A Day In My Life!

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Oh, he claimed Andrew HARD.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 290 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PresOfTheLesbianClub ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 18 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

instant serotonin release whenever garret uploads

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 102 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Sa1lor23 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 18 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Just started watching it but it always brings me such joy to see my two favorite boys together

Edit; This is honestly so wholesome. Iโ€™ve missed his quirky editing and voice overs.

Heโ€™s back up to his usual ADHD shenanigans. He talks about the beginning of his and Andrewโ€™s friendship, and says they quarantined together in Washington. They really are best friends, itโ€™s easy to tell, and itโ€™s great to see how much fun they have together. Doesnโ€™t seem like heโ€™s hung out with Shane for a while, and he doesnโ€™t bring him up, which I am fine with.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 224 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/xomakinghistory ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 18 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Grapefruits are green in August!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 68 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/timetraveller04 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 18 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I hope Garrett continues to be wholesome and stays away from Shane.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 189 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/_otterr ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 18 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

God it really is evident how much of Shane's persona from the last few years is stolen from Garrett.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 190 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/devon_price ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 18 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Andrew's hair got WILD during quarentine. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 74 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/lilfunky1 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 18 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That pillow is bomb tho. Iโ€™m a mid-thirties ma of teenagers & I have bought that pillow once a year for the past few years, no pregnancy required. Itโ€™s just a great support/cuddle/tuck in kind of thing that is a must have.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 31 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hardlytolerable ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 18 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Itโ€™s so adorable to have him and Andrew together

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 25 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/parisianseine ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 18 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
i was just trying to help you get on track you want to talk about tracks i think there's a train down the road well hello there and welcome to a day in my life but i'll warn you this isn't really a normal day in my life because it's a day in my life but as my life exists in 2020 which of course as we all know 2020 has hit very very different like remember once upon a time when humanity thought that 2020 was gonna look like this but instead it was like just kidding this i don't really know how to communicate this but has time this year for anyone else just seemed like or if not that maybe at least like admittedly that might have been a very strange way to communicate that but my point is that time feels very strange right now and i know to some degree i'm not alone in feeling that way why because there's been a lot of people talking about this in tweets and articles in person look at this time magazine the quarantine has wrecked people's sleep schedules medium had an article simply called what time is it mental floss what day is it again and according to webmd 48 of people have felt an overwhelming feeling of time feeling very distorted this year my point is is that i'm not the only one feeling this way and from what i've been reading it's because we've all had our schedules routine emotional based levels and just our general sense of normality completely atomized and because of all those things being gone or at least radically affected there's nothing to really separate the days from each other or in my case or maybe even your case the nights from the days or even the days from the weeks what does a weekday even mean anymore like how can the days feel so short but yet the year feels so long how does 2020 feel like it's gone on for approximately three years now like for instance remember the jlo shakira halftime super bowl performance from 2018 i don't because it wasn't in 2018 it was this year somehow what does that feel like so long ago in my mind is someone messing with time some sort of wizard or perhaps even a time traveler is the simulation resetting itself is an alien doing an experiment on earth what does all of this mean anymore okay you literally seem like you're going insane right now oh for real yep well