A-10 Thunderbolt Walkaround

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Credit to Erik Johnston via YouTube :)

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👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/KdF-wagen 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
this video sponsored by Jon's 360 koenings com [Music] you [Applause] hello everybody my name is major Cody Shiv Wilton I'm the demonstration pilot for the a-10 demonstration team and today we're gonna show you the a-10 and do a walk-around first thing we'll start with the single port refueling so when you walk up maintenance always leave this open for us is where it will store our pins you might see some parts or tools stored in there or maybe a comm cord if you're going cross-country but here's where you check your fuel tanks so we got four internal fuel tanks those are open and norm right now so that would be your two wing tanks one in each wing left and right and then you have a left and right internal to the fuselage which really is for an aft whenever we say right for the airplane in almost every right system is in the leading edge or the front side and the left system would be in the app so if you're saying left or right hydraulics left or right fuel tank it's four and a half if it's an internal configuration as we move around the airplane so right here you can see actually the slat so it's called a slat this is not a truce lat and an airplane sense so this does not generate lift it doesn't let me land the airplane any slower it does nothing but smooth air flow into that engine above the wing because the engine is actually above the trailing edge of the wing so as you are coming in or at a high AOA this slat will pop open it'll smooth that airflow off the leading edge of the wing so it goes internal to the engine without that you might get a compressor stall another design characteristic is when you shoot the gun this will pop open so again it smoothes that airflow and it helps divert some of that gun gas underneath the wing so that it doesn't go down the motor because then that could suffocate the engine that's also this right here this is just a wind fence so you shoot the gun the gun gas comes and it just tries to divert more of it down the fuselage so if our airplane was dirty like the normal a-10 you can see on the rip it would be real dirty right here and a little bit dirty over here and down the side but a lot of that gun gas is gonna concentrate underneath the airplane because if it goes down the motor there's just there's no oxygen and gun gas so it's going to suffocate it so all that that's all that is right there as we move forward you know you got your normal antennas VHF radios FM radios UHF radio up there you got takin's and stuff like that but really this what people are more impressed with this side of the airplane is the gun so you can kind of see the gun out the front of the aircraft the whole gun and drum system comes all the way back to about here it is massive so everything internal to here was built around that gun and that's why they say the airplane built around the gun even the offset nose gear which we can talk about a little bit take a look at I'll go ahead and pop this panel here you guys can take a look at the gun system sorry I take my time some of these are a little sharp all right so right here inside this is the best panel to kind of get a look so you can see where the drum starts and goes back it holds eleven hundred and fifty thirty millimeter rounds each round is a little bit bigger than like a coke bottle and then you have the hydraulic drive driving the gun which is then forward of that so the seven barrels the system is dual hydraulically driven so you have each the right and left side hydraulics so if one engine is operating and the other is not you could still shoot the gun it just shoots a half rate as opposed to the full rate with both hydraulic systems operating you can also see the belt system right here which is where the rounds would be carried on that drive it from the drum back into the gun and then back out it'll take the empty shells back to the drum so it stores the empty shells in there because the weight is so important to the center of gravity of the airplane so without these rounds in there you would actually put ballast in the nose on an empty gun because we need to help with the center of gravity 1150 rounds of bullets equals about four thousand pounds they're about three pounds each so you need with four thousand pounds up here in the nose you obviously got to offset that when you don't have it in the airplane and so anytime you hear someone tell a story where the shells were raining down it's not true we keep our shells we need to wait in the front of the airplane we need to stay in there for us so as you as I was saying all of this is gun up above this is obviously the cockpit and you can't really tell but those are that's all titanium surrounding this gun so if this gun were to blow up it does not penetrate that cockpit at all we are completely safe up there and other mechanisms we have up here so obviously we got the nosewheel nosewheel tire which is offset again to accommodate the gun being down the centerline of the airplane so the gun is directly down centreline in here we have sort of some old that's still yet great systems on the airplane so we have a ten system so even the a-10 you know built in design in the 70s we got a computer system they can download codes they can see what the engines are doing how they're performing and some of the other systems on the jet so does have some computer systems in there here you can see the ballast that we got loaded up in this airplane again that's just for the CG because the gun is empty right now even Zack oh is that other systems that you can tell from in here so you have up front we have our emergency accumulator for our hydraulics and you would have to take a look