A Greenbriar Comedy Special with Travis Porter

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[Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with what summoning stalemate what so the other what's outside I want to sound that [ __ ] what it makes the name from Atlanta right we should come here for field trips do this yeah maybe like it's a Woodruff Arts Center it's like a museum okay so I always point to the a plant they go to theater and then I hear this [ __ ] nice who from the city who I never been a dude [ __ ] work here and we've in the smoke need help us the camp headed straight for work and no we don't beat are there traffic hey that's what I was about to say they said ladder you pump bug has left this morning to get here don't know every empty seat is sold out he's stuck in traffic [ __ ] booked the hotel room closed that's what they do that's this was typo I just realize how this respect for they are they gonna had a two white Christmas trees they put my head on top of the Family Dollar one that's [ __ ] up no no what nobody told enough to reach the chocolate white by the way trying to put some fake ass hello Christmas tree I love you too [ __ ] way yet that boss came through the walls [Applause] he know you think I think you know no [ __ ] I think it from me time you say it's whales another thing this for me little things watch the show - idiot what it is excuse me oh you second soap our cake - laughs - excuse me excuse to do anything for some power case you miss Barbara I eat that [ __ ] you playing with me oh I got a real snack bag in this [ __ ] taste it it's a good I got to smell anything before I put the palm cause I know we did all right [ __ ] Hank I trying to be [ __ ] up who bought the snack bag you did you make the cake - from scratch Oh [Music] [Applause] even on your snakes and drinking out your Capri Sun you know your specs and drinking all your Capri stuff you know your snacks and forget all your Capri Sun you know cake-eater Capri Sun I [Music] gotta taste the pancake I gotta taste it I liked it I liked the edge the good I think good tastes just like the basement of the church that's good did he handle water - yes not supposed to be dry like that it now I walk to it you know some [ __ ] think when they make you do that well you got to think about there so you got to sit back you know if I was sitting and I was happy I was reading the Bible I would want something that make you holy then everybody know we got all these triples all the truck Dilys oh yeah librarians tend to go to magic sooner you leave who died without a home but a strip club that's a strip club everywhere they buy you right up down the streets of Atlanta you just like BAM maybe they got a lot of places for hoes the work then I see that's the thing I'm not from Atlanta so I wanted people I always ask you questions for I would always know I've always getting real about what's Atlanta was not Atlanta right first of all now i'ma let y'all know what I was talking about flower was real West Side [ __ ] live talk back take a real [ __ ] meatball for that what I'm saying Atlanta is a dope city but don't disrespect but if you live anywhere with it with net and all that [ __ ] that is I don't know what part of Atlanta that is I don't city that is another problem don't ya that is very far oh you big ol doesn't see you then right where I gave a girl Hut number back cuz she says she livin like though you're like oh you need it right yeah [ __ ] it was go out there bit though we stayed on step big I think yeah that is Narnia Atlanta right there you got to drive we don't wanna get it wouldn't it let somebody tip I think they'll put on the road [ __ ] CPAP enola kind of close it's not good you know I like I really like you and I thought to put all of it let me see if any real [ __ ] they have no you have been [ __ ] with a [ __ ] who stay or Wesley Chapel you think it's gonna be Wesley Chapel you think it's the west of the chapel on the 285 sampling step back part coming back over here just now Reading Road you tricked me I've already tell you what [ __ ] up being a she stands no mouth let's hit me something to break my harness cuz I'm going to the park to [ __ ] don't you ever hear the one who tell you she said pants storm out on their last exit over that's it Scott there let's see what that about baking ain't know what a [ __ ] this I thought that was the meanest [ __ ] Scott Atlanta the best city in the world and they all give a [ __ ] nobody safe [ __ ] right you want to bigger but a bad day of George's got them good day anywhere else would you say why you saying that [ __ ] you meet the girls their dreams ever got them back and every night it's the beautiful women to walk around chortle with nothing to do love her she's our [ __ ] right here what they ain't even bomb they got jobs that [ __ ] they just we all hall monkeys and winces and [ __ ] he went from home customer all [ __ ] behaved about [ __ ] you old Favreau big as household fare for road two-car garage if there's got a truck or motorcycle just no dick I may not [ __ ] with it latter but that traffic makes me not want to stay here it's the new people y'all both here just [ __ ] what that night that you don't know where you're gone [ __ ] move I gotta keep taking these goddamn back streets for your stupid [ __ ] well keep slowing down where they got their brick stop looking at directed move I'm gonna tell you like this you ain't never got to worry about me being wonder people [ __ ] I don't want to stay it be 3 o'clock in the morning in Atlanta you and backed up traffic up like where the [ __ ] y'all going to the studio and they go why the [ __ ] is it traffic chorus that's why it's hard to take open and let us listen if you know where the [ __ ] you going yeah being over yeah and to tell the way dude no [ __ ] that bro cut through Cleveland that what's Cleveland metropolitan birthday cut up north side right we should break right yeah anybody try over down here [ __ ] pick me up in the hotel like G go output which is there go forward with me bro a matter of fact that you wouldn't be listed is [ __ ] playing his mixtape the whole ride and I know that he went a long way because my [ __ ] said I was supposed to get there in 10 minutes it took us 35 minutes to get took a back street are you stupid I got it traffic on the highway so around thinking Shawn meal and bosses [ __ ] here did the flood right here bro you ever seen that movie bro they're my pot man I ain't got no balls and you these people put up how you think man what you call the oven is the smoking a wine blacking out and she get rid of the heel trust they got [ __ ] to do with safety crowd over there yeah you [ __ ] Idol fan right to somebody you know he's your father could you ask for there's a stripper name if you can't you just hit that be in and out ladies jumping on her way to the Hawke's Bay Basin or for the fair but let her figure what Jackie sure Big Bob oh you know contents in it disrespecting mayor I would not allow disrespect to a strip of Chico that is your baby don't support this stop so bad a nickname I'm sorry Keisha now but keys you know oh hello girl I gotta they didn't they can play that too girl wait I'll play that bars wrong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful dr. Dre this is not good call that [ __ ] doctor how they may not be doing my [ __ ] right is okay only got the fur coat on me the night [ __ ] today - okay listen don't hit it Tommy she kept it going hit walking I saw a buck all hand spin a little nighttime a caller that boy hi I'm John you already know what's hit a [ __ ] ATL going down y'all my [ __ ] door thought about that oh boy crying y'all ready to attend I'm Mikey come on yo you in the fall time he'll y'all know about that call and I know yeah what if I hear we go home what we start for them and some of my fingers who really cooking any go to Bethel pilot e okay look [Music] [Music] I was yeah don't prophase Oh Pro banks trying to Swiss this [ __ ] cool wait howdy okay y'all want to go to polity okay huh you made a stop you all want to go to cars around here baby how much is your life worth your bread around with three white [ __ ] up it works boy [Music] [Applause] cuz I don't wanna go to jail even though I like [Applause] [Music] I got this other [ __ ] back in this room your only problem is she living Douglass's fear drive them cuz there's too far roads see stay away pass Six Flags retro ha don't go over there hey boat beat everytin time bandit Cobb County can you're a geek out over there or you stop them I'm gonna tell you later no kaho [ __ ] down baby I remember you told me Connie no toy don't you see card stand or call black all right yeah real know what I do y'all go down you look about the dirty folks in George y'all the camp County police would they're so destroying your lap let me talk my [ __ ] I freeze a fourth account especially winter ponies black yeah especially when of Holies and the church to UD and the chill is to and the serum and the police need no crazy like to keep it simple y'all everything they get let me pepper sprinkle damn [Applause] oh-oh-oh we go check Issa oh we go y'all know what's head alright be shouting low where are Peter Lynch EDD yeah Atlanta man shot it low hello we want spinach on it look man I'm joking and you don't go home so D hello Godfather hello switch the ice run the blue and the yellow still let the ghetto do it might say I thought the Polizei whoop do crane turn it all to done now that done you know sweep in kidney magazine oh boy crazy go - shitty of my said no us safe are the wayside it must be too sad think we need no Annette she me but then she was so hard I'm younger here screaming us in the gloom [ __ ] idiot money way back in 94 a 32-inch name that's here right here let me say I see all the guys out here doing this see listen okay I kill your [ __ ] say something we not just a fable other things that they retain she just got been asleep around now that [ __ ] we just wrapped up in the right amount and then they give a bouquet with my team my back still hurts trying to dance like cuz he do that [ __ ] therefore not used to doing this [Music] that thing could steal own it can you talk about stealing what a damn spaceship oh he go crazy with this [ __ ] I'm like well what the [ __ ] is you on next you see why they laugh a chica cuz everybody in this room there's a mending a late night in the casting going crazy don't it I see why I'm asleep I didn't think I was seeing spaceships off back here maybe you tripping I think it came gonna be easy what's this [ __ ] easy you are too old it's an image plays it's a perfect film this song I'm starting to see species on baby came right behind their thing oh okay but everybody was chocolate I bet you'll need no he had it just singing bro [ __ ] come out the Christmas tree hey bro on that part okay go ahead I'm rolling you didn't even know you had an evil just screaming [Applause] I think you heard the hand lives on turn it up Tiffany the greatest [ __ ] in the world if it make you want to get another tattoo let me know she hurt I think I'm stupid I've never the first time I came to Atlanta [ __ ] that made me realize