leg dit to England and he wasn't gonna listen to this wild man anyway so Bismarck began to hunt for a new candidate soon he found another royal relative named Charles who proposed that his even more confusingly named son Frederick vilhelm should replace Frederick VII on the throne let's get more creative here all right prussian royal family may get confusing for us people or you know us that are trying to study history this Frederick Wilhelm or Fritz I'm gonna column Fritz was six years old but nobody had asked Fritz's mom I mean they eventually did but more as an afterthought with bismarck awkwardly meeting her in her servants quarters your son to be the team turned out to be a mistake though because Fritz his mom supported the Liberals and put the kibosh on the whole thing it would seem that bismarck had made an enemy of the mother of this six-year-old he hoped to put on the throne nonetheless he was soon summoned for the second Prussian diet which the King had ordered a symbol to hammer out how to make a real parliament for Prussia there about the noble past that they were so casually throwing away even becoming choked with emotion and having to stop mid speech but to no avail the diet did its job and created the Prussian National Assembly which Bismarck was very not elected to this Prussian National Assembly pushed for a real parliamentary system along British lines though and soon the king began to lose patience with the body so Bismarck joined the camerea which was not in fact a secret society of vampires which has kept their presence hidden from humanity for hundreds of years although I can't understand you're confusing the reference Bismarck would have made a great vampire but no Bismarck had joined the much more boring but real group of nobles and courtiers close to the king who were determined to maintain the power of the monarchy through non vampiric means and let's go ahead and call this one Bismarck's first actual good idea because this put him in contact with many powerful men but even though you see all accounts he was an effective member of the society and even though he had defined the conservative voice in Prussian politics by establishing a newspaper when the liberal cause fell apart and the Conservatives once again became ascendant he was passed over for a cabinet position they were very happy to use him when a radical was needed but once the time came to re-establish order the wild man was cast aside so Bismarck returned to his estate to witness the birth of his first child but Bismarck had a plan Bismarck always had a plan he said even though the Liberals had failed to get anything like the Constitution they had wanted they had gotten a constitution and with it a parliament the Landtag and the Bismarck always a pragmatist under whatever colors he may have Warren decided to get himself elected to this new body the fight was fierce he knew that he wouldn't get elected in his own region so he decided to run for office in the city of Brandenburg well you can do that so he's like alright I guess I'm not gonna fight this system the system is going through this is Parliament and the style of semi democracy here is is like it's gonna happen right and he's like well I better just use the new system that's there so let's just go through the voting means but you wonder yeah he offended so many of the progressive and and liberal supporters of where he's from he needs to go somewhere else for a movie doesn't have that namesake or maybe that's a little bit more moderate you know what I mean to accept him so kind of makes sense but as our modern-day people sometimes can be wary of people that are running you know for election not in their homes you know what I mean because he you start thinking well why didn't your own people the people that know you best not vote for you you know I mean that can that can bring people to question those motives he wouldn't get elected in his own region so he decided to run for office in the city of Brandenburg but there he was an outsider running against the local mayor he acted with vigor describing his campaign headquarters as a military camp with messengers running in and out at all hours and strategy being formulated so that he never missed an opportunity to speak to the few hundred men who would eventually determine professional politician already huh he won by 25 votes now he was once again at the center of things and the question at hand on everybody's mind was the unification of Germany if the 39 German states that had survived the Napoleonic invasion banded together they could change the face of European politics forever but be an instantly powerhouse of a nation if they can do that and this region of what's now Germany was so incredibly diverse and turned out something he's gonna be very famous for so that's that's an incredible task go back to the map there but yeah so okay so you can see where he's the weather you know talking about unifying their Asian banded together they could change the face of European politics forever but how to achieve that was a matter of some debate they could either come together under Austria or under Prussia but Austria rejected the possibility of unification because the austro-hungarian Empire and the Habsburg inherited lands included far more territory than just the German portions and the whole point of unity was German nationalism patronage would never accept a rule by a sovereign who was also ruling over other nations this meant that the Austrians would either have to divide their empire and give some other branch of the family their German territories or simply reject unification outright and well we do know that they are going to be allies though when the larger conflicts come out in in World War one so you still have that that tie even if they're not going to formally unify all their territories the branch of the family their German territories or simply reject unification outright and they chose the latter the German National Assembly which was different from the Landtag in that it represented all German states decided with little other choice to offer the imperial crown to Frederick vilhelm Nobles in the Landtag including Bismarck urged him to accept but the king rejected the proposal and this allowed Bismarck the opportunity to rail against the Constitution that would have come with it he was blasted by the press and sure of losing his seat in the next election but when the king dissolved the Landtag he changed the election rules for the next session in ways that favored land owners like bismarck which ensured his re-election after giving some blistering speeches on the role of the monarchy and some strong invectives against even the Monarchs own move toward a constitutional unification bismarck got himself moved to the new assembly debating the question of unification but before that could go anywhere he got caught up in the next great conflict the war over territory seemed to loom between Austria and Prussia and it is here that we see the evolution of Bismarck because though in many ways he was and always would be a man of war when a settlement was offered and many pushed to reject it and go to war instead Bismarck rose and said it is unworthy of a great state to fight for something which does not concern its own interest gentlemen show me an objective worthy of war and I will go along with you it is a it's pretty solid point right yeah you can't really it's hard to argue with that so there's some wisdom coming out there that again who did hard argue with gentlemen show me an objective worthy of war and I will go along with you it is easy enough for a statesman to ride the popular wave from the comfort of his own fireside making thunderous speeches from the rostrum letting the public sound the trumpets of war and leaving it to the musketeer bleeding out his life's blood in the snowy wastes to settle weather policies end in glory or in failure nothing is simpler but woe to any statesman who at such a time fails to find a cause of war which will stand up to scrutiny once the fighting is over and so begins the transformation of Bismarck the radical to Bismarck men of realpolitik okay cool scattered my initial thoughts here so he's definitely adapting to the situation as pressures evolving and applying immediate opinions to the idea of unification and what what justifies you know this kid this type of territory aquas acquisition if I've done by warfare or whatever so he's trying to lay that out pretty pretty clearly but it's amazing how you you see him offending both groups sometimes right the Conservatives and the Liberals but is consistently still remaining in the conversation right maybe that's just his talent as a statesman I'll be able to stay relevant when it seems like so many times he could have been cast off into relevancy and kind of never be around again and never really taken seriously so yeah that's got a that's got a I guess score for for you know his sore points with as a statesman so injured to see a little bit more as this is going to progress his political career as again as he's in this very interesting time period of modern and classical politics and social discussions I'm really coming to to a head at this time so interested to see a little bit more about how that how that unfolds in the in the further videos here all right so these this was on episodes 1 & 2 believe it again it's a six-part series so look out in the near for future for my video on episodes 3 & 4 and we'll try to continue on this few reminders this was again this was voted on this video was voted on through patreon through our patreon pleasures if you would like to get a little more involved I have a little bit more input on what videos come on this channel invite you to join the patreon there'll be a link down in the description where you can join that and currently have it set to patrons of pledging levels basically starting at $1 so if you'd like to have a little bit more say in that definitely join that a couple other plugs just kind of way out here there's some other ways you can support the stream you can join our discord server our discord server is pretty lively with history minded people so if you'd like to talk about this or other topics there'll be a link also down in the description that anybody can anybody can join all right with that we'll go out and do here again let's keep a keep an eye out for sure for the next video and we'll continue on with the series but until then we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 61,396
Rating: 4.9275155 out of 5
Keywords: react, history, otto von mismarck, prussia, germany
Id: w0oysdlZ9OI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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