Catching Up With Anna in the Beehive

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[Music] do [Music] hi brodies welcome if you're new and if you're a seasoned quilt roadie thank you for coming back today is going to be packed with lots of information i have the window open so we might hear some traffic sound i can hear a truck coming now i think well actually it's going up on the main road yeah i live at the top of a little mountain and it's interesting today is cloudy and blue sky i've heard some jet traffic from the national guard but today i'm gonna catch you up on the quilt show haul happy mail do a little stitching so while i'm jibber jabbering here at the beginning go get yourself something to drink and to stitch on i am i'm kind of gotten hooked on this polar seltzer water natural 100 natural seltzer orange vanilla oh very refreshing and i'm sucking on a lozenger just because when i talk too much my voice gets kind of rattled so let's stop start with the happy mail i was blown away because when i got to the i hadn't been down to the stitching post in about a month and there was a little pile of mail there and i just have to show it to you it's so oh i just noticed something else on my happy mail so let's hope that i get this right i showed this in my zoom class because it was absolutely adorable and that day i was doing a little hexy demo uh how i do hexis at the beginning of the zoom and this is just amazing to me just amazing i i'm going to be i'm going to butcher the name only because i can't quite make out the writing it looks like sabine to me i hope i said that right but she just said a small token of her appreciation for the videos and let me just tell you the videos i know many of you have written to me and said the videos were a little bit of a stitchy line during the pandemic but you have to know that they were also a stitchy line for me and i read even though this last week i have not been able to respond to every comment i truly read every comment and i too am grateful for this community that it has helped me explore other ways of doing things um widening my horizons as far as thought processes the sharing that goes on in the comments is heartfelt and you can tell that people are handing a bit of themselves to all of us and their losses their joys and it truly has been a lifeline for me also but let me just show you this this is a little hexy pin cushion if you can see how big that is in relation to my hand and it has the letter a in the center and it's little b fabric around the edge and these hexes look like about they don't look like they look like half inch or three-quarter inch hexis and it has little pins and and little beads it's just absolutely adorable and this is what i love is that when i see something whether it's at the quilt show or online it spurs me it uh it opens my dreams is what it does and and i just go running off in a different direction so i absolutely love that it's it's so cute and then i got another little package look at this it's got scissors buttons needles i'm gonna i'm gonna use that on a project bag from pat from vermont look at these little honey pots and bees isn't that cute little tiny hexies in their future or maybe this is a big enough piece to try try my hand at bag making did someone say bad making bag making yeah that's scary isn't it i got this really fun box filled with things oh so this card from cricut i love it because look first of all look at the card that is adorable she also travels in a travato winnebago van which is what we travel in and she was raised in oregon and now she lives in washington and she's stitching on the road and her mom who used to live in primeval they would go over to sisters to the stitching post and i have to tell you i have to tell you qriket i used oh i don't have it up here she said her son and daughter-in-law both worked for pixar animation and she sent me a pixar animation cup i mean it's a quality quality coffee cup and from the moment i unwrapped it i've been drinking coffee out of it in the van yes it stayed in the van through our whole week and i enjoyed it it's such a sturdy little cup and it had pixar but there they are in their van isn't that that's that's us that's us that is us yeah oh this because the card is dimensional it has this card that you put on top of it before you they named their uh van woody after woody and jess woody and jessie and so maybe she said maybe woody and penny would meet up yes i love it i love it yeah woody and jessie are over there they've been complaining because there's a new kid in the neighborhood which i'll have to show on instagram sometime there's been some territory fighting going on in here and then look at this this little candle beehive candle and this little dish like i i look at this as for my tea bag i i haven't even been able to unwrap it because this is so cute this little thimble with gauze wrapped isn't that adorable there are a few remnants of magic left in the world because of you i believe it's true yes it's so it's it what can i say i could i could get all emotional and teary but look at this i have my own bouncing bee oh that's probably making you dizzy huh he's so happy he's so happy and i've already been using my pin cushion i had the perfect pins for that it has bees and bee hives on it and it's just sits right next to my sewing table and out of the same fabric she had this fabric in her stash mind you this is like we were kindred spirits but look at this project bag and this one has a handle and then look at the back of it i think b projects have to go in this project bag let me tell you it was quite a party in sisters