A Beehive Update & Lots of Rambling

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] equal Rudy's welcome welcome back welcome back to the Beehive yeah it's a cloudy day looks like we're gonna get some rain I can see a little bit of the mountains but a whole lot of clouds both white and gray are you liking my new do yeah it's um she asked me if it was a new style and I said I don't know why and he said well cuz he saw a newscaster on TV that had that hairdo and I said really I bet he brought it up and I was like oh I had no idea that I was styling I think we're just all desperate I am blessed in that I don't have to worry about dyeing my hair because I don't dye my hair you can't tell on this camera but there's just a ton of gray mixed in with all that to brown it's all genetics my mother was 81 when she passed away and she was not totally great so I still have a few more years before I'm rocking the gray hair but I am am rocking the length and luckily for me my hairdresser has shown me how to cut my bangs quite a while ago because I told her I said I'm really desperate I don't want to go to another hairdresser on the road if I can help it because you know your hair dress is kind of like your priest and we want we want who knows all our secrets and so she showed me how to cut my bangs so I do not do as good a job as she does but I make do but I cannot cut the length and it is out of control but I kind of like my little my little thing there yeah well I'm sure all of you have heard that our quilt show has been postponed until 2021 even though I intellectually knew that that probably was coming down the pike when Valerie from the stitching post actually announced it I it took the wind out of my sails I I have to say I cried in in it's so strange because I knew that that probably was going to be the decision it made the most sense given our our current world affairs but to have it in print and have it out there on social media and have it out loud in the news it just Wow well I I can't even have fathom that our world had changed but it's changed for everybody there's quilt shows all over the nation that have closed there are businesses that have we may not be able to open back up our story in sisters is it's just a page in history but it's our story and I feel bad for our little town we are one of thousands of tourist towns around the nation who are trying to figure out what do we do now when gee and I I mean geez father lived in Bend and and sisters and back in the early eighties the country wasn't doing so well and you could drive down 3rd Street which is 3rd Street is the same as highway 97 as it passes through Bend Oregon and there were businesses all boarded up there there was it was a depressing looking town in a depressing economy in the middle of such vast beauty because we're in the middle of the forest in the mountains and I remember G saying he really wanted to move to Bend and I I said why would I move here this town looks like it's dying you know and I can't help I can't help but have a little bit of fear and I'm I'm okay with it I don't need to be I don't need everyone to say don't worry or duh yeah we get to worry we get to cry and we get to embrace our fears and anxieties because it's real it's real in it sure it's happening over across the state in this town or on the beach in this town but this is my town and so here I worry you know I worry for all these small businesses all the businesses that were on the cusp of opening up we had several new businesses opening up in town but now it's gonna be a bizarre summer for us because our rodeo cancelled which brought thousands of people and our blues festival canceled and our quote show and cultures affair has canceled so those were kind of our major summer events and then people going on vacation you know when you um when you've lost your job you don't have vacation money you know you need food money so there's a lot to consider here but at the same time I was so proud and so I was so uplifted by Valerie Wells who was carrying the shoulders of the of the quilters affair on her & quot show on her back that she made that video on on social media and I'm I'm just in awe what fabulous town we have and the people in it and and the American spirit we shall rise yeah yeah if we're careful and we take care of each other and we think of our community as opposed to our own needs you know I want to which is cut it cut off my hair but I don't need it bad enough to risk my neighbor's life I'm sorry so that's just what I have to say about it all because I know you wondered what's going on with the hair look at it how it bounces around but the good thing is I hear that we're going to end up with the virtual quilt show which I have no idea how one does that but I know Valerie will figure it out and it'll be fun to see the outcome of it yeah that'll be interesting you know because gee and I already said no cool show will we're gonna drag out all of my quilts and do our own quilt show video but now I don't have to I get to see what the what sisters is doing and be a part of that so in the meantime what am i doing in the Beehive I am really having fun this week you saw at the beginning of the video the red work I just went crazy for red work back around 2010 and so you know anything birdbrain design I was like all over it and I love red work but then you know that I pretty much like anything that's handwork you know I mean it truly yeah but there's just something about it and red work is not only do I like the color red but red work is just pretty and when I was claiming yeah G and I have been cleaning and as we stumble across things I go oh I forgot about that and so I found a red work that I had started and ended up in a bag in the back of a chair so now I'm I'm bringing it back out and well you know may not get done this year but it sure is fun unfortunately it is I believe not available as a pattern and the only reason I got it was because I was at crabapple hill at mick hockey's place up in washington and she built a barn on her property that she runs workshops out of and I saw a pillow on in one of her little cabinet areas and I said I can't find that pattern anywhere and she said well we don't have it on the market anymore and I said yeah but I really want that pattern and so