Wanderson | Contract & Farm DVD 5 featuring Murphy Bros Agricultural Contractors (Full Version)

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[Music] o [Music] [Music] he [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] in contract and farm five we follow Murphy Brothers agricultural contractors of Port loen County Watford this family run business is one of the longest established agricultural contractor and plant Tire experts in the Southeast and is also home to their newly opened Agri Supply Store established in 1975 by Brothers John and Walter Murphy the company is now headed up by John and his wife Katherine along with the third generation daughter Ela and Sons Walter Jr and James the business specializes in all aspects of farm Contracting and has built up a large and loyal customer base Mele encompassing parts of Waterford South tieri and South kilen among the services offered by Murphy's are silage and Maze harvesting slurry spreading plowing sewing excavation and land drainage and we'll see it all in this DVD first we cut up the Murphy's New Holland t7270 aut command plowing for potatoes outside waterf City with 74 over from S mountain [Music] out we have a chat local New Holland tractor dealer dick Murphy and he gives us some background to the size of trackers they sell and some of the features on them we've been selling New Holland four product for the last 60 years as well and our main tractors that we sell t5s t6s around the 100 horsepower tractor maybe 120 horsepower tractor we also sell the the smaller ones as well but generally like the ones that maybe murphies in Port law would be buying would be the the bigger end of tractors and there would be kind of also higher specification tractors as well but for heavy Draft application like plowing and they generally use a 7 for plow when they're plowing with that one sem mounted this tractor has a really good integrated HTS a headland turning system on it what happens is you record the sequence you you record you record a sequence on the tractor and then you play it back at each Headland the tractor seat swis a little to the right so when you're looking out at your P or whatever it's less fatigue when you're turning around and the controls fall fall to hand on that as well and turning doing the Headland shunt is made very easy which the HTS OD is [Music] [Music] [Music] with the drilling season in full flight Murphy's operate a 4M lamin solitire drill behind a 280 horsepower fent 828 with a 4M hea front mounted Packer roller Murphy's bought the Lin to utilize the power in the fent 828 and Walter said it makes a big difference on hilly ground and helps get the work done faster t [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] Murphy's are constantly investing in new equipment to provide a good service to their customers and it is evident with the latest machines to arrive including two new fan tractors an 828 and a 724 a new model JCB 435 loader an attachi axis 130 Digger a 3-ton mini Digger two addition pottinger Sage wagons and estate art bug ball fertilizer sprad [Applause] [Music] [Music] what [Music] Murphy's run a Jin tanker with an injector system and over and plows so we talk to Jonathan Leech from Kelly zaris and he gives us his perspective on the equipment hi my name is Jonathan leech I'm one of the salesman here in Kelly's in the Kelly's group we have three branches Kelly of bis Kelly of leash and Kelly's of keni in total we seven salesmen across the three branches well there's plenty of good SL tankers in Ireland to be fair but uh the josin the quality in the josin machines is probably second to on the quality of Steel they actually use their own steel you know from Belgium generally in in the tanks it's all fully galvanized dipped inside and out and if you look at the strength internally in those tanks they'll just last forever once they're galvanized right okay the quality is there you know so Jonathan um Murphy's run the um over plows got a five for and seven for plow would there be a popular plow for sales here now with you yeah we sell a few every year now In fairness yeah and what we find is the people that have gone to over plows they don't go away in a hurry they like the plows they find them very good for wear um compared to some of the competitive plows they they do really find that they're getting more wear out their tips and they're getting more air out of metal that's what John morfield tell you anyway he reckons they're cheaper to run and that's why he has them with the hydraulic reset system on the on the or compared to say the the spring release system on the kland plows the beauty of the hydraulic one is you can set the pressure you see it's very easy adjust the pressure so if you're going into a Stony field you can let off the pressure so your boards can can spring out easier right and also when they go up in the air they come back down slowly like a shock absorber they don't go up and come down with a bang and then break something yeah okay so they do suit tough conditions as we move on to tilling for potatoes Murphy's use integrated New Holland GPS to till the fields Jonathan briefly talks to us about the horse machines they use it would have bought one of the first 3 met tanos that we sold here they use it for ripping up SPO ground and and for certain mint was and ripping plow ground but the Tano to this day is still actually the best selling product at har sell it's a three rows of legs cultivator and harsh is such a huge product for us here in Kelly's now about 10 years ago you'd hardly ever heard of a a horse drill right and now today we're the best selling Trail drill in the [Applause] country Murphy's use a fent 936 with a maschio bed tiller when bed forming for potatoes they use a topcon rtk base station to provide Precision agriculture to get up to 2 cm accuracy and it gives perfect straight lines every time it