It Happens After Prayer Pt. 1

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open your Bibles with me to the book of Exodus chapter number 32 Exodus chapter 32 commencing in verse number seven through verse 14 I will read to you from the English standard version of the Bible then here are these words and the Lord said to Moses go down for your people whom you brought up out of the land of Egypt have corrupted themselves they have turned aside quickly out of the way that I commanded them they've made for themselves a golden calf and have washed a bit and sacrificed it and said these are your gods or israel who brought you up out of the land of Egypt and the Lord said to Moses I have seen these people and behold it is a stiff-necked people now therefore let me alone that my wrath may burn how to against them and I may consume them in order that army make a great nation of you but Moses implored the Lord and said o Lord why does your wrath burn hot against your people whom you have brought out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a mighty hand why should the Egyptians say with evil intent that he bring them out to kill them in the mountains and to consume them from the face of the earth turn from your burning anger and relent from this disaster against your people remember Abraham Isaac and Israel your servants whom you saw by your own self and said to them I will multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and all this land that I have promised I will give to your offspring and they shall inherit it forever verse 14 reads and the Lord relented from the disaster that he had spoken of bringing on his people thank you you may be seated the King James says God repented well that word repent to me has a sin connotation and there is no sin in God's character there is no corrupt ability in the character of God God relented God changed his mind because Moses interceded I want to talk this morning from this subject it happens after prayer I don't care what you're going through I don't care what you are up against if you want to come out of it it can only happen after praying I wish I had a witness here who really knows that the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much prac and bring your child back home prayer can heal your body crack and rid you of your addiction prac and settle you down when your enemies are trying to come up against you crack and heal the sick crack and raise the day someone will help me testify I am a living testimony that prayer still works rofl at my home used to see if you pray and pray right somebody who was raised like I was ready know that God will hear and answer prayer it happens it can only happen after prayer Ruth Bell Graham the late life of the famed evangelist Billy Graham says pray when you feel like it for it is a sin to neglect such an opportunity and she goes on to say pray when you don't feel like it for it is dangerous to remain in that condition hear that one more time pray when you feel like it Ruth Bell Graham says pray when you feel like it for it is a sin to neglect such an opportunity and then pray when you don't feel like it for it is dangerous to remain in that condition Charles Spurgeon the eminent and fame the preacher of an era gone by of the Metropolitan Tabernacle London says prayer is the slender nerve that moves the arm of omnipotent prayer is the slender nerve that moves the arm of omnipotence dr. ehb Charles of the Shiloh Metropolitan Church in Jacksonville Florida says there is a lot you can do to fix your situation do you praying but there's nothing you can do to fix it until you pray I know what prayer can do I said I know what prayer can do I've seen God move mountains in my own situation because I had the good sense to get on my knees and say to him god I can't but you can you can make an enemy afraid you can make my body whole again you can't provide what I need because the record says you're Jehovah Jireh I wish I had a witness in you can give me peace in my midnight hour because the record says you're Jehovah Shalom you can open Red Sea's you can shut the mouths of lions you can deliver in a lion's den you can deliver in a fiery furnace you know how to show in a Philippian jail you know how to get somebody who is dead to come back to life again all power is in your hand and if I pray and pray right you will hear an answer pray walk with me around the Texas God has delivered the children of Israel with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and he just got through telling Moses we will follow God we will do whatever he commands we will go with him wherever he leads he brought us out of Egypt they just promised that they would follow God's command and then Moses leaves them temporarily to go up to Mount Sinai to get the laws from God and Moses is delayed I want you to I want you to feel this with me why would you rather be in the mountain face the face with God or downstairs with some stubborn stiff neck ugly actin good-for-nothing ungrateful people I don't blame Moses cuz I would much rather be in the presence of God can you imagine what goes on in the face of God can you imagine God rolling back his glory and allowing Moses to talk with him face to face who would want to leave that to come meet some ungrateful people somehow help me preacher this man Oh brothers and sisters I wish I could stay in church all day Sunday and all day Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday but I come to church to get what I need to deal with what I got to deal with on Monday morning I wish I could stay here all day but I come here to get refueled now I don't know what your sells for you but let me tell you what worship does for me it reassures me being in God's house and being with God's people gives me my energy to do what I have to do to please God with people who don't appreciate it I wouldn't do what I do if it was for the people like Moses I do what I do cuz God called me some other help me creature and when God calls you to love a people it don't mean that they're gonna love you God did not send me to Linney Grove for you to love me he sent me here for me to love you and if I love you and please God he'll take care of my need my God shall supply I wish I had a Bible reader ah your need according to his riches and glory through Christ Jesus Moses is in the presence of God getting laws an instruction for the life of that generation of people when without provocation without notice they walk up to Aaron Moses brother and says to him make us a golden calf make us a God that we can see because this mode who just matter who just brought him out this Mosin we don't know what happened to him we don't know where he is so so make us a