Wrapped up in Christmas | Full Movie | Lifetime

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<i> ♪ Wrapped up in Christmas </i> <i> ♪ Let the season bring </i> <i> ♪ Love into our heart </i> <i> ♪ As the children sing </i> <i> ♪ Wrapped up in Christmas </i> <i> ♪ Let every wish come true </i> <i> ♪ The only thing I want is to be wrapped up in Christmas ♪</i> <i> ♪ With you </i> <i> ♪ Holidays are here again </i> <i> ♪ Streets are filled with snow ♪</i> <i> ♪ We'll decorate the tree </i> <i> ♪ And hang the mistletoe </i> <i> ♪ Kids have got the feeling Santa's on his way ♪</i> <i> ♪ And everywhere you look </i> <i> ♪ They're counting down the days ♪</i> <i> ♪ Many lights are shining bright ♪</i> <i> ♪ There's magic in the air </i> <i> ♪ Checking off the Christmas list ♪</i> <i> ♪ Running everywhere </i> <i> ♪ I don't need your fancy gifts ♪</i> <i> ♪ Under the tree </i> <i> ♪ The only thing I want this year is you and me ♪</i> <i> ♪ Wrapped up in Christmas </i> - Thanks, Ms. Nash. - You're welcome. Remember, any time you want a date night special, it's on the house. <i> ♪ Wrapped up in Christmas with you ♪</i> Diana, the west elevator is stalled again, and this time, I'm in it. Yeah. No, I am calm! [whirring] [dinging] [ding] Oh, is the budget meeting the right time to tell Arlene that we need a new elevator? Is there ever a good time to ask that woman for anything? I've been practicing my speech all night. How do I look? Like a future Vice President of Operations. I might send an approval for something extra in your stocking this year. So speaking of, is that a date I saw on your calendar tonight? What can I say? My sister won't give up. Hmm. Who's the lucky guy? Oh, some MBA my brother-in-law went to college with. Apparently, he's very eager to meet me. Maybe it'll be a merry Christmas after all. Nice. Looking good, Andy. [laughs] Andy? Andy who? Ho ho ho ho! Ooh, what's that smell? Something new Agnes has been working on. She keeps on baking, I keep on tasting. [laughs] Is that a complaint? Never, dear. Oh! Yeah. Why is Arlene coming in? Maybe it has something to do with that job opening. - What job opening? - Didn't you hear? Hamilton retired. When I became CEO of Eastpark Corporation five years ago, one of the malls I acquired was The Shops at Town Center. Since then, thanks to all of you, sales have been up consistently from year to year. Thank you. Brand new, high end. They're stealing our business. Well, people are attracted to shiny new objects. - It won't last. - You're right, it won't because we're completely restructuring the landscape here. - Restructuring? - Mm-hmm. Any retailers with profits declining more than 20% from the prior year will have their leases revoked. Twenty? Oh, you're right. Fifteen would be better. That's a little extreme, don't you think? - It's almost Christmas. - Exactly. If we can't get shoppers in here now, then we need stores that will. Or would you prefer that we just tear the whole place down, put up one of those new mixed-use developments with a gym and a juice bar downstairs? Well, some of our tenants have been here since before the company took over. Don't you think we should at least, I don't know, give them a chance? Tell me, Heather, is that what a Vice President of Operations would do? Hmm? Good morning. Morning, Aunt Patty. Anything new or exciting? That depends on what you call exciting. - Your father called. - I'm sure he did. He said you hadn't called him back. Come on, he's just worried about you, Ryan. I am too. Hey, I appreciate everything you're doing, helping me here while my arm heals. But my physical therapist said I'd be fine in like two weeks. - Then what? - Then I keep painting. Taking my classes. And I love your paintings, I do. You're amazing. And I don't mean to be a nag. It's just you haven't had a steady income in two years. You have been talking to my father. Look, Aunt Patty, I'm not the same kid that spent summers at your house, afraid of the monster in the attic. You don't have to worry about me. When your mom passed, I promised her that I'd love you like my own. And I do. And with that comes worrying. [sighs] So... Okay. If you're going to worry, then I'm going to worry. No, I'm fine. - I've seen your books. - Oh. - Aunt Patty. - Yeah? They're not fine. You know, there was a time when the line went out the door. Every day from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Ah, I don't know. Over the years, I've wrapped thousands of toys. I used to love to imagine kids' faces Christmas morning, when they tore open that paper and saw what was inside. [laughs] Ah, now they just order everything online, and they're lucky if it comes wrapped at all, right? I don't know. I just love making them unique. I wanted things to be memorable, special for Christmas. All right, then. It's settled. We have some improvements to make. We got to have more dramatic displays. I'm going to go pick up some supplies right now. - Well, that wasn't the point. - It's settled! [sighs] It's two weeks before Christmas. I want a detailed analysis on each of your tenants' performance. Mrs. Simmons, are you sure about this? - Sure about what? - Well, your plan. I mean, having all of those stores vacant at once, won't that negatively affect revenue? Of course not! We'll just make it up with the other higher performing retailers. - I just-- - Look, Heather. You've worked hard to build something special here. It's time you're rewarded for it. Thank you. You get this place on track, that promotion is yours. Women don't just shop in malls. They run them. Right. Yes, right. I'm honored. Hi, guys. Hey. - Aunt Heather! - Hi. What are you doing here? Is something wrong? You mean between my boss turning me into a professional Ebenezer, or you and Grant sending me on a date with a total bro. Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, my gosh. I thought for sure that Brad checked off every box on your list. I do not have a list. You showed it to me. I don't know. Maybe I will take a break from dating during the holidays. Maybe through spring. Aunt Heather, I narrowed it down to five trees. Molly, five trees? How are you going to pick one? Hey, I thought you were going out with Brad tonight? I'm going to go get some hot chocolate. - Anyone want some? - Me. Okay, I'll be right back. What? Hi, how an I help you? BOTH: Can I have one Mexican hot chocolate? I like the spice. I like the chili pepper. Actually, can I have one regular hot chocolate as well? For your boyfriend? Actually, it's for my niece. Oh. Um... Enjoy your hot chocolate. Merry Christmas. One hot chocolate. Say thank you. Thank you. Is that all you got? What? He was cute. Uh, so we have the same taste in hot chocolate. [gasps] You had one bad date. You need to just get right back on that horse. With some guy from a hot chocolate stand? How else are you going to get your very own Christmas tree picker? Oh, speaking of which, can you watch Molly this week? The sitter's going out of town, and Grant and I are slammed at work. Yeah, as long as she doesn't mind hanging out in the mall. Of course not. Just make sure that she gets a snack and does her homework. Wait! Everyone, look at this one. [laughs] [phone ringing] [ring] [ring] Does everything smell like cookies? It does at Christmas. Here. Go with that. Mmm! That does smell good. Yeah. How about some for your aunt? Well, do you have anything that doesn't smell like baked goods? We just got in this wonderful snowflake winter berry. Try it. Go for it. What exactly is winter berry anyway? I don't know. How's the gingerbread? [sniffs] Making me hungry. Well, you're in luck. We just so happen to have the best cookies in the city right here in this mall. The best cookies? I'll believe it I taste it. You're on! How's the new mall Santa gig going? It's good. It's fun, actually. I can't imagine what that must be like, having kids sit on your lap all day, asking for presents. Just wait til you get a few of your own. No, I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon. Me and Kate had talked about it, but-- So why did you break up with Kate anyway? You guys had a good thing going, right? We did, until I left the firm. She didn't want to be married to an artist. She wanted the lawyer with the big fancy house and the car and... I'm better off. Well, I'm back on duty in 23 minutes, so if you want to come ask Santa what he can do... No, I'll be fine. I think I'll figure it out, thanks. Well, I know that the perfect someone's out there for you. Just call it, uh... Santa's intuition. Wow. You're really into it, aren't you? - Mm-hmm. I gotta go. - All right. [gasps] I think we got a winner. I'd say this girl knows her cookies. Thanks. It was very nice meeting you. - You too. - Thank you. - All right, bye. - Bye-bye. You're so lucky you work here. Do you have cookies every day? - All right, that's it. - Yep. Ohh! [gasps] I-I'm so sorry. So do you-- No, it's okay. I got it. That's... From the tree lot! Oh, hot chocolate guy? Yeah, also known as Ryan. - Never forget a pretty face. - Ugh. A little cheesy maybe? This is my aunt. Heather. Sorry about the mess. I didn't-- It's okay. You want one of my fries? You know, I have a conference call in five minutes. Let's just get some water to help clean-- Really, I can handle it upstairs. All right, well, maybe next time? Come on, kiddo, let's go. Uh... - Well? - Well, what? He called you pretty. He did? He is cute, right? Uh, kind of. Check your math on that one. - Hello! - Grandma! If you're that excited to see me, you'll really be excited to see Grandpa. He's got pizza. I didn't know you guys were coming over. When Courtney said you were babysitting, we figured our little Mollypod would need dinner. I could've made her a grilled cheese or something. You have many other talents, dear. Come on, let's set the table and eat. <i> A Christmas Carol.</i> This whole book is one Christmas song? That is an old famous story about a grouchy old man who learned the true meaning of Christmas. I started reading it to your aunt the Christmas she was 10 years old. And now I read it myself every Christmas. Do you have to be 10 to read it? Uh, I may be able to make an exception. How old are you again? - Grandpa, I'm eight. - Oh, my goodness. You act so much more grown up. - [laughs] - Hey, hey, we're home! Mommy, Daddy! - Hi, honey. - Courtney... you didn't have to ask Mom and Dad to bring dinner. You don't trust me to feed your child? No. I sent you out on a bad date earlier this week. I wasn't about to ask you to cook too. Didn't go so well, huh? It's a long story. You should use the online dating membership I got you. It was a lovely present, Mom, really, but I think I've kissed enough frogs for a while. Ew! You kissed actual frogs? [laughing] It's just an expression, kiddo. Work is just really crazy right now. I can't focus on anything else. And apparently, with 48 years of marriage collectively between you all, you have forgotten dating is hard work. It's not easy meeting someone great. That man today with the fries said you were pretty. Maybe he can be your boyfriend. Oh, and he had fries? Score! [laughing] That man is not my future husband. MOLLY: Why? There's a saying: "A mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open." Okay, Molls, you can finish your pizza after your bath. - It's late. - Oh, fine. All right. Say good night to everyone. Good night, everyone. - Good night, sweet Molly. - Good night! Good night, baby. I'll come up and tuck you in. And you... now, why isn't Fry Guy the guy? Well, first of all, his name is not Fry Guy. - It's Ryan. - Oh, Ryan. Secondly, he didn't even ask me out. It's not like we're trying to punish you, dear. Your mother just wants some more grandchildren. Mm, and this shop is closed. Even if he did ask me out, which he didn't, I'm not just gonna go out with anybody. I take my career very seriously. I work very hard. I want somebody who gets that. Okay? Somebody who gets me. Sweetheart, all we want for Christmas is for you to be happy and meet somebody wonderful. Like your daddy. [laughing] HEATHER: Maybe I'll ask Santa. Ryan! Ryan. Ryan, are you in here? There you are. Ryan, I have the biggest favor to ask you, okay? - What? - What do you do-- Ho ho ho! Just a little Santa talk. - They gone? - Yeah. I need someone to cover me this afternoon. - Okay? Please. - What? No. After they slashed the hours in the security department, I took this gig as Santa so that I could save up some extra money for Christmas. I thought Liz would be impressed by the initiative, and instead, she actually took on a bunch of double shifts. Please. Okay? I would not be asking this unless it was absolutely necessary. Whole reason I'm in the store is so I can help out my Aunt Patty. I'll be fine. You'd look cute as Santa. - You would! - No, I can't. I've gotta help-- All year long, these kids are waiting for the moment where they can finally get some face time with the big guy and make that very special Christmas wish. You realize you're not the real Santa. Thousands of kids are depending on us. No. Not us, okay? You. We can't let them down. - I gotta help-- - Thank you. Aunt Patty, would-- Aunt-- Abby's mom will pick you up for the sleepover at 5:00, so I thought we'd hang out at the office. Can we go? Molls, Aunt Heather has to go back to the office. Just for a minute. Please, Aunt Heather? You must have a very special request. I might. Come on. When you're done, you can change in Nielsen's dressing room. You have my cell and home numbers, right? - Got those. - All right. Now remember, just say, "Ho ho ho," ask the kids what they want, and don't be clever. Whoa. Is it always like this? Oh, yeah. It's always light in the afternoons. - This is light? - Oh, yeah. Okay, meet your support staff. This is Sammy. Sammy. Sammy! 