An NFL Cheerleader's Entire Routine, from Waking Up to Game Day | Allure

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Sheโ€™s a cutie!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/1xolisiwe ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 01 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I was at the dolphins game two weeks ago and my wife and I said she was the most beautiful on the team.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/KingoftheJabari ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 02 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

We haven't banned the NFL yet??

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Honeychile6841 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 03 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
I'm Shayla I'm an NFL cheerleader for the Miami Dolphins and this is how I work it I'm gonna take you through 24 hours of my beauty and wellness routine our practice schedule entails 10 to 12 hours a week we practice Tuesday Wednesday and Thursdays from 6:30 to 10:00 in on some Saturdays on a game day we usually arrive at 8:30 a.m. and will be leaving around 5:00 p.m. along with being a cheerleader I'm a full time student the biggest challenge a bigger true leader would be just keeping my energy up throughout the day but the best part about it is just being surrounded by my teammates were such empowering talented intelligent women it just lifts me up and makes me want to be a better me good morning everybody it's currently 6:30 a.m. I usually don't hit snooze or anything I just get up so let's start our day I'm pretty good at just waking up from the alarm and it's going some of the affirmations I tell myself before game day or even before regular days is I'm able I'm willing and I'm confident people don't really realize how much energy it takes to go out and show our best selves and give our everything so it's really helpful to have that affirmation in the back of your head so after like wash my face brush my teeth I usually go back to my room and start getting ready put on my skincare so this is me and my bonnet in the morning after I wake up since my mom was a Mary Kay consultant I get products from her and I've been using that for years and years and years we start with moisturizer and then I do the daytime cream which has like SPF 30 in it and I also put on another sunscreen on top of that because Miami I used to think I didn't need sunscreen I saw that this youtuber named Jackie I ena was like you need sunscreen and I was like oh do i I am that aunty long as there's light outside you better be Renaissance that's when I started putting on sunscreen and I just felt more protective and that's it yes you got that girl she's delivered rates Nino's kale ice cream vegan butter days bring everything bagels since I've been plant-based for over a year now my go-to breakfast is the day spread everything bagels tears have a ton of protein 12 grams of protein just to get my good amount of in for the morning so good I always say oh thank god for waking up this morning and then I pray over my food breakfast on the go my Dave's bread everything bagel as always I don't say it out loud I think it that's kind of like my meditation time to relax and just not rush for that one second so I leave my house around 7:30 I get to my school around 7:40 something I'm here I made it we're good I'm about to leave from my stats class wish me luck I've got my major in dance and I decided to get another degree so I'm on my dream to get my BSN which is a bachelor in science of Nursing after statistics I have anatomy as a dance major I had to take anatomy class I love anatomy like I love the body I wanted to learn every single thing that's why I decided to become a nurse and I also wanted to have a career where I could help other people as well just leaving my anatomy / lab class we just had our first dissection day I was a little nervous but I did not die so we're doing great a night before a game or a practice day I usually wash my hair and condition it in the shower and then once I get out I use my microfiber towel it just soaks up all the water beautifully I usually separate it into four sections like so I start with the back section and I separated in half my hair is really hard to soak in water I use my handy dandy water bottle to completely drench the section obviously that's what the towel is for to touch all the driven and then put the conditioner through my hair and the goal is to completely detangle each section they call it a custard high defining custard my favorite product ever and rake it into your hair and that's how it gets the curls to stay I need like a diffuser attachment so that my hair won't be like frizzy I don't want mess of the curls too much and this is the final product of the hair flips are definitely a part of like all the routines so I just flip my head and just act like I have hair I don't have it cut I just have it pinned so I usually lift it up and just put two pins in order for it to look like a fruit hawk because I like that look and it doesn't get in my face representation matters I absolutely love rocking my natural hair on the team because I can only imagine and hope that my little girls who may feel insecure about their pretty brown skin or their natural coils that grow from out of their head see me on the field they feel empowered as well and they feel inspired and as if they can do anything you have so much power as a cheerleader to influence the youth and influence the community so we get to fill people with joy and just give them a whole bunch of positive love and feedback and cuddles and just make sure that they know they're loved and they appreciate it I volunteer at feeding South Florida I'm so excited and looking forward to this for weeks we work together to save and repackage enough food for 11,000 meals it just makes you feel so grateful and so blessed one of my favorite volunteer opportunities we got to paint a veteran's house and it was just I don't know it was just so emotional and I felt like we were empowering someone who did so much for our country it just touched my heart and I got to do with my teammates who are also my sisters so it's definitely one that's gonna stay like with me forever always crying okay just made it back to my car I'm exhausted cuz I only had five hours of sleep because after practice I had to finish my PowerPoint I can't wait to take a nap so after my