assists with fuel usage and gets the job done faster and helps the harvesting become more efficient [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the grimy cs150 Doner comes in after the bed tiller so we get some technical information from CLE in Grimmy Ireland I'm CES Morgan uh branch manager in sales of Grimmy Ireland equipment limited cs150 model you see here is what we call an adjustable Star machine it has 7 rows of stars which you can adjust according to the conditions of stone in your field it also has a 40 mil web hydraulic scrubber web to put increase output left and right hand leveling automatic with a rake type Bower box this is the most popular selling machine in Ireland at the moment there is also other configurations of machines that you can buy to suit different areas within the country frame is made shorter and uh you can have more maneuverability on the headlamps you can have it on a drawbar system or you can have it on the link Arm System the link Ang systems actually makes it more maneuverable where you can turn quickly on the headand and come straight back into your rid Road all stars and pulley are driven with belts there is only one chain on the machine which drives the front rotor power the rotor PR is usually with five finger tungsten tipped for High Life the hydraulic scrubber web helps to clear and refin CLS clouds quickly through the main cing we [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the potato planting comes next with CLE talking about the grimy planter and how the potato industry is doing in the current climate the potato planter you see here they're using GB 215 the GB 215 was specially designed for CH seed the buds and the Bas uh people do not want to knock the buds off because that can knock the potato seed back by two to three weeks so they germinated quicker the current model they're using is uh a GB 215 with automatic leveling on the planting elements so if you're on slopes their P elements will level out and always keep the feed of the B has gone to the cter uh at a level to avoid unnecessary spacing issues the second thing they have on this planter is a hod this hod gives the farm of a kid cat shape this inau keeps the seed up well off the ground case for wet conditions customers in Ireland prefer This Hood because to the wet conditions we have with harveson this helps the crop to grow better and not be saturated with water the GB 214 has high output uh it can range from 7 to 9k uh speeds while a conventional comp planter will only arrange to about 4K so you have higher output more productivity during the day with the GB 215 it was designed especially so the buds will not be lost off the poas well we've been dealing with morphies since about personally myself since about the year 2000 and and muffies are a very professional outfit uh they expect the service and demand the service but they also purchase a premium product but there's two reasons they purchase the premium product one of their decision is the package that goes with the product they like to have the service the backup as service and the parts service no grower uh can afford downtime in such a country that has such variable weather we could get a plantan Seas uh that could last for over 3 months because of weather factors so the customer needs to be moving when the weather's right and with our product to that and with our backup we make sure that we have our customer moving oper data industry in Ireland has changed drastically and The Fresh Market seems to be dropping away all servies while it's the processed Market that's grown within the within the country and within Europe in general and uh people go for chips prepared uh half ready meals the whole lot the modern day housewife and the modern day family they're only allowing 20 minutes for a prepared meal during the day their lives are so busy they're about working so what the potato industry needs to grow is food ready at at within 20 minutes and as we finish up planting potatoes we will see the harvesting later on with fertilizer spreading becoming a more popular service that Murphy's provid we talked to Trevor from Atkins far Machinery about the type of system that Murphy's used tell me Trevor What attracted Murphy's to bog ball in the first place um I suppose Murphy like Murphy's were running a very professional company and were looking for a product that was basically able to provide a professional service and it was able to be connected to GPS they were looking for weight cells and electronic control but some of the features that we had on the machine was quite appealing to Morp than the fact that they could uh record field data and remotely send it by email from the cab with the tractor without having to download data so that particular feature was a bit of an advantage that they they could add to their service yeah it's um it's a kit that fits to the brog Bell machines uh it's an incab wireless modem that connects to the computer in the cab and it creates a hotspot inside the cab which any Android tablet or phone can be connected to and it's a free app that comes on that you can download on the tablet which allows the tablet to connect to the spreader and functions like automatic stop st uh section control and variable rate application and general features of most electronic machines would have would be displayed on the tablet that can then be saved as a PDF file and email on an email to a number of email addresses from the field so the farmer or the office administrator can use that to send invoicing to the farmers or whatever the case exactly like if the machine goes out to three customers in the one day with the system that morphy are using they can bring three different lots of fertilizer in one go for three different from customers and by the time they leave the first Farm the office has the details of what that job ConEd before he goes to the