Raspberry Pi 5 Network OS Installer

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[Music] welcome to another video from explaining computers.com this time we're going to upgrade the eom on aasp Pi 5 so it can install its own operating system from the internet this functionality became available in mid April 201 24 and it's particularly useful if you want to install a pi5 operating system on an mvme SSD that's fitted in a hat or a case like this argon neo5 that restricts access to the micr SD card slot so let's go and get started greetings here we have our raspber PI 5 and its lovely neo5 case although if we look underneath like that you'll see I've removed the uh the cover and there's no mvme SSD fitted and there's also no micro SD card inside the case in the P so this P has got no storage and I wanted to first of all boot the pie up without any storage to show you what happens before we've upgraded the eom so let's just connect up an HDMI monitor like that and the power like that and we now go across to the video output of the pi I've got the pi connected vum mix so we see black when the pi is not turned on but we now turn on the power there we go and hopefully in a second something will happen it's always exciting booting up a raspby pie isn't it and uh all it's fans making a slight noise you might be able to hear that but other than that nothing's happened yet but it will do wait a second and there we are we can see the pie has tried to boot up it can't boot up it hasn't got any storage and this is all it's going to do right now but once we've upgraded the eom at this point it should offer us the opportunity to install an operating system on any available storage but for now we'll go back to the P itself and we'll turn off the power like that because what we need to do is to have an operating system running so we can do the eomp update and to make that happen I've got here a Micro SD card which has got rasp pios on it and I've got a Lexar micro SD card reader and I'm going to put that in here if I can get it in the right way around I think it goes in like uh that there we are that's all well and good and if I now turn the power back on and we go across to the pi it should hopefully boot up from that micr SD card and we'll fast forward through and here we are in Raspberry Pi OS where I think the first thing we're going to do is to go to the web like that always exciting to go to the web and I've set the browser to show us the available eom updates for the raspby pi 5 and the critical one is this one here from the 17th of April 2024 which as you can see enables Network install so what we need is to have this update or a later one installed on the pi so we've got Network install available and to find out what we've got currently installed let's open up the terminal and here if we type RPI e prom and uh update this won't actually update anything it will just give us some information as you'll see if I press enter and there we are we can see the current bootloader on the pi the current eom is the one from the 6th of December 2023 and the latest available apparently is from the 6th of December 2023 which obviously isn't the case because we've just seen there's a more recent one available on the web but what's going on here is the pi has only got certain eom files available it could install and this these are the files available over here in this particular folder let's take a look at that actually let's just uh show you things properly so we're not just talking about it we're actually showing exactly what's going on let's go down to uh firmware and then go down to Raspberry Pi there it is look and there we can see the boot loaders and we want to as you can see down here 7 2712 and there we are and we can see for example in the default eom folder directory the latest available is the one from the 6th of December 2023 that matches what we're seeing up here and note these are the files available in the default directory you can see the pi is set to take default upgrades to its eom it will automatically Implement default upgrades but you can actually change this if you wanted rasp Pi config to for example to take critical updates now I think called stable updates but the key thing is we have to have available the April 2024 update if we want to have the network install and so what we're going to do is actually very simple we're going to update the pi going to do a sudo app update to first of all update its repositories like that not everything works sadly but hopefully there's enough and we'll now do a sudo apt full upgrade like that which will upgrade everything and I need to press yes to continue and this will take a little while to work through because as we can see I've not updated my Pi since December 2023 so we now use the magic of making to speed on through and there you are it's finished so let's now do a sudo and reboot to fairly obviously reboot the PIP and here we are booted up again and hopefully during that update process the Pi's picked up some more eom configuration files we can in fact check that of course let's just go and have a look shall we let's be a let's be nosy let's look back in lib and uh firmware where it is down there and Raspberry Pi and the boot loaders and we're looking default again and oh yes look we've got lots of new bootloaders including one down to the 17th and they did the 20th of April so we should be okay and if we're lucky during the update process the P will actually have applied the latest bootloader so let's just have a look let's find the command in the buffer and have a look and yes the pi bootloader is now the one from the 20th of April 2024 rather than the one from back in December 2023 and it's worth noting if the pi hadn't automatically implied the update you wanted you can do it manually using the rpy eom update command you'd enter something like this to update to the specific file you wanted to to use but we don't have to do that so what I'm going to do now is to close down the p and we'll test if this has worked uh shall we shut down yes we shall and we'll go back to uh the pi itself hello Pi are you okay yes I'm fine it says and I'm actually going to disconnect the power Just to be absolutely safe cuz what I'm going to do now is to take out from over here the micro SD card when I back to no storage on the p and I'm going to put in this uh mvme SSD and this MVM SSD is completely blank it's in Factory State let's just put in the screw over here this is the wrong screw you might notice it's a little silvery screw it should be a black screw because the screw it should be in here went on a journey this morning it went on its holidays on the floor and I haven't found where it's gone to but anyway that's what we've got it'll hold it in place I could put the cover on I think I'll probably do that later it's too exciting to put it on right now but anyway let's leave the cover off for now and we're going to reboot the pie with this completely blank mvme SSD so let's plug in the power like that and uh go across to the pi output and yes look we can install an operating system on this Raspberry Pi press and hold shift to uh start a net install and so I'm obviously pressing and holding shift into waiting for the network setting up connection that's very exciting and of course as I'm sure you noted on the pi we do have an Ethernet lead plugged in this has got a a wired connection to the internet and it's now downloading