SAILING LIFE: Our Reality Living on the Ocean

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taking my dog for a walk it's a bit big we have always found this dichotomy with sailing from the moment we first bought ta rough with the smooth smooth with the rough highest highs lowest lows it's what makes it real life rather than an extended holiday keeps it fresh interesting and however that looks we are here for it and it's cool you could join us for this one too as we explore Panama and break down again along the way too you got an oil leak any thoughts right now Zach [Music] slow I'm pushing the boat cuz there's no wind and the outboard died so yeah all part of the [Music] adventure vanau has been amazing there surf a really small community feeling for the place and we could spend a fair while here but can you believe we've been in Panama almost 3 months now so we need to keep hopping along the coast before our visas run out today we are leaving the bay and we are sailing 50 Mi to naranjo which is at the point of the Headland we wanted to do an overnight further to Bahia Honda but the wind's dying overnight and it's actually coming against us we're in Shore so there could be Lobster or fish pots we just are going to do a day sale and then probably tomorrow or the day after we'll hop further but yeah the wind's just filled in so that's what we're waiting for so let's go [Music] [Music] really nice day out here we're just kind of coming out avoiding some rocks and then we're going to turn a bit more and then we'll whack up the head sail but just coming out of Bays like this sometimes the wind can kind of swirl around a bit we're going one knot I got 2.3 on here at the moment oh yeah yeah sh Zach is outside hand steering because the AP is being as usual a bit temperamental we have these annoying black flies in here from yesterday they came from the island and can't get them out I'm just making sourdough for the second time I've had a starter going for a few weeks now and it's going okay going okay woo he's awesome he's get that one nice it's all right good fish we've got an oil leak they really just aren't kidding when they say sailing or cruising is fixing your boat in exotic locations it was a bit of a nerve-wracking motor that last few miles there wasn't any wind at all and then we had an oil leak like not a slow one either like I'd say maybe half a lader came out maybe a bit less we diagnosed it as the oil thump sensor which is the oil pressure sensor sorry which is on the dashboard looking down it does look quite corroded and there'll be two reasons for that first actually three reasons first we live on a boat Salt Air grads things number one number two it's below the anode so when we take the anode out some salt water comes out we rinse it down with fresh but naturally there's going to be some salt and number three is when we got the boat it had a wet build and salt from the prop and other things would go into the build and so it would just ramp up corrosion um so now we need a new one we're in the absolute middle of nowhere I don't know how we're going to get a new one there also happens to pretty much be no wind on the horizon for the next week and our visas run out next week so I don't know what we're going to do but luckily it's one of the easier oil leak fixes the issue is getting the park but it's nice here it's very very picturesque and very peaceful and calm and beautiful I'm very glad we're here even with an oil leag we have just woken up and I I'm saying it I think this is one of the most beautiful and peaceful places we've ever visited asides from the sound of the wiring arm isn't masked it's just silent this is just phenomenal [Music] what's happening up there there some cows getting [Music] project yesterday as you guys would have seen we had a bit of an issue with an oil leak in the engine turns out it's our oil gauge sender where it attaches into the sump it looks like it was leaking around there but it's very hard to tell where it was coming out from because where it drips out of the bolt that attaches in into the engine it drops down onto kind of a flat level on the sump and then just runs all down the sump and drips out of drips down like three or four places so we think it's coming from there but it's very hard to diagnose on an engine normally where it's coming from because it's everywhere and it was really hot in the engine room yesterday and all that so it's a new day it's the next morning the engine's cooled down now so I can have a proper poke around that's the oil down there there's a rag down there in it and then you can see in there and that's where the rest of the oil is and then the oil sender is is this thing here and the bolt is a bit further in so it's going be a bit pain to get access to but yeah let's check the oil level first yeah it's definitely a bit low it's not bad but it does definitely need a top up that's oily and that's really oily yeah it's definitely coming from there that's loose there it is wow this is the oil sender and you see there it's got a little hole in it and I don't know how it quite tells the pressure but obviously oil goes in there and works its magic Works its magic whatever I don't know how this exactly works but it's all out and it doesn't look too bad it's not great we're definitely going to clean up these connections and a few other little bits and then we'll give these threads a proper good clean but I think what the main issue