9/26/2021 Sunday Worship Services

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encourage next gen god is doing a great work in you and through you'll never forget that it is god has called you to this work uh so i wanted to give a quick shout out for that and then when it comes to this family life class again we're ministering on the the subject of is ministering on the to the family spirit soul and body and uh remember you have the opportunity to send in questions um you can send them in anonymously as well if you like to do so so make sure you take that opportunity to do that and submitting your questions for the family life session all right let's go ahead and get into it if you have your bibles let's lift our bibles let's make our confession together this is my bible i can be what it says i can be i can do what it says i can do i'm about to receive the life-changing seed of the word of god in my life shall never be the same because i came to believe and where i have need i came to change and the devil cannot stop me by the help of god i shall believe and i shall receive and i shall be changed in jesus name amen all right so again this is our family life class uh my topic for this portion of ministering to the family spirit soul and body is about the body and subtitle this is the body is for the lord and we'll definitely get to that pasture scripture today um so again just keep in mind these things we've been teaching about all these sessions around the spirit and the soul and all these messages go hand in hand together they are connected um and so again for for my pers portion about the body one thing i want to just do a review of is that the body is an expression of what's going on in your spirit and your soul again you can't see your spirit can't really see your soul you can say different things about it but the body you can see you can touch you can smell you know your body is there everybody can see your body so what goes on with you in your body is an expression of what's really happening your spirit and your soul and so it's an instrument for you to perform the intentions of your spirit and your soul don't tell me that your spirit is right and your soul is right but your body is not and then something is wrong with that um so keep that in mind when we talk about these things because that's how the importance they all all fit hand in hand right the whole makeup of man the spirit soul and body every one of them has their purpose all right and so the objectives for this teaching was discuss what is the standard of the body and we spend most our time doing that um and then we're going to get into today what is each member of the family responsibilities as pertains to the role of the body all right so turn with me to romans chapter 12 because if he's talked about what is the standard for your body romans chapter 12 romans 12 starting at verse number one it says i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god so we see here that again the standard for your body as believers is that you you have to represent your body as a living sacrifice you have to present your body as holy you have to present your body as acceptable unto god and this is all three are your reasonable service this is your expectation as a believer you know welcome to the kingdom of god right you now have to present your bodies in this format all right that is your responsibility god is not doing it you have to do it you have to take responsibility of presenting your body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god and so we begin to talk about living sacrifice and we said that living sacrifices you have to discipline or buff at your body as a living sacrifice your body is a living organism you know where all your body knew before you became born again was the things of this world the things of the sin nature so that's all they knew and all of a sudden now you're born again now you have to train and teach your body everything pertains to the kingdom of heaven which is a whole nother dominion that your body has no idea what uh uh what what it means to be in the kingdom of heaven right you have to train it you have to deny your body things that are not holy you have to deny your body things that are not acceptable to god and then we talk about what are these things that are not acceptable unto god and we went to first john chapter two we won't go there this morning but we went to first john chapter 2 and talked about the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life all these things are not of god but of this world but your body is used to that that's all your body knew right so now you have to train your body to get out of the lust of the flesh the lust of the eye and the pride of life that means you have to discipline your body you have you have to discipline and train it to get it away from those things and then we got into when we got into the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes then we really got into the pride of life last week right because here's the thing about the pride of life right it gets you caught up in this world's desires worlds ambitions and you forget about the things of god easily right and your body will flow right into it right i mean you you'll put religious statements around like i'm doing these things for for the kingdom but no you're doing these things for yourself see understand everything about the body is self-satisfaction self-gratification that's what the body is about the body is about itself right that's the body right and so when it comes to the pride of life you know we talked about this on last week that you have to control discipline when it comes to ambitions where your heart's at these prideful attitudes