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hello everybody my name is farmer Phil and in today's video we are in Flemin in Northern Ireland and we're here to take a look around the factory we're here with Garrett and Dylan so we were invited up we just after having a presentation there inside giving us some of the history and that of the factory so we're going to have a look around now at the products and everything that they makes you're welcome guys thanks very much for coming thank you for having us um at least the r stayed away so it's a good a good start start yeah take a we walk through the factory the way the product flows through the factory and as you can see there's some drums actually sitting ready prepared all the rollers are all rolled at a flat plate we roll them all on house ourselves so what you what you get and in thickness of plate you get from the start um so w away in The Cutting Room here as you can see all different lens of material size of material box sections we've got a large uh saw on the right hand side there and if you if you look in the wall you'll see a computerized screen the screen has all our products on on the screen and for example if a guy is going to if we're going to decide to make a bch of trailers will issue a cut list from the engineering department to the board and the guys actually download it and they they get all the all the drawings for all the different processes and go and cut 200 this or 300 that or whatever is needed for that particular job you look here at our our rollers a flat plit there 12 M pit on the side of there it's going out of the drums and the guy is actually Rota it so we get total uniformity in the drum and then he's going to weld the seams in the center so at this time of year now we're we're we're in the thick of the roller production there going to be a lot of rollers coming to here in the next 2 months all at various sizes for the compact season season work is right if you look over there you see actually there's a shaft getting cut for the roads as well on down past the guillotine here all right and you can see there the boys are flat out there drilling the bearings still working with a hardwood bearing not broke broke don't fix it bench PR press for for bending all our sides and everything we need for uh the various processes in the in the factory as you you probably know we we manufacture a lot of Traer so a lot of Traer sides and stuff have to be formed here topper beds have to be formed and various processes we are one of the only manufacturers that all R our own bars that's correct that's correct a lot of the people you with a recycled um pipe and you know your sell it might look okay the outside but you probably oxidization and material been inside is like you know you can see you can see it there at Le when you see it on it on it um it U basic stage you can see it's you know it's all new CL yeah you know what I mean so we're back way now the storage Department this is Allison Allison's our sales and marketing coordinator we're making our way into the uh the sort of heart of the stores but it's not just the stores or even a history of this particular building itself back in 1983 this is where the the the very start of the factory here you're standing was actually only from that wall to that there's a l sort of in the floor there and that was actually the size of the facility here at the very start it started since that it's actually as you can see it's it's gr it's grown that way and now it's actually grown the other way as well one the supervisor here as well just say hello Jason i d David not there storage manager just around the corner a very Buzzy and important character on our on our system look at the many different components we're carrying here axles gearboxes no bricks whatever whatever machines we manufactur we car a vast range of parts for them and you have to do that you have to the backup service you don't want to sell something you can't actually Supply any parts you know be blad or whatever your belts or whatever you need online and you can look up any any for any of your machine you can actually log on the machine click and the Machine it gives you explosion the machine brings brings it up and you can tell them the exact part number you want and you can have it posted out in the next day or else through your da Network as you see here the guys are getting stuff ready for pre-assembly we we have a thing we have a pre-assembly for the welding shop which is basically getting components ready profile Parts ready for welding doing paic jobs and then we actually have pre- reduction for the finishing assembly so it means whenever the product goes down the line whenever they're going to put it together that they have all the nuts and bolts and everything you need to do it you know what I mean so we'll go right through this we door here just at the or bus the we just do a stock T so that's why everything looks a bit manic so now we're under the profile shed uh and we use a couple of different um manufacturers as well to help us with our profile parts that shine which a big manufacturer profiling Parts Hut's engineering and various other ones as well uh um if you look in the some of the boxes let me see if I get something here get a profile part there see if you can as you can see from this here profile part coming in it's got the holes burned in it it's got the band on it and that's actually for a a hydraulic box everything's exactly the same and they you know their boxes hundreds and hundreds and