#974 Incredible 3D Fish Resin Aquarium Coasters

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[Music] he's little holly she's uh five months now aren't you holly hello baby you want to say hello too hi everybody wants to say hi hello hello want you don't chew my pants please i've just got home from work so they're a bit excited to see me they're just sitting outside on the grass oh my gosh hang on come down here hello baby hello ella hello everybody's so happy to see mummy aren't you yes you are hello hello you too lucy hi and lexi hey lexi hey izzy hey izzy hi baby hi oh settle down babies g'day guys welcome back i've got a new mould that i've made uh and i'm gonna try something that i haven't done before it is um a little fish pond coaster so what i'm going to use is are these 3d stickers have you guys seen these there's a lot of them well not a lot but there's a few videos around on on youtube using these little stickers so you pick which fish you want and you do you do the coaster or the bowl or whatever you're doing in layers so the first one would be this one then you put down a layer of resin then you put that one a layer of resin then that one and and so on and so on until you've got your fish um i bought these on amazon i've got quite a few that means i'm going to have to do lots okay so i'm going to pick a few to do there's also some little ones what else have we got we've got some lilies there's some leaves all kinds of things this is my favorite i'm going to do this one this bitter fish i've only got one of those that one's pretty cool too anyway um i went and got some aquarium gravel and i've chosen the white just because i think that the fish will stand out better on a white base but then i was thinking maybe black so i'll see how these go and then i might do black so last night i put my gravel in a sieve over a big bowl and just rinsed and rinsed and rinsed it it really wasn't dirty at all um sort of picking out ones that maybe aren't as white as the others but they're only they're only little bits of gravel so those are all nice and clean now they dried overnight and i'm going to put them in the base i've got a little bit of resin here i'm not quite sure how much i'm going to need just to cover the the pebbles or the gravel and then i'm going to let that dry so if you're doing this try and pick a resin that's going to set up really quick you don't want one that's going to still be sticky 24 hours later it's going to take you a week to do these so i know with this one this is the barn's clarity it doesn't have many bubbles that's the other thing try and pick a resin that's really thin a very low viscosity that won't be very bubbly because you want to have this as clear as possible with this particular technique so um i know that i can come and redo another layer maybe every three hours so let's go now this mold that i made i've made it 1.2 millimeters deep right i've just filled those up now i've tried just to do one layer because i don't want to have too many stones in here and it's going to take up the depth of my my um my coaster mold there so these are 1.2 centimeters thick you can buy these as well these are in usually a set of three i've just cut mine these are one and a half centimeters thick so they're a little bit thicker so you need something that's a little bit thicker otherwise you know your pebbles are going to fill in the whole coaster and you're not going to have room to do your layers so i'm trying to just do one layer of pebbles um it's a bit tricky though so try to do one layer of pebbles um you know try and get i guess the smallest pebble you can get there was a smaller one but it wasn't white it was like a rainbow color so anyway i'll see how it go with this my my first turn my first try um i'll see my camera turned off before so i have to keep checking on it again right so that's in just one layer of pebbles now i'm going to cover them with my resin and i wasn't sure again how much to to make up let's see how that goes i put a little bit in each i've got 150 grams here i do need it to go over the top to give me a smooth surface to put my first sticker on so i'm not sure if i'm going to have enough or not maybe not it's close but i don't think it's going to be quite enough i have to mix up a little bit more because you can still see the pebbles poking through the top on a few of them because it won't really matter but um i think i'll just make up just like another 50 grams so that would be 200 grams and yeah i'll do that and i'll come and put some more in and get a nice smooth top made up a little bit more the other thing you can do like first of all i bought these pebbles which are quite big i don't know what i was thinking buying them um but you could i haven't washed them yet so i haven't i'm not using them but you can use maybe a few of the bigger ones and push these little pebbles to the side and then put the bigger ones in so that they're actually taking up the whole like the whole depth and then you can just put your fish on the side that i think that would look quite nice as well just for a little bit of difference so let's pour some more in just gonna make sure i don't put too much in because i need room for my my layers but as i said i do want a smooth