was was that it was just loose I barely touched it with the spanner and it just just came loose that would make sense cuz the engine vibrates and you know we've never tightened that so I'm hoping it is just a vibration kind of issue but like the threads on it don't even look bad really if if the oil can it yeah if the oil is coming out of you know in the thing or at the end especially at the end you've got an issue it means the actual casing is broken and you can't fix that you have to replace it for a new one but if it's just a threads then hopefully it's just a case of screwing it in tighter we just have to be careful when we screw it in that we don't break anything else on it welcome relief Zach yeah really really good news [Music] fingers crossed we could see any drips so fingers crossed this is going to be one for the books of the easiest oil leak ever after stopping the oil leak and seeing the other boat in the Anchorage leave we were alone again and soaking every bit of it [Music] in pretty nice setup out here you know what I'm going to get I'm going to get that little tray as well be perfect like a nice desk out here I always forget that we've got this now and I can actually work out here funny that 6 months later I never think about it I always work in the boat still it's nice I wish I could bring my computer out and put it out here too difficult that more difficult wow the water's nice here it's beautiful here isn't it so we're just heading around the bay and we're in search of a river it's a blisteringly hot day because there's no wind but we're looking Navionics and we can see where the river is meant to be we can't quite see the river at this point and we're hoping cuz it's panomar dry season that the river's not just dried up yeah it could be just completely dry but fingers crossed there's a river there and we can go for a swim [Music] made it to the river which is great except it's pretty murky and they definitely are crocodiles in Panama so we're going to give going for a swimmer Miss oh no that what is that that's a big cat or something that's steak four isn't it that's big wa what is that it's a pretty desolate area all right should go for a swim somewhere else yeah I can see you still we're here we want to go there and this is the wind as we go through the day yeah this is the wind for the rest of the week we have waited till it's qu 11: now because the wind turns on at lunchtime when I say turns on we get zero knots to five 5 knots is at lunchtime it's not great but our visas are running out in like 5 or 6 days so we got to get moving hopefully when we get out there there's a bit more wind we're going to get the sails up anyway should be a good day 20 m Island SEO let's do it just give it500 reps when we pick up the anchor just to get the alternator going charge up the batteries cuz our winch is is a big one she's a big one let's get sailing [Music] we're sailing at 2.9 knots right now engines in neutral but I think we're just going to give it some because all these places kind of require you to go in in the light so we're kind of battling between having enough wind and having enough light the wind disappeared for a bit so we put the engine on but we're met with a horrific sound well the good news is we fixed the oil leak bad news is we just heard a squealing and then Zach saw some smoke on the engine so we've turned it off we're drifting at like 1 and 1/ half 2 knots well we know the engine still works we'll try and just get as close as we can so I don't think it's the bearing that's gone in there then I think it's the bearing on the like entrance set or the seal or something smoked but it I think it's a bearing that has gone for sure the smoke was coming out of here thankfully we don't think any water's gone into the actual engine again because there's no water dripping out of here which is good but we think that we don't know what it's smoking but I think that a bearing is probably gone in that unit back there and it's just burnt out and maybe the seal in there has also failed but I'm not too sure why is this all happening I don't know it's just like it's non-stop at the moment with the engine luckily there's a bit more wind now so we sailing Zach just putting the impeller back in and we'll just see what happens we're just coming into the bay the wind is dying it'll be fine I know just got to avoid the Rocks yeah we got like two knots of wind right now it's fine we're still moving at like one knot now we knew we had a pretty big engine issue we wanted to reserve the engine for real emergencies which was the perfect time to practice dropping anchor under sail all right now one do miss it think in the bay the wind's going to completely die sorry think in the bay the wind's going to completely die yeah it will to ensure it was definitely the water pump bearing and not the crank case we decided to take the oil C it's [Music] going ease up Becca just ease up we then also spray in WD40 on the bearing which seemed to help for all of 60 seconds before the smoke came back but despite all the findings today a nice Sunset and some funny fish helped the easy apprehension they love that light though I don't know I don't think they like they're like going crazy they've never seen light in the middle of the night before like what is happening the world's ending that yeah yeah that's a big one oh plop plop plop plop plop we've woken up this morning it's about 700 and there's wind so we've