Seattle Tree Removal
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Channel: Seattle Tree Care
Views: 152,140
Rating: 4.8356166 out of 5
Keywords: American Elm, Elm, Tree, Treework, Arborist, Tree Climbing, Rigging, Urban Forestry, Forestry, Heavy Equipment, Seattle, Washington, Hazard Tree, Hazard, Tree Safety, Treecycle, Urban Hardwoods, Ulmus, Ulmus americana, Largest Elm, Big Trees, Ron Hasen, Nature, Urban, Urban Ecology, Treecare, Tree Service, stihl, Crane, dutch elm disease, chainsaw, STHIL 661, SEATTLEBIGTREES, SDCI, SDOT, TreeRemoval, ISA, InternationalSocietyofArboriculture, DUTCHELM, ARBORETUM, CITYTREE, VERMER, TORO, PETZL, ARBORWARE
Id: LdBC51ln0bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2017
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