that's not great no it's not so lock it down and get to the point if you even have one fair enough thank you my point is is that it seems like we're all struggling to find a sense of normality we all seem to be a bit lost in time and going completely stir crazy at home and i am certainly no exception so i thought amongst all this strange energy that i'd find a sense of normality by just jumping back into making things in the form of inviting you into a day of my life right now five months into quarantine if anything just to let you know that if you're feeling a little strange or untethered or undisciplined or anything like that that you are definitely not alone and show you that i too am very much so experiencing this and by the way part of my strange energy has been like feeling not productive at all and am i proud of the current structure of my days not at all but i wanted to show you that if you're currently feeling a little aimless then maybe that's okay i mean i am too but i watched some day in a life videos on youtube to understand the format and i'm gonna give it my best shot might fail but i'll try that's all we can do and i'll warn you that this may very well be the most chaotic day in a life video ever uploaded to youtube anyways may god have mercy on your soul for whatever you're about to experience so without further ado welcome to so my day will usually start anywhere between the hours of noon to say 7pm but this morning i woke up at a very impressive 11 30 a.m which i know might not seem too early to most people but i'm not most people i'm a bit of a disaster and i've got the worst sleep schedule on the planet earth so i know this might sound a bit delusional but for me waking up before noon makes me feel like some sort of rock star super adult or at least like someone who knows what the word mortgage means i never have anyways eventually i force myself out of bed even though the sun blasting in through the windows is practically burning my eyeballs right out of my skull my eyes my eyes and because i'm a man of culture the first thing that i'll do in the morning is check the news it starts as a pretty noble quest but it usually ends up somewhere around here and of course they say that making your bed first thing in the morning is a healthy habit that sets the standard for your day so i'll try to do that which in my case just means putting the blanket on the bed and then adjusting my mattress protector because based on their complexity i'm not really much of a sheets guy looks pretty good to me anyways this is my pregnancy pillow i fully and unapologetically stand my pregnancy pillow and i sleep with that every night you see i love a good full body pillow and i've been on a quest to find one for years and i've wasted so much money on bad ones and a while back my beautiful cousin who just had the cutest baby on the surface of the planet earth was like oh you should try a pregnancy pillow and i was like pregnancy pillow are you kidding me pregnancy pillows are for girls with babies in their stomach and she was like trust me just shut up get a pregnancy pillow and i think that's the best advice i've ever received from another human being because it's the only form of full body pillow that fits my giant troll body so yeah i sleep with the pregnancy pillow but i'm not ashamed of it i'm just kidding i'm actually so ashamed of it it's crazy in fact when anyone comes over i try to hide it as best i can because it makes me look super serial killer and it doesn't help that i sleep with a sword [Music] now listen maybe i've just seen too many old japanese movies but as far as i'm concerned sleeping with a sword isn't even that strange especially when you live alone like i do and you're constantly scared at night by thinking about ghosts robbers skeletons and bad guys in fact allow me to take you through a scenario in which you will realize that not only is sleeping with a sword not strange but potentially essential to my very survival my plan is i hear someone outside window breaks gate crashes open we're bad guys we're coming in we're gonna take all your jewels all your action figures they think i'm asleep i see jokes on them look at this one this is what happens slit his throat joke's on you chop it be like that you know chop off your head because like you know i can't have anyone stealing my things i have nice things look i don't want someone i don't want someone coming for my snow globes i can't have someone taking this from me so um uh-oh i gotta stay on my sword well anyways now that i've given you top-tier priceless self-defense knowledge on how to defend yourself from potential bad guys let's move on to the most important part of my day surprise pouch so sometimes when i'm heading outside for my morning sneeze right here on this couch i'll find to my friend andrew sawaiki sleeping until i walk in and say something like good morning andrew and then he'll be like and why does andrew sometimes sleep on my couch i'll tell you you see andrew's a friend of mine that i've known since he first moved to los angeles in 2016. in fact we used to live in the same apartment building he's one of those friends i feel like i've known my whole life and he's the best and when the quarantine first started and la started to look very spooky and there was like actually nothing in the stores we decided to skip town we hopped in this car and we headed up north 1200 miles to washington state and of course everyone knows that it was and continues to be a very strange time but we like everyone else tried to make the most