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i have just woken up in paradise i'm at my mother's beach house in south africa it is a couple of years since i've been here because of covid and this is the first time that i have seen my mother in 15 months because she got blocked in south africa during covert but it's also the first time that she is meeting phillip as my boyfriend they knew each other back in france before she left but we got together after my mother had left and there's a mighty age gap between me and philip it's a 21-year age gap he's younger than me so later today i'm going to be asking my 80 year old mother how she feels about the situation but first let's go downstairs say hi to everyone and i'll show you around actually no before that i have to show you the view from my bedroom window and i'm sorry about the background noise that is the sound of the sea it's incredibly loud here i cannot describe how it feels to wake up to this every day i honestly i'm in paradise this is the bedroom corridor where my mother's room is with percy and i'm staying up here with philip here we are on the mezzanine and this is the view my mom this is a bit unusual because everything is closed up and usually everyone has all of the doors open by now so where is everybody this is the village where mummy lives it's about an hour and a half from durban on the east coast of south africa hello where is everyone um hang on that is a poo why is there a poo we don't have pets well it's definitely not my mother jerry or percy well it's clearly too big to be a gecko poo hello i think we're alone this morning well the case of the mystery poo will have to wait i'm going to get a cup of tea okay poo mystery is solved the monkeys got in i was so excited to show you the beach house i really love it here it's always tidy and peaceful my mother keeps it so beautiful and it's sort of the opposite of the chateau where everything is chaos but the monkeys have got in this wasn't the morning to show you around was it they have made an almighty mess and well yes it completely explains the source of the poo my mother is going to go ballistic her cups i think it's just one of the cups she loved those cups she only had two look there's the other one they were trying to get into the biscuits i don't believe it and the tea they did get into the tea yes there's the tea over there they've been through the bin and well the worst thing there's the lid of the sugar and here's the rest of the sugar i don't mind them eating the blasted sugar but they could have done it a little bit more tidily goodness sake they've broken that oh we better do a clean up before she gets back she'll be furious and this will be how they got in that little tiny opening on the window there okay i'm going to open up call phillip and we'll do a tidy up it's chaos yes what happened yeah exactly yes it's a little greeting maybe it is the monkey's way of saying good morning welcome to africa look the lovely cup that you said was so beautiful last night oh and they broke the sugar bowl as well yeah how do i break it so entirely i have no idea look it's over here there okay let's find the broom it's like being at the beach there's sand everywhere but it's sugar sugar's crunching underfoot and because it's little white bits against a white floor i can't very easily see where it is oh my goodness whoa oh wow half the global sugar mountain is here as though it had never happened you've covered it in antibacterial gels didn't you say that you were gonna ask your mother about me today this will put her in a good mood she'll be in a glorious room no look come on the kitchen's now tidier than it was before the monkeys arrived is it though yeah the sugar's gone there's just one problem that came off very satisfactorily there's the other two phillip don't worry i'll leave them for you i don't want to disappoint you there's a little p here little key yes i've gotten rid of it now so you can't really see anymore and again you're covered in an acid material gel welcome to africa thank you very much lukewarm welcome i've opened up the doors it is a beautiful beautiful day and i think i'll put all the chair cushions out i have no idea where they've gone but i can see from that that gerald has already been to the beach this morning but where is he let's grab the others these are the last ones so we'll be already if you want a bit of a tour but if you want a sneak peek at gerald's room it's just in there then there's a couple of guest bedrooms this way this one that percy is using as a study and this one which we're not using and as you can see all of the furniture is quite old-fashioned my parents bought this house it must have been about 15 years ago and it was in a really really bad state and we just kept all of the furniture that was in it then we focused on the actual structure of the place and getting architects in and totally transforming the view to the sea with these double height windows the furniture we just kept and we repaint so it's very simple inside but i think what makes the interior are my father's paintings because every winter that he was here with my mother he would spend all of his time painting he would have the garden table we've still got the huge