that we have and when it comes to the family that's why we have this challenge the ordeal moving about the foot washing because even in a family unit husband wife children there's prideful activities that are going on in other words in that in that activity everybody's jockeying from position right everybody feels entitled the husband feels like he's entitled to things the wife feel like she's entitled to things and you know the children they always feel like they're entitled right and so having the foot washing helps you understand that hey everybody has a proper place in order in the family structure right so i hope you benefited from from that and i hope you took the challenge of watching uh the feet you know husband watching your wife's feet right wives washing your husband's feet children watching your parents feet kept it all in perspective you know and then you learn some things you know when it comes to that foot washing it takes time what i mean it takes time to prepare right you take preparation right and and so and then when you're actually watching the the you're like as a husband you're watching your wife's feet you know you're not arguing in when you're sitting there on your knees right down there with your towel and in the basin you know it gives you a sense of humility and that's what it was all about because we you should be serviced to your husband you need to be servant in your home to your family that's your wife right that's the one that you marry that's the one that you've taken an oath from you know that you you made a vow to and it reminds you of that and so again i hope you caught what it was about again i know the first day was you know it's kind of cute trust me by day five you're like is it over yet for some of y'all and then some people they they learn this oh this is we're gonna continue this activity right you know i tell you god is so good in that simple exercise that's why obedience is so important in a simple exercise you'll find out there's things that you can improve on in your in your marriage you can carry forward and it's simple things simple things and you and you want to how come some people like their marriage like how come you y'all act like y'all so still lovey-dovey in a sense after years i mean you know we've been watching feet for a while we didn't bring y'all in on this you know you better catch these little nuggets well y'all caught up in everything else you think it's so important but you know it's not i'm gonna tell you something it's nothing like putting your hands on your wife's feet your wife enjoys that all right let me be gone yeah i hear you anyway but you ain't figured it out yet keep on you'll learn some things as we continue on these teachings right but it's all about humility so we talked about the pride of life we got into that so again we're going to uh continue with this in this morning because it's a place i definitely need to get to um we're going to talk about we talk about holy last time and again this is the standard of your body right that's believer so holy means you have to set your body set apart for the purpose of god that's what holy talk sets you you have to be set apart for the purpose of god so that means you have to set your body apart for the purpose of god meaning that i cannot expose my body to every and every any and everything there's certain things that my body should not be exposed to because it's set apart so what things that my body should not be exposed to alcohol drugs pornography you know there's things my body should not be exposed to that's your that's your reasonable service that means you got to deny your body and start pulling in different directions like no we're going to go over here body i can i'm not going to let my body be exposed to certain things and then the third thing here is acceptable unto god right this is things that i need not to subject my body to things that are not uh that are sin towards god that means i cannot subject my body to things that are sin towards god sin what are things that are sin towards god that i can't subject my body to fornication sex outside of marriage adultery that's sin i cannot subject my body to fornication i cannot subject my body to adultery right that's what it means about acceptable unto the lord i mean here it is there's no gray area you know it ain't like well she kind of like my wife now no she's not like your wife either she is your wife or she's or she's not and you know how she becomes your wife right you took a vow an oath right you had a testimony and a witness and you you had a wedding some kind of ceremony that's how she became your wife and you only have one wife at a time matter of fact you know you know one wife at a time one wife almost for a lifetime that's it anyway so so that's the thing what's acceptable and god means i cannot expose my body to things that are that are sin towards god that's my reasonable service that's your service but here's what i always say you know like well the people when you're like oh that's that's hard yeah it's hard you know why it's hard because your body is used to sinful things but that's why i love the holy spirit that dwells in us god did not leave us alone with our body the holy spirit dwells in you to help you that's why the holy spirit is there is i i'm here now holy spirit will convict you those people convict you even the thoughts that you have before you before the activity happens with your body when the thoughts come in the holy spirit will convict you right then he said don't go there no and then now you have the choice to make so look let's go to first uh corinthians chapter six we'll get into this first corinthians chapter 6 about how we need to present our bodies