A WWE Superstar's Entire Routine, from Waking Up to Wrestling | Allure

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I'm Andy rose and this is how I work it I'm gonna take you through 24 hours of my wellness and beauty routine I'm on the road 300 days of the year I train about 5 to 6 days a week we do about 200 shows per year my job is extremely physical and wrestling four nights out of the week and traveling city to city so it takes a huge toll on your body but it's very rewarding our sport is the biggest interaction with our fans the best part is seeing the children's smiles on their faces when we perform good morning everyone it is time to wake up first thing I do when I wake up press snooze got couple more minutes out of it it's gonna be a great day it's about 8 a.m. first things first I have to brush my teeth I get up and brush my teeth and then wash my face I like this cleanser a lot it's a soy face cleanser I fresh I can use this every day morning and night and I usually use another exfoliator that's a little bit rougher like every other night after I will take off my makeup and like after show days basically I just feel like cleaner after I use an exfoliator part of my job is wearing a lot of makeup and traveling and different hotels every night taking care of my skin and developing a consistent routine is extremely important for me I'm in a business with Sports & Entertainment and I'm all about looking good I created a skincare line it's called amuro's first it's like an energizer it kind of like just refreshes my skin as a hydrator I not only use this toner after I cleanse that I can also use it like after I workout or like it's like hot out and I could just give it a couple spray my best Instagram man lifting serum I do like a little like dime size and you just brush it throughout your face I like to do it under my eyes more and work my way mmm Bruceton moisturizer my skin is a little bit on the dry side so I have to use moisturizer throughout the day usually morning and night I apply the moisturizer but I also will apply it if I have to get my makeup kind of helps the makeup sit we're obviously rustling with all the makeup and like usually in that same makeup for like a few hours so we want to make sure it stays because of how much I work and early flights and late nights I love the feeling of an eye gel this I don't has a reflector in it which helps with those dark circles I think that and all these products have hyaluronic acid in them you just like blue tap it almost gives a like highlight look and also it helps with crow's feet and fine lines thank goodness for some Botox there you have it I like to eat my breakfast and I usually go to the gym I am in the car on my way to the gym let's go being on the road and traveling as much as I do the gym helps me maintain my healthy lifestyle but also makes me feel like you know home away from home getting that cardio and before flexibility for two and a half hours no big deal I love just getting to the gym getting my heart rate up whether it's doing some cardio or high-intensity interval training I genuinely feel good after I work out mentally physically emotionally it just makes me feel great and that's why I got into working out and fell in love with it when I first started I created an app called fit with Mandy for any person any skill level and it requires little to no equipment so it's really easy and convenient I try to drink at least a gallon of water a day how much I work out and wrestle light you got to stay hydrated I usually always eat after I workout I have a protein shake with a banana almond butter and then I got a meal right after I work out I'm still in Shanghai I just trained legs had a great workout and now I'm eating some noodles which are really good but I gotta get to packing because we have to travel to Hawaii today I've got a load for like over two weeks by now packing and living out of my suitcases life of Mandy Rose usually when I get to the arena I check in with the producers we find out who we're working that night what our matches and we got to get in the ring and rehearse anything or we just get in the locker room and start you know getting ready on TV days rehearsal can last a couple hours whether it's going over an entrance or part of the match the main thing is obviously to put on a good performance but to do it in a safe manner as well and we've all gone through a couple years of training we know how to work and who we're working with our opponents I've never had an injury knock on wood for our live event so you do our own makeup that's pretty much had to learn how to do my makeup for a show which is different mixture under a lot of lights so this is my makeup bag that I travel with showed show we got pretty much everything in here it usually takes about an hour to do my hair and makeup or a shot because I travel so much and have to do this a lot I always carry a makeup brush cleaner and I like to clean them before I apply my makeup because it just gives it a little bit like moist and easier to put on good morning y'all I need to put some makeup on this space putting the foundation off I use this revolution foundation it goes on really smooth and it's like thick enough for what we do but it's on kg looking I like to just put this all over I'm a little bit of in a rush so it looks like I'm kind of going rough but sometimes or crunched for time I used to spray tan a lot but I stopped doing it so much because I had found really good products Bondi sands actually it's like a foam base and it comes off so naturally so but I don't put it on my face as you can tell it's really white I don't spray tan my face to keep it fresh sometimes it comes out flight comes off orangie on my face so I'll just tend to put my makeup on and match my body with my makeup most wrestlers down we worked so hard and trained so hard in the gym we want to show off our muscles you know they say if you can't tone it tan it especially with my character God's greatest creation and I call myself I'm all about aesthetics okay next what