how different Atlanta was I came down here for a Bronner brothers convention my awkward hairstylist out of DC so we brought oh look wait what oh yeah it's time I heard it but I couldn't say no could you see dope I'll go ahead father wanted to take it you know beautify hair stylist and head [ __ ] in you not being straight man Anka and that's it say he tried to teach us how to do here we lie when he doing that [ __ ] if I did what I know now they got me going on Rollo sin right now you got much money that big Dominguez had a bag [Music] full of candy in his studio when I what is we go wrap it back nah Risa don't make you fool like a bow to you bubblegum say they say that listen I did a lot of [ __ ] but I never done oh I'm proud of you can suck for a long time Oh [Music] let me see how this crowd is let me see it let me see if anybody noticed Atlanta classic there was in the streets really 2000 BC I got this big same block it she got a lock-in and after all the block parties he get oh oh okay okay I got white people blocking okay well you ought to be cargo block here because she used to go y'all yeah she's making a big new down what about this one was having it [Music] I've known as Dulce yeah you heard me say good Nick it that's you to change now you can understand we're taking sending that letter back didn't swing it what I'm saying yeah [ __ ] get your whole conversation I said a mega the what's our for overcoming you did and I let a [ __ ] don't need a whole lot of work that whole come say something to a why hey y'all she hey Maria Maria you know how confusing that got to be a way for though hate so much that's not from here that has an Atlanta [ __ ] quest excuse me brother man I'm trying to get over to the Magic City no see where you kind of are okay you know you come out you bus a little bus right or what you know I don't know if you can't see they come like if you want that Estonian cookie will try to become around the corner so when you come back just oh you got me calling like straight like eat so when you come at it gonna cry you got to go through the woods if you got a call you got the part that did you get what I'm saying but with your pardon if you got to walk down but Anadyr but if I was you I won't walk that McKenna via could a MIDI to jump down so you got to come back across the railroad track I vote way gone you try to go to Magic City but you know all of it oh here you both dig down you know did you know it's windy take the bird easy cuz you take take no go I tell you what get off my White House you can't go down White House we couldn't handle chat stop oh yeah oh I tell you what you do me again what you coming from you leaving for him I'm hunting here I gotta leave from here you got a car you got away your fries i sat let me go warm it oh no no no no no no if you go in there lad I got oh oh wait a second I got a DJ give me opportunity oh boy right dopamine let it go blue play it better he'll go into magic well yeah if you go across the railroad check I'm a team go through the canopy here yeah you told me that already and one time team [Music] [Music] haha hey you know what guys my I really appreciate you guys man but I'm gonna go ahead and get my coffee go this way then that way right this right this right is [Music] [ __ ] that guy in the car really with magic thinking y'all [ __ ] gonna be looking for baby yeah I think it's game for the direction something that I felt like I was really talking it to it you guys for real your inner in the back i'ma tell you what to be yeah man you know what the Omega [ __ ] here interrelations way grandma Papa take track I got see if you go to the middle piece Italy it's a lot of home [ __ ] that Atlantic archers draw no like you know I I'm from DC but I went to college in the south you know what man is like just culture music to come out of the south like this is the number one spot but do you think there's so many groups and people didn't came out there like what my favorite one of my favorite is got down you know that [ __ ] [ __ ] if I say that lady [Music] [Applause] you were taught not speech let me see yeah [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Fabio Champa take over your turn oh [ __ ] me you'll take off we go what what we don't have to take over your what Rio right here it is what just here with the hoe we're gangsta in it against the water doin some clacks UI another to play need some water well thirst right now you better swallow your weed with a single ATM women even [ __ ] single ladies that's [ __ ] that was a whole lot less than just a single ladies Michelini yeah they were like a lie you hear they'll choose you these [ __ ] you choose you see you from across the club if you like I have a holiday child in a baby pig down right [Applause] I'm sitting in front of me like that get at home these [ __ ] move here however they got here stay here don't matter honey again are you gonna do letting have to do we see a figure you laying like hey I wasn't speaking anyone oh you got a linux on a Saturday afternoon and [ __ ] to choose you to in that my father to go a [ __ ] my brother be like beat equality [Applause] trick where you going you gotta tell me that problem I just feel like all day couch it won't know so when they see you they like you so when do you walk it through the ball holding hands with your girl would be enough you got to have your hair right these days where's mr. walk that use the S word that's the game you put an s in front of anything it's our game it's carlos vela she go big I had a think that said land in Georgia they said they'll be funding