she said okay I'll print you one oh yeah oh yeah and so I got this pattern it's mason jars and I just love it I don't know there's something home-home about it and so I did it my traditional way and her and her traditional way and that I put SF 101 on the back because I I was using Kathy Schmidt's crackle fabric which is my absolute favorite embroidery fabric what can I say I just thank the Lord that they keep you know most of the time excuse me for rambling today it's a rambling day I should have warned you at the beginning of the video but having been involved somewhat in the community of the quilting world I know that quilt fabrics are like very rarely are they reprinted most of the time when a designer does a line it's like available for that season or year and then once that's all sold that's why designers keep designing cuz you don't get to really they don't really reprint much but Kathy Schmidt's crackle fabric has been around for a few years now and it's one of my favorites for embroidery because it just has a little bit of texture to it in the design but it doesn't take away from the design that you're embroidering on it or piecing with it I've used wool applique and embroidery and so on this particular piece I'm using her crackle fabric and it comes in several colors and I don't even know this one is like has a tan yellowish color to it and I put my SF 101 on the back because I'm lazy and I want to carry my threads and not have them show through the front I'm ok with that I admit it my backs are never gonna be seen and I don't I'm just gonna tell everybody my backs are as pretty as the front and what do they know but so I put SF 101 on the back and then I trace the design exactly like Meg hockey from crabapple hill demonstrates in her videos and that's using a brown very very micro sized brown pigment pen I use my me so light table and I trace the design directly onto here because when you stitch you cannot even see where the brown pigment pen was you can't see it you know on this particular project I decided that I really loved the week's dye works Indian summer and so that is what I am using to embroider so now I'm gonna keep this out I'm gonna bring it out from behind the chair and start working on it you know it's not one of those things that like I have to have it done this year I don't I don't have that rule on this particular project I got my issue yeah you know I have that Reedley app where I can read a lot of these magazines but I have to say there are some magazines there's something about the texture and the smell and the wah that happens that doesn't happen on your phone but yeah this issue was filled with lots of love lots of love in this issue and so this is the only magazine subscription that I have primitive quilts and projects I just really love that my friend sandy who lives up in BC Canada every softened she'll send me something and I try to filter what I absolutely love and what I can live without which isn't much which isn't much but when she sent me the link for this free pattern I could not print it fast enough oh it's raining is that not adorable [Music] it's by 1894 cotton Woodhouse and it's called lemons to lemonade I just love I love the spring brightness the summer feel everything about it and I know that that is going to be that's kind of moving up to an upper level must do must do I did finish my boy yawns my tastin bullion's are right there and now I have to figure out what else I want in that particular circle that's the that's the decision making that's why that class the Seuss Bargo the small circle tutorials that she's doing on Instagram they it's just filled with ideas you know and it's well worth following that and my friend Arian on on the other hand is her youtube she is in collaboration with sue taking Sue's stitch that she's doing it and converting it to left-handed but she has wonderful ideas wonderful ideas but I have to say I'm pretty proud of those little cast on bouillon and so now I have two silk and pearl it's really hard not to love silk and pearl yeah really hard not to like that so I'm going to be working away on this I think this is like a ongoing kind of project because it's a project that how do I describe it it's a project that needs inspiration like you get inspired and then suddenly you're compelled to do it you know you're kept and compelled to do that stitch but it's not a project for me that I could sit down and say okay I'm gonna do this whole circle right now no I have to be inspired call that lazy I don't know and as you can see I've got my box out I've got my fabric out this is what it's supposed to look like oh yeah oh yeah I am today going to be working on row 6 so maybe by the next video I will have another row up there and I'm just gonna keep working on it every so often I have a couple of other projects I might pull it down after row 6 and put another project up and then go back to row 7 yeah it's it's such it'd be nice to have it done done by it before Christmas I can hang it up I just love it I just love it so what are you doing what are you working on are you okay I hope you're okay I am yeah Jay and I were just realizing we're moving into rope week six of our shelter in place and we're doing pretty darn good you know we are we're pretty doing pretty darn good our house has never been more organized and more clean that's for sure and our garage holy moley our garage looks pretty darn good considering but I look forward to the day that I can go up and see my grandchildren but I was talking to a friend the other day and he said you know he he was up until all this happened he was taking his granddaughter who's a toddler swimming every week and he has only seen her by facebook or not Facebook by um FaceTime because he said he's not sure how traumatic it would be to go do a drive-by or stand on the sidewalk and talk and her not understanding why he wouldn't hurt her his wife wouldn't want to hold her and that's a real consideration I mean it's a it's different yeah well you know what I'm talking about it's different but we do we have to make choices and and I'm willing to wear my mask wear my gloves do my thing to protect my family in my community because it's gonna take us doing that okay I'm okay with that I mean there's some days just like all of you