On1 Photo RAW 2019 - 1: Quick Start

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[Music] hey guys this is Anthony more Canty from online photography training com welcome to my free training on on one photo raw 2019 over the past several videos series that i've done i've been in the habit of calling the first video in the series quick start i do that because i know that some of you don't want to watch 14 or 15 videos to learn in detail all the functionality of an application some of you just want to get an idea what the application did can do and you want to see some of the major features and then you're going to go in and root around for yourself so the first video of the series in this series specifically is just an overview i'm going to show you some of the major features we're going to navigate to where an images on my computer we're going to process it and then we're going to export it as a jpg to share so doing the video this way though may lose some of you because I'm going to be going quickly and I'm going to really bypass a lot of the functionality but those of you that want more detail stay with the series because in subsequent videos and I'll be doing around 2 videos a week I'll go into much greater detail and will cover all the functionality of the application and on photo raw 20:19 is really a feature-rich application you could do a lot with it I'll compare it to Lightroom for instance in Lightroom you have the library module the develop module and the print module you could pretty much do all the functions in those modules of Lightroom in on one photo row 2019 in Photoshop you have layers layer masks blending you could do all that in on one photo raw 20:19 also in a application like luminar where you have filters and you have filter effects on one photo raw 20:19 has an effects module and you could do pretty much similar things that you could do in luminar with on one photo i'll 2019 so again it's a super feature-rich program there's a lot you could do with it now when you first open on one photo raw 2019 you'll be in the Browse module and the Browse module is akin to Lightroom's library module and i will refer to lightroom now quite a bit because i know that many of you our experienced in lightroom in you're looking for a lightroom alternative so the Browse module is similar to Lightroom's library module and in the Browse module you could star in color label you could rate your images you could um you could come in and call them you could anything you could think of you could do in the library module you pretty much could do in the Browse module eight keywords and things like that now the key difference between Lightroom and on one photo raw 20:19 is how do you get your images into the application those of you that are familiar with Lightroom know that you just can't browse to an area on your computer that has an image and start editing it you have to formally import that image into Lightroom and that's a process with on one you can import images off your memory cards into on one but you don't have to you could just navigate to wherever the images on your computer and when you're in the Browse module if you look over on the left-hand panel you'll see some areas of your computer that may or may not contain images and this makes it easy for you to navigate to those areas so at the top you'll see there's local drives and on this computer I have one internal hard drive that's called the Macintosh hard drive and then I have four external hard drives plug into the plugged into this machine I have one that I've called Lightroom that's an external hard drive I have one that's called media server I have one that I've called more Gaiety Drive and I have another one I've called video drive so if I have images on any of these drives I could just click on it and drill down to that image and just start working on it I don't have to formally formally import the image into the application now below that we have cloud locations I have Dropbox Google Drive and onedrive so if I have images on any of those cloud locations I could just navigate to the image there via these links below that I have my phone I could navigate to images that are my phone now over on the left hand side far left we have some kind of like Quick Links to a lot of areas at the top we have the desktop if you have images on your desktop you could just click on that and go right to the desktop below that we have the pictures folder so that wherever the pictures folder is on your computer you get click there and hop right to the pictures folder to the below that we have cataloged folders in on one photo Rock 20:19 the images are on your computer murder usually in a folder you could access them work on them fine you don't have to import them or anything like that but if you choose to catalogue that folder it doesn't take really it doesn't take up any significant disk base when you do that but it will allow you to access that folder much more quickly and the images were render much faster on your screen if you catalog a folder I found because my computer's fairly fast that I don't see much of a performance difference between a catalog folder and a folder that isn't cataloged so it's really up to you whether or not you want to catalog a folder that you often use and in a subsequent video I'll show how to do that now below the catalog folders we have our local drives and these are all these drives right here that we have there and below that we have the cloud services and then below that we have albums now I have no albums set up on on this computer yet or on my application yet albums are akin to collections in Lightroom if you're familiar how to use a collection in Lightroom an album is the same thing so I want to edit