right up here so our reservoir so emergency hydraulic system so you've got a left right left side right side and you got a backup emergency side that we can utilize for braking and then this is actually just it's a windshield wash so that gun gas gets the windscreen dirty you can just hit that and it'll throw some windshield wash but better not be above the freezing level or else you're just gonna ice yourself over and then up front obviously we got the gun so seven barrels some barrels of freedom 70 rounds a second 4,200 rounds a minute there is no limit on the firing for the OP side for me on how many rounds I could fire at any given time there's just two different schedules we put on the gun so if the gun is ever fired more than a hundred rounds per minute then that will drop the lifespan of those barrels but doesn't mean we can't keep shooting it just means we got to change them out at ten thousand rounds versus fifteen thousand rounds those aren't the exact numbers but just an example there and then if it's never shot more than a hundred rounds per minute we call that a training schedule so training schedule would be never more than 100 rounds per minute and that's just to save the life of the barrels we can change them out maybe every 15,000 rounds now combat schedule we're gonna shoot more than 100 rounds per minute those are gonna get changed out a little more often but the gun itself so again when I showed you where the drum is the hydraulic drives back there it's also I mean this thing is it's extremely accurate so the it's five mil precision is what we call it so 80% of the rounds will hit within a 5 middle mils being milliradians out there so at 1,000 feet five mils would be five feet so 80% of your rounds are gonna hit within a five foot circle and that's at 70 rounds a second so if you throw that hei rounds in there those are have about the same frag ring as a hand grenade so that's 70 hand grenades within a 5 foot circle at a thousand feet yep so up on the top and this is why our nose is all beat up and everything it's the most common question we get at air shows is our air refueling receptacle the reason ours gets so dented compared to other people up here is one it's just sheet metal so there's no driver to fix that it's not negatively affecting the characteristics of the airplane at all the airplane is already draggy enough this isn't gonna do anything different to it when it goes to depo and gets a full repaint they'll usually pull that off they'll pop these rivets pull it off and they'll bang those dents out but the reason we get a lot of those dents is because it's right in front of the pilot the tendency is for the pilot to try to plug himself but it's the boom operators job to plug you see need to get in position be patient let him plug the airplane but you know guys focus especially at night or in bad weather and they're just locked in on that boom and it's just two people trying to do the same thing and you you get a little dent as a reminder not to do that again so this scoop I was gonna get to that next actually so this is a cooling-- so after you fire the gun this is just bringing in cool air to cool those barrels and the gun will rotate after you fire for a few seconds to move the barrels into that cool Airstream so they cool evenly all mechanically controlled system we also have what's called a precision attitude control that engages with the guns so as you come in and you shoot that gun and you fire the jet does a whole bunch of things at the same time which is it's amazing technology considering when it was built but we have a stability augmentation system so it'll actually take sort of a rudimentary autopilot and it'll lock down that airplane so that gun won't pull you off target you don't have to hold it there as soon as I pull the trigger the airplane locks in and it doesn't move and as long as I'm holding that trigger down it is locked in it's gonna continue to put the bullets in that same circle without falling off it could be turbulent I could hit wind it doesn't matter it's gonna lock in right where it's at the other thing it'll do is it'll pop those slats like I talked about the slats will come out it also starts firing the igniters and the motors again because of that gun gas just in case is trying to suffocate the engine it's gonna fire off and light right back up as it's going so all these things it does just by you pulling the trigger but the lock in the pack is what amazes people the most it does not come off target at all once you start pulling that trigger the moving back so we have some upgrades we have the two lights landing and taxi light this is a change where it used to be for M VG's so we can land on darkened field with M VG's on takeoff and landing and then you'd put a filter on here now with these LED versions we don't have to put a filter so you can just go out there and wear your MPGs land and you got the in this lighting out there for you so you look at this tire it it looks like so one directional control of the airplane obviously this is not gonna get great a load of traction but the traction is really coming from those rear tires the front tire is not giving you all that traction when you land the cord is just showing you the wear if you look on the side of the tire it'll actually tell you the cut limits 732 it'll also tell you how many ply the tire is 14 ply and then some of them will tell you exactly how many cords you can see and then some you just have to know based on the type of tire but typically it's four four cords but you'll see white cord white cord and then you'll see a red cord and once you see that red cord that tire is done but that's a that's it so it's pretty easy you just look if you don't have red cords you got a good tire and no deep cuts deeper than 7:32 7/32 of an inch let's see here so it says liquid oxygen this is no longer liquid oxygen so this Jets upgraded and it's got an obob