A better Desktop for Raspberry Pi 5?

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okay so this is Raspberry Pi OS running on the Rasberry Pi 5 and this is the official operating system it's still in beta at the moment but uh from what I can tell this is how it's going to look and it's pretty much the same as it's looked for many years really it hasn't had lots of changes on it they do a lot under the hood uh about performance and optimization and things like that but uh graphically it pretty much hasn't changed so the way apps launch and and work and everything and there's a reason for this and the big reason is that this operating system works right back to the original Raspberry Pi uh obviously it doesn't run very well on the original Raspberry Pi but it does run somewhat uh but it's it's acceptable on a Raspberry Pi 3 uh it's pretty decent on a Raspberry Pi 4 in fact I've been using it on a Raspberry Pi 4 for the last 4 years or so although for the last year I changed and I changed to KD plasma and uh I'll just shut this down and show you what plasma looks like but on a Raspberry Pi 4 so we have customizable login screens customizable loading screens and you get an OS that I think looks really nice and uh has a nice store for discovering software on it and uh also you can snap various different things so I can snap it to one corner or one side or snap it to the whole screen so if I open up another app I can then do the same to that so here's YouTube in the browser and again I can go over to the left and I can do the same with this and just put it over to the right just little things like that are really nice I love all the notifications and everything that come up on here very customizable and also if I go to themes so if I press the Windows key and start typ in themes you can see we've got Global theme here and it makes it very easy to get new themes you can see they're rated and you can search for various different things and uh if you click on a theme it will tell you a bit of about it and you can install it and just start using it straight away super simple but Underneath It All it's still Raspberry Pi OS so it's got all the same compatibility and everything but I haven't been able to get this running on the Raspberry Pi 5 with the beta software I haven't been able to get it to take any different graphical user interface until now so let's shut this down again nice customizable screens so to launch gnome-shell D- Wayland and so this is the interface we get which is the same interface as you get with auntu and if we start launching some things so the web browser press the Windows key Raspberry p imager text editor uh what else we got here the Discover store as well so when you press the Windows key it nicely lays everything out but also you can use other windows so I can basically move this over to the side and I can switch between all these desktop environments nice and quickly and again just press the Windows key and it goes back to full screen Windows key and it does the windows now the thing it doesn't do is Windows snapping it did come up with some sort of error as to why it wouldn't do it obviously this will happen fine on newer versions but at the moment it isn't working but performance is very good and this is the thing about having more power we can have this nicer desktop environment more functional desktop environment uh I like the way that uh gnome deals with all the settings and everything so if we click on settings everything is really nicely laid out very clear very straightforward to access all the audio settings and uh I Chang the mouse controls cuz I like the what it says is natural scrolling so when I push up with the mouse pad it goes up uh but if I do 4K HDR Le PSP video I'm not going to play it in 4k because we haven't got the graphical drivers yet but uh if we play a bit of this video you'll see that the playback is fine as well and it's nice and snappy you can see that it updates the software on its own as well and we get various different notifications pop up not as many as KD plasma which I'd rather but I can't have that yet I definitely will be getting KD plasma ready so you can see or if I do stats for nerds that uh YouTube performance is decent it drops frames right at the start which generally happens on YouTube but when it's playing it's absolutely fine now it does seemed to be that uh these versions of Raspberry Pi OS come with h264 IFI enabled so this version automatically blocks 60 FPS video and uh that's good at the moment because 60fps is uh is a bit laggy I mean it plays but uh but it's definitely dropping some frames but 30 is absolutely fine as you can see as soon as it picks up and it starts to work there you go so 67 drops and it's not dropping anymore now um but yeah this performance is excellent so if I go BBC Sport and just show how quickly it all launches and works and this is running from an SD card uh and it's it's still nice and snappy so yeah I'm really pleased to get gome on here I I've been trying to get all sorts of uh interfaces working with task sell but loads of things just don't work so it's not as customizable as KD in the way that I like it but I do like the way it works I like the way you can search through the apps as well it's nice and smooth nice and easy to do and I like the way all of this displays so we can quickly just jump back into a particular desktop and if we wanted to do a search for something so say for instance the Dolphin Emulator well it will come up with Dolphin browser and Dolphin Emulator there you go so you can click on it and uh it's just a nicer experience than the ad remove store that you get with Raspberry Pi OS which basically looks like this and if we do a search for Dolphin we'll get all sorts of things come up and it's just a bit more Awkward to try and navigate through although very fast and again works really well on the older pies but we're on the pi five now we have uh well I've got 8 gig of RAM but even on the 4 Gig model this operating system will still work nicely and it's uh we've got all the different backgrounds that are all built in and you really have can have uh quite a few really nice looks I like the way even transitions from one to the other I haven't looked at um customizing gnome so maybe I'll have a look at that I mean ultimately I do want KD plasma but for now this will be the desktop environment I'm using until I can get KD plasma running okay so I hope all this helps thanks very much for watching please like And subscribe
Channel: leepspvideo
Views: 22,674
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Id: _a7sAPu0rCk
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Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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