god that we can see and poor stupid Aaron because that's that's that's what it is it's stupidity at its best poor Aaron's is all right bring me your gold earrings bring me your bracelets and your jewelry and I'll make your God you can see and they make this God out of gold and set it up before the people and Aaron Moses brother says here is your God and the people say he brought us how do we not God he brought us this golden calf this Idol God and brothers and sisters you hear me idolatry is not worshiping primarily of false God is worshiping the true God in a false manner you can be in little Grove this morning and make anything and idle you can analyze marriage over God talk back to me if you can you can analyze a man or woman over God you can idolize your house your car your career your education anything that you give all your attention towards that's your Idol they build this Idol God and the Bible says they sat down to eat and drink really when you get on with writing the tape and they rolls up to plea and God so them can we pick up the story in verse 7 where God says Moses just like I sent you down to Egypt I need you to go down this mountain cuz your feet have corrupted themselves they built an idol and they are dancing around it and they are saying to an idol who can't hear him you brought us out of the land of Egypt go down there because I'm looking at them and they are a stiff-necked people and I am going to kill every one other leave me alone Moses don't ask me to do nothing for them I'm sick of them I'm tired of them i'ma kill them all roses let me alone read it is right here in the tech but before I get to Moses intercession and I need to drop this on you I'm not going to charge you this I'm just going to give you this for free there is something God puts in Moses that's absent in error that something God puts in his designated leader that he doesn't give anybody else in the entire congregation and that's God's authority and listen when you don't have God's authority you do crazy stuff like making Idol you do crazy stuff like let people do what they want to do someone help me preach it as a shepherd of this flock as the pastor of this church God has given me what he's not giving anybody else so I can't let you do what you want to do because Aaron sticks his finger in there and see which way the wind is blowing and say I better get in front of that so I can look like the leading one who is pseudo in leadership just runs ahead of the crowd and tries to see which way the wind is blowing so he can be popular with the people but the car the preacher the called leader the called pasta can't worry about a popularity contest cuz she don't know what they need that's why they need a shepherd some other to help me talking and God chooses to lead through one shepherd at a time and this shepherd is Moses and in his absence Aaron acts stupidly by allowing the people to do what they want and when God saw he said I got enough I didn't brought him out of Egypt I fed him when they were hungry when they got thirsty I gave him water to sweet water out of a rock that their clothes have not worn out I've kept snakes and scorpions away from him I was a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day when the Egyptians tried to get him on across them through the Red Sea I let him go over on dry ground Pharaoh tried to come behind them I let farewell get in the middle of the sea i unscrewed the boats from his chariots the chariots broke down in the middle of the sea and when Pharaoh tried to get where they were I let the waters that open for them clothes on Pharaoh and drown all of the Egyptians they got on the other side and Miriam took out the time to read and said God is a man in war he's never lost the battle and Jehovah is his name all I've done for them and they go put an idol in my face and God is saying to some worshipper here the little Grove this morning all I'm doing for you all the ways I made for you all the tears I tried for you all the provisions I have kept for you all the blessings I sent your way how dare you sit in my face and don't tell me thank you how ungrateful can you be God woke you up this moment God put food on your table you got a job because you're so smart it's folk smarter than you on the streets this morning Gosselin get on there and go deal with that because I I made up my mind I'm gonna get rid of all of them I'm gonna start all over that's what the text says I will make a nation from you but before he gives Moses that promise he says Moses I know what you're gonna ask leave me alone my brothers and sisters that that makes me want to shout cuz God wants to say he loves them he brought him out but they've angered him they've made him so angry they sick of him but he wants to save so what God is really saying is Moses I'm not right if you ask me it's my wheel already I just want you to ask and that's what prayer is all about it's God's will already he just wants you to ask if you pray and pray Rock he already wants to do it he just wants you to ask here is how to get every one of your prayers answered I got a formula right here to give you that it will bless you for the rest of your life to get every prayer you pray answer Moses gives us a formula right here in the text first of all he appeals to God's fatherly affection it is right here in verse number 11 he says Oh Lord why does your wrath burn the heart against your people who you brought out of the land of Egypt Moses is praying based on God's love he's praying based on God's electing grace he's praying on behalf of God's exhaustive sovereignty he's praying on behalf of God's graceful Redemption you just told me God that that's your people but name our people they yo P cuz you say I brought them out of Egypt you can't go back on your own word somebody help me preach it what Moses is doing and here's what you and I ought to do if you want to get our prayers answered put God's words back in his mouth I know I miss them what do you say if I confess my sin you say knock and the door shall be over you said if I walk uprightly that's no good thing you will withhold from me you said cast my cares on you that's that's putting God's word back in his mouth that's God's electing grace you brought him out and since you brought him out you got a keeper by your love you know you love them you know your love that's why you want me to ask you cuz you know you're gonna do it anyway you just need me to ask you but all right Prabha please don't do what you just got through saying and brothers and sisters I'm using money the whole make it up in the run right now here is how powerful prayer is God right this morning is answering the prayers of people who are dead your mama prayed for