system so onboard oxygen generating system so it creates its own oxygen from the engine bleeder which is a whole lot of magic that not a lot of people would understand but including myself but yeah it creates its own oxygen there this right here so this is actually just an old stanchion so we had what was called the pave penny back in the day you can kind of see it looks like a little Bowl hanging off the front of the airplane when it's flying I don't know how else to describe it but it would pick up a laser spot so it was a rudimentary laser spot system so you can go in and find targets with that and that was designed in 70s it was on the airplane forever we hadn't used it in a long time but because the airplane was Arab Danna aerodynamically tested with that system on there we couldn't just rip it off we had to actually retest the airplane reef lie it make sure it didn't affect the stall characteristics and everything that we've been training to you so that's why you see these so this was just holding that pylon there and pretty fairly recently within the last five years when we got rid of that moving back so now this is this is our Oh box so these bent out they just got to clean them everyday when you start up the airplane they're they're ports for that Oh box system in those filters so you don't want those getting clogged up you know my bugs or debris or anything like that it'll clean that up moving down further from the airplane so a lot of these are just electrical systems circuit breaker panels all that old-school avionics so the remember this was built in the seventies just like the f-15 see there's a lot of room in there for avionics that were original to the airplane but are no longer there you knows we've upgraded things have gotten smaller more compact require less airflow and all that second side wind fence obviously same slat same as the other side and then all these parts are interchangeable by the way that's a great part of the a 10 so this slat can work on that side that slack can work on this side this main landing gear tire can be over here where you flip it around you throw it over there all of its interchangeable engines are interchangeable to each side as well right here so the gear pod as the gear come up so our nose gear goes all the way up that door closes you can't see it but these mains come up and they actually stick out about down to here so you can see those tires as you're flying and then the front of this pod this right here is just a ILS antenna so that's why it's paint a black first the other side there's just an antenna on there and any time you see an antenna on the airplane it's painted black as standard for us but as those gear come up so that gear comes up in here and it sticks out a little bit it actually can still turn I can still use brakes on that so if for whatever reason my hydraulics are failed my gun blows up so my nose gears blown out so I'm gonna lay in gear up I can still hit the brakes once I land with my emergency system and stop the airplane and it'll just cruise to a stop it might grind up the flaps a little bit in the back but otherwise typically when we have an airplane landing gear up its flying within a week easily fixed here so this is it's a demo tale and by demo tail this is a combat coated airplane but we just reduce some weight a little bit so normally we have these pylons on here there would be 11 right now there's only four we take them off for demonstrations one to get further country so a less drag less weight getting across country so taking off those seven pylons reduces the airplanes weight by about twenty five hundred pounds so that gets us some further legs and saves the taxpayers some money on gas and then also it just makes for a better demonstration with a lighter airplane so we take seven of those off so this is station nine right here you would have station ten kind of where you see this in those holes right there you'd have another pylon and then that's station 11 and then in board we would have them all the way down across the fuselage typically on station nine so station nine is a heavyweight pylon you can put a heavy heavier piece of munition on here but usually we're carrying Mavericks so the agm-65 maverick will throw it on three and nine so it has a connector back here that's the one where we can see the video in the cockpit and watch it lock on and then fire and forget missile for most models station 10 normally we'd have a targeting pod on here that's where we get our camera laser designator IR marker IR camera it's just one amazing pod with a whole lot of capability that has really increased the mission effectiveness for the a-10 and was a big part of the HNC model upgrade was integrating that and making an integral part of the airplane every time we fly so see an a-10 in combat it normally will have a pod right here that has that camera system and then on the outboard station so these are smaller so this is back half is actually the aileron actuator the front half is pylon so it can't carry you couldn't put a two thousand pounder on this but I could put a two thousand pounder on that station nine pylon I'm so your outboard two pylons are a different type of pylon they're just a little bit smaller but you can't put a 2,000 pound or you could put 500-pound munitions on here all day though no issues aim nines we would carry them out here on this station or on the other side on station 1 or 11 and same with like an ECM a jamming pod we put those on 1 or 11 as well moving out bored so all we got out here is the pedo boom on the front side and then as you move out another part of the c model upgrade we have our missile warning system HUD detectors up there so they can detect a missile launch for us they can determine we pre program a cocktail that we wanted to put out based on the threat in the area and it's gonna start dumping out that chaff or sorry the flare for us in that pre program