an image I need to find it now you can see I have a bunch of images but I know on my Lightroom hard drive so I'll click there that's my Lightroom hard drive I have two folders and you could tell their folders there's a little folder icon in the lower right hand corner and the left hand folder I have called Lightroom RAW files that's my Lightroom library of all my images in Lightroom and I created a new one next to that that's my own RAW files and you can see there's it's a folder has that folder icon now I didn't have to I'm just doing this for this video demonstration series whenever I do a video I'm going to access an image from my own one raw files folder and then later on I'll show you how to catalog this folder and things like that so that's why I did it you don't have to keep your images independent of Lightroom you could work on them from your Lightroom folder but Lightroom will not recognize any of your edits that you did in on one and on one won't recognize any edits who did in Lightroom so they're independent of one another you just can though share the images if I wanted to go to the Lightroom's raw files folder I could but I want to go into the sodden on-one raw files folder so I'll double click on it and you can see that I have nine images in it now whenever you navigate to any location on your computer there's a little breadcrumb trail right here so if I want to go backwards through my breadcrumbs I could just like click on Lightroom and I could go backwards and so if I had a lot of nested folders this breadcrumb trail would get relatively long and it's easy to just jump back using that breadcrumb trail now we have different views when we're looking at our images right now we're looking at a grid view of images and if we look over in the lower left-hand corner will see these views down here this is grid view the keyboard shortcut to go into this view is G G is in grid next to that we have the detailed view and the detailed view is an image a single image so we're going to look at this image and maybe this is the one will process the keyboard shortcut to get into the detail view is the e key he is an Edward next to that we have the filmstrip view and we'll click on that and you can see now the image is still there our selected image but we have a film strip along the bottom that is showing all the images that are in that specific folder my own one RAW files folder and we could access the images maybe more quickly and easy easily right here you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard as well if you'd like to access them that way now if you'd like to compare two images if you're culling images and you want to see which image might be sharper than the other or something like that down in the filmstrip you could click on one of the images and hold the command or control key in and click on the other image and it's control if you have a PC command if you have a Mac then click right here this is the compare view and see is the keyboard shortcut to get into the compare view and then you could see your images and if you wanted to add another image to compare of you could add more than one as what I'm trying to say so you could add a bunch of images you're compared view if you'd like to now I'm gonna go back to the detail view I'm gonna hit the e key on my keyboard and now I'm in the detail view but let's just say I'd like to work on this image now we're still in the Browse module in the Browse module I could give it a star rating a color label I could like it or I could give it an X meaning it's a reject and I probably will be deleting it but in this case I'm gonna save that for a future video on how you do all that but we need to edit it now if we go over on the right side side real quick you could see that right now it's showing a Navigator screen if you're zoomed in on your image on your Navigator screen you'll have this little box and you could take this little box and just drag it to a different location on your image so you could maybe look closer at your image and make sure that it's in focus and very sharp I'm going to zoom back out by clicking on it again next to that we have levels that's really a histogram that's your histogram of the image and to the right of that we have info and that's the pertinent camera info and lens info of the image well I've already decided I want to edit this so to edit this we go to the Edit module and if you look over at the far right you'll see right here under browse is edit and we'll click on that and now we're in the edit module and the edit module is very similar to the develop module in Lightroom a lot of the same sliders that do the same thing inside of the Edit module our four sub model a modules one is called the develop module and I mentioned it's similar to the develop module in Lightroom to the right of that we have the effects module effects module is similar to luminaire let's say and those of you familiar with luminaire has different filters that you could apply and I will do some work in the effects module on this image in a moment to the right of that we have the portrait sub module of the Edit module the port that's obviously if you're working on a portrait that has tools that allow you to better process a portrait to the light our local adjustments and that's the brush graduated filter and things like that now I want to just do kind of straight processing on this image so typically you would start with this top tab that is in the desktop section of the Edit module and this is your typical tone at the top and color at the bottom so you know to give you a little idea those of you not familiar with my post processing and how I go about doing it just let me explain very quickly I kind of borrowed from grading