um it is amazing uh what the week was like i'm going to move this over here back so the zoom clash classes and sisters if i were to give my opinion about my zoom classes which are different than the other designers that were there i mean let me just say let me back up the zoom classes with the other designers were held in their individual cities and then they zoomed through the stitching post so people are signing up we have we are zoom experts aren't we after this last year we may not have all liked it a hundred percent but we took it and we ran with it because it was better than being totally by yourself so those zoom classes are very successful sue spargle's been doing that i mean just all these designers have been doing them sitting stitch though i couldn't wrap my mind around how sit and stitch was going to work for zoom because normally sit and stitches everybody brings their project to the school in their sewing machine and we take over the library and computer room and they tend to um isolate themselves in their little pods in this giant room so you're mostly sitting with people you know or you came with and a lot of people are working on projects that they took a class earlier in the week or a ufo from home but they don't really socialize with each other too much they're there for eight hours of supportive sewing and so my uh contribution to that class is to give opinions i'm really good at that support if someone's stuck on something i might have the answer or i might know who has the answer and so it's uh i'm doing a lot of moving around the room but the room is not moving around they are staying in their spots so i wasn't sure how sit and stitch would work on zoom so to make myself feel a little better i picked a genre of my stitching and each day i would just talk for about 10 or 15 minutes about that how i do it why i do it what i'm working on and share it with the group and then it would be just open to whatever i loved it i loved it i was so shocked i was so shocked because of how nervous i was and um but what happened on zoom was what these individual pods would have been in real life a real life classroom setting could talk to each other on zoom so they were sharing who they were and everyone was listening where they were at what they were doing some people were had impending hurricane coming and so i was really really amazed at what an awesome experience it was different people had different challenges going on in their life and they were able to share that and get support they talked about their stitching what they were working on the weather outside i i tell you it was a much more intimate class than the real person zoom class ever was so it makes me think that one i'd have no problems doing another one and two i would um like my zoom class i mean not my zoom but my sit and stitch when it goes back to in person to actually have people share a little bit about themselves so that you um know who your fellow stitchers are in the room so that was my opinion i i would definitely sign if there's ever another sit and stitch zoom don't think you're getting um uh no no bang for your buck because you might have met the perfect person on zoom that knows exactly what you're going through in life it was amazing the show was awesome it was not as big as it normally would have been but everybody was so happy to be out there and you had the same you you almost had a more joyful feel because people were talking and smiling each other where in a normal quilt show there's like 1400 quilts you got to see them all people are focused on seeing the quilts and can get out of the way i need to take a picture where in this situation people were smiling at each other because it was the first time maybe they hadn't worn a mask in forever and they they commented and i saw conversations going on it was absolutely lovely and i would definitely i know it's i i'm beating a dead horse here but i would definitely put that show on your bucket list because it still had the most amazing heart and i ran into a few people a few people i should have run into they were there and i never saw them now how does that happen but we were camped at creekside which was um it's right at the edge of town it's inside the town limits and it's owned by the city and half the sites are like boondocking and half the sights are with hookups and boy you definitely we were so grateful for the sight with hookups because um it was in the 90s all week and we could run our air conditioner yeah well before i keep chatting i'm going to show you my haul because yeah i had to bring something home i did but get a load of this i had bought some yardage of kelly ray roberts new fabric line that came out last year and i gave it to fern to make me a bag with and i totally forgot that she was doing that it was it was like when she handed to me i totally forgot it's so cute i really do need to get over my zipper feel of fear but look at this is that the cutest cutest bag and then the inside has her other fabric that has all the sayings on it i just love it i absolutely love it it's almost like i don't want to get it dirty or put anything in it they had a um new halloween fabric line in there and you would have seen that on the stitching post video with the old maid cards you know so there was this whole line of halloween fabrics and i'm a sucker just an absolute sucker for halloween fabrics so i bought the charm pack because i think i need to make a halloween table runner and it's filled with wonderful fabrics and then i had to get the jelly roll because you know i i just feel like you can never have too many halloween quilts i just love