A Flight Attendant's Entire Routine, From Waking Up to Layovers | Work It | Allure

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hi welcome aboard my name is Arne Issa Jones and this is how I work it I'm gonna take you along with me for 24 hours of my beauty wellness and skincare routine I spent about 27 hours a week at 35,000 feet I can be gone up to six days in a week my days can be twelve hours eight hours in the air but the best part about it is I never really know what I'm gonna end up I've witnessed some really cool things on flights I got to see the birth of a baby I've seen kids on their first flight people on their honeymoons a lot of cool things happen on flights about 6:15 absolutely even 45 minutes today cabin air is really dry your skin get start out really fast so I try to put as much moisture on my face as possible before makeup the first thing I do is wash my face with a Peter Thomas Roth brightening cleanser it has glycolic acid in it and I really like glycolic acid to have a toner so I have combination it's again in my t-zone it's very oily so if I don't moisturize enough Ice King will overcompensate just has actually helped a lot of my work favor law you should come out clean I use a lavender spray this one when I'm flying is very moisturizing I love the way that it smells and it's just a nice prep before I put on my serum I use this glow recipe pink watermelon juice goes on my neck my eyes get really dry underneath and this helps to keep the moisture underneath my eyes so that my concealer it doesn't grease I went to an aesthetician and she told me you're actually in a large metal tube closer to the Sun SPF is a must I'm in the air closer to the Sun all day I go for my SPF and moisturizer in one it has guava and vitamin C which is good for dark spots natural put together make up is airline standard I don't want any crazy colors nothing too jarring because people have to look at you all day lighting is different on every aircraft type I tried to make my makeup good in natural lighting that usually translates to every other like I primed my face with my fancy beauty pro filter rub it into my fingers I focus on my cheeks and my nose that's where I get greasiest my poor start to pop out eyebrows are my next step I have sparse eyebrows even when you're doing the safety I'm not having a really nice brow we'll have people pay attention to you just go thank you and then I go in and clean the bottom line with concealer afterwards as a flight attendant you never know how long your days are gonna be for me and I Wordsworth it I try to choose two to three legs so that three hour flight usually takes about five to five and a half in total with prepping for D and D planning taxiing so I err on the side of longer wear so I use the Smashbox 15 hour where it lasts longer than 15 hours I can attest to that so I mix two colors for point two and four point three and I don't go foundation underneath my eyes so less product or memorize the let's not to touch it up don't wait next we can see so my favorite concealer is by wetting wow that's like I go on the side of my nose and then if I'm being really dramatic which I always am it go one shade lighter and put that just in the middle just to brighten it up a little bit make sure that's it a little bit while I wait for that to get tacky I put on my contour and I just put a little bit on the sides chin accentuate most definitely my hair away so this I do blend out right away with a brush I don't use sponges I feel like they hold bacteria and they're harder to clean on lay overs brushes take five minutes you put some soap you wash it on your hand and they're dry by the time you get to your next hotel I'm going to set the side of my smile lines so as a flight attendant you talk a lot especially if you are the person in front making all of the PAS and during service you talk a lot makeup creases on the side of my face if I don't set it I set my contour with the bronzer and then I also contour my cleft chin this case and I also use that as my eye shadow I started loving makeup in third grade that's actually when I got my first zit a really big zit in the third grade and I took my mom's makeup to try to cover it she found me out by the time I got home because nothing was blended I really just liked the process of putting on a face I actually get eyelash extensions to avoid having to use mascara when you fly your eyes get dry I wear contacts so I use we were getting high drops all the time so I don't want to risk having my stare run down the side of my face while certain people who next is blush I like a lot of it and then I blend this into my contour so I love like love highlighter some people say that I overdo it but I don't think you can it brings that little extra pop and when you turn your face if you're talking to somebody that little shimmer see it on my finger and I just apply it my cheeks let's get very dry so I constantly apply comics I try not to do anything crazy on my lips red isn't a roof color I usually try to save that for the holiday season during the year I keep pink nudes and my favorite gloss is actually buy else and come here to lipstick I use this continuous setting mist from morphe it sets everything in please so this is my completed makeup it takes into about 15 minutes at home or in a hotel to put on as a flight attendant you learn there is a basic formula let's packing you have a warm weather outfit a cold weather outfit a bikini because you never know if you're gonna end up in a nice tropical island to repack the bag takes me about five minutes and I'm out of the door an hour before I have to be at the gate I'm heading inside I'm gonna report to the gate meet who I'm going to be working with flight attendant wise for the next three days put all of your things away if you overhead bins checking each other thing for catering and then you're going to start boarding shortly when you're greeting somebody walking in blank you want to make them feel comfortable you never know why a person is traveling it could be good