NBP YT Mrs Warrens Profession

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[Music] you we hate this up the door teen 90s win all night first kick I knew what love was a knife tasted ecstasy but I thought we cuddled since the Diana Giovanni I'm suave although we'll turned 40 and don't need sympathy so I'm not a filly I screened a picatinny can you direct me to Hindhead you mrs. Allison's this is mrs. Allison's D perhaps MA are you miss Vivian yes I'm afraid I hear you see my name is Frank I do indeed miss Warren has your mother arrived is she coming didn't you expect this no oh no goodness me I hope I'm not mistaken the day that would be just like me you know your mother arranged that she was to come down from London and I was to come over from Horschel to be introduced to you she did did she hmm my mother is rather a trick of taking me by surprise to see how I behaved myself when she's not here I suppose I fancy I shall take my mother very much by surprise one of these days if she makes arrangements that concern me without consulting me beforehand well she hasn't capped I'm really very sorry oh it's not your fault mr. parade is it I'm very glad you've come you're the only one of my mother's friends I've ever asked her to bring to see me oh now that's really very good of you miss Warren would you like to come on indoors would you rather sit out well oh now do let me take the hard chair I like hot chair so do I sit down mr. Prez no by the way hadn't we better go and meet your mother at the station why she knows the way yes I suppose she does do you know you're just like what I expected I hope you're disposed to be friends with me thank you my dear ms well and thank you dear me I'm so glad your mother hasn't spoiled you how well in making you too conventional you know my dear miss Warren I'm a born anarchist I hate Authority it spoils relations between parent and child even mother and daughter now I was always afraid your mother would strain her Authority by making you very conventional I'm so glad it's such a relief to find that she hasn't Oh have I been behaving unconventionally oh no oh dear no at least not conventionally unconventionally you understand but he was so charming of you to say that you were disposed to be friends to me you modern young ladies are splendid perfectly splendid hmm When I was your age young men and women were afraid of each other there was no good fellowship nothing was real only gallantry copied out of novels and as vulgar and effective this could be mainly reserved gentlemanly chivalry always saying no when you met yes simple purgatory of his shines and sear Souls yes I imagine there must have been a frightful waste of time especially woman's time Oh waste of life waste of everything the things are improving you know I've been in a positive state of excitement about meeting you ever since your magnificent achievements at Cambridge I think I'm heard of in my day it was perfectly splendid of you tying with the third Wrangler just the right place you know the first Wrangler is always a dreamy Morvan fellow in whom the thing is pushed to the length of a disease it doesn't pay I wouldn't do it again for the same money the same money I did it for fifty pounds fifty pounds yes fifty pounds Oh perhaps you don't know how it was well mrs. Latham my two trip noonim had told my mother that I could distinguished myself in the mathematical Tripos if I went in for it in earnest well the papers were just full then a Philippa Somers meeting the senior Wrangler well you remember it of course but anyhow she did and nothing would please my mother but that I should do the same thing well I told her flat that it wasn't worth my while to face the grind because I wasn't going in for teaching but I offered to try for fourth Wrangler or there abouts for 50 pounds well she closed with me on that after a bit of grumbling and I was better than my bargain but I wouldn't do it again for the same money two hundred pounds were been here at the mark don't miss me very practical way of looking at it did you expect to find me a nun practical person but surely isn't it practical to consider not only the work these honors cost but also the culture they bring culture my dear mister pray do you know what the mathematical Tripos means it means grind grind grind for six to eight hours a day at mathematics and nothing but mathematics I'm supposed to know something about science but I know nothing but the mathematics is involves I could make calculations for engineers electricians insurance companies and so on but I know next to nothing about engineering electricity or insurance I didn't even know arithmetic well outside mathematics lawn tennis eating sleeping cycling and walking I'm a more ignorant barbarian than any woman could possibly be you hadn't gone in for the trials wicked monstrous rascally system I knew it I felt at once that it meant destroying everything that makes womanhood beautiful oh I don't object it on that score in the least now I shall put it a fairly good account I assure you in what way I shall set up in chambers in the city and where could actuarial calculations and conveyancing and a cover of that I'll do some law with one eye on the stock exchange all the time I've come down here by myself to read law not for a holiday as my mother imagines I hate holidays you make my blood run cold I have no romance no beauty in your life oh I don't care for I I assure you we can't mean that yes I do I like working and getting paid for it and when I'm tired of working I like a comfortable chair a cigar a little whiskey and a novel with a good detective story in it I don't believe it I'm an artist and I can't believe it I refuse to believe it it's just that you haven't discovered yet what a wonderful world art can open up to you yes I have last May I spent six weeks in London with the Nuria Fraser muammar thought we were doing a round of sightseeing together but actually I was the denorios chambers and Chancery Lane working out at actuarial calculations for her and helping her as well as a greenhorn Court and in the evenings we smoked and talked and never thought of going out except for exercise and I never enjoyed myself more in my life I'd clean up all my expenses and got initiated into the business without a fee into the bargain but bless my heart and soul miss wanted you for that discovering art that wasn't the beginning I went up to town on the invitation some artistic people who lived in Fitz John's Avenue or one of the girls was a noonim champ and they took me to the National Gallery the Opera and to a concert where the band played Beethoven Wagner all evening and I wouldn't go through that again for anything you could offer me well I helped out for civilities sake until the third day and then I said plump out I couldn't stand anymore I went back to Chancery Lane now you know the sort of perfectly splendid modern young lady I am how do you think I'll get on with my mother well I hope not so much what you hope it's what you believe I want to know well frankly I think your mother's going to be a little disappointed not from any shortcomings on your part you know I don't need that you are so very different from our ideal how what her ideal do you mean her ideal of me yes well what on earth is it like well you must have observed as well that people who are dissatisfied with their own bringing up generally believe that the world would be alright if everybody were brought up quite differently now your mother's life has been I suppose suppose anything mister prayed I hardly know my mother since I was a child I've lived in England at school or college or with people paid to take charge me I've been boarded out all my life my mother's lived in Vienna or Brussels and never let me go to her I only see her when she visits England for a few days oh I don't complain it's been very pleasant because people have been very nice and there's always been plenty of money for things to go smoothly but don't imagine I know anything about my mother I know far less than you do in that case nonsense we're talking of course you and your mother will get on capitally charming little place you have here rather a violent change of subject mister prayed why weren't my mother's life bare being talked about oh no you really mustn't say that isn't it natural that I should show a certain delicacy in speaking to my old friend's daughter about her behind her back your no mother we'll have plenty of opportunity to talk about her when she comes no she won't talk about it either however I dare say you have good reasons for telling me nothing but mark this mister prayed I bet there'll be a battle royal when she hears about my Chancery Lane project I'm afraid there will well I shall win besides I have no mistress to keep up and it seems that she has I've used that advantage over her if necessary oh no no no you not do such a thing then tell me why not I really cannot I appeal to your good feeling besides you may be too bold your mother's not to be trifled with when she's angry oh you can't frighten me mister prayed in that month that Chancery Lane I had the opportunity of taking the measure of one or two women very like my mother you may back me to win but if I hit harder in my ignorance than I need remember that it was you who refused to enlighten me now let's drop the subject one word miss Warren I had better tell you it's very difficult oh how do mater mr. Pratt's been here this Harper waiting for you should have the gumption to know I was coming by the 3:10 train so maybe put your hat on there you'll get sunburned oh I forgot to introduce you the George Cross my little vivvy may I shake hands with a young lady I've known by reputation very long as the daughter of one of my oldest friends if you like I can get a couple of chairs George what do you think of it well she has a Papa fist did you shake hands with the pred yes it's a parcel prison no allow me oh no that's the George help you with the chairs all right good night some tea I expect oh I'm dying for dr. drew no Tim Pratt II yeah he looks cheerful don't he he's been wearing my life at these three years Ted that little girl of mine shown to him and now that I've done it he's quite out of countenance