finish to start with so i might just do this and like push them all down rather than adding more i'm just going to smack them all tap them all down okay so that one's good and there's a little gap there so i'll just put another little pebble in there there are going to be a few gaps because you know i i guess if i had more time i would spend filling in all the little gaps but i think for the purpose of my first one i'm just going to do this and hopefully it will be all right i think that's enough i've got a little bit of resin left over so i guess once it's all once they're all down and level you can then go ahead and if you see a little gap you know pop another pebble in but yeah there are going to be little gaps in this you'll be able to you know see through a little bit i guess it'll be a little bit transparent but if you had more time not rushing like i am with the video you could go and fill in all those little gaps which i may do i have to get a wriggle on i've got only got half an hour and have to go to the hairdresser getting my hair done today i need a bit more color in my hair my roots so all the things us girls have to do so that's happening today so i've got to get a riddle on get this done and then get ready to go and i need to give it a quick torch as well but yeah all the pebbles are now covered we've got a nice smooth top there which is nice i'm not going to put any more resin in i don't want to fill it up any more than i have to okay there we go and give it a quick torch not too close i'm gonna damage my new mold i just made so there's a few little pebbles sticking up i can see them kind of sticking up so um i'll just spend five minutes on them just poking them flat there's a couple they're sitting on top of each other so they need to be lying you know flat single layered is what i want all right so i'm going to do that and then i'm going to go to hairdresser and when i come back so hopefully because the headers it takes two hours by the time i come back hopefully this first layer will be set enough for me to put my sticker on just cleaning up the edges where i've spilt a little bit of resin and then i'll do the next layer hey all right i think that's good and i'm just going to use my plastic drawer container just to cover it over so that we don't get any dust in it um right i'll see you for the next layer wish me luck at the hairdressers they don't come out with blue hair or anything hey i'm back had my hair done it's looking all blonde and pretty again it's really weird isn't it like i've been gone for three hours three and a half hours and it's only been like three seconds for you so i have mixed up some more resin i should take my gloves off um i did 80 grams so hopefully 20 grams 20 40 60 80 hopefully i'll only need 20 grams just a thin little layer that's all i want just washing my hands there to get the dust you know the powder off my hands from those gloves so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put two in each like one there one there one there one there except for this big blue one i'm going to just because he's a bit bigger i'm just going to do one of him um so it's it's you know it tells you which one to do first that one says one and then two three four five so um we'll just work out where we want him to be it doesn't really matter it's probably a bit nicer if he's kind of off center a little bit so i know it's upside down for you i'm sorry but so i'm going to put him if you look at that one that's probably the biggest one which means his tail needs to be about there ish what did i say oh my gosh um about there where that little yeah about there with that little stone sticking up so um the resin is nice and well it's not nice and hard but it's relatively hard hard enough to stick that down anyway so that's where he will be and then you just gotta rub it you can get a little you know some tissue or something i'm a bit hesitant to put a tissue on because knowing me it'll get stuck to the the resin so i'm just using my finger just to smooth it over right so that's that one done um now let's move on to this one this one's going to have a sort of a yellow and white and orange goldfish and then just a an orange goldfish so again work out like get the biggest one the biggest picture and work out where is going to go so and then kind of so that's where his nose is going to be like on that big one there that big stone there so his nose can just go there ish see once it's down it's down so you have to make sure that you're in the right spot because there's no lifting these guys afterwards make sure yep that'll fit and then the other one it's not a very big goldfish this one i did pick a big one and a small one sort of on purpose so that i knew they would fit so he's going to take up about that much room so the other one needs to be over here somewhere and i'm going to put him sort of in the opposite direction so his nose needs to be about there like so okay so that's him done there and there yeah moving on moving on all right same with this one now this is the biggest one so actually he's kind of curving this way so we'll put him here and he can kind of curve that way so his nose needs to be about there make a little dot so that i can remember which stone to put his