it could be bad and you don't want them to hesitate if they want to ask a question I fly a lot of hours I like working so my hair skin nails eyes everything gets really Drive so I have to overcome see I use leaving conditioners I use masks and I just really focus this look at the difference the frizz is gone can be drying and I make sure to use non-alcoholic hair dos so I'm gonna take a good amount I just if your hair is too long it does have to be pulled up center to the back of your head so that could be a role that could be a bun it can be a ponytail it could be a neat top knot I just tend to pull it back into the slicked-back ponytail or bun whether it's straight or natural we have so many uniform options I wear our dress it is easy to pack it's also flattering for me that hugs my curves and all the right places so you have your heels that you see all of your flight attendants walking around the airport in you always get the question how do you work in those how do you walk but we do change shoes from heels to flats once we are in the air I drink water whenever I think about it you think you've had too much water you have it it's never enough I actually got dehydrated in my first year and I went for my annual physical and she's like you are really dehydrated in between flights we either have no time or two sometimes three hours that's rare so after we straighten everything up and prep our carts for the next slide I usually try to check my makeup also that's the time where you're gonna try to get in your lunch if you can if we have the time between flights I'd rather eat my lunch then we're know what he's looking at me while I eat so I think that if light then it has the same immune system as a kindergarten teacher your first year of flying your body is getting used to this huge adjustment between the lack of moisture general of germs going through airports on planes meeting a whole bunch of people shaking hands sometimes they want hugs you get the worst cold of your life in the first I would say 90 days then you get it again in your six to eight months mark by the time you're out of year you have one of the strongest immune systems you can imagine I wash my hands a lot a lot a lot every time I wash my hands I apply lotion and carry little mini hand sanitizers with me everywhere and little mini bottles of lotion or Nivea hand cream so if two hours prefer to be able to get my next play it would have been a little bit of fresh air keeps me sane sit outside for like a half an hour and I brought over to the game light it's go home leg and day I think something people don't know is things taste slightly different in the air than they do on the ground sometimes salty foods are not as salty and sweet foods don't taste this sweet so somebody will order something like a tomato juice I don't like this doesn't taste quite right and I'm like well your taste buds are a little bit different when you're in the air you don't taste the salt as much loading is a real thing there are foods you can avoid like salty foods sugary drinks sodas I avoid excessive dairy and certain veggies just because you don't want to get too gassy during a flight depending on what city you're in and how long you have in that city you know your career you're going to go out have a drink have something to eat talk catch up because a lot of the people that you work with do become friends in real life you see how the same schedules as you you just need it inside for last call what time is it it's basically midnight 11:51 so it's basically midnight this is the end of the day after three legs got cute over there just drinking some food before you go to sleep and then we'll see what happens I don't care what kind of hotel you stay X be a five star four star three star hotel always check for bedbugs so do not put your luggage on carpet if you can avoid it don't put it on furniture leave it on hardwood floor or most hotel rooms have luggage racks once you go from there you beeline it to the bed and you check for bedbugs and I'll just pull all the pillows but just the corners I feel like getting off the plane I just want to wash everything off before I lay down in the bed I use a Neutrogena skin light to take off my makeup I will follow that off with green clean cleanser which is a balm to wash off the rest of the makeup then I go through with my Peter Thomas Ross cleanser and the same processes that I did in the morning but instead of using my SPF and moisturizer in one I'll use a serum and a l'oreal night cream after I do that I'll use a sheet mask I have dozens of them I just packed two or three on my bag every trip whichever one I feel like my face needs I use my forehead so I'm fresh out the shower I spend about three to four sometimes five minutes just rinsing out all of the product I don't use a shampoo on my ovaries Hotel shampoo is to join hotel conditioners are really good to go walk with some of them have full face a lot of them built now that's really nice detangle in the shower and when I get out burn my hair and put it in a bun I don't make hotels homey but that's the nice thing about it it's almost like being on vacation every day oh that moment when you hit the pillow is the best feeling in the world like you don't even know it's like letting out a sigh of relief when you hit that pillow this is what we really do on my overs eat way too much a lot Netflix yep
Channel: Allure
Views: 7,588,390
Rating: 4.9602351 out of 5
Keywords: flight attendant, work it, flight attendants, work it allure, entire routine, entire routine allure, my entire routine, my routine, from waking up to, my all day routine, all day routine, flight attendant routine, day in the life of, day in the life of a flight attendant, what it's like to be a flight attendant, work it allure video, day as a flight attendant, stewardess, flight stewardess, job as a flight attendant, what it's like to be, flight, flights, job as a, allure
Id: N6MX6m9lDbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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