The Discipline Of Vision: Dr. Myles Munroe's Strategic Approach |

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[Music] i want to speak on what is vision but i'm going to be focusing on a little bit more of the discipline of vision the discipline of vision and i want to do a slight review for those who were not with us and please take notes i want to give you a brief definition of vision i'm going to move quickly but i need you to to listen very intensely don't be distracted and don't let anybody cause you to miss any of the points i'm going to make today all right first i want to just remind you of the priority of vision vision is probably one of those things that we don't uh have a grasp of too well and that's why we're gonna be focusing on it today again the most a powerful force on earth is the power of vision i say that because if you are on earth you can actually have a vision of being off earth you can actually see things that are not on earth yet that's why the power of vision is so important for us on earth and secondly vision is the ability to literally see the invisible in order to make it possible it gives you the power to do what people say is impossible because you can actually see what they claim to be impossible and once you can see something you can do it vision is also given to a person but it must be fulfilled by a people one of the things we learned in this series is that god never gives vision to a group of people the bible never gives evidence anywhere where god gave a vision to a group of people he always gives vision to individuals you yourself have a personal vision but there are private visions and then there are corporate visions that are given by god corporate visions are given to a person to be fulfilled by a people i repeat corporate visions are given to a person to be fulfilled by a people some of you are carrying corporate visions there's some things that you're supposed to do that's so big that you need a lot of people then there are things that are so unique to you and private that you don't need a lot of people to do it but you need assistance from those people in your life to get it done this ministry and this company and this organization is a corporate vision god gave the vision to me as an individual but i cannot fulfill this vision so god is giving and he's gathering more and more eight people to do it god gave moses one person a vision but then he gathered eight people and god had to go and get them out of slavery to fulfill the vision god called paul to have a vision to reach the gentiles and then wanted to go and get a team a team of people paul had silas and timothy and barnabas and a whole band of women that worked with him he had a group that made the vision possible jesus himself was given one vision to one person that vision was to establish a kingdom rulership of god on earth his first task was what to choose a group of people to work with him the vision was not given to the disciples it was given to jesus his job was to transfer that vision to that group and then that group transferred the vision to what we call now the church and so there's a group of people fulfilling the vision of jesus and then number four vision is the key to the future any hope for the future has to begin with a vision whatever you don't like you should see what you prefer in other words take a look at a preferred future so you don't be trapped in the present and that's what vision allows you to do vision is therefore a critical hope factor what is vision a definition vision is from the greek word optica o-p-t-i-c-a and the word optica means coming into view it also means sight beyond sight in other words what your eyes see is limited to what your heart can see so there are two types of vision there is natural vision which your eyes give you and then there is heart vision which your spirit can deal with vision is therefore an internalized clear picture on an image of a preferable future that you consider to be worthy pursuing vision is usually that which is imported by god i say usually because sometimes you can concoct an idea that is not god's vision for your life you can make up some things mentally that you want to do that might not be god's will for your life and that's why we also teach in this series that vision comes from purpose the difference between vision birth by purpose and vision that you yourself develop is that vision from purpose is tied to your destiny vision that you invent is not tied to your destiny it will not fulfill you it will frustrate you vision is also a visual reality of your purpose then it is when you see what you were born to do vision is foresight with insight that is based on hindsight hindsight it's a combination of your past colliding with the present and taking you into the future vision needs a perspective your training and your preparation and your past is important god many times will guide you to your future by giving you a pass that prepares you i'm moving fast i know i'm moving fast what is vision vision again is from this word optical and it means this this view of something in the distance i want you to write this down vision should be out of reach but out not out of sight vision should be out of reach but never out of sight it's important for you to pursue something that you haven't done and that's not easy to do either all visions from god are very difficult to pursue they demand his assistance and so it's critical for you as a person to remember that visions from god are always bigger than your capacity as a human by yourself it's important to understand that vision is to see the future from the present to stand on the porch of the present and see the future vision is a clear picture that you can literally