white plastic garden table in here with a huge board on top and he paints straight onto board and everything is very inspired by his time in africa especially on safari so if you look at this one which at first glance seems quite abstract you can see that there's a buffalo a lion bit of a snake coming in at the side and there's this one behind you there we have a couple of crocodiles and a bird who's looking a little bit alarmed because one of her eggs has just been stolen by the crocodile i love that yeah he's very naughty crocodile he shouldn't have taken that out and every year that we went on safari we would stop at a little shop and if we go this year i hope we'll stop at the same shop and get a different mask or object of african art like this beaded headdress incredible this is also a headdress this one and the masks over there and the glasses so it's very different from la land but i love it here and it's looking back to normal again now you can't tell the monkeys have been except that we're one sugar bowl and one cup down i've just squeezed a lemon in here because i'm going through a phase of just having hot honey and lemon every morning i have no idea whether it makes the blindest bit of difference but it makes me feel healthy and that's what's important show me a quick simply yes i haven't been in yet okay all right house d monkeyed now i'm gonna get changed into my costume you ready yeah i'm taking my drink and i think this is going to be the first time i'll be drinking a hot drink in a swimming pool i am not good at getting into pools at all i always find them freezing even though it's like a bar the holiday has truly begun now do not splash me fill it no no don't bomb it i love the view from inside the pool you just see the sea over there oh look gerald how are you good how was your day good i've only had my on my swim i saw your towel hey it looks so fun it's very i've topped up the water you missed all the excitement why the monkeys got it i know we fed them outside are they here they actually went in the house yeah they made it you shouldn't have fed them if you'd seen what they've done they were here when we arrived when we were leaving oh not now there was only two of them oh did they end they left three poohs in the house there was sugar everywhere you fed them i told you didn't i did it again i told you mommy loves those monkeys she pretends she doesn't but she loves them but you know how they got in just be logged for the window yeah sidewinder oh oh my mama mommy your monkeys broke one of your lovely blue cups and the sugar bowl and there was sugar everywhere and joey just told me it's because you were feeding them outside but i said them outside so it won't come in i think that they felt like they probably wanted dessert so they got to the sugar how did you come in this little side window everything else was shut well that elastic time he is fed i don't believe you you'll feed him next time you're looking beautiful and well and i am happy to be here and so is phillip oh and i'm very happy you're here you've got a friend he's beautiful i love every moment of being here but philip and i are having some withdrawal symptoms from being able to go regularly to my use the charity shop near us in france so we've popped to the local second hand shop in mummys village and phillips have all sorts of things inside but i'm amazed out here because all of the secondhand books are completely free knowledge is free therefore our books are free please take one isn't that incredible have you found anything yet i quite like the look of my story by ava gardner i'm not sure i need an entire book on charles and diana's visit to canada i think we're okay here i'm not sure we're going to jump on a plane to thailand just now okay you carry on having fun inside phillip um i'm going to go through every single one of these books i have found an amazing book and philip got a whole lot of things inside but i'll show you a bit when we get back home look at that the naughty monkeys who cause all that fuss which of you was it come on fess up was it you it was you wasn't it was it you what was it the little baby oh oh how can anyone stay angry with them you can eat our sugar anytime just try not to break the sugar bowl next time okay and they just go from garden to garden taking any fruits that are ready and pinching anything that they can get from the households this is the book that i got for free outside the shop jane grigson's english food and honestly i have wanted this book for ages so i was going to go and buy it and realized it was free the first edition of english food was awarded the glenfiddich award for the cookery book of the year 1974 and i've been looking through it already i've found things there's a vegetable section sorrel with eggs we're so busy running after the latest dish that the good things we've known for centuries are forgotten as quickly as the boring ones take sorrel most of us have never eaten it or seen it most people with gardens don't grow it and yet 200 years ago it was as popular here as it still is in france no doubt the months-long patch of sorrel which returns so abundantly every spring grew near the kitchen door here as it does there so that even in the rain one could slip