of it so for a couple months we posted up in a honeybee themed cottage learned how to cook a little bit and feed ourselves things that weren't complete garbage definitely spent a fair amount of time playing in the woods which i learned that after being in los angeles for so long is very valuable because los angeles looks like this and washington looks like this and outside of looks they are different in so many ways for instance one morning in los angeles i saw this outside my door you want to know what i saw outside my door one morning in washington a squirrel just straight vibing on the roof couldn't be bothered look at us just taking it easy we all got to be like that squirrel and to be completely honest i feel like an entire video or maybe even a couple videos could be made about this time in both of our lives because so much happened that i wouldn't even really know where to begin and i wouldn't even really know how to put it into words if i did and oh boy is a good friend valuable at a time like this and the whole experience was really nice but eventually we had to get back in the car and head back to los angeles and considering that los angeles is still very much so strange and everything is pretty much shut down we're still pretty much quarantined together so i'll get back to the day in my life but now you know why earlier i said that andrew sometimes crashes my couch i mean he has his own place of course but we see each other every damn day and we're also both night owls and sometimes a guy's just gotta grab his baby yoda and crash a friend's couch which is why earlier i said that sometimes when i'm headed out for my morning sneeze andrew will be on my couch but this morning there's no andrew so getting back into my day and mind you this might sound really strange what i'm about to say to about 82 percent of you but every morning i walk outside and i look at the sun and i sneeze that's because i like 18 of people have something called the photic sneeze reflex it's called psr people with this gene when they go from a dark environment to a light environment they sneeze basically the sun makes you sneeze that's it that was a good one good sneeze i like to think of it as my very very very weak ineffective x-men power so instead of something like this i just do this which isn't as cool but i'll take what i can get and now that i've gotten that out of the way it's time to head to the bathroom for my welcome to my bathroom and don't be concerned about the sword on the wall that's just my bathroom sword anyways i start my morning routine by playing music from something that i think is the coolest invention ever it's a pull cord wall mounted cd player [Music] and these are of course my bathroom friends i call them that because they live in my bathroom and yes i'll introduce you so first up is pop baby who lives in this tiny messy kitchen mostly he just chills in this pot and pretends that he's soup and these are pop baby's judgmental friends who honestly just don't get it but luckily that's never concerned him because he knows what's good next up is a tiny adorable musician that i found at a terrifying festival last year in spain next to him are three glass goldfish that unfortunately are dead and then edgar allen poe who's also dead and perhaps my very favorite bathroom friend a picture of a brave raccoon scaling a building who quite frankly i find to be very personally inspiring i'd like to talk about hair dryers i actually don't know how to use a hair dryer and i only bought this one for crafting projects but good god is it fun then i brush my teeth but i'm not actually going to show you me brushing my teeth because that would be gross but this exact shot is in every single day in a life video i watched people brushing their teeth while standing in front of vermeer while holding this camera on this gorillapod i just wanted to get this shot cause everyone else had it in their day in a life videos to be honest there's not even toothpaste on this toothbrush and to be even more honest it's not even a toothbrush at all it's a hairbrush and then i just added a generic tooth brushing sound effect to make it sound like i was brushing my teeth i'm sorry i just like to pretend say speaking of grooming and morning routines oh yikes what this just seems like a really graceless segue to a brand deal oh it is you see taking a minute to tell you why i stand dollar shave club it comes very easily to me especially in the context of a video like this because they are very much so part of my daily routine every single day in the shower i use their body wash for sure their shampoo their conditioner even have a shampoo conditioner combo which is really great for someone like me because two different things gets very complicated but if you're better at hair than i am don't worry because they also make them separate too they got mouth care stuff deodorants they even just launched a new skincare line but of course most importantly they make really really great shaving products this right here is called the ultimate shave starter set its contents are more precious than rubies and probably also gold inside is one weighty executive handle but what's a handle without blades very little so it also comes with blades you shave with blades like this and your skin will be the your skin will be smoother than the ice then it'll slicker than smoother than ice oh my god just to move on it's going to be a smooth shave one tube of dr carver's exfoliating prep scrub with this right here ingrown hairs and dead skin are good to get punched