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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi sunny street church family we are so glad that you are tuning in that you've made the choice to turn the tv on and to join us for service hi everyone say hi to our friends watching us here yes there goes our worship team and our band going on to the stage ready to lead us in worship in the spaces and the places that you are in and so friends i want to remind you that god is with you he is with you no matter who you are no matter what you have done he loves you he is pursuing you he is with you and so now just give this time the time that it deserves enter into it fully because he has something for you in this now i don't know about you but i'm just so sick of conversations about masks and vaccines and at the beginning of summer i felt like all of this was starting to go away and now i feel like it's just never going to end and it's never been worse the division and the discussion around things and how it's tearing families apart and so ashwin is going to talk about the fruit of the spirit of patience and how that applies to our lives today and so i just encourage you to listen to that with an open heart and how god may be leading you to practice patience in this season so we're just gonna head in right now they're gonna finish getting ready on the stage take a moment to still your heart to prepare your mind and just to choose to be with god to worship him to thank him to learn from him right now hello center street church hello hey there we are could we all stand up what a what a what a wonderful time to be in the house of the lord thank you for being here this evening we're so excited to have you here and for those watching us online we are equally excited to have you here what a blessed evening this is going to be amazing we're here to worship jesus yes amen amen i'm just going to read from psalm 105 to iron and three give thanks to the lord and proclaim his greatness let the whole world know what he has done sing to him yes sing his praises tell everyone about his wonderful deeds exalt in his holy name rejoice you who worship the lord before we start why don't you turn to the person next to you probably behind you in front of you just wave them and say hi and welcome to church if you're at home give your family a hug hallelujah let's worship jesus [Music] i saw satan fall like lightning i saw darkness run for cover but the miracle that i just can't get over my name is registered in heaven i believe in signs of wonders i have resurrection power is registered in heaven yes my grace belongs to you forever this is my testimony from dead to life his grace rewrote my story i'll testify by jesus christ the righteous of justified this is my testimony this is my testimony [Music] sing the praises of the spirit son and father our god will finish what he started yes our god will finish what he started [Music] [Music] i'm justified this is my testimony this is my sister boy [Music] yep this is our testimony we're gonna sing it out if i'm not dead you're not done [Music] greater things are still to oh i believe if i'm not dead you're not done [Music] greater things still to come oh i believe if i'm not dead you're greater things [Music] this is my testimony from death to life cause grace rewrote my story i'll testify by jesus christ the righteous i'm justified this is my testimony oh i'm alive this is my testimony from day to life this grace rewrote my story i'll testify by jesus i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's nothing that our god can't do do you believe it there's nothing that our god can do this broader prison won't be there's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that jesus can't do [Music] [Music] i love you alone all your mercy never fails me and all my days i've been held in [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh and i love your voice [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] god [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with every breath that i am able oh i'm going to sing [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah wow wow every song that was sung is a song of victory giving praise to one name and one person alone and that person is jesus christ amen that's what we did we we don't sing these songs from a place of defeat we sing these songs from a place of victory because of what jesus did on the cross for us right we're here this evening because we sing from a place of victory what a wonderful time and we because of what he's done for us we're able to sing our testimony we are able to declare with one voice that there is nothing that our god can't do and we're able to sing about the goodness of god because we've experienced it we know it right because of what he did we can sing and what he does for us is not out of obligation it's not out of oh i need to do something for them no he does it because he loves us with an everlasting love that's what the word says he loves us and if there are people in the room or people watching online who have doubts of whether jesus loves you let me tell you we are here to tell you yes jesus loves you there's no doubt about it there's no question about it so we're gonna sing and uh i love i love to hear people sing and and god loves hearing his church sing so we're gonna sing this is a a chorus that we all know but we're gonna sing it we're gonna uh we're gonna lift up our hands we're gonna open up our hearts open up our mouths and we're gonna sing i love you lord and i lift my voice [Music] rejoice [Music] here [Music] in your ears hello jesus [Music] my