write down details about vision is what keeps you from being depressed talk a little bit about how vision affects your life when purpose is seen vision is born vision is therefore a glimpse of a person's purpose vision is a visual manifestation of your destiny vision is the key to an effective focused life vision is the source of hope it is not a human concoction it is something that is inspired by god it is blown into you by his spirit as a matter of fact everybody in this room and watching this program i want to make an announcement your vision is not ahead of you it's in you you were born with your purpose within you your purpose don't come to you you discover it i always say this story if god wanted to hide something from you but he wanted to make sure you found it he'd hide it in a place where you can't miss it it's in you the proverb the book of ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 just make the reference write it down probably ephesians rather 3 verse 20 it says unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above far beyond all you can ever ask or think and then it says according to the power that's working not in heaven nor in other people but within you in other words god wants to do what's inside of you and what's inside of you according to god is so big that you can never define it or express it enough to cover it all that's an awesome truth that's why god says i will do above what you ask me why whatever you ask me doesn't cover everything you carry him he said i will do beyond what you ask or what you think if you can think it and you think big gossip ain't big enough to cover what i put inside of you so i got to do more than you think imagine what you're carrying is so big that your brain cannot wrap itself around it enough to explain it your big dream will never threaten god because if it's his dream and you're telling him about it as he's concerned your brain is so in able to to define it and describe it that he has to always do beyond what you act so think that is why visions come in phases because if god had to show you everything you were born to do you would die and faint from shock matter of fact what you headed for is so awesome god's afraid to let you see all of it right now that's why he does what beyond what you can ever ask think or imagine he says you imagine it that ain't enough god says is god a good god is god awesome god has given you something to do that you cannot explain that makes my life exciting that means whatever i am involved in right now is only a fraction of what i'm really going to be doing when this thing is all over and as far as you can see that you call great god calls a fraction that's why god only gives you phases of your vision it's important therefore to understand that the power of vision demands discipline and that's where we are in this session right now we are dealing with the power of discipline of vision part three we're going to be focusing on the controlling power of vision when you get a vision from god that vision takes over your life i want you to write some lists down today i'm going to give you some things to list and then i want you to use them for the next 10 years to to order your life by them i'm going to give you some clear instructions on what to do for the next 10 years that will make sure your vision comes to pass in the book of proverbs chapter 29 verse 18 statement made by the great king solomon he says where there is no vision the people perish blessed is the man who keeps the law where there is no vision the people perish the word perish does not mean to die the word perish is a hebrew word there which means to throw off restraint the word perish means to throw off self-control the word perish there means no self-discipline very important here solomon says if a person doesn't have a vision for their lives they lose self-control they lose discipline now let me just correct myself he didn't say a person he said where there is no vision which means if there's no vision in your life personally then there's no discipline in your life if there's no vision in your community then there's no discipline in your community if there's no vision in your company then there's no discipline in your organization if there's no vision in the country then there's no discipline in the country wherever there's no vision the people lose self-control they become wild they do anything and everything anytime anywhere in other words vision according to solomon suddenly makes you organize your life vision imprisons you so you can fulfill it it's dangerous to find a vision because if you ever find a vision for your life you might lose some friends people with a vision are very narrow vision is the source of self-discipline that's why when a person discovers their vision they become a leader when a person discovers vision for their lives it automatically takes them into leadership development and because leadership is discovering something that's worth dying for that's when you become a leader you pursue something that makes you self-controlled therefore the man or the woman or the people with a clear vision for their lives live a very narrow life this is a tough thing to remember when you discover vision you become very narrow when a person has vision they have a tunnel vision uh the the eyes become fixed they become like flint flint means hard rock you can't change them you can't change their minds you can't sway them when a person has a vision they don't just do anything anymore vision makes life what what simple oh god help the people your people understand this vision makes life what simple when you discover the vision for your life life becomes very simple simple means you know what to do all the time