it's it's the most efficient way to do it and you plus you're given local guys work as well moving on then from our profile Parts the stuff then becomes the bigest way on the factory and this is your main welding Bay here now it starts off at Bay one down that side right down the 12 down there and then goes across that way as well so we we'll actually go down the start we we'll walk back down through yeah as bit more noise here like but so what what happens is now if the if it the sabered in rollers for example there's a couple of bay taking up Airway rollers we've actually got our own rotator rotates the drum and welds both sides if you if you look over there you'll see so it goes on the Rotator rot around there's a welder both sides I bu B it the whole time yeah and then it goes on for the same welder here as well it's all it's all but the the key thing is that all our drums are all pressure tested as well so they're they're filled with air and they're checked every one them check this Bay here Bay 2 and Bay one are actually making uh GRE doors for um trailers you can see the bigger door yes so there's a lot of different processes going on we're used doing stuff in batches we can adapt and do different things we we're not tied to doing one product so as you say we're doing there's sides for for four ton TRS in this Bay there skids for Toppers believe it or not now in January yeah skids for six fo Toppers you wouldn't go a Topper anytime soon anyways well you not go done no that's you want to knock the water into the field as again more roller production here and there's bad for 4 ton TRS and Bay it here for example followed by the chassis so everything has is processed there's a seat for bedge ready preformed yeah so everything comes together we'll make our way on down under the the cep area as I call as you can see it's got a a mono here which is we can hang 250 different products on at one time yeah uh the guys are sides on beds on posts on behind you the guys forming the do the top part of your roll there as well like rolling the channel yeah so it's a nice bit of work take away into the uh the spray house just to keep cu no very noisy what the guy's doing there he's blowing off the the dirt and stuff he's going off the dirt and W for d with ble wipe and making sure all the excess splatter and stuff taking off the Ste before it actually gets uh prepped for painting that's going with with a Degreaser so it takes all the grease off the off the metal keep the same for for spraying that yeah that's a about quieter around here just so this is your spray line as as I said you the the products here they come down the spray line yes we we have a pre oven on this side so brings it the steel up the temperature before the paint hits it so it's not hting on the cold surfaces uh down along the wall there we've got induction heaters along the wall which takes the moisture out of the air the paint is actually transferred through the spray gun but it's actually heated up the temperature as well so it helps it you know adhere to the the still better I sold on with two pack polyurethane uh and you what you you have a good bondage in because it's like an edge primer so it eats some and bonds this did before the top layer goes on the under coats the most important P layer oh yeah the top coat's really a pigment color you know what I mean there a turn turn change coming back again so it's it's it's ideally for for f production yeah like we could be doing 100 B lifters down at the one time hunging the line the way they go we we we spent a lot of money on our paint mixing system if you want to even take a we look in right there with a the camera you'll see the the mixing pods everything's everything's computerized oh so it's exact mix every time do a better job yeah there's a chassis that um has already been under cuted and as you can see before the guy actually does a top coat on if you look on here he's actually hit all the pieces with a roller that even with the best heart in the world you're not going to get with a spray gun because that's a bit you might miss so you can you can feel it there now look it's actually it's it's dry but it's not totally dry because you want they have adhesion between the two Co there's one our sprayman here again we got the extractors systems they take it out and it mix it way then through there into the oven which is on the right hand side so if you want to go the walk down the side of oven you can see we put the heat down a weit because when you ually just coming through like but if all induction heaters on the wall you can feel them there in your back yeah you know so targets the steel and gets it up the temperature so as you can every drum is spread on the VIS so it's totally spread right around I know once you go in the field the first couple of times but still depends on it you know what I mean get a lot of production through there one day like a lot of there's lot like a lot yeah there's a lot of space there a lot of space and so that that product depends what product it is some some some of them stays longer like in the oven usually a couple hours in the in the oven goes out off then it sort of it cures then cuz all the vapors and stuff are burnt off the pain hardening process basically kicks in the action like a there's there's a drum there it was painted probably earlier on but you can actually still put if you put your hand out there you can still feel the heat on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you still feel the heat on you know it's not fully