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[Music] ladies and gentlemen we are currently at a royal teleporter here in kilimani it's about 9 00 am and any moment now i will be meeting rev lucy natasha we'll be spending the day with her and as you can see i'm all clad looking all dapper i'll fly in my gym where because that's where our day is starting at the gym currently she's on on her way here at any moment now we'll be joining her and we'll get our workout on it's going to be a fantastic day and listen i understand that later on we'll be heading to committee maximum prison the word maximum gives me the chills but not to worry i hear we have enough security to take us through that particular charity event that's going to be happening there it's going to be a fantastic day super excited revolution natasha finally on up close you asked for it we got her for you let's do this hi hi hi hi there hi good to see you you look lovely thank you even in a track suit for the gym you still look oh my god you look really nice how are you doing i'm doing well good to see you ah it's a blessing today we'll be together the whole day on up close i'm i'm looking forward you're looking forward to it please say hi to people to your friends your congregants your followers everybody i'm so humbled to be on up close thank you for the opportunity to just spend the day together hope people are going to you know hope you're going to have a good time we will definitely have a good time one time with asana people love us you see i told you i'll get you pasta reverend listen to tasha here she is great to see you thank you my bro is also here shafiq hey how are you it's great to see you you guys are always together yeah yeah we are close you're very close yeah so where are the cars you guys just run like this like brother and sister yeah when you're going to the gym you know we are we're on a fitness journey together all right let's do this thank you so much are you dreaming with us okay so great all right let's go we're finally here yeah all right um [Music] how are you feeling ah i'm feeling refreshed at least i try to work out yeah four times a week my bro encourages me in my trainer and your trainer yeah but this is the way you start your day yeah this is where i start my day why is it important for you to come to the gym when you're so busy and all that you also need a physique a physically fitbit right so i used to feel so much fatigue because of too much troubling also preaching takes so much energy it does oh really it takes too much energy after this are we going to have sausages i'm keeping it healthy did you see how burning the calories in the trees that one sausage can take you i don't know how much what sausage is 200 calories imagine so i just tried to but at least i have one sheet today well i want you today where you go all out oh yeah so we'll go out we'll go and of course uh freshen up we'll change it to our jeans yeah then we'll head out to committee oh yeah let's go all right all right so ladies and gentlemen we've just uh freshened up taken our shower now we're about to leave the hotel royal tulip but of course we're getting our face done and uh rev is getting her face beat yeah you know you always look so fly really always attack my gym you're looking so nice but now you're just enhancing it so tell us you know do you always like wear makeup do you love makeup yeah i love to do makeup i always tell people we pray and sleep you pray and sleep this of course is makeup by marlin thank you she did my eyebrows thank you so much so you pray and you slay yes and you pray and you still slay this is up close with none other than reverend lucy natasha all right let's go thank you all right so we're sitting at the back seat of uh rev's uh very nice car i have to say normally when you wake up you go to your gym and then what what happens you know as you go along the day or your typical honestly actually most of the times if i don't usually have time because i also have office appointments uh and i usually meet uh the the the partners of the ministry in the office i also have counselling sessions as well as the international traveling ministry but usually on a typical day when i come from the gym if i have time i will you know sit down and eat or go home and depending on the schedule but on other times when the schedule is extremely busy like on a typical mondays are so busy for me i do breakfast in the car breakfast in the car and that's what we'll be having as we as we move along yes so funny thing i was as i was reading about you you actually many people don't even know that you're kenyan people normally yeah i've heard that you know people think you're running but you're actually kenyan yes you were raised up in iceland not even islam the slums of madari i'm telling you no way yeah i came i god raised me up from the slums of madari that's where i was born there i grew up there i went to salama primary in haruma then moved to umuja primary so i'm i'm just one of those people that god raised from nothing you know where you were raised in islam how was life like that life you know back in the day our life was really tough because some of the assignments that we had as a young girl yeah your mama ki fuang guana kupati assignment yakugo jamba kaika because was really tough as we grew up because you can imagine when you're living there you have everything communal because somebody will just come now did you ever think you'd ever be like um you know a reverend you know a church leader what did you want to become at that time probably i thought the best thing to become was a teacher a teacher yeah because at that time you really you don't have much exposure you don't have uh you're not exposed to so much but uh then at least i thank god that i grew up in a family where they really encouraged us to you know to just pursue everything that uh you know to just pursue what god wanted us to become because a god called me at an early age i'm one of those people that started preaching at the age of nine years what yeah so from there from