The Heart Of A Soul Winner

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open you have got your Bibles with me to the Gospel of John in Chapter number one the Gospel according to John at chapter one commencing in verse 35 until verse 42 again the next day after John stood and two of his disciples and looking upon Jesus as he walked he says behold the lamb of God and the two disciples heard him speak and they followed Jesus they heard him speak and they followed Jesus Thank You Holy Ghost they heard him speak and they followed Jesus then Jesus turned and saw them following and said unto them what seek ye they said unto him rabbi which is to say being interpreted master where dwellest thou he said unto them come and see they came and saw where he dwelt and abode with him that day for it was about the tenth hour one of the two which heard John speak and followed him was Andrew simon Peters brother he first findeth his own brother Simon and saith unto Him we have found the Messiah which is being interpreted the Christ and he brought him to Jesus and when Jesus beheld him he said thou art Simon the son of Jonah thou shall be called Cephas which is B which is by interpretation a stone thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower they're all faded away but the word of our God shall stand forever I want to talk about the heart of a soul-winner the heart of a soul-winner the Book of Proverbs says he that wins Souls is wise and we want to look today at the heart of a soul winner what makes one a soul winner whether or not you are doing it you are called to be a soul winner there are people who would not hear about Jesus unless somebody told them a young man years ago years ago taught in a sunday-school class by the name of Edward Kimball and Edward Kimball talked that Sunday through class and sitting in that class was Dwight L Moody and Dwight Moody went to England and preached the gospel and Frederick B Meyer heard the gospel preached and came back to the United States and preached the gospel and Billy Sunday was in that class and Billy Sunday left that Sunday school class and that revival after hearing FB Maia who had heard Dwight L Moody who had heard Kimball preach the gospel Billy Sunday was preaching in a tent revival and Billy Graham heard him preach and thousands have come to Christ because Kimball in a Sunday School class taught Dwight L Moody Dwight L moody talked Frederick B Meyer Frederick B Maya taught Billy Sunday Billy Sunday taught Billy Graham and the gospel just spreads just like that from one person to another person telling somebody else about Jesus until there are over a billion Christians and it started in an upper room Peter preached one thought one sermon and 3,000 were added to the church and the gospel has spread throughout the world just one person telling another prison that Jesus Christ is mighty to save it's one beggar telling another beggar where he can find some bread but if you're going to be a soul winner you must first have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ my brothers and sisters helped me preach a minute it's it's hard to win somebody to Christ when you don't know him yourself you need you need Hyuk not just a sunday-school knowledge of him you need to know not just what somebody else said about him but you need a personal relationship I wish I had a witness don't don't just read what somebody else says about it home shout on somebody else's testimony of his goodness I'll raise your hands and worship God because of how he's working in somebody else's life you need a personal walk a personal relationship a personal testimony that identifies you as a child of God I know I've been born again I know in whom I have believed and I'm persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that digger I know that all things work together for good to them that love God and to those who are V called according to his premise I know that if this earthly house of this Tabernacle is dissolved I have another building a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens I know it because of my personal relationship I was thinking about it yesterday I was listening to Shirley Caesar sing on the radio and she was singing about her mother and how about how she used to play Church and she and her brother and sister used to play church and I was thinking about that in preparation for this preaching today we used to do that when I was a child I used to preach dogs and cats funeral chickens and birds general and and Johnny was my member and he was stopped running all over the place like like Miss Devine or uber would run at true light and my sister was the uh she'd catch him he's trying to get out the church and she would grab him and sit him down wait we used to watch them do at the church on Sunday morning and then I would put my glasses down on my nose like brother Walker did and I would pray like I heard Richard Walker prayer Here I am knee bent and body already bowed with my head bowed her mother's dust and my heart lifted to the throne of grace I thank you that the bed I laid in was not my cooling board and my covers were not my wine and she I want to thank you for a reasonable portion of health and strength thank you for touching me with the finger love and I spring wide open and I beheld a brand new day a day that I've never seen before and I never see again him see he prayed that same prayer every Sunday we could print right along with him and we'd go home and laugh and play church but here I am with a reasonable portion of my health and strength clothes and in my right mind somehow to help me preach it I have a personal relationship with God myself I don't have to pray like nobody else brings I don't have to shout like I see nobody else shout I've been through enough of mouth is there anybody here I said is there anybody here got a personal relationship with you he walks with me he talks with me he tells me I am his own and the joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known you've got to have a personal relationship and then brothers and sisters you've got to have your priorities in order the word says seek first you gonna help me preach this one to the kingdom of God and it's righteousness and all these other things will be added under you put God first he'll take care of your career have a got a witness if you put God first he'll take care of your marriage you'll take care of your family he'll take care of your job you'll take care of your house but you've got to put God first he's right here in the taste Andrew was