with ASU for pitches game I'm thinkin II do think what I'm gonna ask you for pitches that maybe trying to do like it's just a regular [ __ ] like this but it'd be like ah sorry jump anything yeah I want this one every subsequent Carlos Miller is a new year there's a new me and I won't ask some new ball what are the same balls but I'm an escaped them you have a manscaped your landscape and ever an accident now you gotta fix your second now you don't even know if you want to go where you were going that had you shaving your second in the first place do you know they got a man skipper over there called the larmor 2.0 and they get these legs getting so soft smooth technology where you won't even make your nuts come on man that's cray I know you're sitting there right now with the parents fully pubic hair like ron jeremy cuz you have it man escapes your landscape that's why i'm here to hook you up if you go to manscape dot-com and use my code eighty five self you get 20% off and free shipping let me say that again if you go over to manscape calm right now and use the color 85 south that's the automatic 20% off and you get free shipping support for 85 South show comes from manscape who is the best and men's below-the-belt grooming manscape offers precision engineered tools offer your family jewels [Music] [Applause] okay thank you for telling me Ross without safe [Applause] anybody do ever they are about to choke up for you and that's a harder ladies in here got a game friend and that [ __ ] will come up in Allah and he's big look at her nose hey Thank You Chi and everything scuse me scuse me my friend wanna talk to you I love you go yeah yeah what Freddie talk about my [ __ ] I want you know my god I want you in another message oh [ __ ] so you thought that was the ladies making noise with a friend that was the brand making that noise ain't waiting on you to say the wrong real but be loosely in a direction that regular take a hand job never see a straight bigger wrist you ever notice that I think I never gonna show you the ends that you'll never see this part of a bigger it's thickened better this whole show do you know what st. this part of me see dirty evil direction ah mr. Bingham look going into bed night without them man that [ __ ] hurt to take a party with that [ __ ] that's your way back 50 pal take a hit you with the rest ha dance it broke the bank yep then they'd gotten stirred nothing to breaking my Everest show literally the backbone killer what I'm saying ladies they they've been taking a long time I'm talking about a long time you sick of time I'll talk about you been you've been looking so long your standards to change you just want to make it at the lab now hello Aiyaa together I shall Brown why cuz he just looked at you like nah he tired of missing a long time lady I don't know what [ __ ] when your brother started drinking me get some better food ain't none of y'all really single you just ain't got no boyfriend but she got [ __ ] you just keep [ __ ] for different purposes what you might make them seven fish up see she a single but she didn't that she got bigger she she does ain't got no boyfriend but she all when we got Nick every woman in you got these bad [ __ ] they wanna [ __ ] that you know one hi please tell them to group it [ __ ] get quiet please stupid if you want and if you watch what you say and bad things if you walk through not ain't got fat because they [ __ ] where they just got bad things with different purposes yeah main like one thing I take it calls for money whenever this thing I always got some money Danny's got a head of sand store it is tall hey that's a pimp what should be baby [ __ ] you ain't that no but they got the work hood but then maybe their work with a meant a job that they know wanna [ __ ] that just is that just think about much every goddamn thing to Chico that's why they don't ever talk about in advance a lot of triggers [ __ ] out of here there's riches in the [ __ ] Deacon child talking with this girl one time she gonna tell me huh eggs gave her $15,000 he can't he keep calling her why she yelled didn't beat them like you need to answer their phone and see what that [ __ ] ball right now cuz you got it like that you don't even need to be [ __ ] with a [ __ ] like me you need to answer their phone they find out what it thing is I jumped ahead jump off with them now she do duty for [ __ ] like news you need a manager then [ __ ] they gonna ask him how you been doing and then later got there bigger than they used to [ __ ] with and they know they still can [ __ ] they used to awesome yeah really Victorino your [ __ ] man made demand in a hip come on come over there let the big o'clock they get mad when he bought the lease so I'll only won't be doing this cuz she goes see what everybody know he ain't good take a being on the Pelosi okay fine no we don't make a bit of a blow I too cold so you say they got a [ __ ] they used to book with it they steal but yeah so that's like if you think boyfriend that's the best position to be in because she got your man honey blow up and push right like it what y'all both [ __ ] until you get it another relationship that could be six months but well what 24 but it'd be funny when mama again with no relationship they got a really ready breakup right that [ __ ] be rough right no today when your savage getting a fourth-grade but you can still [ __ ] was going do you know here I'm going one by wicked do it back I got a good grade differently that's my crush it seemed when you're done I got to face it out of old people be looking at great breath [Applause] only