again living sacrifice holy and acceptable to god this is our reasonable service right first corinthians chapter 6 verse 12 it says all things are lawful unto me but all things are not expedient all things are lawful for me but i will not be brought under the power of any meats for the belly and belly for meats but god shall destroy both it and them now the body is not for fornication but for the lord and the lord for the body so again we're talking about what is the role of the body your body is very clear is not for fornication and let me help you well you said well it says fornication any kind of sexual activities or sex uh uh self-gratification because fornication is all about self-gratification i understand don't get caught up i understand fornication is sex but it's more than just sex you know you can have self-gratification and self-satisfy out going after other things that we talk about in the pride of life [Music] you can be fornicating with the pride of life because you're after it in other words you have these fantasies that you're going after that becomes idolatry to you he's talking about these things as well because you know we so quick to get religious i'm not having sex with nobody yeah but i'm telling you you are intimate with other things that is not to do with god that is sin but your body is not for that is not for fornication but your body's for the lord that means my body i have to keep my body in a place where it's obedience and service to the lord the body is for service to the lord and you have to uh subject your body to obey the lord again your body is for service for the lord that's what it's for why you think you've been brought to you too in the kingdom for such a time as this it's service to him that's what your body is for it's not service for you it's service to the lord and now if you think about that when my body is for service to the lord then that means god has given me a responsibility expectation to take care of this body in a certain format in a certain way so they can make sure that it can have the the proper and effective way that i'm going to serve the lord that means i got to be a steward of my body how can i service the lord when my body is out of shape so that means there's certain things i need to eat this certain exercise i need to do that's all part of my reasonable service it all fits in when talking about the role of the body and when it talks about ministering to the family you're the steward of this body it's not like having an entire server i mean you've been you know you've been in restaurants and you have you know you go out to eat and then you have a server that comes or waitress or waiter and they're tired they're sorry they're lazy nobody wants no lazy server i'm gonna tell you something you know if i get some water and you can't keep my water refilled and something's wrong with you we even got to the mill yet you can't you having trouble just refilling my water and nobody wants to hear about how tired you are hey that's your job i'm here to eat i'm paying i'm a paying customer you see on me so that's what i mean about your body you have to be a steward of your body you have to buffet it and your body resists you the whole time while you're buffing it but you still have the responsibility see you see this is all areas that we can improve on that's what i mean by the body is not for fornication it's for the lord in service to the lord okay it's in verse 14 god had both raised up the lord and would also raise us by his own power know ye not that your bodies are members of christ shall i then take the members of christ and make them a member members of and harlot god forbid what know ye not that he which is joined to and harlot is one body for two saith he shall be one flesh but he that is joined unto the lord is one spirit flee fornication every sin that a man doeth is without the body but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body right that means that when you commit that act the sexual act of fornication with somebody you're not married to you just sinned against your own body what does that mean i sinned against my own body i understand this god has made this body to to design for a certain arrangement a certain order a certain function again god knows god knows what he's doing your body is already has a way that needs to operate it knows right that's why i said some things you don't have to even t your body knows how to respond you know in other words you touch something it's hot your body knows how to pull away you got to tell the body a pull away you know it's like oh it's hot oh that's cold you spit things out it's you know your body that don't taste right you know your body already has his mechanism it knows how to function but once you commit an act of sin a fornication now you've disrupted that order in your own body and you wonder why your body is not functioning properly because of that fornication that you're caught up in see here's the thing about fornication you know we in our mind we again i'm seeing our mind our bodies just say hey it's all about self-gratification nothing about the consequences of it it's impacting more than just you think well it's just between me and this individual no it's more than it's y'all too that's impacting and it's the impact is you know when it comes to sin you you think you know what the impact is you let me say that you think you know what the consequences are you don't know what the consequences are you understand it you just know there's consequences but everybody wants to tell here's how to hear how we are we want to tell god i'm going to commit this sin and then we're going to tell god this is my consequences that's not how this works you're not