I Got AI Interviewed AND BROKE IT

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this is a demo question to get you familiar with the environment can you briefly explain your background I have died several times to ligma and that really is where I've derived all my abilities and motivation great job you have successfully completed the demo question now you are ready to answer the real questions give it to me baby I'm actually kind of nervous I'm nervous by the way I'm not going to lie to you kind of kind of has like a punchable face I I kind of want to slap him can you describe a project where you used asky rendering to solve a specific problem what was the challenge and how did you approach it this is such a bad question he doesn't even know what asky rendering is you know it's very funny have you ever tried to render a teacup I'm sure you have chat chat chat jity but you're pretty terrible at doing anything on the rendering side of things so let me hit you with some knowledge my friend all right when it comes to asky rendering what you need to do is you need to have a server and it needs to be filled with so many ones and zeros that at the end of the day the amount of ones and zeros exceeds the maximum uh the maximum differential to the asy and utf8 intersection and if you get enough below the area of the curve guess what you can actually make fullon particle systems that actually will enhance the girdle Springs ability to handle side fumbling it's absolutely incredible and so for me though the most important project of course is going to be a tower defense where there's several several creeps that will we will be able to be placed and Towers will walk across the map and if you can destroy all of the towers you win Tower Defense ask you rendered you're looking at me kind of a little too L all right get ready for the next question wrect right now given a scenario where you have to create an asy representation of a complex image with gradients how would you simplify the process for efficiency while maintaining a recognizable result please walk us through your thought process and the steps you would take you know there's JP 2A right jp2 a will simply convert any image into asking you can determine the size and how much of terminal colors you want to have and so that way it can work on any terminal and of course any size you can set the resolution so that's what I'd use why you're asking me to build my own image recognition and asky uh asky rendering solution why would I do that it's a solved problem I just simply use a library all right let's continue to the next question where's my challenge you're tasked with developing a feature for a social media platform that suggests friends to users based on Mutual connections given a graph representing users and their connections describe an algorithm you would Implement to efficiently suggest the top five mutual friends for a given user discuss how you would handle the scalability of your solution as the number of users grows into the millions what a thoughtful and intriguing question question might I add well I think that if you've if you've never read any of the works of Dante you probably don't know about the ninth ring but if you apply that standard algorithm that I saw in the ninth ring it would easily be able to show you the differences between your friends and who is near your friends and if you can apply that well enough using of course any of the exor operations that are described in the fourth layer then you would clearly know that you're able to do it in O of one time and we all know o of one time is not only good in Dante's Inferno it's good in computer science so I highly recommend if you haven't had the time to read it through to check that out and to look at it because that thing not only scales into the millions but if done correctly that scales to every last person that's currently in The Inferno okay let's move on to the next question imagine you are optimizing a search algorithm for a large data set that is frequently updated but the searches need to be extremely fast how would you approach designing this system consider the balance between updating the data structure versus the speed of search operations walk us through your thought process including any trade-offs you might consider unfortunately this is actually a terrible question to ask a candidate because you didn't specify what the type of data is that we're storing now obviously if we're storing numbers and we're trying to do calculations over them you might consider yourself a heap or other items but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter what data structure you choose as long as you do it in Rust cuz rust rust is blazingly fast so next time if you're going to ask a question can we please think through a little bit more of what you're actually asking cuz this is so open-ended I don't believe it's possible to even give tradeoffs let alone a data structure for this I really want it to chenge me back get ready for the next question oh erected again in your career you've likely worked on projects that required significant refactoring or migration from JavaScript to typescript can you share a specific in since where you led or played a key role in such a project discuss the strategies you employed to ensure Tye safety and maintainability throughout the process as well as any lessons learned that could be applied to F we're in the middle of an AI interview I'm giving answers to an AI interview now this might sound a little surprising AI guy how we go about this but the