the way that looks that swirl isn't that cool well when i saw this fabric it screamed it screamed pillowcase to me it just screened pillowcase and i make pillowcases for my grandsons i make although last year was a no pillowcase year but i make pillowcase for my grandson i like to make pillowcases for my daughter-in-law's sister's kids and so this fabric here was a crack up i mean a total crack up it's a christmas fabric with dinosaurs is that hysterical let me get it the right side any fabric that makes me laugh out loud has to come home with me yeah and then i saw hexies or i saw something in these two but look at these mushrooms so i think i got a half a yard each of those and then i had been telling you that i've been looking for that smaller wool mat to iron to use for my hexis and different projects in the van that i wanted a small ironing surface it with the wool and i have the bigger one that's on my regular ironing board but this one i bought specifically because it would fit inside my yazi bag and then with my little iron i could have a nice ironing surface one of the booths that was out at the show is about women empowering women in uganda and it's called sisters of the heart and janet goes two or three times a year usually to uganda to this village up in the mountains and has taught now they have actually a uh a school there but she has taught um sewing skills and she brings the products a lot of the products back and i'll put the link the link for her uh in the description box but it's sisters of the heart and so when i went to their booth there were a couple of they had all the african fabrics for sale but i bought a couple of things that janet had made and one was this pin cushion and one was a project bag project bag made out of african dyed fabrics i couldn't pass it up one more piece of haul and this one is extraordinary i signed up to take a class from the tent makers of cairo you might have seen a little snippet of an interview i did at road to california video and they are representing their community in hand applique that's needle turn applique and so there were several they were supposed to teach last year that all got canceled i didn't get to take the class and then this year they were doing a zoom class i believe but i was already working that day and so when i was walking around the show there was a whole area of all of the quilts they brought and many of them were for sale and so i was looking at one and i said oh these are the tent makers of cairo and g thought i should have it and so you might have seen in the video where the video of the quilt show where i had uh jean jean wells was standing closer to it to grab the tag off for me because uh you had to if you any quote that was for sale in the show if you rip the tag off then no one else could buy it and then you go up and you pay at the desk and that goes for all of the quilts and i loved getting this in the mail i had them ship it to me and i loved that there was a little note on it packed for anna by marion and chris both of them were friends and they packed it for you put a little note but here it is is that not gorgeous all the way from cairo quilting is a world wide craft art whatever you want to call it that um that has supported and saved many of us hasn't it well i'm going to start stitching while i chatter and i just want to show you i got my um i got my quilt my hugs quilt that had the had the sign language fabric on the back so you can see that quilting and as i did with the other quilt that i showed you i am going to face this one because i did not want to add another element so you can see how the edge is going to be it'll be just turned under like that but what i did do is i made sure that the sign language hands were going the same direction so i'm going to be stitching let me get some glasses well how have you guys been doing how's everyone been doing i have been having a fabulous week with my older grandson in the afternoons he has been going to a mad contraption camp up at the park that's like barely a mile away from us it's a beautiful park i had signed him up for an afternoon camp because i was afraid he was just going to be bored silly just hanging out with his grandparents the whole time so made sure he had something to do and um you're watching this movie last night it was quite this animated movie i don't even know the name of it but he had picked it out and it was um about a little um asian girl who was wanting to find her mother on the moon or something like that you know some of those uh children's movies are packed with innuendos and learning learning things you know they're just i don't know they're not like bugs bunny and and yosemite sam of my day these actually have a message to them like this i'm going to bring this quilt up better to bring it up closer to you than to than to fight the weight of it with your arms and shoulders huh oh someone was asking me about this particular quilt too and this is i haven't quilted yet i haven't decided how to finish it but this is a stacy west buttermilk basin that she designed specifically for the sisters outdoor quilt show i believe in 2019 or 2018 so it has the three sisters it's just beautiful and i don't know i think you might be able to contact buttermilk basin if you're interested in in creating that because stacy is non-stop when it comes to designs she is non-stop she just never slows down she doesn't sleep i noticed a couple of things have you noticed things are a little bit different uh because of covid i mean i i know that seems silly to ask but i mean what i'm thinking is that there's some things that are changed that you