going to tell god what the consequences are for your sin for your disobedience think about david david to me is a great example when the sin he committed with bathsheba when the prophet came and talked to david he said the sword would never depart from your house and david repented and god forgave him but the consequences took place for generations to come david lost that child then david's other son had an issue with with his with his other brother because his other brother had a a sexual act with his sister i mean all that stuff transpired and then the old other son killed that son because of that i mean all the stuff is happening and then the other son rose up against david i mean all this put david out of the kingdom and then that son became his mind king and then slept with some of david's conqueror i mean it's just what all that because of that one act see i'm telling you see david hey trust me he knew that was all right he'll be like oh bash she keep i want him to see you hey sorry i know you baiting me looking good but girl stay at your palace i'll stay with my powers i'm not if he knew all that was coming i'm sure he was like no way but see that's what we are that's how the enemy is he'll never show you the consequences the depth of the sin and again it'll last from generations on impact right but your body's gonna impact it too understand it you're gonna have to deal with some things as well so you put things in motion for generations to come because of the sin but also you impacted your body that's why i mean by fathers and husbands flee fornication flee sex outside of marriage even when you're in your unmarried state your singleness right don't get caught up in fornication you're setting things into motion that you can't undo right now you have to endure it and it's hardness and it's more than just oh the girl got pregnant it's more than just having a child there's other things that are going on that you set an emotion by your fornication than just having a baby getting a baby having a baby is a huge thing too because the baby grows up everybody loves the baby it's when we become teenagers and young adults and talking back and you know all those that's when it's like wow what did i just created this monster yeah fornication sin so fathers understand that again that's the responsibility fleet fornication teach your sons and daughters not to be fornicators how you gonna teach your son and daughters not to be fornicated you're gonna teach them how to buffer their body you got to teach your children how to buffet their body discipline that means you can't get everything you want and that's part of the process teach your children that all right there's a time for this and there's a time for there's a time for play is it time for work everything is not play time because i'm gonna tell you when you become young adults or you become teenagers you playing and you have yet to grow up there's a time you should be heading towards maturity anyway so parents should be fathered you help your children when it comes to that bringing them to a place of maturity i mean you gotta give them responsibilities and make them accountable for it and make sure they follow up on it as parents unless they can be caught up in fornication and they're sitting against their own body and then later on they'll be like what's going on my body here and honestly because later on you forgot all about that fornication you was doing then later on shows up and you're like what happened and you go to the doctor like hey i ain't nothing i can do for you just hear some pills here's a few shots for the rest of your days good luck with that all because of this morning you sinned against your you set things out of order your own body ain't no you know i love about god always wants us these things god tells us he said let you know right every sin verse 18 every sin that man does is outside the body without the body means outside the body but he that commits that fornication sin against his own body verse 19 what know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which is in you which ye have a god and ye are not and you are not your own for ye are bought with the price therefore glorify god in what in your body and your spirit which are god so that means now that you are born again understand is your body is not your own your body is god this is his that was part of you making your your declaration and your problem that i i accepted jesus christ as my lord and my savior that means your body now belongs to him you've been bought with a price that price is the blood of jesus has cleansed us and washed us and made us whole so that means i gotta glorify god with this body because it's his and because it's his that's why i said i love how do i know my body is his because verse verse 19 know you not that the body is the temple of the holy ghost which is in you again that's why i love this i'm telling you i love being a believer because god will send this holy spirit in you as you become born again to help you to make sure your body is for the lord go back to those teachings we had on the spirit that is for you to help you the comforter is there so now my body is a temple of the holy ghost so now guess what i need to expose my body to temple practices what are temple practices i need to expose my body to it's called worship it's called praise it's called prayer it's called fasting see these are things i need now suppose my body you weren't doing none of that before you got saved but now i need to expose my body to temple practices worship to the lord praise to god prayer fasting these things not these things i dispose of my body to on a continual basis because your body is not your own anymore it's for god