film technically grading video and in video grading typically what a video Agra fer will do is they'll shoot their video so it's as flat as possible and not very saturated and the reason why they do that is it will minimize noise but it also when it's flat it'll allow them to more easily manipulated and post and make it look like anything they want it to look like so what I'll tend to do is I'll actually flatten my image a little bit to begin with and then I use some other tools to bring back some of the contrast and color that is in the image I found that works best for me so typically what I'll do is I in most people do is we don't really go top to bottom we'll jump around we'll look at the image and see what it needs the most so if this was underexposed I would probably go to exposure right away but let's the shadows were just dark then I'd probably go to the shadow slider if highlights were too bright I'd probably just go to the highlight slider right away so I jump around now another thing you should know that at the top of the toning color tab is the camera profiles and by default you'll always be an on one standard and this is just how the software will interpret the settings in the raw file and reproduce them for the screen meaning right now we're looking at the image and we see specific tone color and contrast values if I go over the one below that which is on one landscape just hover over it you'll see that that will change slightly on one portrait changes again on one vivid changes on one neutral changes now below that you'll see that there's some camera profiles every camera will be different and if you shoot JPEG you won't see these these will only be in the raw file so you'll see camera landscape this is a Nikon camera so this is the profile that Nikon has for a landscape image there's camera neutral camera portrait camera standard and camera vivid now these are unique to this specific Nikon camera that I used yours may say something different here depending on what model and make camera you used and again if you're shooting JPEG you won't have these at all now I'm just gonna stay with on one standard for this demonstration so you can see how that affects the image now we could come down and start processing it now I mentioned that I tend to make it flat first so I'm going to remove contrast so I look at the brightest part and that's the highlights the clouds up there I'm going to take the highlight slider and I'm gonna pull that down and in doing so it tends to tease out a little more detail in the sky then I'm gonna go to the shadows and I'm going to open those up or move the shadow slider to the right so I'm making the image flatter by doing this tonally the image is flat now if I think mid-tones need anything I do that as well now what I'll do at this point is I'll go back to adding some contrast to the image and usually I will do that via the whites and the blacks so I would go to the whites and I could move that to the right or to the left now you know really you kind of just do it by eye and just see what works now because typically no this is just my style everyone's different and I encourage you to experiment in kind of brew up a style of your own because I usually brought highlights down and shadows up I tend to will do the opposite to the whites and blacks I'll put whites up and when compared to shadows it's kind of the opposite direction and then what blacks I'll bring those down so you can see I'm dialing back in some of the contrast structure is equivalent to clarity and Lightroom if you move it to the right you're gonna add mid-tone contrast to the image which makes the image look sharper if you move it to the left you're gonna be removing that mid-tone to contrast it's gonna make the image look a little softer so I'll move structure to the right haze on the other hand if you move it to the right you're going to be introducing haze so you can see how the clouds are getting hazed out if I move it to the left I am going to be removing haste but in effect I'm adding a lot of contrast and a lot of times I don't care for the look of haze and I'll you leave that at zero now if you ever adjust a slider and you want to quickly put it back to its default position just double click on the name of the slider and it will go back to its default position now overall then I'll look at the unit I'll come out I had some contrast I usually do contrast towards the end of this adjustments now I still think it's probably a little bright so I'm gonna take White's down think that looks better so I come jump around a little bit and to get it adjusted the way I like so I think I have the tone adjusted the way I want now I should note I forgot to if you don't understand the sliders quite yet you're still learning but you want to quickly process an image there is an auto button right here for tone if you click Auto it'll automatically adjust all these sliders in the tone section to what the software thinks is a proper adjustment for the image now usually I hate what Auto does I prefer to do it myself and like I said you probably will too once you get to learn the software but if you're in a hurry Auto will work below that we have the color the actual color temperature of the image the white balance and you can see there's a drop down here and we have a shot this as the camera set it then we have an auto setting that the software thinks would work we have daylight you can see how that seemed to have warmed it up a touch below that cloudy which warmed it up considerably shade will warm it up even more then we have tungsten and that's gonna cool it down below that we have fluorescent which also is cool we have flash and then a custom setting is whenever you come in and adjust any of the