The Dame of Sark (ITV drama,1976)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] I'll be here any minute yes I sent the seneschal down to the hub and turned to bring them up here do you want that oh thank you very and I've been up to the school to reassure the children Oh how'd you manage that well I tell them every German isn't necessarily like Hitler love them and treat them just like they treat the Ordre tourists fine so relax we've been expecting this ever since Dunkirk now it's happened they bomb going to last week well I could have been a mistake a mistake maybe you and I better face it sweetie they're here to stay until this war is over I don't know that mom did you go down five-year to be hang on maybe more the idea of the two thrown there you mean I got the idea not collided a Mussolini muscle yeah apparently that's what he does he makes his sketch walk right from the door right through the room right up to his desk by the time they've got there he's got the one he wants them because maybe you've got a bigger room than this which side is the King City open come don't ask me right I think yes you said that you're the hereditary ruler you're the same yeah like you're still the boss all right I already put my pipe out no smoke it in their face you name Speed's my Islands dr. Brown major loss dr. bond sure the mean fuses you mr. and mrs. Hathaway that's right this is metal ants he will be commandant on suck he speaks very little English I interpret for him I see I have here the proclamation of the Commandant of all the German forces in the Channel Islands [Music] is there any further business the major will inspect the island and then return here to inform you where he wishes to billet his men in that case perhaps you would excuse my husband myself the island does not run itself you know pasyati I stopped by my nurse when I was the baby you speak German badly we have been kind of hang a sign him good run follow me sean deutsche nvidia agnes happened santa he asked i was afraid i said was there any reason for me to be afraid of a German officer I'm very glad to hear it hey you will place this poster in a prominent position no he doesn't order mrs. Hathaway [Music] bad news darling about what you doing I'm afraid so I know I know I know you sure let me get your drain busy flying boy imagine so all I know is that major Lance was told to tell me and not you who by the Commandant is on his way over I would seem well that's what you want but he may know more about the circumstance then you could see invoke windchill father glad look why don't you go and lie down that'll be him now make a movie no Idol stop I don't want them to think I can't take it Cullinan Count von Schmidt our mother I'm Bob Hathaway weird or punch with my wife I am sorry that our first meeting should be on this education may I offer my sincere condolences to both of you you're very kind I understand your feelings we see Sir the way if you look upon my presence as an unforgivable intrusion non jealous I sought it right to come he was trying to be kind kennel please forgive my rudeness and thank you for what you just said how did you find out about my son I understand the relative of yours informed the United States Embassy in London where the message was passed to Berlin and then to me and do know how it appears your son was on leave at the hotel in Liverpool and there was a bombing way to be done I regret I can tell you level what about our fishing hours you're fishing hours yes the control a major Lance said he'd braved the matter with you we need with your headquarters is many things reach my headquarters but they do not always reach me unless they are very important sir our men are only allowed to fish between 10 a.m. and feed penis five hours is it not reasonable you can't fish when the tides not right I see then what do you suggest I shall do fish when they want to fish well they know more about the news they don't tell you how to run your own not as they are sensitive I stand corrected I will see what can be done okay have you any further good brain for an estimate of rabbit population in self-defense I must point out that this is not my responsibility rabbits are a serious metal don't tell me that the SS are interested in rabbits it is the function to be interested in everything you'd be to be a regular would that be right yes I joined the army many years ago to long ago for couples I reckon you're lucky to have this appointment one assumes you don't like mr. Hitler very much sure it's the leader of my country democratically elected point taken I will see what can be done about your fishing hours Missy said today I should be very good but I cannot promise to do much about your rabbit population not bad no matter doing that makes it worse war is intolerable if you can hate joy in a minute cuz it don't want any casualties last night did he wake you up Oh probably knocks you're very young how old are you 15 17 they're young to be a soldier what's your name Phil hello where do you live mention oh that's a lovely city their parents live there yeah is your father a soldier too the lives of pain huh you wish to see my family I have a picture oh yes father mother you who's this you sir my Johnson very pretty looks it oh yeah always town has to be since twilit picking if I nothing mrs. Hathaway I didn't think you would read last night you have to make the search in case any of them we left on the island it was a commander head battalion the guardsmen it was a commando raid last night right yeah they find two english bodies washed up on the beach and one german they have tied our soldiers when they have taken some prisoner and they have shut when when he tried to escape that is not warms in history SEC is imelda there's no difference maybe them that is not all our army fates oh god you can trusted military code oh yeah there's lots of guys in German uniform in Poland France and other places now don't care that for your precious military code well as you found nothing major dance I assume we are no longer under house arrest I'm going into the garden I want to get some flowers Carlos really but Layton's requires we have a passenger mr. Hazari the school must be a what you eat it school why got to be evacuated the school as well yeah before the clifftop