come on sit up George take your stick out of your mouth I think you know if you don't mind my saying so we'd better stop thinking of her as a little girl you see she's really distinguished yourself and I'm not sure what I've seen it should not older than any other older than any of us has been stuffing you nicely for their impertinence yes young people are particularly sensitive about those sort of seniors young people have to get all that nonsense taken out of them and a good deal more besides now don't you interfere patty I know how to treat my own child as well as you do what's the matter with him don't you take it like that for you're afraid of brain what me freedom dear old pretty fly wouldn't be afraid of him you're afraid of him mind your own business not to any of your sulks on me because I'm not afraid of you anyhow if you can't make yourself agreeable you better go home oh come on crabby you wanna afraid I'll go Leah you think I'm offended my dear Kitty you please don't imagine that pray does but you know I sometimes notice things that escape you and although you've never taken my advice you sometimes admit after that you ought to have taken it what do you notice now only that vivvy is a grown woman pray Kitty treat her with every respect respect I treat my own daughter with respect what next play yes dearie ah don't be cross ready I say prayed yes I'm asking a rather particular question certainly did Kitty ever tell you that girl's father is never unem suspicionless - it might be none look I know you might feel bad not to tell if she had said anything to you but it's very awkward to be uncertain about it now it should be easy to tell every day yeah we don't exactly know what to feel the board there what difference does that make we take it on our own merit then you know you know did you not hear me i look here prayed I ask who's a particular favor to me now if you do know I only say if you know and you might at least set my mind at rest about her the fact is I feel attractive do you mean to be alarmed there's a perfectly innocent feeling that's what puzzles me about it well I know I mean I might be a father you impossible you never said no not I know no more about it than you any more than you me a little Christmas there's not the least resemblance well after that is no resemblance between her and a mother that I'm using I think she's not your daughter is she really no wrong nothing's Brina it's perfectly allowable between two men of the world now listen to me my dear cops I have nothing to do with that side of mrs. Warren's life never had she has never spoken to me about you Nicole I never spoken to her about your delicacy will tell you there's a handsome needs some friends about well not on that footing with her the effect of her own beauty will become a torment to her if she were not able to escape from it occasionally you probably are much more confidential terms with Kitty that I am sure you can ask her the question yourself with my headmaster then I'll fling up to keep the child herself well since you are at all events old enough to be her father I don't mind agreeing that we treat miss Vivian a parental way as a young girl whom we should feel bound to protect and help what do you say well I know older than you if you down to that yes you are my dear fellow we were born old I was born a boy I've never been able to feel the assurance of a grown-up man in my life which is calling us my father he's right to here to be with my people it's awesome for the sake of economy things came to a crisis in July if I'd had to pay my debts stony broken consequence am i yes afternoon with what you know Vinnie is jolly girl teaching at a shoot with this episode Johnny to find you here prayed I'm an old friend of her mother mrs. Warren brought me over to make a door to the quaint ins the mother is she here - yes inside yes miss is a friend all right you wish to accept the invitation is that Olivia's mother yes by Jove what a lark so they should like me I've no doubt y'all make yourself popular as usual come in and try no stop a bit I want to take you into my confidence oh no please don't it's only some fresh folly like the barmaid at Red Hill yeah ever so much more serious than that you say you've only just met movie for the first time yeah oh then you can have no idea what a girl she is such character such sense and her cleverness oh my I pray but I can tell you she is clever and neither had she loves me so the chatter take the prize at a dog show Haney who is it so George Croft tell old friend of mrs. Warren well it's my father yes Gardner alright presently you better go in - I'll be with you directly Vera well top your fins yellow pants yes alright come in noosa not until I knew whose garden I am in tree that's all right it's miss warrant I have not seen her at church since she came of course not she's a third Wrangler eleazar intellectual she took a higher degree than you did so why should you come to hear you preach do be disrespectful suck I mean nobody is as I want to introduce you to her do you remember the advice you gave me last July governor yes I advised you to conquer your idleness and flippancy and to work your way into an honorable profession and live on it's not on me yeah no no that's what you thought of afterwards what you actually said was it since I had neither brains normally I better turn my good looks to account by marrying somebody with both well Miss Warren has brains who can't deny that brains are not everything no of course not there's the money I was not thinking of money so I was speaking of higher things social position for instance I don't care about what I do sir but nobody wants you to marry her anyway she has what amounts to a high Cambridge degree and she seems to have as much money as she wants I greatly doubt whether she has as much money as you will want oh I haven't been so very extravagant I deliver so quietly I don't drink and I don't bet much when I never go regularly on the razzle-dazzle as you did when you were my age since you told me yourself when I was making ever such an ass of myself over that barmaid at Red Hill that you once paid a woman 50 pounds for some letters rank hidden sink you are taking an ungentlemanly advantage of what I confided keep your own good to save you from an error you would have repented all your life long thick morning by your father's folly Sam didn't make him an excuse fury Jeffy at the story of the Duke of Wellington in his letters no son I don't want to hear honey hold on Duke he didn't throw away 50 pounds not he he just wrote dear Jenny publish and be damned yours affectionately Wellington that's what you should have done Frank my boy when I wrote these letters I put myself in that woman's power when I told you about them I put myself to some extent I'm sorry to say in your power she refused my money with these words which I shall never forget knowledge is power she said and I never sell power that's more than 20 years ago and she's never made use of her power or caused me a moment's uneasiness you are behaving worse to me than she did Frank I dare say did you ever preach it hair the way you preach at me every day I leave you Sam you're incorrigible Tellem I shall be home to tea will you governor like a good fellow oh is that your father I would like to meet him certainly governor you wanted my father miss Warren glad to see you here mr. Gardner mother come you're wanted let me introduce why it's Sam Gardner and gone into the church don't you know it sir this is George crops large his life twice is natural well don't you remember me really I am going of course you do have a whole album of your letters still I came across some only the other day mr. Babbitt aw I bleached nonsens mrs. Warren what don't you see my daughter there [Music] I don't know which is the west of the country walking over sitting at home with nothing to do I could deal with a whiskey and soda now very well defend me they had such a thing in this place absolutely Scott son don't nonsense well what our young do I like that for doing with such things no matter when the house she passes at I'm here I who could do rather be in Vienna let me take you that need to think in the chip of the old block like the continent right well never you mind what do you know such things you're only a boy do come to Vienna with me well be other such lags no thank you now Vienna's no place for you it's not until you're a little older I see here little boy I know you through and through by a likeness to your father and I'm better than you know yourself so don't you're taking any silly ideas and he heard about me yeah that's part of it my dear mrs. why it runs in the family [Applause] shoving them down this I am wicked whenever you mind my dip it's only a mother Lucas go and make love to vidi so I have what Divi and I are ever such chance what do you mean see here I won't have any young scamp tampering with my little girl yet I won't have it my dear mrs. Warren don't you be alarmed my intentions are honorable ever so honorable and your little girl it's jolly well able to take care of herself she don't need looking after half as much as a mother she ain't so handsome you know you've got a nice healthy two inches thick of cheek all over you no no way you've got it not from your father anyhow remember now you've had your warning look whatever became of you - where's vivianne Prady they may not the hill you enter the village by one is a drink you're gonna go off like that without telling me George we're gonna stay the night we can't stay here and what's pretty gonna do no dad you've taken care of yourself but what about Freddie I suppose you can stay at the end why don't you room for him sad well you see his recta here I'm not free to do as I like what is mr. parade social position what is alright he's an architect what an old stick-in-the-mud you are Sam yes it's alright governor he built that place down in Wales for the Duke conniving castle they call it he must have heard of it in that case of course which means you happy nice busy news that you personally L ever so intimately we can stick him in Georgina's over that settled whose - it only come in let's have supper no right to stay I'd have to talk like