Why McDonald's Is Better in Europe | Asmongold Reacts

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why McDonald's is better in Europe on November 19 2022 Juan Baus tweeted this picture absolutely loving the design of this reusable packaging that's being introduced at McDonald's France they give you like glass or plastic cups there super packaging went viral like really why the [ __ ] Emmanuel macron the president of France retweeted him and said something French we saw all of this and had a lot of questions how come McDonald's is introducing this type of packaging why in France and why does it look so good in the following months we went down a rabbit hole and ended up modeling the entire dishware collection as it turns out Sleek fry containers tell many stories how the European Union is bringing conglomerates like McDonald's to their knees not just in France oh so it's some sort of [ __ ] regulation is that right all over the continent how a country known for everything fancy developed a truly unique relationship with fast food and a completely different type of McDonald's McDonald's in France you don't understand how popular it is and of course how good design can transform experiences have you ever been to a McDonald's in Paris no why this is your life in weeks if you're lucky enough to turn 80 years old and this is the amount of time you spend on your career 80 000 hours we choose to spend this time on researching McDonald's packaging for YouTube videos you probably want to spend all the time on something meaningful that makes a big like playing video game I want to sit in a queue for a video game that's not even out yet today and then after I sit in the queue I want to play it for like an hour and then get disconnected and sit in the queue again so as a matter of fact I think this is very relevant to me positive difference in the world 80 000 hours is also the name of today's sponsor a non-profit that wants to help you figure out how to do that they've been researching the question of how you can find a fulfilling career that does good for years they have a website that provides you all that research a podcast and also good for years they have risks from artificial intelligence so that's like the the [ __ ] funniest thing is that is literally number one it's like so uh you could get replaced by a robot you could die from covid 20 uh there could be a nuclear Holocaust or there could be another Ukraine war those are the most the worst problems which is like I mean it's not really that crazy right God damn and it's funny that AI is ahead of all that too the website that provides you all that research or podcast and also a newsletter they have a job board that provides hundreds of open listings for potential high impact career paths and all of their advice and research is free forever so if you're not sure internship climate related risk director of partnership development research assistant weapons of mass destruction oh I know about that that's the thing that we couldn't find damn man maybe they'll figure it out yeah [ __ ] like I'm glad they're still looking into that it's been a while right and all of their advice and research is free forever so if you're not sure how to do something that feels meaningful helps others and makes a positive difference maybe check out their in-depth career guide at 80 000 hours.org Fern life is short but what you do with your decreasing time is up to you anyways I'm gonna have to use the word decreasing God damn bro like I gotta weigh down after that [ __ ] ad well that's an advertisement to remind me that I'm gonna get I'm gonna die hey hey here's an ad you're gonna die [ __ ] it all started with a simple message yo Juan would you be done he was there is something there with any whole ad campaign around it oh my gosh I think people's reactions to it are quite good but then also maybe like our questions like are people gonna steal this when Juan is not going viral and getting featured in true good in videos so people gotta steal this when absolutely incredible ad for Mario movie here in Paris nah that doesn't look like Mario bro like Mario has bigger eyes nah Mario has bigger eyes bro like I've seen a lot that's Barrio yeah Juan is not going viral and getting featured in Drew good in videos he's a ux rider for some of the biggest brands out there oh and Juan also lives in Paris all right to get a better look at this weird new packaging we need one also lives in Paris to get okay that looks Stokes all right okay they got potato wedges there not just fries whether they think they're too good for Fries over there [ __ ] Frenchies well you're not they're not they're not the fries are [ __ ] fine a better what's this oh they got the nuggets do we have that shape here in America I don't know if we have this one I don't think we do round no we have the round one that's the side yeah I know because McNuggets come in like four different shapes I don't know if we have that one better look at this weird new whoa hold up I'm trying I want to look at every single one of these was that a McFlurry over what the [ __ ] God damn bro this Sunday is here they don't put all that stuff in there this is impressive look at this get this we had new packaging we needed them wait wait wait I know I'm I know I'm wasting time but I got to see this oh my God look at that yeah yeah no no we have we have these we have these these different things like this McDonald's this looks like a McDonald's like you go in and you got to make sure that uh like it's like you go into this McDonald's it's got a dress code what the [ __ ] is this man this is crazy yeah you buy this and I bring you the bill it's 28 dollars man on the ground Juan what's that man [Music] the design is truly spectacular we will get to that in a minute first we need to understand