a hope you pick it in it I got much [Applause] bigger dearly it's above a place it only black people you do what white people see their babies but they gave up on this [ __ ] 30 years ago they go to the camp mom big difficult book they got a DJ and they pick this sucker everything will be lit up the truth is everywhere our green gospel help hey stealing then taking pictures with the technology brings out the care of all those not only want to take a Christian with their dignity like a follow a green bike is it is the place you don't get a t-shirt and your license renewed your dog good might be a shoot out of anything you crave right it's a bigger great brother seventh baby turtles in the pocket life who they follow they they can be having baby a [ __ ] [ __ ] about the fools fools didn't this is the wings that that's hot chicken wing I've been watching I stopped going to green breath bypass girls love me cuz it in as they walk back she ended up you didn't give me your [ __ ] don't play with me ah to spray the coconut oil or whatever that's left is saying but hey the [ __ ] did you ain't back okay but no matter doctor walking anyway the book [Music] nobody what do you use on your skin please cough please don't walk away from me boys please one second please take snap employer you're lazy please you know what I've instagram prado burgers what Perkins with coke back trellis hold back what I said walk up here Nate says hi through the coat I used to see my daddy but I gotta walk over this one with [ __ ] is about [ __ ] to hit with some Burlington Coat Factory on turn please think I got a good back there triple fat goose in the car think I'm a favorite jamming the sheets fake take it off [ __ ] around and got cold out here for real [ __ ] they put the mold and coats on shout out there buddy who put on an old coat in round three next fields with the pocket out evenly like this no more the devil is busy I thought I could take one photo time see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] before they see this to really share that with you [ __ ] around see some benefit in it somebody have this [ __ ] and you see it there back peeping on Google benefited ladies nothing to me I'll do that I gotta use the bathroom real quick and go looking at [ __ ] better the characters make sure he got this big on a read you and then looking up a soffit op op op op something Siri what is another summer fire my men don't have to do that they all gonna take a picture of a send it today homegirl one denote little [ __ ] what did a Hager up you hit the bank [ __ ] don't fall with that [ __ ] he got lower back problem let's see go come up say you got a wrench ain't them wrong with him then it's another Christian man are you in the house time to figure out what her accent Oh [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] stupid [ __ ] that's what it'd be like interacting with these please feel better I feel like yeah you don't have that [ __ ] how about this I don't blame you make up the same way [ __ ] oh don't be sick - every time I get so cool - I gotta lead a life on food oh you gotta see oh you gotta see what they could still I ain't no company the dog being transmitted tricked me she keep going to the light curtain table a bit they'll be scared to let you see their coaches right to see that bow on see their Cochin I gotta see it what girl that [ __ ] will help those who look like it was tad and I'm not that scared man it was the pregnant loosen it I don't you help or me I gotta be careful my first girls looking matter be what about this man but it's true so the kidneys to put together they got that's it Wow you look at that window oh yeah and then I putted a Oh aye aye aye stupid their biggest fan now that'll be big you know yeah Rosa you travel to Ukraine which one is budding witness all bressant work if you're upset me a picture so what they preach what they put it on like a hard chain same day yeah you got the way to see that at first look at it unfold what you say once you got it unfold still gotta let it with a big [ __ ] we know y'all about they don't know what the big [ __ ] is somebody pubescent do panties and you can't win lips just to see look at look at it I got a little buffer Legolas look like a like a bubble right now that camel toe now I need a cab with no camel toe is that it's a bubble it look like airscrew oh that's a tear it like a Mexican help a Mexican couch [ __ ] what is wrong with you man it's the Mexican I feel a and it wasn't funny [Applause] no this is become a belt line you like that this has got to be strong yeah I'd like to be going to get there [ __ ] wax that's in the video a tip snatching that was they about it she was just sitting it get miss oh you [ __ ] I took my chain off the over there poor to hell my chest I almost had to sit it out my oh [ __ ] oh it burns yeah who do that women I salute y'all they presume you're wack [ __ ] help in your crazy yeah no but sometime that [ __ ] don't grow back right she'd be looking like a crunch bar down there yeah that's my y'all can't lady black walls don't use that straight razor you know that it's not made for skin-to-skin contact you a black woman you wasn't gonna have real on it when you finish [Music] what is they stop brow this is why they are really going to get this [ __ ] snatched bone he's got coochie see it I saved my fuse though [ __ ] it I had to cut this [ __ ] off not because you want your dick to look bigger now but not take a timeout you have a get you can do that's make a [ __ ] that you're not going fast that movie night right not just have to be