dry yeah but it's still you can feel the heat on the on the material there's be grabs for example is coming down through still guys looking for the bill grabs there's one with a special bracket on it and like you feel that one there look you feel a heat KN there like still oh yeah work that's a and that's a big Lo of Steel so that now you've made made your way under our finish room assembly process right the product comes down here it's basically going on the Furnishing room you look behind you there's like a we 3ft topper oh yeah youve said yourself who want these a 3ot to but the compact Market the the hobby farmer ideal you know what I mean and you know the nice we machine simple machine to use and um they do their job there's a chass coming off after they getting spread 2 ton chassis all these boxes here every was talking about the pre-production yes so if you look at it here it tells you the quantity it's 50 number 3ft Toppers it's got a batch number so whenever the guy is going to work in that TR he Lo logs on this number that's how we ACW the RS for that's the job all the different components all the latches everything everything's in the box so it means they running back and forth the storage you makes it simple yes so there a whole lot of different we things going on here at the one time there's story pump here getting getting assembled here on the on the left hand side there's all the pump share tankers have just been spray oh right so they're quite a lot of pumps there yes I've ever seen as many vacuum pumps in the one place get ready for Tacker production cuz we're actually be kicking off in that very very very very soon uh M2 frame one of the larger uh rollers that's a 12 12T that's a a big seller for us here draw the side a bit of gr with it you know so everything as I said it was made in jigs so we have confidence we're making our trailers that every side fits otherwise you make it up a side for a trailer which is a nightmare and and we're making like 60 trailers one time there a lot of sides yeah you want the thing fitting right so there's an end to there the guys are starting to put it together and if you even look in the center you'll see they've got the bar housing in the center which comes with a double bar in the center and there's one totally assembled there's a lot of processes goes on before the AC machine's finished yes like there there's the there's the center parts of the of the roller here which is already pre- welded prepainted ready to go the top part as you can see here the rubber on it the center and then the be goes on this so everything comes together just jigged up you know we fertilizer spellers for this time of year we selling them for doing um you know for salt for car parks and stuff like that that's basically the run around the main the main the the old Fab such as we call then we got the new Fab now which is up here which probably opened up Co time and uh it's a big investment but you know has paid off because it's IDE did for doing bger bigger products like our CES trailers and our tankers and stuff like that yeah it's the same Principle as down below but not as fast flowing as you can see there's 4 ton chassis setting ready for the beds to come through on Bay one on this sh is you wonder you'll see she watch's that off but that's off an m to ruler the the Box sections all been profiled cut the holes all pre-drilled in for the scraper blades and stuff like that but we work here in Bay too cuz it's uh it's basically the bases off the story pump oh you see a lot of profiling lot of different components a lot of nice welding that's all W welded by hand yes so it's a nice nice bit of work well done on on my left here we've got the archers for tankers already prepped so they're all fabricated rolled on house uh r r g there's like 2,000 cranks 2300 gallon tankers so that's what they're for there these are the wind carriages for the ant on the right the stubs on the left serving comes together yes this is all profile so it's actually cut the the Box profiler next door it's folded and it's even got the alignment parts for with the pl one so them up here is them there exactly right just working the way down yeah different processes all come together uh for for the the end product there's one there getting jigged up there as we see in in so The Jig frame is sitting on so every one of them exact same as the other one yeah so it keeps you good uniformity keeps you keeps the thing right the difference to that this Workshop versus Zer one we have the full gas oven up here yes and as you can see there there's a tanker there hanging in and what that's designed for is you put the thing in you put on the B cycle brings it up to temperature you spray it it's picked again and then it comes out of the process and you have a nice well finished machine so you can see that's they nice shine that that's the gas Wheels to to move around on yeah all our tanks all these seams here are all internally welded and all these seams here are all turn welder as well so you what happens is you burn through in the outside you have fragmentation and scaving you know off the off the heat transfer but if you if you actually well both s you're creating a better SE so where's the where's the first place is going to start to go for it's going to go for where where that happens so if you look inside actually our tank there you'll actually see that uh the tank of cell is actually sprayed inside with an egg spray so you know that helps the life of the vessel yeah look we mentioned inside that's