an article who are you preaching to who'd listen to a nine-year-old girl and that is why i say sometimes my story i don't know if um not everybody can relate but uh to those that know me they really understand it's not the age that breaks the yoke and also my calling was so divine because i was born as tamara yeah that's another thing you remember in the last interview i was telling you about telling us about how you were and then your mom called the preachers and i received you know a miracle and that was uh i started speaking well at the age of nine so he was summary like proper like yeah proper but you know when i started preaching since it's a journey i didn't start like in the churches i was preaching in children crusades i was preaching and then i started to get because there was that uh the calling of god was there and there was also a special anointing sick people would come i would pray for them they would get killed it was beyond my human comprehension the other thing of course i know about you and you've mentioned it is about your mom and how much of a big impact she has been in your life yes and i met her such a lovely such a lovely lady so was she like a street being a pastor yes was she like a strict mom i'm a product of her faith and you know just strong christian values though sometimes you know being a young person here and there you'll try to divide you get to high school yeah [Applause] you know so but at least she really kept a close eye now that your mom is in the ministry is your dad also in the ministry no my dad is not in the ministry my father is a businessman yes all right what about your siblings yo i know you have you guys are three right yeah we have three social media shafiq i've met him today yeah he is he's in the ministry yeah he's in the ministry he subs in the protocol team actually he's heading the protocol team and my sister is also a pastry chef actually she couldn't make it she had cake festival over the weekend oh nice and funny enough for something that you don't like to cook chapaties yeah the japanese i'm not a very good cook i think my sister and my brother took all the cooking grace you are you because i'm a more of yeah i think i'm more of a cleaner than that my sister and my brother took all the all that grace yes for mixing up things in the kitchen all right so before we get committed because i can see we're almost there so let's talk about this charity that you do for committee this uh mission um what is it about and why do you choose to do this and today why did you choose committee yeah actually it's something i've been doing over over time and it's because i have a strong passion for just giving hope to those people that are you know feel rejected uh like know where we are going this is the committee maximum security prison these are the people that are on life sentence most of them that get out is just by presidential pardon and i always tell them to look at committee not as a prison but as a college you know a college i even tell them even all right so right now we've just centered the gates of committee maximum prison we are just about to meet the inmates who we will be doing the charity work for and uh yeah rev you're here yes it is my first time here by to the less hopeless yeah okay fine so get in of course with your direction sir all right thank you so much [Music] so every time i come here it is a blessing to be here together with the entire team of natasha handle compassion we are blessed to be here [Music] [Music] um [Music] all right so we've had a fantastic is it two hours oh my god that was that was lovely so how was it for you can you contam that as a successful yeah that was a successful outreach because i could you know right now we've just closed the first half of the year we are getting into the next half i feel they are inspired they are motivated and even you are coming because they follow you i know they watch you they have to [Applause] all right let's go so now we're going for a board meeting yes now we are going for and actually the board meeting we are going for is the natasha hand of compassion because since we are now getting into the next half we are now doing our quarterly uh board meeting to just see what we will be doing all right yes after we'll change the next time which cs will not be like this we'll be on official where yeah that's good thank you thank you so much [Music] all right so reverend lucy natasha is together with her team they're having their boardroom meetings around four o'clock and from here we'll be heading to her office but remember her services are always on monday she calls them miracle mondays will be happening at the 680 hotel we still have a long way to go as you can see we are changed up to take care of the official part of the day is still up close with reverend lutes natasha we'll be having a sit down be with her in a few minutes and of course get to know more about her all right let's do this all right so finally we have our sit down with uh reverend reverend you have such a crazy day i mean that was so crazy and we're still not done and it's funny how you hold your services on monday how come yeah everybody does it on sunday monday we start our week work actually the reason why we hold our meetings on mondays because we are not a church we are a ministry and we are more of interdenominational so they are called miracle mondays on monday monday miracle monday that's the name of their opinion yes yeah that's the name that's the name of the uh the the meetings we host every monday okay interesting so looking at the ministry you've done this for quite some time 12 years 12 years yes how can you just talk to us about you know the journey i'm sure it hasn't been easy you make it look really easy i started out as a as an evangelist i started full-time ministry at an early age of 19 years and i was a traveling minister for 12 years and just doing conferences crusades in different countries but i started definitely i started in the villages in the villages in the villages in their towns just like you out get