system and it'll it just allows us because you only have two or 30 seconds before it from the time that missile launches until it hits you when they're flying Mach 3 that it you only got those two seconds so it'll detect it at first it'll put out some flares and now we can look over and find it and maybe go back and strike it afterwards but the G that's already trying to save our life here these four canisters are you can put chaff or flare in that and you actually have a switch right here that'll just say chaff or flare and you tell it that easy so typically on the wings in combat you'll see chaff if there is an air-to-air or a surface-to-air missile threat you have the chaff and the wings so that the wingtip vortices disperse that chaff a little bit better and then underneath the landing gear is I'll show you in a second is where you got the flare so that they come out behind the engines we'll move on here we got the D cell on really is what it's technically called we call it the aileron but it's the D cell on so it splits open to be a big ol speed break barn door and that's what lets us do sixty degree dive angle bombs if we want to or 60 degrees strafe really almost coming down directly at the ground you know and you can just pop those open slow it down and get it out there or you could just slow the jet down really easily and you'll typically see us landing with the speed breaks open and that just keeps the motor spooled up so if we have to do that go around we just close the speed breaks and we're off and bored we got the flat flaps sorry two sets of flaps on there you can get up to 20 degrees of flaps on it the flaps do have an automatic system where they will raise and lower at certain air speeds but we do it manually we don't rely on that system to do it but it's there to back you up in case you forget on the main gear tire back here is where I was talking about those flares so you have four buckets where you can put flares and these flares would dispense out and go right past the back of the engine and so that engine heat with the missiles locked on to that engine heat it's gonna pick up that flare pretty easy because it's coming right through the exhaust so the main landing gear V speeds are 200 knots so you want to get them up or down 200 knots the mains can land up to 165 on the ground and then the nose can go up to 204 on the ground so they're pretty forgiving as far as landing speed in the a-10 and then obviously they got big beefy brakes in this entire design I mean you look at the size of this tire versus what's on a 35 or f-16 and it's because we can land on those are some austere fields so you can land it on a dirt strip no problem highway wherever you want to land you're gonna get it down you're gonna stop it pretty quick typically not a problem at all this is the same as a CF 34 motor that's on a lot of Canada regional jets the CR J's except this is older so it's a TF 34 which is a military version the only thing different about this is it's mostly analogue it doesn't have a lot of digital controls so the fuel control is still analog in our motors we're almost all commercial motors at this point have digital fuel controls which really meters it out and gets max performance out of it this one you got to have a good engine trip to get up there and and really tune it up for you as you move back so each engine on there has its own generator each engine has its own hydraulic system and they can each work independently and also together at the same time so I told you those left and right systems so when we talk about left hydraulics left hydraulics are in the half portion of the wing for the most part so if you took damage to the aft of the wing you might lose your left hydraulic system but your right system is in the front side of the wing so now you've got your right system which can power everything that the left can power for you and you have no issues stuff in the airplane and then we also have what's called manual reversion on the airplane when that that goes wrong same with generators left generator right generator they each can power either side formation lights so we got these right here they light up green at night you would turn them on typically you'll only see those in training we actually don't use those in combat about that much in combat we are almost always lights out completely dark and flying with procedural deconfliction between the formation but you got formation lights you got into slight Stu we have lights that you can only see under nvg you wouldn't be able to see them without MPGs on down on the bottom these are our radar altimeter sensors so they're set on the side we actually got one other tail as well but that way when you bank up the airplane you also have that radar altimeter which it's always designed so even at you know 120 degrees of Bank rolling in at a target you'll have a radar altimeter telling you how high you are above the ground the rudders are powered one they're both powered by each hydraulic system but they're tied together as well so one hydraulic system each one's so the right ones powered by the right the left ones powered by the left but then they're tied together via tube and then so you can operate on both we have that linkage same with the elevators so they are also power to each individually right side by the right hydraulic left by the left hydraulic but they're tied a torque tube and they won't operate together so if you're in that manual reversion mode you still got it the missile warning systems on the back the little black round antennas are our radar warning receivers so we don't have a radar ourselves but we can tell when somebody's trying to target us with their radar will pick up via those receivers and we'll be able to get a display in the airplane on where it's coming from let's see these trim tabs actually so when you talk a little bit about the manner version system so we have the left