next job so and then you know the farmer can be invic with a map of the field uh it can show the length of time spent in the field it can show the application rate per hectare Target versus actual so it shows if the machine is achieving the correct rate okay and it shows the map of the the directions the machine worked in the field so the farmer has all the information there to you know to see what was actually done and what he's paying for tell me Trevor um why why Murphy's chose the um the mounted option over a trail spreader well like in bulk spreading there's a number of options you know mounted Trails trolleys you know various options but uh for what Murphy's were looking to achieve it was going to make them more versatile than a lot of other systems um with bulk spreading you're kind of aiming to have the bulk spreader full as much times as you can with 8 or 10 tons but when later on in the year of a smaller customer wants only 4 ton or 3 ton you're it's it's inefficient to uh to provide that service whereas the system morphy's decided to use will allow them to you know keep maybe three or four customers happy in a shorter space of time but also be efficient in bringing out a 4 ton drop to One customer or a six- ton drop to another customer so the system they chose allows them to be be more versatile and go to like said Dairy Farmers they can handle pcts on one load smaller areas and then they can also you know do the silage ground and tillage ground the system and the Machine that Murphy's have uh comprises of an incab computer which most electronic machines will come with anyway but in some states you can connect an aftermarket GPS like patchwor or Trimble or topcon or whatever make to your sweater the systems that Murphy's are using is a tablet control which is a wireless system so in the cab he will have the the tractor or the spreader own computer also their own tablet so the operator will set the machine like headline settings or infield settings through the tractor's own or the spread's own computer but also the information that's on that computer is is wirelessly transferred to the tablet mhm so he can either use the the computer for the spreader to change it or he can change it on the tablet so it's up to the operator which way he wants to if he wants to work it off the own's own computer or the tablet system he can activate the same settings on both but he would have to switch on and off the activation of a section control via the tablet that's the only thing the tablet has to be has to be used for the rest can be done on either one there's typically if you go from a a fertilizer Spader with no electronics on it up to electronics there's anywhere between three and 6% of a of an of a saving and cost of fertilizer usage and then if you go to Weight cells on on a fertilizer but then you're looking up to 78% of a saving and fertilizer usage so if a guy is doing 100 tons a year and you know he's always you know setting his machine based on a a spread chart or something like that and doing the best he can for he's driving in the field and he's setting up the the machine he still won't be as accurate as a weight cell can be cuz it's continuously on the Move calibration a lot of people uh when they think about weight cells on a fertilizer spreader you know they think that the machine is telling you what's in the hopper but weight cells are a little bit more advanced than that um there's a quite a unique system on the bug Bell machine which allows it's it's an on the Move Wing system which calibrates the output or the flow through the hopper at 23 times per second which it gives a discrepancy of plus or minus 1% of an accuracy which say for example if the operator is spreading Ura and it happens to start raining through the load the humidity outside can upset the flow fertilizer which is common enough in you know in all types of fertilizers but you'rea more so the machine can adjust to the difference in flow before the operator would ever even notice so it it gives a much more much higher level of accuracy that if the operator types into the computer that the farmer wants 200 kilos per hectare well with the auto steering and everything on the tractor and the Auto Stop start and the section control it's 200 kgs per Hector as well he [Music] gets as we move on to silent we start off looking at Murphy's forage Harvester team so Jonathan um Murphy's run a 13-year-old um class Jaguar 900 it seems it's 13 years old and it just seems bulletproof it's it's some machine yeah the older 900 series and 800 series Jaguars were really fantastic machines they just seem to keep on running and running we have plenty of machines here with 5 and 6,000 hours and they're still going very well once they're serviced and maintained well and In fairness to there they would be very very good at preventative maintenance during the winter and they work closely with our lbs here in the garage so if they're maintained right those machines will run and run yes I just thought like when I saw them um working in the Harvester there it seemed to be up against as good as an 870 or 950 is yeah well I suppose the the equivalent of a 900 nowadays in the new models will be an 870 so yeah even the older machines when they're good when the blades are good the shear bar is good and everything is set properly with a good operator they can still put in huge performance and then I suppose Murphy's run um I suppose I would consider it an unusual um setup with a fully reverse Drive um more like you know why is that they more they're less popular than the start like the fun and rear combination Moors well Murphy's are running a system like that for a good few years I think that's the second more like that and we have another customer in the Southeast that's running the same reverse Drive Ms like that the advantage from is from the operator's point of view they have a