A Biblical Response To Ferguson, Mo. Pt 2

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open your Bibles wish me again to the book / Amos at chapter number 8 I have suspended our series in the Book of Proverbs for this morning for a biblical response to Ferguson Missouri there's a whole lot of angst and trouble in our communities over the killing of this young unarmed teenager and no National Convention has spoken out against it no Baptist body has given any thought to it so I thought I would share with us this morning a biblical response to Ferguson Missouri I talked this morning about the evils of racism in this country and the the decision made by the grand jury where the district attorney became the defense attorney on behalf of the perpetrator of the crime and all of those things are true racism is real it's not in our minds is not it's not perception is not something we made up it's actually real but that's not what I want to talk about in this message all of that notwithstanding there's some housekeeping we need to do in our own community as works there's some work we need to do on ourselves there's some things we can't blame on the white man we can't blame on the culture we can't blame on the system some of our wounds are self-inflicted and so i want to look at amos at chapter 8 verses 11 through verse number 14 behold the days come saith the lord god that i will send a famine in the land not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water but of the hearing of the words of the lord and they shall wander from sea to sea and from the north even to the east they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the lord and shall not find it in that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst they that swear by the sin of samaria and saith i god odin liveth and the manner of Beersheba liveth even they shall fall and never rise up again thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our God shall stand forever a biblical response to Ferguson Missouri again to leave that young man dead in the streets is a tragedy it's an appalling tragedy and I do not think that that would have been the case had the young teenager been white but that being said we have to tell the truth not only to power but among ourselves many Christians worship in immaculately maintained churches that are situated in neighborhoods that look like bombed out war zones we drive from the suburbs the church is located within a community that has been ravished by poverty drug trafficking the loss of industry through outsourcing and factory closings we come in a community where there are underfunded and overwhelmed public school systems it is crucial that people with wealth power and influence be challenged by a prophetic word that calls upon them to direct their resources not simply for tax advantages but for a fairer and more just society my brothers and sisters list the message this morning be accused of focusing too much outside the black community rendering black people more as victims more as victims than as perpetrators of the constitutive hermeneutic let me say a word to us the focus within so many black churches has shifted away from justice and righteousness to getting your praise on gospel Cruz's announced on the radio but such personalities as TD jakes and creflo dollar Vanessa Bell Armstrong and the latest entertainers and sports figures who go on these gospel cruises where they sing and eat and have a great time and get their praise on but how can you get your praise on when you can't pay your rent how can you get your fries on when old people have to decide whether or not to buy food or to buy medication how can we get our praise on when the jails are overcrowded with young black men I wish ahead of witnessing I can't get my praise on with the rising rate of teen pregnancy and divorce in the black church will get now preys on but we are living just like the world talk back to me if you can what happened to the legacy of Vernon Jean Martin Luther King jr. Howard Thurman Samuel DeWitt Proctor Gardner see Taylor Easton the branch and email price where are the successors to Richard Allen nanny Helen Burroughs Fannie Lou Hamer and pray Thea hall all of these prisons gave their lives for a cause they fought for something larger than themselves all we care about now is ourselves these black politicians who come in our churches every time they get ready to run for election complaining about the gravy train that white politicians are on they complain about the gravy train long enough to stop it for them the hopple and all they do is enrich themselves and don't care anything about the community what have any of them done for us lately talk back to me if you can in speaking to white America we must also say to our own community that the choices we are making and the values we are adopting greatly contribute to our current dilemma what are we going to do about black on black crime we make a noise over Trayvon Martin and we ought to make noise over there we're making noise over Michael Brown and we ought to make noise over there we'll make ignores over the 12 year old boy with a toy pistol who was killed in Ohio and we ought to make noise over there but how many people got killed in Houston but in our community and no noise was made how many blacks in Chicago in st. Louis in New York in Los Angeles are killed not by white policemen but by black criminals and the black church is not making any noise white people are not smashing and rapping in our communities