A Cup Or A Well | Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection if you let it the world and all this going on we'll just go press you and it'll keep the whale of living water and joy and you'll go around just focusing on your cup of trials and forget you got a whale a blessing and goodness that's following you all the days of your life and this is the worst world will ever know all the trials are in this world is a cup of trials but when we get to heaven there will be a well the blessing streets of gold gates of pearl and not just in heaven but there's blessing here on earth if you believe it give God a shout of praise [Music] Psalms 116 in verse 12 I felt like preaching now Psalms 116 what will our render verse 12 to the Lord for his benefits toward me listen to these words I will take up the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord he said I'm going to take up the cup of salvation the analogy in the scripture there are two there's a cup in the Old Testament and there is a whale in the New Testament in John chapter four it talks about the woman at the well and Jesus said if you will drink the water that I offer you you will have a well of living water that will never run dry and you'll never thirst again so I want you to see that you have in the Old Covenant a cup of salvation but in the New Covenant we have a whale of salvation but you have to decide do you want to drink out of a cup or do you want to have a whale you see there's a difference between Old Testament salvation and New Testament salvation in the Old Testament the blessings of God the salvation that he offered was referred to as the cup of salvation God served his salvation by the cup that's why David said in Psalms 23 my cup runneth over that's why Psalms 1:16 said I will drink of the cup of salvation there was just enough salvation through the blood of an innocent animal one day a year the high priest would roll the sin he wouldn't wipe the sins away just roll them over to the next year and you could drink that cup it was just enough to cover you from judgment salvation by the cup full is the Old Testament language but in the New Testament he promised a whale of living water don't go around all the time with a cup hunting for a spigot you can have a whale I love the story of the woman at the well because the Bible said when she found Jesus and Jesus said follow me she left her water pots the Bible said she traded her cup and her water pots in and left with a whale did you know that you can leave your cup and your water pipe here and you can leave with a well this morning because jesus said that's what I came to offer you the Old Testament cup of salvation was one of drudgery it it speaks of drawing and working and laboring trying to somehow get just enough to quench the tremendous thirst and it was never enough the Bible talked about that they had to draw the woman at the well said I can't give you it when Jesus asked for water she said how can I draw water I don't have anything to draw with the only kind of salvation you could have is what you had to with drudgery and work conjure up the little cup fool but jesus said I am offering you a well of living water now listen to me carefully the cup full in the New Testament the cup in the Old Testament was the cup of salvation and the whale is in the New Testament but now I want you to see according to the Bible the New Testament trials are referred to by the cup see Jesus so changed things on the cross that now all we get in this life is a cup of trials that's why he said if it be possible in the garden of gethsemane let this cup of trials pass from me so I want you to see it the New Testament trials are referred to by the cup fool it's the it's the trials of life but there's nothing more than a cup full of them but when he offers us blessings he offers us a well full of blessings so life will give you a cup full of trials but Jesus says I offer you a well full a blessing now are you able to drink from this cup this this cup of trials because there's more than a cup full a blessing that if you will if you will bear and not fall and not fail and not quit and deal with your cup of trials and sometimes we need to get rid of our cup mentality of of you know we kind of reverse that around and we think we have a whale of trials and tribulations in just a couple blessing but Jesus reversed that thing and he says you have a cup of trials compared to the well of blessings I've given you even this morning no matter what you're going through here going to add anybody watching me I'm telling you that if you look at your life you may have a cup full of trials but you have a whale full of blessings and you ought to be thankful the enemy wants us to think that we get troubles by the whale full and blessings by the cup full but that concept is not our New Testament experience our New Testament experience is we get trials by the cup full and these light afflictions Paul said it's just a little cup full are not worthy to be compared with the whale of blessings that God has stored up for those who love and honor him I don't know what you're going through but the good news is that if your cup is full of trials and troubles your whale is full of blessings and God is not going to leave you with a cup he's going to your story is going to end with a whale of blessing I thank God today that we can we can clean out our whale the problem is a lot of people don't enjoy their salvation because their whale gets clogged up with so much from the world the Bible talks about in the book of Genesis how that Abraham dug whales and then the next generation Isaac came and the tried to drink from those whales but the Philistines the Bible said plugged up the Wales with filth and I'm telling you today that we need to remember that there's a whale that we have but if we're not careful the world will plug that whale up the cares of life the carnality and sin and and the filth that we see in the filth that we hear in the world that we live in and the negative stuff that we see and feed on it clogs up the wail of salvation and you have to do what Isaac did Isaac the Bible said cleaned out the whale what we have to do is get the junk out of the whale I tell you if you let it the world and all this going on would just oppress you and it'll keep the whale of living water and joy and you'll go around just focusing