better view they have better visibility and what they find as well as when they're M around corners uh they don't have to worry about the overlap between the machines as much if you have a front and rear combination if you're turning tight on a corner no matter what way you have it set up you can only turn so tight or you leave a a strip behind whereas with the the triple Motors that's not an issue well with the triple and the front that's not an issue yeah yeah the first dri Ms that morphy's bought off us they they have active float system on them which is new on the class Motors in the last few years so we're using a hydraulic pressure system to rather than Springs to tension the bed on the ground so it means you can adjust that on the move and you can more faster and more more Tighter and more faster as well as that their machine they have it fully set up on isus on their fent tractor so all their functions are work from the joystick and we can do the same now on the class tractors so from an operator's point of view he just press one button to lift the right more he can press one button to lift the left more or he can lift them all three together so it's lovely machine having having the three mes together definitely makes it easier for the operator and he's looking straight down on them and you're up to Output levels getting close to that have a big game you know and class often run those triple mes on their Zan tractors in the UK and then you really are into a self more outfit really [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] w to me Jonathan I suppose the JCB 416 would be the normal bread and butter model for most contractors in the country but Murphy's running the the 43 is there a reason for that is it due to the weight differential i' say to be fair with morphy's now they are doing a bit of wagon sage and with the longer chop it definitely does help to have more weight to compact the sage better it's that a be harder compacted so that's why people are moving towards the heavier loaders with that and also when you start trying to keep Sage away from like some of the 970s and things we have working out there now you know you need a big loader you need a big loader to get away plenty power plenty weight yeah the 414s and 416s which were the bread and butter loer here for years and years they were probably about 9 ton way whereas the loer in nor is at 435 is somewhere in around 14 I think you know so big difference the T loock Transmission in the jcbs though to be fair even with all that weight there's still a brilliant thing to sign with the just explain the T loock transmission that she works by bypassing the T in the transmission when she starts moving so you're basically like a tractor pushing rather than all losing rather than moving 30 or 40% your power to a torque converter it bypasses the torque once you're once you're rolling so once JB brought out that transmission has really revolutionized Lord and troubles [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] so tell me Jonathan um what's your opinion on on the forger versus wagon silage debate it's uh look the horses for horses really John you know there's definitely a place in this country for the wagons smaller scale you know fellas not doing a huge amount of silage and they maybe moving away from Bales back towards pit yards are awkward maybe don't suit you know the 100 acres a day of of a SE Bel Harvester there is a place for them but on a larger scale like we've seen some of our larger contractor customers have gone that way complet completely maybe got rid of the Harvester year one gone in with two or three wagons and then they've gone back after a year or two back to the Harvester you know um I'll put this right here if rain is coming and you have 200 Acres of grass on the ground I'd rather have a Jag in the field now than two or three WS so look there is a place from definitely a place from it's a efficient way of bringing in grass in some situations but it's not for everyone it's not for every place you know it's very weather dependent in one sense too we do have some customers now running you know bigger operators running maybe a harvester and maybe one wagon and if if they're under pressure and customers are screaming they can send on the wagon to to get things started you know or or maybe do some of the smaller jobs that you know they'll work well that way together they of course [Applause] yeah [Applause] get [Music] [Applause] [Music] traveled all across is landing nothing I ain't seen every stone you rise can see I tra upon come the night I come alive it's where I live it's where I die here one second turn around I'm gone coming in hot coming in load coming in Lo coming in load ready to ride ready to roll Hammer coming in high you lay down your head at night nightm come to call I'm pretty mug are all you're going to see what Thrillers we're chillers we're natural bone Killers low down dirty dog and and so be coming in high coming in load coming in lock coming in loaded ready to rock ready to roll Hammer's cocked coming in hot woo [Music] Brothers to my left Brothers to my right for each and everyone I take the ball oh I love them and I hate them and I never would forsake them all you mess with one man you get us all coming in a high oo coming in high coming in high coming in load coming in locked coming in load ready Rock ready to roll Hammer's coming in hot now we move on to some Riverside Land drainage here we see a not so typical job where winter storm had flooded a field when the shore river burst its banks with only a short time window to get the job done before the tide comes in Murphy's had to organize as many excavators to get the job done as fast as possible as the tide went out they brought in Timber piles and then that to move as much soil as possible to fill the Gap as they all worked together for 4 hours to get the River