invitations in kakamega yeah yeah for a long time and you know those were the days when it was very difficult because i was in my humble beginnings and people are respecters of persons and like you said people are respecter of titles yeah and and even people see you before they hear you but as i told you the will of god will never take you where the grace will not protect you you speak so powerfully amen you know when i said you know you're going to be up close one of the questions was like why is she single first of all and if she's single why she has you know you know she's well put together beautiful doing a great job you know in the ministry how come or even are you single maybe she will yeah oh my god yes currently i'm single and you know also finding the right person i was in a relationship that um didn't work out because you know sometimes uh uh before you really get the ideal person right you know it takes a long time it takes a it takes a long time but i also believe in what the bible says in isaiah 34 16 that not one will miss their mate for the mouth of the lord has commanded that means there's somebody for everybody and as you're waiting are you are you open to to the idea of settling down having a family getting married having kids yeah actually i i really desire to get married to get the right man i'm looking for that money for a prayer all your prayers out there i'm looking for a prayer partner not a prayer point you know when you married the wrong man you'll always be praying oh god do something do something change him but i want i don't want a prayer point i want a prayer partner yeah i want so what are the qualities of that prayer partner yeah prayerful obviously okay yeah there's that aspect of you know somebody that is born again uh somebody that fears god honors god loves god but besides that when it comes to you know a compatibility has to be there there has to be compatibility there has to be you know that attraction that chemistry it has to be there and uh among us now the other things that uh you know common goals common values common vision right yes and you want to tell me uh reverend that you have not got in that person oh my god it's so hard to believe but i am you know why yeah because sometimes you know god allows you um to just go through the different seasons of life how many kids would you want to have in future but really two you have that traveling ministry talk to us about that public ministry is important to me because when god called me that was the first thing he told me i have called you as a as a voice to the nations as an oracle to the nation that means as god's mouthpiece to the nations so that one has really been a great part of my ministry just holding conferences inspiring lives impacting lives uh changing lives by the power of the gospel wow yeah i hear you you know i think when you're talking and you know comments i've seen online is that people are saying people find themselves in like like in a sort of like a contradiction because on one hand you're this like you know they call you because hottest pastor by the way i don't know do you know that me can tell you for a fact then on the other hand you know you speak and you speak so powerfully how able to to to to balance that and you know what do you say to the people who compliment you and you then say like wow i come to my church because man i just want to see her preaching to me oh my god i you know actually i just i just focus more on the on the on the kingdom assignment but also it's good to receive compliments and have an encouragement but uh most of the times i just focus more on the kingdom assignment yeah and and besides all of us are fearfully and wonderfully made to finish our our snack before of course then you need it because of the energy you said that the preaching is not easy you need energy dispense a lot of energy right i always tell people strong annoying things require strong bodies strong bodies so let's build our bodies right now after this we'll be heading out to her office and then to the ministry at 6 a.c where we'll see her in action all right this is up close with rev lucy natasha say something to the people yeah i've had such a wonderful day with betty keller on up close and thank you for just being part of our day i hope you are blessed we are continuing to be blessed we are waiting for the big blessings not from church um there's a prayer item i have maybe by at least now you call just say other things turn your prayer requests into appraisal reports i like that all right so finally we're leaving the hotel heading to church time for the action miracle miracle monday and uh of course as you can see we are all set with a protocol team and we're heading to church right now and we'll talk about this protocol team a lot of controversies about this protocol scene we'll talk about it like i said the cars are here already and uh yeah so this is the end of part one with uh reverend lucy natasha and of course part two is going to start from the church all right should we go the office the office all right let's go oh thank you all right this rumor is that you're actually dating um the governor for nairobi and people have that picture of you with him uh and you know those rumors started going around that you know he's actually the one who funds you know your ministry you guys are dating is there truth to that [Music] i really desire to get married to get the right man i'm looking for that man all your prayers out there i'm looking for a prayer partner not a prayer point all right ladies and gentlemen this is part two of our close with rev lucy natasha right now we're heading to church yes and as we head to church i have to ask you this question um because people are their critics you know what they say i'm sure even you know what they say about you know the cars and they say like that she have to work with all these bodyguards you know what you know why she why does she need that whole protection or security um around her what can you say to those people because it's something that always comes up whenever