nose on ah which stone was it where's my dot gone it's gone um yeah there that big that big stone there there we go that's his nose somewhere there oh look it doesn't matter if you're a tiny bit out as long as they kind of fit and look if they end up overlapping each other does it really matter i don't think so so that'll be him there and then i think they'll put the other one in the opposite direction so that's going to be the make sure he's going to fit first and his nose is going to be about i don't know this is how you do it but this is how i'm doing it to work out where his little nose is going to be like so how's that that'll fit all right so that's down three down one to go right now this guy he's kind of lending himself to be around there around that edge so oh hang on see that one's much wider better use that one to accommodate the width of that tail haven't i and put his nose about there otherwise i might run into trouble later on okay so his tail will come out to there [Music] that's okay which means this one someone's got a white tail as well his tail maybe we'll put him there actually what about going the opposite way i shouldn't have picked two that have got big tails oh oh well that's okay all right now that should work um i'll just put his nose about there there and then their tails can be kind of opposite each other is that it it's gonna be close and i think i can pick him up now no once they're down they're down it's just gonna have to it's just gonna have to be squished in a bit okay so that's it and i'm gonna keep these make sure they're in the same spot there so remember whose is whose so you're there you're there oops you're the top one you're the top one you're the bottom one and you're there okay um this one's got an extra layer so it's going to take me longer otherwise maybe i can just add this one now no it's alright i'll come back make sure we're still taping yes we are okay so now i'm just going to put a little bit of resin over those so it was pretty easy wasn't it kind of um the the greenery i'm going to add like almost probably the second last layer so it looks as if it's you know floating on top because i don't want it to be down now a little bit of resin over the fishy over the fishy you could if you wanted to put your resin down first and then put your sticker on but the only thing is with that is that your sticker's going to kind of float um and i've seen when people did that their sticker actually floated and it instead of being you know on top like that it had actually floated and moved off to the side when they weren't looking you know they'd come back an hour later and it moved so maybe not an excellent idea so i think this is for me this is better i'm just gonna add a little bit more i'm gonna make sure that they've all got the covering whoops there's a hair that just went in there get out of my fish pond can't get it get out all right got him all right let's just put a tiny bit on so as i said i made up 80 grams i don't know if that's maybe too much i don't want to put it all on if i don't need to because you know i need the i need the depth i need to keep as much depth on there as i can so let's just spread this maybe i can get away with say 60 grams and i'll know for the next layer i don't want to overfill them and then i can't finish with my stickers because it's too full so just spread it and hopefully yep see that's that's working i've got enough i've got a bubble on the side there so when i come to do the next layer um oh yeah i could probably talk you through it and then the subsequent layers after that i'll just um i'll just fast forward otherwise this is going to take forever and it'll be another hour-long video it's like you know get out the popcorn and the frozen coke and sit down and watch pouring your heart out because it's the length of a movie oh some of my videos but i'm enjoying making them for you i'm hopefully you're enjoying watching them so it looks as if i'm not going to need all that extra i think next time i'll just make up 60 grams which means we've got 15 grams per layer hey 60 divided by 4 15 grams which is half an ounce so i'll make up two ounces and look if you don't get total coverage on one layer no one's going to see it it's clear and you can fix it up on the next layer you know if you've missed a little bit it's not going to be a problem because you're going to put another layer on anyway so it doesn't really matter as long as you've got that extra layer on top of your sticker you should be good i actually feel like going and buying some black gravel and trying it with black but then you have to use quite light colored fish on it otherwise you wouldn't even see them okay so there we go oops missed a bit there looking good all right i'll give that a quick touch so i should weigh this and see what's left and i'll know well it weighs 31 grams which is an ounce minus the cups i'll have to weigh an empty cup and see what that weighs and see how we go all right that's the that's the second layer make sure you get any little hairs and things out before it dries cover it again straight away i'm going to torture it again in five minutes so i'm going to cover it but so far so good all right it is quarter to one in the afternoon i'm gonna