sliders or if you grab this little eyedropper here if you click on it the eyedropper is active and you can see our cursors now a plus sign what you're meant to do now is click on something in the image that is middle gray and that is equivalent to an 18% gray card that you might have had your model holding in a photo and then you could click on the gray card in post with this plus sign and get a perfect white balance for the lighting conditions you faced when you took the image now you gotta find in this case I had no one in the scene holding an 18% gray card so I have to find something that's kind of an equivalent to that gray which I'm probably not going to find so we'll click there and you could see now it did a custom white balance to that setting so you could come in now I think I like the a shot I think that looks funny now below that we have purity or well I should say I'm jumping down a below temperature intent we have saturation and vibrance and saturation will affect every pixel in the image if you move it to the right it's going to make every pixel more saturated if you move it to the left it's going to make every pixel less saturated so much so that if I move it all the way to left I'll have a black and white image now if you have colors that are already saturated when you move saturation to the right it's going to over saturate the those colors vibrant on the other hand is a little more subtle first of all it will only bring colors to saturation and tenth will tend not to over saturate ever everything also it doesn't have as much effect on reds and pinks so vibrance would be a better choice for portraiture because often with saturation if you move it to the right the model skin will start looking to red or too pink or to flush looking vibrance is a better choice so if you move that to the right you could still it's still add saturation to the image but it doesn't over saturate like vibrance if I move it all the way down it doesn't suck all the color out of the image you could still see there's some color there and it won't affect the oranges reds and Pink's quite as much no for this image I think I'll just take there's not a person in it so I'm just gonna take vibrance or so I'm sorry saturation up a tiny bit now um if you do find that vibrance is adversely affecting the skin you could click this little box here and it will help hopefully reduce the vibrance on the skin now if you find that you chose a white balance with the drop down the eyedropper or just manually move these sliders and then you add it saturation and vibrance and now your whites don't look white anymore you could take this purity slider and move that highlights to the right and that will take the color out of the highlights the more you move it the more it will affect start to affect the mid-tones you could see how it started to suck the color out of the building as well below that is shadows that's the same thing except it just works on the shadows now I think I'm done with the tone and color tab below that is the details tab this is actual sharpening and noise reduction and a lot of times you'll find on these tabs on on every filter that you'll use in the effects module there's some presets for that tab or filter along the top now if you click on default this gives you just the zero numbers so that kind of gets you back to Ground Zero to the right of that though we have some of these presets there's a low amount of sharpening with a low amount of luminance and color noise reduction if I click on high we'll get more sharpening more luminance and color noise reduction there's a little drop down here with some more there's a print option that gives you a sharpening that would be hopefully work well with a print so if you're going to print the image you may want to use that that choice below that is screen if you're just going to share this online you may prefer to use screen that will work well there and it also has default high and low in there as well so let's just stuff for this demonstration use screen remove hot pixels sometimes when you sharpen an image there'll be some pixels will just kind of pop out on the image this is more prevalent with the cheaper camera tell you the truth but if you click that it will help get rid of those hot pixels hours or less at least it lessens them so we're done with details now lens correction I have it so it automatically finds the lens I used it was a Nikon 24 to 70 and it found it and if I want to turn any of these off to see what the effect is theirs without lens Corrections and there's with lens correction without with so you could see that it performed lens Corrections automatically I could turn off detail there's and you know a lot of times too when you're adjusting detail the detail tab and you're sharpening and adding noise reduction to the image you'd like to zoom in so you would click on the image to zoom in and this will help you better see the detail and better see the noise I should make that point now I didn't do it now below lens correction we have transform and this comes in handy especially on an image such as this where I took an image or a picture of this building and you could see that it looks like it's tilted backwards and it's very easy to fix with the transform tab and I'll just do it very quickly we'll click on to turn on the tab and I want to do a Keystone adjustment you could see falling off backwards is kind of a keystone issue so we'll click here and it brings up this kind of very faint looking box what this when you're adjusting Keystone and I will go and detail this entire tab in future videos is we need to find two horizontal lines in two vertical lines and we'll drag these lines over the top of those lines and then it will correct the