Bank built up again [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] C now we go back to silage with Fage wagons yeah hi I'm James colan shway far Machinery uh we've been in business in Caron Shore for almost 30 years now uh initially with the forklift business and uh we Diversified some years ago to the Agri trade obviously when the downturn came the economy we needed to get sustainability for the company and sustainability for the jobs really so um the obvious choice uh as a bolt on to our forklift business was Far Machinery yeah obviously we cover the full range of uh equipment with pottinger from your normal standard top or more all the ways up to your tedar your rakes and obviously the the ultimate unit they make being the poer forage wagon we've got a huge range um within that that uh line from the faroh to the Euro proofy to the Taro to the jumbo and uh the products ever evolving obviously um we have reduced the number of options within size in wagons just to cater for the market more um very suitable to Irish conditions and you know the grass we grow in Ireland really I mean the Wag The Wagon business has evolved greatly over the last three to four years in particular I mean the wagon has always been on the market and it's always been used by by uh the very uh conscientious and cute operators who who um know what the who knew what the wagon was about in saying that um it's grown greatly in the sense that the average wagon for the average contractor for many years was the Taro 5100 but like all things everything's got bigger and bigger and a lot of the contractors now evolved into the the jumbo the 6610 the 610 6610 um that size because they want to get more volume into the field in one load it's obviously more um realistic from their point of view from a cost Factor yeah I mean funny thing John is is that um this would have been one of our weakest areas for po wagons in particular for forage wagons and um some I think it was three years ago at at the the plown Championships uh I met with John Murphy John Murphy is a long-standing customer of ours and Murphy Brothers are longstanding customer of ours in the forklift business believe it or not um 20 30 years ago when I sold my fourth forklift um when I traded it back in would you believe it's it's ironic really that Murphy it was John Murphy bought that machine from me so he actually has the first forlift I ever sold but we l on in obviously to the agre business we hadn't really done much business with with Murphy Brothers and I met up at the plow matches I said and uh I said to him John I said would you ever consider um wagons for your business and it was absolute no from him at that point so we sat down had a cup of tea and discussed it for quite a while and uh I said John I said tell me one other product in the world where you can deliver a better quality product at a cheaper price to the end user and you'll make more money than you're doing today something contractors always want to hear absolutely H and that's what what it's about delivering delivering better quality at a better price and In fairness he said no you couldn't and you know we talked and laughed and joked for a while and everything with on I said John look I said a ptar forage wagon really is like a haircut I said you eventually have to get one so I said it's was a matter of deciding when so I went on and look John as John and Walter was there and and and James and we had a good crack and good fun and you know funny he went off walking around the pom much as most people do and you know he must have thought about it and looked at the wagons and he came back to me about an hour later and he said look will you come down to me in 2 weeks time and talk to me so one night went down and met him I think at 10:00 one night and uh would you believe it I think we left the house that night at 12 or half 12 or an order for two wagons and that was the first of it and uh obviously it's been a major success for John since and the Murphy Brothers and Walter and James and they've L on and bought two more wagon sents and two more sents and a rake so it's a it's a great success story and uh from our perspective obviously we're delighted to see John uh and Walter operating our product in the field they are very professional organiz organization and um they don't generally get a Rong In fairness to them so I was a key customer from our perspective in the area with some great customers obviously in the area contractors and Farmers but it was very important um from our point of view to get John into wagin and then Walter yeah one one of the key things we get actually one of the key inquiries we get in particular when somebody's converting from a from a harvester to a wagon or considering a wagon for the first time is is maintenance cost and I mean the maintenance cost on a forage wagon pottinger anyway in particular I can tell you is so minimal it's actually hard to believe I couldn't quantify it one day until a customer who's using two wagons came in and there was a customer here considering buying one and I asked him the question and he's his answer was you will not spend 5,000 over 5 years so so if you take it at 1,000 a year that's the maximum figures you were going to spend and that includes breaking some knives because of stones and this and that but mhm the maintenance is so minimal on forage wagons in comparison to Harvesters that's the key and hence you can deliver a better service cheaper to the end user and obviously give the better product [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we now talk to Shan Gerald a newly appointed salesperson with shway about the wagons and the latest pottinger Machinery that Murphy's had purchased well the wagons um Murphy's run are the new jumbo 6610s very high spec machines 710 tires steering axle four steering uh autoc cut which is very new on the Irish Market from