why this is happening as we reviewed Juan's footage and dug deeper guys I think they burnt some of the fries yeah I I I think they burnt the fries man like what are they doing we realized that it's not just the packaging that makes French McDonald's special I feel like one of the worst things one of the biggest black pills in life is realizing that all of the American fast food restaurants taste better in every other country chapter one The Rise of mcdo fast food in France do not seem like a good match it's the country of fine dining michelon stars and long-lasting dinners in cozy bistros when McDonald's came to the country in 1997 the French were skeptical 70 80 top chefs in the country took out a newspaper ad in the the country's biggest newspaper saying that they thought it was Preposterous that McDonald's was coming to France what a bunch of [ __ ] and they were like this is absolutely ridiculous we need to stop this fast food thing but they could not help but in Dutch like everybody else nobody even knows who the [ __ ] they are but we all know who Ronald McDonald is they can shut the [ __ ] up it's on the planet nonetheless the company remained controversial for decades in 1992 it launched a poster campaign showing the French chef and absolute Superstar Paul bukus secretly dreaming about a Big Mac while examining a pile of plump chickens the chef suit I mean Big Macs like I've never had a Big Mac but like McDonald's meat like I would say in the year 2004 was probably pretty good like I don't know about now I haven't been there for like probably 10 years but that was a long time ago right away for 2.7 million dollars when I found out these were real Big Mac advertisements I immediately contacted my lawyers and instructed them to seek damages how can I be seen promoting this tasteless boneless food bro the thing is that you just have to look at them and you know that's exactly what he was saying but you just look at his [ __ ] face you know yep that's exactly what it is Jesus this later it got much worse for the fast food chain at the time there were a trade organization in the US were trying to force Europe to accept Imports of hormone-induced beef Europe resisted and the U.S in turn imposed heavy duties on certain luxury products there is a retaliatory measure one of the items targeted was Rockford cheese from France why would anybody want that [ __ ] thank you you [ __ ] thank you so much the governor I thank you to the government please tax the [ __ ] out of this we don't need this in the country keep this the [ __ ] over there I don't need this is this is nasty what the [ __ ] is this it's good then why is it got all these little black specks over it like it's moldy it's not cookies and cream bro that's cheese and [ __ ] French sheep farmers were angry and they found a symbol of American global capitalism and trade Doctrine like no other McDonald's so wait French horde went and utterly wrecked a restaurant of the chain which was currently under construction in the small French city the wart was led by the activist and sheep farmer Jose Bovi the frenchest looking man I thought he had tore that [ __ ] down I mean what what even is this pipe the McDonald's incident made Bove a national hero and leader of the French anti-globalization movement he published a best-selling book two years later and in 2007 he ran for president what what do burns down to McDonald's and he's about to get elected to be the president oh my God later he went into European politics all on the back I bet he did of really hating McDonald's Jose Beauvais Rose to Global Fame 15 years ago after he demolished a half-built McDonald's and like that's the thing bro is he never apologized he never said like oh well you know like maybe it would have uh you know it could have damaged property or anything like that this dude just said hey yo [ __ ] that we're gonna burn this [ __ ] down never apologize just ran for president instead why not writes a book however despite Crusade McDonald's could not be slayed off the bat it had a competitive advantage over braces bistros and cafes the restaurants were designated as takeout joints this meant the value add tax was just 5.5 percent versus the 19.6 percent at gastronauts 10.6 we learned about this we're trying to ship over to EU for starforge God damn y'all pay a lot of money for taxes huh 25 percent in Sweden holy [ __ ] I make restaurants the food was cheap and the French economy was bad like always another Factor played a much bigger role though McDonald's always has been good at inserting itself into the local culture of the country it operates in yeah but nowhere has it succeeded on such a scale as in France the company realized that French customers were drastically different from American ones yeah Americans visited McDonald's more often at any time of the day frequently that's why Americans are fat you see we just cracked the code guys McDonald's did their own research and they figured this [ __ ] out yeah it's a problem is because we just keep showing up just keep me eating all this [ __ ] food late alone opting for take out 70 of the time in contrast the French came in groups spent more money per visit and significantly more time in the restaurants seventy percent of them dropped in during regular lunch and dinner hours French McDonald's was not treated like a takeout place by customers but like any other restaurant as NPR puts it sitting down to a meal is a Cornerstone a French culture the chain adapted in the U.S its restaurants are designed to attract people from afar the golden M glooming High calling you to that sweet sweet Drive-In in a car the interior is often a little uncomfortable intended to minimize customer visiting time and Max yeah they had that uh the reason why they have that is so um like they had like really really