A Girl Made Fun Of A Fat Guy At School, He Showed Her 5 Years Later! True story!

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Hi! Anthony Bayer’s classmates used to laugh at him a lotat school. Almost every day. You see, he was kind off at. When reminiscing about the glory days, Anthony says he could barely walk through the corridor. There was almost everyone calling him names. They usually called him piglet or fatty. And everyone was laughing except for him. That was really painful. Obviously, Anthony wasn’t very popular among the girls. They didn’t want to be seen near him for some reason. But one time a very troubling thing happened. It hit him right in the guts. There was one girl in class who he liked a lot and she made fun of him. When Anthony was young, he got addicted to fast food. He used to eat two massive meatball sandwiches every morning. And he’d usually flush them down with a lot of coke. He usually had KFC burgers and ice cream for lunch. So that’s roughly 10 000 daily calories. At some point Anthony reached his peak – 350 pounds of weight. Because of all the fat, he couldn’t communicate with people properly. Anthony said that he had very low self-esteem and that for a guy like himhigh school was a complete nightmare. Kids can be real cruel to those around them and Anthony was very unlucky to be so fat. There was one girl in class, a popular type, she got all the boys wrapped around her pretty finger. So one day something got into Anthony and he asked if she wants to come to the school ball together. He just thought why not. He thought that she will most probably laugh right in his face but to his surprise, she agreed. He couldn’t believe the words she said. He was so excited he bought a new costume, got a haircut and ordered a lemo. He really wanted to impress her. He couldn't sleep the night before the ball. He was getting ready for the event for a few month and he still couldn’t believe she agreed. On the faithful day he came to her house, rang the doorbell and when she opened she said that he was way too fat to come through the door. She shut it right in front of his face. Behind the door he could hear her friends laughing. Anthony’s heart was broken. He got back to his rented lemo and sitting at the back he thought that the evening was not ruined because he was still neatly dressed and could go to the ball anyways. Boy he was wrong. When he entered the hall, everyone was laughing and applauding at the same time. Everyone was mocking him because of what happened between him and the girl. It was terrible. Nobody deserves that kind of mocking. But that was not all. Anthony’s diet was so terrible, the doctor said that if he’ll keep on eating trash food, he ll end up with diabetes. So doctor’s orders motivated him and he decided he was gonna change. Before he thought that he will always be alone. So the first thing he did he stopped eating fast food and then he finally put himself together and hit the GYM. People kept laughing at him at the GYM but there was no way back for him now. It’s hard to believe but Anthony lost 150 pounds. He changed a lot. Right now Anthony weight 190 pounds and he is shredded. And only a few month back the girl who humiliated him before the entire school contacted him to say she was sorry for what she did to him. She even asked him out on a date! To her surprise he agreed. They met at a restaurant but Anthony left already 20 minutes after they met. He said he was busy! Imagine that. Anthony changed a lot indeed. Girls liked him now. The story is a vivid example that you should never give up and it’s never too late to change your life. Press the like button if you agree and remember to subscribe. There’s more stuff coming up! See you another time.
Channel: AmaziCo
Views: 5,226,629
Rating: 4.8808188 out of 5
Keywords: A GIRL MADE FUN OF A FAT GUY AT SCHOOL, Fat Boy Was Ridiculed by a Girl in School, Anthony Bayer, Before & After 60 Kilo Weight Loss, Transformation, fat boy in high school, amazi co, fat boy Transformation, loses 60kg, amazico, A girl humiliated a fat guy who asked her out. After a while, Fat Kid in high school, teased at school, Fast food addict, Anthony Baye weighed 157kg, Man loses 60kg and gets asked on a date by the girl, Teen Gets Rejected, CHECK OUT WHAT HAPPENED THEN
Id: 9nEgrz2el1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 10sec (250 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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