This Boy Was Getting Bullied By Girls. How These Strangers Reacted Will Shock You

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are you playing for night that was a game at two years ago literally that's disgusting oh no do you smell that it's not you the most is disgusting like wear Cologne or something do you take a shower even change your clothes I bet this is your only pair of clothes we're talking a garbageman or something honestly probably probably your clothes I've never seen that does your mom make it [Music] hi do we what is that your bag he begged it his are you taking the Vedic cuz he wanted he wanted fine okay cuz it's not your bag you can't is do that where your parent said right yeah II would just her that's a good take it back would you want somebody take your bag could you please give me a bag hi dweeb dude are you on the fortnight right now that's so stupid that's pathetic dude you smell so bad like do you even try to clone or something hey your clothes are so ugly you look so disgusting where's your mom are you a mommy's boy ladies thank you so much this has been really sweet I think we should leave him alone do you even know him no good that's what I thought okay it's really fun to be online and have this whole thing where we don't get to see what a human being is but this is an actual human being with actual feelings okay you see a bullied and it really sucks so why we just move on I'm not gonna make you apologize because that's crazy but um let's be better people oh you just Oh would you see tears do you see the tears see I see it oh okay oh my god fun oh my god that's pretty that are you doing your mommy your mama's boy oh he's a mom that is so hilarious oh are you gonna say something I gotta say something I can't hear you go away oh you shouldn't go away he said oh you want to go away go away we're not gonna go away no sir yeah hey dweeb Hey you look so ugly you are really ugly right now kiss leave me alone no we're not gonna leave you alone are you like five years olds you look five years old are you gonna cry for your mommy now oh wait look I see a chair oh my god problem here this will problem [ __ ] he woke up to a complete stranger and call names like that what's wrong he goes well he was just bothering us yeah we just kind of you just standing here money's on business I've been here the whole time Martha paid in this world come on [Music] they just walked up to them they were just harassment I recently in Manila I think we've all been on the other side of unwanted attention so I just wanted to make sure he Nate wasn't one and to me because first of all you can't take someone's belongings it's just not a cool thing to do but also I've like been a victim of bullying before in the past so when I see someone else going today okay whatever they just seemed unnecessarily mean and I felt like a good moment I'm older so I can hopefully give the situation to end positively [Music] [Applause]
Channel: MattTV
Views: 11,962,308
Rating: 4.9166942 out of 5
Keywords: teased, teen teased, Girl teased, boy teased, anti teasing, Prevention, PSA, educate, inform, educational, education PSA, awareness, Child teased, anti-teasing tips, tips, social experiment, experiment, teenagers, public experiment, MattTV, family friendly, family, friendly, PG, clean, compilation, teased awareness
Id: _z8oevTEcSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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