there's some days you wake up like this party holy moly you know most our sleep has been totally erratic in terms of we kind of go to bed at the same time every night like 9 10 o'clock I know that might seem early by some of you but we have always gone to bed at the same time so whatever time that is we go to bed now we might read her or look at you know I play a little game on my phone in bed until I fall asleep but I'm always been an early riser because the last I would say the last 10 plus years of my career I I worked early shift and you know first surgery is the patient is in the hospital getting prepped at 7:00 a.m. so you have to be there you know early and so I was a 4 o'clock in the morning riser gee and I would go to the gym yes we went to the gym and then from the gym I'd go to work and I'd be there by by 30 so since retiring you know we could stay in bed later but we still I'm still an early riser I mean it's rare that I make it to 6 o'clock you're old brain you're old nurse brain for all your nurses out there you know it's on a different time clock and so I usually am up at 6 even if Angie usually is up by 7 because it's our internal clock and and I would go up come up here and sew or pittle and stitch and and and so we've kind of with this sheltering in place our clock is off because our minds are busy our minds are constantly thinking and and so you know when one day I got up at 2:30 in the morning and he was sitting in the living I said oh what are you doing and he goes oh that brain was just going but I'm coming back to bed so he came back to bed fell back asleep but this morning gosh we we didn't wake up till 7:30 I was like what the heck we haven't done that in a long time but I think as your brain processes different things that are going on not only in your life but in the world your body is saying we need to get up and do something to distract ourselves or we don't want to get up we want to ignore it and we want to bury our head in the sand so I can't keep track of what's going on with us because every day is a new day is it that way for you and then we got a flyer about from the cable company that said you could get internet and television for a certain price and G had left it out on the counter and so I I looked at it nice and I we had cable did we want cable huh let me see how much we're paying and it was only like five dollars more to add the cable to what already our internet bill was so I called up and I asked him about that you know they're they're kind of surprised I mean the gal was really funny she said and she was young you know but she said how do you keep up on the news if you don't have cable I said believe me I said we look on the Internet and she goes well you can't believe everything that you read on the Internet I said you we actually watched the news on the news websites you know like our local TV station News or CNN or PBS you know so it's not like reading Facebook for the news but it was just kind of a funny conversation and it meant yes twill okay so you want to hook up cable and she goes so how many televisions are we talking about and I said one processing processing processing what does anybody have one television it was just kind of a funny conversation so we hooked up the cable and our rationale was I can't see us going into a movie theater for a long time and we would kind of I mean sometimes the streaming out here and sisters can be challenging to watch something and so I said if we had cable we wouldn't have to go to the mill not that we do now we just do streaming of Netflix and Amazon Prime but I said we could watch movies there's pay-per-view movies and then there's things that we watch on the internet that we could actually watch on the television easier with better streaming so we went ahead and hooked it up and you know what we did first thing we watched Doolittle you need to watch Dolittle it was sometimes a laugh-out-loud kind of movie but it was so sweet and so amazingly made that I could actually watch that again you know what's so good even G liked it you know and sometimes G and I are totally in sync on the same movie so no but watch Dolittle it's good I just love the way my novel my little bouncy hair goes well I have um one more thing to show you are you ready is that not adorable if I do say so myself I just love how this turned out and I'm gonna tell you the things that I did to make it look like this so on I bought the kid from old world quilt shop and so all this I didn't have to change out one piece of wool which is rare usually I end up changing one or two pieces of wool because I like I there's something I don't like about it but not one piece of wool did I have to change out on this so par for the course you can go back and look how I prep my wool I have SF 101 on the back piece of this wool and the reason being is that it maintains its integrity and you know you know a plaid wool like this background the edging can get kind of stretchy when you're manipulating it to stitch so on the back of this is SF 101 then I use soft fuse to fuse my pieces down and this particular designer does not overlap her pieces they butt up to each other which I really enjoyed in this particular piece and and then I did a combination a buttonhole and whip stitch and I challenge you to tell me where one is and where one is it everybody I know there's a lot of talk you have to do buttonhole around every piece and a primitive not true not true these little pieces or something that's not gonna really show up the work of a buttonhole I just whip it down so this was a two evening stitch in front of the television must be someone walking outside of here for me but what I did do different from the designers pattern is I didn't particularly like the way the white thread was embroidered on this I liked it being not standing out so much and this is your project so you get to do it if you like the white do the white stitching but she had white stitching in here I did not like that so I used to light her stitching in there and you're not gonna be able to really see it that well but I liked the way it looked to better I also did some Sue's Bargo bullion stitches over the top I did for the legs she did like a stem stem stitch and I did a chain stitch and then I bullion stitched over the top of