this cough I don't like it better not way for them mrs. Warren Bradley will stay out as long as possible he's never known before what it is to stray with a Heath on a summer night with my Vivek once-for-all is out of the question mrs. Warren will tell you it's not to be thought of course not is that so mrs. 100 I don't know Sam if the girl wants to get married no good can come of peeping around married your daughter to my son it's impossible of course it's impossible then be a fool Kadir why not this is my daughter good enough for your son surely my dear mrs. Warren you know the Reese I know no reasons if you know any of them tell them to the lad or to the girl or to your congregation if you like you know very well that I couldn't tell anyone the reasons but my boy won't believe me when I tell him there are reasons go quite right daddy will but has your boys conduct ever been influenced by your reasons you can't marry her that's all about it what have you got to do with it pray precisely what I was going to ask myself in my own graceful fashion I suppose you don't want to marry the girl to a man younger than herself and without other tuppence or a profession to keep it on in our Sam who don't believe me how much more money you're gonna give it another penny he's had his patch remand him he spent the last two did you lock yeah I told you oh this is over so mercenary do you suppose miss Warren is going to marry for money if we love one another oh thank you your loves are pretty cheap commodity my lad if you've no means are keeping your wife that settles it you can't have vivid what do you say all right I agree with mrs. Warren oh good old Crufts is already it's not okay I want numb your cheek I'm ever so sorry to surprise you crafts but you allowed yourself a liberty of speaking to me like a father a moment ago well one father is enough thank you no mrs. why I cannot give my video up even for your sake a young scamp and since you no doubt intend to hold out other prospects to her I shall lose no time in placing my case before he either fears his fate too much choice deserts are small but dare not put it to the touch okay wherever you been vivy on the hill oh you want me to go off like that for that's letting me now I would I tell what would become of you night coming on to now about supper I'm afraid here did you hear what I said Vimy yes Muhammad Ali one two three four five six well I'm afraid to would have to wait until the rest of them mrs. Allison only has knives and plates before no please don't bother about me you've had a long walk and a hungry mr. parade you'll have your separate once I myself can wait I would run to wait with me Frank are you hungry not the least in the world completely off my back in fact good neither are you George you can wait hang it I ve nothing since teatime come sand of it would you start my poor father allow me to speak for myself so I am perfectly willing to thank you so George and could you squeeze past that corner mr. parade rather to take note I'm afraid the camera but if it gets the right wash that's right now your captain neither door open Derek Oh God rid of her algorithms what do you think of my governor I've hardly spoken to him he doesn't seem to me to be a particularly able man such a fool as he looks she was shoved into the church rather I'm trying to live up to it he makes himself into a much bigger ass than he really is I don't dislike him quite as much as you might expect he means well how do you think you're going to get on with him I don't think my future life will be much concerned with him or with any of that old circle of my mother's perhaps prayed what do you think of my mother really and truly yes really and truly jolly but she is rather a coercion isn't she and crafts oh what a lot Frank what a crew if I thought that I was like that that I was going to be a waster shifting along from one meal to another with no purpose no character no grit in me wide open an artery and bleed to death without a moment's hesitation I know you wouldn't why should they take any grime when they can afford not to I wish I had their luck know what I object to is their form isn't this thing slovenly episodes long and do you think your form will be any better than crops when you're as old as him if you don't work of course I do it'll be ever so much better now this mustn't lecture because her little boy is encouraged I'll be off if your rhythms is no mood for petting a little boy the singing Oh be serious I'm serious let's talk learnedly miss Warren do you know that the most advanced thinkers are agreed that half the diseases of the modern civilization are due to starvation of a fiction in the young Europe very tiresome fiffie he's complaining of starfish calm down you've eaten nothing anything wrong with you all I wanted was a drink whoa I like enough to eat the same if that cold beef and cheese and lettuce goes a long way what are you doing couraging that young pup for George what are you up to with that girl I've been watching your way of looking at and you remember I know you and what your looks mean there's no harm in looking at her is it I put you out a pack you back to London pretty quick of us are any of your nonsense my girl's little fingers more to me than your whole body and soul you can make your mind easy the young pup has no more chance than you have domain demand take an interest in the girl I'm not a man like you how old is she she's never your mind how old she is what do you make such a secret of it for because I choose well I'm not 50 yet and the properties as good as ever it was because you're a stingy you're vicious isn't a man in my position was gonna put up with you for a mother-in-law well why shouldn't you mad at me yeah we could live together guy come to me you know I'd die before her and leave it up bouncing Widow within your money come on out grabbing in my mind ever since I was walking left damn fool and so hard just the thing that would grow in your mind I see here kadhi you're a sensible woman I mean you needn't put on any model airs I'll ask no more questions and you need answer none I'll settle the whole property owner and if you need a check for yourself on the wedding day you can name whatever you like within reason so it's come to that with you George like all the other worn-out old creatures well Derek you're at a good supper you know what mrs. Allison suppers are for friends with all the beef gone did it get nothing but bread and cheese and ginger beer her butt is really awful I must get slowed down from the stores doing that was gone out to have a pipe prank my boy it's time for us to be thinking of home your mother does not bury it that we have visitors I'm afraid we are giving trouble not the least in the world my mother will be delighted to see you she's a genuine intellectual artistic morning and she sees no one here for one years into the next accept the governor so you can imagine how jolly Dalek pans out for us because you're not intellectual or artistic are you Pater so you take prayed home at once and I'll stay here and entertain mrs. work your pickup crafts in the garden he'll be excellent company for the pool now you've come along without strength mrs. Warren hasn't seen fit in a long time we prevented them from having a moment together yet of course I forgot ever so thanks for reminding me patty perfect gentlemen always wear my ideal through life oh if only you would be my father instead of this unworthy old man and silence your profi Patty give George's hat mr. goodbye dances why you're ever in your life here anyone rat along and so many of T's now that I think of it theory don't you go in challenging him sure he's a regular good-for-nothing it's poor Frank I'll have to get rid of him but I feel sorry for him although it's not worth it Batman crops does not seem to be worth much either busy what do you know of men child to talk that way of them you'll have to make up your mind to see a good deal of Sir George Crufts he's a friend of mine why will we be much together you and I I mean of course are you married you're not going back to college again do you think my way of life would suit you I doubt it your way of life what do you mean has it never occurred to you mother that I have my way of life like other people nonsense is this you're trying to talk show your independent side that you're a great little person at school don't be a fool child it's all you have to say on the subject is it don't you keep on asking me questions like that hold your tongue you and your way of life indeed what next your way of life will be what I please so it will have a noticing is this and you ever since you got that tripod within your column you mean they're not gonna put up with him you're mistaken and the sooner you find it out the better and all I have to say on the subject indeed do you know who you're speaking to miss snow who are you what are you banging young imp everybody knows my reputation my social position the profession I intend to pursue I know nothing about you what is this way of life than you that you invite me to share with you and Sir George Cross you take care now I shall do something I'll be sorry for and you too all right let's drop the subject into you're better able to cope with it you need some good walks and a little lawn tennis to set you up you're shocking me out of condition you couldn't manage 20 yards uphill today without stopping to pant and your wrists and their rows of fat look at mine now please don't begin to cry anything but that I'll go to the room if you do can you be so hard on me no have I no rights over you as your mother are you my mother and I your mother Oh vivy but where are our relatives my father our family friends you claim the rights of a mother the right to call me fool and child to speak to me as no woman an authority at college dare speak to me did they take my way of life to force on me the acquaintance of a brute - anyone can see is the most vicious sort of London man about town well before I give myself the trouble to resist such claims I may as well find out if they have any real existence stop I am your mother I swear it but you don't mean to turn on me my own child it's it's not natural you believe me don't you