said to be mind our German personnel will move into the central website very time to retreat What nonsense is this captain Schmidt Oh nonsense I know of no none since I know only of the cardioid last night whatever else it was Colonel it was not College no to tie up prisoners and then to shoot them when they all tell you to escape you shopped two of our men they work for you they're not free now we didn't stop this walk and you did or rather your Fuhrer and you can hard blame us if we start to hit back you like to be on soccer Guernsey or anyone else for that matter no one invited you you came and now you mistake what's coming to you and make no mistake about it it is coming slowly but inevitably and your despicable little Fuhrer will be defeated in your precious German army beating do not speak like that I shall speak exactly as I like you then I should put you under arrest unless you apologize at once please I insist I will give you just one minute you better do what he wants reading yeah Bob come on after all you did insulting how would you feel if he said that about the British Army he just did no he didn't all he said was the boys last night did wrong to tied their prisoners up and let's face it it's a point of view supported by the Geneva Convention he's not bluffing I'm sorry thank you now it is forbidden middle ends you have informed them about the evacuations yeah Alberto you will cooperate No but surely you will look we should they should be evicted by force mrs. Hathaway I ask for your cooperation in order that an unpleasant past should be performed as painlessly as possible vigilance you will see that these houses in the school are killed by me Dave Tesch to tell him we did all we could to stop right now it is my turn to apologize I'm so you should make all answered you insecure I had no alternative but to demand an apology I have every reason to believe that Mitchell and said NASA feel greatly svo2 but alone now as we all do mrs. as well this follows all day pretty I won't put them on our soldiers graves do you know when they will be better this afternoon I believe you know they were know all identity marks where we moved or washed away verbs what is so agreeable about last night's wait this is the way will be it's inevitable after that tightening up of security more troops stationed on sock and in consequence still this food for your people and ultimately deportations of all those who will not sock for including my husband that is it but if you were to write a letter to the Guernsey newspaper stating that in your opinion any further ways all saw could incalculable harm then it is never I welcome these raids colonel I welcome them they will but remember what the consequences of them will inevitably be and I have to say this missus it'll be in spite of my apology it was not right to tie the prisoners off the use of making rules in war whole thing is bestial some decency should be deserved if possible back bombing little children nearly there will always be accidents London is your seat of government it is a military target and church it has bombed it you know very well he is not the same extent that is because he lacks the necessary we are not that kind of people we will never barbarians you bother them you will be proved wrong I wish that you would not be but you will be pulled long I will make a wager with you five hundred blocks done I want to put this card on the flowers I presume you will allow me to do so nothing there if it is not subversive they died that we might be free but this is subversive mrs. Hathaway but from my point of view that is - but you must not expect me to permit this I do I said oh yeah there's no room in wartime for gentlemen mrs. Hathaway Lord any other time perhaps very well on one condition that you tear this up mall do as I say put it in the basket gross no like it again but not until after I have gone and then if there should be any objections I can say with a clear conscience well I guess this is it yeah thank you sweetie can we be alone just for a minute please well could you do with the brown reads letters in the rabbinate under the straw woody to my friends with England I guess they thought they weren't coming back oh oh don't worry I'll be okay they're over 75 a much younger housing bye oh I'm coming down to the harbour with you last night you would much better just say goodbye hear them down on the key with a lot of screaming hands and see oh you sure you've got everything yeah everything's not much these days okay that's my last place even do you sucker love you have some letters from major brown week how would he write the need for he's coming with us major brown Rick is dead what can't be well he's here this morning you brought letters he brought his wife to say goodbye is she all right now she's gonna eat yeah how could he be you he's been taken to the hospital in Guernsey take off your coat now listen tit no doing will take off your coat right find anything in it tonight your pockets what's this my English driving license and it won't be any use in your invasion it's even more out of date you may go now oh no I'm not leaving my wife here with you Neiman see doesn't I'll be all right father [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing what is the meaning of this I found this letter in major brown Riggs house this morning it is addressed to you forgery why do you say that it might just say goodbye mrs. Hathaway why do you assume it's incriminating first of all mr. worked off a body the killer doesn't say just that you're right it reads you have our last messages there are these messages you know perfectly well that messages in English can mean words spoken as well as written that refers to some juror mr. Bradley get with me this morning when she came to say goodbye where's this jewelry on my desk let me see it it's in the box that is the address in England which is to be sent if she doesn't return there's nothing mrs. Hathaway it is not wise to lie to me here best I'm looking for some letters major Brown we've left with mrs. Hathaway this morning sir you must let him have the subtleties he said with mrs. Bradley grab some jewelry I keep telling him this he won't believe me why do you not believe her doctor because of this have you any levels mrs. Hathaway