wouldn't have expected it and yet it has and you wonder what happened because the other day when i was at the grocery store there were no carts strewn about the parking lot every cart was taken back to the cart garage you know that they have different cart stations around a parking lot i don't know i remember that people just left the carts willy-nilly you know that sometimes you'd have to get out of um you'd have to get out of your car you don't ever see a semi going down the street i think he might have gotten lost they don't even allow semis on the street because it's too narrow but it is kind of like uh narrow street and windy windy windy all over the top of this place um so yeah before uh covid people left their shopping carts wherever they felt like it and sometimes you'd have to get out of your car to move the cart out of the way so you could park but what i have noticed at least here is that there are no carts everyone's taking their cart back to the cart garage so that the bag person with whatever they call them now is not having to go all over the parking lot looking for the shopping carts they're always in the in the little cart garage and i wonder i wonder what made people suddenly realize hey you're a grown-up now you can take your shopping cart back and put it away it took a pandemic for that to happen yeah there's just different things that make me wonder what the heck you know we couldn't have done that before so well we did cancel our camping trip to la connor we just couldn't we were burning candles at both ends we um i when i looked at the calendar i think what happened was that i got so excited about everything starting to open up that um that i made i had made all these camping reservations when we were locked down just thinking i wanted to have it happen but when it came down to it we were exhausted when we came back from sisters and then to think a week and a half later we were going to go camping up in washington a week and a half later after that we were going to go camping again it was just too much so we decided just to cancel the the middle one so that we could uh so i could get some ufos done and that's the thing you go to a quilt show and you're going to get inspired you're going to get inspired and not only that i um while i was down there i visited different people different friends i saw my son's fairy godmother and my grandchildren's great fairy godmother went visited her and it was the first time you know she lives in a adult living community she has her own home in there but they were so strict that i was not allowed to get out of my car so we would visit while i sat in the car in the driveway and so this was the first time in over a year that we met without masks and i sat inside her home yeah it's just amazing it is amazing that change so it was fun seeing her getting her all caught up and then my quilt group down in uh sisters i mean uh of course i ended up because after the uh class the i you know they started like at 10 in the morning but that's when my my zoom class started so i could only go after noon when it was over and so there were only two people left there for the gathering but it was so fun just just sitting outside you know in nola's house and and getting to talk and catch up and they could catch me up on everybody else and it's interesting because everybody it just seemed like so many people we knew have been moving or on the move or changing changing what the how they want their home or life to function and so um that was kind of fun that was kind of fun to visit with them and then on saturday i went after the show i went um let's see i stopped and saw a friend that's in a book group that i belong to and talked with her and her husband she's not a quilter though she did try she tried we tried to get her to do it and she tried but you know she didn't get it yeah and on top of that she didn't enjoy it but i still like her even though she's not a culture so then i went over to my fabric stalkers group we were meeting at one person's house outside and and then we were kid this is the group that i'm going on retreat with in september and so it was a fun catching up with them because uh if if there's one thing i know it's that when you're with friends who quilt and they show you what they've been doing and let me tell you there are a couple in the group that are overachievers yes it it stimulates you to want to do more like i could not wait to leave sisters get home and start quilting and so the first thing i needed to do was to get this binding done then i'm going to start cutting out some quilts for retreats so that they're all ready ready to go i'm i'm i'm ready for retreat i'm ready for quilt shows i'm ready for quilt classes i love quilt classes i love those quilty wilt classes i've got to check out what um what's happening at pioneer quilts up here too the real trick here i'm bouncing all over the real trick to um the facing as opposed to the binding is that once you attach the facing to the front of the quilt you have to iron it out and then you have to do an eighth inch seam line because it's that seam line that makes it roll right over and stay flat if you google quilt roadies facing a quilt i show a tutorial of it see i'll show you here see how smooth that edge is it's just rolled over and i didn't add another color element by doing a binding i really love that technique for certain for certain quilts it's not for every quilt but for certain quotes boy the fires have been this is an early fire season and it's been horrific down in oregon there's one burning in oregon that's the largest forest fire in history it's already over