Powerful Word Evangelist Juanita Bynum Preaching Back In The Day Year 2000 COGIC!

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Gosei you too long hey thank you Jesus wanna touch your neighbor says time to come on up to another level and if we too low for the world today society shaaka thank you Jesus you praise the house over thank you Jesus hallelujah I don't know if you're not enough but I brought you in here for a reason I said II brought you in each one how are you he brought you an eden-like to get you ready [Applause] oh yes god yes yes Jesus for all that he is done in my life and all that he is doing I praise him tonight for a new assignment in my life thank you Jesus I praise Him the night that he has found me worthy of a different assignment some of you may not understand what that means but you don't stay in one green your whole life of your salvation but as you are broken in the Lord he takes you to a new assignment and I thank God that he shows in me I don't know about y'all but I'm glad to be chosen I honor the Lord for this great man of God pastor Gibson and his wife why don't we give them a good god bless you oh I know you can do better than that man I'm happy to be here tonight into one of my brothers in the gospel Kirk Carr who has blessed us tonight whose music is a blessing and I ain't trying to make no friends so I don't have to blow up nobody but I thank God for the anointing good lord have mercy I thank God that somebody has decided to make a stand against the garbage that is in the kingdom oh I told y'all I'm on a different assignment and they ain't no compromise in my belly God is saying if you want my life then you gotta lose yours thank you Jesus a lot of us is trying to get the Lord's life then we want to keep our own but he said that he that seeketh to save his own life he shall lose it but he that loses his life for the sake of the gospel shall gain everlasting life and I don't know about y'all but I'm finding out every step of the way that my being purified in the house of the Lord is not so good I couldn't get along with my neighbor I don't come to church every Sunday and get in my words so what I could learn how to get along with the people on the Usher board in the choir but I come to church because I got to make it in I think we don't forgot that we got to make it in to the kingdom lord have mercy a lot of us adjust and you know what I'm sorry because I offended you I don't want to offend nobody because when I leave this world I want to make it in the Bible said that the righteous is going to scarcely make it and oftentimes I look at my mother who I know to be a righteous woman of God and the Lord is often said to me looking at her lifestyle who will probably read the Bible now about four times from beginning to end and he said to me she goes scarcely make it in and when I saw that I said god what about myself honey we ain't doing them by playing games and we ought to go ahead and face that listen if God would have come right now many of us that go to church every Sunday is not ready to meet him when we come because we I'm telling you this is a and this is a it's [Applause] that's been my cry to the Lord the Book of Jeremiah 1710 you can write this down we're getting ready to see what it is the Lord is talking about tonight Jeremiah 1710 says that the Lord shall reward us for the fruit of our doings somebody say the fruit of our doings we are in a time right now and I gotta say this hoping that we can digest him tonight because a lot of times the Lord is speaking but he doesn't have a belly to digest him does it have a system that can hold what he is trying to say said in the last days there will be a generation that will not be able to endure sound doctrine in other words it will come into their system but they won't be able to digest it so it'll end up being head knowledge and not deliverance and that's what the church is for love today not a hid knowledge but no deliverance because we are listening to the word but we are not giving the world the importance of eating is we must get him to become him we must digest him so that we can be fashioned of him and the Lord began to say to me he said I'm calling you so the next and one thing that really just stuck with me the other night and even tonight when I got into the sanctuary and I was sitting in my seat and the president Lord came on me he said if you don't want my weight and the enemy sees that you don't want to do it in my way then the devil has already prepared your invitation and he will live in the church lives in the invitation and not in the real God helmers I feel something on me tonight he'll give us a gospel that looks like God and sounds like God and feels like God but it's an imitation because we can't live it though Jesus it speaks and towns like God it is called divination it's when it sounds like God and it feels like God and it's the same goose-pimples like God but we have no intentions of obeying God's every letter so the devil says if you don't want the real if you got a problem with what God is saying then I'm gonna give you an invitation and make you fake you in the real and so here we can say to me that the body of Christ as a whole is being deceived by the imitation that we think is of God I'm gonna take my time and say this mother because a lot of people don't know this and that's why we can we can we can we can embrace all of this mess and all of this foolishness that's in the body of Christ because you know what you know some people don't know that they are backslidden because they've never been safe for real see let me understand because it does not the glory of the church [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] somebody bring you out [Music] [Music] I gotta look at them because because I know there's