your pubes are right well you got cut this [ __ ] oh yeah but get the Gucci crowns in this thing you get the coochie crumbs in your finger look like 16 digger [ __ ] that cut that [ __ ] off bigger bear paws thought I would a bad back they got a hair get that [ __ ] off you want you get them coochie crumbs in your pubes [ __ ] that [ __ ] get hot quick dinner [ __ ] it's like cast so then I hit that [ __ ] juice that [ __ ] locked up in your few thank you you try to wipe off that [ __ ] get to popping out Thank You papa ah I'm bleep Oh rocks out of here [ __ ] that that's great okay you got you say anything you can oh yeah they get you some clippers I want my clippers exactly just like that thing I think it'd be going too hard oh yeah definitely slice your nuts one time that it make you mad you had a cast of the [ __ ] appointment you cut your nuts I got an open hold on my [ __ ] you can't [ __ ] too much you know it's not a preparation you got to be things you got to have all type of beer us alright alright I never did it like that [ __ ] that might be a better way to do it you don't even know that you two came up with a better technique looking at it see daddy in the mirror naw [ __ ] you you gotta get it you got to go like this and then I'm up under the bottle yeah I can't say that's it's already cold I thought about that no we're always ooh ladies now you wanted to cut this [ __ ] off hey man I can't know I'm gonna be cold out Oh [Laughter] buddy it sure with a smooth dig like a dolphin right or you had good heads just like that now I get me roll that [ __ ] time out you just try to make me feel like a [ __ ] like you ain't no hurry on that whatsoever ins thing oh maybe that mean you way more delicate you daddy little sizzles no you clip your nights [ __ ] I trim my hair you you you and the head is right now I strip it I don't lift my finger touch my ball and get my balls off a [ __ ] tip a [ __ ] where do you trim it with I wouldn't've ugly you got that you gotta put a guard for the Clippers to drip your [ __ ] like you do pull it up do it the bigger way pull it up you if don't not pull up see it never good cut y'all [ __ ] up [ __ ] strange you can say I trim I don't cook he got the hairs bad at that you know just keep going they don't want that [ __ ] study that's what I'm saying now oldest male I mean I bypass this time but they don't start tonight you smell like cotton balls smell like Bowl that ladies you know you yell around and they did we'd always tough opposition l we don't know about if nuts get the kick it boy ladies you moving to keep going down sucker they're your dick [ __ ] dick if nuts on fire you got to push through you know through your nipples trying to not to smell that [ __ ] nuts off that's how women be catching [ __ ] up there but I wait you being I know you've been somewhere cuz you're nuts clean I need it matter how I ask your neck clean look at that thing says it's not a lady Zaku to be startin yeah yeah [ __ ] who still gonna eat it anyway I don't wanna know how to tell y'all this is hell nah they talk about Hill ah see like you okay okay I'm okay Oh [ __ ] one time if my ears closed though just handle this look like it was on a airplane ct-9 saltwater shut take myself a beach in vodka no none like you then that first will for [ __ ] of there I came at once did that first will catch me out it's all win we got to talk ain't nowhere in the world that she hits you oh hell naw baby [ __ ] you do today Jimmy take us home were dated in the [ __ ] ever went down and he was about to eat choke with and he calls back back up yeah [ __ ] I'll put stack right we gotta have a conversation here yeah baby I'm ho ho why sit up real quick let me talk to you I know you just made it oh yeah you I keep it going through stuff don't you you want to cut it off [ __ ] start preserving them a little squirt and you know he's bigger than even my smart power over here [ __ ] we use a blood spray in the house after an hour y'all like you to see [ __ ] alone oh my god David I whatever watch our cover how you don't I smell a [ __ ] smell like fresh baby powder no nobody's strawberry-kiwi I don't you spray your cologne or different were you bout to guess it wasn't like when you bout to go out do some you know you body gets Buzzi i'ma tell you that's a stupidest way to put on cologne because you can't spend it dumbass [ __ ] not supposed to put on cologne like that [ __ ] up the fragrance how you put it off a certain way you damn it got a walkie good oh I learned from another og when you get on the shower could you pour this whip you just squirt on your back yeah you're not supposed to spread on your clothes won't spread on your skin on it last long but you gotta be you gotta be using some good Cologne fellas you can't be getting that curve out of that case of Walmart then figure you [ __ ] them up Leone are they you smell like you ladies y'all [ __ ] wrong for the way y'all just left like y'all gonna still be wearing their old lady perfume now you pillows not like this for curves I step over they said let's [ __ ] in the gray bar and walk the green bottle yes you smell like oh I'll be all the foot with it when I'm around [ __ ] ain't gonna see you again you don't want to leave a lasting impression that's a good investment let's get you some good Cologne man cuz lady's gonna smell you before that you'd say a word ladies laughter you sniping the couch this time you did you should be a good I mean they're poisoning Mike Bliss smell a woman ain't not like that even if you didn't like fresh out the shower when y'all be putting on that whatever