jesus [Music] i [Music] love me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] is [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] in jesus [Music] [Music] whenever we [Applause] break [Music] [Music] de [Music] [Music] [Music] cry [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] lord i love you [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] i love you [Music] [Applause] i [Music] bread [Music] recreation suddenly articulated with a thousand dogs to lift one cry then from north to south and east to west we'd hear cries be magnified [Music] echoing [Music] the mountaintops we'd hear christ be magnified [Music] sing it all christ be magnified let his praise arise christ be magnified [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] be magnified [Music] arise [Music] [Music] of my life [Music] me [Music] be lifted higher let's declare the church i'm about to windows i'll stand strong to worship you if you put me in the fire i'll [Music] brings transformation i'll be crucified with you because death is just the doorway to resurrection life and if i join you in your sufferings and i'll join you when you rise and when you're returning glowing then all the angels ever say my heart will still be singing and my song will be [Music] christ be magnified in me [Music] christ be magnified in me christ be magnified from the altar of my life christ be magnified in me and [Music] is [Music] good evening you may be seated we uh we've had such a beautiful evening worshiping the lord in this beautiful place this this safe place many of us don't have a care in the world right but as you know all is not well in the world tonight i have a heavy heart tonight my heart is really heavy and so i thought i would just take a moment to share with you something and maybe this will find a place in your heart as it has a place in my heart you know we canadians oh canada what a beautiful country but we canadians are prone to complain we complain about our government we complain about rules and regulations we love to complain about taxation we complain about this and we complain about that we're not having a good day if we're not complaining about something in our canada did you know did you know that people in afghanistan tonight are dying to come to canada did you know that they're dying to come to our country did you know that afghan mothers have been trying to give their babies to canadians coming back because somehow these mothers believe that canada is a safe place and a beautiful place and they will give up their children right now in these moments as we're sitting here people are dying to come to canada can we do two things can we start being a little more thankful for our country and a little more thankful for blessing upon blessing upon blessing that we enjoy because we live here and can we pray every day that the lord will make a way for these people who helped our people for these people who help canadians for these people who are suffering that they can find a way to come to us because we're good people we're a good country and we have room in our hearts and we have room in our land for them with us let's bow in a prayer lord jesus is one who has complained i repent and i thank you that i was born in this beautiful country and i speak for many people even in this room who are watching us who came to canada one year two years 10 years 40 years ago and we've come to a good country thank you oh lord jesus make a way for some of these people who are in danger lord our airplanes have dried up rescue seems to have dried up would you make a way oh god would you make a way for them to come to us would you open a way you open the red sea to deliver people and we don't know how this could happen humanly that these people in danger could find a safe place but we pray you will make a way oh god make a way for them to come to us to enjoy a wonderful land that you have blessed us with amen thank you for receiving that i i don't talk to you i talk to us because i'm not having a good day if i'm not complaining about something yeah well we want to welcome you some of you are new to center street church and we've got just want to make you aware that we have a new here center at the back and a connection center if you'd like any information about our church i'm going to be standing back there with my friends you come and have a conversation with us we're dying to meet you if you want to get connected into one of our community groups uh we're having new taste and sea start in september taste and see is an eight-week trial run for life in community and you should think about joining us in that and we'll have information for you at the back now these are not pizza boxes whenever i'm screwing around the back and i see them carrying these boxes i can't stop thinking about hawaiian pizzas but anyway these boxes are for you to take to your children so that they can have a learning time at home we have one here for preschoolers kindergartners we have one for um grade school students i think up to grade four we have a ministry box for people in our special needs ministry so if you have children who need to have christian education and learning i think we've started our children's ministry at the 11 o'clock service on sunday mornings but we want to make sure that children have a learning experience and you need to get these boxes from our staff at the church now i'm very happy to announce that two weeks from tomorrow evening um let me let me figure this out 12th listen september the 12th we are having the return of now night of worship yes after a year and a half of absence we're going to have a night