no say you believe me who was my father you don't know what you're asking I can't tell you oh yes you can if you want I have a right to know and you know I have that right you can refuse to tell me if you please but if you do you'll see the last of me tomorrow morning it's too horrible to hear you talk like this you would oh no you couldn't leave me yes without a moment's hesitation if you trifle with me about this how am I to know I don't have the contaminated blood of that brutal waster in my veins oh no am i oh there's not any or any of the rest you've ever met I'm certain of that at least you're certain of that at least do you mean that's all you're certain of I see oh don't do that mother you know you don't mean it a bit well that's enough for this evening what time do you like breakfast sub-bass date too early for you my god what sort of a woman are ya the world is mostly made-up I should talk about the ones I don't understand where I get some business done now come on pull yourself together that's right you're very rough with me baby nonsense now what about bed it's past 10:00 now what's the use of my going to bed you think I could sleep why not I shall are you thank you no heart Barrett I won't put up with the injustice of it what right of you to set yourself up above me like this you both do what you are to me Amina gave you the chance of being what you are what chance would I that shame bad daughter stop I never intended to set myself above you in any way you wouldn't act me with a conventional authority of a mother I defended myself with a conventional superiority of a respectable woman frankly I'm not going to stand any more of your nonsense and as soon as you drop it I won't expect you to stand any of mine I will always respect your right for your own opinions and your own way of life young opinions in my own way of life listen to her talking do you think I was brought up like you able to pick and choose my own way of life do you think I did what I did because I liked it or thought it right rather have gone to college and Mina and Lady if I'd had the chance everybody has a choice mother the poorest girl alive may not be able to choose between being Queen of England or principle of noonim but you can choose between Brad picking and flower selling according to her taste people always blame their circumstances for what they are I don't believe in circumstances the people will get on in this world are the ones that go out and look for the right circumstances and if they can't find them make them oh it's easy to talk isn't it very easy Pia would you like to know what my circumstances were I think you better tell me where'd you sit down I'll sit down she'll be afraid do you know what your grandmother was no no you don't pull I do she called us up a widow and had a fried fish shop down by the mint and kept herself and four daughters out of it two of us were sisters that was me and mizzen we were both good-looking and well-made I suppose our father was a well-fed man mother always pretended he was a gentleman but I don't know now the other two were only half sisters and the size at least are looking hard working honest poor creatures they were the respectable ones well what did they get by the respectability I'll tell you one of them worked in a white LED Factory 12 hours a day for nine shillings a week until she died of lead poisoning and expected the other hands a little paralyzed she died now the other was always held up to us as a model because she married a government labor and the depth of fiddling yard and kept his room and three children neat and tidy on eighteen shillings a week no he took to drink now that was worth being respectable for wasn't it did you and your sister think so what this didn't I can tell you had more spinet we both went to a church school but that was part of the ladylike airs we gave ourselves to be superior to the children the wit nowhere and knew nothing and we stayed there Toulouse went out one night and never came back I know the school mr. thought I'd soon follow her example for the clergyman was always telling me that lizard end up by jumping off Waterloo Bridge Oh poor fool Laurie knew about it I was more afraid of the white bed factory than I was at the river and so would you a bit in my case now that clergyman got me a situation as a scullery maid and a temperance restaurant where they sent out for anything you liked and I was a waitress and I went to the bar at Waterloo station 14 hours a day serving drinks washing glasses for four shillings a week and my board that was considered a great promotion for me and one cold wretched night when I was so tired I could hardly keep myself awake who should come in for half a scotch but Lizzie in a long fur cloak the elegant comfortable and with a lot of sovereigns in her purse my aunt Liz yes and a very good after have to she's living down the Winchester now close to the cathedral one of the most respectable ladies there she chaperones the girls to the County ball if you please no River for Liz thank you you know you remind me of Elizabeth it was the first grade businesswoman saved money from the beginning and never let herself look we don't do like what she was well when she saw I'd grown up good looking she said to me across the back what are you doing there you little fool wearing out your health and your appearance for other people's profit see Liz was saving money then to take a place for herself in Brussels and she thought that we too could say faster than one so she left me some money gave me a chance I saved steadily I first paid her back and I went into business with her as our partner Wow why shouldn't I have done it that house in Brussels real high-class much better place for a girl to be and then that Factory what and Jane got poisoned one of our girls was ever treated as I was treated in the scullery of that temperance place nor the Waterloo bar or at home would you have had me stay in them and become a worn-out old Drudge before I was 14 no but why choose that business surely good management and saving money will succeed in any business saving money but where's a woman to get the money to save in any other business could you save out of four shillings a week and keep yourself dressed as well not you well of course if you're a plain woman encountered anything mortal you got to turn for music or the stage or newspaper writing well that's different neither Liz know I had any turn for such things as all we had was our appearance now turn for pleasing men do you think we were such fools as to let other people trade in our good looks by employing us as sales girls waitresses barmaids when we could trade in them ourselves and get all the profits instead of starvation wages ah not likely it was certainly quite justified from the business point of view from any other point of view what's any respectable girl brought up to do but catch some rich man's fancy and get the benefit of his money by marrying a marriage ceremony could make any difference to the right or wrong other thing the Apocrypha in this world makes me sick there's an eye at a work and save and calculate just like anyone else elsewise we be in sport of some drunken good-for-nothing wastrel of a woman that thinks a knuckle last forever i despise such people no character there's anything I hate in a woman its want of character but come now mother frankly isn't it part of what you call good character and a woman that she should greatly dislike such a way of making a living of course beauty everybody dislikes having to work and make money have to do it just the same pity the poor girl tired I'd blow spirits having to try to please her man she doesn't get to his drawers for some half-drunken fool thinks it's making himself agreeable when he's teasing and worrying and disgusting a woman said that hardly any money can pay her for putting up with it but she has to bear with disagreeable make the rap for the smooth why it's just like a nurse in a hospital or anyone else doesn't work that any woman would do for pleasure goodness knows that he had the past people talking suppose it was a bed of roses still you consider it worthwhile it pays hmm of course it's worthwhile for a poor girl it's far better than any other employment open door was itself not worthwhile for a lady well if you talk to it you'd be a fool I have been a fool have had taken to anything else but mother suppose we were both as poor as your whereas those wretched old days are you sure you wouldn't advise me to try the Waterloo bar or marry a labourer or even going to a factory of course not but what sort of a mother do you take me for how could you keep your self-respect in such starvation and slavery but some woman was what's life worth without self-respect why am i independent able to give my daughter a first grade education when other women were just as good opportunities are in the data because I knew how to respect myself and to control myself now why is Liz locked up to a cathedral huh what the same reason oh don't you be led astray by people who don't know the world my girl the only way for a woman to provide decently for herself is to be good to some man that can afford to be good to her and if she's in his own station of life they'll never make him marry her but if she's far beneath him she don't expect it well why should she well it wouldn't be for her own happiness you ask any lady in London society that has daughters and she'll tell you the same except I tell you straight and she'll tell you crooked that's all the difference mother you're a wonderful woman and stronger than all England and are you really and truly not one bit doubtful or or ashamed of course dear it's only good manners to be ashamed of it what's expected from women that women have to pretend to feel a good deal that they don't feel Liz used to be so angry with me for bumping up the truth about it but John Liz was such a perfect lady divers always a bit of a Vulgarian you know I used to be so pleased when you sent me your photos to see that you were growing up like Liz just a lady like determine way when they were a bit ashamed really when I consider I have the right to be proud of how I managed everything so respectably never had a