they're not breaking in our houses and stealing from our old people we are doing it to ourselves and you cannot expect the larger community to have any more respect for you than you have for yourself what are we gonna do about teen pregnancy what are we gonna do about the vile language of so much of our music that shape our children's values we do not have to write we do not have a right to preach the people about their sins if we who preach are somehow removed from the problems that we are preaching about how can you see the mote that is in your brother's eye and you can't see the Venus in your own eye how can you see a toothpick in my eye when there's a 2x4 in your yes the white man is harsh yes the system and the structure is against us but many of our wounds are self-inflicted parents you have a responsibility to stay home and teach your children turn off the television take that PlayStation out of their hand help them to know the road that we have trod teach them that it was nobody but Jesus who brought us to where we are right now talk to them by the way you can't teach them unless you stay home with him stop smoking dope in the house stop bringing a different man in there every six months and then when your children start going to hell you want the church to straighten them out if the devil has it now you had in first never run that by you one more time I said if the devil has it now you hadn't further if you can't do nothing with him at 16 that's because you didn't do nothing in 16 months he wasn't born 16 years old at some point you left him to raise themselves this generation this generation of young people are for nothing and against nothing there be grazed by the liberalism of the culture and liberalism's deep fracture and fault is that liberalism has no standards there are no absolutes there are no boundaries in this liberal way of thinking gay is not the new straight it's an abomination in the sight of God have a got a witness here come home at night and teach your children how to respect their elders listen when I was a boy the police was the last line of defense we feared the police but more than that we fear our parents and there were days but when I was hoping that the police will come get my mama off of us but now you gotta call the police to get the children off their parent an enemy test of this an enemy has salsa tears of all the week and we have left these children to raise themselves I wish I had a witness harems you know your time to find yourself is over your time to be happy there's over you got children now go sit down somewhere and raise your children teach them the ways of God I wish I had one or two witnesses here get off of Facebook with your drink in your hand stop trying to get your drink on and stop trying to get your party on go sit down somewhere you had your fun nice time for you to take some responsibility because if you don't train them the world's gonna get up and they'll look at the system the system won't let you spank them the system the liberal culture called spanking child abuse if CPS was around when we were growing up our parents would just be getting out about now on parole but it kept us out of the penitentiary it taught us how to respect our elders it made us get a job I don't I don't see you Ferguson Houston Los Angeles wherever you are I don't see you tearing up your neighborhood that doesn't accomplish anything that doesn't amount to anything but burned-out neighborhoods because did you see the other night that the National Guard let them tear it up and burn it down and then the next night the National Guard guarded burn down building what sense does it make to God a brand down community and the only thing are the only people that that really affects us so why don't you stand in line get the job why would you stand in line trying to make sure that you get in church on Sunday morning until we get back to the Bible until we get back to Jesus is the answer we are always going to have problems in our community I asked the people who were here in the early service you ever wonder why they called it Black Friday Black Friday I'm I'm almost offended by that Black Friday because you'll stand in line at Best Buy or Walmart all night long from Wednesday to Friday waiting on the 55-inch and you are standing in a line at the unemployment office you won't stand in line to register at college something I taught to help me preach it you will stand in line to get a job but you're standing blind for 55-inch you stand in line for the latest Kitty shoes what sense does it make to have 280 dollar tennis shoes on a 10 cent brain go to school get you some education learn how to talk learn how to read learn how to write learn how to name these children so they don't put their application in the trash we got some housekeeping to do all the people in here all the people in this church you are the last generation to know what values mean you know the meaning of a hard day's work somebody ought to help me preach it you know what it means to just make do to get by with what you have to thank God for a little bit and stretch it until you can do better somebody over 50 ought to help me appreciate it I'm talking to my crowd now I'm talking to people in my age group now who didn't have PSP we didn't have 300 channels on the television we had to get a coat hanger and put some flour paper on the end of it somebody ought to help me and then when the knob was off the television you got to play up fine because you just had three Channel I wish I