the installer I'm presuming I can let go of the shift key now and we'll just speed on through whilst it downloads the necessary files and there we are we're now running the network installer and as I understand it what's happening here it's loaded the required files into RAM and we can hopefully now choose a device which will obviously be rasby Pi 5 there is a very special skill required here which is reading the smallest font in the known universe and we now need to pick an operating system shall we pick rasby posos 64bit let's do that there are other general purpose operating systems of course available we could have aunu if we wanted to but we'll we'll stick with raspby posos uh 64 bit that that'll be fine uh and we'll choose our storage which of course has got to be our mvme SSD it's got a picture of a micro SD card but it's most definitely an mvme SSD so we'll now click on next which you like to apply OS customization settings yes we'll edit the settings just check everything is okay host name Raspberry Pi I don't think there's a lot I need to do here I don't need to configure wireless network no I think I'll I'll leave this slot as it is it'll be fer for now I'll just uh save and uh know we'll continue all existing data will be erased we know do we want to continue yes we do and once again we will grab hold of that very strange thing called time and uh drag it Forward at an accelerated rate and there we are our Raspberry Pi 5 has ventured into cyberspace found its own operating system installed it and it's now booting up from it it's all very exciting indeed and here we are at the first Run Wizard of the newly installed operating system we'll just skip through this lot to let ourselves uh see things are working okay and uh there we are we have to restart once again and it worked we're now running raspber pios from our MV mme SSD from this very mvme SSD over here it was completely blank a few minutes ago it's now got the operating system on it installed via the network installer greetings here I am back again I've now had a nice cup of tea to recover from all the excitement in the last segment of the video and I've also as usual scaled things up so we've got really fonts on this system again now which I think is always useful and if you've got previous experience using an mvme SSD on a rasp Pi 5 you might be thinking what about configuration we just saw a raspbery pi 5 install its own operating system on an MVM SSD and we didn't do anything to edit configuration files to make it work and these days by which I mean the days of April May and onwards 2024 things do generally just work with MVM ssds on a pi if you're using one of the latest cases or hats which is are fully compliant with the specification so we didn't have to do anything to configuration files to make an MVM SSD work as a boot drive on on the raspber pi 5 this said there is one piece of configuration we may well want to do and to demonstrate the issue let's just do an lsblk list block devices we can see our MVB drive there it's only storage on the pi and let's just test the speed of the drive I've installed HD parameters here using a pseudo app to install HD Palm so if we run the test we will see we have a speed of about 4 439 but 17 in this test megabytes a second and that's not bad but it does indicate that Pi's PCI interface is running at PCI 2.0 speed and we can do better than that and to do better than that we need to edit the config file over in boot and firmware so let's just do a Pudo Nano and then a boot and a firmware and uh config text like that if I got that right looks like I have and in here there won't be any commands specifically for the mvme SSD so what I'm going to do is go all the way down to the end there which is a that looks like the end to me and we'll just put in a comment because I'm being good about that these days set gen 3 speed for nvme SSD and then we'll put in the command DT param equal PCI E * y on gen equal 3 there we go that looks okay to me and I'll just press a contr x cuz it annoys people I know but it's a perfectly valid way to save an exit do we want to save the file yes and there we go and if we now do a sudo and a reboot and here we are back again and if we repeat our speed test there it is oh we're going to be faster this this time hopefully we are cross your fingers always important and uh yes 809 megabytes a second it was worth adding that extra bit of code to the config file and so there we are we have demonstrated the very useful Network operating system installed functionality now available on a raspby pi 5 right a final question you might have is how would you change the operating system on the mvme SSD and this is very straightforward the p is currently off as you can see and we'll go across to its output and I'll just turn it on by pressing its little power button down there like that which of course you can't be doing but there we are I've turned it on I want to show you this boot in real time so you can see exactly what happens on a normal boot in real time got a black screen now very exciting nothing going on oh we've got the usual pie type thing and little boot up nice and fast cuz it's booting from an MVB drive that's a normal boot however if we wanted to change this operating system to something else we could shut it down and what we could do is hold down the shift key drawing boot so let's uh do that let's uh do a reboot and I'm going to hold down the shift key and uh well that's what I'm doing I'm holding down the shift key it's a exciting piece of exercise for me there we are and as you can see it's taking us back into the network installer so it's now possible for us to install another operating system on the mvme SSD and just to prove the point because my crucial P3 plus has not stuffed enough let's add another operating system we'll go to pi5 we'll choose no s we'll go other general purpose OS that's what that says honestly let's choose Ubuntu let's be wild and try 2404 as I recently reviewed on the channel storage has got to be of course the mvme SSD and we'll click on next and confirm we really want to do it and here we are now arriving in the latest version of Ubuntu we do have a few little bits of configuration to do of course to finish things off and we've just about finished there's always something else on the end isn't there but uh for now we'll just uh finish there and we've clearly successfully used the network installer to transition from Ras pios to boonu the rasp Pi 5 Network installer is really useful not least because it means you can set up a rasp Pi 5 without access to another computer and do note that whilst in this video we've been installing the operating system on an mvme SSD the installer is equally happy to install an operating system on a micr SD card or a USB drive but now that's it for another video if you've enjoyed but you you seen here please press that like button if you haven't subscribed Please Subscribe and I hope to talk to you again very soon [Music]
Channel: ExplainingComputers
Views: 52,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi 5, network installer, network OS installer, online installer, Christopher Barnatt, Barnatt, Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi OS, EEPROM, bootloader, boot loader, upgrade, update, NVMe, NVMe configuration, M.2, M.2 SSD
Id: Ll9Tmp3tppU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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