the [ __ ] that kind of lotion is y'all be having I don't always big bath and Bodyworks I told a big once I bet you spent you slamming this pyramid all the shiny preparation you use to make yourself smell good don't have for yoku kitchen come on what hole put the windmill chief I do okay okay real quick ladies quick question if your couch is thinking you smelt it would you admit it nope you were gonna use a baby wipe they come right out like nothing went wrong she said yeah I will how you explain that to a [ __ ] but the oh babe I'm saying but like how but like if your [ __ ] like what would you say let's learn baby okay I've been jogging a lot and my pH balance is throwing off because I believed a lot of lemon peppers when sprinkle and that's not good for my PJs Oh ladies what I mean what if you try to explain this in the evening anything but baby you could always think I love you for who you are that is a land that is hilarious you're I'm really humbled I love you as a person this is helpful if you're going to work out different what's wrong with you Cheryl I'm not smoking in early wife Nick trip and not now wait waiting [ __ ] with these white folks like look at the white man back there like yeah just waiting on mature I'll put it out put it out god dammit you think it's got paid off [ __ ] Randy [ __ ] I can't not about this blazing look like somewhere you come see your mom [ __ ] the same idea [ __ ] head is hitting here o Christmas tree all white people Christmas carols sung by the saying white man now the homily Charlie Christmas and Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose we're smoking shut up go ahead put it in Santa gave my pops off I dreaming otherwise it's Chris mom just like one nice two black people this Christmas holiday make sure you play all black Christmas cash wit we got some good [ __ ] [Applause] this ought to be I love it here though Hezbollah temptation version of Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer that [ __ ] huh huh huh oh my [ __ ] is that we got my mama used to play that Luther Vandross Christmas CD every every year every chip every Chris then you got that ratchet chip would you go hold on I just thought about suicide the TLC song I got a shout out some oh I don't know if they in here but I'm busy if whoo anybody that we're at the Atlanta Airport Oh saluted show you also got the appreciate how real ain't below hell no we'd be like y'all be helping us like a buffer for one day [ __ ] put me in the wheelchair but I should be straight back with my gate I don't lie appreciate your boy lay down I got you if you do work at the airport a we [ __ ] with y'all but stop stop it with the old people in the wheelchair that [ __ ] be a true story I've been in ladder airport we coming back from the show [ __ ] see means from a flight that gate be whatever the [ __ ] he all the way in the back hey Chico I'm like we're Gerber he's a [ __ ] what you hold up [ __ ] not all let him looking like she can t say that let's take it go so fast she's gonna be talking to me I'm trying to tell her bro take the picture now button awkward that [ __ ] I'm cool with it [ __ ] y'all be doing bro cuz like you DC it caught on the way I do that [ __ ] the whole time no [ __ ] the whole way that it is in the gym yeah I love the C when you gotta take her to her game like nah she got my for she be brushy cool oh I don't like y'all gonna do y'all job too serious though cuz I was late one time and if it see me they actually seen it might be all fancy you just are what your face I like in it because you like who go their way [ __ ] I love to see them get the hood chicks when every pushing the whole white people ooh there they had to see them look like before they get there they be asked where's my purse they are looking for a person I would visit races doesn't my parents do that better detector that was funny cuz they are racist but they can't get through the airport now really walk the [ __ ] you gotta get up ma'am I gotta do it why I gotta get up while they go ahead do that foot then you gotta get up and pop yeah all right yep baby gonna make up why you look good like one of I feel bad landlord way many do Shane oh where the [ __ ] she was in Biscayne East about weird and she like [ __ ] yeah yeah be [Applause] stupid stupid this thing this [ __ ] flag crazy no no black baby they'll be watching up like yeah won't be have you got a watch right now boom bottom [ __ ] now Abbi hey Papa golf I walk through the goddamn thing please you've been randomly selected for extra screen and not a [ __ ] I did yeah they hit a button and tried to get me over anything about alright what am I do is I'm gonna rub down here you have any problems any back problems any leg problems any feet drop [ __ ] how much of me is you try to touch what the [ __ ] [ __ ] turn you right make it that was enough no turn around no contraband okay let's go over here then the next thing you know you stand there waiting on your bag to come through like come on man and then Atlanta Airport got their Lord [ __ ] there pause stupid-ass adventure that [ __ ] there pause in sending like I come on baguette that mo'fucker sure you like oh gotta go to another life [ __ ] this [ __ ] slug the fucked-up part is you know exactly why they pull this right [ __ ] [ __ ] to play god damn I am on top terror whoever created that invention is stupid and it's slow and you wasted a lot of people money and you could have hired more black people she got quiet yeah we're one thing about an app for there have something everybody work definitely she ain't had me three phone