on your cup of trials and forget you've got a whale a blessing and goodness that's following you all the days of your life and this is the worst world will ever know all the trials are in this world is a cup of trials but when we get to heaven there will be a whale a blessing streets of gold gates of pearl and not just in heaven but there's blessing here on earth if you believe it give God a shout of praise clean out the whale clean it out and I just want to say that we need to go back and redo some of the whales that our fathers dug and taste that water again and clean out our whales the problem is our whales are so full of we're worldliness and the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh the pride of life that we are so consumed with this present world we don't enjoy the living whale of water inside of us we have to clean out the whale clean your life out clean your mine up clean your spirit up get clean on the inside so the whale can spring up I remember the night I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit it was something else I was in a little Pentecostal church my mom and some of them were praying for me my daddy was praying for me too he had those women in my ears one of them screaming hold on hold on one of them screaming let go let go they were my mom used to they didn't believe in cutting her hair much and she would put her hair way up up it up up higher than the Tower of Babel and and and and she would get the shouting sometimes you need to shout like that she would shout and shout her hair down it'd be like a horse whip one just the woman's hair and they would dance and but let go hold on I didn't know what in the world is going on here but I got a taste of that well you make fun of me you can laugh at me you can say I'm crazy but I'm gonna tell you something this whale will give life to your marriage it'll give life to your children it'll keep your family in the 21st century it'll bless your home it'll bless your life there's nothing the world can offer you that can compare to living water whoo hallelujah I'm trying to calm down but I feel like shouting right now I just have a cup of trials but I've gotta weigh all the blessings in my life take a praise break and I'm gonna keep preaching clean the well up there's a lot of carnality there's a lot of frustrations and burdens and family problems that can that can call the whale up clean it out get back to God this morning it's up to you you can leave here with a cup full of blessing another sip that'll last you another week or you can leave your cup here and walk out with the whale the woman at the whale he said if any man thirst she had a thirst Jesus began his ministry with hunger for 40 days he ended his ministry with thirst on the cross when he said I thirst he he went the whole spectrum for you and I he hungered and he thirsted so that he could say with conviction blessed are they that hunger and thirst for they shall be filled do you hunger for God God hungry me and God hungry women God hungry men find God God hungry women find God blessed are the hungry and the thirsty for they shall be filled you got a hunger for more Paul said in Ephesians 5 do not be drunk with wine where is in excess maybe that's the problem maybe we're so full of the intoxicating things of the world that there's no living water in the whale anymore so caught up and we need to be cleaned out and he said don't be drunk on wine where is excess but be filled with this Holy Spirit speaking to yourself in hymns and songs and spiritual songs singing making melody in your heart and to the Lord in other words you're in love with Jesus again the Bible said that the living water would spring up in us God's language is up God's language is up God's language is always up that's why the Bible said stir up the gift and stand up and will be called up and look up your Redemption draweth now because God's language is always up Jesus was preparing for the Last Supper and he told his disciples go to the city and you'll see a man there who has a pitcher on his head an empty pitcher he'll be carrying it on his head follow him and he'll take you to an upper room and you rent it and buy it and I'll meet you there and we'll have the Last Supper what do you following him for cuz he knows where the water is well you and I are supposed to be pitcher bearers God has called us to be the ones that are thirsty world looks at and if they want to know where the water is they see us and they know that if I follow them the thirst that I can't get quenched anywhere else I can get it quenched if I follow them they know where the water is John chapter 8 the Feast of Tabernacles goes for seven days they would read from Isaiah he that is thirsty let him come and drink freely and right in the middle of that reading of that scripture a tall Galilean by the name of Jesus steps up and he says these words with a thundering voice if any man thirst let him come unto me and out of his belly will flow rivers of living water this spake he of the Spirit which they had not yet been given the Old Testament spear experience was a cup full and it always left him thirsty one priest with one cup a year would reach into the pool of Salome and he would pour it out signifying the feast of tabernacles was over and that was it if any man now it was only a priest that could that could do that ceremony but Jesus says if any man thirst and then he says these words he says out of your belly will flow rivers it's plural not a cup not one river but rivers in this specky of the spirit that you and I can have rivers of living water not just one river but multiple rivers flowing in every area of our life flowing in to every aspect of our life this well is the Holy Ghost flowing out of us a little boy ten years old received the baptism in the Holy Spirit in children's church and his mother asked him what was that like and he said these words I got a tiger in my tank not like that because that's really the only description there's a difference between walking down and shaking the preachers hand and signing a confession card and getting a tiger in your tank and what this generation needs is more than a handshake in a card filled out we need to get a tiger in our tank called the holy spirit come on somebody out of your belly will flow rivers of living water I'll pour water upon him that is thirsty Jesus said David