go and have a coffee sit with the doggies for a bit i might even watch a movie and i'm going to come back to you in another three hours for the next layer all right see you then right oh let's do the second layer i made up 60 grams of resin this time round and we'll see how we go now this little guy here i actually had to look at a photo of how they actually went and this number two see that's the top and then the body comes through here and then the other one comes underneath the body so i'm gonna try that i think it kind of goes like that it's a little bit tricky when you haven't got instructions so that's his that's the back of his fin and then i think it goes like that i'm just going to leave enough space i don't know for his body see that that's that's the back of his fin that goes about there and then this other one comes underneath here so about there i think oh i just put my finger in the resin oh god oh god hang on let me clean that off oh my gosh grab a baby wipe spray it with some alcohol and um wipe it off straight away yeah see it's still a bit spectacular so be careful not to put your fingers in it now that should that'll just cover over once it's um once i put the next layer on so i think that's i think that's where it goes it's really hard to tell and then that sort of comes in there like that later on i think all right i'll just cover up that little area that i've stuck my finger in what can i can i cover that with maybe if i heat it uh no i think it'll be all right once you put the next layer on it'll be fine all right so that one's really tricky to do let's move on and do this one this is number two this one's not going to be so hard you know once you've got your first layer on they're relatively easy because you can just go nose to nose don't put your fingers in the resin maybe hold i think i'll do that and then hold my hand above so basically i'm just going to go nose to nose and then that's it push that one down and there we go look he's got a tail and then the next one make sure you're on the right on the right one so i've dropped a blob of resin on that sticker okay next one peel that off and again i think the easiest thing is just to go nose onto nose there we go it's it's trickier than it looks it really is it's a bit tricky make sure you smooth it out you haven't caught any bubbles underneath all right two down halfway halfway down all right this one so yeah as i said when i come to do my next layer i'll just um i'll just fast forward it because you don't need to hear me talking about it i'm just going to do exactly the same thing ups ups ups picked him up then when i shouldn't have but hopefully it'll be all right i think he's okay come around this side and have a look all right i think he's okay yeah it's just a bit tricky so the sort of the trade-off is um you know either putting the sticker on when the resin's dry and then it's sticking and you're not been able to lift it off or putting it on wet resin but then you've got the risk of it um moving and your sticker moving and floating away when you don't want it to okay oh my gosh all right let me just wipe your fingers lots more resin on me squirt some more alcohol i just got the alcohol and i just squirted onto the baby wipe and then um i can get that off my fingers because it does give me a rash if i touch it it might not for everyone but it does for me right here we go i guess as i go along i'll get better at this first attempt i don't think anyone's ever perfected anything in their first attempt are they i know i'm not i'll put my hand there now go nose nose to nose nose to nose body to body there we go that was better smooth that down it's almost touching there doesn't matter fish when they're in their bowls they bump into each other all the time okay so that's that one done now this one it's gonna be careful that you don't tear the body off when you're trying to take the the tail as well okay now this one's going that way see i'm using my left hand that's the problem put my finger there how's that looking ah that's stuck to me oh no i'm in the wrong spot now because it's stuck to me i'm just gonna push it oh that worked pushed it a little bit on the wet resin underneath it's made a little bit of a a ridge there but i don't think you'll um i don't think you'll notice that once the next layer goes on right oh my gosh that was that was tricky you guys will have to have a try of these let me know how you guys go all right now i'm going to just pour some more resin in let me get my gloves on just in case okay starting to go quite warm now i haven't got as much resin here that as i did last time so we'll just put a little bit on and each and then i'll spread it out like so hopefully this is enough a little bit more i can feel the sticker under my pop stick scratching the sticker so obviously it is not enough there let's go to the edges i'll just do this one for you and then i'll i'll finish them off without you so yeah if you're going to do this i would advise you to do use a resin that's going to set pretty quickly because if you have to wait 24 hours between each layer um i guess it's okay if you know if you're doing other things in the meantime other little projects and you just come and do this for half an hour a day that