had a witness here and when you got ready to fry some fish you got to get that sister and shift that cornmeal through that shifter cuz some little birds would get in the cornmeal never got a witness here and we didn't have cellphones and an iPhone 6 is like these eight-year-old children have right now we got a can of tomato paste and tied a string to it and put it to my ear I wish I had somebody to help me and then when the broom got too old we make a horse out of it and then when the tire couldn't be used on the car no more we made a swing out of never got a witness here but it didn't kill us and made us stronger it helped us nothing's fake it until we can make it and when God has brought you through that Tabby's young people it was nobody Starlin the road we drop better the chase men Rob felt in the days when hope unborn yet with a steady beat have not our where if he come to the place for which our fathers all folk in here you've got a responsibility to stop partying with these young people parents we don't need to be our children friend I got enough friends I'm Victoria's father talk back to me if you can and what I say goes at 74 to 60 arrests I make the rules cuz I paid a big I wish I had somebody who wasn't scared of their children I decide when my car is gonna move I wish I had two or three witnesses here I need some piracy who ain't scared of your children they ask for me and my house we gonna save the boat I don't care what you're doing courage I don't care what you do outside this house but when you come under this roof I'm still in shock and so that's a whole year too long Amos declares a catastrophe he's talking to people who have known prosperity people who have known the goodness of God but they turn their backs on the ways of Justice they've turned their backs on how they were raised and because they refuse to hear God Amos requires a catastrophe and the catastrophe is that would be a famine in the land my brothers and sisters you hear me the famine that Amos is forecasting is not a famine of food because you can look at us until we have not known a famine of food I wish I had somebody overweight here to help me pray not too many of us in here know what it means to go without food Amos said the Lord is not talking about a food shortage he's not even talking about a shortage of water that will be a catastrophe but in the same verse he declares the character of the catastrophe behold the days come saith the Lord that I will send a famine in the land not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water but here is the character of a catastrophe that would be a family of hearing the words of the Lord my brothers and sisters I don't know what's worse in this famine that Amos is speaking of I don't know what's worse if if if God is speaking and I don't hear him God is not speaking to me at all I don't I don't know what you want his words if he speaks and I don't hear him or if he refuses to speak at all either way I'm lost Sweet Lord for your servants I wish I had a Bible read listen when David sinned with Bathsheba and God sent Nathan the Prophet to judge David for his sin David didn't blame it on the culture David didn't blame it on the fact that he didn't go to war with his men he just fell down on his knees and said have mercy on me O God according to your loving-kindness according to the multitude of your tender mercy blah I wish I had a Bible reading all my transgressions against V and V only have I sinned and done this evil in your sight and then David goes on to break the Lord to create in me a clean heart and renew within with the right spirit here it is that the bones that I have broken may rejoice he said Lord I know I've done wrong I wash me with hyssop I know I've disappointed you I know I've walked contrary to your will but God restore unto me the joy of my salvation and whatever you do don't take your Holy Spirit from me have a got a witness here if you can joy worship this morning it may be the God has stopped speaking to you if you can't praise the Lord in this sanctuary then maybe the God is speaking but you can't hear it sweet to my heart Holy Spirit teach me your ways show me your statues I call me with a free spirit give me back the joy of my salvation so that even when your chest isin me I can come to church and praise your name is there anybody here no you did wrong and God just ties you but he didn't throw you away he didn't cast you aside he gave you another chance and he lets you make it to his house and you said Lord if you just let me get to Sunday morning if I can get around my brothers and sisters if I can get around somebody who knows how to pray if I can tell somebody else what's going on so that they can make me responsible then I will be able to shout I'll be able to teach transgressors your ways the only folk who can shout is born and his people would unconfessed sin you're looking at a sinner who's been saved by grace and because of God's grace in my life I'm not gonna let us send him on impasse where I don't ask the Lord to speak to me when I wake up in the morning I want to know what it is that the Lord wants me to do lord help me to walk right lord helped me to talk right lord help me to treat my neighbor right here is the cause in verse 12 and verse number 13 he says and they shall wander from sea to sea and from the north to the east and they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord and shall not find it in that day shall the father agents and young men fade for thirst it won't do you any