you know how to answer all the time the most difficult thing in life and in our first segment of this series please get the tape if you weren't here i talked about decision making didn't i one of the statements i made three sundays ago was this the most difficult thing in life is not making decisions but knowing what decisions to make the second most difficult thing in life is navigating through the alternatives i wish life didn't have too many alternatives it'll be simple to wake up in the morning and know exactly what suit to wear you know my friend mike murdock said to me he said have you noticed all i wear is black suits i said um he said because i don't want to make too many decisions he said my cross has got all black suits that's interesting so he don't to choose which suit to wear [Laughter] now you ladies i know that can't work for you that's why you spend half an hour walking back and forth am i right brother yeah right i know you right now just it's between me and you not her you see all the men understanders who are married these women walk up and down the closet the night before and then the morning again because in between the sleep they change their mind some of you are looking guilty already yes because you got so many what alternatives see life is no longer simple to dress vision makes your closet one color uh uh not literally please okay don't panic in other words vision takes away all the other distractions so you focus on just one thing and that makes life what simple so when people ask you to get involved in things your first reference is now is this in line with my vision write this down vision protects you from doing good things the greatest weapon of satan is not to get you to do bad things the greatest weapon of the adversary against your life is to get you involved in good things that are not the right things for you to do vision tells you with right life gives you what's good and until you find vision you'll be doing a lot of good things that are not right for you and therefore you end up being busy but not effective life is not about being busy life is about being effective sometimes people wonder why i name things you know our program on tv is called effective living why because people ain't living effectively man busy going to work working working working ain't accomplishing nothing what is effective all right let's talk a little bit then about how vision disciplines your life i made this comment i want to repeat it and that is you were not born to do everything everybody say praise the lord throw your hand up say praise the lord see you gotta do it with a feeling say praise the lord ain't that good news you were not born to do what everything that thing set me free years ago because if you are involved in so many things that you ain't quite doing nothing you are a useless person you ever seen a bird trying to be a horse you ever seen a fish trying to be a cat you all talk to me no you sure have you ever seen a cow trying to be a bird no we are the only creatures who keep trying to be other people a bird is perfected in flight because that's all he does a fish is perfected in swimming that's all he does but we our name is jack yeah who is jack please put the screen up please thank you very much jack of all the trades and mastering what nothing let me tell you something very important write the word dominion down again let's get back to this word a second everybody say dominion write it down again because you got to be reminded this is 2003. don't waste another year i'm going to bless you today you were created to concentrate and to be a concentration the word dominion is the word used by god to describe why he made you god said let us make man in our own image and our likeness and let each one of them have dominion over the earth the word dominion means to govern to rule to lead but it also means in the hebrew language to master write it down to master god let them have mastery in other words you were born to master something anyone who masters something will be sought after that's why you got to stay with what you are gifted in that's why they keep coming at you you run as long as you can see the problem is if you run you'll be depressed and if you and if you remain faithful you will be pursued i want you to take a bird one time try this okay no don't try this but i tried it once as a kid in being town in the bahamas my brother sitting over here somewhere he had pigeons he's the key pigeons the poor pigeons he said put them in coops poor pigeons may the lord have mercy on your soul they were born to fly we cooped them up in the cages one day i put my hand in that cage and took out a pigeon beautiful little bird and there was a big thin tub of water in the yard catching rain water and i i thought i wonder what birds would do if you put them underwater right but listen don't look at me you all did that too or at least you thought about it i put the bird in the water and the birds start shaking and after a while it relaxed and i said oh that's what birds do they relax underwater [Applause] when i took the bird out he was very relaxed just and i i thought as a kid he's sleeping so i decided to wake him up i'm still trying to wake him up after 40 years why did that bird die i put that bird in something it was not created to be in that's why when you don't find your place in mastery whatever you are doing kills you purpose preserves your life what keeps you alive is staying in your mastery whatever you master makes you valuable write the statement down don't seek success seek to be valuable don't seek to be successful seek to make yourself valuable people go after value that's what they spend their money on and the only way to become valuable is to focus to