A Dedicated Man

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Don't keep him waiting. Um, liver and bacon. Liver and bacon? What's wrong with that? Well you know what liver does to you. Reg! You'll be up all night. [laughter] What dreadful people. I beg your pardon... Those people. It seems all wrong for them to be served by someone like you Mr. Silcox. Oh yes you are right Edit. They're trash. All of them trash. Good afternoon, Edith. Mr. Silcox. May I? Yes, of course. Pleasant day. How are you enjoying life at the Cliff View? Well, it's.. quite well-paid I suppose. True. Precious little else one can say for it. Have you worked in this part of the world before? no well... as a matter of fact, I haven't worked anywhere very much. Indeed? This is only my second job as a waitress. Oh indeed you do surprise me. I was the one who had to look after mother you see. Ah. And I never expected to have to go out to work. - I was thought there was money. - Yes. When mother died... - Yes. Of course the hotel business can be rewarding. It can be very rewarding. Oh yes I'm sure. I have in mind somewhere small and exclusive. A residential hotel ideally. Sort of place with rhododendron bushes, geranium bordered lawns. A place like that where the guests are people of taste and discrimination. With a place like that one could find one's niche and be very comfortable. - Yes I'm sure that would be very pleasant. - Oh yes. Well now, if you'll excuse me Edith, I have some letters to write. I'll see you at 5:30. [chatter] [ringing gong] [chatter] Miss! We ordered tea not coffee. Oh yes I'm sorry. And I thought there were supposed to be 4 sausages. Yes sir that's right. Mmmm? Looks more like 3 to me. No, no, that's all right. - I'll ask the chef. - Chef!? What's happened to poor bloody cook?! [Laughing] - Edith, could I have a word with you? - Yes of course. No not now. I'll meet you in the art gallery at 10:45. For some time now, I've been looking for another job. Something more suited to my experience should we say. Last week I went for an interview at the Royal Gorge near Henleigh. A small residential hotel with a very select clientele, but I heard this morning that they are prepared to offer me the post. That's wonderful Mr. Silcox. Yes. You must be very pleased. Yes indeed I am, but um now it's a very substantial but I'm afraid... the manageress of the Royal Gorge is looking for a married couple. A waiter and a waitress. and I thought perhaps... well... it might be worth considering. Unless of course you find the whole idea totally unacceptable. Oh no Mr. Silcox. I... You don't? Well as you say it's ah... certainly worth considering. Good I'm glad you think so. I looked at the bedroom by the way. There are twin beds. otherwise of course there'd be no question. Do you mean we should pretend to be married? Yes, pretend. Exactly. Yes I see. I should tell you Edith I'm a married man. Married but separated. Well, I realize this is all rather a shock. Bolt from the blue as they say. No. no no it's um well... it... it sounds ideal. Yes ideal. Goooood. You have to go for an interview but there will be nothing to worry about. Gooood. They were both very happy in Singapore but in Bombay all the trouble started. Are you sure that we're talking about the same couple? I'm sorry to have kept you waiting Mrs. Silcox. Do please come in. [Music] You'll have to wear this of course. I thought perhaps we ought to have a son. Makes it seem more natural. If anyone asks, we can say he goes to public school and all our savings are spent on his education. How old is he? He's 17 and working for the advanced level. We shall say nothing ourselves of course as we're not in the habit of discussing our personal affairs but he is there if wanted. What should we... What is his name? I thought Julian. Who is he really? A young relative. Now I think perhaps we should come to some sort of agreement with regard to the oh uh... oh yes. washing arrangements. Yes. - Establish a routine. - Yes. Carrie: Mr. Silcox. Good night Carrie. ...ever so respectable. She's very quiet isn't she? Wouldn't you be though, with him. yes I suppose so. You seen their room? Ever so tidy. They clear everything away. Edith may I have a word? yes of course. I think it might be better if we were less tidy in our room that is. If you could just leave one or two things lying about. Your hairbrush perhaps, a pot of hand cream, things like that. What do you mean? I once worked as floor waiter in the hotel and I know how married people tend to leave their rooms. A wife never hides everything away. No Edith. Like this. Good taste is never showy. Yes sorry. No no there's no need to apologize. I was just pointing it out. I mean, look at this. It's a collector's item. It's Meissen. In most hotels they put it in a glass case to draw your attention to it, but here they - oh they allow their guests to enjoy it as they would in their own home. You see? Discretion is the essence of good taste, Edith. One never draws attention to excellence. By the way, where does he go in the holidays? What happens when he's not at school? Just in case anybody asks. He goes to relatives. If only you've been here, you'd have been very proud of us. Mr. Silcox... um, Morris. What is it Edith? Don't you think people might find it rather strange that we never go and see Julian? He's at boarding school we can't see him. No, I mean what about weekends? and the holidays? He goes to relatives. We discussed this before, don't you remember? Yes I know. Don't you think we should go see him sometime? I think not. Most parents do. Most but not all. Well suppose someone - If anyone asks, you can always say he's perfectly happy with this arrangement. After all a boy at public school might not wish to spend very much time with parents who are - well rather humbly employed. You mean he's ashamed of us? He might be I suppose. Oh no. Not Julian. That's your boy? Yes. What's his name? Julian. How old is he? Seventeen. He's got your eyes, doesn't he? Do you think so? Oh yeah