dr carver shave butter for quite easily the smoothest shave of your whole life and last but not least is dr carver's post shave dude and that right there is my personal favorite because after you shave you put it on and it's very hydrating and very cooling to the skin it feels like you're in the arctic tundra on your flesh and you love it also my bathroom's really hot i'm really sorry that i'm sweating so much yeah we can see that how do you get brand deals i don't know anyways if you want to get this ultimate shave starter set for you or for anyone in your life you can go to dollarshaveclub.com garrettwatch they get your starter set for only five dollars and of course that link is right in the description and oh my god it is so hot right now and i need to get dressed for the day time to pick out my ootd that's outfit of the day i've learned a shower i'll usually sit around in my robe and look at memes while i dry off drying off while looking at memes is one of my favorite activities of all time but i do greatly abuse it and i'll do it for like an hour be quiet anyways it's almost 3 p.m so it's time to get dressed for the day my outfit of the day is usually these pants i've been wearing for like the past four months and whatever shirt is located closest to the pants in this case with the harry potter shirt covered in tiny depictions of the forbidden forest and if you don't know what that means don't worry about it up next are these dragon ball z boxers which are both comfortable and fun next up this los angeles sock and this pizza sock which of course don't matter but who cares because outer space is literally infinite and socks for sure don't matter and lastly my caterpillar shoes because apparently tractor companies make shoes now but whatever because i love them and there you have it a pretty dope quarantine fit if you ask me but what's a quarantine fit without accessories i throw on my favorite necklace my favorite watch and a pocket skeleton and that completes my quarantine outfit after i got all dressed up in my outfit that literally nobody will see because the world is shut down i found some coffee that i've been looking for for about a week which was great because i was very thirsty then my mom called which was also great because i love her a lot and i talk to her almost every day which is always a complete pleasure because she always has something very interesting to say so i was basically not planned at all but so i after i had a good laugh with my mom about my accidental existence it was time for breakfast even though it was about 3pm at this point [Music] now the real kickers i was like 67 sure that there was like nothing in my fridge to eat but there's only one way to find out welcome to my little fridge okay fine fine final give you a tour of my tastefully decorated fridge dream car little dog wonderful friends although i don't remember this evening for very specific reasons aesthetic appearance charlie's angels full throttle magnets that i found on ebay dream house seance and last but not least the interiors of the fridge which are as heartbreaking as i presumed it looks like my choices for breakfast are expired pickles one piece of something called fruit expired sauces and my god i think that's a sauce skeleton ancient milk half of an entire birthday cake left over from my friend andrew's birthday happy birthday andrew i love you jam that a woman made me and some fridge froot loops but you know what this will be fun let's play a game of some of the items you've just seen what do you think i'm most likely to choose for breakfast a fruit b expired sauces c some jam that a woman made me or d half of an entire birthday cake way to go congratulations anyways i ended up going with the birthday cake for breakfast um but it wasn't all fun and games because i actually wasn't paying attention while i was doing it and i ended up eating a candle andrew's candle which i didn't love so luckily i had the fruit the fruit loops box got that out of there and i was going to be done with the birthday cake but i figured well the damage was already done with the whole candle thing so i had a little bit more and then i decided it was time to text message my friend andrew andrew do you want to come over i could make us coffee and he was like uh yeah you're just waking up and i said lo yeah basically and he said well good morning honestly 3pm ain't even that bad and i was like oh well right i feel great and he said okay see you soon so andrew ended up getting to my place at around 3 45 p.m which is pretty normal because he comes over almost every day for coffee but i was particularly excited today because he was going to help me shoot the second half of my video by the way did you know i have so many fruit trees in my backyard there's a bloomer oh dude where do you live literally what is up there those are grapefruits wait are you serious yeah they're green grapefruits are green in august um [Music] but in july wait wait weirdly it's a scientific fact that they turned into strawberries just like someone on like a science channel being like yeah strawberries are actually just the exact same thing as grapefruits but just a month earlier so i haven't been getting that much stuff done over the past few days and by days i mean months so outside of helping me shoot the second half of this video andrew was kind enough to help me plan out my day because i had so much that i needed to get done today and it was important that i stay absolutely focused i need that but you know what i'm only human and yes sometimes i get