'Sup? You good? All right, thank you. Have fun. It's about the kids. SAMMY: Hi, come on up. - You ready to see Santa? - Yes. [grunts] Move up. Come on. - Well, hello there, young man. - Hello. And what's your name? - My name's Ethan. - Ethan. I brought a list. [crying] I think this one's broken. I want an Xbox One, Gears of War, a pinball machine. What would you like for Christmas? A trampoline. You were good this year? I would think that if you were good, you would be smiling. iPad, a 4K TV, a game room. How about a bike? Oh, I put that one under accessories. See? Well, look at this lovely young lady. - And what would your name be? - Molly. Molly. Okay. Have you been a good girl this year, Molly? I think so. I'm sure you have. Now, what can Santa bring you for Christmas? Can my wish be for someone else? That would be a very selfless thing to do this Christmas. - Sure. - My Christmas wish is for my aunt to get a boyfriend. That's my Aunt Heather. Uh-- Oh. Oh. Ho ho ho ho. Well, Santa doesn't usually give boyfriends for Christmas. But hey, hey. No saying we can't give it a shot. Now, what kind of boyfriend would your aunt want? - Not a big kid. - Not a big kid, okay. Oh, she talks about her job a lot. She has an MGA. An MBA. Yes, and her favorite book is about Christmas carols. Very old and very famous. Okay, okay. Anything else? Oh, and can her boyfriend know how to cook? - She's really bad at it. - [laughs] We'll see what we can do. It's time for me to see the next kid in line, but I thank you for your Christmas wish. So are you going to tell me what you wished for? It's a surprise. - There you go. - Thanks. - Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas. That's really good, Aunt Patty. - Where'd you learn to do that? - Oh, my mother. Ah, there we go. She always used to say, "Every gift begins with a presentation." Then she and I would compete every Christmas to see who did the best bows. I usually just grabbed a bag and some tissue paper. Yeah, yeah, most men do. Did you like playing Santa today? Honestly, I never thought it would be that difficult. Kind of make you miss being a lawyer? Don't start with me. Come on. I'll walk you to the train. Ooh! It's cold. Yeah, you think? But it's Christmas, so it's good. Yep. Hey. Hi. Tree lot. Mexican hot chocolate. Spilled coffee on you yesterday. Right, the guy with the fries. Yeah. You know, it's funny, your niece, she came up-- - [phone ringing] - Oh. I'm sorry. I have to take this. It's nice seeing you. You need to try again. What are you talking about? I can tell you like her. She just practically ran away from me. You've got to get a girl's attention. Do I have to tell you the story again about how your-- You do not need to tell me the story. Well, so we met when I was working in this yarn shop, and he came in to pick up something for his grandma and-- You were dating a dental student at the time, so you didn't notice him. So he came to see me at the shop every Saturday for several weeks until I agreed to go out with him, and he came with this afghan that he had knitted-- our first date-- and it was so misshapen and so full of holes, and I... BOTH: Absolutely fell in love with him. I know, Aunt Patty, I know. So you're a creative guy. You could figure that out if you wanted to. - Try again. - All right. She's worth it. She's pretty. - Okay, I'll try. - Okay. I don't know how I'm gonna do it. - Get home safe. - Okay. All right, see you tomorrow. Okeydoke. <i> ♪ My baby's home </i> <i> ♪ So far away </i> <i> ♪ And now that it's Christmastime ♪</i> <i> ♪ I just wanna say </i> <i> ♪ Won't you come home </i> <i> ♪ Come home for Christmas this year ♪</i> <i> ♪ And spend it with me </i> <i> ♪ Yeah </i> <i> ♪ I know it ain't easy </i> <i> ♪ You got so much going on </i> <i> ♪ Without you this Christmas </i> So Aunt Heather's a bad cook, huh? <i> ♪ Won't you come home </i> <i> ♪ Come home for Christmas this year ♪</i> <i> ♪ And spend it with me </i> <i> ♪ Yeah, yeah </i> <i> ♪ All year long it's the same old song ♪</i> <i> ♪ It's so hard to break away </i> <i> ♪ But at Christmas we were meant to be ♪</i> <i> ♪ Where we once belonged </i> <i> ♪ So won't you come </i> <i> ♪ And spend this Christmas Day with me ♪</i> - Ryan. - Oh, hey. Can I help you find anything? I'm looking for a book about Christmas carols. A book<i> about</i> Christmas carols? Yeah, an old, famous-- Do you mean<i> A Christmas Carol</i> by Charles Dickens? Yeah, that'd be the one. Probably should've figured that out myself. Never read it? Saw<i> Scrooged,</i> the one with Bill Murray. I did see<i> A Muppet Christmas Carol.</i> A man of diverse tastes. You know, there's an interesting back story to this. Dickens had to quit school to support his family because his dad had been sent to debtors' prison. Even without a formal education, he wrote twenty books and hundreds of short stories, and he championed many social reforms at the time. So this just isn't about Muppets? Thanks. - Ryan, hey. - Hey. - There he is. - Oh, yeah, Santa's back. Thanks for covering for me yesterday. Yeah, no problem. It was, uh, interesting. - Yeah? - Yeah. Anything I need to know? You should know that what happens in the North Pole stays in the North Pole. Excuse me for one sec. Yeah, I don't think that really applies. Heather! Hello, dear. - Need a pick-me-up? - Oh, always. I'll get the cookies, you get the hot chocolate. You wouldn't happen to have any chili powder for that hot chocolate, would you? Maybe some cinnamon will do? Sorry. She just likes a little spice in her hot cocoa. I got hers. I'll take one too. Oh, I suppose that's for spilling hot coffee on me. It's a start, I hope. <i> A Christmas Carol?</i> I've read this book every year since I was 10. No! You don't say. Most people don't read the original. They've just seen<i> Scrooged.