master something become known for something and folks will pay for it whatever you are gifted in is the key to your process and your progress and your prosperity your vision makes you a master vision is the ability to see beyond the present create what exists but cannot be seen once you see where god has given you birth to go then you start doing everything that's necessary to prepare to go there i say prepare to go there you don't wake up in the morning and reach your vision but you get prepared to go there now vision is the primary motivator of all the action that a human takes it should be and what this statement means is that every act that you make in a day should be in some way related to why you were born every act vision should be the purpose for your activity in this ministry everything in this ministry i have to keep checking it to make sure that it is leading us to helping people discover their purpose discovering their potential and discovering their leadership everything that we do must always be guided by that one assignment we are not your average church so if you want an average church you got to go to another church and i don't feel bad if you live god can bless you a lot of places but if you want to become a world-changing impacting leader this is home for you if you want to live a life that makes a difference not in the house but in the world as well this is the place for you if you want to live a life that makes a difference and not just make a profit this is the place for you whatever we do here must be guided by the action motivated by that vision and that is why vision does not compete i repeat vision does not compete when you have a vision there's no competition with you no one can compete with a vision because visions are unique assignments all right let's go to work get some focus here the vision you have for your life creates consequences it also affects how you spend your time and your resources the vision for this ministry creates consequences once we know where we supposed to go in god's assignment then all the consequences hit us i told you about five years ago i hope you didn't forget it the day when the lord cornered me i was so nervous i'll never forget those strange moments brother armstrong it's one of the moments when he spoke to me i think i came to you that next morning and i said god spoke to me the lord said to me he says look he said i don't want you to train leaders only i want the entire organization to be a leader i know if you understand that assignment i began to argue with god i said god look i don't mind teaching it but don't make us have to be it because i'm working with some people and people take a while to catch on he's they want everything about the ministry to be what you preach so that will be sitting here what time we come to service how we move around and distract people during the meeting how we dress how the building looks and how we got to improve it how are we going to build buildings how we decorate how we present ourselves to the world things we produce do they look like it's the leader in the field he says i want the people in the world to distinguish members of this organization just by their presence that means the whole organization got to take on the spirit of leadership because the assignment creates the action jesus did not provide salvation jesus did not bring salvation think about it anybody thinking jesus did not deliver salvation to us assignments don't do that let me tell you something you you don't do what you was born to do you become what you want to do [Applause] so when mary was approached by the angel the angel says mary you shall have a son but you cannot name him why couldn't mary name the boy because you see mary was a hebrew girl in the hebrew culture in the hebrew culture the name of a thing is the thing for example you may call your dog tommy tommy is the name of a human but you give the dog a human name people do that sometimes yeah i mean hopefully you don't name your boy fido or something but people call their dogs human names chucky come here chucky chucky means charles eh somebody called the dog chucky but the dog is not a human in the hebrew language you cannot call a dog a human named in hebrew the name of the thing is defined by what it is how can i say this that's why when god asks moses what is your name moses was speaking hebrew remember he's a hebrew man so he's talking to god in hebrew and he says when hebrew asks you what's your name they are asking you what you are so when god answered moses moses was okay after that god says i am whatever i am depends on what you need me to be at the time see god couldn't give moses one name because god is everything you need a shout for a minute all by myself so god said moses oh my name is it depends on what you need moses is the first human to write god's name that we know of on paper remember muslim to write from the egyptians he used to live there and they're the first ones to invent paper and had an alphabet so moses was able to write that's why god sent him to university in egypt because he needed someone to write god's smart anyhow so moses wrote god's name this way he wrote the name jehovah means almighty and then he put blank and every day moses changed his name jehovah shalom why i need peace today not tomorrow i don't need peace i need some food so it's jehovah gyra now i need no food now are sick so is jehovah rapha let me tell you something about receiving from god when you call god's names these are not names these are manifestations of what it is to you at the moment i can't explain hebrew so if you sick and you say jehovah my gyro or my rapha you got to say jehovah my rapper you're saying become healing to my sickness and god