out for a handful to liven the soup or a dish of veal or eggs and this made me really happy because we have sorrel growing in the walled garden at la land which we didn't plant it's the only vestige of the previous wall garden that just comes back wild every year so we've kept it she goes on to say perhaps it's natural that sorrel should have been valued for its sharpness in the days before lemons were in all the shops it begins to appear again in march at a time in the past when stored fruit gave out the famine time which the irish used to call the grey blast of spring and this i love because it's exactly that it's the first fresh taste of the year in spring and it means that as soon as i get back to france it will be nearly time for the sorrel to to grow again and i'll be able to try these recipes for sorrel with eggs and it's filled with things like this none of them really are quite right for the south african climate so i will be making this when we get back to france all right mummykins i know you said you don't need anything for the house i beg to differ actually i think we could do with some nice things around here this is a beach house it's always been so we need what is the beach house what is a beach house without decanters i don't drink percy and i do and and here who doesn't know you and jerry are letting the side down happy all the time but we can put the coke in one what do you think there's one and they only had two waterford crystal whiskey glasses i got both of them me and classy because percy and i have whiskey every night so this will stay at the beach house this is for this one yes okay that's for that one if you say so i'm not convinced this is the original one no it is nuts and i i am silky but i cannot choose as you can see it doesn't have it's 10 pounds so i think you can use it percy these are for us to have our whiskey in style oh good that's a nice heavy that does it feel so i am going to decant things into here and i'm going to set up a little cocktail area upstairs thank you why a little cocktail i'm going to set up a very big cocktail and fill it for lots and lots of things but if you want to see what you bought you have to look at the video on his channel mind your business how is he who's going to win the shoe debate i'm sorry percy doesn't feel that mummy's wearing the right shoes for the restaurant tonight mommy but darling i am not in the restaurant i am pulling off at the beach house okay but that doesn't mean you should look like you are the glamorous one we cannot have two of those in this outfit no one is enjoying so we need you so percy is the glamorous one yeah fair enough percy come on and change your shoes without being told what to do i know you don't not been telling what to do he's treading a very dangerous line i'm watching with great interest but he's lovely and he needs cheating up actually oh what's up what's up what's wrong and the way i started this jigsaw and all of a sudden i've gone to pieces oh yeah i think it's getting there it's getting a few bits and pieces but you are getting there so basically i did the easy bits i did most of the words philip did most of the paintings around the corners and gerald is doing the maps which is a really tricky bit it's very satisfying it is it's good it's our family jigsaw for the whole holiday yeah well i'll probably mess with i really love it up here because the views are so beautiful and i thought that this table which is doing nothing under daddy's painting which isn't straight either um this could be where i make the bar so i found some really nice parrots i'm slightly obsessed with porcelain birds i don't know why but i am and so these which were only from the local sort of supermarket kind of shop a while ago they can come on here and do a whole little bar and here are all of the things that we have just brought up we've got our decanters there we go and actually i'm thinking maybe because this is next to something yellow we could swap it with this one have two white ones against the yellow here so what do you think nice i think it's better and i like the fact that we've got our little touch of london i just got him at a second-hand shop here years ago for a london bobby who used to hold clem de mountain but we're cleaning out a kind of demand right tonight actually a little bit before tonight because this is going to melt and there's a good reason to have a gin and tonic now i think can you is that what you're going to go for gin tonight maybe a little whiskey break in the new glasses yeah would you like one sure okay here we that's go right and i'm really impressed because these two together came to 25 pounds and that's a whole little area of the house done now so we already have this one there we go cheers everyone i love doing little areas like this in the house because i love this mezzanine but we don't often actually sit here we tend to go downstairs obviously outside but now there is a reason for everyone to congregate here in the evening before we go for dinner so this area will be used just because we've taken five minutes to put a little table little bar area together it doesn't have to be a bar it can be anything that you use during the day to devote a lovely little area like this to it you