</i> I know, right? [scoffs] Uh, Dickens actually had to quit school to support his family. His dad got sent to debtors' prison. - I did not know that. - Yeah. Somebody came prepared. So without the formal education, the man still writes 20 books, hundreds of short stories. - So inspiring. - Right? Yeah. Thanks. Well, thank you. Guess he didn't prepare enough. You wanna go to dinner tonight? What? I don't know you. I know, but we like the same books and the same hot chocolate, work at the same mall. Look, I'm sure you're a terrific guy. I am just not really dating right now. Wow. It usually takes me a couple weeks to get to the "it's not you, it's me" speech, but that was quick. Are you really considering saying no to this very handsome young fella? Oh, look at that. You've embarrassed them, Agnes. Oh, at our age, there is no embarrassing anymore. One of the perks of getting older, unlike forgetfulness. - Gray hair. - Creaky bones. Uh, what's your favorite restaurant? Christopher's. Why? 'Cause if I'm a terrible date, at least you'll get a great meal out of it. HEATHER: Okay. - Aunt Patty. - Hey. Guess who's got a date with a certain lovely lady? She said yes? Didn't even have to knit an afghan. I don't know what came over me. I tried to say no, but I couldn't. <i> You like him.</i> I barely know him. <i> So who is it?</i> How about I tell you after I go on the date? <i> Oh, it's Fry Guy, isn't it?</i> Maybe. <i> [laughing]</i> <i> So where is he taking you?</i> Christopher's. Ooh la la! Fancy. - Well... - Do me a favor. Promise me you'll wear something nice. <i> You want to borrow something? A dress or--</i> No, I have plenty of things I could wear. -<i> On a date? -</i> What's that supposed to mean? What's wrong with the way I dress? Nothing. Nothing's wrong. It's just-- Just don't wear plaid. It's a date. I've been on a date before. I know you have. You know what? Ask your friend Andy. - Andy. - Yeah. Fashion advice from Andy. Okay, fine. Maybe I could use a little help with my wardrobe. I'll ask Diana to go with me. We are gonna pick out the perfect outfit. <i> Oh, it looks like someone's opened their parachute.</i> <i> ♪ Hey, hey, Santa </i> <i> ♪ It's time to soar across the sky ♪</i> Follow me. What about that one? <i> ♪ There's chill in the air </i> <i> ♪ Good cheer everywhere It's all right ♪</i> <i> ♪ Mmm, yeah </i> Can I help you find something? I don't know. I'm going on a date. Mm! You've come to the right place. Okay, I feel like, hmm, just something tight. This will slick it back. This gives you that salty, back from the beach look. <i> ♪ People get ready </i> Put it back. <i> ♪ Christmas is about to take flight ♪</i> <i> ♪ All right </i> <i> ♪ Hey, hey, Santa </i> <i> ♪ Around the world in just one night ♪</i> Oh, come over here. <i> ♪ Your frequent flyer miles </i> <i> ♪ Must really be really something out of sight ♪</i> Um... Put it up there. <i> ♪ So pack up all those presents ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christmas is about to take flight ♪</i> <i> ♪ Ah, yeah </i> <i> ♪ Whoo </i> See? That's good! That's the one. I think I'm gonna go home early and get ready for my date. I can't wait to hear about it. I'm gonna pop in here. Okay, see ya. Hi. Hi, Diane. Come on in. Those books you ordered came in. You're the most avid reader I know, and I run a bookstore. Um, help you find something? It's impossible to find. It's this Christmas album my grandpa used to play by this little Motown group, The Culver Sisters. I've never heard of them. I'm amazed. You've heard of everything. Honestly, you make the best suggestions. You totally get me. Imagine what would've happened if we never started talking that day. I can't. I really can't. I better get back to work. Thanks for the books. I'll take that, sir. Thank you. - Hi. - Hi. You look beautiful. So do you. I mean... [laughing] You look very nice. There you go. Thank you. - Uh, shall we? - Yeah. So do you work at one of the fancier stores in the mall? What do you mean? You just always seem so put together. - I work in a management office. - Oh. What do you do there? Honestly, work is really stressful right now. I don't really feel like talking about it. Okay, yeah, sure. And you? What do you do? I'm in between things right now. I'm helping my aunt at her store. She hurt her wrist, and so she needed an extra hand. Wow. That's so sweet. I know I'm a man in my 30s, and it looks like I should have more going on, but... No, no, I didn't say that. Truth is, I was an attorney-- am an attorney. - Really? - Yeah. I wasn't happy at the firm I was working at, so I decided to take a break. Till I found my next firm. Just trying to find that elusive work/life balance. I get that. I know you're still eating your entrees, and I don't want to rush you, but we're selling out of several dessert specials. I wanted to give you a chance to snag a few. Oh, well, thank you. What do you have? Gingerbread cake, red velvet holiday truffle, table-side cherries jubilee. Whoa. That's the one you light on fire in front of us? Indeed, sir. And lastly, our famous buche de Noel. Oh. My grandma used to make that for us every Christmas. The-- Wait, what was it? The buka-- - Buche... - Buche... - de Noel. - de Noel. Mm-hmm. It means "yule log." It's my favorite, and we have one slice left. Well, uh... How can I not? I'll be right back. So what else was on your grandma's Christmas dinner menu? Um, she used to make this roast turkey with a fig and port wine sauce. Ooh, sounds good. Yeah, she was quite the cook. I miss her. She passed away when I was 16. That's a long time to be missing out on the... bu... oh... [laughing] Buche. - Buche de-- - Buche de Noel. De Noel. The log. Here you go. RYAN: Thank you. What are you doing? We haven't even finished eating yet. Well, it's not every day you get to relive a Christmas memory. Okay, but I get the first bite. Please. Because it's my memory. It's-- Absolutely. - Hmm? - It tastes like Christmas. Mmm! [phone ringing] Checking up on me already? And proud of it. [laughs] So how did it go? <i> Uh, it was a bit painful at first, but...</i> I can hear you smiling. Well, he was sweet and funny and a gentleman. Yay! Okay, well, that's a good start. So what does he do for a living? He's a lawyer, sort of. That part was a bit awkward. Mm, well, most first dates are awkward. I remember our first date. Grant had... <i> Had spinach in his teeth.