bright colors bright primary colors to get people to not go into the the store as much it's amazing yeah in France the restaurants are often Sleek modern yeah look at that that's nice man holy [ __ ] that's nice and like the thing is that like there are still people like that live at McDonald's like you all ever been to the McDonald's and like you know there's like that place that's like outside of the the field of view of the front desk and it's like a a homeless guy that's like been living there for like two weeks and he just waits for people to leave their food and then he goes and grabs their fries he's got like a computer set up and he he's got a sleeping bag in there and like the [ __ ] like y'all y'all have this right like y'all have those like we have these all the time like there's not a single McDonald's that doesn't have a homeless person living in it not where I live oh bro we got It's like because I mean it is what it is every McDonald's I've been to has somebody living in it and comfortable you can find relatively cozy Corners designated specifically for larger groups of people sometimes there is even table service on the outside the golden m is often subdued on the facade the architecture is regionally diverse McDonald's in France almost doesn't feel like fast food that is so apparent even the dumbest show on the planet Emily in Paris noticed this is so Chic there's no Grimace no Hamburglar what's a amiglar and never mind products are locally sold yeah yeah yeah I mean like so it's basically like McDonald's except it's like it's for people that think they're too it's McDonald's for people who think they're too good for McDonald's that that's what I that that's what I'm getting out of this and they are unique offerings like the obvious make baguette but also a Croc mcdo McDonald's does this everywhere of course but they do it very well in France there's a funny little review of the world famous ladore macarons in Paris on TripAdvisor the reviewer concludes the macarons tastes the same as the one sold at McDonald's across the road except for four times as much as the price yeah you might as well go to McDonald's true you see this person from London is not just angry they are onto something the macarons at McDonald's are indeed manufactured by the same company there it is [ __ ] yeah today McDonald's is universally called mcdo in France it is a cultural institution and even has its own slogan as you are it is considered to be one of the biggest and most profitable markets for McDonald's in the world so mcdo is special but why would they come up with reusable dishware it seems like quite the hassle well the root of it all is the EU there it is Here Comes The Conspiracy [ __ ] yeah this is the [ __ ] EU here we go I thought so the eu's war on plastic sometimes people don't realize how powerful the EU actually is the European Union's executive buddy the commission can issue directives these directives are goals which must be achieved by all member countries but every country can decide on how to get there once translated into National Law the member states must notify the commission which in turn checks if it is A-Okay then the directive needs to be enforced in every country if a member fails it may get fined a particularly famous directive is directive 2019-904 of the European Parliament and after Council of 5 June 2019 okay whatever nerds basically it's a big EU move to reduce the impact of plastic on the environment this includes the much ridiculed ban of plastic straws and balloons y'all have a paper straws and [ __ ] where you're at you guys have paper straws that's crazy I've had a paper straw like once in my life you know what really what really pissed me off is so you have like back in the day McDonald's used to have styrofoam cups and if you know anything about styrofoam it insulates a hell of a lot better than a paper cup and also you can leave a styrofoam cup on a desk for like a week before it starts leaking through but a paper cup you leave that on the desk for two or three days it starts leaking through so everybody started moving over to these paper cups that used to piss me off because styrofoam cups are way better they're a thousand times better so like if a place has styrofoam cups I would want to go there just for that specific reason starts leaking in hours draw away what are you drinking drinking the acid say sorry to the turtles I'm not throwing them in the ocean I put them in the garbage and sticks but in truth it goes much further than plastic straws becoming paper ones for example the directive makes single-use plastic producers pay to clean up single-use trash and finally the important point it forces member countries to find ways to reduce the consumption of single-use plastics such as food containers and beverage cups France is always exceedingly extra and top of the class in combating plastic they've gone way above what was expected and banned new single-use plastic packaging from 2040 from early 2025 new plastic packages so you literally can't use single-use plastic oh my God that's incredible it has to be made of 100 recycled plastic and since the beginning of 2023 single-use packaging is banned from French fast Wizards what about condoms is it like a pull out directive from the EU as well or what Ross which brings us to this [Music] when we first chatted with Juan he shared our initial fascination with the French McDonald's reusable packaging if you look at the fried basket like it looks sort of immediately tell what it is the McDonald's fries basket yeah it looks kind of modern it looks kind of like you know Apple it looks like it's going to be more expensive than the than the cardboard one whenever I see that I'm like that one's gonna be more money Juan also filmed how you ultimately returned the dishware the process