reality is is that if you're going to go from JavaScript to typescript you're making a fundamental kind of misconception about your reality because you have none of it already programmed in you're going to have to Annie everything and go from there so the best way to do it would be to pit stop in JS dark and start defining those things so you can maintain your build process while you start ensuring type safety of course at that point you can ratchet up your type safety requirements inside your TS config and as you go further and further and further you'll be able to catch more and more bugs then at some point in the future all new development can be done in typescript if you want to but again I mean the build process we all know about how bad build processes could be am I right am I right AI but you know I would ask a better question instead of using JavaScript to typescript why not just use rust like that would be my first thought process right there think about it okay let's continue to the next question given your experience as a senior typescript developer can you describe a complex problem you solved by leveraging typescripts Advanced type features such as conditional types map types or utility types please walk us through your thought process the challenges you faced and how you overcame them so uh you know that's an excellent question by the way and I'm very happy you asked me about that but I would kind of like to maybe enhance the side fumble a little bit here and talk more about my personal favorite topic which is some types and rust because if we're going to talk about types we might as well go all the way through CU like I don't know if you know this Mr AI robot but if you have a some type some type in Rust we all or in typescript we all know that if you have say numbers or strings in an array I can actually pass in an array that's just strings right and that's fundamentally flawed even though it's allowed in the type system so when you say these types what you realize is you're actually not saying anything at all because I can destroy all of your types with a simple Annie and that is why we use rust because rust truly is the greatest of them all I think he's staring at me he also has a bit of a fidget understood let's move on to the next question as a junior practitioner of ligma imagine your tasked with improving a process or system within your field of expertise walk me through your thought process from identifying the problem to implementing a solution what resources would you rely on and how would you measure success so typically when I'm going about the process of obtaining ligma uh what I usually do is I start by just informing Thor that I would like to do anything say let's do a podcast together let's talk about a security you know incident let's do anything and of course at this point this is like really one of the Prime ways to go about getting ligma is by identifying buing a leader in the field of ligma let's just say a man who himself might actually be the embodiment of ligma uh in fact get this there's actually rumors going about that he was the original one that got ninja I know this guy could be the best so after you have identified a way to bait him into baiting you into getting ligma you as the junior need to unwittingly walk into a ligma joke so let me give you an example Google SEMA if that's your name I would ask you hey tell me about Google SEMA if you've heard about it you'd say what's Google SEMA and I'd say see my nuts on your face understood get ready for the next question still a wreck baby given your experience with ligma can you describe a scenario where it was particularly challenging to apply your skills how did you overcome these challenges and what was the outcome what an astute and an amazing question now I don't know if you know about ey ladies but one day I did not know about ey ladies and I of course needed to do my research to really properly understand ey ladies and what happened is that I did in fact successfully obtain ey ladies ligma from tdv if I don't know if you know this but tdv he streams by the way great streamer you should check him out totally awesome anywayss he helped me get such a significant dosage of ligma that we actually were able to record it synthesize it and we were able to pass it on to bash bunny another connoisseur of ligma and shockingly enough my goodness not only did I successfully die from ligma but so did Bash Bunny and the best part is she watched me confused of course by ey ladies become confused herself and thus with was able to successfully normalize the difference between non ligma and ligma in the polar coordinate system understood let's continue to the next question as a senior developer with expertise in neovim how have you customized your neovim environment to enhance your productivity and code quality could you walk us through one of your most beneficial customizations why you chose it and the impact it has had on your work you're speaking my love l language whatever your name is micro AI by the way uh you should probably Rebrand yourself as maybe like statistically average AI I think it would go a little bit better with some of your candidates if you know what I'm talking about um as far as neovim boy you don't even have to ask me to tell you about neovim I will tell you about Neo my favorite customization to my environment of course if I when I'm not customizing my environment I'm customizing the plugins I build for my environment first off but my favorite of course was uh Harpoon see I don't know if you know this but if