of worship um now we're we're we're talking about having the young people and the young adults come and crowd into here for the night of worship but if you are young of spirit and you are young of heart and if you're 65 years old you can come we will not bar you from this place because i think some of us older people we love this we love the night of worship as well so nobody is excluded but it's going to be event an event because between 4 30 and 5 we're going to have food trucks you know those modern food trucks they didn't have them in my day you used to have to go to eat at a place but now the place is coming to you and we need to support uh the merchants who are coming and they'll you know they'll line up there'll be pizza and hot dogs and ethnic foods of all kind and so you come for supper between 4 30 and 5 o'clock and then the night of worship starts at six o'clock and there's going to be testimonies there's going to be baptisms there's going to be extra worship and it's well i i have to tell you i just love our our night of worship and you will too so do not come alone that's against the rules you have to come with a friend or someone you know and you can share the experience with them i'm done pastor ashwin is going to come and he's going to be talking about patients patients now none of us have problems with patience right this this isn't for you this is for the person next to you they're they're the ones who need patience yeah and so um this is a very important topic so i think we should pray and then pass thrash when we'll come lord jesus we need patience in a world when so many things happen quickly and we want them to happen quickly waiting on the lord is hard for us to do for some of us it's quite impossible we need to hear from you on this topic and so as ashwin comes and effectively brings your word and opens your word to us we pray that his words will find a home in our heart and we will not only listen with interest our listening will cause us to act and become more patient people amen [Music] [Music] greetings to all of you i want to welcome all of us at center street church those of us here at centre campus as well as those joining us from our campus in beerspa bridgeland airdrie and south calgary i also want to welcome our online viewers as well we are in a sermon series called fruitful and we are examining the characteristics of the fruit of the spirit in galatians chapter 5. the goal of the christian life is to become more like jesus all christian believers are in this journey and at the end of the journey the bible promises that we all will be conformed to the image of christ but we don't have to wait till the end the work begins the day we give our lives to jesus that is the reason we receive the holy spirit to make us more like jesus the holy spirit's primary work is to shape and mold our character so we resemble christ and this character transformation does not happen overnight it takes a lifetime in this sermon series we are looking at the characteristics of the fruit of the spirit the qualities that jesus himself embodied in the past three weeks we have looked at love joy and peace now all three are attractive qualities after all who doesn't want to be more loving more joyful or be filled with peace but the quality i'm going to talk about today is not so popular i don't think most of us in this fast-paced world are drawn to this trait it is almost seen as a weakness not a virtue but to become more like jesus we need to grow even in this area of our life and i'm talking about patience we all have heard the prayer lord make me more patient and do it now and some people think we shouldn't be praying for patience i'm someone who advocates that everybody should pray for patience and when you pray be prepared for your prayer to be answered and the way god will answer our prayer and this is why some people are hesitant to pray for patience but god will answer this prayer by putting you in an uncomfortable situation a situation that you don't like because there is no other way to grow in this area of our life no other way to develop this virtue within us the greek word for patience has the connotation of being long tempered the opposite of being shot tempered or having a short fuse repeatedly in the old testament god is presented as the one slow to anger patience is one of the prime attributes of god so when we demonstrate patience we are reflecting the character quality of god himself patience is the willingness to endure and not quickly retaliate at circumstances that are unfavorable to us when we are patient with people we are willing to put up with them even though the easiest thing would be to cut them off as we have been doing in the sermon series we will trace this character trait from the life of jesus and then try to apply to our lives today now before we do that we will read our scripture passage together and pray so if you're physically able i invite you to stand as we honor the reading of god's word from galatians chapter 5 verses 22 and 23 but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such things there is no law how would you pray with me lord it is our hearts desire to be transformed on a daily basis to the image of christ lord we have received the gift of your holy spirit and we pray that your spirit will be active in our lives in shaping us and transforming us and imparting the character of christ in us and even as we are talking about an important topic today we pray that we will not just be hearers but we will be doers of your word that you will challenge us and teach us to be more patient and how it applies to our lives today so we give