I use for highlighter is Tarte shape tape it's great for what we do being in front of the camera and just under my eye a little bit bridge my nose Mandy Rose is Amanda times a thousand my character has a lot to do with how I truly am but it's just like more exaggerated I'm a really down-to-earth person in real life like my character could come off a little bit conceited and a little bit um full of herself look at me absolutely like I'm TV I you know I have it up a little bit I'm just very confident I like to use this for when I contour because it usually just evens it out a little bit nicer when I do under the eyes I like to go over my eye too cuz I'm not gonna put much eye makeup on especially if I'm not going super crazy with the glamorous look I like to sometimes not use eyeshadow so I'll use like white just kind of like opens them up more I'm also called the golden goddess so I like to use a lot of gold neutral colors I also like to use a lot of like berries and plum colors for my eyes or like eyeshadow but it all depends on what outfit I'm wearing it before I do my bronzer I do a setting powder and this is like the best setting powder ever Laura Mercier sometimes under lights and he you get like the greasy look a little bit so this helps when we're on set and we have like to do touch-ups that's why they use like a lot of the makeup when we're taping because you could rub your whole face off on someone you're like in a headlock you have to have layers of it on use a setting spray so it lasts longer my signature wrestling move is like a bicycle knee I go up with my left and I hit with my right that's not my finisher though I have a like an angel wing sit out as my finisher their upside down pick them up and I sit out with them and they land on their stomach it's cool I'd have to say anything that's landing like on your like with your neck I get a little nervous with like a German suplex you have to rely on the other person to not throw you too hard or you not to jump to hearts like your timings off you can land on your head land on your neck it's a little more dangerous so then we're gonna do my Brown 39 bronze so that I use they go like a little below my cheekbone and then I use another brush to get my nose I don't like to contour my nose too dramatic because I'm gonna say I think I have a fake nose it's nots real but sometimes when I contour it like looks fake my mom she's like you have a nose that people pay money to get I'm like okay that's another thing with wrestling I get really nervous but no one ever touches my face and messes up my nose so I like to go only right here don't go too high because you can actually make your nose tip of the nose to have this other great brush that I love edge kabuki it gets those corners and those edges any little mark or like you didn't blend it right like you're screwed you're up close right now I could be like oh I look great right now but then I can go under the lights and they'll be like whoa like your face doesn't match your body you're blotchy or whatever it may be that's the tricky part and I kind of just like blend throughout like little circles my bones are all around so I got my eyebrows micro bladed like a year and a half ago I've gotten like touch up since then but they've lessened me a really long time it's so nice to have one less step to do I like to sometimes draw them in a little bit if I want to be a little bit more dramatic with them but they don't need to be do you mind if I grab a sip in my coffee oh yeah I love coffee okay now we're gonna do some eyelashes they usually don't distract me like in the rank I don't like super crazy long ones that are like caterpillar looking and like it doesn't look as natural I need like faux lashes my go-to lashes are Lily lashes I love the Mykonos ones they're a little expensive but you can get a good amount of uses out of them in the beginning putting our lashes was a little difficult but then you just get super used to it now it's like I could do with my eyes closed not really so my mom is so fun and she loves when I do her makeup Oh you do a good job no she's used to it now more but in the beginning like sometimes they couldn't watch it the first time they watched me rustle they were like they're alive and I had no idea what I was doing I first looked for like two months every time they went off now there's some used to it though they love watching me find my lashes I like to let them dry a little bit because they're easier to put it on so it's where you come come up on camera and you got like one eyelash like this I've broken like a few nails in one match actually made it be part of the match though I started flipping out on the girl with my opponent and was like you probed my nail it was really funny these are the dip powder acrylic they're a little bit longer than what I normally do but I um I can handle it and you'd like to learn to work with your nails I don't really bruise easily I'll be like sore after a match or like certain mood although after the Elimination Chamber has a cage match I wasn't that match for like 45 minutes I was a little bruised from that match I feel like it's part of the game and what we do is like my battle scars you know I'm usually more sore from my actual like workouts that I do in the gyms I'm like wrestling we're trained and like we know how to work properly and fall safely so we shouldn't really be that very good after every match but like I did two years of training you just know how to land like we land like on your on your back of your top shoulders so you just learn how to protect yourself okay so those are the lashes how do they look that was my best wink let's say we're about like 65% right now Mandy Rose I'd say we're getting there we look so good come on take a selfie I got my tag team partner Sony Deville and I we traveled together we do everything together we drive ourselves and that's why we created a demand EES donut YouTube channel every city we go to for TV we find the best glazed donut and rate the donut Gibson's Donuts in Memphis Tennessee yo I'm