95.6% of you WON'T do this...

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95.6 of you won't do this [Music] is the Olympics is next year and so that got me thinking how would a contortionist do in a bunch of different Olympic sports I got some trainers from every different Olympic sport I'm going to be doing today we're gonna see how well I do and they're gonna grade me I have to get a high score in the end or else I fail I don't want to be failing around here I'm gonna be honest there's another reason why I'm doing this today by the way is this distracting sorry that's really off topic when I was doing gymnastics when I was younger I always wanted to go to the Olympics this is kind of my way of cheating my way to feeling like I'm going to the Olympics this would be so great if contortion was an Olympic sport but since it's not we're going to be doing other Olympic sports today okay so it's currently 5 a.m I can't believe I'm even up right now we're on the way to a rock climbing gym to meet my friend Luke let's see how this goes where is Luke like what oh Sophie I literally have never Rock climbed I feel like it could be good because like my fingers are strong from like him up and stuff and you have the flexibility so like I might be a professional and I like could go to the Olympics for this like if I really wanted to right okay we're starting with zeros I think this is gonna be the first warm-up do you start all the way at zero and you go all the way up to like 15. I'm gonna get to 15 because I'm going to the Olympics okay let's see okay that is a foothold but that's good there you go you know look this is easy I'm going to 15. I'm sorry this was so easy okay we'll scale up slowly and then when you can't do a four I'll come back and look at this clip and say maybe can't do a 15. there you go oh okay come on use everything you got I'm going to 15. I'm sorry all right come on come on come on you got it there you go [Applause] [Music] so how's that 15 feeling like a line you did incredible for someone who's never climbed before first time I would give you a solid B plus you did a really good job guys the Olympics was basically just right around the corner that's a long corner so now I'm here [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on thank you okay so I'm not intimidated at all I can do this [Music] I'm better at something else [Music] please stop I can't watch it anymore maybe we should just move on you know I don't really like how much smack they're talking about by the way I was thinking oh [ __ ] you go down right left and jump I think it's time you are officially ready to spar wow okay oh my gosh okay yeah oh my God oh my God oh my gosh okay what's up [Music] sorry I just wanted to feel better thank you so much now I can torment my brother in so many more ways now what grade would you give me on like fighting your fighting would be like a b I'd say your reactions would be at a minus okay so far it's looking good thank you sensei okay so we're at Orange County fencing Center I didn't even know fencing was actually Olympic sport till today I've watched that one match in the show Wednesday that was it let's see how this kiss nice to meet you um I guess you're gonna be teaching me fencing today yeah I'm gonna be a coach I'll show you everything you need to know all right I'm gonna get suited up and what's this how do I look do I look good so first thing I need to show you is the on guard position both feet like together and then bend your arm and bend your knees that's it this is your hungar position okay it taught me everything I need to know from the basics of advancing to striking down my opponent so how about now you try to hit me I'll show you a few moves ready and then I attack you and yeah it's almost like a dance let's make it a bit more match like okay A bit more moving at first it was hard getting used to but I started to get it yes in the hang of this I practiced defending and attacking you're learning fast before I knew it I was getting really good at fencing using a combination of moves to take down Ed but nothing could prepare me for the next challenge I'm not that good she's being humble I think she's at least gonna get one touch I think it's gonna be a tough match got a good shot just got some points [Music] oh wow okay [Music] try to score one way [Music] dang this is like so much different than practicing but that was it I have to remember back to my training if I wanted any chance of scoring a point I had to be light on my feet and prepare to Lunge I did it I scored a point on an Olympic fencer but I wasn't finished yet Ivy and I battled back and forth I would score one and she would score a lot but we tap swords that was awesome I had so much fun doing this now it's time to rate my skills what would you rate me like a B plus oh wow okay I would give you an a really yeah I think uh you learned really quickly but if you know it's first time so yeah we all like we'll have a rematch if you ever want to learn fencing please go to the Orange County Fencing Academy amazing people it's actually really fun I had a great time now