this time into your hands speak to us in the power of your spirit we pray this in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ amen you are may be seated you know you're impatient when you call customer support and resent hearing the phrase thank you for your patience you know you're impatient when you're waiting on a queue and your body language communicates to everyone around you that you're ticked off you know you're impatient when you don't let others finish a sentence and you interrupt them you know you're impatient when the checkout lane is for 10 items or less and you are offended the person ahead of you has 12 items in their cart you know you're impatient when you feel slow drivers should be stripped of their license well the truth is all of us who live in the 21st century in an urban context need to grow in this area when you study cultures you will learn that there are probably two kinds of societies there's a time-oriented society and then there is an event-oriented society and as you can tell in a time-oriented society everything starts on time but in total contrast in an event-oriented society an event will start when people show up i remember when my wife and i attended a wedding in northern india and we went right on time that time that was printed on the invitation card but when we arrived we realized we were the first guests to show up the decorating crew had just arrived and started the work of decorating the room and i'm not kidding the groom and pride finally arrived they were almost three hours late now living the first part of my life in an event oriented society comes with a perk it taught me patience but those of us in a time oriented society who are used to everything on schedule struggle to come to terms with this area especially in the area of god's timing we find god to be too slow his timetable is so different from ours his promises don't always come to pass instantly we need to learn especially those who live in this time oriented society need to learn patience is an indispensable quality to the spiritual life from the life of jesus i want to show us two broad areas where jesus exercised patience and these areas offer application for our lives today now first of all jesus demonstrated patience with god's timing and secondly jesus demonstrated patience with people we need to reflect these two areas of patience in our life in order to ripen this fruit of the spirit let's first talk about waiting on god's timing of the 89 chapters in the four gospels only four chapters give us information about jesus life before his public ministry that is the first 30 years of his life we have 85 chapters zooming in on the final three years of jesus life while we have very limited information on his childhood his teenage years his adolescence reflect for a moment on these formational years of jesus life alicia britt cole wrote a phenomenal christian book called anonymous in this book she claims only 10 of jesus life is visible through the writings of the bible over 90 percent of his life is submerged in the unseen however these hidden years played a significant role in jesus living an eternally fruitful life now elisha cole raises a valid point when we talk about becoming more like jesus we skip his anonymous years we are only talking about the time when the spotlight was on jesus and jesus is seen in action now our desire to become more like jesus has some exemption crosses we want to be like jesus but we don't want the obscurity we don't want the wilderness experience where jesus is tested we don't want the cost of discipleship and rejection we don't want the excruciating pain of dying on a cross but the way to embrace the character and authority of jesus is by walking in his footsteps and that calls for patience in john chapter one we have this fascinating conversation between philip and nathaniel look at this in john chapter 1 verses 45 and 46 philip found nathanael and told him we have found the one moses wrote about in the law and about whom the prophets also wrote jesus of nazareth the son of joseph nazareth can anything good come from there nathanael asked come and see said philip small and insignificant that was nazareth where jesus spent the first 30 years of his life nathaniel's reaction says it all nazareth can anything good come out of this place surely it would be bethlehem because bethlehem is the town of david or how about jerusalem the holy city that has the temple but who cared for nazareth and nazareth is so inconsequential that the old testament doesn't even mention nazareth once and yet this was the very place jesus spent the majority of his life jesus was not the celebrated boy raised in a royal family and given a promising future on a silver platter jesus had a delayed destiny day after day month after month year after year jesus lived a normal life in this little town and for all the potential that jesus had he was not even noticed for the first 30 years and you don't ever get the feeling jesus was restless jesus trusted in god's timetable for his life and even when the gospels finally put the spotlight on jesus and he's all set to begin his ministry how does it all start he's not starting with the bank saying ah finally my time has come let me prove myself to the whole wide world no we are introduced to jesus through his baptism look at matthew chapter 3 verses 13 to 15 and jesus came from galilee to the jordan to be baptized by john but john tried to deter him saying i need to be baptized by you and do you come to me jesus replied let it be so now it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness then john consented now let me ask