listening to John the Baptist preached and the Bible says he heard John but follow Jesus all of us who preach are not preaching to get our own crowd someone ought to help me here teaching in your Sunday School class is not teaching your opinion I wish I had two or three witnesses in it I'm doing the preaching but I'm trying to point somebody to Jesus because it's not about Terry Anderson it's not about lily Grove it's not about these buildings and parking lots and budgets it's about Jesus Christ cuz I could preach all day and if you don't meet Jesus my preaching is in vain he heard John but follow Jesus that's the pattern here the preacher but follow Christ if you come into this stretch for me you're coming for all the wrong reason you got your eyes on the wrong man have a got a witness here because I can't stand a 24-hour investigation of my life see I cried y'all got rifle and I scarcely believe that any one of us in here could have a camera following us 24 hours a day cuz even if you didn't do it it ran across your mind so I am NOT I should not be the reason you come to this church you ought to come to this church because you want to follow Jesus Bible says there's a highway Isaiah says it's a highway that leads to heaven Matthew says broad is the rule Strait is the gate and it leads to life and few there be who go in there act because on the broad road is a whole lot of travelers but on the narrow road every now and then you'll meet a fellow traveler because when you get your priorities in order when you start to line up your life with the Word of God he'll make the difference in how you win so you have to you have to you have to lay aside every weight and the sin that does so easily beset you because you got a race to run and if you're going to run well you've got to take some stuff off people who run in the race don't put on a football uniform talk back to me if you can they run as lightly as they possibly can to cut down wind resistance and wait on them that would slow them down and if God will use you that some people you may have to cut out of your life there are some associations you might have to drop back from because if it's weighing you down and keeping you from being a soul winner cut it off he's had John but he followed Jesus and then in following Jesus a personal relationship that helps us to get our priorities in order gives you a proper view of who Jesus here brothers and sisters if you don't hear anything else in this preaching today you need a proper view of who Jesus is because when you really know who Jesus is it changes how you worship I know I'm right about that once you realize he's not just a man of staff once you realize he's not just some higher power but he's God in the flesh never got a witness here once you realize that it was Jesus who woke you up this morning Jesus that opens doors for you and makes your life make sense Jesus who died for you on the cross Jesus who kept you from losing your mind during your divorce Jesus who helped you to raise your children by yourself Jesus whose net you run on that car with fumes in the gas tank until you get paid next Friday when you know it was nobody but Jesus who's making that boy come home after you've been praying for him when you realize who he is it changes how you worship Oh Humphrey you stop worrying about who likes you and who does not like you and who's on your side who's talking about you that that no longer bothers you once you get a good view of Jesus Christ have a got a witness if you know you've been saved if you know your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life that changes your priorities that changes even how you get up to come to church on somebody here somebody here over 50 or somebody who was raised in the house or in a family with some old people will help me testify because old people have their priorities straight if you were raised with your grandmother around your grandma or around some some older people in your family because there was a time when we didn't put our old people away we didn't put him in a nursing home he kept him in the house with us and they taught us some things they didn't just directly teach us we just caught some things by being around them you gonna help me preach this watching and old folk who love the Lord on Friday they will start getting their clothes together my grandmother would take a dress and put it on the bed and she'd take our stockings and put it next to her dress this she take our hat in our purse and our shoes and buy time Sunday morning came around cuz they didn't let you iron on Saturday except someone ought to help me here Sunday morning you couldn't do no iron and you had to get all of that done on Saturday all your cooking and fixings on Saturday cuz Sunday was the Lord's Day and when Sunday morning came around she got dressed and left the church all day but she wasn't ready since Friday let me see if I could help somebody here the reason why it takes so long for us to get excited at church is because you got the church but you wouldn't read it you've been thinking about what you're gonna eat come on talk back to me thinking about all the wit that's piled up on your desk tomorrow who - you gonna live to get to your desk tomorrow never got a witness here put all that stuff out of your mind and focus on Jesus and that will change how you worship I might not get a chance to come back here next week so while I'm here I'm gonna give God my best Avenue I said while I'm here my old preacher used to say while the blood is running warm in my vein yeah you're always raised like I was ready I'm gonna give God my best praise because this may be my last time when you got a proper view of who Jesus is it turns you into a soul winner because you stopped now to have a passion for the laws it begins with a personal relationship priorities proper view which paws into a passion for the nose look at look at look at Andrew one of the two with heard John preached and followed him was Andrew simon Peters brother he first finds his own brother he finds his own brother he finds he evangelizes he witnesses to his own brother now you are you are derelict in your duties if you're trying to win me and your house is tore up from the floor I do understand I do understand that sometimes your children would listen to somebody else quicker than they'll listen to you and members of your family will listen to somebody else quicker than they were listening to you I understand that but you ought to at least stop the conversation someone ought to help me here your first preaching ought