</i> I had spinach in my teeth. She knows. And here we are 10 years later. [laughs] Just keep an open mind, okay, pumpkin? Do me a favor. Don't tell Molly. I don't want to have her checking up on me too. I won't tell her. Love you. Thanks, Santa. Molls, will you color me a picture while I get on this boring work call? Yes, but you pick. Oh! This winter wonderland picture is definitely my favorite. I wish I could go there instead of getting on this call. You going to be okay by yourself? She's not by herself. I'm here. - [Molly chuckles] - All right. - Hello. - Ryan. Fry Guy? What are you doing here? I just happened to have these flowers sitting in my hand, and I couldn't think of anyone else to give them to. Smooth. Thank you. This is my coworker Diana and my niece... Molly. Molly is a pretty name. - Thank you. - I just came up and was wondering if you wanted to grab a bite to eat, but it looks like you have someone cooler you're hanging out with already. [phone ringing] Heather Nash's office. Arlene, yeah, Heather will be right there. I have to go take this. He can color with me. I'm sure Ryan has to go. No, no. You know what? I would-- I love to color. Aunt Heather, we're busy. Uh, okay, fine. Are you dating my aunt? Well, you're awfully advanced for-- - Wait, how old are you? - Eight. Eight. What have you got there? It's a winter wonderland. My Aunt Heather really likes it. She does, huh? Mm-hmm. What are you going to color? I don't know. How about I draw you something special? Any requests? A reindeer. - Perfect. - No, wait. A princess. - I can do princess. - No. Draw me. [laughs] <i> So tell me, where are we with the restructuring?</i> The last thing we need is any legal messiness. <i> Arlene, I was thinking.</i> Some of these stores may not be doing the kind of profit that we'd like them to, but that doesn't mean that they don't have value. <i> What about downsizing rather than eliminating them?</i> Adding kiosks. <i> For what?</i> Cell phones? Little dolls that ride scooters? Mountain View Mall has an ice skating rink. I just want to make sure that we're really looking at our options here because canceling all of these leases, it just... it seems very drastic to me. <i> That's business, right?</i> The numbers don't add up. Right. Can you pass me the orange? Uh, yeah, if you pass me the blue. Perfect, go on. I don't know which one of you has the bigger crush. Oh, stop. Hi, hello. You guys doing okay? Yeah. I think it was a half-hour well spent. Uh, do you still want to grab that bite? Yeah, I would love to, but I can't because apparently I have to go back to work. Oh, yeah, of course. Um, but how, uh... What are you doing tonight? Well, it depends. I mean, what do you have in mind? Well, it's a surprise, so... Um, how about 7:00? Perfect. 7:00. All right. Well, thanks for coloring with me, Molls. Bye. See you later. [ding] "We regret to inform you that decreased revenue has triggered clause 4B in your lease agreement. Effective immediately, your lease with The Shops at Town Center, a subsidiary of Eastpark Corporation, has been terminated." Merry Christmas. I was gonna head out, unless you need anything else. What are we doing? These are real people, not just names on some balance sheet. I don't know. You're just doing your job. Right, 'cause I'm a corporate stooge. No! No, I'm a corporate Scrooge. Maybe I don't even want this promotion. Oh, come on, you worked so hard for this opportunity. But not if it means hurting good people. Have a good night. Okay, you too. Save yourself, kid. Molls, your dad's going to be here any minute. Look what I did. This is beautiful. It looks like the perfect Christmas. And this is what Ryan did. - Wow. Can I keep this? - Yeah. We better go. Hey. [laughs] Thanks for watching her. - You in there? - Yep. All right. And then I would like a puppy. I want a swing set and a pool in the yard. Mm-hmm. A fidget spinner and-- You have one good date, and now you're walking into the park to meet a veritable stranger. I hope you're happy, Courtney. You and your silly little parachutes. Milady. Mexican hot chocolate. Oh. Thank you. Have a seat. - Mm. - Good? Perfect. Good. So I hope I finally made up for spilling coffee all over you. Are you kidding me? That feels like a million years ago. Like a totally different guy altogether. I never even knew this place existed. Yeah, I used to come here with my aunt and uncle. I like to come back, remember that feeling around the holidays. I feel like I've been going through the motions this Christmas. I'm afraid I'm turning into a bit of a Grinch. It's just hard to feel that Christmas magic as an adult. Right. It's all quotas and sales goals. But when I had that Christmas cake the other night, it was the first time... Maybe there's a little Christmas magic in the air tonight. ♪ Silent night ♪ Holy night ♪ All is calm ♪ All is bright ♪ Round yon virgin ♪ Mother and child ♪ Holy infant ♪ So tender and mild ♪ Sleep in heavenly peace ♪ Sleep in heavenly peace Merry almost Christmas, Heather. Merry almost Christmas, Ryan. <i> ♪ And you hear the carols sung ♪</i> <i> ♪ There's the smile on everyone ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christmas is oh, so near </i> [sighs] [sniffs] Mmm. Casanova! Hey, did she like the hot chocolate? She did. And more importantly, did she like you? She did. Uh-huh. And yet you look like someone stole all your Christmas presents. What's bothering you, sweetheart? [sighs] Someone who knows Heather told me a few things about her. They gave me some tips, and I used those to impress her. So what happens when she finds out I lied? She's gonna hate me. Let me ask you something. Did you lie about your feelings for her? No. Then all you've done is work hard to make a woman feel special. And you should continue that every day when you're with her. And I promise you, when the time comes, you'll tell her the truth, and everything will work itself out. Thanks. - Ah, what a cutie. - Mm. Mm-hmm. Merry almost Christmas, everyone. Have some holiday donuts. I almost forgot. Someone left this downstairs for you. Thank you. Oh, my gosh. [gasps] - Hey. - Hey, how'd it go? Well, I had a second date, and... you were right about her. I really like her. That's great. I was expecting a little bigger reaction to that. What? Oh, I'm sorry. - It's just-- - What's going on? They sent me my notice to quit this morning. The mall said my profits were too low. I don't know what to do, Ryan. Maybe I can talk to Heather. She works up in the office. No, this is not your responsibility. I don't want to risk your personal relationship. Aunt Patty, you've worked your entire life for this store. We're not just gonna let it go. What about your legal experience? What about that? I could try filing an injunction, but Eastpark's a massive corporation. They're gonna have the best lawyers money can buy. Yeah, yeah, of course. You know what? If we can't beat 'em in the courts, I know