you have you ever wondered why jesus needed to be baptized he's perfect sinless baptism is a visible sign of repentance from sin it is how we communicate that our old life is gone and we now have a new life why should the perfect son of god engage in an activity reserved for sinners through his baptism jesus was fully identifying with us taking our place as the new representative the new role model there is such theological meaning in reflecting on this how the sinless son of god identifies with a sinful humanity but those who were standing by the jordan river that day didn't have a clue they thought here is another person repenting of their sins and getting baptized other than john almost everybody thought of jesus as yet another repentant sinner talk about humble beginnings talk about being patient with god's plan for his destiny to unfold jesus did not force things he did not take matters into his own hands or jump the gun he waited patiently for god to act the wedding in cana when they run out of wine mary the mother of jesus comes to him with a request for help it says in john chapter 2 on the third day a wedding took place at cana in galilee jesus mother was there and jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding when the wine was gone jesus mother said to him they have no more wine women why do you enwammi jesus replied my hour has not yet come jesus all along waited patiently for the hour for the time when he would publicly disclose that he is the messiah until the time appointed by the father jesus remained behind the scenes out of the spotlight away from publicity and let me tell you that is not an easy thing to do we today operate out of this philosophy make your life count unless we make things happen nothing will change so grab it make your move seize the day and we who are sold out to this philosophy of life need to take a step back and learn what it means to wait for god to make the first move that is so countercultural all through the bible we find the warning not to take matter into your own hands because it will end up in a great turmoil so let me give you the secret to waiting jesus had an incredible confidence that he is not going to miss out on god's plans for his life his job was to be faithful and god's job was to execute his purposes but keep this in mind waiting doesn't mean being passive but it's about being faithful where you are planted the christian life is about following god's timing and as you are faithful to that which god has called you to do i can assure you you will not miss out on god's best for your life but what does the bible say in his time he will make all things beautiful and therein is a lesson in patience don't manipulate your situation don't manure don't take it upon yourself but trust god patiently just like jesus we need to be patient with our circumstances as much as we want difficult circumstances to just go away or disappear they are there to teach us vital spiritual lessons that we will learn no other way ever since this pandemic started in our prayer times as a family we've been praying for god to intervene and put an end to this virus so our kids have been regularly praying lord make the coronavirus to go away and that is a good prayer to pray but as i was preparing this message it occurred to me an even better prayer will be lord cause the coronavirus to go away but while it is here help me to learn spiritual lessons that will make me a better christian now it is one thing to be patient with god's timing it is another to be patient with people difficult people jesus exemplifies this for us as well jesus is patient in his dealings with people and his patience usually pays off but there were numerous instances in his life and ministry jesus patience was being tested jesus was being tested by the fickleness of the crowd he feeds the 5000 and you will think they will understand the great spiritual truth that one greater than moses is here in their midst but that's not what we see this was their response in john 6 15 says jesus knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force withdrew again to a mountain by himself after seeing one miracle after another the crowd just didn't get it but there will come a time when the crowds will understand the truth about jesus they will gather together to worship and on the day of pentecost 3 000 people would be baptized jesus patience with the crowd pays off jesus own family tested his patience you would think growing up with jesus they would be the first ones to realize his true identity but that's not what we see in the gospels look at john chapter 7 verses 2 to 5 but when the jewish festival of tabernacles was near jesus brothers said to him leave galilee and go to judea so that your disciples there may see the works you do no one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret since you're doing these things show yourself to the world for even his own brothers did not believe in him do you have unbelieving family members and friends who make it difficult for you who don't understand your faith and ridicule you be encouraged that jesus was in the same place face the same challenge and yet jesus remained patient with his family even when they misunderstood him and spoke such sarcastic words and years later we see jesus own family come to believe in him and they become active members in the early church once again jesus did not write them off and his patience was rewarded among all people who tested jesus patience it was his own disciples they repeatedly demonstrated a lack of understanding and lack of maturity they didn't get his parables they didn't seem to grasp his