image now for this image of City Hall there really isn't a really defined like square there's the outside a little bit but those are kind of far away from one and are they're kind of short I should say and actually though it works best if the image you were doing an image that has two horizontal lines that are very far apart from one another and two vertical lines that are very far part of apart from one another that's where it works best I really don't have that here so what I'm gonna do is just do the best I can I I'm gonna do I could see that there's like this little kind of box right here see it I'm gonna drag these points these little handles over those areas see right here and you'll notice as soon as I drag the first one it has apply button right in the middle when I'm done I click that button there [Music] and then ilk grab this one and I'll come over here and I'm just gonna double-check that it's going perfectly along those lines and once I'm satisfied that it looks like I have these lines set I'll click apply and you'll notice that it corrected for it now it looks like City Hall and a monument are standing perfectly straight up and down but in doing so I created an issue here now I have these blank pixels so what I need to do is I need to crop it and over here on the left hand side we have the tool well we have a lot of tools we could use here the crop tool the text tool the local adjustments tool faces tool and mask and we're going to go over all of these in future episodes but right now I need to crop it so I'm going to click on the crop tool and along the top we have the tool attributes and I'm going to leave it right now as a free-form crop and I'm just going to grab this handle and pull it up and grab this handle and push it in and grab this handle and bring that in as well so we're we've eliminated all those blank pixels we're gonna click apply and there is our cropped image now it looks pretty good so I'm really done with the develop section of the edit module but I'm still want to do something else to the image so I'm going to go to effects and if we click on effects this is now I mentioned remember I mentioned this kind of those of you familiar with luminar we have a lot of different filters we could add to the image and one thing I didn't point out when we did initially go into the edit module over on the left we have a lot of presets so you could come in into on one photo raw and just apply a preset and that hopefully maybe we'll get you done right away and one thing I just want to add real quick there have been a lot of people that have purchased my on-one presets for on one photo raw 2018 and they can't find them when they installed on one photo raw 2019 my presets if you purchase them from me and install them in on one photo raw 2018 they work perfectly in on one photo or 2019 as well and they're located right here where it says third-party presets and if you click on that you can see there's Anthony M's presets and there they are and then when you do a preset you could see you have kind of these little thumb there are postage stamp views of the image with that preset applied but I'm not going to use a preset right now for this what we're going to do I'll just go back so that looks normal is I do want to apply two different filters just to make it very quick two of my favorite filters I'm gonna click on add filter and you can see this filters dialog box pops up and if you hover over a filter you'll get an idea what that filter does by the picture and it has a little explanation of what that filter does now one of my favorite filters is dynamic contrast so I'm going to click on that and as soon as that gets applied you could see that it did something to the image there's before and there's after there's before there's after I like dynamic contrast so much I often say it's worth the price of admission just to buy the software just so you could get this filter now again as I mentioned before that many of these filters will have little presets along the top and right when you turn it on it did this first one called natural next today that is surreal I don't like that one at all soft I don't like that one then under the drop-down we have a couple more we have grudge and contrast which is hideous that natural again soft again surreal again then we have this texture enhancer and I really like the natural but as I look at the natural it might be just a little bit too much now I could come in here and I could just go to these sliders and try moving them back and whatnot but an easier and quicker way is it has an opacity slider when it's at a hundred percent this filter a hundred percent of this filter is being applied to the image while I could just back it off so if I back it off to zero that says that the filter isn't even applied at all see there's before there's after well I think somewhere more towards the middle is probably going to work well so I'll put it somewhere around fifty I think that looks pretty good right there there's before and there's after so I think that looks now I want to add another filter to this and I want to add a vignette so I'm gonna click on add filter and I'm going to go to vignette and it already added this natural vignette to the image you can see oops I hit the wrong one duh sorry let's put this back 250 not looking at what I'm doing go back to the vignette all right it already added this subtle or I just added the subtle vignette to it there's before and there's after one of the favorites most of us like is this big softy if you had that and why you may want to add a vignette to the image it helps draw your viewers attention more towards the center of the image so you're basically in this case because it's a dark vignette just darkening the