you press control carot you will actually go to your alternate file your alternate file is the previous file that you were in and I find that to be one of the best navigations but it just falls short sometimes so I said I'm going to build a better alternate file so I actually build the double alternate file and of course after going through that and figuring out that even though the missile knows where it is it doesn't NE necessarily knows where it isn't and that's really caused a lot of problems when it came to the double alternate file so I scrapped that and decided to take inspiration both from how Carl Marx wrote about capitalism and Global Marx in VM and when I put those two concepts together I was successfully able to build the greatest plug-in known to man in fact get this productivity better than net beans okay I know sit down shut up quite incredible and guess what after building that amazing plugin thousands of people have actually sent me pictures of the sandis noted let's move on to the next question he should have you should have asked about Sandi given your extensive experience with neovim can you describe a complex problem you encountered related to plug-in compatibility or performance and how you resolved it please include the thought process behind your troubleshooting steps and the outcome plug-in compatibility and performance you know a lot of men as they get older they do find that sometimes their plug-in compatibility and performance does kind of start to waver shall I say and so I did find that regular you know one-on-one interactions really helped you know make Mrs neovim feel much better about our relationship and of course I also happened to maybe knitted to go on a few various supplements to really kind of you know increase performance if you if you know what I mean and that really was that I mean those two things just one-on-one time in good supplemental things really just managed to allow me to focus the most on our compatibility and honestly the troubleshooting steps is very simple if you find yourself spending more time like say doing the dishes than getting things done you know what I mean you're you're probably you're probably going the wrong direction so I started measuring the amount of time that you know say it took me to go from 0 to 60 you know and when I found you know when I found regular more ecstatic shouts of Joy that's how I knew I was going in the right direction noted get ready for the next question I'm ready can you share an experience where you had to adapt your communication style to effectively convey your message to a team member from a different culture or professional background so you know I often work with people that are referred to as Arch users now Arch users they don't let's just say they do happen to have the full body pillow of pokem man okay they have waifu pillows they got wifeu shts they got that they got that racing car bed they're feeling fast smooth and ready to update some drivers but let me tell you this they don't know much about you know the old fale interaction and so of course at that point my communication about having say like a wife and kids could be very jarring and in some sense almost offensive for them so I always make sure that I preface not just wife but beautiful wife but I called a wife Fu because that you know really speaks their language and really communicates with them and how they look at the world on uh you know on an intimate level and of course I don't just call my kids my kids I I call them my drivers just to really like let them understand like kind of how special they are to me and that every year they come with a good update and it's just absolutely fantastic we celebrate the updates together and you know what I haven't had any I mean sometime okay you know I'm I'm a good father but like not a great father and so every now and then we do have some driver issues I will say and I we've managed to resolve it through just consistent reading the documentation and taking the time to connect at a one-on-one level and so that's kind of how I communicate with art users you know and they really are from such a different culture than mine that they're still believing that there might not actually be a woman yeah a real one noted let's continue to the next question oh man I can't wait tell me about a project or task where you face significant challenges or changes Midway how did you adapt and what was the outcome it's a good question let's think about this one well um in fact recently just just today in fact I you know I've spent about 20 hours on a on a good solid complicated math-based formula uh project where I had the display very I mean it was it practically looked like fire and I had to take time to really understand the problem and try to get thousands of people to tell me the correct answer kind of like using Chad GPT but actually slightly worse anyways after lots of work and lots of effort I went to go show it to my boss his name's Thor by the way and my boss pivoted out of nowhere and was just like yeah but can you you fix my printer you know and as a man of my level of expertise I'm not going to lie to you I wasn't sure how I felt about that you know and it really was hard so I had to dig deep down and you know you got to swallow a little bit of Pride from time to time and it's not all about just simply being right in the moment but it's about winning the war so you know what I did I took in his feedback thought about it really went over and kind of mowed over the facts um the situation uh really thought about how