identity they fight between themselves to find out who is the greatest and jesus was ever so patient in his dealings with the disciples and one day these same disciples will grow and mature in their faith they will stand up for the gospel and be willing to give their own lives for the cause of christ how about you do you dismiss people too easily think about this if god had not been patient with you you will not be where you are today so exercise the same patience in dealing with others who are difficult and that in turn will lead to their transformation one of the powerful passages in the bible that challenges us to follow the model of jesus and his patience is first peter chapter 2 verses 21 to 23. listen to these words to this you were called because christ suffered for you leaving you an example that you should follow in his steps he committed no sin and no deceit was found in his mouth when they hurled their insults at him he did not retaliate when he suffered he made no threats instead he entrusted himself to him who judges justly patience is about long suffering being long tempered the opposite of having a short fuse what it means is you're willing to put up with adverse circumstances and difficult people jesus is at his most vulnerable moment hanging on a cross experiencing excruciating pain and physical agony and add to all that he faces the hostility of people some want him to come down from the cross and show his superpowers others are shaking their heads saying he saved so many people himself he cannot save and when jesus was being provoked by people insulted and ridiculed he didn't snap at them he did not retaliate he did not threaten them the supreme patience of jesus was demonstrated on the cross jesus did not take revenge but entrusted everything to god who's the great judge and in doing so he sets an example for us the apostle peter says so that we can walk in his steps so what would it be like to be this patient with those who oppose you what would it be like to demonstrate patience when we are being unfairly criticized in the last year and a half we blamed every problem on coit i feel the pandemic has just lifted the lid and showed us the problems that have been there all along it has exposed those underlying deep-rooted issues that have been lurking inside of us for instance during the pandemic marital problems and domestic violence increased significantly it's easy to blame the pandemic well what it has done is exposed the sinfulness of our hearts and the how fragile are our relationships and if there's anything the pandemic has shown us christians has shown us how impatient we are in our dealings with people it is revealed to us a huge area of growth for the body of christ some christians are boisterous and expressing their views and when someone disagrees with them we are quick to pounce on them i've been watching the debates on social media between christians during this pandemic and it appears that we are fighting the wrong battle the battle of opinions and views and who is right and we have clearly forgotten that there is an enemy at work in all of this and he's waging a war against our witness as the christian community see our warfare is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and forces of darkness and rather than fighting the enemy and pushing back these forces of darkness we are busy shooting at each other the enemy is having a heyday it grieves me that there are people who have left our church because they've disagreed with our position on this pandemic and we have community groups that are having challenges in getting along because of differing views on this topic and i know of families that are being torn apart because they have strongly opinionated people causing a rift now before we argue and fight over who is right we need to listen to these words from the apostle paul on how we are expected to conduct ourselves as christians look at ephesians chapter 4 verses 1 to 3. paul writes as a prisoner for the lord then i urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you've received be completely humble and gentle be patient bearing with one another in love make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace i hope you would agree with me that we need unity in the church now more than ever and it will start with a resurgence in patience when we learn to bear with one another in love that is the fruit of the spirit in action we need patience in all relationships not a short fuse but a long fuse in marriage parenting the conversations in workplace interactions with our neighbors and witnessing to those who are not yet followers of christ the more we are patient with people the more we are reflecting the heart of jesus to them let me close with this an oyster is not much to look at but it can produce one of the most valuable gems known to humans earth's most beautiful natural treasure the pearl the pearl is formed through a biological process that takes place within the oyster and when a foreign substance like a grain of sand or some irritant works its way into an oyster its difference mechanism starts to kick in and it starts secreting a mineral substance to cover and protect that intruder from affecting it layer after layer is being coated over the irritant and this mineral substance turns into a pearl it takes years for a pearl to be formed it is a slow process and they say that you one can find a pearl and one out of every ten thousand pearl oysters so how is a perv formed through a thoroughly inconvenient process an irritant makes its way inside the oyster and something good and precious comes out of it as a end result can you