literally becomes healing to where your sickness is maybe that's why you ain't healed completely yet because you keep using as a name that's kind of a title or some some label it's not a label it's an appropriation of his manifest itself he is his name now let's take it back to jesus then the angel said mary you can have a child you will not name him because you don't know who he is and then the angel named him his name shall be called yeshua hebrew word for savior watch this then the angel says because he shall save the people from their sins that's heavy he shall be salvation because that's what he will do some you're gonna get in a minute he doesn't come as a person and then he comes with this salvation assignment and then he does it and then he leaves no whatever your purpose in life is is what you are you don't get it listen to this statement ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 you are his workmanship that means he worked this he built this product created after the image of christ jesus to do good works which were created for you before the world began he crafted you for the works he designed you for the works he built you for the works so if you don't do the works you are malfunctioning a fish was built to swim if it tries to fly it dies if you try to do what you were not born to do it will kill you jesus couldn't do anything else but safe that's why he had to be called savior now the word savior is is the strange word it means whole w-h-o-l-e whole he came to make you whole so if you are financially okay but physically messed up when jesus comes into your environment he also takes care of the sickness do you too it because that's what he is if he comes to you and you ain't whole when he leads you're supposed to be whole because his whole being is wholeness and his business is wholeness and he makes people whole that's what he is lord have mercy so the bible says there is only one name under heaven whereby men shall be made whole and that is the name jesus why is he the only one because he is it he is salvation can i hear an amen i appreciate buddha but his name was not yeshua i appreciate muhammad great prophet but his name was not yeshua i appreciate baha'i but his name was not savior i appreciate haley selassie but that does not mean savior the only person born of woman identified by god to be called yeshua is that young boy from nazareth who came to be himself let me tell you something saving was christ being himself clap your hands and praise his name oh lord have mercy everybody say be yourself that means when jesus healed people that was not extra when he raised the dead that was not special i'm getting excited by myself when he clears your sin he wasn't doing you a favor he was just being him scream for me for a second salvation to him is being natural that's why you cannot have an encounter with jesus and leave the same way you came because when he touches you you become whole write the word humble down humble everybody say humble the word humble is from the word humility write the word humility down the word humility is from the word humans write the word humorous down h-u-m-u-s the word humus means dirt stay with me being humble simply means being earthy it means to be down to earth it means to be yourself so when you say to someone uh you are humble it simply means whatever i'm doing that's me now let me tell you why that's important you think you know jesus does some stuff and we go wow and he goes i'm just being myself when you start doing what you were born to do and people get impressed i want to take pictures of you and put black eyes on the wall and give you trophies and all this stuff guess what they are they are literally giving you these things for being yourself let me tell you what makes people proud when they do something they ain't born to do it's impossible for you to do something he was born to do and be proud that's why i put yeah you got it see the but when you listen people people think you know we're a milestone that's from me i'm having fun this is me when a bird flies you don't take photographs and i have a party for him and celebrate whoa birds what can i breathe he's not great the bird the boy don't even know what you're talking about you sing about the waiters bursting back at you to know why you're singing at him why he's doing what he's naturally built to do when you discover what you're born to start doing it it's you that's why god hates pretenders the word for that is hypocrites a hypocrite is somebody doing something born to do and try and take credit for it whatever you were born to do is built inside of you and it's natural and when you do it people celebrate it and far as you can say you don't know what they're celebrating because you just be in your self [Applause] the bible says you know christ was meek and humble it simply because he was himself that's all he's saying in greek he was himself whatever he did was natural but take a look at this very quickly a strong vision inspires passion and this passion is would transform and controls your life jesus mind was set to save matter of fact the bible says he set his face like flint toward what oh you ought to read the bible to jerusalem let's think about it he did what he said his face like flint toward what jerusalem he had passion he passionately set himself on a course i am on my way to jerusalem what's in jerusalem death the cross some of y'all can get it afterwards in other words she said look i am going to be myself where's myself dead why in order to save them i got to die so i set myself like flint to be myself have mercy jesus oh and so the bible says for the joy that was set before him he could endure the cross and the shame and the disagreements and the