are you ready to accept what means he said to me says da come 9 then you must prove her wrong I'm about to search the house hell best in my experience people always know a house will be the first place to be searched look it's a stable stuff towards a garden shed so don't you know the rabbit hutches everywhere in fact and then if you find nothing start again in the house yeah both Elvis I am sorry I could not save your husband's all the deportations America has ended the war he too is an enemy now and I deeply sorry about major bond Rick and his wife did he have a heart yeah he killed himself Oh in mrs. Brownrigg tried to kill herself 200 she had stabbed herself 16 times why did not wish to be deported they must have been so frightened they didn't know what they were doing I don't know for Germany of going there there's no reason for this no what about concentration camps from whom have you heard it well no one I just heard it well lucky that you say these things to me and not to dr. Baumann I think that we should change the subject by all means it's Hitler dead granny lucky chops knew then why are you wearing there my son died on the Russian front last week oh please forgive me of course Oh he was 21 it was the youngest of nine children in the one I knew best my wife still I go on leave next week and I will try to comfort her so to know he was not a professional he was interested only in wild birds he was in only colleges the last time that I saw him it was all my deep last year it was his leave to thank God he has photographed this bird what do you call it great question Hawaii but greed quit it groups nest and he has put this hide or camouflage you understand beside water and what he said to me Father come down to the water with me off the register and talk to me all the way and then I would go into the hide and you will go back up to the house alone but still talking and this is quick we think that I am still with you because birds cannot count and it was indeed is taking the photograph and it was very good I wish I had it with me it is in my headquarters ever bring it the next time I come oh please do if the much admired your web it's mrs. Hathaway a epidemic is it on my way up from the hormone your husband told me I met him in the world the zoo many tubes a vault he seems concerned for the safety and I promised him that I would see that they were well cared for I have read these novels mrs. Hathaway and they're harmless nonetheless I would keep them for you until the search is over my men are searching outside el best with your permission major lance and I will search this room you would carry on in make sure that you find these apples if you do not wish to find yourselves in difficulties here mother will be massaged produce show me you have to come in my own Lance has sent me madam why didn't he come himself he's busy we stand to this morning very early it is the alarm Oh what's the message yeah over Spanish metal comes to see you soon this morning well then there must have been a raid I do not know where do you be I don't see any from the early either well I go to Germany for an engineering course they will help Loula that's right isn't it you remember huh not much else to do these days how is he gonna flip oh she's well yeah on my last leaf we are married really the lights last week to say that she begins to make a baby your husband is well yes thank you last on my head madam I tell you something now said you must not tell any other person but if it is known that I have told you I am shocked what for goodness sake don't tell me them so what a raid last night but not on sock it was on sir French coast between the heartland shibaura tis the invasion no I told you thank you you shouldn't have I trust you justified I do because if not I'm shot oh why take a wish because you asked me about you sir I think if you remember her then you remember much more mr. Hathaway never send a sentimental little boy none the worse for them we're back with the baby I'm still good home now before ball yes this is what I hope Oh Colonel Tom Smith I was coming to see me soon that's all that's all did you hear the planes last night dizzy the tops only I left should we listen to the wireless Oh Canon ELPH on Schmidt good morning colonel is it a lovely day what's the trouble the trouble I hear the troop strong you live how do you know this from the karun well it is just a team to keep the troops on their toes it's Betty and you play hip-hop this child your breakfast dry bread toasted barley coffee call that rich no joyous very good to Polly's our bread a week if the hard-working men do call that adequate and only two ounces of meat aforetime then we only get the tales from the offal and no potatoes at all almost but not that may I direct it from the supreme command was to cut down the elections to the barest survivor level done that no I have allowed you more than that by cutting down the Russians of the occupation forces good do they seem you steal our ducks now hens monkey stock cats and our dogs even got an army colonel it was a band of thieves and beggars men of any nationality I'll come to steal when they are hungry and my men are disciplined when they are caught with their stomachs full there are women on the island who can't feed their babies there so I don't know if I am aware of that tonight sorry for you but your Navy will know what a surprise - oh I should they defeat you and you and for what you say about the waiter no potatoes it's not true and you know it very well then I will explain it has been care for me for some time that the corn and potato pops we comedy on sock for short of the amount you harvest by a long way but I overlook you're holding there's to the question of more deportations I have fought against this my overlords in Berlin insist that they demote deportations I have said that this is not necessary they have said very well if you will have no more deportations then you must cut down the food supplies or the inhabitants once again I have fought against his too and so it goes on but now I can fight the war its did I have come to say goodbye yes I have been recalled to Germany oh I'm sorry I shall miss you there's a light extraordinary pen to me saying with you an English woman and a German colonel in the midst