on to the next okay next sport archery now you guys know I can do archery with my feet very well hands on the other hand I'm gonna be attempting to go to the Olympics by shooting with my hands we don't have a trainer today so instead we have a trainer you've never actually shot a bow and arrow before with your hands just keep talking it's all going on your report card okay so how this is gonna go is we're gonna have a couple practice rounds and then by the end of it we're gonna run a series of tests and you're gonna prove yourself to me and I'm gonna give you an overall grade [Music] close for this test you're gonna have to shoot this bottle while it's in motion okay I'm gonna do it I'm ready I'm ready and it's off [Music] oh my goodness hey I should do this with my feet sometimes I'm just really glad that I'm not a Diet Coke bottle right now all right Sophie for this final test you have three shots and every single one of them has to make it in the center right in the yellow got it got it [Music] wow I've always said I'm better at my feet but I'm also good on my hands okay two more Sophie don't get too confident here [Music] dang that's two in a row you need one more and then I'm the best trainer of all times I got you to where you are today this is the last and final shot no pressure but if you don't make this you fail you passed yeah you stop yelling so much you passed okay I'm leaving next Olympic challenge High Dive I have no past experience in this whatsoever but thankfully here at Coast diverse they're letting me use their diving boards and we're going to be training with a national champion here's Ally hi I'm gonna teach Sophie how to dive today Ali started teaching me some of the basics and with her teaching skills I was on my way to become a pro in no time don't look at that that didn't happen now we are going to start on the diving board so first we'll take a couple bounces get used to the one and we'll jump in the water and see how it feels all right it's not scary at all okay I'm just gonna go for it [Applause] [Music] I began to realize just how scary olympic diving is and I hesitated over and over again my body just wouldn't let me jump I felt like I was gonna slip but to gain some confidence Ally told me to go feet first which actually really helped and I did it so scary to jump on there it's not a height thing it's just like weirdly super bouncy and I'm just not used to it after doing it a few more times I got very confident and Ali told me to try it without bouncing and just diving head first super smooth I'm about to immerse myself in front of everyone right now [Music] let's try again that was so awesome she's getting the hang of it really fast it's so great now that I can bounce and dive ahead first on the board I feel like it's time to try that first move again know what I'm learning about all these Sports is they're way harder than what they look like [Music] it's not something I'm used to at all so it's kind of just getting out of my comfort zone and just doing it that would hurt a lot it seems like every time I jump I end up belly flopping are you ready for the high dive now I don't think I'm ready but I'll do it okay I feel like this High Dive doesn't look that scary on camera but after face planning on the two foot one I really didn't want to face plant on the 10 foot one that was amazing for our first one I'm so glad she did it the whole like scary part is just like doing it first I mean you're just like naturally scared of what you don't know so like now that I did that I feel good once I got comfortable I tried diving and that was really scary but it was really fun once I got the hang of it and then we filmed the slow mo yeah okay so what do you think you would grade me out of like say a b c d e or M you did a great job today you caught on to it very quickly I think you deserve problem a b minus okay that's a lot higher rating than I was expecting especially since I belly flopped but thank you so much Ali and yeah this was amazing to be taught by you I've learned so much from this video you know just trying different sports and just pushing my limits to bending the limits pushing my limits to like new levels and just completely getting out of my comfort zone and that's something that I really want to do this year is just completely getting out of my comfort zone and just trying new things and taking you guys on my journey so guys I really hope you enjoyed this video and I really hope that I inspired you guys to go try something new get off the couch just try something that you are extremely passionate about doesn't matter if you're good or bad at it I was bad at a lot of things today my face can feel how bad I was at a lot of things today but guys do it you love love y'all peace [Music] the party
Channel: Sofie Dossi
Views: 2,533,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sofie dossi, america's got talent 2016, agt, contortionist, acrobat, stunts, handstand on building, insane, flexibility, never done before
Id: 09PKagAOfic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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