two hundred thousand acres and then the one that's outside the sisters they still don't it's still not they don't have a big containment line on it so they're watching it it's just so dry that you wonder why you know how long does it take for the state of oregon to realize that maybe we shouldn't allow fireworks and yeah my kids grew up with fireworks i love them they're entertaining they're a lot of fun we used to spend the morning the day after july 4th sweeping taking our garbage can out there and sweeping up all the remnants from the fireworks in the cul-de-sac but you know times have changed and it is so dry and there's flash flood warning or flash floods in arizona just a weather year crazy weather here well i could keep jabbering oh well let me before i sign up let me tell you i have been reading this book and it's it's interesting it's a fiction book you know and i seem to have um kind of fallen into the fiction book and enjoying it during this um kobe maybe the reality maybe that's it um because i'm generally like a documentary or not to be snooty about it but you know i always just want to know i want to know the facts kind of thing and and so i've always liked the documentary or the um how-to books but in covid i guess i was done with reality and i i fell back into fiction which was my first love you know and so i started picking up these different recommendations and this was recommended by a friend and it's i think it's called the last time i saw you now some parts of it are let's see it's elizabeth berg yeah the last time i saw you um and some parts of it are kind of a little bit on the goofy side but it really made me think it was about a 40 class reunion so people um who haven't seen each other or are having a class reunion and they're wanting you know they're at the points in their lives of like my age i guess and well we're probably closer to 50 but um this is basically a 40 class reunion and the characters are talking about you know the characters who have remained friends since high school are talking about um different classmates and and that kind of thing and and they're describing these different classmates in terms of what they were like when they were in high school and i was just i kind of sat back and i was trying to remember who i went to high school with and i went to a fairly small school but i don't think if i ran into some of my classmates i would even recognize them or remember their names i functioned in a you know high school is all about your groups and the group that i functioned into kind of flew below the radar i guess and um i wouldn't say we were nerds because we weren't that you know we weren't exceptionally smart we were intelligent but um i guess we weren't the the the jock or cheerleader group you know and um so i was asking gee if he remembered his high school classmates and he he he remembered the events that stood out for him but it's interesting how you have certain judgments about who people were in high school like they haven't had they haven't changed since high school well of course they've changed in some way somehow life didn't go exactly like you at 17 might have predicted it would go so it was funny to think about that you know because it brought to mind and i think i've told you this before but it brought to mind that my sister went i've only been to one class reunion and i think it was the 30-year class and um but my sister went to a different high school and she went to several of hers and there was a woman who was just kind of aloof towards her and at the 40-year reunion that woman finally talked to her and said that she had been upset with her for 40 years for stealing her boyfriend and my sister had no clue what this one was talking about and she said i don't know who that guy is and i never stole your boyfriend but whatever can you imagine she's been carrying that around and so my sister called me up and she goes telling me this story and she goes do you know this guy and i said yeah i dated him and and so even though it's at a separate high school this woman was carrying that angst for all that time i'm telling you life is too short to be carrying garbage like that around you know he obviously wasn't worth it and i don't remember ever stealing him from somebody but i remember that he was he had a girlfriend that he didn't want to be boyfriends with anymore so you know but this book is is entertaining in that way is that you the things you think about uh so i i would suggest reading it i would i would pass on this uh the recommendation and just know that there are parts of it that are going to make you roll your eyes but um but i've been plugging through it and uh thinking about different people who maybe fit the characters in that book um yeah i've been enjoying the i've been enjoying the fiction fiction books they are highly entertaining and distracting okay i think i've rambled enough i hope you are all doing well that um you're staying safe um my daughter-in-law says there's been an uptick of people in the er [Music] and thank goodness most of who they have seen have been vaccinated so they're they're presenting with less serious symptoms but the ones that have not been vaccinated yet oh she says they are just miserable just miserable so take care of yourself we need all the quilters in the world we can get you take care and thanks for stitching with me today [Music] you
Channel: Quilt Roadies
Views: 11,416
Rating: 4.9419589 out of 5
Id: tplcg6W8oOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 9sec (3249 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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