word against us other girls were so well taken care of some of them did very well one method and ambassador no no I dared talk of such things whatever would they think of us ah you know but even being an Indian sleepy after all I believe it is I who will not sleep tonight better let some fresh air in before I lock up Oh beautiful night look yes - don't catch your death of cold from the night air nonsense everything I say is nonsense according to you oh that's not so you've got completely the better of me tonight though I meant it to be the other way now let's be good friends so it was the other way well I should have to give in to it I always got the worst of it families and I suppose will be the same with you well never mind good night dear old mother I brought you up well didn't idea it you did you'll be kind to your poor old mother for it won't you I will good night dear blessings on my own Deary darling mother's blessings [Music] for the engines of our portable way - [Music] [Music] [Music] my cyber erector to come down to breakfast don't mock Frankton mock of color Nosa unwell this morning where's your mother she's not here she's gone to town on the 11:30 she left several messages for you do you feel equal to receiving them now shall I wait till you breakfast did I have breakfast tea sir I'm surprised that your mother came to town when we have people staying with us I think you're pretty strange possibly she's considered that at all events if crafts is going to stay here and you are going to sit up every night until for recalling the incidence of your fiery youth it is clearly my mother's duty as a prudent housekeeper to go up to the stores and order a barrel of whiskey and a few hundred items and did not observe that Sir George drank excessively you are in no condition to a governor you mean to say that I I never saw a benefice Claire German less sober the anecdotes you told about your past career was so awful but I really don't think trade would have passed the night under your roof if it hadn't been for the way here my mother took to one another nonsense and Sir George cross host I must talk to him about something he has anyone subject where is mr. parade now he's driving my mother and Betsy to the station crops up yet so long ago he hasn't turned a hair huh he's in much better practice than you are kept it up ever since probably he's taken himself off somewhere to smoke Frank yes the Warrens will expect to be asked here after yesterday afternoon they've been asked already what Crofts informed as at breakfast that you told him to bring Vivian mrs. Warren over here today and to invite them to make this house their home my mother then found she had to go to town by the 11:13 track I never gave any such invitation I never thought of such a thing how do you know governor what you said in thought last night good morning I'm supposed to not having met you at breakfast I have a touch of clergymen and sore throat great please fortunately not chronic well I must say your house is in the most charming spot yeah really most charming yes it is indeed Frank will take you for a walk mr. pate if you like huh ask you to excuse me let's take the opportunity to write my sermon mom mrs. Gardiner's away and you're all amusing yourselves you won't mind and certainly not don't stand on the slightest ceremony with me thank you Oh curious thing it must be writing a sermon every week hmm ever so curious maybe did it he buys these covers of soda water My dear boy I do wish you'd show more respect to your father you know you'd be quite nice when you like live with the governor and two people live together don't matter whether they're father and son husband and wife brother and sister they can't keep up the polite humbug that's too easy for 10 minutes of an afternoon call the governor who unites too many admirable domestic qualities the e resoluteness of a sheep and the pompous Ness and aggressiveness of a jackass now please remember he's your father give him due credit for that but just imagine him telling crops to bring a Warren's over here today he must have been Edison slackers you know my dear Prady my mother simply wouldn't put up with mrs. Warren for a moment then he must have come here till she's gone back to town no mother doesn't know anything about this is well unless she I don't know journey the town rather look as if she did oh no that my mother wouldn't mind in the ordinary way I mean she snapped like a brick to lots of women of God into trouble but of all nice women that's what makes a real difference mrs. Warren no doubt has her merits but she's ever so rowdy and my mother simply wouldn't put up with her Frank mrs. Warren and her daughter is coming across the heath with crops I saw them from the stubby windows what am I to say about your mother stick on your hat go out and say how delighted you are to see them tell them that Frank is in the garden that the mother of Mercy had been called to the bedside of a sick relative and wherever so sorry they couldn't stop that's that you hope mrs. one slept well and well Oh tell them any blessed thing except the truth can leave the rest of Providence how would you get rid of them off to it oh there's no time to think of that now inserting pictures I don't want to do with it mr. Bray now off you go pretty well wait the whole thing may take you there oh we must get back to town I'll braid come on acedia Prady do you like seeing her and baby together oh but don't you make your flesh creep Evers a little then we get old devil up to every villainy under this Warren I do like --fill to see you this quiet old Victory Garden becomes you perfectly I never hear that George does I look well in a quieter record Arden you look well everywhere mrs. Warren Bravo governor now let's have a treat before lunch first let's see the church everyone has to do that it's a regular old 13th century Church you know it cuz he got up a restoration and I've had it completely rebuilt six years ago Clady I'll be able to show its points certainly if the restoration has left any to show I should be pleased I'm sure it's the Georgian mrs. Warren really care about it this way through the niche gated across the fields come on get it out of that well I've no objection ain't you coming no I want to give you a warning Frank you are making fun of my mother just now and you said that about the rectory garden that's barred in the future you will treat my mother with the same respect you treat your own ideas if she wouldn't appreciate it the two cases require different treatment last night we will perfectly agree this your mother and asset and this morning I find you attitudinizor sentimentally with your arm around your parents waist I did you deny see flood was hard struck me that is the first time I ever saw you do a second-rate thing yes Frank there has been a change but I don't think it'll change for the worse yesterday I was a little prick and today today I know my mother much better than you do god forbid what do you mean there is a Freemasonry amongst our early immoral people that you know nothing of we've too much character that's the bond between your mother and me that is why I know her better than you'll ever know you're wrong you know nothing about my mother if you knew the circumstances against what she had to struggle I should know why she is what she is shouldn't I Oh what difference would that make circumstances or no circumstances with you're not gonna be able to stand your mother why not because she's an old wretch viv and if you ever put your arm around your parents waist in my presence again I will shoot myself there and then there's a protest against an exhibition which revolts me and am I to choose between dropping your acquaintance and dropping that of my mother's no no that would never such a disadvantage no you're infatuated little boy is going to have to stick to you in any case but he's older more anxious that you shouldn't make mistakes it's no use viv your mother's impossible she may be a good sort but she's a bad lot she's a very bad loss and is she to be deserted by the whole world because she's what you call a bad lot as she no right to live no fear of that live she won't ever be deserted but I am to desert with her little family group of mother and daughter it will be a success spoil our little group what little group the babes in the wood pity little friend let's get hand-in-hand fast asleep under the trees a little girl a silly little boy dear little boy and his dowdy little girl ever so peaceful and relieved from the imbecility of the little boy's father and a questionable nurse of the little girl little girl wants to forget all about her mother [Music] gracious what a pair of fools we are look at your hair I wonder do all grown-up people behave in this childish way when no one's looking I'm sure I never did when I was a child neither did I we all my first playmate certainly not excuse me god no they're waiting me go in the church if you don't mind certainly crops anything to oblige you except church if you should want me for anything vittles bring the gate now pleasant young fellow that mister there it's a pity he has no money isn't it do think sir Sir George good for I realize his disadvantages oh it's not that but but we're in this world will it and not his money nice day isn't it very well that's not what I came to say now listen miss vidi I'm I'm quite aware that I'm not a young ladies man indeed Sir George no I'll be perfectly honest I didn't one of the other but when I say a thing I mean it when I feel a sentiment I feel it in earnest and what I value I pay hard money for I mean that's the sort of man I am it does you great credit I'm sure oh I didn't mean to praise myself I mean I have my faults heaven knows I mean there has more sensible than that than I am and I know I'm not perfect that's one of the advantages of being a middle-aged man you see but I'm not a young man and I know it but my code is a simple one and I think a good one honor between man and man fidelity between man and woman and no can't about this religion or that religion but an honest belief the things are making but good on though the power not ourselves that makes for righteousness a oh we're certainly not ourselves of