sides and there is options to brighten the sides as well there's individual sliders here and I will go into detail about this filter in future videos there are more off in this drop-down more little presets you can see there's white ones and black ones and there's some white vignette white edges but I like that big softy I think I'll just go with that so I'm done with the image I think this is a nicely processed image if you want to see a before or after you could hit the backslash key on your keyboard there's before and there's after so you could see did quite a bit to it you also could do that down here see where it says preview if you click there there's before and there's after so it looks pretty good I think so we're gonna export this now and down here in the lower right hand side you can see that there's an export button and when I click on that this right hand panel will turn into the export panel it just takes a second it's generating a preview and rendering it and when you have the export panel there's a lot of different things you could do on export first of all is photo size I want to I don't want to export this image in its large you know format it was shot on a Nikon d800e which is a very high resolution camera and I don't want that big JPEG on my computer I just need something I'm going to share on social media so I'm going to resize it and I'm just going to resize the long edge to 2048 and the resolution from 300 to 72 typically if you're printing the image you'd like to export the in full sized image not resize it and you'd like the resolution to be at least 300 and you'll get a decent print if you're sharing it online it depends like Facebook resizes images to 2048 so even if you upload to Facebook a full size image they're gonna resize it to 2048 it's better you're better off to just resize it yourself and and then they because it will look better overall if you do it yourself then if you they do it application like Instagram they resize it to 1080 I think if I remember right that's the long edge to 1080 well yeah long edge on a horizontal and a vertical it's a little different but it's not worth getting into right now but anyway I'm gonna resize this to 2048 you could add a watermark you could do some export sharpening if you'd like a lot of times I'll do it and I'll just do screen low just for that tiling that is if you're going to end up printing the image too but you want a very large rendition but your printer only prints small or you know it doesn't print that large you could print blocks out and then then you know tape them together tile them together for your larger image you do a gallery wrap if you're printing and you want to stretch your image over a base you could do it with a gallery wrap file type I mentioned we're gonna do a JPEG I'm gonna do 80% I think studies have shown that people cannot see the difference between a quality of 80 to a hundred so I'll do that and the color space I am just going to use srgb because most people's monitors can't render the colors and the other color spaces anyway so you might as well just use srgb we're gonna save it to a specific folder I'm gonna choose it then my finder Apple come up and if you have a PC Windows File Explorer will pop up and I'm just gonna save it to the desktop and if prevent overwrite if I have a file there with the same name I that would prevent the overwrite it could rename it I don't think we will we'll just leave the current name and when we're all set here we're just gonna go down here in the lower right hand side and click export now it's exporting the image it'll take a second and when it's done it will appear on my desktop okay it did take a good 30 seconds or so for it to export the image here it is on my desktop I'll just double click on it and there's our exported image so that's how you would quickly go into on one photo raw 2019 find an image to process process it add a filter or two to it and then export it when you're done you could go back to your browse module and if you want to see the grid view again hit G for grid and there's our images and if you want to go to the filmstrip view go to f4 filmstrip you could go through and process another one so again this is quick start I know it might have left a few of you in the dust because I kind of over viewed everything I didn't go into great detail but hopefully for some of you this gets you interested in the application you could go to on one photo or two on one's website and they have a 30 day trial versions fully working it only will work for 30 days though and you could give it a try and see if you like the application and also you see how it runs on your computer everybody's computer is different and a lot of times you hear you know that I not saying I hear at about on one but you'll hear that application crashes on somebody's machine or it goes too slow but that's why I encourage you don't buy it right away try it and make sure it works right for you and is running smoothly on your machine thank you for watching my free video training and on one photo raw 2019 please do me a favor and like and share this video also subscribe to my youtube channel and in the description below this video you'll see ways that you could help me keep making free photography how-to videos finally visit my website online photography training comm there you'll find over 900 videos and articles to help you with your photography and of course they're all free thank you [Music]
Channel: Anthony Morganti
Views: 31,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, photographer, post processing, adobe, lightroom, photoshop, on1, photo raw
Id: Kr6jdVsEcfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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