hydraulics right hydraulics power and flight controls if you lose both of those we have what's called the manual reversion system which then again the a-10 is not fly-by-wire so it's all cables but it will change the way you're providing inputs to the controls to now fly these tabs so you're flying the trim tabs at that point on the elevators and the ailerons so you don't need the hydraulic system so it really results in a mushy control feel it's not something you want to land an airplane with we've had people do it and survive we've had some do it and not survive attempting to land it but it's actually not recommended to land the airplane in that system it was designed so if you took battle damage in combat severe battle damage and you lost all hydraulics well now you can still fly the airplane back to friendly territory and you can eject where the good guys are versus where the bad guys are here we got the APU to the aircraft so within this it's just a mini jet engine essentially I can't pop that panel without the quarter turns it's just a little mini jet engine for the APU ours is extremely reliable extremely efficient you can actually leave it running the whole sortie while we're flying it'll keep running unless you're gonna go above about 20,000 feet so just a little extra umph on the air conditioning if you want it we use it on the ground to keep air conditioning but we also use it to start the motors so this is what keeps you a 10 sustained on the ground by itself without needing any equipment to land turn the jet and then get back running without plugging anything into the airplane you flipped that APU on it's just it starts to be a battery power it'll come on you throw a generator on you can power all your electronics that way and then it also has a hydraulic control if you need to do some work on the hydraulics for the airplane they just flip this lever and they can power the left side hydraulics or right side hydraulics or they can turn them off with the APU and then you can power on with the motors so you can do a whole lot of maintenance with only the APU as well running moving forward so the engines here's where as talking about the flow so the airflow coming off the front of the wing versus the back and having to smooth that out unlike on a civilian high engine design like the md-88 you have a big break between the wing and the engine it doesn't get that rough air you don't need a slat design specifically for that but here is where it's actually visible that the engine does overhang that wing so it's not sucking up clean air it's sucking up the wing that's coming dirty off the top of that we're sucking up the air it come and dirty off the top of that wing to me again each engine is interchangeable so the engine design part of the design character characteristics as well so this engine is designed if it burned up it shouldn't penetrate the fuselage it should stay right here on the wing or it should fall off but there's an engine mounts that it's mounted to you but it will not penetrate the fuselage so that's designed in theory that's how it's supposed to work I've never seen one go poorly so I've never seen one have to fall off either but I have had a significant engine fire and it was just fine the the other part of it the design is the this vertical stab being outside the motors on both sides so if you look back and you kind of take a good look at it and you're a guy on the ground trying to get a man pad and I our missile to lock on to that engine exhaust which one it's not after burning that's part of the design of the a-10 if it was after burning it'd be easy to lock on to down low with those higher missiles so this non afterburning engine doesn't generate as much heat it's harder to get a lock then you put these big vertical stabs up here in giant rudders and now it's deflecting kind of some of that exhaust you can't see it from the side so now you've taken away that side shot from that IR missile so it's really kind of forcing them to get that rear aspect shot and once they take the rear aspect that means I'm already running away from them and it's less likely to get a hit so the entire design of the airplane is to make it survivable down low obviously the combat environment is changing and we're changing along with it with our upgrades like the missile warning system we also have helmet mounted cueing systems for the monocles a sight to engage enemies and then we have those targeting pods as well so we can see actually what's happening on the ground alright so now let's go take a look at the cockpit of the hug coming up we didn't talk about so here's where you would release the door the ladder open the canopy you can do all that from the exterior via this little panel here where it says rescue this is if I'm locked in the airplane ie I crash gear up or something like that the canopy is still down and someone needs to get me out they just pop that open grab that handle and they run cuz that canopies are gonna get jettisoned off by some charges and it's gonna come down hard but not on me luckily typically when I climb in you know what obviously I'm in the Aces - ejection seat right now so you inspect your seat make sure it's saved here we got it saved and we got pins in so the seat isn't going anywhere and then we talked about that canvas canopy jettison capabilities so we got a little pin in that to make sure that's not going anywhere right now and then down here so we can just move up the panel's and across the way I do my normal flow so here's my radio in intercom volume controls this is my FM VHF radio right here this is a UHF radio and then this one can be FM VHF or UHF it's an artic 210 controls it can be whatever you want it can be on Contech secure comms have quick all that over here's where I can control some of those emergency systems that I was talking about so my speed break emergency retract again if I take battle damage I'm gonna flip that