you know if you you know research about you know about yourself it's something that always comes up no actually uh i think that's a misconception and as i said earlier you know the problem is that people crucify you from the court of public opinion without getting proper information uh i don't have bodyguards first and foremost what these are is uh protocol protocol team is mainly uh the team that subs go together with me these are just sons and daughters and they bring order and also when it comes to security let me say something whether you are a believer an unbeliever definitely everybody needs security you can't say just because you're born again you won't lock your house you won't take any security precaution but for these ones these ones are spiritual sons and daughters they serve in the ministry as uh they are among us they uh the the the stewards that we have we have over 100 stewards that are serving the ministry but these ones are just they are more prominent because they don't have behind the scenes yeah yeah they serve now you know when you take your pictures your videos they're always yeah they're always there because they are the ones that really are with me in most places just to ensure there is order because also god is a god of orders so just to ensure that everything goes well that's why they are there to manage the crowds you know so you know they're not the bodyguards but you know they're just part of the server they're part of the service they're part of the kingdom assignment their sons and daughters and we have many other departments only that this one is the main focus people even criticize how you guys normally dress the same yeah to wear blue they wear blue you know like do you have to make them wear blue no i don't make them it's just that in our generation we want to do things differently you don't have to do things the way they've they've always been done and i always wonder why people don't have a problem when our grooms when the groomsmen match or when the bride's made much but when we are serving god people have an issue over everything and i've just come to discover that people that are committed to misunderstanding you no matter what you do they'll still do it so the best thing is to just serve god and just focus on the assignment and do it as god has called you to do so for me i'm just serving the way i feel in my spirit and in my heart god has called me to do and to reach my generation right and um you know the other of the of course the other question that you know many people raise is that um uh you know do you have to use flashy cars you know you have people in your congregation who are suffering you know that that narrative that people have against uh especially kenyan you know um church leaders like you know you're doing this but at the same time the same congregation you find this this person suffering and this person's suffering what's the message to that uh you know the blessing of god maketh rich and added no sorrow i always believe that we are not born again to suffer again and jesus became poor so that we could become rich but uh you know people saying we use flashy cars i believe a car is just a means of transport so um let's look let's go to the fun things that we don't know about uh immigrant natasha first of all you told us that you don't like to cook chapo's yeah just cooking in general um so what happens when you find that man that you're talking that prayer partner you're talking about okay if he's kenyan we learn and he loves chapatis we learn how to cook chapaties you know because it's all about flexibility yeah uh i didn't say that i i okay i don't cook chapatis well but at least i can cook some other dish as well the fish anything more yes the mashed potatoes yeah the beef strips okay so so that is it but also um looking at something else uh about you if you were not um you know in church you know doing ministry um as a pastor what else what career path would you have gotten into i had different passions i thought i wanted to be a news anchor yeah and i thought i wanted to do pr after i finished high school but the calling just took over [Music] how are you son hi how are you thank you nice office thank you so this is where you come to hide humble beginnings we are still trusting god for revenue within the cbd so because where we meet at 680 hotel for miracles we don't have offices there and there we just we have to set up and set so basically this is just our small office before god gives us and he will amen he will so i can see so many certificates on your world see you take us through that yeah by the grace of god let me come closer so actually this one was an honorary award that i was granted by the african prestigious awards in accra ghana they were celebrating achievers in africa and by the grace of god the natasha hand of compassion was nominated okay so that was last year we got the recognition and we are so humble right yeah this one here is very special because this was uh the 19th of june 2011 when i was ordained as a reverend 2011 2011. so we've been doing this for a long time we said 12 years 12 years as a as a as a traveling minister but it's in 2011 that i got ordained to the office of of a reverend by archbishop of kitunga in the redempted quarters then this one this one here one civility award yeah this one i was the first woman in africa to be given the well civility award by the eye change nation so it was also another good girl it's a word sorry they actually changed nation actually this one we were we were given the awards together with plo last year also and you're the first woman first one in africa but you know i have to ask her something the oracle many people have asked us why does she call herself the oracle of god what does that mean uh for those people that don't understand the meaning of the oracle the oracle simply means god's mouthpiece if you look at first peter chapter 4 verse 11 the bible says speak as an oracle so an oracle is simply a a mouthpiece somebody that is speaking on behalf of god because everything i share is