another way we can get their attention. With customers. Aunt Heather, is Ryan your boyfriend now? We've only been out a couple of times. It's a little early for that. Well, he will be. Oh, how do you know that? Because Santa's granting my wish. What do you mean? I asked Santa to find you a new boyfriend for Christmas, - and he did. - Wait a minute, Molls. You asked Santa? It's not a big deal, Aunt Heather. What's going on? Get your gifts wrapped here. Heather! - Hey, Molls. - Hey. - Ryan, hi. - Hi. This is where you work? Yeah, yeah, it's my Aunt Patty's store. Did you do the drawing? I did. It's a mural, actually. That's what it's called when you do a big drawing on a wall. It might bring attention to the store. Seems to be working. Wait, that's not against any sort of mall policy, is it? No, no. This is beautiful. - Thank you. - Ryan! Hey, honey, we're running out of red ribbon. Do you have a clue where it is back there? There's more in the back. I'll get it. Aunt Patty, come here. This is Heather and her niece Molly. - This is my Aunt Patty. -<i> The</i> Heather? [laughs] <i> The</i> Patty. - Patty's Toys. - That's me. Well, anyway, I have to get back in. There's a big line, so... Yeah, I'll be right in. I'll get the ribbon. Heather-- Oh, sorry. It is lovely meeting you. - You too. - You too, Miss Molly. So you wrap gifts here? Aunt Patty's been doing it for years, and I started thinking, "Why not offer that personal touch for every purchase in the mall, not just the toys?" Wow. I should get going and help her out. But how about dinner tonight at my house? I'm cooking. You can cook? Aunt Heather is a terrible cook. Okay! - I know. - You do? Well, because Molly wouldn't lie about something like that. - No. - So 8:00, my house. - Yeah. - Sound good? - Mm-hmm. - Okay. Aunt Heather, he can cook. You can't break up with him. Of course not. HEATHER: He's gonna break up with me. What? What did you do? I mean, what happened? I thought everything was going so well. Remember when I told you I had to cancel a bunch of leases? Yeah. Well, it turns out that one of those stores is owned by Ryan's aunt. - Oh. - Merry Christmas! Oh, sweetheart. When he finds out that I destroyed his aunt's livelihood, he's gonna hate me. Uh, I mean, you're just doing your job, baby. Yeah, I mean, tell him it's your boss. Tell him it's the company. But that's not gonna change anything for his aunt. Aren't you gonna see him tonight? Tell him the truth. He'll understand. Ryan, there's something I need to tell you. There's something I need you to know. [sighs] Ryan, I need to be honest with you. Hi there. Ryan! I need to-- Come on in. Out of the cold, come on. Thanks, uh, but I really-- You smell that? Something's burning. Something's burning. Come on in. Make yourself at home. No, no, no, no, no. It smells familiar. All right, well, we won't be eating that, but what I do have is roasted turkey breasts. I wasn't gonna tackle a whole bird with a fig port wine sauce. Some potatoes and, of course... You baked a cake. I honestly had no idea how hard that was gonna be to make the-- the-- - Bouche. - De Noel. Right, so hopefully it tastes better than it looks 'cause it's not looking that great, but I just figured it's been awhile since you had your grandma's Christmas dinner, so... - You wanna taste? - This is so sweet. Uh, okay, if this is bad, we're ordering pizza, okay? - Okay. - Okay. Mmm! That's not pity yummy noise, is it? No. No, I would never do that. Okay, um, how about some wine? - Yeah, thanks. - All right. So you're sure it was no problem painting that mural at my Aunt Patty's store? - It was fine. - Okay. Yeah, it was more than fine. I was upset because... I was in awe. I mean, it's so beautiful. Everyone there thought so. And that drawing you did of Molly. Oh, yeah, that was... Do you do any other painting? Is this what you're doing while you're taking a break from law? Yeah. Huh. You're really talented. This one is different. Yeah, I was experimenting with styles. It's like an illustration for a children's book. I can see that. How did you get the idea? It's actually me when I was eight. - Really? - Yeah. I was helping my grandma bake cookies in the kitchen, and when she turned her head, I turned the mixer on high. Cookie dough everywhere-- ceiling, floor, me. [laughing] Ceiling? Everywhere. It was-- Yeah. Stuff's sticky, I'll tell you that much. When I was six, I was helping my mom make popcorn to string on the Christmas tree lights, and she let me use the machine. Well, I put in the entire bag. I mean, every kernel. And that machine just kept on popping and popping! Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop! For about a week after, every time I asked her for a snack, she gave me popcorn. Well, there you go. That's something else we got in common. We're both menaces in the kitchen. Yeah-- It's-- I was... painting, and I remembered seeing you in that red coat. I love it. Really? It's amazing. You can take it. Really? Yeah. I want you to have it. Excuse me, do you have any toy trains? Aisle two. We got a whole selection. There we go. I hope your daughter loves her present. And to think I almost waited in line at the Nielsen gift wrap table for 40 minutes. I've never seen anything like this. Frankly, I don't know why more people don't come in here and get their gifts wrapped. And I found another pefect gift here. Well, thank you, Merry Christmas. Thank you. Bye. Thank you for shopping at Patty's Toys. Can you hold down the fort for the rest of the day? I have a Santa shift. Of course, sure. Hey, I just wanted to thank you. - For what? - Well, for everything. The artwork and then this idea about the gift wrapping. We've made more money in the last couple of days than the whole month of November, so thank you so much. You're welcome. I'd like to see Eastpark Corporation - cancel your lease now, huh? - Yeah. - I say the heck with clause 4B. - Right. Ryan, everything okay? Yeah. I'm gonna be late. Ryan, the kids are waiting. Okay, just give me a minute. Ryan, come on. All right, let's do this. [phone ringing] Hello, it's Heather. Uh, no, I'm actually at Nielsen's. I'm trying to find something for Ryan. I don't know. I mean, he did say he wanted to see me tonight. Okay, bye. This would look really handsome on him. Frankly, I almost just want to keep the suit on. I can be anybody but me right now. Ryan? Hi. Why are you dressed like that? Helping out a friend. You're playing Santa. At least I'm not playing Scrooge. Santa. What was that supposed to mean? You know. You're not wearing your beard. What are you talking about? Give