the chain sporadically to give it just a bulkier look for the legs and then she just had a white line of thread here showing where the quail was standing and I chose to do some like swirly dirt with a running stitch no no yeah a stem stitch is what I did on these and I didn't I did not draw anything down I only did it freehand and from my head to the needle and that's the way I did these branches now she did a satin stitch for her twigs and I did a chain stitch and I used two different colors of thread and surprisingly you can't even tell it through the camera but one of the threads I used was a bail Donny tweed and it was a bayesian purple if you could believe it but you can't it just adds a little bit a different texture to it I did not draw the twigs on to this I just free motioned it I looked at the picture and I went for it I wanted it to be a relaxing piece the only thing that I think I might do is I might put a button right here I'm thinking I might put a button right here so how did I finish this okay once everything was stitched I squared it up to 12 inches and in the kit they give you a very nice flannel and I'm thinking this might be a Bonnie Sullivan file and I did the flap method which is in the pattern instructions I didn't do her measurements I just did the method of flap because I'm not gonna do a zipper and you know I'm just not gonna work that hard and so the flap method is just that your one piece is flapped underneath you know so you turn it inside out and it just holds it down you know you can't see inside there but it's easy to change it out if you want Robyn my friend Robin told me always to do the flap the upper flap down so or how am I gonna sit the upper piece should always be the one that's laying on top of the lower piece so that this opening is facing down does that make sense and it's because then if it was like this all kinds of dirt and dust from the back of the couch might fall on there but this way it won't and she gave instructions on how to bind it I am NOT a binding for pillows I like piping so I used this piping 3/16 cord cable cord and I had enough they give you enough of this in the kit they give you an us of this to do the binding in the back that's included in the kit and so I made cording yeah I made cording yeah then what I did was I laid right sides together put my cording in between the two pieces pinned it and then sewed it and when it was all sewn I turned it inside out and it was beautiful and I made my own recording but that is not the end of this so I have a pillow made but no pillow form and I looked through because sometimes I have pillow form so I bought a head because I like to make pillows but nothing was this small and so I thought I have to make my own pillow form and see that can you see that what I do when I need a certain size pillow form I take a piece of old batting and I cut the size I want I sew the edge like with a half inch seam around it I'm not turning it out no one turned it inside out no one's gonna see that where I sewed so I just leave it like that and I so I make I fold it in half I've cut my piece out I sew two sides of my two sides closed and then I have one side open then I I always have a bag of this round I stuffed this yes I stuff it with polyfill and then I sew it closed and I've made a pillow form in like not even ten minutes and that's what's in this inside of my balloon I'm telling you where there's a will there's a way so now this is gonna go downstairs on my couch because it's gonna fit perfectly there and I'm so happy I'm so happy that it's done and it turned out really really cute so today I'm going to be working on row 6 and I'm thinking that I really need to stitch I'll show you I'm going to work on more suits Fargo stitching but I want to get I want to get this needle this was a project that I worked on in the su Fargo class at Tanque Verde like two years ago and it's the top to my a needle bag that I'm making to hold these you know I want to hold these thread things and the story that I was telling was our travels to the southwest in our trailer at that time we had the trailer and so this is that piece and I love our little trailer and there were oranges laying all over the ground and so I put oranges in there I still have to applique my little barrel cactus and then I was putting a jackrabbit there in the middle of the piece because we saw lots of Jackrabbit but I pulled it off and I'm gonna replace it with Enzo because he was with us on that trip so I think I'm gonna be working on this piece right now and keep stitching away this one's getting close I can feel like it's close and I mean you could go on the thing about spar going that's a verb spar going a project is you don't stop yourself it could go on forever so I think I'm getting close I just have I need to hand applique this barrel cactus down and do some stitching I want to put a flower up here at the top I got to put Enzo on there I want to put some raindrops coming from this rain cloud and then I think I'm done I'm gonna call it done and then I have to figure out how you make it into powder you know where that pattern is yeah so that's it so I'm going to leave you with this I I thought it would be fun and I've seen this done and I would like to get to know you better and if you want to get to know me better in the comments below ask me a question the only thing that I want to leave out of the questions are anything to do with politics or religion and that only being that that seems to be a trigger conversation on social media and a lot of that is very personal but any other question you want to ask that is appropriate you can ask me but here's the thing when you ask the cop the questions in the comment you have to answer that same question you're asking me so I can get to know you yeah yeah this is a two-way street girlfriends and gentlemen so ask away answer your question and on the next video I will go through those questions and we'll see you then stay safe and keep stitching thanks for watching and be sure to LIKE and subscribe on quilt roadies [Music]
Channel: Quilt Roadies
Views: 9,915
Rating: 4.9573822 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 53sec (2633 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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