it's gonna isolate that hydraulic system flap emergency retract again hit that it isolates a hydraulic system that lets the flaps come up if they were down when I took that damage I can disengage ailerons and flight controls if they get damaged and locked in place I can just disengage it and fly it with the other side same with the elevator I can disengage the left or right one if it's locked up and jammed and these lights will tell me if it's jammed I can disengage those and then fly with the other side it can also reengage it if I disengage the wrong one here's where I would put it in that manner version setting so take it from norm two-man reversion pretty easy and then here I got a backup trim system for this trim this is it uses the same trim motors it's not separate turn motors it's more just to my switch on the stick brakes I have another place where I can trim out the airplane iff panel so identic an identification Friend or Foe everyone's familiar with that your squawk here this is lasty control panel and this is where I can just control my autopilot turn on that PAC system my radar altimeter I can turn those on here here I got the yaw SAS and pitch SAS so that SAS system SAS stands for stability augmentation system the a-10 obviously is an ugly airplane it's also not very well coordinated so while it's stable it's just not super coordinated without a stability augmentation system so every time you were to bank it up when this is not working the airplane wants to produce some adverse yaw there away from the turn so it's gonna pitch ditch the nose out of the turn which is just uncomfortable so this SAS system will stop that and the SAS system is what also helps with that shooting the gun and the precision attitude control system here we just control some lights so like I said we have our refuel status lights that just tells us if it's ready weapon station status lights that's an old system off the a model but here in bits lights so I can turn those off and on turn on my inves which means it's the night vision the night vision lights so you can only see and we forget the night vision on fuel control panel right here so boost pumps on make sure these are pushed in external tanks if you have them turn them on which is literally just as simple as trip winged ones or a fuselage or both you turn it on and then that's it here you can fix any issues you can cross feed so the left side can fit feed the right side they don't automatically it's not self balancing fuel system so you got the left side the right side if you want the left side to feed the right motor then you got to turn that cross feed on and then the tank gate just wool is what helps you balance them out so you can open up a gate of valve in between the left and right system that'll help even out the tanks if for one or sort of any reason you have one that's heavier or lighter than the other landing gears standard landing gear up here and override systems and then here's kind of our weapons armament control panel right here so master arm safe train obviously we're safe here gun pack so armed up the gun there so typically combat or in training you want to shoot the gun you go master arm arm pack arm that gun pack arm is one well let's you shoot the gun but also turning pack on up here is what gives you that precision attitude control if you go down you just get gun arm and you wouldn't have that PAC system so you're gonna kind of spray bullets everywhere laser so this is for our targeting pod the laser designator if we want to use that you got an arm it we also have a training mode for that and then tgp stands for targeting pod so to turn that targeting pod itself on we have various altitude sources so you use Barrow Delta radar radar being the radar altimeter Delta being a delta based on the altitudes if you don't trust your Barrow source or your position in space ie your your system you think is wrong GPS system for the HUD we got de modes and night mode night mode is just a red filter so it's a little easier on the eyes at nighttime instead of just dropping the intensity and then norm and standby norm is just what you'd normally see on the HUD and what you would picture the a-10 having in the hood standby as a backup mode of that HUD fails I could throw it in standby I get a rudimentary gun Pipper and I can shoot Rockets on the gun off of that no problem and it's still pretty accurate and we trained to it kikyo is my central computer to the airplane jitters it's actually a mislabeled switch we've changed that system but it turns on a saddle radio and then the if c is my fire control computer that controls pretty much everything when it comes in relation to what I'm seeing in the HUD verse how its integrating with the weapons standby attitude indicator airspeed indicator this is my radar warning receiver so if I'm picking up any radar hits someone lighting me up it's gonna show me what quadrant that's in here's where I kind of control my chaff flare and countermeasures dispensary system a vbi your altimeter sorry it's hot outside got my attitude indicator HSI here and then some-some circuit breakers up here that I can reset myself also if I want to aux landing gear extension right here so if I lose all my hydraulics I just want to drop the gear as you saw on the bottom of the gear come forward and back so the wind helps push those down into place so really when I pull that it just undoes the locks that are holding and it just lets them fall with gravity and wind pushing them back into place a away indicator didn't talk about that but angle-of-attack we do use that from time to time especially when you're trying to fly max range or LD max max endurance on the airplane or if you want to know you're gonna spin then you would have to reference that but it's pretty hard to get the a tendon to spin as we're looking at our airspeed indicator here normally you know Anna Cessna you would have you know your green