me a few minutes, and I'll meet you outside. Sure. What's going on? "Attention, Patty McKee, proprietor of Patty's Toys. We regret to inform you that decreased revenue has triggered clause 4B in your lease agreement. Effective immediately, your lease with The Shops at Town Center, a subsidiary of Eastpark Corporation, has been terminated. Sincerely, Heather Nash, leasing manager, The Shops at Town Center." I didn't know Patty was your aunt when I started my review. Would it have made a difference? Look, it's my job to-- To what? Look at the big picture of the mall's overall revenue. It was never personal. When I met her, and I found out who she was, well, I tried to tell you, but you made that wonderful dinner, and you're so wonderful. Aunt Patty's been like a second mother to me. I understand that you want to protect her. The gift wrapping is bringing more people into the store. Okay, give it a chance. Hold your review off for a few weeks. You're gonna see an improvement, I promise you. What's Molly gonna say? She really likes you, you know. You know she asked Santa to get me a-- Wait a minute. When did you start the whole mall Santa thing? Couple weeks ago. It was you. - That's how you knew her name. - I didn't-- How much did she tell you about me? Not-- Not a lot. Heather, she pointed out a few things that you might've liked in a boyfriend. I didn't ask. This whole time-- the food, the bit about the book-- it was all an act? No, it wasn't an act. I mean, what, you thought I wasn't charmed by your sloppy slacker routine? What do you want me to say? I guess we both made mistakes. Are you even a lawyer? Or did you say that because you thought that's what I wanted to hear too? No, I am a lawyer. I was a lawyer. I don't know, I just-- I thought if I told you I was a painter, or I wanted to be a painter, that it wasn't good enough. Well, I guess we'll never know. Lawyer or painter, either way, you're a liar. Heather! <i> ♪ I heard the bells on Christmas Day ♪</i> <i> ♪ Their old familiar carols played ♪</i> <i> ♪ And mild and sweet, the songs repeat ♪</i> <i> ♪ Of peace on Earth, goodwill to men ♪</i> <i> ♪ And the bells are ringing </i> <i> ♪ Peace on Earth </i> <i> ♪ In my heart, I hear them </i> <i> ♪ Peace on Earth </i> <i> ♪ Like a choir singing </i> <i> ♪ Peace on Earth </i> <i> ♪ Goodwill to men </i> <i> ♪ And in despair,</i> <i> I bow my head ♪</i> <i> ♪ There is no peace on Earth, I said ♪</i> <i> ♪ For hate is strong</i> <i> and mine to solve ♪</i> <i> ♪ Of peace on Earth, goodwill to men ♪</i> <i> ♪ But the bells are ringing </i> <i> ♪ Peace on Earth </i> <i> ♪ Like a choir singing </i> <i> ♪ Peace on Earth </i> <i> ♪ Does anybody hear them </i> <i> ♪ Peace on Earth </i> HEATHER: We were fighting in the middle of the street, in front of where I work. That's where I work. I just can't do this anymore. Just because things are wrong right now with you and Ryan doesn't mean the whole relationship is wrong. That's exactly what it means. I don't even really know who he is. You don't know that. Actually, it's kind of sweet when you think about it. Sweet? Was it bad that I asked Santa for a boyfriend for Aunt Heather? Come here, kiddo. Am I in trouble? For your Christmas wish or for staying up late way past your bedtime and eavesdropping? Sweetie, I understand why you asked Santa to help find me a boyfriend. Because you love me and you want me to be happy. Baby, it's one thing to ask Santa for a doll or computer games or even a bicycle, but asking for a person, it's a little trickier. Did Aunt Heather and Ryan break up? That's very grown up. Go to bed and go to bed. I'm sorry. I thought this would make everyone happy. I don't know what's worse. That I'm responsible for Molly not getting her Christmas wish or that even an eight-year-old can see that it would take magic for me to find love. We're back. Shopping's all done. Molls, you know you don't have to get me a gift, right? I might not have gotten a boyfriend for Christmas, but I will always have you. I love you, Aunt Heather. I love you too. Even though it didn't work out, it is a wonderful thing that you used your Christmas wish to help someone else. Happy to help. Can I go color? Sure. Use your Christmas wish to help someone else. Diana! - Yeah? - Call Arlene and ask if she'll meet with me this afternoon. Right away. Heather, I'm supposed to be on my way to Aspen for a holiday ski weekend. Now would you mind telling me what couldn't wait? Absolutely. Revenue for Nielsen's department store is solid, but they're actually losing money on free gift wrapping during Christmas, hiring seasonal employees and paying for supplies. Sure, it's great for customer loyalty, but there's really no money in it. Okay. Meanwhile, we're kicking out this store, Patty's Toys, because they're finding it difficult to compete. But you have to see this place. It's a destination. Just last week, they displayed a beautiful Christmas mural on their store window, and customers were bottlenecking just to get a view. And that's not all. Look at this. I mean, the thought and care that went into this. I propose we broker a partnership. Nielsen's gets rid of its Christmas wrapping and instead hands out coupons to Patty's. Interesting. And it could work all year round. I mean, birthdays, holidays. It's great for both retailers and keeps customers in the mall. People could leave Nielsen's, and on their way to Patty's, just pop on in to a different store. - Okay. - It saves the mall money too. We don't risk losing months of rent while we try to fill empty stores. The soup is from a can, so I can't screw that up. And ohh! Voilà! Grilled cheese! Okay, fine, so it's a little bit burnt on the bottom. But I can learn how to cook. See, I don't need some guy to cook for me. [ringing] Hi. Arlene? Is everything okay? Everything's good, Heather, and the team over here, they're impressed with your new ideas. Oh, great. So congratulations! The promotion is yours. Promotion? <i> As a matter of fact,</i> <i> how would you like to head up operations</i> <i> for the entire western United States?</i> The entire western-- It's a senior level position. Uh, but isn't that position based in Seattle? It's a big responsibility, Heather. It's everything you worked for. <i> Unless of course, there's a reason you want to stay.