distracted and i have to show andrew a tik tok and then maybe that one tick tock will lead to about 50. but no more fooling around it was time for me to focus [Music] today's the day so i will admit that sometimes in an effort to be more productive i will drink way too much caffeine dude also i don't own a trash can yeah so maybe i haven't been the most productive over quarantine but i have been trying to be more organized which honestly i think has gone pretty well wait someone's got to enjoy it oh it's like a hot tub of popcorn that's what i was thinking this is my notebook so in washington i read a book about organization and it said if you want to get things done you need to write them all down on paper i do i drew a picture of a tree that i was going to show you it's not important okay no no i i i won't start doing this thing where i just start showing you everything new that i've got that's my first thing that i know i yes i'm old okay imagine if this was for sale and people could order it right now okay you look like a sellout everything about it the hair the way you're saying it what have you been ordering for themselves right now i mean real quick yeah i did launch my first piece of merch and yes i am very excited about it and would you be angry with me if i took exactly eight seconds to tell you what it is starting now a little tiny me and i know i'm in the middle of the video so i'm not gonna tell you about him right now but if you want more information you can wait till the end and i'll tell you how to get them okay let's get back to the video anyways we left off on me trying to plan my very ambitious day so this organization book that i read told me that when you don't know where to start that making a list is a great place to begin i did a pumpkin a woman a sad pumpkin christmas tree pie apple remote and a snake it started as an earthworm though so don't let that confuse you dude it is time to focus okay [Music] that's for recording ghosts dude just you wait so much ghost content coming um look wait and if you don't believe me should i no don't if andrew look right here if you don't believe me try to film that ghost again see where he went is he gone oh god where'd he go don't andrew oh god the ghost where'd he go is this place haunted [Laughter] no this place isn't haunted i i will say that's always scared me oh we don't talk about that andrew that's not scary oh what's jesus it crunched my finger i'll put on science no andrew i need to put ice on my ear for you what is this what is this it's a little cup that i use for my finger when i crunch it i'm being serious i think my finger's gonna be okay popcorn you know what i'm learning i think you getting distracted by things i don't get distracted by things but in july [Music] so i think it was at this point that i realized that i had no idea what i was actually setting out to do today but honestly maybe that's just the nature of this whole quarantine and being stuck in doors and not knowing what to do maybe that's normal maybe feeling a little lost or disoriented is fine oh i have got to figure this out i have got to get this worked out what's this everything quarantining is weird oh do you ever just not feel comfortable with your own skin yeah man sometimes i say that the the pandemic and the quarantine definitely uh it's definitely testing everybody's ability to keep it together so i'm not trying to sound egotistical about this or like whatever but i have been being very good about the pandemic about like respecting it like not traveling and i have been truly truly quarantined we've both been really good about that i don't like seeing people at restaurants only people at parties and stuff i hate it so much so yeah i've been in here a lot and uh trying to find uh ways to entertain myself jesus what the hell garrett no you just filled the box oh that was close i mean this one's gonna be careful dude chill out you broke it i can't believe that made it in pretty impressive uh and i have done many things but this is what i do i did not know that you okay for instance i'm looking around i'm going oh how can i make the most of this place i've never gone out that window look at that how have i never gone out that video i have never once decided to exit my place using that window and i bet i could now i've had to get in through that window i could show you how i do it do you think it could uh yeah i guess you could this is what you've been doing the whole time i mean i see you a lot but when i'm not here this is kind of the stuff that we're talking about okay i'm not actually going to try to get out of the window [Music] i mean it's not all silly what if there's a fire andrew and i can't get out that window that door the other door or that window because the fire here i bet i could okay i don't want to knock anything over because if i do all throw up dude this is what people need to be doing more of [Music] oh look can you believe i've never done this yes [Music] i never come here oh i can't believe i never spent any time here what a wait what else have i haven't i done did you hear a spider you're a spider this was a broken broom that i have and i never had the heart to throw it away the heart yes because it was my first broom a man a man never forgets his first broom [Music] okay so this i figured was good for lounging well so look i am so grateful to have my tiny place especially at this time but it's a small place both inside and out and there's not that much to do and i know i'm not alone in trying to make my small place seem more interesting