yellow red and your tick marks for where you're taking off at where you're landing at your V speeds and everything so for the attend we talked about the gear speed being 200 knots your takeoff speed is usually around 135 to 140 you just start to pull back gently on the stick about 10 knots priority or rotate speed which you would calculate daily and then the airplane will just gently lift off the ground so depending on your your load that you have on the airplane you get up to 17,000 pounds of ammunition that's gonna change your rotate speed so depending on how much you have loaded up how much gas you got on the airplane that'll determine that and you'll run those numbers before we even get out to the airplane typically between 135 145 10 knots prior you lift up it rotates off and then you just gently let the airplane accelerate gear up flaps up before 200 and then we usually climb out around 200 knots and just let the airplane get the altitude for us coming into land so on the back end of that again we drop the gear at 200 and then landing speed is usually anywhere between 135 134 to could be as high as 156 if you're single-engine or you don't have any flaps working that day but typically your normal landing speed is gonna be sorry to in 130 4.40 depending on how much ammunition you have on the jet how heavy you are coming home the let's see MF CD so MF c d stands for multifunction color display you got 20 different OS B's buttons on here and options those options change based on what screen you're on so these things again multifunction that's right in the name so I can sit here I can look at a moving map display of where I'm at where my threats are where my targets are where the friendlies are I can have all that on this display and then over here I can have that targeting with a video camera on that be looking at exactly what they're doing or generating coordinates I could be shining a laser on him by getting precise coordinates for those GPS guided weapons or I could guide in with that same system guide in I'm a laser maverick or a laser rocket off the airplane the I could also just throw up a normal steer point page I can change my iff settings up here I can change my I have a seesaw a survivor page that I can use to help me find a survivor out there if we're looking for somebody the what a status page so it'll tell me if I have any failures or systems going down that are tied into that central computer a lot of my weapon systems a lot of the weapons stations and the weapons themselves they're tied in digitally to the airframe so I can look at the status of those stations up here and then also my satellite data link so I can see my wingman I can see flight leads I can see other airplanes out there you can see the f-35 out there if I want to and I can also look at that like oh he's communicating with men via datalink so with that data link so these are the upgrades of the a-10 so our upgrades while the a-10 exterior looks the same our upgrades are weapons and employment focus to make it more capable on the battlefield so well yep my attitude indicator my HSI is all just old-school round dials up here I can sit here and click on another a-10 I can see what weapons he has I can see how much gas he has on his airplane I could send him a message with a target strike this and I can even lays that target send that point to him he can look down with his eyeballs see it on the ground and he can find it instantaneously insert striking that target so within 30 seconds on a battlefield there's a forward air controller I could have everyone on the picture that's on the link exactly eyes on on that convoy via just pushing pushing a little button and broadcasting that information on the data link extremely capable when it comes to that again I talked about that monocle so that's where I can see I can see my wingman in the air it'll put a little doubt on him I can see if anyone else that I'm working with that's on the link with me I can see what their point of interest is so whatever they deem important to broadcast to the other airplanes I can see that so if a f-16 has somebody locked up with his radar it'll actually show me the f16 with a line and what he's got locked up and I can see where that enemy is out there in the sky I can also just like I said broadcast if I find the tank on the ground I want to broadcast that to the f-15 strike Eagles that are out there and say hey hit that target now I can just look on the ground broadcast it I can look at it and make it a target and then send that to him and now he can look at it and get it in his system just like that so it all works together everything the digital upgrades and the weapons upgrades are really amazing stuff that we've done all right so now moving out off the MFC Dee's down to our edging gauges so temps so we don't use in one in two like they do on the civilian side as much but you have your high pressure section low pressure section which again low pressures and one high pressure is in to correct on the civilian side I believe so temps exhaust gas tent fan speed so that's my low pressure turbine fan is just my fan on that turbofan engine my core rpm so now that's gonna be my high pressure section fuel flows right here and then oil pressures for each motor and then you just figure an APU right here these are the only two gauges you got you got the RPM and then you have the exhaust gas temperature on that guy the 80 APU is it got a smart system on it so if anything is wrong with it it'll just shut itself down so typically you just start it up and you can almost ignore it except you want obviously you got a fire light here for it that you want to look and watch for there are some indications but for the most part it'll just shut itself down if something is wrong hydraulic p-nut gauges right here so just the little guys again left side right side hydraulic system looking usually for about 3,000 psi is what we carry our