criticism and the alignment all that what because he was like flint he says i will be myself if it kills me sit up with me i will be myself if it kills me now say it loud i will be myself use your fist come on i will be myself if it kills me you will never succeed without that spirit you got to set your face like flint young man to become that thing you've been dreaming and you got to endure losing some friends backing off to some from some girls organizing your life not going to movies too often anymore picking up books why you got to set your face see vision disciplines your life they asked jesus to join us and he dreamed counsel he said uh that ain't part of my purpose he was never a pharaoh see why he said that that's gonna interfere that's a good thing but i didn't the right thing for me i don't get involved in church politics i got something to do there are a lot of people involved in church work that's distracting them some pastors i'm talking about they need to ask themselves another question what did god call me to do and if you get hooked up to it you might lose some faster friends there are some passes i cannot mix with i love them fellowship praise the lord but they can be my friend why they will hinder me from my fixed flint mission your purpose and your vision gives you passion for your purpose sight is what your eyes give you but vision comes from your heart i'm moving too fast i get to a list sight is the ability to see things as they are but vision is the capacity to see things as they could be and therefore all true visions write this one down in big letters will be tested for authenticity i was sharing with the class yesterday how important is to understand this all true visions will be tested for what authenticity if you get a vision from god that's real get ready for a big fight satan is not after you he is after the vision you carry in and it will be tested to see if it's authentic if your vision is real life will prove it to you the moment you embrace your vision all hell literally breaks loose i'm gonna say something and you'll understand this some of you will say man some of you won't whatever you were called to do you would have to lose it first satan will beat you to see if you coming back let me tell you something if you were born to be a millionaire first you must get through bankruptcy that's a law of vision [Applause] and the the test of life is not to destroy the vision but it's to prove it [Applause] if the test destroys your vision it probably was not from god in the first place if it's from god it'll be tested to make sure it's what authentic this ministry has been through a number of tests visual criticism we used to be a cult i was a thief probably still am for some people yeah but you you gotta see the test comes to see if you believe what you claim you believe you got to believe it through the storm you got to believe it through the abandonment of people you got to believe it through being broke you got to believe it through losing the building for a while you gotta believe it through having your house repossessed [Applause] god's visions are more powerful than repossession clap your hands one time praise god [Applause] you might lose everything before you gain everything that's the way it works to prove the authenticity of the vision some of you all got some stories you could talk about i know you got stories let me just warn you every new phase has to have its own test so because you come over the first hump are you happy let me tell you something as soon as you announce the next one folks wake up from places you never knew they were sleeping your best friends become your greatest problems even your family turns against you all kind of stuff the minute you begin to press here comes the test to prove that it is real and when you come through then you have a test you got to come to the test man tell your neighbor press through the test to get a testimony god allows the test to prove the vision to you not to him he knows us his you don't know what's his oh by the way let me give you another warning please if any scriptural principles whenever you announce a vision health hears it if you don't want no trouble keep your vision to yourself the minute you announce i am going to do this as soon as you announce stand like this brace yourself get a good position and then announce it because here comes all the demons in hell and in your house [Applause] that includes the house of god get ready for the storm but if it's founded on the solid rock of the word of god this the storms may come and that's the the rain and the wind battling you and you feel like god did you forget me god says no i forget you a peeping right around the corner to see what you can do are you gonna still say i believe you even though he slay me let me tell you something when you come to the test what you used to have god multiply it seven times and gives it to you can i hear an amen surrender back there praise god it will be tested to make sure it's authentic if it's easy it's not from god you got to go through it all visions attract attention i know peter said to jesus one time peter said jesus i will never leave you i will never forsake you i will die for you jesus oh oh you should have never said it and then he says right now satan has demanded to sift you like wheat but i pray that your faith don't fail through the storm and when you come through it he says now you can strengthen your brethren right because you'll come through with some scars limping saying boy i've been through you're going through yours so you can be okay i'm limping you're going to limp too in other words you come through to encourage other people clap your hands and say amen somebody that's why you gotta go