My Catamaran Gets Chainplates!

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[Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] a ah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] n [Applause] [Music] [Music] for messing around trying to work in awful weather now feels like a distant memory these long sunny days have just been amazing I've had a lot of opportunity just to think about stuff and to really take my time it looks like now there's going to be a lot of storms coming through in the evening uh because it's so warm so I'm just trying to get as much work as done as possible I would have liked to have already got all these chain plates on but there are quite a few little steps so I am going to glue on the backing plates first and then I'll S Flex everything so while these chain plates are a lot easier cuz I don't have the right angle bracket I'm just going to put the hardwood backing plates on I do have five of them to do so it's quite time consuming a lot of people have been very very reassured in the comments and saying that I'm not out of my depth you know I'm uh doing really well with everything recently so thank you very much but yeah I can't help feeling the out of depth out of my depth but that's how you learn to swim isn't it so hopefully the rain spells which should forecast kind of in the late afternoons won't hinder me too much and I can keep the rain out from the holes that have put in the cabin tops hopefully a little bit of tape over the holes we'll keep the water out we'll see [Laughter] [Music] sh [Music] so with these intermediate shouds I'm going to have to bend it just at a small angle towards where it's going to attach on the Mast here's where the stay attaches on the Mast and it comes down and there's just a tiny angle discrepancy between the cabin top sides and where it meets so it only needs bending about 3° 4° something like that I do struggle to get like a really nice clean break through I'm not sure if it's the drill bit being a little bit blunt but it just sort of Pops through the end uh maybe there's some tips you guys know getting these back in plates to fit there's probably about 80 mil worth of material and getting the bolts straight especially without a guide it's been really difficult and if you were walking past this morning you would have heard me shouting all sorts of swear words and ah doing that but I've got all five remaining chain plates the backing plates and everything all in line and basically what I'm going to do now is just glue them I'll put some epoxy uh behind and then I'm just going to tighten the bolts but then I will take the bolts out after uh because I need to stick and flex it from the outside I'm hoping this is the right way to do it I'm going to sort of wait till the epoxy is Set uh not fully and then take the out annoyingly I need to get more big washers for the inside of these so everything that you see now with me gluing is just a dry fit it's not going to I'm not going to have the bolts with the head on this side they'll be on the outside and I was thinking I could just glue the backing plate on and then drill through but I think cuz of the size of these they would probably just droop down with the glue so that's why I've gone for a dry bolting through first and then I can squeeze them so that the epoxy comes out of the sides and that's how you know that it's fully stuck and also when I was sort of drilling through and getting everything aligned obviously I put epoxy in the holes and I think I've pretty much drilled most of that epoxy out so after I've glued these in and before I S Flex everything in I'm going to have to re- epoxy those holes I might do that just before I scker flex so that it's still kind of wet I do find that when I pre-coat epoxy holes it's difficult then to get the bolt through and then you have to shave a bit of the epoxy off to get the bolt through anyway going to be gluing this on now five different chain plates I'll probably film one or two looks like we have a wasp uh also building a home here uh we'll keep tabs on his progress but unfortunately I am inevitably going to have to uh destroy it well maybe I should destroy it now so that he doesn't get any false hope but he's you can see him just working away just making this little see what he does it's very interesting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh damn these are sunk right in [Music] [Applause] [Music] W that epoxy for the backing placeat is setting I'm gluing in the little plugs on my rub rail just got like a waterproof wood glue I didn't really know whether to use epoxy or wood glue but I've been advised to use this sort of stuff so give it a try and uh hopefully it's uh good [Music] [Applause] [Music] so it's a bit of a mess and I'm not sure if I use the right glue I think it's right so yeah hopefully that'll sand up all good cuz I've made a bit of a mess but yeah trus in the process all right this has had about 5 hours to set I can feel it's quite hard so I'll take these out I've undone the nuts on the other side it's all stuck on it's not moved away it's all nice and set and the epoxy's filled the hole so I might not need to pre-coat them I'll double check them just two guys at work isn't that right Mr wasp yeah so the backing plates are all really nice and stuck uh taped everything up ready for the storm uh it's supposed to really lash it down soon but yeah I think I've waterproofed it enough it's like a waterproof tape so I've just come to my friend Dan's little workshop and we're going to try and bend Bend some steel B some this is 8 mil so it's incredibly thick um but I only need 5° or so we'll give it a shot oh that's yeah that might be it that could be it 5° is this yeah it's nothing it's actually Four yeah well four or five yeah we might be there it's not even anything is it yeah do we get it right and what now just a tiny little bit more but that's all right I think it will you said you want it full yeah yeah it's four I'd say yeah yeah yeah sweet that was easy that was not oo yeah yeah it's super good yeah yeah it's funny you feel it when it comes it's it's like you bend it up to a point and nothing happens and then suddenly you feel it bending for real M we got it so a massive thanks to Dan sorted me right out there all I need to do now is sick of flex the living out of those onto the cing tops and also for all the Dutch people and people in and around Amsterdam check out Dan's restaurant so he's the owner of bar Cuda which is an incredibly really really good seafood restaurant in the Nord of Amsterdam so check that out let's check out the uh progress of the WASP since I kept the hatches closed cuz of the rain uh it looks like he's given up but he's done a good little job nice little sculpture but I'm happy that he's left now because uh I didn't really feel comfortable rehoming him or DEH homing him but yeah he's made a little sculpture on my roof which is quite cute the next jobs obviously I'm just going to be sick of flexing those chain plates on I'm also going to be messing around with this diema I've got like a FID I've got the little thimble a friend has given me some 10 mil diema to play around with um so I I could make a couple of stays out of this this is just like a little bit of a a test a very rough test I'm going to become an expert diema rigger eventually also I need to bite the bullet and buy some running rigging uh I need to sort out the aerial the Mast lights stuff on the Mast I can actually put the M up just with these intermediate and capture out that I've put on but yeah I'd like to have some uh inner shrouds some lower shrouds as well so loads and loads to be getting on with I'm hoping to be sailing this summer I did say I've said a couple of times June uh but let's just keep it to this Summer that gives me sort of three summer months to to get into a bare bone sailing uh condition I think it's definitely doable and yeah I'm trying not to rush these important things as well but yeah thank you so much I really hope you enjoyed this video yeah and to all you guys who went to my PayPal my Patron you used super thanks on YouTube thank you so so much obviously uh things are about to get pretty expensive and uh you guys have have pretty much got it all covered for me so thank you so so much I really really appreciate your contributions in that way but also you know if you're just watching the videos if you're liking if you're engaging and commenting as well that helps me massively as well so if you're not subscribed then subscribe it's completely free and uh you just get to see more content like this and you get to see my uh progress so yeah thanks again for watching and see you next week bye-bye
Channel: Wildling Sailing
Views: 87,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sailing, wildlings sailing, wildling sailing, project boat
Id: 825_6gjI2Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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