only 11 on the that's the standard as well on a small tank on the small tank and the back yeah so like the B the big tanks they're even more reinforced on side to stop the surge of liquid as well like yeah um so all the me things you know yes a lot of Manufacturers buy the Dos from the same same crowd they buy the same components same PS for different same same crowd but you we Tech on it is what we do yeah you know mean and you try to just do the best you can you know um right so that's that's a we we are we tanker that's the smallest tank we make that's we 11100 I know a lot of the ones now on after these big massive tanks but no still the we man wants a we tank still small tank still has it Place we've got our story pumps here up for assembly nice simple nice simple pump I've won myself is great easy to drive I can put have a I can put the 290 on on it and drive it and keep it mixing away when I'm using the a tractor they put the stuff out yes so you know so you don't need a 120 horsepower tractor to actually drive it as you can see there's two frames there which is the big ruler again there's box section for draw barss sitting in ready to go into your our new investment down this end and it's infant stages the chip cutter so as you can see there it's a it's a massive kit say the new new laser new new laser yeah we have our coton table as well so over the time Co we found out the demand for profile parts we were uh suffering to get some of them so we made the investment here first and as you can see like there's ones already been cut in the floor in front of you yeah and uh it's really handy they it might be the most efficient way to do it at all time for us but I think we hold jobs back because it could get them finished because we waiting on maybe 20 components or whatever it was now we can so we're we're right now in the yard you can take the glass off if you wish we'll take a we down there's a typical load going toand there you've got a four ton two four ton trilers on an eight ton Traer and then to and a scripper you know a mix load uh the load in the other side of is actually going to Scotland and then uh our stack of Toppers there's a fair few Toppers a fair few Toppers there and that's only one size yeah and double lifters sitting right the right the right of the rock but you know because like we sell stuff all over the globe there's like there's Toppers going different parts of the world different times yes uh and there's like even up the back there you can see your stock of trailers and stuffit deeper on than hour T is a hell of a lot deeper than gviz one you have a galvanized one oh 15 years right and she's right down to the channel oh je you got a good you got good wear out of never touched the chassis I never there you go never touched it yeah here yes and we pick the forks and put on the teleport oh I yesly around the place so if it's on the 35 does if it's 35 doing something else you want scrap The Yards you just run it with the p forks and Away you go simple simple little two B of channel two chel got got you got your away right yeah Bo there's there's nothing left we never put a we never that's a good so there's one of our that's there only 14 T we left there it's going to a local guy there or we're actually going to get on the S sides and stuff for him here now and get and they done it go out working he already I got one last year and they order another one straight away again so it was a good good sign your local market too like tidy looking trailer uh nice SI trailer a it's nice size Traer why why that be 18 16 19 ft 19 19 and A2 19 and half 19 and A2 Tipper floor Back Door full L from right back is well back to draw that's David mentioned when we were talking about the ters in there you know if you're going down the road with that trailer 50k you sticking your brakes that Trail's not going to go into a f of bounc and she's actually going to hunker down and that's the advantage off your dra coming fully back yeah just that it's all the difference it makes that draw being that bit longer you're not going to look behind you you're not going to fail your tractor shake and into a fit boun and that there is going to hunker down she's going to stick to the road she's not going to start going doing silly things just on Spring rockers as well if you look at on even the spring the size of spring carries and she's on air you know so she's she's well spectr like yeah all them chains are reinforced around the hall way down the chassis and the reason that they're sitting up this side not in you know on their main frame is not that lower lower yeah yeah looks a right tidy trailer that right T trailer when that trailer comes down as you see she's open and it's just the reason we leave all Thea up back door open not any waterfall here like when that trailer comes down she pulls in tight against that pin so she makes her sail against it you know some you know some manufacturers and other people you know you can't have a sail where just comes down she pulls it or in tighter you're still not getting your full seil there makes a difference sailers come with your weather prop yes yes everything very good thing most trailers in the country are all parked with the front of them down yeah yeah and in front front board right even the call well defin in this country is definitely St some get their head chopped off we have it adjust when you're not using it you leave it on the Hydraulics no definitely not cuz W your when you T up you you put SP grease your perfect keep it from R but I mean if