that is your reasonable service that's what's acceptable unto god and the holy spirit is there to help you to help you in these things it's not your own all right so now let's get into the role of the body for each particular member as we lay down this foundation let's talk about the father the husband the role of the body for the husband all right turn with me to ephesians chapter five ephesians 5 god is faithful ephesians 5 the role of the body for the husband ephesians 5 look at this in verse 22 it says wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the lord for the husband is the head of the wife even as christ is the head of the church and he is the savior of the body so we see that in verse 23 we'll stop there for a minute right it says the husband is the head of the wife even as christ is the head of the church and he is the savior of the body so that means husbands you have responsibility to be a savior of the body what does the savior do of the body protection right that means you're responsible to protect not on your your body but your wife's body you can get into this verse 24 therefore as the church is subject to christ so let the wise be to their own husbands in everything husbands love your wives even as christ also loved the church and gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the water by the word that he might present to it himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish so ought men to love their wives as their own bodies he that loveth his wife loveth himself for no man ever yet hated his own flesh but nourished it and cherished it even as a lord the church for we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones for this call shall a man leave his father and mother and shall be joined unto his wife and they too shall be one flesh so as a husband and roll the body for the husband i have to be able to examine these things we just talked about the same standard we talk about for the body that means a living sacrifice holy and acceptable god i have to have these practices in place in my home i have to be a living sacrifice for my family fathers do that means as a father as a husband i gotta deny my flesh and the family needs to know that i'm about serving them and these are things were taught before every role every role or responsibility for each member of the family is to serve and obey service and obey and obedience and as a father i need to lead and they need i need to be the example that others can follow in my home by service and obedience to one another that's my role again that savior of the body i got to make sure my family is protected i can make sure my wife's protected right that's part of that's part of me being a savior of the body here's the natural things i need to make sure i got to make sure my wife has what she needs before my needs my wife needs to have what she needs that's the role of this body right that means i gotta make sure i get my body in a position and place where i can be able to support my family support my wife the things that she needs i have to do that more is more about her than it is me you know i remember statement that my founding pastor said he said no man can love their wife more than i love mine i think brothers missed it they're looking at the things and the stuff but it's the heart that he has towards his wife he understood how to take care of his life he understood what his wife needed and look at our look at our current pastor now because obviously he understood what she needed because he helped her to get in the place she is now so all these things come true like hey you know his brother's still speaking telling us how about our family can you imagine why we even going can you imagine you went on to be with the lord because that day is coming and then what would your wife be i'm just saying well she had her own responsibility see here we go that's on her but what about your parts you did to prepare her for the work that god called her to do when you're gone see that's why i understand why you're like yeah you don't love your white boy then i love mine i'm preparing for the work even in the time when i'm my departure see god it's just god is it so good see that's what i mean by that's what i mean about father you'll be a living sacrifice in your home right you have to prepare your family for your departure but you know what you're preparing your family for it's for you there it's all about you everything surrounds you and your home right everybody got to wait till you come home for they eat you don't want to control the moat for the tv you know every you got to watch it it's all about you and your home please that's not god's order you should learn that when it comes to the foot washing you started with the father the f the father to get his feet washed first his wife got her feet washed first by you there's ordering that you're the first one to show service so while you're talking on that big time noise on one one when that day come when your departure happens where your wife gonna be at can she continue on with the things of god that's being the savior of the body when he talks about hearing in ephesians preparing for her needs where she can go on she's not concerned about how she gonna make it when you're not here i mean you know like natural needs she's gonna have a gofundme page about because she needs money because you know anyway none of that here's what i'm telling here's my thing i i on purpose again i learned these things from this ministry i learned these things from my family pastor i i'm on purpose and make sure my wife and i ask nobody for nothing not even my sons and i love my son but please my my wife is not my son's responsibility i'm talking from my house