applications are the three phone different names I can't say that I blame him good night doing that [ __ ] told me they weren't hiring I filled out an application another [ __ ] name they called me in walking it [ __ ] he was like I came to get a job bitch-ass [ __ ] it's nearly copy better be [ __ ] up you get on your plane you look at the one that you see pzu flat roasted in the whole claim scare the [ __ ] out of here buddy [ __ ] I can imagine you pushing all white people do no more fun airport they dependent wrote a complaint about you immediately whoever that skinny guy who said I was in love ugly ass girl big girl they were nobody many the skeptic girl I'll be pushing in like damn gate oh and E is a 30 minute ride Hey jiggle do been sitting here like here in trouble the whole time yeah yeah teachers gonna collapse assignment so you want to be a comedian my man right here you got the dreadlocks like DMX name when you killed that [ __ ] belly that's what it is damn boys are arrested for him yes sir they got afro hair three it's true look [ __ ] get nervous when we get to [ __ ] with the crowd Robin I hear you come o yep we see you [ __ ] it's that time they can think I think I got the bad throw yeah I got Advanta I see two [ __ ] with a chick oh baby baby oh you see them put it B to it what's the loo - you think it'll drop you stay away this [ __ ] right here has a [ __ ] you know what's going hope alrighty I got a big handful here [ __ ] oh damn what he won't for Christmas a lot they don't wanna scarf the head they got their food here what I see you've been lady in a pregnant [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] wait you in that's two dude damn you did this Oh what's all right here on the girl congratulations heaven on it six I don't have every time I see a pregnant woman epilator this a bit yeah wrong wrong [ __ ] wrong and yeah never look fast baby [ __ ] rats is wrong baby how did you know what em and what is the kind of strong wrong ah yep nothing baby then I've no devil think of you man maybe I have [ __ ] I'll be really thinking they can't have a baby Rick do you the rubble no okay yeah I didn't think I could get nobody pregnant work at me cuz I've been doing the business all my life and never did did you come up though you go have a baby every time we don't know why do you have a baby although how she got pregnant dog can't me that's crazy Atlanta traffic so bad these [ __ ] still ain't got here yet oh they go they say [ __ ] transferred a ticket oh we do train for it too no you want you'll get a baby a fight outside they wait and that is Bennett [ __ ] top auntie puss a because I need show up I'm gonna sit down everybody sit on saying I took on a little funny yeah I ain't go to the second level and the third and the fourth and you feel bad I ain't getting up tickets up there we gotta Gary get out of here we got a show to do so I wrote a book [ __ ] like build up today what are they gonna smoke this is a second to last show of 2019 of 2019 we got some shirts of [ __ ] to give away yeah yeah Dell Vicksburg we have lunch it's me who wants a big sweater from people my name is Chieko Peyton I am looking to give it so we're up it's you already got a shirt look at your teacher how are Y you know what says she's sick on I came here with your brother [Music] [Applause] [Music] Scott here you order you want a shirt I better choice oh I love you too babe oh thank you Oh - she gave me a lighter I want to smoke I love y'all and I'll serve you don't how we do it we saw the show out so we got to get a picture and we gotta say this Atlanta listen we started this podcast in a learning ladder this would be ad love you too baby but over the years y'all have been asking us every time we come to Atlanta Airport every time we anywhere in the city the other night man come we gonna [ __ ] with y'all y'all prove that by selling out two shows at night 80 years and we got to look for the 20-foot 20/20 we're going through like three Atlanta shows so we hear y'all and we have push the buzzer there like five shows today because this [ __ ] so down soon as we post it so thank you all for this and we were without angelic the [ __ ] with it patorichev trailer we sold over 80,000 tickets in the program 50 millions I with watched on YouTube over 30 cities over 30 cities 1.3 million subscribers on YouTube and it started right here in the city of Atlanta and y'all been showing us know from the chunk we love y'all so much Atlanta we promise I won't be pushing y'all spit up let's get this picture biggest thing in the world you're like everybody turn your lights on on your phone everywhere [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] brem [Music] thank you thank you it's great it's cocaine in three two don't get one more beer two or three two one there you go all right well you too for more videos coming [Applause] [Music] [Music] she got money on the tape cheese [Music] [Music] the world come on [Music] [Music] [Music] okay three two don't separate yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] the way you can't go to sleep I did it was like they show me like I told the security that they were Oh [Music]
Channel: The 85 South Comedy Show
Views: 1,207,670
Rating: 4.8878574 out of 5
Keywords: nigerian, comedy, dcyoungfly, karlousmiller, mtv2, wildnout, podcast, chicobean, kevinhart, dc young fly, atlanta, karlous miller, chico bean, travis porter
Id: vZcQlzlAJEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 45sec (5985 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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