in quarantine i think during quarantine everyone is like looking to diversify their spaces let's have a tent in the backyard have a camp out how have we never cooked on that fire pit during quarantine i don't know grilled cheese let's sleep in the guest room let's sleep in the guest room let's sleep on the counter the fact that i haven't done this more is a real waste i could get two pillows three pillows because they're not expensive put two in the sink let's let's use the fancy silverware tonight it'll make us feel like we're at a restaurant fancy silverware have i shown you my new plates where i put them oh my god they're in the microwave andrew you're not gonna believe this in an effort to spice it up during quarantine i got us new plates my quarantine pal one for you one for me uh it's upside down oh huh wow beautiful because i don't have plates i never have others microwavable well the description on the back says the sugar and spice collection featuring an antique doll from the private collection of jean chasetta dick and the artistry of leno jansen ramona and rachel presenting a charming little lady dressed in her saturday best with her oh sorry dressing her sunday best with her favorite doll 1979 limited edition item 3257 out of 7500 gorham fine china usa current collection 1979. oddly enough there's nothing about the microwave but i assume so now you have a lot of stuff that you need to be doing yeah i'll try to help you stay on track somehow thank you so andrew reminded me of some tasks that i said i was going to focus on today some emails some contracts just some general work stuff that i've been putting off and i'm really glad he did too because this stuff was really important and i could not procrastinate any longer what is this there's a squirrel outside that i've caught on my security cameras many times and i figure this is a stretchable material and i'm going to fit it over his little body look at this she knit that i learned how to crochet look at this look at the sleeves i appreciate that you've taken up a new hobby and quarantined but i thought you said yesterday you have a bunch of emails or something you needed to do you need to send a bunch of people some stuff big to-do list yeah but just start doing it today yeah you need to start getting to work like that's the whole thing i just don't think that this thing that you're doing is super important i don't i certainly can't work like this i just feel like you've been saying that you want to take this time in quarantine to be more productive if you don't recognize that is work then you don't know what i do this is my damn squirrel sweater someone's got to make them squirrel out there oh it's cold oh it's freezing and there's some simp in here screaming at me about don't make them a sweater don't make them a sweater your manager was calling you literally today saying garrett we need to get all this stuff done we need to get all this stuff done get it done oh my gosh how are you going to put the sweater on the squirrel anymore melatonin gets you to sleep naturally efficiently i put a hamburger outside i put a laundry basket above it i put a string on the laundry basket the melatonin's in the hamburger he eats the hamburger he falls fast asleep i sneak up on him with the sweater i slip it on his paws he's comfortable he's loving it he's showing it off to his friends he's thanking me he's congratulating me for being a good boy and you don't recognize that shame dude i have a perfectly valid project going because i'm trying to make a sweater for a squirrel unbelievable you made me want to slam my own pops dude i was just trying to help you get on track you want to talk about tracks i think there's a train down the road you make me want to do 60 push-ups in a row because they're not really good get this going and then you're gonna do that no i didn't know you made me want to hop in the dryer tumble around till i die do you know how many years it took me to work on crocheting and perfecting it this is what you make me want no idea no did you miss this you know how rare this fabric is is this a notebook or anderson if it's andrew i'm drilling it back come on man i don't think this right here is andrew sweeney oh god i see you doing something that is literally the opposite of that and as a friend i go hey man you're not doing that thing and then you start getting defensive on me and i'm like what what am i supposed to do um you're right i'm sorry i don't know why i did that this literally makes no sense i know i'm sorry about freaking out earlier i mean can you help me clean this up yeah well you have a broom oh i do oh yeah going outside [Laughter] okay you know what honest andrew that aside i do have an idea of something that will be really fun for both of us i'm serious really fun for both of us like just something cool that we can do to mix up our living situation you ready for this why are you making it seem like we live together because we literally do are you kidding me and we did we've been quarantined for like four five months together we're we are married congratulations clearly i might be losing my mind a little bit in quarantine which is fine i feel like everyone is we're all in these places and i thought of something that could be really fun for us to do that is not being stuck inside of this place and would you like to hear it i don't know what you're saying really no the roof andrew the roof i'm being serious okay right now i'm going to build a fort on the roof to give us something fun different to do while we're in here and