seems a lot more dignified than the usual dumping of 500 kilograms of trash into an oversized nasty overflowing eat at all bin we went whoa who throws it in the bin I thought whenever you go through the drive-through you just throw it out on the on the street and then the pigeons eat it you're telling me people used to pin that's crazy people at mom McDonald's never did that on to model the dishware based on his footage and promotional material because why not yeah it's undeniably French the design studio behind it is called ilium they picked a plastic called Trident for the various containers which is similar to Glass and ceramic in its hardness and transparency and preserves the organ organoliptic qualities of the food vents graining striations have all been designed to address their functions in the best possible way greasy hands neat great grip the development of this technology took over two years unsurprisingly it gets stolen a lot the ReUse dishware went viral with good rides but it's just one small part of a much more elegant hole for a country where eating at the restaurant is the norm it makes even more sense that the food is not needlessly over packed anymore however it's unclear if relying on reusable plastic is actually more sustainable than switching to Long wearing glass or China the French government prom promises to remain like I don't know anything about any of this [ __ ] but it seems like it'd be a better idea to me to just think of a type of plastic that doesn't destroy the [ __ ] environment then just try to change the entire way people live their life but I mean what the [ __ ] do I know maybe you can't Vigilant on this question McDonald's has been doing very tiny steps towards improving their packaging for more than 30 years ironically we made a video in German before knowing about all this criticizing the chain for greenwashing their enormous trash footprint in Germany and pretend fixing the issue some EU directives and one chunky national law later we get this to us this is a story of how business if sat on the right track through legislation can really Leap Forward mcdo really did turn around the French anti-plastic legislation to their benefit simply through introducing a design so noteworthy people talk about it like us that's nuts bro what the [ __ ] wow McDow yeah is it weird because in my experience is France is kind of dirty I mean not the mcdo apparently not yeah I kind of want to go to a McDonald's yeah it's just like I don't even know what to say about that that's so crazy why marketing directors get paid a lot of money I mean to be fair like it it's like whenever you look at it it makes sense right because like they try to come into the French culture and they have like a totally different restaurant culture this dude [ __ ] burns the [ __ ] down then they say okay well let's make this more of a sit-down restaurant and make it look like a a place that you want to be in and then people show up and they stay there I think that makes a lot of sense man it really does but I just find this to be very interesting like I've never really left the States before so I've never seen this for myself but I bet it must be so weird to go to another country and go to McDonald's and and see how different it is also like uh it's good to see how uh you know I don't know if they should ban plastic here or not like I'm not like what the [ __ ] do I know but uh it's good to see how at least the EU like you know they try to push this stuff I mean I wish more people have like the perspective that like companies will always find a way to make money even if you make something against the rules they'll always find another way will you shoot rockets in the moon but we can't make better plastic I mean what the [ __ ] do I know right yeah I just can't believe that man uh paper straws suck ass they get all soggy and ruin the drink 100 the point strong National regulation that favors customers and public interest over corporations is objectively better for both the customer and the business I think in a lot of cases that's true and I think this is a great example of that uh really I mean we have some places that you have stuff like this usually you don't reuse the drink cups that's different uh but over here there are reusable plates that you go for certain different places that are like you know in between fast food and a sit-down restaurant so yeah this is pretty [ __ ] crazy like I didn't know this at all but again like whenever I hear about a country in the EU having to you know doing something reusable I I bro I called that [ __ ] so quick definitely definitely gonna be the [ __ ] EU making them do it Chipotle baskets I mean now I mean Chipotle baskets we don't have that so you love it I mean I do am I loving it is that the thing right yeah I don't know EU all time yeah what the hell in and out basket how does this work with drive through they probably just have paper paper stuff right yeah well maybe that do they do they have drive-through at France because they have cars in France right no cars cars got added to last patch that's crazy so they do have cars is it like a normal thing in like let's say Paris to own a car or is it something that like only rich people have no God thank God I am an American oh my God oh my [ __ ] god this is a great video I'm gonna give you uh give you guys a link give it a like I'm gonna give these guys a sub this one's really good man yeah yeah I used to have three cars about two of them didn't work but you know uh two and a half of them didn't work but yeah I used to have three cars
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 909,054
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: 58GvAmksOjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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