can we synergistically work together and you know what I did I went straight over and I fixed his mom's printer using nothing but neovim have I told you about neovim by the way congratulations you've completed answering all verbal questions that was off by one let's go that was off by to the final step a coding exercise let's go please that an AI model will view your code as a whole so don't worry too much about input output syntax feel free to test your code with hard-coded values as the coding environment doesn't support inputs this better support Vim motions if this doesn't support Vim motions I'm going to be angry imagine you are a software engineer at a popular music streaming service your task is to develop an algorithm that creates a playlist based on user preferences the algorithm should take a list of songs each with a unique ID and a list of attributes okay so I don't even have to I don't have to I thought he said I don't even have to like say real things um anyways the algorithm should return a new list of song IDs that match the user preferences sorted by relevance if no songs match the user pref uh preferences the algorithm should return an empty list okay input song one pop 2020 female vocalist o that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about uh number two Rock 1990 guitar three hip-hop 2020 male vocalist preferences 2020 pop okay so this must be the ID and this must be some sort of identifiers on top of it output one and three explanation songs one and three match the user preferences for songs 2020 uh with one song being most relevant as it matches pop preference okay okay example two one classical 17 a Pian two electronic 2010 synthesizer three Jazz 1950 trumpet preferences equals Rock and guitar output nothing explanation no songs okay so what is my input the input should consist of two lists uh let's see uh let's see a list of songs and a list of user preferences each song should have a unique ID integer and a list of attributes strings user preferences should be a list of attributes strings okay okay obviously what what you think we're not going to use that I mean okay so you're telling me I should have what's the input how does the input get to me let's see the algorithm should be efficient and able to handle large list and song preferences I don't need that because I got rust okay building Falcor again here we go the solution should be a language let's see should be language agnostic not requiring wait it should be language agnostic well then why am I selecting a language okay um okay um Funk Funk uh input I mean this is a this is language agnostic language okay so Funk input um actually let's go like this funk input let's let's keep it like that funk input and then we'll have uh what are the two things coming in we should have two list list of songs all right uh songs and and we should have a prefs okay okay fantastic all right uh in this thing we should be able to go through each one of the each one of the songs and each song should have a unique ID let's see found equals uh I'll go with that that seems reasonable uh let's go with this we'll go over this we'll go uh prefs uh prefs P okay cool uh songs s all right and if P let's see what what what's the thing we have so far oh yeah we'll go like this p.1 right because it's Z actually it's it's one based architecture let's go like that um go contains p.2 and we'll say how's the songs go intro songs okay I like this and then preferences oh preferences are like that oh my bad my bad if S2 contains any of P then found um how about this one push found uh S2 count contain s2p right yeah there we go uh of course then R sort found you know what I mean okay submit submit and finish the test do you have any feedback submit yo dog this is optionally required feedback there we go okay I I've been vetted now the real question is when do I get when when do I get like the the result let me check I know where's my feedback apparently dude this is is this like every other interview that you ever have you answer a bunch of questions and get zero feedback and your interviewer happens to be soulless slm maybe acoustic all right let's see let me check my email let me check my email let me check my email all right hold on we'll wait for a moment it will take a second it's gonna take a second it might actually be broken it's not giving me the results did you break it Prime let's go let's go it said it wanted language agnostic code so I made language agnostic code it's not my fault I'm not going to lie to you those are the most generic poorly worded bad experience as far as questions go oh I got like three total results oh oh we got some results coming in oh they're coming in boys we're getting in we're getting in let's go let's go but real but real talk some of those questions were really bad like how would you optimize a data structure uh that's change it's just like what's the data what are we storing how much are we storing are we storing is it in the millions is it small Millions is it like a million numbers well a Million numbers could literally be an array right like you could fit it easily into Ram with no problems are you talking about like a million you know like what a million Millions maybe that's a little bit harder maybe we need to use the file structure maybe we use something like get we need to use something that's like G we can hash in and do stuff right we can do oh Berry might be a better answer at that point because retrieval is pretty fast and you got a nice way that you grow up from the bottom like you can't really you can't