then tomorrow i'll do other stuff do you know what i hear every morning when i wake up squirrels running across my rooftop do you know how i envy that like dude the roof yeah it's like mix it up because you can't really go anywhere you can't really do anything it's like something else to do you get it i'm gonna build us a roof for it and i might have already prepared some things for it okay let's go oh don't look andrew dude are you kidding me you're making me put the trolls world tour blanket over the supplies that you aren't even supposed to look at i want you to throw everything andre i'm not throwing everything i need decorations oh no i hope i didn't go in gracie's backyard she'll scream at me oh this seems really like a bad idea this is oh my god this is such a bad idea are you kidding me right now there is literally no room for air here and let me just say that you are not a gymnast what does that mean okay okay let me see if i can get up here with just this oh my god this is the best thing i've ever done i can't believe this andrew oh no this channel has been deleted by walt disney corporations wait what am i waiting for what are you doing you want me to come up there you can't come up here because i'm you shouldn't even be seeing what's happening right now but i need your help the premise of the video surprise for it for me on the roof yes well i mean i can kind of see it already you know then how about you i've been up really high in los angeles so i kind of know what this is going to look like already so i feel like between those two things it's not going to be like a crazy surprise i appreciate it but it's not really okay how about yes you know i just sorry what i haven't told you the main event surprise of all this yet the main event andrew don't get up here yet because you have to get the surprise wait what is it okay um you are andrew could you get the surprise what what are you doing man what is all of this you're planning your orchestra i hear a bunch of stuff going on out there what is this i ordered a pizza yes are you too excited well i ordered a pizza and people think i'm not organized i had to call it's just that the way that you were framing it was like it was going to be all you have to do is is i got a tinder notification this might be the one all right i'll go get it you're already up i'll make sure everything is squared away up here [Music] andrew how'd it go [Music] all right well come on up here a little andrew this is cool man what do you think yeah i don't this element that this part the yeah you could just take that down but it's cool it's nice it's a different change of scenery yeah pizza is so good so let's see what now best friends got a little pizza on our rooftop for we're stuck in quarantine and we're living our life and i got a magazine about brett ed we are two friends it's so scary like slow it down give me a subject matter and i'll sing you a gorgeous song about it as you eat your pizza well you got anything in mind yeah i've lost myself in quarantine i'm going crazy i don't know who i am i don't know who you are everything is different nothing is normal we are all upside down everything is changing oh god i'm gonna hide i'm scared don't be scared you are my boy you are my son my little on the son so don't have a fraud my birthday's on the 7th but ok he's turning 19. oh no he's on a roof yeah oh no we loving our life oh no come in will i am i am a baby this is the remix oh my god yeah this is for everyone in america who doesn't understand what anything means anymore this is for all of you who are feeling a little frustrated in quarantine let's have our quarantines put their hands in the air america let's all eat pizza there's definitely people looking over here dude that's not called looking that's called inspiring i wonder if the cops will get called on you why someone's having fun on their roof give me a break i mean [Music] you come here often it's like a club can i get you a drink oh you're trying to pretend like everything's normal what can i get you you want a red bull soda you want a milk and vodka do you want a cranberry juice and whiskey that's my favorite song come dance with me jesus christ me and my best friend we're on a roof we are living the dream and we are proof eating a pizza and loving it we can't no this is great it's just i think i mean it's getting really it's getting really dark and it's also kind of cold down here so but seriously can we just go inside and we can eat the pizza inside yes this is the best looking piece pizza i've ever seen in my life the guy who made pizza if he saw this shaking shaking that's just so nice dude eating pizza with your friends top five hot five well three or going on a boat dude that's it the ghost just did it andrew he just disappeared are you serious no one touched it where did you put it where did he go where was he before you'll have to watch the footage back hop 5. [Music] why is this actually the best pizza that's ever been it's hot it's being eaten after a hard day's work touch everything we've done today mysterious she's flirting from behind the pizza you ever you have around somebody who eats so loud and shamelessly that it's just like you just stopping your tracks and you kind of want them to almost catch eyes with you going what's wrong yeah behave yourself i don't know as i like cause i'm weird [Music] we were like we've never seen garrett eat before it's really weird i'm gonna take this camera out your place looks i don't need to get giant new place place place place my place in here [Music] oh