that's and you're okay with that then that's okay but if you want to get it done quick smart like i do the whole thing done in 24 hours you really need to pick a resin that's going to set quickly okay there's the first one i'm going to finish the others and i'll come back to you in four hours for the next layer hello right it's the next day now as you can see this fish here still needs two stickers and the rest of them just need one so i'm just going to do this guy here i'm going to put a few leaves and things on those and then i'll wait another four hours and then i'll do the top coat on all of them and i do need to tell you about the top coat now see i've got a bit of a gap there because i didn't put these too close enough to each other so hopefully when this one goes on it'll cover that gap that's what i'm hoping anyway all right see this is all this is a really tricky one this one um get in there right now again nose to nose start nose to nose and then it's a bit of a curve so i think oh my gosh i'm gonna try and cover that little gap there as much as i can the resin is dry now so it doesn't matter if i put my fingers on it how's that i think that's see if you wait till your resin is dry you can actually move it but then that means waiting 24 hours i'm going to actually see if i can twist this a little bit just so i can get a little bit more of that tail i don't know no maybe not let's have to match the head up really okay there we go that'll do um so one more layer and that will yeah that'll cover up those gaps there so that'll be next now i'm thinking i'm going to put some of these leaves on this one just because i've got them and then i don't know what else i'm going to do with them so we'll just add a few sort of around the edges like that i like that one and then this one here is kind of a broken one and then just a little one i think on the other side there like so how does that look actually and now we just did one of these little one of these little broken ones hey just for a little bit of interest there okay that looks pretty cool doesn't it now let's add some more stickers to these guys they've each got a big one so let's add a little one as well this is fun you guys cheers a little bit of a leaf might as well use them up just put them wherever all right so i've got a couple left on that one now i'm going to bring you down actually put this coat on i'm going to bring you down because i want to show you something about what this casting resin does to the top layer um i can't use the casting resin this this one to do my final layer and i will show you why in a minute i'll bring you down but i'm just gonna spread this out i don't know if it's all casting resins but certainly the ones that i've tried are no good for top coats if you want a nice clear smooth finish you're probably going what is she talking about i'll show you in a minute i'll just do this and i'll get you down and i'm going to show you exactly what i mean so once this is dry in about four hours and i come back and i put these other actually i might even put these other stickers on now because it won't matter if i put them on now or later i might as well fill you up a little bit because you're only having a top layer on and i just made up 30 grams i did 10 and 20 20 grams of pot okay and 10 grams of part b because i didn't need very much just for that one all right let me get you down now hopefully you can see what i mean look look across the top that's a bit difficult with the light but look and see that how it's got that kind of oil slick finish to it my camera is trying to focus on that light let me come this way nope i need to do it in with the light behind me okay anyway there it is see the center as well we get that like an oil slick look the back one there it is again see that now obviously we don't want that on our coasters and you can actually feel it it feels rough and there again which is a real shame it really spoils the whole surface it's not nice and smooth and clear you see that see this one here that's wet now that that's what we want so it's it's trying to focus on that light but anyway that's that's the issue um with the casting resins i've tried anyway i don't know if it's all of them but the ones i've tried all leave that oil slick look on top so the only thing that i can do now is when i do a final coat is to use um a coating resin like an art coat i'm going to use the what have i got that one i'm going to use that one the um barnes epoxy glass and that's a coating resin so that's going to give me a beautiful smooth clear top coat and it's actually going to dome over the top so it's a thicker resin um so yeah that's what i'm going to use so i'll come back in four hours and we will do that top coat all right so i'll see you then ratio guys i am done what do you think aren't they just adorable it's a dora bubble so there they are as you saw i just put the top coat on i used that um resin that was specifically for coating so that not instead of casting you can see on the edge there how it's doming but i will take you down in a minute and show you across the top hopefully we'll be able to pick it up they're so cute look at them yes you are you're just adorable and i can't wait to unmold you all tomorrow i will