good to change churches if you ain't doing right in the church you in I wish I had some noise right here it won't do you any good to go to wheeler Avenue or church without walls because if you ain't here in God and Lily Grover going to another level it's just another level of sin for you mister because God won't speak to you when you walk contrary to his will have a got a witness here brothers and sisters I don't know about you I can only testify for Terry Anderson I have felt some dry spells in my life I'm talking about in my prayer life in my spiritual life I've never had a famine for food I've never had a famine for water but I've had a famine in my spiritual life I wish I had some honest Christians here that's been some dry spells in my spiritual life when I prayed and didn't find any answer when I was saying but it didn't touch my heart when I would preach but it was just words coming out of my mouth I had to ask the Lord to break me I had to ask the Lord to mold me tear me down so that you can build me up take me out so that you can bring me back in and you know I remember now as I look back over my life it was in those times that God broke me that I was strongest as a Christian I've got a witness here sometimes God got to take from you what you think you can't get along without so that you can recognize that all you need is was Jesus have a got a witness here the only folk who can shout and praise God right now is people who've confessed their sins I'm not trying to hide it I'm not trying to put anything under the cover I'm testifying right now I've made some mistakes that I'm ashamed to talk about there are some decisions I wish I could go back and undo but thank God for grace thank God for mercy because by His mercy he does not give me what I do deserve and by His grace he just pours out on me what I do not deserve and so I'm thankful this morning that he looked beyond my folks is there anybody else here today who know that it took a long time but you finally got it now you've been through a whole lot of stuff but you got a good understanding 9 God brought you through some trials and tribulation but you got a real good shout now you don't need a choir to get you excited you don't need a praise leader to tell you lift your hands when you stop thinking about where God brought you from when you stop thinking about how many doors God has already opened for you how many ways God has already made for you he's put food on your table he's paid your rent for you he made your enemies leave you alone the people who should have got a promotion God skipped over them and gave it to you you ought to give God some praise the folk who are trying to stop you they dare the ditch for you but God let him fall in their own trap and here you are this morning but I often you've ever been before you live in better now than you've ever been before it was nobody but Jesus you are not to be too sophisticated to give God the praise this morning it was nobody but Jesus is there anybody here know God proxeny it was there anybody him no it was the Lord who kept you is there anybody here no you wouldn't be where you are right now if God hadn't put his hands on you because you did enough stuff to be in the penitentiary at this moment you've made enough mistakes to be dead and in your grave this morning it was nobody but Jesus I think I feel my help coming now if they love open doors for you help me praises me if the Lord been good to you help me magnified name if the Lord made a way for you come on help me tell him thank you if the Lord watch your house come on help me lift him up if the Lord help you raise your children by yourself if the Lord ever brought you out of a mess you got your selfie if the Lord if I answered your prayers come on help me sell them thank you is there anybody here no you never would have made it if it wasn't so alone if you don't mind testifies if you don't mind helping me a minute why don't you tell somebody why don't you shake somebody's hand telling me you don't know that I know I wish I had a witness it tell somebody on the other side I don't look like what I've been through I've been through never woulda made and never would have made it I've never Willa turn through it I never would have gotten to the other side of them if the Lord hadn't come to my rescue why would you lift your hands and tell God thank you for coming to my rescue God thank you for my deliverance God thank you for my break - don't say it so my miracle God fainted for drying my tears God thank you for answering my plan God Frank it why would you drag somebody why don't you hurt somebody tell him he's been killed he's been killed he's been turned he had been good he'd been good he's been good he had been a girl good if anybody or to have a thinking if anybody all I have a hallelujah it ought to be black folk he brought us from a mighty long through many days toils and snares I have all Riddick it was grace I know I ought to be I ought to be dead and in my grave but the grace of God somebody here ought to be in the penitentiary but could Lowell Ian came to your rescue never be ashamed to tell God thank you for all you've done for me
Channel: Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 30,241
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Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: kd93uNNwvJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 33sec (2493 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 26 2015
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