could have a reading nook you could have a little sewing table you could have a craft project table or an art table like whatever interests you and in that way you can bring to life a tiny corner of your house that's otherwise unused we have to go out for dinner quite soon so i think we should pull everyone up phillip and we'll have a little cheeky cocktail you know actually um maybe we should have everyone have a little sherry before dinner phillip wants to use his new sherry glasses maybe that's what's going on okay let's go have the sherry if any of you have seen phillips video this week you all know you've got these cherry glasses because apparently mummy one should have sherry before a meal okay yes mommy you haven't been running a proper establishment thank you gerald yes a little wee drop of sherry according to the georgians and the victorians and phillip this is the thing to do before a meal and we're going out for dinner so a drop of cherry it is i trust it for cherry let's get our appetite going before tonight's dinner oh that's very sweet okay i was sweet enough and frankly my appetite was tickety-boo before we started it's like herding cats but we're finally all together and we are going we are going i love this place i love being so close to the water yes it is nice yes the mosquitoes love it too that's the problem oh i brought the mosquito plant down for everyone did you use it can mommy not do that herself percy that's love that's love when someone puts your mosquito repellent on for you yes because would you would you like to stuff on my legs yes please [Laughter] this is this is one of the most embarrassing you know i thought i was past all this tell me when it's over you have lived a sheltered life and i still do i'm not gonna come here take them anywhere no i know mommy's telling safari stories to philip and i think scaring him quite a lot before we leave on safari mommy was literally having such a panic attack she'd rather get out of the vehicle than stay in the safari vehicle well neither was safe but you'll be fine and you're going to love it and then and don't you change the food has arrived i've got beef carpaccio wow that looks good a lot bigger than yours gerald a little bruschetta for you this is a bit too much and i have to say i like the lick of yours fuller fried zucchini sticks with vessels generally this this is huge i know whoa it's bigger than you yeah everything's bigger than me mine actually smells like this must be the smallest chip kind of pepper the smallest chips for the biggest beef that's a japan mine is salty [Music] i think we shall just keep it forwarded just going to look at it we're going to frame it and put it on the wall so mummy how do you feel about me and phillip i'm delighted my daughter is happy and you are contributing greatly to that i am delighted mommy's older than you isn't she yeah by 20 years [Laughter] then your mother's older than your father yes like by 11 months and your grandmother was older than your grandfather yes by also a year so very similar to us very similar yeah one year 21 years same difference it's only a number the swiss and here that [Laughter] if you enjoyed this video then please leave a like because it helps us enormously with the youtube algorithm and for more shadow content don't forget to subscribe a huge thank you to all of my patrons especially the daughters and dauphines of leland yayland ether alice allen dan bander whaling banshee cecilia begum denise behrens lauren bell jill bidwell candice blackburn dan albanacovich brandon and john michael paulina calabro matthew chuck gregory clear linda sue concepcion erin conklin zoe dawg sylvia dem jim demassman and richard paternord sakura dennis jason doobie jackie allison nicholas w fairfax kevin fossum fifi greenberg donald goodmillard crystal hardy delaine holbrook kim hasselhoff david and tong henderson camilla herrera jacqueline holmes and cam bates karen and mike hopper sandra hawley john hostetler melissa janssen sandra carafa brian kelsey and phil burnt jimmy kemp david and samuel aland morgan lowly angel leonard lisbeth and eno shelly little janet huff lombard radica medalla marina frank martin grant and erin mcloone joanne morton jerry mullen karen nicholson kathy nori jc oh ward ellen persson wendy piatek frank popovsky and james snow tomorrow price amen rahm and tonya renee colette retiff hani ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlan sven schreiber jennifer shanks rebecca shurick karl and laurie siebert teresa sloan sabrina sohati nanette sullivan monte stapura rene valelli victoria jessica walker laura watkins lucas wallin james whalen linda beast christine wilson greg wood david young and lodovico zodonatzo and thanks to all of you [Music] you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 312,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country house, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, stephanie jarvis chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, chateau diy, quarantine, london, south africa, reunited after covid, age gap, age gap relationship, meeting the parents, mother in law
Id: RyBoNggZ_fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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