course well I mean you understand what I mean well no I'm that's the practical matters you may have an idea that I've found any money about him but I haven't I'm richer today than when I first came another property I've used my knowledge of the world we invest my money in ways that other men are they were looked so well whatever else I may be I'm lam safe man from the money pondered on well it's very good of you to tell me all this George well you don't even pretend you don't see what I'm driving at and I want to settle down with a lady Crofts I suppose you think me very blunt no not at all I thank you for being so definitely businesslike about at all and I very much appreciate the offer hmm the money the position lady Crofts and so on but I think I'll say no if you don't mind I'd rather not though I'm in no hurry I mean this is just to let you know in case young gardeners you try and trap you we leave the question open I know good deal older than you 25 years a quarter of a century I shan't live forever I'll take care that you're well off when I'm gone don't you think you better take your answer there's no chance of me changing it well no matter I could tell you some things to change your mind fast enough but I won't as I'd rather win you by honest a fictional I was a good friend of your mother's you asked her with her I wasn't and she'd never have made the money to pay for your education if it hadn't be the Nile I smell weed not to mention the money I advanced her yeah there's not many men that would have stood by her like I have I put no less than 40,000 pounds into it from first to last do you mean to say you are my mother's business partner yes now just think of all the trouble and the explanations it would save if they were to keep the whole thing in the families of this week mm-hmm and you ask your mother whether she'd like to have to explain all our affairs to a perfect stranger oh I see no difficulty there cuz I understand that the business is wound up and the money invested well wind up a business that's paying 35% in the worst years mom live here who told you that do you mean that it's still what business you're talking about well the fact is it's on what would be considered exactly a high-class business in my set well that's the country's head you know our said it'll be everything better than my offer well your mother's being an it is pebbly straight and honest I've known her for many years and I can save her she'd cut off a hands or than touch anything that wasn't what it ought to be well I'll tell you all about it if you like I don't know whether you've ever found in traveling how hard it is to find a really comfortable private Attell yes go on well that's what it is I mean your mother has a genius for managing such things we've got to in Ostend well in Brussels one in Vienna and two in the past because there are others besides ourselves and if the behold messes the candle and your mother's invaluable as managing director and we've noticed I dare say she travels a good deal but you see you can't mention such things in society he once laid out the word hotel and everybody thinks were giving a public house I wouldn't like people to say that of your matter would you I mean that's why we've been so reserved about it by the way you'll keep it just settle for insurance since it's been a secret so long it'll better remain so and this is the business you invite me to join you in don't know my wife shall be trouble with business you'll not be in it's more than you've always been I always been what you mean well only that you've always lived on it may be paid for your education only dress you have on you man don't you turn up your nose of business miss bethere where would you new numbs and your guns be without it take care I know what this business is your partner my mother why just so well she ought to have had more consideration for you we might never have told you I think you would have done when we were married it would have been a convenient weapon to break me in with I never intended that on my word as a gentleman I didn't it wouldn't matter if you did I hope you understand that after this afternoon our acquaintance ceases but why is it for helping your mother my mother was a poor woman I had no reasonable choice you were a rich gentleman who did the same thing for the sake of 35 percent I think you're a pretty common sort of scoundrel that's my opinion of you let him go if little Missy go it it does me no harm and it amuses you devil shouldn't I invest my money that way I take the interest on my capital like other people I hope you didn't think I'd dirty my own hands with a work they'll come you wouldn't refuse the acquaintance of my mother's chasm that you could Belgravia because some of the rents he gets around in queer ways but you wouldn't cut the Archbishop of Canterbury I suppose because the ecclesiastical commissioners are some publicans and sinners amongst their tenants remember your cross scholarship at Munim well that was founded by my brother the MP now he gets his 22% out of a factory with over 600 girls in it not one of them earning enough money to live on how do you suppose they managed when they no family to fall back on well ask him did you expect me to turn my back on 35 percent when everyone else is pocketing what they can like sensible men we no such fool if you're going to pick and choose your acquaintances on moral principles you better get clear out of this country unless you want to catch yourself out of all decent society and you might go on to point out but I never asked where the money I spent came from I believe em as bad as you well of course you are but a very good thing to me what harm does it do after all so you don't think me such a scoundrel now you come to think it over I've shared profits with you I've admitted you just now to the familiarity of letting you know what I think of you a bad sort I mean I don't go in for being super fine intellectually but I got plenty of honest human feeling and the old Crofts breed comes out in a sort of instinctive hatred of anything low in which I'm sure you're sympathize with man believe me miss Vivian the world is not a bad place as the procas make out provided you don't fly openly in the face of society society doesn't ask any awkward questions and he makes precious short work of the cattle do now there's no secrets better kept than the secrets everybody guesses you see in the class of people I can introduce you to no lady or gentleman would so far forget themselves or to discuss my business affairs or your mother's no one can offer you a safer position I suppose you think you're getting on famously with me don't you well I better myself you think better of me now the new first did you think you were thinking about when I think about the society that tolerates you the laws the protect you how helpless 910 girls would be in the hands of my mother there's a mentionable woman and her capitalist bully damn you would it not I feel among the Damned already put up with that from you what do you have the rival vehicle shall I operate only for the gate bed I assure you so you wouldn't have to wait I think I showed great insight into your character not for two pins I'd take that gun away from you and crack it across your head I never so careless in handling firearms the show to be a fatal accident the reprimand from the coroner's jury for my negligence calm down Frank it's not necessary Oh much more supportable night to catch him in a trap Crofts there are 15 cartridges in this magazine and I'm a dead shot at the present distance and as an object of your size don't be afraid I'm not going to touch you so magnanimous all of you under the circumstances thank you I just tell you this before I go it may interest you since you're so fond of each other mr. Frank may I introduce you to your half-sister the eldest daughter of the Reverend Samuel Gardner miss Vivian your half-brother good morning you'll testify before the jury that it wasn't accident well you gave me ever such a turn suppose you'd have gone off did you think we'd been relieved to have some sharp physical pain going through me take it ever so easy with remember even if the rifle scared that fellow into telling the truth for the first time in his life it only makes us a babes in a wooden Ernest can I be covered up with these oh no not that anything but that it makes my flesh sweet why what's the matter goodbye yes where are you going why should we find you at anuria phrases sixty-seven Chancellor named for the rest of my life there then wait [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing here I've been here for hours is this the way you attend to your business I've been exactly 20 minutes for a cup of tea how did you get in starve hadn't left when I arrived he's gone to place figured on Primrose Hill why didn't you employ a woman give your sex a chance what have you come for let's enjoy the half-holiday Sam I like the staff what do you say to Richmond and then a music hall and a jolly supper I can't afford it oh I'll put in six hours work before I go to there can't afford it God we rivers gold rhythms Gold where did you get it dabbing it Gavin poker it's meaner than stealing you ever so seriously all right you can sit in a nuria's chair and talk here I like 10 minutes chat after tea no use groaning I'm an extra pass the cigar box with you nasty woman you had it nice man don't do it in the longest I know they objected the smell in the office we've had to take the cigarettes look good what I want to know what you've done what arrangements you've made everything was arranged 20 minutes after I arrived her Nora had found the business far too much for this year and she's on the point of sending for me and proposing a partnership but I walked in the door and told her I hadn't a farthing to my name so I've installed myself and sent her off for two weeks holiday what happened in hazel now and I left nothing at all I told Anu come too tired on particular business well well either they were too flabbergasted to say anything or else crops have prepared your mother anyway she didn't say anything coughs didn't say anything and Prady only stared after to you they got up and we're haven't seen him since