gonna miss nine point five Wow are you playing around crumbs everywhere there's my run for I do what I want we just love Donuts full of food we're like little foodies Mandy what's the number-one rule road trippin together one person drives and the other person holds the fries that's right we're a huge family in WWE or with each other more than with our own families which is kind of scary but it's also like we've developed such a close bond they share a locker room with these women you work with these women it's a competitive sport and obviously everyone wants to be at the top but you do have to respect each other and work with the person whether you like them or not we all travel together and stay in the same hotel it's fun we all we all have a good time just shuts down and [Music] okay so I'm gonna put a setting spray on my favorite setting sprite is Urban Decay close your eyes highlighters cool it's like just got a bunch of different colors because we are under the lights I don't like to do too much of this because sometimes this is what creates that like shiny look and it could come off as like greasy or oily and I like to just do it right above my cheekbones leaving a little bit on my nose here and sometimes put em on my lip for this natural look that I'm going with this is my go to its max or lip liner and I just outlined my lips and put some chapstick on when we Russell I like to use a stain and no gloss my hair and be all over the place and he'll get stuck to my lip I did have a bad experience one time with a lip stain though I had lip stain like stuck in my tooth during a match and my tag-team partner kept telling me like get the lipstick off her teeth and I was like kept rubbing it like trying to get it off and I couldn't get it out my hairpiece also came out too that was another one this is quite the match but those are the you know what we have to deal with before I started wrestling I had naturally long hair but with all the traveling and our hair gets pulled and stepped on in the ring yeah I've had to get tape and extensions and make sure I take care of my hair because of the blonde you got to be careful my colorist is really good instead of like a bleach I use a high lift I usually get my high lifts every 4 to 5 weeks I didn't do mascara I forgot this mascara I love its L'Oreal I got it at CVS and then I'll just kind of like do a little bit of the lash not too much but make sure your real lash is getting some Scarah so i get laser because it's so much easier you're not having hair and not having to deal with that you know being on TV and doing photo shoots who wants razor burn and all that stuff the machine that I've been going to like squirts out a little water when it do whatever that is and it like takes away the pain there's been a couple times where my teeth have gotten hit like pretty hard I'm very nervous about them getting knocked out cuz it's happened to a couple of women wrestlers actually not a cute look right before every match I have to do like 20 push-ups just like it's weird number of mine's like I would get a little pump on so now this is the completed look and I feel a lot like Mandy Rose right now I'm not gonna lie this it's got greatest creation Mandy Rose God's greatest creation was created by Corey graves the announcer he came up with a name so I can't even take credit for it it just describes me basically you God's greatest creation hmm newsflash honey nobody burns hotter than Mandy Rose I actually never imagined my life would unfold like this it was gonna be a teacher then I went on to speech-language pathology which I loved and got my bachelor's and that wasn't sure about going on a reality show to be honest but it changed my life forever and look at me now you know I didn't I wasn't always like this I think Fitness has really changed the way I feel I trained really hard I got into fitness I started really being comfortable in my own skin I was always a little bit like thicker and like a little bit shorter I always had like bigger legs so I've created that into having more muscular legs now my legs in my butt is like the best part of my body I truly think you know I have a certain look and I'm perceived a certain way but I'm all about women empowerment and right now it's an incredible time to be a woman not only in wrestling but in sports entertainment this year was the first time women headlined and where the main event of Wrestlemania it just keeps getting better and better on the weekends our live shows start usually around 7:30 Tuesday night smackdown starts at 8 p.m. Eastern Time the live shows are usually like two and a half three hours back down it's two hours so usually after maths you're pretty sweaty you're pretty you know out of breath you're excited because if your adrenaline you know it's rushing through it's a great feeling just finished wrestling in Shanghai China so after our show I like to wash my face and shower right away because we were just in the ring and we sweat and usually have to get on the road and drive like three to four hours so it feel kind of gross if you don't shower but usually when I get back to the hotel is when I do my routine exfoliate and whatever else I have to do to take care of my skin when my head hits the pillow at night it's usually like the best feeling in the world after a very travel week right now time to sleep [Music] I'm Johnny put your headlock [Laughter]
Channel: Allure
Views: 1,762,045
Rating: 4.9323297 out of 5
Keywords: work it, work it 2019, entire routine, mandy rose, mandy rose 2019, mandy rose beauty routine, mandy rose entire routine, mandy rose eyebrows, mandy rose eyelash, mandy rose interview, mandy rose makeup, mandy rose skincare, work it entire routine, amarose beauty, amarose serum, wwe superstar, professional wrestler, woman wrestler, wwe wrestler, wwe woman, wwe skincare, mandy rose wwe, wwe beauty routine, mandy rose skin, mandy rose hair, gods greatest creation, allure
Id: PnTpmHKXsCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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