</i> No. It's settled then. We'll talk after the holidays. Merry Christmas, Heather. Merry Christmas, Arlene. What's Seattle? It's a city in Washington. I just got a job offer there. Is it far away? Just a short flight. But how will we hang out after school if you move? COURTNEY: Hey. HEATHER: How'd it go? Girl, two company Christmas parties. All that networking. - It's exhausting. - Whew! So we skipped out. [chuckling] And we had an important talk. Okay. Well, we both have been feeling trapped by our jobs, and we work all day and then we work at night from home and just... We spend more time coordinating Molly's childcare than we do with her. So what are you gonna do? Well, talk with our bosses about working from home a day or two a week. If that doesn't work... Maybe downsize the big house. I know. But you know... Molls is the priority. GRANT: Speaking of which, I'll go downstairs and get her ready for bed. Thank you, baby. - I'll see you soon. - All right. Thanks for babysitting, Heather. Good night, Grant. I'm glad you guys figured out what you want. Hmm. Now I have to do that. About Ryan? Amongst other things. I must say, I was surprised to get your call this morning. It's Christmas Eve. I'm sure whatever this is, it could've waited till after the holidays. Arlene, I am truly honored that you'd consider me for such a big position. But honestly, I'm not done here at The Shops at Town Center. So you don't want the promotion? Look, I know that you're worried about the competition, but nobody knows my mall better than me. And I don't want to leave it. Or my family. So what are you suggesting? Well, I would like a title change to general manager. I'd like a 15 percent raise, and I'd like a longer leash. Those great ideas everybody loves, let me implement them. Give me one year to manage this, and I'm sure you'll be pleased. If not, you can fire me. I think I misjudged you, Heather. To be honest, I thought you were more like me-- ambitious, determined, ruthless. Truth is... you're better. Let's make it 25 percent, and I think Vice President would be a better title. Vice President? Really? Merry Christmas, Heather. Merry Christmas, Arlene. Well, thank you so much. Thank you. I really appreciate it. - Hello. - Who was that? - Just the manager of Nielsen's. - Nielsen's? They offered us a partnership. Apparently their gift wrapping isn't working so well, so they're going to give their customers a coupon to have them come here to have their gifts wrapped. Does mall management know about this? Mall management knows. It was mall management's idea. Hmm. Stop being so stubborn and call her. - She hates me. - She doesn't hate you. She wouldn't have done this for me if she hated you. RYAN: She would because she's a good person. PATTY: Which is why she's worth fighting for. RYAN: I understand that, but-- Ryan, you got a sec? Oh, yeah. Hey, what's up? I have an idea. An idea for... [whispering] <i> ♪ You gotta shake it up, Santa ♪</i> <i> ♪ Ooh </i> <i> ♪ You gotta shake it up, Santa ♪</i> <i> ♪ Oh, yeah, yeah </i> <i> ♪ You gotta shake it like Santa does ♪</i> <i> ♪ Groovin' to the Christmas blues ♪</i> <i> ♪ I said go, Santa, go </i> <i> ♪ You gotta shake it like Santa does ♪</i> <i> ♪ Groovin' to the Christmas blues ♪</i> <i> ♪ Groovin' to</i> <i> the Christmas blues ♪</i> [light chatter] Hi! Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas. - Well, hello! And I hear congratulations are in order, Ms. Vice President! [laughing] Thank you. Molly was so happy to hear you weren't moving. I think I left my present for Mommy in your office. What? No, no. I don't think so. I did, and she has to open it tomorrow morning. What if she doesn't have any other presents? Oh, no, you brought it here. I remember telling you to hide it. It's not. I looked. We have to go. We can't, kiddo. Christmas dinner is about to start. Actually, we got a late start. Oh, dinner won't be on the table for another hour at least. - Oh. - We can go! - Please, Aunt Heather? - Well... Oh, okay, hold on! Excuse us. The keys are there. I think our little Mollypot's up to something. She certainly is. Oh, my gosh. Molls... How did you do all this? I had a little help from my friends. I figured if I was gonna win you back, I had to go big. Uh, this is certainly big. I remember you said how hard it was to feel Christmas magic as an adult, so I thought you deserved this. What you didn't deserve was-- - Ryan. - Just let me get it out. I guess I just convinced myself that my motives were as pure as Molly's Christmas wish. That it was meant to be, that the Christmas wish she asked Santa was so sweet, there wasn't anything wrong with what I was doing. And there was, so I'm sorry. Even an eight-year-old knew I had such rigid expectations, and you tried to live up to them. [chuckles] You know, the one thing I'm not sorry about is getting to know you. Do you want to know more? Yeah. It's kinda what this whole thing's about. [laughing] You're standing under the mistletoe! Oh, just kiss the boy already. Christmas tradition. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. - Yes! - Whoo! Yeah! ♪♪ ♪ Wrapped up in Christmas ♪ Let the season bring ♪ Love into our heart ♪ As the children sing ♪ Wrapped up in Christmas ♪ Let every wish come true ♪ The only thing I want is to be wrapped up in Christmas ♪ ♪ With you ♪ Holidays are here again ♪ Streets are filled with snow ♪ ♪ We'll decorate the tree ♪ And hang the mistletoe ♪ Kids have got the feeling Santa's on his way ♪ ♪ And everywhere you look ♪ They're counting down the days ♪ ♪ Many lights are shining bright ♪ ♪ There's magic in the air ♪ Checking off the Christmas list ♪ ♪ And running everywhere ♪ I don't need your fancy gifts ♪ ♪ Under the tree ♪ The only thing I want this year ♪ ♪ Is you and me ♪ Wrapped up in Christmas ♪ Let the sleigh bells ring ♪ The only thing I want is to be wrapped up in Christmas ♪ ♪ With you ♪ Wrapped up in Christmas ♪ Let the season bring ♪ Love into our heart ♪ As the children sing ♪ Wrapped up in Christmas ♪ Let the sleigh bells ring ♪ The only thing I want is to be wrapped up in Christmas ♪ ♪ With you
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 244,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lifetime movie, free movie, lifetime, it's a wonderful lifetime, holiday movie, christmas movie, romcom, holidays, holiday romance, feel good movie, lifetime full movie, christmas, christmas romcom movie, lifetime holiday movies, mylifetime, lifetime channel, lifetime chistmas movies, free holiday movies, free christmas movies, new lifetime full movie, lifetime original movie, festive movies, holiday movies, Wrapped up in Christmas, wrapped up in christmas full movie
Id: EpkVCPcbedg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 10sec (5290 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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