well that's alright do you intend to stick in this confounded place yes these last two days are giving me back all my strength and self possession I'll never take a holiday again as long as I live - you look quite happy and as hard as net well for me that I am you must have an explanation we parted the other day under a complete misunderstanding all right clearly tap you remember what Crofts told us yes well that revelation was supposed to bring about a complete change in the nature of our feelings for one another it places on a footing of brother and sister yes have you ever had a brother no no I have lots of sisters so the fraternal feeling is quite familiar to me and I assure you that my feeling for you is not the least in the world like it girls will go their way I'll go mine we shan't care if we never see one another again but as to you I can't be easy if I have to pass a week without seeing you that's not brother and sister it's exactly what I felt an hour before Crofts made his revelation in shorts dear viv it's laughs young dream the same feeling Frank the but your father - my mother's feet is that it I very strongly object so having my feelings compared to any that the Reverend Samuel is capable of uttering and I object still more of any comparison of you to your mother besides I didn't believe the story I taxed my father with his no I obtained from him what I consider tantamount to a denial What did he say he said he's sure there must be some mistake and you believe him well I don't think his words against crafts what does it make any real difference in your imagination or conscience for in fact it makes no real difference I'm whatever to me not to me oh this is ever so surprising I thought our whole relations were altered in your imagination and conscience as you put it the moment those words were out of that brutes muzzle not at all I didn't believe him I only wish I could hey I think brother and sister would be a very suitable relationship for us do you really mean that it's the inner relationship I care for even if I could afford another I mean that idea of live why didn't you say so before never say so I have a persecuting you I understand of course you understand what oh I'm not a fool in the ordinary sense only in a scriptural sense of doing all the things a wise man declared to be folly and after trying them himself on the most extensive scale I see I am no longer my villains little boy don't be allowed I shall never call you villains again at least until you get tired of your new little boy whoever he may be my new little boy must be a new little boy always happens that way no other way in fact no other way that you know unfortunately for you oh my curse upon your collar wary be oh it sprayed he's going to Italy this afternoon last if you could call go met him in we can continue our conversation after his departure for Italy I I'm going to stay out how do you do my dear miss Warren I start in an hour from Hoban viaduct I wish I could persuade you to try Italy what for why situate yourself with beauty and romance of course there's no use Patti then he's a little fearless time she is indifferent to my romance and insensible mr. prayed once and for all there is no beauty and romance in life for me life is what it is and I'm prepared to meet it as it is you would not say that you came with me to Verona and on to Venice you would cry with delight of living in such a beautiful world this is ever so eloquent Prady keep it up oh I assure you I have cried I shall cry again I hope at 50 and your age miss Warren you would not even need to go as far as Verona your spirits will absolutely fly up at the mere sight of Ostend you would be charmed with a happy air that gaiety the verbosity of Brussels can you find no better example of your beauty and romance than Brussels to talk today about of course it's very different from Verona I don't see the beauty and romance come to much the same in both places my dear miss Warren I hmm she thinks your enthusiasm frivolous Patti she's had ever such a serious call say pray Duke all his good madness shall I take him away miss Warren I feel sure we've disturbed you at your work sit down I'm not ready to start work yet now you both think I've had an attack of nerves not a bit of it but there are two subjects I would like doctor who don't mind one is love's young dream in any shape or form and the other is the beauty and romance of life especially Ostend and the gaiety of Brussels you're welcome to any illusions you have left on the subjects I have none now if we three to remain friends I must be thought of as a woman of business permanently single and permanently unromantic I shall also remain permanently single until you change your mind Radek change the subject be eloquent about something else I'm free there's nothing else in the world I can talk about the gospel of Arts is the only one I can preach I know miss Warren is a great devotee of the gospel of getting on but we can't discuss that without hurting your feelings Frank's and you are determined not to get on don't lie my feelings give me some improving advice by all means it doesn't Hannah so much good come on viv let's have it all try and make it a successful man of me energy thrift foresight self-respect character don't you hate people who have no character oh stop stop let's have no more of that horrible can't mr. parade if there really are only those two Gospels left the new mayors we're all kill ourselves for the same taint is in both through and through there is a touch of poetry about you today viv which has hitherto been lacking my dear Frank hunt you a little hunt sympathetic no it's good for me stops me from being sentimental checks you're strong natural preventative that way daddy oh yes go on don't spare me I was sentimental for one moment in my life beautifully sentimental by moonlight sauce I do take care I don't give yourself away don't you think mr. prey doesn't know all about my mother you should have told me that morning mr. parade you're rather old-fashioned in your delicacies after all surely it is you who are being a little old-fashioned in your prejudices miss Warren I feel bound to tell you speaking as an artist and blim that most intimate human relationships are far beyond and above the scope of the law that though I know your mother was an unmarried woman I do not respect her the less on that account I respect her more yeah is that all you know certainly it is all then you know nothing your guess is our innocence itself compared to the truth oh not I hope not miss Warren you're not making it easy for me to tell you mr. preyed if there is anything worse that is anything else are you sure you are right to tell us oh sure but if I had the strength I would spend the rest of my life in telling everybody and stamping and branding it into them till they felt their part in the abomination as I feel mine there's nothing I despise more than the wicked convention that protects these things by forbidding women to mention them and yet I cannot tell you the two words that describe what my mother is a ringing in my ears and struggling on my tongue yet I cannot out of them the shame of them is too much for me come let me draft your prospectus you shall see paid up capital not less than 40,000 she's standing in the name of Sir George Kraft baronet premesis in Brussels I'll stand pull yourself together Vienna and Budapest managing director mrs. Warren and now let's not forget the two words her qualifications it's alright if I read what you wrote so do bratty we understand and we remain as this leaves as at present he was ever so devotedly will you do indeed miss woman I declare you are the most splendidly courageous woman I ever met you can always depend on me for two things not to cry and not to faint I'll need much more courage than that when I tell my mother we've come to the parting of the ways and now if you'll excuse me I'll just go and make myself neat again shall we go away no it's all right I won't be a moment what an amazing revelation I'm extremely disappointed in crafts I am indeed I'm not in the least Ivy Lee's perfectly accounted for at last what a face it for me pretty I can't marry her now Frank let me tell you gardener if you desert her now you will behave very despicably oh good oh Braddock deficit evil rispa do you mistake it's not the moral aspect it's the money aspect don't possibly touch the old woman's money now and was that what you were going to marry huh Oh what else I haven't got me oldest mornin Stan for making it in my night vision now she'd have to support me and I think I'd cost her more than I'm worth but sure let's have a fellow like you can make something with your own brains is a little made all this yesterday in an hour and a half but I made it in a highly speculative business no dyes are cutting them off with a shilling I shall still only have 400 a year and even have died to this threescore and ten he hasn't originality enough I shall be on shorter dance for the next 20 years no shorter lines prevail if I can help it now I leave the field to the gilded youth of England so that settled I won't worry her about it just write a little note she understand good fellow Frank I heartily beg your pardon but must you never see her again never see her again oh hang you don't do be reasonable I shall come along as often as possible and be a brother I can never understand the absurd consequences your romantic people expect from the most ordinary transactions I wonder who that is paddy would you mind answering the door if it supplanted a look more respectable certainly my dear KITT you come in come in what you're in here are you here and charm to see you you come like a breath of spring Oh get out with your nonsense where's vivvy Prady won't you see me don't you think my dear kid you don't distress yourself why should you know oh you never can see why not you're too innocent mr. Frank did she say anything to you she must see you if you wait if she comes in why shouldn't I wait this is one suppose you were a sparrow ever so pretty and tiny a sparrow hopping in the roadway and you saw a steamroller coming towards you what do you wait for it oh don't bother me with your spatters who did she run