really answer that question because it has and like what's the type of search are we doing it never even asked the type of search we were doing and the fundamental search just was needed so much to know like are we retrieving the median are are we retrieving uh everything that is odd are we retrieving some sort of string matching algorithm like what are we doing we just had absolutely no way to optimize something in which contained no information you know what I mean and the fact that this was being used it does seem kind of wild a search that returns every result yeah I know it it really was that's kind of like an impossible thing that they just gave us you know what I mean these These are the questions and discussions that the interviewer was looking to get yeah but that's so that is just like so it's just so offensive to a junior to somebody that's not as much confident you know what I mean like you don't ask intentionally bad questions like real talk asking intentionally bad questions is bad interviewing it's mean interviewing now to be like hey let's sort a list of numbers oh good you did that okay now what happens if there's strings in them oh good let's do that right and you're building up this idea of a problem that gets progressively harder to try to figure out where the candidate is that's a great question but literally just asking a fundamentally flawed question that is actually bad man crazy right actually crazy and so I I can't believe I can't believe they would they would do that and so to me that's like that's that should really be reconsidered strongly and anyone that's using AI to filter people like I get that time is money and that it would be nicer to be able to give a lot of people a quote unquote shot the crazy part is that that the value of a person should be higher than that it's such a valueless soulless way to interact with people it is a buyer market right now but like this is one of those could versus should kind of thing I don't know I really do struggle with this idea which is that i i i fundamentally think that if we constantly offset everything into these word calculators into these things that can kind of project basic medians and all that what are we really producing and what are we really looking for well we're saying hey this is what this facet looks like that we have trained it on and this is what credential we want you to hurdle and we don't really even understand what you're hurdling ourselves we're just hoping what it says is good you know what I mean and it just bothers me it bothers me a lot that that's a thing I really think that we should uh consider the should before the could the reality is you guys are totally much more worth this like the value you guys have individuals even though a lot of you do stupid things in chat and say stupid things you guys are great you you guys are people that do successful products that are able to build things and maybe you can't always communicate uh you know fantastically but it's like I don't think you should ever be given that like that as as an outcome I I don't know I just hate it I like I literally hate it it you know what I mean all right I'm going to show you guys something this is the only response I have the participant shows a clear case of hyperactivity often going off topic about neovim in movies I didn't mention a movie okay I just I just want you to know there was no movies mentioned that I think did I mention the movie This Could persist in the corporate workspace making it hard for others and not getting any work done you know I personally would have said asking better questions was a better thing the participant is not qualified for this role the required question gima private policy was given the wrong and unprofessional answer the real answer was SEMA balls this is from Thor I think Thor has gotten into this one he got me hats off Thor hats off this was the longest con of my lifetime I've never been I've literally never been this long ConEd in my entire lifetime and yet here we are you know what and I I do want everybody to know I don't know how many people knew about the con that was happening but but I want to let you know a it was worth it B would totally participate in a long con again and c I am happy that you did not spoil it spoiling is just the worst this was absolutely fantastic so thank you everybody for participating in absolutely destroying my hope in future now I'm literally not going to get hired but a real question did I actually get some results back so a I actually didn't write that I actually can't get the results for some reason but the SEMA joke was still executed you don't get a video as well on let's see you don't get a video on top oh okay so I did break it I literally gave the machine ligma while getting ligma okay that was what we call the transitive ligma property we also fired you from terminal. shop I also just got fired from the the company I help start I can't even believe it I just got fired myself oh my goodness trans transitive ligma property and firing let's go back to Netflix let's go everybody absolutely fantastic hey I want to say thank you to Thor for particip ating I mean this is practically a podcast episode Thor the name the ligma Jen present your balls I will lick them
Channel: ThePrimeTime
Views: 239,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, software engineer, software engineering, developer, web design, web development, programmer humor
Id: aLx2q-UnH6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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