something going on in my life oh shoot I said would you be ministers in the traps no more to ask you where you be because we are not being raised in the spirit we are bastard children you let me ask somebody's boat what you be [Applause] he told me he told me you go home you go home now this right here my god is that all that's what you wanna do that's where you know what I tell you what I'll tell you what this what you want to do that's fine don't worry about tell you what you do cuz see God need to use you to draw people so it we are all they gonna be alike so what you do is oh it's all right you know you just just just do whatever it is that's gonna help you to draw people because they got want to use you to test some people like you so I'll tell you what you do I tell what you do you do this that's what you do you and then you you know you do because you know you can't Brooke [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I say Lord I'm saying dad I know you I know you got a call on my life and so this is what we say and let me announce to you what's your grade is you and the grade that says well they wouldn't I mean you know it really doesn't take off I really don't think that you need to really really really go that far let me tell you something you ain't went far enough in God sure to know what is God you haven't gone far nothing in your level of purification to understand what is deception of the enemy and so what the devil says to you is now don't go too deep now now don't get too consecrated now you ain't got a fast all like that I don't know what you start acting all weird because you know don't nobody else in the church act like that and don't you start speaking on them tongues and falling all out and being all special cuz you know you know you're gonna make folk one and run away from you so I'll tell you what you do you just stay on the board whatever that's cuz you all right and the Bible said woe unto you that measure yourselves by each other we'll want to do that look at your neighbor and said well I must be all right cousin Janice can do it in Catholic do it and go and do it and Sarah do it and they still love God they still praise God but you know what they're not you and they're not your assignment [Applause] let me read some so you watch this watch this go to Daniel Daniel cheering watch this watch that's what I'm talking about honey we shall no no gasps but no more sorry I said looking back this is like what some of y'all looking at me like well what is she well what okay wait wait I'm trying to understand okay so what they say if I use it looking at me later what what you're trying to say well well oh you mean you know it's something how when God starts challenging us to add next level we start playing crazy like what what you mean what what's she talking about God did you know in there somehow we play crazy when we don't want to when we don't want to give up to God and then we say well honey I see I know I know I know how she preaches right but honey I can't I can't give up like you know what the Lord showed me he's in the strange how you can be dating a man for 10 15 years and God can be trying to purify you and tell you you know what I want you to come out of section I said you live in skåne I can't give him mother I just can't honey y'all don't understand and let him sleep with Gwen and you would leave him tomorrow and never look back so that says you can't [Applause] [Music] the Lord said the Lord sent us at night he said I want a different level out of your life let me start [Applause] [Music] well you don't know how long it took me to get here you don't know that was there what warfare by your Bibles I I wanna stand II yes you do yes yes because you had been dealing with me then you get has to told you and this this me just because I see the damage [Applause] we haven't we persist to set up in church and sign language when they told me in the old days that death was healed yawning would want to talk back in here I can't get no eight minutes tonight understand why oh that's old talent Church Chad don't nobody do that kind of stuff no mo ain't nobody dresses like that [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I think if you got big legs you want to show that I think if you got big legs you ought to pull your dress down because you want to see God I don't want me to teach you [Applause] he said we're to project God with a shame face y'all ain't sayin anything I can pass on through how to messed up great mayor's are in from TN [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] where is the church [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I thought the reason why you wanted to be saved is because we don't want to be lost [Applause] and churches that preach financial mirrors honey don't you want a Rolls Royce don't you want a Cadillac pass out the door churches that's teaching receptacle and vacation y'all expanded the truth is the light and then we say this is where we this is where we go but God is charging the spirits of men and listen during the night he's charging in the night he stopped for every word that I preach for every word that come across the gospel you girl I had around the first day I came home from school and I was so excited and she said look at my baby's name now David wrote her name [Applause] you ten years old and salvation and still win a mister [Applause] and you [Applause] Whitney Houston cannot train my spirit because she's not my Savior and she don't know the direction that God is taking this Liberty y'all like saying nothing Luther can't take my spirit down the highway y'all cause he don't know my destiny my destiny [Applause] ah quit [Music] different assignment and I'm telling everybody and I'm forewarning everybody that city's been in for me invitation