see a great visual illustration for today's teaching on patients as much as we want the irritants of life people are circumstances to go away and stay keep a safe distance from us god uses those very things in the long run to produce something valuable deep inside of us and without those irritants we will not have the pearl of patience so rather than hurrying this process or wishing the irritants will go away we need to yield to the holy spirit yield to the holy spirit so he can do a deep work in you of producing the character qualities of jesus so just like jesus we need to be patient when it comes to god's timing and we need to be patient with people our path will intersect i'm going to hand it over to our worship team now to lead us in a closing song but before that i want to give an opportunity for you to respond would you please stand with me right now so let's just close our eyes for a moment and ask the familiar question we ask here very often at the end of the service what is god speaking to you about and what are you going to do about it god may have different things to say depending on your situation in life so i want us to be sensitive to his promptings and be obedient as he leads you so let's maintain a moment of silence and then the worship team will lead us in this beautiful hymn and then i'll come back and close us in prayer [Music] [Music] so [Music] be still my soul the lord is on thy side there patiently the cross of grief for pain leave to thy god to order and provide in every change he faithful will remain be still my soul thy best thy heavenly friend through authority ways leads to a joyful [Music] beast in my soul thy god to guide the future as he has [Music] shall be bright and last be still my soul [Music] you are [Music] you never let me go [Music] peace to [Music] my soul be still my soul we are [Music] when we shall be forever with the lord when [Music] this fear are gone [Music] all safe and last [Music] [Music] my [Applause] [Music] be still my soul let's say [Music] you never let [Music] alone be still my soul [Music] [Music] would you join me in closing prayer lord we quiet on our heart so we can be responsive to your voice be obedient to your promptings lord i thank you for the beautiful promise that in your time you make all things beautiful so i pray that over my brothers and sisters those who are in a season of waiting facing a cross of grief or pain and adversity that is refusing to leave their life i pray dear god that in this season of waiting that you will form them and shape them and mold them and the character of christ will be evident in their lives you will help them to wait patiently on you and as they wait on you may their strength be renewed pray dear god that you will teach all of us what it means to trust in your promises trust in your timetable and follow your lead not ours lord as this fruit of patience becomes more and more evident in our life may be reflected in our interactions starting with our own families pray that lord you will help us to demonstrate that patience in our marriage and our parenting in our relationships even with those who are difficult that through the character of christ being modeled in us transformation will happen in them so lord i know today's teaching is not something to be excited about but nevertheless this is so important for our spiritual growth and maturity and progress so help us to appropriate these truths that our lives will bear the likeness of christ even as we all leave this place may the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of our heavenly father and the sweet unfailing fellowship of the holy spirit may rest and abide with each and every one of us both now and forevermore amen well if you have a prayer request we have a prayer team here we'll be happy to pray with you god bless you [Music] what a powerful illustration of the oyster i can relate to that and how i want that annoying thing that irritable thing to go away but friends just press on this week press on i hope that this message has inspired you and equipped you as you head forth this week and if you have missed any of the messages in the fruits of the spirit series we encourage you to go to our website they're all on itunes they're on our app they're on youtube just catch up on that this week and also a reminder that it's great to connect this way but it's also great to be able to see you face to face in this service we probably had about 20 percent of the room filled up so we want to let you know that there is still a lot of room for you to be able to come regardless of what your comfort level is where you're at with covid and masking and vaccination there is a place for you here and you are welcome and so we hope to see you next week online or in person and also connect connect it's again great to be able to hang out like this with one another but there is more to life and that is achieved through community and so there's lots of different ways that you can get connected into community even online and so we encourage you to check our website to reach out to us via our connect form we would love to be able to walk alongside of you wherever you're at in your journey and find you a place to be able to connect and grow in your spiritual journey now we hope that you have a great week and we'll see you next week bye everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: mycschurch
Views: 1,213
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: A7H-WMv-MQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 6sec (6906 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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