to be in your house to your own brothers and sisters cuz who knows you better than your own brothers and sisters who will know if you are changed like the people who was raised with you now you might be able to fool us and you might be able to get by with a whole lot of stuff around here but nobody knows you like the folk who was raised with you everybody in here who has siblings you you will help me preach right here whenever you get together with your family it doesn't matter if you're married it doesn't matter if you have children you will get by yourself with your brothers and your sister and your husband might be offended because y'all got this private conversation going on but he just gonna have to get over because there are some things you all know about each other that ain't none of his business help me preach if you can that's that's a brother-sister talk that stays in the family he just got to realize that he's an outsider and he married in the family because there are some sibling kinds of things that we don't discuss with our own parents that was some stuff my mama didn't find out until we got old and grown and had children of our own then we said it at a distance somebody can hear what I'm trying to say here we told my mama some stuff she didn't know and we told her while we was walking out the door I still don't think I've got it with you because I was raised in a house where I'm still scared of my mom my mother and father were not our friends they were in charge as our parents but that's a relationship between brothers and sisters that's a special bond and who else would know Andrew black Simon Peter so Andrew goals and witnesses to his own brother he shocked him the Bible says he finds his own brother Simon and he said to him we found the Messiah he saw him and then he taught it he said who we got a hold of knives not just any other man he's the Messiah he is the one Jon's been preaching about him but now we found him for ourselves and and once he's been sought he has to be taught brothers and sisters unfortunately once we seek them and bring them in we leave them by themselves they need to be taught they need to be nurtured they need to be learned in the face of God before we make them leaders in the church the worst thing that could happen to a church is somebody just got saved and becomes a demon becomes a sunday-school teacher becomes a demon or the books of the Bible but because he looks like a teacher and he's dressed up like a preacher we put a novice and unlearned person in a position of spiritual authority Andrew shot him and then he taught him his last word you saw him you taught him Benny Brody it is right here in the text I'm not making it up he finds his own brother Simon and tells him teaches him we found the Messiah which is being interpreted to Christ verse 42 says and he brought him to Jesus and he brought him to Jesus now when he brought him to Jesus Peter was not yet Peter he was Simon Andrews brother but when Jesus saw him Jesus saw potential in it Jesus saw a possibility in him Jesus saw future in him and said to him your name is no longer silent your name is Cephas Petra a stone now get this Peter gets the press but it's Andrew who brought him Peter gets the publicity throughout the Gospels and the book of Acts and fresh and second Peter but it was Andrew who brought in the G's ever got a witness here and it does not intimidate Andrew it does not have set Andrew that Peter is getting priority Andrews only job is to bring images and every time you hear from Andrew he's bringing somebody to Jesus he brought Simon to Jesus he will help me closers want you they were out in the desert place and there was nowhere to buy any bread and there were five thousand men not counting the women and the children and Jesus asked Philip where can we buy some bread it was Andrew who found that little boy with two fish and five loaves and brought him to Jesus that was some Greek speaking Jews coming around there trying to find Jesus and they said Sarris we would see Jesus it was Andrew who brought those Greek speaking Jews to meet Jesus every time you meet Andrew he's bringing somebody to Jesus I wish we had some Andrews at living road the thing I wish we had some people in here today who was bringing somebody to meet Jesus bringing them not to be in your class not to sit on your Pew not to hear your preacher or your choir but bring them to cheese because that's power in the name of Jesus I wish I had one or two more witness that salvation in the name of Jesus that is joy in the name of Jesus that healing in the name of Jesus that's deliverance in the name of Jesus that hope in the name of Jesus that's peace in the name of Jesus there is joy in the name of Jesus there is contact meant in the name of Jesus there is wholeness in the name of Jesus best company and relationship in I sweet the name of Jesus songs and every believer he is he soothes my sorrows he heals my wounds and he drives away my fears there is a name I love to him I love to sing it's worth it sounds like music in my ear is the sweetest name on earth oh whoa whoa hi love Jesus not really gold Jesus because he first loved me and if you bring somebody to Jesus that person might be promoted above you without ain't nothing for you to be upset about that's nothing for you to get jealous about because God knows who he wants to raise them and God knows who he wants to put down but here this we never would have heard of Simon Peter had it not been for and you Peter preached on the day of Pentecost but he never would have got a chance to preach that sermon if Andrew had not sought him told him and brought him Peter was at the gate called beautiful and a man had been lame from his mother's womb and Peter said silver and gold have I none but such as I have give IV in the name of Jesus rise up and walk but Peter never would have got a chance to utter those words had it not been for Andrew Peter preached on the day of Pentecost three thousand souls were added to the church because of Andrew who are you winning to Christ today because your salvation is not just for you your peace your joy your hope in the Lord is not just for you God wants to use you to bring somebody else and unless you are bringing somebody else to Jesus you're not fulfilling all that God saved you to be Oh
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 85,532
Rating: 4.7794743 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: luMmvDQFvTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2015
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