pater uh dwagon is possibly Carri on average maybe 20 ton of reasonably dry grass um they're driven with 250 horsepower tractors uh with an output of up to 70 Acres a day per wagon latest to that they bought was a 6610 before that they had a 6010 and the reason they went to the bigger model is because pottinger stopped producing the smaller one and they went to the bigger one um but they've also put Auto cut on the newer wagons and went for four steering I suppose is a new thing that people are are looking at now it replaces the manufacturer's control panel and the machines plug into the tractor's computer and all the controls are done from the computer and the tractor um not all tractors are compatible with with IUS and and not all manufacturers have machines but luckily enough pater are very much up to date with all their Machinery so all our MERS all our wagons are all is isos compatible really okay great yeah and it's changing and even down the road it's going to come to where you can download nap to work the machine on the back of your tractor or so you have your standard iPad in your tractor and that's working your your machine behind the tractor that's where the future is leading John luy has bought into the whole concept of pottinger he realizes the quality of the product um in the mo now they're run the alpha motion the alpha motion is market leader in across Europe because of its flotation system it's a patent flotation system uh the more actually floats up up and down directly not forward and backwards uh it is most flotation travel than anymore on the market um that's on the front of the tractor and the rear of the tractor then is have a 302 Ed which is 10t more conditioner again there's some nice flotation benefits that machine there's a hydraulic lower linkage to keep it the more level on the back of the tractor um and they all come standard with a heavyduty pater bed rown for its quality more then John operates our 762 rake uh it'll put three 10ft swats together uh it's hydraulic telescopic settings um We R in front of the rake we again we have a unique feature of a wheel called a multitask wheel which keeps the T from the ground and prevents contamination again so the quality is there with the pater product the cost of ownership of a of a pater product is probably lower than any other product on the market and that's something that contractors are looking at today when they're making a purchase [Music] [Music] as the Harvest comes in we catch up with water harvesting spring barley outside carican Shore with her class lexian [Music] 620 [Music] as Kelly's and Boris Supply Murphy's with class lexian we talk to Jonathan about the lexian range okay Jonathan you sell quite a few combines as well like you know can you give us the breakdown of the sizes of the combines you would normally sell that has changed in recent years it's actually gone from uh selling bigger combines to selling more mid-range Walker machines we've we've actually shifted now from selling a huge amount of rotary machines to selling more six Walker machines I break down really there the last few years would be if we sold 10 combines there was probably five or six lexian 650s 660s 67s which are six Walker machines there's probably three maybe you know three I suppose uh five Walker machines be lexans or Tano models and maybe one or two with larger rotary machines one of the biggest factors has been the output has been increasing and increasing on the Walker machines right so we're now in a situation where 670 lexian um probably has output very close to a 570 rotor he had a few years ago so we can get the higher output with the with the Walker machine it's still maintaining straw quality and and it's just it's an easier machine to resell also our problem is when the machine comes back in second hand the larger rotary is hard enough sell because the secondhand customer wants a walk a machine right so people are finding that it's better to buy the Walker we actually one particular customer this year he was going to buy one large rotary combine and in steady he actually bought two six Walker machines okay Jonathan can you give me a bit of the background to the class 620 Lex in com that Murphy's on well 620 630 are about five Walker combines in the lexian range they're the smallest of the lexans they're becoming more and more popular in this country and the main reason why our class combines do perform so well in our Irish conditions over here is that we run what we call an APS drum so in your class combine you actually have three drums in the front three three concaves three drums the first one is the aps drum which is running at 50% of the speed of the main drum M so when the crop comes up the neck it's going from Stand still to 50% speed in the first smaller drum and then it goes into the big drum at full speed right and those two drums are actually linked together so if you decrease the speed of the big one it also decreases the small one what that means is it improves crop flow class will speak a lot about crop flow and it is very important driving other makes of machines in damp conditions we're all familiar with we're hearing grunting and groaning underneath our feet as a crop goes into the concave on a class is very rare and has to get very very wet before you'll hear that yeah the the crop is increasing steadily in speed going through the machine we also trash 30% of the Grain in that first APS drum and then the remaining 70% is crashed by that big drop [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] again we talked to Jonathan because Kelly Supply Murphy JCB loaders Jonathan um Murphy's run two JCB 435 models one is a 2015 model and one is the all new 2016 model can you give me a rundown as to like you know just the difference between the two models or well the biggest difference really is in the cab and the operator environment I think in