you have to work at it as well it's safe safe safety that's a lovely trailer we have a good good range of stock as you can see starting to build in the yard now for the seasons ahead um there's an Anto now ready to go on a a truck and a E450 M SP um the last of a couple they go I I I deal for um for the man wants to amp as we Stables or buyers value for us as manure yeah because the price of fertilizer you know people have maybe wised up but now and you know they're reusing their manure and not just getting it out there just the second getting it out they're making use of it making use of it makes really good sense that's a right front range of scrippers which they're they're the loader Lo ones but they come a lot heavier rubber as you can see there there's a 50 mil rubber like and it's a v rubber yeah so it's a lot you know lot heavier it has to be because when you're pushing with you put so much more on it l more pressure on you I think that's like when we put the the forks or the brackets on to put har Scrapper on the Telly I think that's when we've done most of the wearing because forcing H ground wasn't just a way of you don't know you don't know what pressure you're putting on you see as you're probably you know the transport boxes we make we make we still make hundreds and hundreds of be transport boxes there Stacks here ready to go we have we have one you have one we have a bail Handler a land leveler the one of Tandem rollers yeah um yeah scraper not is now that's very good yeah so we have quite a few bits of yeah fling in the yard power boxes we we we sell a lot of power boxes and for the we compact power boxes over here spr Orange right up there the 7 foot there our dealer Network like it suits because you know they can stock two or three different product ranges and and satisfy most of the customer range that's our that's oury Lambo cheap Lamborghini as you can see the tire selection is designed for wet country but uh no this is our we obviously do the out Front Range which has sprayed the the the um the gray uh so you have t grabs here and you have Shear grabs sitting ready ready for the off a lot of them's ready out and working but you know you never do a man the Bad season breaks a grab as you can see here we have them in stock don't be scared to try them because like we we sell quite a lot of them and they're they're nice simple machine strong they're all jegged up in the factory uh welded in different stages as well they allow for different stresses in the metal see between the points like everything everything's true so make sure when she pushing she's pushing even even the outer tin braist as well with a b a bit a angle as well so it takes the pressure off a nice simple Shear grab sometimes you know big ones are be very ignorant but they're you know we do the the four foot the five foot and the six foot that's is that's the range we we offer you know back of your trailers and that there you might think that's a lot of stock or here less often compared to what normally before pre pre preo Like We R and R and R but you have to have the back up because someone looks for it well we see we had we our model was always service from stock you know and it's a big commitment for a company to do that they have it they have a stuff there lot stuff tied up lot of money tied up and lot of material and you know products tied up but you know people probably got comp plac over the years go they'll have it up there so we'll just get it down this and that's that's perfect when it work the chain broke but when the chain broke you see then we we lost a full month's production and we we just lost all our stock and we we were fighting Sun trying and get it built up but as I say now we we can attap now and we we we build know what we what we sort of need and what we think our customers need so that's basically that's that's us guys that's the the run around the reef the facility like so it gives you a we idea what Flem is sort of about the people that you see look thank you for coming up man say look come the summer time we hope to have a few more we videos together and a bit things work for thank much foring that's great and thanks very much for having us it's it's great to have a look around and see and and very interesting to see like the rolling and and the tanker been painting and inside stuff like that like stuff you know it's it's very interesting to see I hope everyone watching has enjoyed it too but I just want to say a big thanks to Dylan and gar for showing us around and fing for having us over and showing us around and um anyways I hope everyone enjoyed the video if you want to find out more about Fleming or the products that they have I leave a link or something in the description down below and iway hope you enjoyed today's video as always please like And subscribe to the Channel videos every Tuesday Thursday and Sunday that's it for me good luck
Views: 58,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farm, agriculture, tractor, combine, slurry, countryside, cows, bulls, farming, ireland, farmer, dog, machine, machinery, feed, silage, jcb, ursus, massey ferguson, new holland, fendt, john deere, work, work wear, farm work, cattle, calves, crops, cereal, corn, business, johndeere, ford, farmlife, tillage, irishfarmer, farmtofork, sustaniblefarming, dogs, claas, grassmen, joysoffarming, farmlifebestlife, farming in ireland, irish farming, farming life, BRITISH
Id: Jc0WyI524gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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