The Hidden Curse Of Being A Deep Thinker - Jordan Peterson

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one of the things that i've realized is that people that are self-reflective that rely on cerebral horsepower that pay attention that think in a detailed way the more nuance that you're thinking is the fewer people are going to be like you which makes you feel more alone how do you think people can overcome this well i would say that hasn't been my experience exactly because as i started to make my thoughts more public they seem to appeal to more and more people and so i don't know if that's a threshold phenomena because maybe it is you know as you start to become specialized as a scientist in some sense your vision narrows and narrows although it gets more high resolution at the level that you're operating but you kind of pass through a needle let's say out the other side where the thing you're studying starts to become everything again and so maybe that's maybe that's that developmental progression further more yeah specialization and then generalization again yeah yeah i think that you might be right there the deeper into the breach thing the show that i went to go and see you do in manchester in 2017 or 18. someone asked a question about um the depth of my consciousness causes me to suffer and you said you take more of the thing that poisons you until you turn it into a tonic that girdles the world around you and i think that this is something you see here as well that when you start to think differently when you start to consider the way that you're living your life in a more detailed higher resolution more unique more nuanced way you will probably receive pushback especially you know speaking from personal experience in a normal working class towns people born live die in these places it's insular there isn't a huge culture of especially in the uk tall poppy syndrome is a huge problem the biggest difference that i've noticed actually between american people and english people is that american children are told that they can be anything that they want to be [Music] they're told that they have blue sky vision they can achieve whatever they want and that gives them a lot of confidence when us brits stuffy stiffer brits see americans on tv it sounds like everyone's had media training because everybody's just so enthused about whatever it is even if it's a 18-car pileup and then the equivalent in the uk is that deviating from the norm is very very very quickly mocked and there's a lot of that in canada too tall puppy syndrome it's a big deal now the japanese have that saying too except it's um the nail that sticks up above all the rest is the first one to be struck down by the hammer and there's some truth in that too there's some truth in that but some and all are very different words when you roll the clock forward what you end up with is american children that then become adults who look around at the world and say well hang on this wasn't what i was promised i was told that i could be anything that i wanted to be i was told that i could have anything that i wanted to there's a difference between you can earn everything that is earnable and you deserve everything there is so that message can become what you say it can become misinterpreted in a narcissistic manner and i think that has happened to some degree especially as people have had fewer and fewer children you know jonathan height and luke enough talk about the coddling of the american mind and they think about that in large part as a consequence of an ideological transformation and some of that's true but it's also useful to look at more fundamental phenomena people have children when they're a lot older they have way fewer children they have way more resources when they have children on average you know if you're one kid of eight you're pretty much battling it out for attention for a very finite amount of parental attention with a lot of intense competition and the probability that you're going to come out of that entitled and narcissistic is pretty damn low because your siblings will definitely punish you for that but if you're the only child especially of older parents who are also more conservative because of their age and also less willing to take chances with you because there's only one of you and then you have a lot of resources at your disposal well that's a whole different that's a whole different developmental milieu and we have no idea what the consequences of that are but the idea that children in that circumstance are more likely to be overprotected and dependent and structured it's like well yeah undoubtedly and you know that that would even be an overabundance of parental virtue in some sense right well we just did nothing but pay attention to our child okay but too much what did you expect it's so strange because i'm an only child right and all of the well maybe my friends might say differently but a lot of the commonly held presumptions around only children i just and i have a couple of friends who are as well and i don't know whether it's where we're from that the northeast of the uk is very spit and sawdust it's salt of the earth people it's you know grab your boots straps on your boots and start pulling and i just haven't i haven't seen that what what is it through your clinical practice what the hell might not be a primarily working class phenomena you know that the coddled mind phenomena that could easily be a middle class and upper phenomena is there something is was there a common trend or from your reading have you found that only children tend to be one way or another no no i just get huge variants in them as well i don't know the answer to that at the level of individual psychological data there might be a literature i'm not aware of it that for me that was more response to heights book on the caudal mind i thought okay fair enough coddling of the american mind what's driving this it's not just ideas it's a huge demographic switch it's a huge transformation in the way we raise children we're 10 years older when we have our children now that's a lot older you know when you're 18 you have a kid you're still a kid and that there's some wildness that's perhaps not so good about that but there's also perhaps a higher proclivity to go off and live your own life and then you know the how much children how much should your children be left on their own the answer is as much as they can tolerate and how much is that well you find out with each child but it's certainly possible to not deprive your child enough what's happening people if you enjoyed that then press here for the full unedited episode and don't forget to subscribe peace oh
Channel: Chris Williamson
Views: 2,992,880
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Keywords: modern wisdom, podcast, chris williamson, Jordan peterson, Jordan b peterson, dr jordan b peterson, dr jordan peterson, JPB, Jordan Peterson podcast, Jordan Peterson interview, Jordan Peterson chris williamson, Jordan Peterson modern wisdom, jbp podcast, jbp modern wisdom, jordan peterson 2022
Id: Zl7h7fOSsPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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