through man [Music] tell your neighbor i'm normal i'm in the middle of a storm going broke is a part of it scrapping and scraping that don't mean god wants you poor it means god getting ready for wealth let me shout out by myself i'm trying to be nice because i'm on tv sometimes you feel god everything i had gone god says good. [Applause] then he says do you still believe see that's that's the question do you still believe the vision jesus told the people he says i have this command from my father command means a promise that if i lay my life down i'll take it up again that was the man talking he was nervous the only thing i am going through the grave with he says is a promise from god i have an issue i'll come to the next side but this one thing he promised me that if i lay my life down lord have mercy i'm gonna race i'm coming on the other side and you gotta get that same kind of word from god which says if i take this vision through this storm he promised me that this vision is from him it's going to come through the storm intact [Applause] can i hear an amen some of you have lost your house lost your car lost your dignity i'm about to tell you a prophecy god is telling you today you've made your qualification it's time for him to put new clothes on you he's going to give you a house twice the size he's gonna give you more cars than you ever have what it is time for you to have a testimony god has not forgotten you god has not forgotten you if you believe the vision he is with you right through the storm god give me the prophet's blessing son i'm telling you friends everything that you believe god told you to do will be tested why it has to be authentic tell your neighbor i'm going to do something to attract the devil say it loud i'm going to do something to attract the devil the devil isn't interested in people who ain't doing nothing you don't even know what the problems are you tell you things going to be tough i want you announcing to them and tell them i've decided to live godly in christ jesus and therefore i expect persecution and i am ready come on praise the lord before i go home i feel something flowing in my spirit you don't need to give up when people tell you to quit [Applause] god's just testing the vision girl he's saying look let me see if you believe what i told you lord the lord told satan satan says uh job been bragging on you how many been bragging on anybody's god lately like he said john's been bragging on you and i want to touch him god says go for it and satan started moving the house and moving the car and moving the children moving the wife and moving the money and job says even though he's sleeping [Applause] somebody ought to say amen even though everybody seems to back off and they forget me he says i am there to believe what god told me i will trust in the lord i will trust it your vision will be tested i'm telling you in the next three years they ain't gonna know you you're gonna look so pretty you're gonna be so good they're going to say i thought you were over no i was going through the resurrection that's all i was coming out of the test the test is on stage able to test his arm and i'm coming through don't worry about losing too much that's a part of the process he lost everything and came back from the grave praise god you coming back you're coming back twice as good as when you're left you're coming back twice as good looking as when you're left you're coming back with more than you ever had you coming back you coming back says the lord oh i had a prophecy of god saying you are coming back [Applause] glory hallelujah i know they've been telling you that it's over but i'm telling you now they overtell you quit and you ain't gonna quit cause you believe the vision god gave you shout somebody and praise his name sometime you got to rent again but you got to rent again so you can own twice i'm telling you god's about to take you through some stuff that's going to make the devil so ashamed i feel the spirit of god saying get ready to get up and get out of this thing you coming out of this trouble you've been in [Applause] spirit of god is upon me i prophesy every test that has come against you you will pass them and you will make the devil ashamed and bring glory to god says the lord you shall glorify my name not through the good times but through the bad times i will get glory in your life it's through the tough times that i make you shine says the lord i'm about to show you off says the lord i'm about to put you out in the open let them see what i can do with somebody that people forgot and they ignore i'm gonna rebuild in you a spirit of victory i'm gonna give you back what you lost seven times more you wanna shout get up on your feet scream somebody god is going to make this happen he'll be got a good work in you he's going to finish it he's going to be authentic it ain't going to be a fake it's going to be real you're going to prove that what god said to you is real it is not a fake [Applause]
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 933,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Discipline Of Vision, Dr. Myles Munroe's Strategic Approach,, Discipline, Vision, Dr. Myles Munroe, Vision Mastery Munroe, Discipline In Vision, Strategic Vision Insights, Munroe Vision Principles, Visionary Leadership Munroe, Discipline For Success, Munroe's Visionary Tactics, Implementing Vision Discipline, Personal Growth Vision, Vision Development Strategies, Munroe's Insightful Guidance, Empowering Vision Techniques, Vision And Discipline Connection, MGl&x%
Id: bnFCDZNq4f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 17sec (3437 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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