fuel totalizer so here you can have you can check like total internal fuel it's not going to change now but main wing external wing external Center so all that will change based on what you got and then appears your fire handles so left for APU and then right motor if you pull that handle it's gonna isolate it so it's going to take away bleeder it's going to take away fuel that engines gonna starve and then you have fire extinguisher agent right here that you can hit and it'll blow it into that motor so you have to squibbed is what we call it to squib systems if you hit it to the left side it blows the left side but the left side will go to you ever handle is pulled so the left and right is just referencing what squibbitt is but it will go anywhere where I pull a fire handle that's where it's going to discharge that agent so on the left motor if I have that fire I hit the left side it blows the left side into the left engine I can still hit the right side and blow that right side into the left engine up here we got our up front controller so we can enter radio frequencies you can enter steer points you can change a whole lot within the system up here you can change your iff your squawk you can go secure comm have quick radios all that change up here and you can also change your pippers on what you're seeing in the HUD so most of that is controlled here old school analog g-meter we also have a digital G meter that you'll see in the heads-up display and then I'll stand by compass up here the whiskey compass moving down on the right side so this is where I would set up my countermeasure system so if I had an ECM pod a jamming pod on the airplane and each a flare any programs I want to run that's all done right here master caution panels so any cautions I have I get the master caution flashing up here and then I can see exactly what system it is down here here's just control panel turn the batteries on inverters APU generator my engine-driven generators right there so electrical power panel oxygen regulator here again this is the O box system so it's generating its own oxygen this is my CDU so I believe it stands for central data unit but it it's where all my steer points all my navigation data is stored also where I would store targets and all the information that I'm taking out on the airplane not as robust as a newer off-the-shelf civilian system again this is a military spec system so it's not as robust and what they can function but it also handles things like the vibration to the gun a little bit better than what a civilian system would so it can store up to about 2,000 waypoints in here but that's about it so you can't just fly across the country you actually got to do some mission planning and you cut a card and you program this priority of coming out to the airplane you bring that card with you and they load it up here's where you just kind of control that CDU and then right here's my ECS system so environmental control systems in default canopy when sheíll defog the off di so you got a windshield rain remove it'll just blow bleeder across that windscreen and get rid of the rain also where you could turn on that windshield wash you can turn off your bleeder your main air supply temp press so you can go Ram dump ie like I had a if I had an electrical fire in the airplane I can go Ram and just get fresh air ramming into the cockpit and get rid of that smoke pretty easy cabin air conditioning system here you can just get it cold if you've got a good one you can get some nice air conditioning going in the summer or you can go super hot with it as well so you can change the flow level and temp on that and then here's my lighting control panel so position lights anti-collision lights those Formation lights we talked about outside engine instrument lighting so all the cockpit lighting knows Illume is one where we have some lights out there on the station that will illuminate the stations and it helps the guys loading up the airplane and arming up the weapon so you'll turn those on on the ground and then it just gives them a little spotlight right on the pylons for them to look and see what they're doing you got your standard flight instrument lighting here so this is my cord where I plug in to that hammocks system the helmet mounted cueing system which this one is actually we just got a new system called Hobbit which is just a little bit more accurate than what the hammocks was but functionality is overall the same so I would plug in my helmet into this and then it would attach to my harness right here and that's what ties it into the airplane here's where you would can control that system and really all you can do is just turn it on turn it off all the rest of the controls are gonna be via the multifunction displays up front and then you have your standard old-school attack in an ILS so no vor in the a-10 no GPS approaches I can either fly attack an approach or I can fly an ILS approach and that's it so hopefully they keep all those board tax out there running because that's how we get around alright and then I believe that's it that's all I got for the cockpit of the a-10 hopefully you guys learned something if you have any questions hopefully we can find a way to get at us at the a-10 demo team on Instagram or Facebook you
Channel: ErikJohnston
Views: 1,346,401
Rating: 4.8924613 out of 5
Keywords: Aviation, Aircraft, Airplane, Flying, Airport, Runway, Taxiway, Hangar, Walkaround, Tour, Pilot, Aviator, Wings, Prop, Propeller, Veteran, Interview, Trent Palmer, Flight Chops, Just Plane Silly, Aviation101, Mike Patey, Mark Patey, Baron Pilot, Flying Doodles, In The Hangar, A-10, Warthog, Thunderbolt, Thunderbolt II, Hog, Attack, Air Force, Military, Jet, Battle, Freedom, ShIV, Cody Wilton
Id: EXgTrpPU9Rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 58sec (2698 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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