my gosh what are you nibbling with your friends okay well there you have it a day of my life and i usually don't do my outros anywhere else but that little corner that you usually see me in in my place but i figure you know what in the spirit of mixing it up why not come back to the roof it's pretty good up here my plant is still up here which is pretty sick as is my bread magazine which makes sense considering that it's just the next day in fact part of the reason i'm on the roof is because andrew's asleep on the couch right now so it just made more sense to come up here and i know a lot of that video is pretty silly but i'm actually kind of confused why i don't spend more time up here it's insane but yeah that was a day in my life as my life is right now and to be completely honest i'm 1000 a night owl so the idea of a day in my life video seems a little strange anyways so if you think you're ready for a night in my life well let me know because i will certainly make that video and it'll be a weird one but yeah i just wanted to make this because it's just a funny time and yeah like i said at the beginning of this video if you're feeling a bit turned around or confused at this time i think that's completely normal i guess i just wanted to communicate that sometimes it's okay to not know what to do especially at this time right now but for what it's worth i hope you had fun and i know this was a silly video but i hope that you watching this are well also if you think too please check in on your friends i've been doing a lot of that and it's been really nice to reconnect with people also shout out to dollar shave club for sponsoring this video thank you guys so much again here's the link if you want to get your uh starter kit it's actually again i use dollar shave club every day their products are incredible also something i briefly mentioned in that video is that i did launch my first piece of merch which is a little uh figurine that i made of myself in collaboration with a company called youtubes it was really fun to design i've got benjamin in my arms i've got a tiny mouse in my pocket just because i love mice i'm holding my favorite wand i'm wearing my favorite jacket it's just a fun thing and because i'm me i wanted to do something different with this uh figurine um and i also really like bugs i've made random little illustrations of bugs that i'm just going to insert into like a hundred random figurines for example here's the first one that i drew it's just a little bug and it says a bug who's absolutely shredding on a skateboard he's got a little smile on his face it's the first one i drew so it says one of a hundred because i'm gonna do a hundred so it's basically like what willy wonka did with the golden tickets but instead of getting a tour of a chocolate factory and a lifetime supply of chocolate you just get a random picture of a bug drawn by me which i know isn't as cool but it is what it is you know but something i will say about it is it's a limited figure so get it as soon as possible if you want it because it's gonna be gone very soon and you can find it at youtubes.com or just google youtube's garrett watts you'll find you know how to use the internet you'll find it but also i'll put the link for it in the description also if you watch me regularly you know that in my videos i like to ask you a question you guys respond in the comments below i respond to as many as i possibly can and then i usually feature my favorite like responses in my video but i'm actually kind of dumb because i realized that in my last video i asked what your favorite songs of 2019 were and let me tell you i have heard hundreds of hours of music based on your guys's recommendations and thank you so much but i realized that i couldn't really feature any of those like in a video at the end because i'd be like copyright strikes and stuff but thank you so much for that i have heard so much new music because of you so thank you thank you thank you but for this video i want to ask you this question and i'm so stoked to hear your answers to this what's something that you've been doing over quarantine or over this strange time just to feel better watching a particular anime hanging out with a particular person an artist a new hobby hanging out with an animal pet maybe a bug i don't know let me know what you've been doing over this time to feel good i would love to hear that and i personally could use some tips so let me know in the comments because i love comments very much and i will be responding to as many as i possibly humanly can also thank you so much to andrew swicky for being in this video andrew is legend i love him so much and i can't say enough about him can't say enough about him anyways i'm sweating like a dog because it's 93 degrees out and also i just remember that there's leftover pizza from last night and i should probably go wake andrew up because it's like noon right now and we're both trying to be better isn't this great thank you for watching i hope you are well and i'll see you next time adios great fruits on the dream in august but you might not know his grief
Channel: Garrett Watts
Views: 2,250,503
Rating: 4.9733882 out of 5
Keywords: creative, ideas, fun, tent, fort, day in life, what I do in a day, Garrett watts, Andrew siwicki, bugs, stay at home, indoors, day in my life, a day in my life, random, meme, memes, internet, chill, lofi, friendship, pizza mukbang, bros, pals, vibes
Id: u-ro5IV_gsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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