got to go got to take every single opportunity of wind we can get today we are sailing 23 mil to beia Honda and then we'll hop on further but yeah there's a bit of wind and it's off land so it's a good good direction for us to kind of sail off anchor and out of the bay well we are sailing out of this beautiful Bay Main's up yeah we're sailing out there good not having an engine does gives you stress but actually I think makes you a better sailor to think about things a lot more I do wish we had a slightly longer main sheet though because just then letting the sail out and flapping it can only go out to the stoer knot so it can't go until it's completely flapping which is fine when there's wind like this but if we were picking up anchor there was more wind and we really wanted to ease the sails be a bit challenging but that's fine we're going to replace it at some point so yeah beautiful out here 10 knots behind us yeah it's great yooo lovely give me a high five we're going 4.2 knots that's not bad not bad at all woohooo God that sail holds it shape so much better than the other one yeah God it's just the cut of it just actually holds out and up I we we can never wing on Wing just by having it out like that taking my dog for a walk he a bit big well you can really see the SW in situations like this it's probably best to stay po but Isa SEO was Tiny we were never going to be able to find spare parts here so the only option was to pick up our anchor and hope the wind stayed with us until we reached a safe Anchorage on Mainland she feels beautiful right now we're going about 5 knots all the three Sails are up and I mean like it's holding super well this by far is the best sale we've had in the Pacific so far yeah easily easily it is wicked out here got like 10 to 12 knots but we're sailing 6 and 1/2 knots she's doing so well and this new sale is making a world of difference to us going up wind it's awesome that that sail and the falling prop have easily added like a knot and a half together Yoo she's just huming along right now it's so nice the shape of that just look how rigid it looks it's just not moving the tell Tales are perfect mhm no is awesome and I'm so stoked with us that we sailed out of that Anchorage I'm feeling really happy it may not be easy but it's always worth okay so the wind has almost died we're creeping along at like 2 knots but we thought this is the perfect opportunity to throw up another head sail this beautiful radial cup one is holding it shape so well that for now we'll just whack out the other one on the whisker pole and we'll be wing on wing for the first time ever which will be awesome there's no wind well when the wind does fill in that will do something at least Direction it f in yeah are we even moving no we not moving so there is pretty much no wind out here at the moment we tried to turn the engine on but it was sounded fine to begin with but it just sounded like some grating now so I think that bearing in there or something has really gone in so we turned it off and we're just going to have to drift in we we're hoping the wind picks in this afternoon it's meant to kick in about 2 um if not it's going to be a very slow sale to where we end up making it to but this is us right now but yeah I think we're going to have to order a part for this or something or at least take it apart when we get into Mainland the wind right now where we are at now's time it's saying gusting 18 knots yeah it's definitely not gusting anything so wrong there's no wind any thoughts right now Zach slow um we'll get there in the next couple of hours it's all right it's not the end of the world but we can't wait to fix this issue this is just annoying line what's happening Zach I'm pushing the boat cuz there's no wind and oh as we're going to eat in the dark so this is our kind of next best thing we've got the outboard and we've got a power bank here this is all we can do right now yeah um we're definitely going to get a bigger outboard in the next 6 months cuz I think for situations like this it's just silly not having one yeah I think so we'll get there yeah this is one of those moments that I know we look back and laugh and being in remote Panama of all places you just couldn't make it up we were saying that we have literally had one engine issue in the Atlantic and that was in the first few weeks of owning the boat when there was a faulty connection on the starter solar noid on the engine and in the Pacific so far we've had three but it's just keeping it interesting it's teaching us new skills it's giving us confidence in ourselves in the boat um yeah trying to keep positive right now it'll be all right I know it'll be all right [Music] so we're 9.8 mil from the Anchorage like still down here pushing Z knots of wind you may also ask why we haven't bhf anyone the Aeron naal who are the Coast Guard here aren't in the area and don't reply to VHF and there's no one else out here frankly and the outb died so yeah all part of the adventure
Channel: Teulu Tribe
Views: 60,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sailing, sail, ketch, couple, travel, adventure, explore, colvicvictor, yacht, world, teulu tribe, minimalist, simple living, sailing around the world, boat life, sailboat, off grid, sailing life, cruising, liveaboard, blue water cruising, life on a yacht, boat
Id: -05y2fuR7eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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