not from me as natasha it is from god's mind from god's heart to yours right so it is just it simply means in simple times god's mouthpiece why do you think it it asks people it disturbs people when you call yourself that actually just a criticism i didn't call myself remember this one is by the election of grace so it is when god called me into ministry i told you i was nine and uh the prophetic word came for that i will be an oracle to the nations so the reason why i've embraced it is because i want to leave my calling to the fullest so how do you finance the the ministry because it's not it's not cheap from what we saw yesterday last week and today things are things that things are really expensive yeah actually even the gospel i will i will also say this the gospel is also expensive the kingdom of god is not founded on money but it needs money to expand though as you are saying in our generation the gospel has been merchandised but that does not change the fundamental principles that are taught in scripture about giving i still believe in giving i preached and i preached also about giving among us the many other things that the bible teaches and upholds so we have a group of people called partners that believe in what we do the meetings the conferences the revivals and the thousands of people that are being touched uh they're on from both from online we have partners that watch our services both here that attend miracle monday and those that watch from around the world but i'm also an author of more than 12 books i'm an entrepreneur so definitely there are multiple streams of income yes i like that take us through your books very quickly we're heading to church i'll just talk about four very quickly this is uh touching heaven through prayer secrets of a prayer warrior it mainly talks on prayer also being a preacher i'm very aware that you can preach and perish but i know you cannot pray and perish now this is what you want to talk to us about israel is my favorite right before you say i do we should all get well before you say i do falling and falling in love without falling some of us fell into trouble before falling in love but anyway don't tell us about this one before you say it so this book mainly i wrote it so that before you sign the dotted lines at least i wanted to prepare people you know uh to know what they are getting into and i use the biblical principles ten things you must never do when you fall in love six types of husbands you should avoid this is this that's the words you should avoid you should tell us to say that all right the first type of money you should not marry is the solomon man this man is polygamous in nature he's a womanizer he does not understand boundaries so please uh uh betty run away from the sun i will run away run away i'll keep running away from anyone else who proves even if he is my bmw my black man with wisdom oh he's not saved and he is not born again preach this priest he's not right for you so yeah you are asking me uh the difference between a real queen and a liquid you know are slippery okay there's a difference it's better to be a real queen [Music] yes a real queen wants to know what drives the man but a slay queen wants to know what a man drives hey a slackwheel wants to know where you live a real queen wants to know what lives in the mountain as liquid is interested in the size of your television but a real queen wants to know the size of your vision as liquid is interested and wants to know your you know in your biceps but a real queen wants to know your concepts she wants to look at your vision match my dream huh i swear this should be the message today that is so powerful thank you for saying that and this is the book yeah actually it's there and also a real queen a slap queen will ask where you live but a real queen wants to know what lives is in you preach i like that better head out um please yes please and uh yeah we'll continue up close with rev thank you yeah welcome to today's miraculous thank you so much thank you welcome to today's miracle monday it's a blessing to have you here [Music] oh this is so nice i hope you love the flowers so beautiful just to say welcome to miracle monday i can't wait to spend time with you guys because i'm happy to be here thank you for the applause i can i can hear the word that's your mom oh wow all right so we are finally here miracle monday is going on right now they're waiting for you but before i let you go how do you normally prepare for a service like this one you prepare a service by prayer you have to know what god is saying to the people the word in season you have also to prepare by study you have to study a lot you have to study the bible you have to read widely and mostly you rely on the holy spirit because as i said it's a it's by the election of christ do you get nervous when you know there are people waiting for you by the grace of god stood before thousands of people preaching the gospel around the world so and again my confidence is not in myself right my confidence is in god so even anytime i minister i say lord as i disappear may you up here as i decrease may you increase so it's never about me i'm just an oracle god's mouthpiece god's mouthpiece they're all crave it's been so amazing on the show we'll go in and listen to the service but of course it has been so amazing having you on up close we'll of course go in and listen to the service for the whole time it's going to be on and uh thank you so much it's been such a blessing coming on the show amen amen to that it's a blessing for all of us it's been a blessing i declare according to psalms 91 16 that with long life the lord will satisfy us we shall not go to an allegory
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 270,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, kenyan sermon, lucy natasha, lucy natasha 2020 sermons, lucy natasha prayer 2020, reverend lucy natasha preaching slay queen, reverend lucy natasha books
Id: h4aEDLdiU2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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