the new one is has improved drastically you know over the previous one um performance- wise they're both fantastic machines those 435s now they just nothing can come near them on a pit there there's a lot of makes a ers out there but at the end of the day the JCB is designed for clamp work where most of the others are Industrial machines and well yeah the cab is a lot of it but it's the same reason why the class tractors took off for us once the operator likes the cab that's that seems to be as important nowadays as anything El [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] f all [Music] [Music] as the Autumn comes in Murphy's Harvest maze for a select number of customers and as you can see the Jaguar 900 takes it all of its SP [Music] a [Music] yeah yeah yeah [Music] yeah yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] w w w [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] w [Music] he this year's potato Harvest kicked off in great conditions again we talked to Cle about the Grimmy GT 170 Harvester well the GT 170 Harvester is a very uh versatile Harvester and what I mean by versatile is that uh it's a very renowned Harvester for getting work done in dry conditions without damage and wet conditions without damage basically the GT 170s that you see in the video here is a hydraulic web driven machine and that has full control over the speed of the webs and controll on the flow of the pus up to the separator unit everything is controlled from the cab on the new modern multips you can set the distances you can set the height and you can set the speed of each multips that's all on a multifunctional panel a vc50 in the front of the cab it is also equipped like with Grimmy control cameras you can have uh cameras on the on the machine that when the machine indicates a blocking it com you get a a the camera switches to the point of where the machine is under pressure the lington trailers were designed to reduce damage of filling into boxes now customers have various types not just larington but trailers of this design this is to reduce any damage of bruising on the potatoes filling into the boxes remember the potatoes these people are growing are table potatoes and these want the best skin finish they want no bruis Under the Skin and then 90% of the Packers like their products to be filled into boxes and instead of going into a grater first the boxes are put into the coal store and when the boxes are taken out when they're ready for grading that they only run across the grer once to eliminate the product bruising damage and mechanical damage this particular machine you see here has what we call ter control ter control is the to set the Diablos on top of the ridge with not too much pressure and adjust accordingly so that you don't get to squeeze to make sure you maintain a good feed into the Harvester but not too much pressure on the drills that you damage betas I asked Cel about how he feels about the potato industry moving forward farming it'll get to a level we have a market and we have to grow to that market and we need to be we need to box clever we don't need to put in extra Acres this year mhm just because we may have had a good year last year we need to put in the same acre constant acres and pursuit the same tonnage that we can get a solid price because the more potatoes we have the less price it's going to be the other factor is I know we can't control weather but we can control the Acres we do and it'll be better all around for the industry [Music] [Music] with potato harvesting completed we call out to see Murphy's plowing some potato ground with her case one40 backed up by their fent 7 to4 while Walter drills the winter crops with the fent 8 to8 and Lam can [Music] [Applause] [Music] drill [Music] [Music] all [Applause] we come back to some Digger work and see James working on a demonstration atachi axis 130 at some land reclamation James looks after the pl hire side of the business and between himself and John arrange all the work to be done along with Digger Fleet [Music] Maintenance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here we see Mark grading a site on another one of Murphy's 13 ton Itachi excavators in kensure Forever [Music] Murphy's do a large amount of dung spreading so we catch up at Mick spreading some dung with his fent 724 and 10 ton Richard Western spreader being loaded by their older JCB 435s El [Applause] [Music] I know my word I might be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] get as winter closes in one of Murphy's customers that grows carrots requires them to be covered in straw to protect them from the elements straws to be brought in and then loaded onto a Jones engineering straw layer while the process is happening a layer of poine is also be put under the straw so it can be easily removed in spring [Music] time is [Applause] all we have one last quick look at some of the land reclamation and receding that was done through the air and as we finish up the DVD we take a look at Murphy's new agry store at premises in Mount Bolton Port [Music] law [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] know [Applause] he
Channel: johnwandersonagain
Views: 36,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wanderson, johnwandersonagain, Farming, Contracting, agri contractor, silage, grass, agriculture, agricultural, agricultural documentary, farming documentary, new holland agriculture, Farming DVD, Agricultural DVD, Contract & Farm DVD, Film maker, FCI, Hauling Silage, Mc and S Machinery, Kellys of Borris, Pottinger, Pottinger Ireland, Case IH, Claas Jaguar 900, Murphy Bros, Murphy Bros Contractors, JCB, JCB 435s, Hitachi, Waterford, Murphys of Portlaw, John Deere, TFM
Id: B5VwFFCf9i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 1sec (5341 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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