A Good Man Is Dangerous - Jocko Willink and Jordan Peterson

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that's this is part of the reason that I'm an admirer of Carl Jung because Jung makes it very clear that see he was very interested in the barriers to enlightenment because if there's if there's such a thing as being enlightened let's say then why isn't everyone enlightened if it's just a matter of taking the glorious route and and following your bliss let's say it's like well that sounds pretty easy why isn't everyone enlightened and but Jung's thinking isn't like that at all you know he he believed that in order to transform your personality that first of all you had to be disciplined that's for sure but you also had to integrate that part of you that was terrible and capable of breaking rules and make it part of you and so then and I really like that idea well here here's an example so about 20 years ago I would say there was a newspaper headline in one accounted his major newspapers and it was the Minister of Foreign Affairs at that time Lloyd Axworthy and he was talking about what had happened with Milosevic and in the former Soviet Union in Yugoslavia and the atrocities that were being committed and he said that he that he was caught unawares by that because he didn't have the imagination for that kind of evil and I thought well you know you think that what you're doing is signaling your virtue by making a statement like that but from my perspective all you're doing is stating your cowardice and your historical ignorance because if you're gonna be Minister of Foreign Affairs you bloody well better have imagination for that kind of evil because if you don't then anyone who does wins they beat you and so you you know and again in the Harry Potter stories you see he's touched by evil right he actually has a soul fragment that's embedded within him that's as black as anything can possibly be that's why he could talk to snakes but without that he wouldn't be able to have any victory and that's exactly right psychologically unless you can think the way that an evil person thinks then you're defenseless against them because they'll go places you can't imagine and then they win and so the best man I've met it was interesting even when I was in junior high in high school because most of my friends dropped out you know by the time their grade 10 thereabouts a lot of them were guys who developed physically they're pretty powerful and they're just damn sick and putting up their hand to go to the bathroom is like you know they're not doing that anymore one of my friends got kicked out when he sort of challenged the gym teacher you know physically and the gym teacher he could do an Iron Cross he was a tough guy and so it was no trivial matter for my friend to stand up to him but he got expelled anyways but you know I noticed that it wasn't it was often the kids whose character I admired that either quit or got expelled and they were the tougher guys who were just sick and tired of following rules that didn't take into account their character and then they go off and work in the oil rigs or whatever and you could do that in Alberta at that time that was really hard work you know so it wasn't like they were necessarily taking the easy path but like a harmless man is not a good man a good man is a very very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control and you know you also see that like one of the central mmm female stories let's say if the hero archetype is the central male story there are variants of hero archetypes that are relevant to women and one of them is Beauty and the Beast and you know Beauty isn't interested in the guy who isn't the beast she's interested in the guy who's the Beast and that's exactly right but she's interested in the guy who's the beast that can be civilized and disciplined right and who can use that in the service well let's say of a family
Channel: Jocko Podcast
Views: 379,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discipline, freedom, military, extreme ownership, leadership, advice, jocko willink, echelon front, navy seal, jocko podcast, excerpt, echo charles, leader, lead, win, defcor, discipline equals freedom
Id: xE0VM61O0XA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 41sec (221 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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