away from hazel mere like that for I'm afraid she'll tell you if you rashly await her return you want me to go away no I always want you to stay but I advise you to go but never see her again precisely Oh daddy don't let him be cold to me so angry why this is one you know that the party is a soul of kindness daddy what are you saying go estate I really should be extremely sorry to cause you any unnecessary pain but I think perhaps you'd better not wait the effect is but do it thank Taylor I was crying well Gary here you are lost I've glad you've come I wanted to speak to you Frank I think you said you were going yes missus why what do I come with me Oh Steamroller there that'd be silly Frank my mother will stay here no perhaps I better go if we're disturbing you at your work sit down mother mr. Brent will you take Frank with you Sam Frank goodbye miss Wong goodbye a peasant trip thank you thank you I hope so I hope so goodbye mrs. why you never so much better have taken my advice goodbye goodbye kitty ready what did you go away like that phone without saying a word to mean how could you do such a thing and what have you done to poor George I wanted him to come with me but he shuffled out of it and I could see that he was quite afraid of you what did we not become what as if I should be afraid of you dearie of course I told him it was all comfortable and settled between us and that we were on the best of terms maybe what's the meaning of this but I got it from the bank this morning it's my monthly allowance was sent to me as usual I sent it back to be credited to your account and asked them to send your lodgement receipt in future I shall support myself well wasn't it enough well why didn't you tell me I'll double it don't what I was intending to double it only let me know how much there's nothing to do with it from this time on I go my own way in my own business among my own friends and you will go yours goodbye goodbye goodbye now don't pretend you don't understand it's another useless scene so George Cross has explained the whole business to me oh that's shitty I'm just so your heaviest tank I've had I thought it was ended but you said you didn't man excuse me I do mind yep I explained you explained how it came about you did not tell me it was still going on baby you know how rich I am I've no doubt you're very rich you know what you don't know what all that means you're too young it means a new dress every day it means theaters and parties every night means having the pick of all the gentlemen and your a but your feet he's a lovely house and plenty of servants it means a choices to eating and drinking it means everything you like but everything you want everything you can think of what are you here yet a mere Drudge toiling and morning early too late for a beer living and too cheap Bess's a year now you think it over shocked I can enter into your feelings I think they do you credit but you trust me you see no one will blame you you can take my word for that I know what young girls are I know you'll think better of it when you've turned it over in your mind so that's how it's done is it mother you must have said that to many a young woman to have it off so pet am I asking you to do Oh Phoebe listen to me you don't understand now you've been taught wrong on purpose you don't know what the world is really like taught wrong on purpose what do you mean I mean you're throwing away all your chances for nothing you think that people are what they pretend to be that the way you were taught at school to think right and proper is the way things really are but it's not it's only a pretense to keep the cowardly slavish come on none of people quiet Oh managing people they all know if they do as I do they think as I think I know plenty of them I know them to speak to to introduce you to and to make friends are for you yeah I don't mean anything wrong you see that's what you don't understand your heads full of ignorant ideas about me a lot of the people that ever talked you know about life what about people like me when do they ever meet me speak to me like a name Aliya but tell them about me the fools what they would have done anything if I hadn't paid them know if I told you I want you to be respectable haven't I brought you up to be respectable well how can you keep it up without my money my influence and Lizzie's friends can't you see you're cutting your own throat as well as breaking my heart and turning your back on me I recognize the Crofts philosophy of life mother I had it all from him that day of the gardener's oh you think I want to force that plate out old salt on you I don't leave me not on my oath I don't it wouldn't matter if you did you wouldn't succeed mother you don't know at all the kind of woman I am I don't object to the crafts of this world more than I do to any other costly built man of his class to tell you the truth I rather admire him for being strong-minded enough to join himself in his own way and make plenty of money instead of leading the usual hunting shooting tailoring dining out life of his set Milly cause all the rest to it and I'm perfectly aware that I've been brought up in the same circumstances as Liz and I've done exactly what she did I didn't think I'm any more prejudiced or straight-laced than you are I think I'm less I'm certainly less sentimental I've realized that fashionable morality as a mere pretence and if I took your money and spent the rest of my life and spending it fashionably I could be as worthless and vicious as any girl could wish to be and not have a word said to me about it but I don't want to be worthless I wouldn't enjoy trotting around the park to advertise my dressmaker and my carriage builder or being boarded the off Oprah to show off a shop window full of diamonds but I haven't finished why do you continue in a business now that you're independent of it your sister you told me is left that all behind her why don't you do the same well it's all very easy for Liz she like sighs has hired him and she has the air of being a lady got imagine me in a Cathedral town with the very books and the trees it find me out even if I could stand the dullness of it I must my love can excitement or I shall go melancholy merde yam what else is there for me to do the life suits me I'm fitful not for anything else and if I didn't do it somebody else would so I don't do any real harm by it yeah and then it brings in money I like making money no it's no good I can't give it up not for anyone but what need you know about it cuz I'll never mention she got keep crafts away I'm not trouble you much I'm constantly running about from one place to another look you'll be quitting me all together when I die I'm my mother's daughter I'm like you I must work and I must make more money than I spend but my work is not your work in my way not your way we must part it won't make any real difference instead of meeting for a few months in 20 years we'll never meet that's all I meant to be more with you I did indeed it's know you'll smother I won't be changed by a few cheap tears and entreaties any more than you would I daresay you call a mother's tears she cost you nothing and you asked me to give up the peace and quietness of my whole life in exchange what use would my company be to you if you could get it what if we two in common that could make either of us happy together mother and daughter and I want my daughter I'm a write to you who's to care for me when I old many girls have taken to me like daughters and cried at leaving me but I let them all go because I had you to look forward to I kept myself lonely for you you've no right to turn your back on me now refuse to do your duty as a dog my duty as a daughter I thought we'd come to that now once and for all mother you want a daughter and Frank wants a wife I don't want a mother and I don't want a husband I've spared neither Frank nor myself and sending him about his business do you think I should spare you I never sought you why you've no mercy for yourself or anyone else I know experience has done it for me I can tell them tell us past hard selfish woman when I see her well take me up stuff to yourself I don't want you but you listen to this do you know what I would do with you if you were the baby again I as short as as a heaven above us strangle me perhaps know I'd bring you up to be a real daughter to me not what you are now with your pride and your prejudice and your college education that you stole from me yes though you tonight if you can what was it but stealing I'd bring you up in my own house I would in one of your own houses you live to have your own daughter tear and trample on you as you trampled on me and you will you will no woman ever had luck with her mother's curse honor I wish you wouldn't rent mother it only hardens me now come I suppose I'm the only young woman you've had in your power you've done good to don't spoil it now it's too new the only one that's ever turned on me oh I tried honest work I was slaved him until I curse the day I ever heard of honest work I was a good mother and because I made my daughter a good woman she turns me out as if I was a leper oh I have my life to live over again I'd talk to that lying clergyman at school from this time forth so help me heaven in my last hour I'll do wrong nothing but wrong and I'll prosper on it yes it's better to choose your line and go through with it and if I'd been you I'd probably got exactly what you did but I wouldn't have chosen one life and believed in another you're a conventional woman at heart mother and that's why I'm bidding you would buy I'm right am I not right to throw away all my money no right to get rid of you I'd be a fool not to isn't that so yes if it comes to that I suppose you are but lord help the world if everyone took to doing the right thing rather than stay what I'm not wanted why don't you shake hands No thank you goodbye and goodbye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: NB P
Views: 166,488
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Id: vSpfS8dhlHk
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Length: 109min 24sec (6564 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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