you don't want the real gospel you don't want me I got a different assignment then somebody don't stand up and speak truth in the face of the devil we're not gonna have a church y'all a stand up interview if somebody don't begin to stand up for the gospel of Jesus Christ and clear wrong and right to be right [Applause] because between clean and unclean [Applause] [Applause] it's tied into you nothing it's a shame that this is a church and it's this time I listen I've preached it to the church it is tight if the world is coming to be saved Peter and John st. sylvan go have a nut you know what they were able to say to us look on us I don't know about y'all but I'm selling out I'm in the processor of self that kind of language is not in the church in the world right still out Virg PFI sanctified give up the God televisions travail they miniature somebody cuz I'm saying what what you say to the process process of triplicate what that kind of language and that's what the Lord said to me he said that's what your new assignment is he said your new assignment is to familiarize mind with my language he said your new assignment is to familiarize their ears with the process of the way that I intend to do things and tell them if they want another way the devil's got the invitation but tell you something he starts out with this session and I tell you why well he met Eve in the garden she should have known that snakes didn't talk [Applause] before she even heard what he said common sense should have told her that her out of the only two of the garden talking and I closed with this you know what happened to her one of my friends said it best that I've ever heard it pastor Curley he said when the devil perceives that she long God's way he has an imitation already prepared for your spirit and what his assignment is to do is to make the imitation look just like God so you will never know the difference and his assignment he so calls you to live 20 years in church in the invitation and have never tapped the real and you're the people that would say to God but I cast out Devils in your name and he said and I don't even know you depart from me ye workers of iniquity an iniquity is anything that you do for God the wrong way y'all give me the look again what it's an illegal method of doing things anything that you don't get through prayer and supplication you got it illegally and you ain't gonna keep it as I close tonight I I got my job done instead the shout anybody could make you shout I don't want to make you does it matter if I got a - yeah well I wanna make sure you don't save me you can't miss you can't afford to miss this time in this place tonight as we leave out of this building AB this is well feeling that the spirit of the one who trains those that he calls his is going to begin to teach a new spirit trust me when I tell you this Gary less than 24 hours if you buy ears you're going to hear his voice startling teachers fear put their down don't say that go back and apologize uh-uh don't put that out uh turn that off no stop right now and pray huh don't go out to lunch with them stay over here no no go get in your car and get your Bible you see y'all II yeah I said I said the Holy Ghost said in less than 24 hours if you here's the shrine there's gonna start teaching your spirit you got to stop that I'm gonna put that down that ain't gonna work you're gonna go to touch it and you're gonna feel some of your spirits up not you don't mess with that leave that alone I said leave it alone I said stop it I said stop me now I don't hear what I'm saying because that's what this is all about that's what I came for I changed to ignite between and you know that you is then you know that it wasn't a flier that brought you the TV didn't bring you he drew the ones that are ears washes washes is common here no I'm not getting ready to play some music what I stay down [Music] calm down you come [Music] yeah [Music] all over the building if you want cheese this would be close in your face come down here now here we go and the Holy Ghost said all of that is Christian drama boo [Applause] I surrender all that what is that big attack that you know what that is that is the first thing emotions in every charge and I learned this when I took music there are serving keys on that piano can make you feel all kind of moods and the Holy Ghost said tell my people stop being deceived because this God that you're trying to embrace honey you can embrace him in the kitchen he's just as real why you vacuum it darling [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he said no I'm not going to do the drama thing tonight he said because go to the mind they're going out of this auditorium and they're gonna hear me and they gonna say you're the one to me tonight and they're going home you know what [Applause] we tell the lady [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] well not talking to the night holy ghost folk tonight [Music] [Applause] I know morning I gotta go to another level than God ok afraid of me cuz he sold a car and I don't know he's coming for me but I just hear this I want to be ready to be ready to walk in Jerusalem just like John I'm ready to be ready [Music] I'm praying to be ready I've got to walk in Jerusalem just like John I'll seeking to be ready pump seeking I gotta be ready to walk in Chosun just like you you better pray but
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 44,037
Rating: 4.7740383 out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, Juanita Bynum, Bishop Ron Gibson, Preachers of La, Preaching, Gospel, California, Prophet, Prophetess, Teaching
Id: qsVrmfLbbxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 34sec (2734 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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