of a war that is the truth I see so you retired no I have been dismissed dismissed why I have got satisfied my Master's building why should that boy I wish to do my duty but at the same time I cannot bring myself to do all the things that are expected for me that is why I am dismissed what would you do he'll get home hope to survive strange things are happening in Germany at this time fellow officers that I have known all my life disappear not from the battlefield but from their homes and all not seen again I mean a murder I'll put in concentration camps that I have ashamed the entire German follow me is our shrink that's no use you must do something throw it out if you did that then the Allies would negotiate they have no sense of course only in cities that we should surrender unconditionally and that we cannot do all you have to in the air and what would your mr. Churchill saying if some of them are good that he should surrender ditional a shouldn't like the case that is why we go on fighting you can't with the camera any minute now there landed your depreciation to please finish and if they do then we shall write them back into the sea I doubt it I've got used to German persons I can see no purpose in continuing with this discussion here's a good point mrs. Hathaway you must not think that I have said the things that I have said this morning in the hopes that if you're serious food correct and Germany is beaten that you will intercede on my behalf and say that I am NOT so Betty hum as Etta long course not I say these things because I feel them I think I should like a glass of brandy would you know we will drink your help and Bob if you insist yes I do you have heard from your husband yes how is he in what fault is he yeah oh yeah I know it will my wife comes from down you don't really think dude I am much afraid well what about von Rundstedt couldn't hear him how is it that you know about my uncle we looked you up in the Almanac together when you first came you were it is possible and he will be harmful to save himself I will tell you something in confidence my uncle has been wild in his mind throughout the war my wife is said to him but Hitler he's mad but he observed any Field Marshal not a doctor he'll guard isn't for me to diagnose the Fury's mental state nor to prescribe a cure my job is to fight off my country's enemies your husband's house and you and me you shouldn't be we liked thank you and I wish the same for you and your wife thank you I have something I wish to give you it is of great quested quick come on the photograph my son missed it oh hello isn't it good you would like it me of course it's you go mmm I have four more copies into it thank you very kind I charge you a 500 marks with that is what you are in it for the bombings of Berlin oh yeah well then you knew about the dummies well I mean I must take your word for it naturally not only more much more thank you I shall keep this SE suniye though I say goodbye it has been present knowing you by conferencing and good luck thank you I shall need did you hear the airplanes last night yes they woke me up they were there many of them British int a Malcolm oh what a pity it is you have not got a wireless set hello operator major Lance why is the telephone not connected no borders but it should be a mic connected but that's not very surprising is it on your tube some guns he must be prisoners by now kinda serious reckoning we are interrupting programs to bring to the great news with all the German forces have surrendered unconditionally the war in Europe is therefore an end the Prime Minister will broadcast to the mission at 11:15 I think on in 10 [ __ ] you go and get the flags from the cupboard yes major Lance you will see that all the German troops is disarmed before the British soldiers arrived it's met him and the mines around the harbor must all be dismantled so just work which should be done by experts madam you put them up you must take them down yes ma'am and get one of your men to run up those flags and report to me by telephone the minute the mines work in London the War Office I want to know if there any news of mr. Hathaway see our flying metal sir planks good oh no I have to be in sahaba quickly majors orders my name is commander in chief on sack now do you better put your tongue on subject - yes sir how's the baby Oh fine looks like me my five 600 British salute goodbye her major oh no no no I mustn't I am command and chief of all the German forces on stop turn you are my my wits forgetting yes mother No do you I'm a dimer soft what's your name Robinson Corporal Robinson nice to see you how do fine thanks ours there with a big Oh daddy misses halfway I'm Charles Graham I have a cable for you I believe it's from your husband oh how do you say we need to be home by gum no no Cecile I think he's still in Germany but he's well that's all examples I can tell you i relieved I'm to find you well mrs. Hathaway we thought there might have been some trouble no we've had no trouble he'll be secured oh my god that's all I took command you see immediately after the surrender no it is that I do see you had a partial surrender ceremony I'm beginning to wonder what's my journey really necessary to bring me this can you have one oh yes oh well forgetting mr. Churchill you don't mind do you oh no no I should like to hear and our judge Channel Islands are also to be free today the German war is therefore added in advance Britannia long live the cause of freedom god save the king King King they're Channel Islands oh I son sorry I haven't had a telephone - yeah yeah Angela yes the soldier but he has left you mine British cameras have asked him a young German soldiers been killed by mine it's great it's most irregular how I gave the order I'm responsible I've been a German they can bet it would have been one of us he was my friend now as Kevin grandpa put me through the British supervising officer goseong couple grand goes on we're never stopped [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mark's Memories
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Id: jhaouoJj7PM
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Length: 52min 34sec (3154 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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