you and she is in her grave and God is answering Oprah your grandmother prayed for you and she's in that grave and God got a roof over your head my mama bridge my daddy prayed for me there in that grave and God kept me at MD Anderson hospital cuz my mother got down on her knees to say Lord if I'm not around take care about you my daddy got on his knees and called every one of us by name and said if you see my children going in a way that I didn't read catch them by the range of that mind and turn them around before is everlasting to Lane and my mom and dad and my grandmother sleeping in that green and God is still answering that prayer I need somebody else here who know what prayer can do prayer of people who are gone can stop you in your tracks you remember that somebody had you on their mind and somebody would not like for you to be doing the stuff that you're doing right now and you always turn around cuz God is still hearing prayers people prayed for you who are dead and in that grave I mean it when I say it I mean it when I seen it father I stretch my hands to do no other help I know I need the law to help me with my daughter I need the Lord to help me with my granddaughter I said Lord I know she's doing some things in New Orleans she ain't got no business doing but you in New Orleans just about you here in Houston put your hands on the protector keep it why she's crazy why she's acting the food why she's wild and doing stuff she got no business keep your hands on her just like you kept your hands on me and somebody here who used to smoke dope somebody here who used to get drunk all sad tonight you in church right now cuz somebody pray for you and then he says father don't do that don't kill because you've made too much of an investment in there you didn't put too much in them to kill them in the wilderness please don't do that because if you do that the Egyptians your sworn enemy will knock you and laugh at you and say you brought them out but you can't you God don't do that here it is your public reputation is on the line you want God to answer your brand bring up his reputation and remind him of what he did for the children of Israel what he did for the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace what he did for Daniel in the lion's den and when you bring up God's reputation he's got to stand by his reputation he cannot dishonor his reputation and then Moses finally pulls out his trunk Oh you know every successful prayer got a secret weapon every successful prayer got one last card up for his or her sleeve God if you ain't gonna do it for this reason and God if you're ain't gonna do it for that reason and God if you ain't gonna do it for that reason you promised Abraham Isaac and Jacob and I know you're a covenant-keeping god you can't break your covenant because you remember how you made it I'm telling you this this is how you get your prayers answered Moses brought up to God his reputation he said you remember when you made a covenant with Abraham you told him to get an animal I wish I had a Bible reader and cut it in half and lay both pieces on either side and Abraham don't you walk through it i'ma walk through I was ahead of my believer and by walking through it what I mean is if I don't keep my promise let what happened to this animal happen to me you're a covenant-keeping gum you can't break your covenant please don't do that God said all right I had I had every intention of killing every one of them ready you pray you hit a seating I changed my mind don't don't that make you want to run but you can have such a relationship with God that you can talk to him and make him change his mind because when you bring up his reputation when you bring up his history he's got the armor his own reputation Moses get down there because your people have corrupted themselves and I'm gonna kill every one of them well let me hurry to the clothes the lawgiver becomes a mediator and he bats God to give him another change you and I needed a mediator but this time he doesn't send moose he doesn't sin Abraham he doesn't sin de Ville yonder comes the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world he says prepare me a party and I will go down and be his mediator and Jesus y'all know him don't you the matchless Lamb of God Jesus the Son of God without sin Jesus the Son of man with power Jesus I wish I had somebody to help me call that name Adams Redeemer Abel's Vindicator Abraham's sacrifice Noah's Ark Moses bush on fire Joshua's battle-ax Gideon's fleece Samson's power David's music Solomon's wisdom Jeremiah's balm in Gilead Ezekiel's wheel in the middle of a wheel Jesus y'all know him don't you God's only Son Mary's baby boy James and Jude's older brother Matthews King markes suffering servant Luke's Great Physician John's Word made flesh ax coming of the Holy Ghost Jesus y'all know him don't you a rock in a weary land a shelter in a time of storm a friend when you're friendless bread when you're hungry water wynia Fester y'all know him don't you he came down through 42 generation born in Bethlehem ridden Nazareth he died didn't he die but brother Sunday morning he arose getting he rise to become our mediator why don't you grab somebody why don't you shake somebody the hand tell him I got somebody who's an answering my prayers I got somebody who is my mediator I got somebody who hear me and answer my prayer if the Lord opened doors for you help me praising me shake somebody's hand tell him you don't know like I know what the law ah he walks with me he talks with me heat a bit I am as old and the jaw anybody here got y'all if you got real joy and you're not ashamed to testify why don't you hurt somebody tell miss joy so I have the world if given know he's all right I'm I'm through now I gotta quit now cuz somebody told my seat I do my best preaching at 7:30 and I don't have nothing left for the 11 o'clock so I'ma quit now I'm not true but i'ma quit now I'm not finished but I'm I'm cuttin off right here but I know what Pryor can do I've seen the lighting min / I heard the Thunder roll I felt sins breakers bashing trying to conquer my soul but I heard I said I heard the voice of Jesus bidding me still the final he promised do you know he promised why don't you shake somebody the hand tell him he promised he promised don't cry he promised don't kill yourself he promised don't stop going to church he promised don't lose hope he promised don't get discouraged he promised Oh ah Huizar
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 134,906
Rating: 4.7469954 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 54sec (2574 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2015
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