couldn't be anyone else's. He's supposed to take more after his father's side. Well that's what his father says I bet. Oh no I can see you. I mean... look at the way his hair grows. Not like Mr. Silcox at all. Yes well they do say he's rather like my sister's eldest boy. His cousin. You must be very proud of him. Such a nice open face. Yes yes he's a good boy. Isn't Carrie a nice girl? Such an open face, she said. And she's right. Right. Couldn't be easier.Three soups, three roast beef. Thank you, sir. Would you like anything to drink? Oh yes, please. A bottle of that excellent claret your husband recommend the other day. How about you William? Lemonade? We have some very special ginger beer if your grandson would like that. Oh yes please. They're all the same at that age, aren't they? I remember how my boy loves ginger beer. I didn't know you had a son, Edith. Oh yes, he's away at school studying for the advanced level. Edith! I just couldn't believe my ears. What on earth did you say to the Colonel? I was only making casual conversation. All this nonsense has got to stop! Chatting to the guests, telling them a pack of lies, as if they could possibly be interested. You know as well as I do how unprofessional it is. I don't see the harm. And I don't see the necessity. I wish to God we could kill the boy off now. I hope I shan't have any further cause for complaint. Is everything all right sir? Yes it's fine. Thank you. Oh Morris. Tell your wife it'll be perfectly all right for Sunday the 18th. About going to see your son on his birthday. I'm sure we'll be able to manage without her. - Yes right thank you. - I'm sorry we can't spare you as well. - No... no. I'm uh... - That's a lovely sweater she's knitting for him. I'm sure he'll be very pleased with it. Yes, I'm sure. Thank you. I've just seen Miss Skinner. oh? What's all this nonsense about going to see the boy? Oh yes. I thought I made it clear all this has got to stop. They think we're unnatural Morris. I felt so ashamed I said I'd like to go and see him on his birthday. And when is that pray? Next month, the 18th. Oh it is, is it? Yes it is. You can't choose everything. I forbid you to say anything more about the boy Well you can't. People ask me how he's getting on. God, I wish I'd never started this damn fool business. Mrs. Skinner said something about you knitting a sweater. Yes for his birthday. I think you're going out of your mind. Edith... if things go on like this, you'll have to go away. You'll land us in jail. Do you realize that? [door shuts] Oh Going to have to get some more wool if it's going to be finished in time. Excuse me, is there a Mr. Silcox working here? Yes, but I'm afraid this is his afternoon off. Oh dear what a shame. - Is it possible for me to leave a note? - Yes. - I'll be seeing him this evening. - Oh fine thanks. He may not be long. Would you care to wait? No I can't do that. Mums in the car and we're in a bit of a hurry. Thanks very much. Bye. [Clock slowly ticking.] Quarter to, Edith. I'm sorry if I spoke harshly but these things have to be said. You've got ten minutes. So, I said to him if you can beat me at croquet, I'll treat you to a slap-up luncheon. And he did. He did. He played damn well I mean, for a boy of 14. Mrs. Silcox. Mr. Silcox says could you please come down at once. There are some people in the dining room already. [knock on door] Mrs. Silcox. I shan't be coming down. Aren't you feeling well? Tell him I shan't be coming down. [door shuts] Edith, what on earth's the matter? Why aren't you coming down? What are you doing? He came here this afternoon. Who came here?! He asked me to give you this. What is it? It's about the watch you gave him. Julian. How dare you read this! She came too. She was in the car. How dare you read this? Why did you lie? I was supposed to be his mother...This has nothing to do with you! How dare you interfere in my affairs! He's your son! You put his photograph up so you could look at him every day. You're talking utter rubbish! My son means nothing to me. He only keeps in touch because of money. You're his father. He chose his mother and they deserve each other! Years ago I'd have done anything for him but he chose to be with her! He's not fit to be my son! He's a cheap worthless lout! I love him. I love him! Mr. Silcox, please.I'm coming down. Please. I repeat I am coming down. Edith is unwell and we must manage this evening as best we can without her. She will stay here and rest. Come along Carrie. Let's put our shoulders to the wheel. I brought you a nip of brandy. He told me to leave you alone. There might be something she wants I thought. My mother has funny turns like this. Brandy always does her a bit of good. I'm not ill. It's bad news, bad news. Not your boy. Oh what's happened? Don't tell me an accident? No no it's worse. - He's in trouble. - oh my god. For theft. Thieving. Oh dear. I'm ever so sorry. I really am. Never mind you can trust me. I wouldn't breathe a word to a living soul. It doesn't matter if you do. It was bound to happen. What do you mean? There's bad blood you see... on his father's side. [Clock ticking] Edith... Edith! Ow! Edith: No I'm sorry I can't provide any references. I've never worked before you see. But since my husband's death... well... I have a son away at school. He's studying for the advanced level and I need the money it's as simple as that. No, I quite understand. Did your husband die quite recently Mrs. Silcox? Yes. Two months ago. It was very unexpected. He was a fine man. everybody said so. He put his whole heart and soul into his job. I think that was why he died so young. it was the strain you see. He was always working. He was devoted to us of course, but his work always came first. He was a truly dedicated man.
Channel: Daisy Mason
Views: 83,733
Rating: 4.7524071 out of 5
Keywords: a dedicated man
Id: ac_FHvfQn6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 50sec (3230 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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