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often we find ourselves entangled in complicated situations where a woman stirs our emotions some guys keep insisting thinking that if they stick around or try to solve everything it will be positive but sometimes we fail to realize that this can do us more harm than good when we're always available always trying to solve problems for her unknowingly we're giving her the power to treat us poorly today let's delve into the female mind observing what happens when we choose to take a step back back and maintain silence to protect our own emotional health it's important for us to understand this better so let's begin first point the restlessness of uncertainty women are quite curious aren't they even if they're not that interested in a guy they stick around keeping an eye out just to find out what's going on especially if you were that clingy guy always after her insisting and seeking attention now if there's still something lingering for you from her side brace yourself for a lot of death out she'll try to maintain contact subtly dropping some questions here trying to extract information there and The Traps oh she sets them up gently just to see if you're getting involved with other people and when you decide to take a step back silence Becomes Her weapon she acts as if you were the master of games as if all the blame were yours and she hadn't done anything wrong the woman who still feels something for you will try to change the situation but always avoiding taking her share of responsibility she simply doesn't want to admit she did something wrong that could push you away the uncertainty about what you're doing with whom you're doing it eats away at her inside and guess what she'll come after you playing the victim trying to understand what's going on most of the time it's just to maintain control of the situation to make sure she still holds some influence over you the restlessness of uncertainty is powerful my friend and she knows how to use it to her Advantage second point the desperation of losing control just imagine the roller coaster of emotions this woman goes through when you decide to remain silent it's like the ground disappears from beneath her feet as if all the power she had over you Fades away in an instant because you see often the guy stays there at the woman's feet suffering begging for a little attention making it clear how much she dominates him and that's what makes her feel on top as if she were the owner of the situation rolling this poor guy's feelings as she pleases a woman who knows she has a guy in the palm of her hand well she'll take advantage of that without Mercy but when the guy decides to step back to use silence as a tactic she realizes she's lost control that she's not as powerful as she imagined and then oh friend that's when the desperation kicks in she'll chase after you try to change things do everything to regain the lost control but if you by chance give again start paying attention to her again you can be sure everything will go back to the same place as before and that's when you need to assert yourself show that you have control over your emotions that you're not at the mercy of her whims a guy with firm emotional control is capable of making a woman Bend before him beg for forgiveness cry at his feet that's when you show who's really in charge third point the blow to her ego just imagine this situation a woman always had control over a guy manipulating his feelings as if they were pieces of a game she knows he's there at her mercy ready to satisfy all her desires this fills her with power as if she were a queen and the guy her loyal servant fulfilling her whims but suddenly he changes the rules of the game he goes silent withdraws the Privileges she was accustomed to and it's as if the whole house of cards she built crumbles before her eyes her ego once inflated is violently wounded it's devastating for her losing control over this guy shakes her self-esteem in a way she never imagined possible it's at this moment that she feels desperate trying in every way to regain what she lost she might try to provoke jealousy play the victim use any tactic to hit the guy who challenged her Authority that's why it's essential for the guy to be careful before resuming any contact he needs to observe her reactions closely will she admit her mistakes will she change her behavior or will she continue to act as if she's the one in control of the situation only time and observation will tell and only when he's sure she's changed should he consider resuming the dialogue fourth Point she desperately seeks your validation it's a harsh truth but many guys find themselves entangled in this emotional web a woman who plays with their feelings while they struggle to break free what many don't realize is that by excessively praising her caring too much and striving excessively to satisfy her desires they are handing over control of the relationship to her constant compliments excessive attention and exaggerated efforts to please her create emotional dependence where she feels valued not by love but by the attention she receives it's as if you're the Sun that brightens her world and when you decide to step back it's as if the light goes out leaving her lost in the darkness of uncertainty it's crucial to understand that for many women seeking your attention is not just about seeking love but also validation and when that validation is withdrawn she is confronted with her own insecurities and does everything to regain what she lost so when deciding to use silence as a way to protect your own emotional health know that your withdrawal can trigger an identity crisis in the woman who until then relied on your validation to Feel Complete when you disappear she may chase after you not only for lack of love but ALS also for lack of the validation you provided for the comfort of being by your side it was a convenient exchange for her fifth point the importance of honest communication in the context of relationships silence can be a powerful tool but it can also be detrimental if used as a means to avoid honest communication it's crucial to recognize that while distancing and silence may have their place in certain situations it's also crucial to open clear and sincere channels of communication lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings resentments and emotional distancing which can undermine the stability of a relationship it's necessary for both men and women to commit to expressing their thoughts feelings and needs openly and respectfully when faced with conflicts or tensions instead of resorting to silence as a way to avoid confrontations it's important to address issues headon with empathy and mutual understanding honest and open communication is the foundation of any healthy and Lasting relationship ship therefore as we explore the emotional Dynamics and effects of Silence on a woman's mind we must also remember the importance of communication as a vital tool for strengthening and nurturing emotional Bonds in a relationship and so we come to the end of this conversation about the complexity of relationships it's crucial to understand that it's not always simple to comprehend the motivations behind people's actions in love and in living together there are countless details that may Escape our initial perception there therefore it's important to avoid jumping to conclusions and not to create expectations that may not materialize we need to deepen our understanding of the emotions that influence our interactions I hope this video has provided useful Reflections and some tips for better understanding relationships thank you for watching and remember knowing yourself and cultivating empathy are essential for building healthy relationships take care and until next time
Channel: Stoic Wisdom Evolution
Views: 3,207
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Id: 4OseeRZc500
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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