have to wait i have to be patient all right let's see if we can see across the top [Music] now i know the ring lights in the way but i'm trying to get the shot of the doming you can see there how it's made like a little dome over the top of the the coaster molds see that's what i mean about the doming and it's beautiful and shiny at this stage pick out any bits of hair and dust that you might have because you don't want them to spoil your surface so there we go little happy family of fishies all right i'll see you all tomorrow for the grand unmolding so exciting that was so much fun see you then good morning good morning the time has come finally after what was it five layers here we go they're um they're dry i've got my glove on the wrong hand let's put it on the other hand and then i can hold the coasters with my left hand and i hopefully they pop out okay hang on i need to loosen them all right i just had to run my hand across in front of you to um just start loosening those here we go they really thick these coasters it's going to push down like that all the way around it's out oh my gosh look at it wow that looks so much better than i expected it to and look you can see through how cool is that oh i love that i'm gonna be careful not to touch the top now i am thinking um of painting the edges in silver or in gold because i don't want people to like look through the sides and the sides aren't really all that attractive either it's the top that's oh i know what the bottom looks like ah stones it's just stones but yeah and look at that no no marks on the top look across the top look how gorgeous and shiny that is no oil slick or anything like that because it's a coating it's a top coat resin all right i'm just going to put this i've got my black tray my jewelry tray i'm just going to pop it over there for a minute let's get the next one out now this one i can see it's got a little bit of overflow here obviously put too much resin in that one so oops i'll have to just sand that that little edge just take your time pull them out gently you don't want to tear your mold oops i've got it yeah i've got a little bit of overflow there so look at that perfect came out perfect there she is well he is he's blue so maybe it's a he oh there's a couple of little bubbles i can see but that wow they're right on the bottom yeah actually maybe that maybe i need to put down a little layer of resin first and then torch it and then put the bubbles in the bubbles the um the pebbles in because i can see a few tiny tiny little bubbles on the bottom there so where's my overflow there that little bit there so you can either if it's a big area you can trim it off with some cuticle scissors or you can just use an emery board and just sand it i won't do it here now because i'm going to get dust all over everything i'll take it outside and do it or i'll do it over the laundry sink but yep love that one too all right here we go let's get the next one out this is so much fun you guys oh they look good on the black background this is what i was thinking maybe um you know black pebbles would look nice i'm gonna have to shop around see if i can get some tiny little black pebbles they did actually have some black gravel at the pet shop i think i already told you that so yeah little little rough areas there that just need to be sanded ever so slightly where i've run over or it might have been just where i've dripped i'm not sure so there's that one i do like how you can see through underneath beautiful and smooth and glossy over the top so don't put any fingerprints on the top will you make sure you're wearing a glove when you de-mold all right let's get the last one out look at it oh these are so much fun you guys they've got a bit of weight to them too i don't normally pull this thick you know as i said it's 1.2 centimeters thick not sure what that is in inches must be about half an inch i think because there's two and a half centimeters in an inch so you must be half an inch thick so they're quite weighty love it right let's move this gorgeous mold out of the way and bring these babies in alrighty oh look at that how good do they look on the black background hey so pretty all right i'm going to set them up outside and um i'll just zoom you in a little bit more and then set them up outside and take some photos for you what's that one do that look real i think that looked pretty good my first attempt love it so much fun have a go you guys and uh join uh pouring your heart out on facebook the link is below and um have a go at these i'd love to see your creations whether you use a coaster mold or a bowl or a teacup or whatever you want to try give it a go and show me i'd love to see them right i'm going to go and set these up and i'll show you the finished product in a tick stay tuned so you
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 45,905
Rating: 4.9350715 out of 5
Keywords: #agatecoasters, #geodecoasters, #resincoasters, #resingeodecoasters, #agateresincoasters, #3dfishresincoasters, #aquariumresinart, #fishstickersresincoasters, #3dfishstickerssincoasters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 29sec (3149 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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