said all of my springs are in you that's what you call an inner spring that's why we bounce so much the only experience that ever brought dissatisfaction in heaven is recorded in the book of Peter when it says with the Holy Ghost he has sent down from heaven which things the Angels desired to look into in other words there's been only one time when the inhabitants of heaven became dissatisfied with the glory that is in heaven and they saw something on earth that made them dissatisfied with what the head and they said we desire to look into that and guess what it was it tells you what it was when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the church the angel said we're dissatisfied with this we want some of that we go around with a cup barely making it barely even thinking of God when we're supposed to be a well of living water full of the holy spirit with joy the scripture said in Isaiah we draw from the whales of salvation the cup experience is over the whale is flowing do you understand that don't lose your excitement clean out the whale clean out the junk the thing about this well as he said he that drinks of this water will never thirst again here's the difference one sin always calls for another sin sin is always is thirsty one drink calls for another drink one drug calls for another drug one affair calls for another affair one lust calls for another less it's always unsatisfied but he that drinks of this water will never thirst I don't know what you came to get out of this service I would say a lot of people just came to get a little cup here's my cup Lord but why settle for a cup when you can have a whale why don't you exchange and throw your cup down like the woman at the well she left her pots at the whale and at that natural whale she threw her pots down and took the whale home with her Jesus [Music] I'm saying to you that if you're thirsty there is a river that is available to you today there is a source of joy that the world cannot offer you there is something that only heaven can satisfy on you and it's the river of living water lift your hands up high open your mouth wide and go to praising God for about 10 seconds hallelujah whoa Jesus there's somebody here so thirsty there's somebody here who's who just needs the river of living water rivers God has so much more he's missed you he told me to tell you come home come home if you're weary come home you've trodden the path of sin too long come home maybe you've just been busy with the cares maybe the whale you you know it's there but it's been clogged up with the things of this life come home I wonder I want to give a little different altar call this morning but I wonder how many of you would say pastor Franklin I would I would love for the river I would love to exchange my cup for River this morning I'd love to leave my cup here and take a well home I'd love for the dry spell to be over and I'd love to get a fresh taste of heaven of living water this morning you don't have to do it doesn't mean you're not spiritual for you don't do it but if there's a hunger and a thirst for more get out of the seat and come stand as close as you can get to this to this platform this morning come quickly come quickly why don't you come trade your cup of trials in for your whale of blessing this morning come on hurry there's more there's more there's more get in here get in here God's gonna bless you when you move on a word let's lift our hands toward heaven and if you know you're far from God come home he's calling you pastor pray for me you're preaching and talking to me right now boldly raise your hand right now now's the moment if you know your back slid you're not right with God and you want to get right with God raise your hand high right now raise it high on a shame beautiful beautiful hands all over this room all the way up in the balcony raise them high raise them high raise the mind everybody who has a hand raised I want you to keep your hand raised and I want you to look around you if you see someone with your with their hand raised reach over and put your hand on their shoulder let's pray this prayer together miracles of salvation miracles of cleansing miracles of forgiveness brand-new cleansing the whale is being unplugged today pray this prayer Lord Jesus wash me cleanse me forgive me I receive your forgiveness I believe you're the son of God you are the Lord there is no other name whereby I can be saved and I receive him take me back open wide your arms of love Lord I'm coming home now fill me with this whale of living water I'm trading in my cup for a whale and I'm gonna take you home with me in Jesus name fill me so full that none of the other things will be able to destroy me in Jesus name I want you to give the biggest cheer of morning to the king of kings and the Lord of lords here at free chapel our mission is simple to inspire people to live for Jesus with incredible worship and messages by senior pastor Jentezen Franklin you will leave encouraged to thrive throughout the week we offer great opportunities for you and your entire family to grow connect with others and serve the community we would love you to take advantage of all free chapel has to offer for kids from newborn to 12 there's kid pack it's one of the top children's programs around for middle and high school students Wednesday night is the best night of the week with free chapel youth in addition to our weekly events we have conferences with some of the top musicians and speakers from around the world for more information on all we have to offer a great place to start is free chapel boy so come I invite you to join us at one of our campuses this Sunday here at free chapel come place to call home [Music] this program has been brought to you by the friends and partners of Jenson franklin media ministries for more information on this broadcast or for additional resources go online at Jensen Franklin Oh Archie [Music]
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 41,755
Rating: 4.8700852 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Kingdom Connection, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince, Free Chapel, Temple, Saved, Save, Christianity, Faith, Depression, Healing, Radical, Devotion, Devotional, Islam, Mosque, Suicide, Struggle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2016
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