first two classes I have like a two hour break so that's usually when I go and like walk to my car eat my snack or lunch whatever you'd like to call it my water bottle many rice cakes and I'm gonna eat with the cookie butter PB&J sandwich peaches and a Clif Bar and either like watch youtube videos or if I need a study for an exam that's when I take the time to study have a test in theology which is right after my break wish me luck I'm an introvert I need that time by myself to just kind of refuel it's weird because my job is to be a cheerleader but I'm also an introvert so it feels like it's things that don't belong together but it connects me to both of my sides I set my alarm for 12:20 and I do my makeup it's makeup time in the car before class my makeup usually takes 25 to 30 minutes for game days I have the privilege of just doing it my bathroom in the house but I have to do what I have to do because after my last class I only have like an hour and a half until I have to leave for practice so I have to do eye makeup at times it's a really a dress rehearsal that you have to push push push so we have to know how to sweat with makeup on without having it run down our faces first thing I would do is put on my primer just so that Sun Foundation can stick more to it and looks more seamless allows it to last longer this is finta beauty and then I would hurt my eyes and my lips how do I do this Oh No Oh No I cannot find my lip primer I don't know where it is rosy lips get those lips nice and smooth and then I would start on my eyes start with the base color to kind of blend it all in I used a base it's a similar color to my skin and then I use a darker brown in the crease to kind of create depth into the eye and then I flare it up at the sides there's another nursing student this looks so cool so smart I want to look cool and smart in my nursing outfit I would just say for like game day or practice just to make your eyes stand out so that it's not fading in or the light like makes it pale or anything this is almost four weeks into my eyelash extensions but still cute though there's basically two different uniforms it's kind of like two and a half you're able to mix and match the different uniforms to make a whole completely different new one so the uniforms are more for dancing and for athleticism because they're able to breathe and able to stretch as you're dancing the practice uniforms I love them it just makes us look more uniform when we're all wearing the same thing and looking professional with our boots because like we'll be dancing on our feet for a really long time we like to wear fuzzy big socks my fuzzy socks still on they're so comfy soaks up the shock when we're dancing and makes our feet feel more compressed people don't realize the palms are heavy especially throughout a 9-hour gameday so the wrist action it gets a really sore after so usually the practice and game day I will put my palms inside some old tights this may look a little weird but this is just how I compress my palms and they take up less space in my bags my old captain talking about cute small tight not a problem a lot of people believe that cheerleaders are not intelligent I think that we definitely break those stereotypes because our team is filled with so many intelligent people being a cheerleader teaches you how to be a part of a team and work with other people we're sisters and we're all in the same situation together we help each other through it all so it's definitely team sport I was a Dolphins fan probably my whole life because my family has been in dolphin fans forever no matter what look at what my mom wore to the game today that's me that's me the biggest fan being able to cheer my hometown it makes me feel proud I'm just adding some little of this orangish you just add a little spunk you just put it toward the edge and then kind of bring it into the crease I'm gonna be honest I cannot see in my phone so just take a second doesn't want too bad good and I'm done with my we're gonna move on to under-eye concealer oh my gosh should I put in foundation so I got too much as a conversation but I usually do my foundation first and then I'll do my eyeshadow so I'll just do my foundation now then we're gonna put on our foundation I start off with a Fenty foundation on top of my affinity primer they don't live it up so for practice I usually use the Fenty foundation but for a game days I'll use the matte foundation because it seems to last throughout the entire game day and it doesn't like run or change throughout the game this foundation dries up really fast so I got to do section by section Oh No I drop something when I draw Oh making it worse oh no oh no it's gonna dry you see what I mean I'm gonna be honest I don't know where it is now I'm just gonna give up for now someday as a cheerleader in Miami you really have to stay hydrated once game day is coming up I usually drink way more water than I went throughout the day and we all have this hack where we eat drink Pedialyte throughout the week of game day so that we can get all our electrolytes in oh we're really hot but we all get water breaks one by one I don't know if anybody ever notices but we go one by one and then someone takes our place and we get water and we can dab off with the towel then I use men's deodorant I feel like it works better like I don't sweat underneath my armpits with the men's deodorant so I think that's definitely the way to go I'm nervous before every single game I'm most nervous when we're in the tunnel waiting to go out for pregame which is the first performance that we do I start off the line onto the field and I just have to like breathe take a second and just tell myself I got this we're gonna move on to under-eye concealer boo-boo and then I put some powder over the concealer I do put powder on over my concealer and my makeup just to set it in place so that when I sweat it doesn't mess up or anything so you have to wash your uniforms within 24 hours that's like a real major rule because after the game its drenched in sweat and it possibly has makeup on it most likely you just have to do it in a specific way I put it inside out and I'm going to put it in that pillowcase and then tie it and then you have to do it on a delicate and then I hang it to dry but they have to be washed okay we're gonna do to amateur contouring with Shayla so I just put the contour to kind of make my cheekbones stand out some games the crowd is loud and other games the crowd is like not interested at all like if we're losing sometimes the crowd isn't as energetic but I think that's especially when we have to be the energy and like bring the crowd up and give them the energy that they need because we're the cheerleaders so we have to be there for them it's always fun for me and I don't know give them a smile so for game days I put extra blush I know that it disappears pretty fast on me and then the highlighter I just love that it brings out your inner glow and you can turn you can see the glow it's like my favorite thing love glowing Queen many people like this girl's crazy and her car by herself talking I use a brown lip liner and then the red in the middle it makes like a ombre effect and then for class I don't do the like that Volvo red lipstick I just do some lip gloss keep it nice and we will say and then after classes that's when I'll put on the lipstick for practice I like the lotion that's not sticky and like does it make you sweat so I like the ones that are kind of like shea butter cocoa butter and it makes your skin really nice and smooth on game day that were less but I still do just to be moisturized because of the hot weather that's in Miami you have to make sure you set your makeup I do it like multiple times throughout game day just so I don't sweat all off the Mac prep and prime is the best ever like whenever we're on the field and we get super hot we just like put it more of and it fans it like fan their face for us it's like a lot of motion hobb time is a really short amount of time where you have to reapply a lipstick make sure you dab off and then you have to stretch for kickline cuts right and we're done I'm early so I'm gonna do a little studying cuz I have a test later that 1 o'clock I leave my car and it's time for the allottee class specifically for the Miami Dolphin cheerleaders we have to have our meals kind of like a natural color like a pinkish muted or gamedays like to have them glam and made up so like when we're meeting people and we're talking we can look glamorous and put together after that I go to a psychology class look in hand we're ready folks then after that I usually go straight home so I can eat in one down before practice traffic traffic to get some majestic filling common carsick there's a full maverick that's a Malibu's most wanna reference for you guys I don't know if there's anything that I would avoid but I specifically make sure that I eat my carbs so that I can get that energy intake in and have energy stored up this is the homemade pesto sauce that I'm making for my pasta this is the final product pesto pasta topped off with some great tomatoes after I eat I usually roll out with my tennis ball on my roller usually roll out my entire leg but right now I'm just gonna roll out my auntie man cuz it's super tight Daphne I'm on my way to practice now this practice is super special because we're going to be with our junior cheerleaders we have performance with them this upcoming Sunday and our upcoming games and it's just always so much fun to work with the little girls who aspire to be cheerleaders so let's get in it I made it I'm walking to the training camp now to see the we do workouts before practice as a team to stay fit keep our muscles active stay strong so the dancing is the cardio and we also run the audition process is a long one so there's like multiple stages throughout so it's definitely nerve-wracking I was really nervous for this audition you have to reel it in every single year and you don't just get accepted back in you just have to keep working hard to be better than you were last season another stereotype is that we're not actually trained dancers I love photo shoot especially the dance photo shoots are my favorite we get to show how much we're actually capable of doing we got to go to Norway and Denmark and different parts of Europe and have photo shoots for our annual like photo book and it was super fun I think The Sisterhood is probably the most important aspect of being on the team throughout practice everybody's cheering for each other we get to sit down and watch one half do it and we're cheering them on and hyping them up if you don't have sisters in real life they're your fake sisters and they're always there for you if you look at our Instagram posts you can see all of us hyping each other up in the comments after practice I usually go straight home and get some food in my system that's really gonna like give me some energy because I probably have to stay up a little while and do some homework before I go to sleep it spreaded the tofu I'll be throwing them in one second and these are the sweet potatoes I just took it out of the oven now I'm going to pan fry it yep this is the final product tofu chicken nuggets sweet potato white rice and a hill style it with your eyes very vinaigrette but for game days my favorite like postname Day meal is like a pizza I've made it home and my postgame meal is complete that's my favorite go-to so like everybody knows I need to have a pizza after gaming and this is my postgame dessert last game identity nice things as I was like and intense a week so this is my night time skincare routine first moisturizer keep that skin nice and smooth this night serum and then I always put vaseline on my lips especially at night and that's all after game day it feels like you've done so much like practice before and everything is just like coming to fruition like you've done your part and you've done an amazing job I'm not even controlling my body like I just knock out like how I'm that tired of doing so many things throughout the day that when I hit the bed I'm knocked out sweet dreams and good night I was gonna say bring it on but I didn't want to be like a stereotypical I do love bring it on though
Channel: Allure
Views: 2,132,884
Rating: 4.9647946 out of 5
Keywords: work it, entire routine, work it allure, 24 hours cheerleader, 24 hours routine, miami dolphins cheerleader, nfl cheerleader, professional cheerleader, nfl cheer, cheerleader skincare, dolphins cheerleader, cheerleader dancer, pro cheer practice, pro cheerleader, cheerleader diet, nfl cheerleaders, cheerleader routine, cheerleader, pro cheerleading, real pro cheerleader, cheerleader makeup, pro cheer makeup, pro cheerleader routine, cheerleader workout, cheerleading, allure
Id: 1ks_RbaibUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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