when i'm gone that's not their response my wife is not the responsibility it's mine and i purposely have enough set aside for her even when my departure that she's taken care of that's them for nothing that's my that is my responsibility not them and again like i said nothing like mama and his sons anyway that's a whole different than i mean mama they both i mean it is what it is they're gonna do whatever that's their mama so they're gonna it's gonna it's gonna something's gonna transpire anyway but i'll make sure i've done my part she don't have to ask for nothing they're gonna be sitting like mama daddy what really daddy how he left you with autumn bills and we got enough anyway i got to move on understand that's responsibility that's the role that you have fathers in your home savior of the body prepare love your wife as your own bodies and then when it says holy one talk about hope that's the living sacrifice part then holy means set apart for the purpose of god right that means for for my wife i understand that i i hey her body is set apart for the marriage covenant that means i'm a rejoice with the wife of my youth i'm a rejoice with my wife i have to treat her as a precious vessel that she is my wife is a precious vessel first peter three and seven talks about the wife is a precious vessel and the word in in first peter three and seven talks about weaker don't get caught up in the world week if you go look at it it's time i'm precious she is a precious vessel that means i should never disrespect my wife's body i should never put my hands on my wife's body to hurt her to discourage her to abuse her to intimidate her i should never do that as a husband that's the role i let me i can't take the members of my body and put it on my wife's body because you ain't again you put your hands on your body to hurt yourself again you love your wife as your own bodies then that means i'm not gonna put my hands on my wife's body i'm not going to hurt her i'm not going to disrespect her or her body i'm not going to degrade her i'm not going to have to do degrading acts either again that's what i mean as a as a husband that's the role you have on your body i'm not gonna expose my wife to these things now look at this and proverbs chapter 5. see husbands understand i mean hey your wife is is your wife right it's your responsibility remember you said i do who takes this woman as a lawfully wedded wife i do when you say that it means your responsibility that's why it says the father you know man a man should lead i mean you left father mother house now is your responsibility don't abuse your wife stop abusing me and i mean physical abuse is also verbal abuse i'm not gonna verbally abuse my wife i mean i'm not gonna call my wife the b word really you're gonna call your wife a female dog or you're gonna treat her like a female dog your wife that you said you're married no husband uh-uh there's this certain language i'm gonna have towards my wife this certain mentality i have towards my wife see i understand this is learned behavior because when you get a marriage that's what i mean that's what go back to the there's the pride of life that happens in the marriage unit everybody feels like they're entitled everybody wants to dictate to them to the other spout to their wife what they need to do what about you it starts with you i'm not gonna tell my wife what she needs to do for me i'm gonna show her by doing for her proverbs 5 look at this in verse 15. it says drink waters out of my own cistern and running waters out of my own will so when it says drink here waters out of their own cistern it's again we're gonna get into this hopefully in a minute it's really talking about the marriage relationship right and for a husband's husband you need to drink waters out of that old sister that own your own sister and your is your wife that means you got to be refreshed and drink from your wife now how you'll be refreshed and drink from your wife if you didn't put anything in there so that means like a cistern right cistern is a waterproof receptacle that holds water i mean but this cistern it's not automatic water gets in it you got to put water in there you can't drink without putting water in so when it comes again this is about soda when it comes to your wife you got to be able to sow into her she is good ground how's she good around she's your wife she's good ground for you you have to sew into her and then you'll be able to drink waters from your own sister that means i gotta stay with my wife i'm drinking from her i'm not drinking out of somebody else's sister that's their cistern i drink my own what i mean my drink for my own that means the labor that i put into my wife i will get from that someone was trying to drink out of somebody else's labor you trying to get refreshed when someone else is labeled no i don't need drink from your water your sister i need to drink my wife's sister i got to work to put it in she's the one that's been that's where the mayor's covenant she's there to refresh me after i put it in because we've been saying you go there and tell you what oh well you should refresh me you i mean you just so bitter you just you never said but what you put in there it's on you fathers it's on you husbands put in her drink waters out of our own cistern and running waters out of my own will now when it says running waters it's talking about continuous refreshing a continuous flow it's not like i have a continuous flow of water that means your wife should be that continuous flow refreshing for you continuous again that's what we can tell you and marriage is no joke marriage is work because only way the only way the flow is going to continue is you continue to work at it if not it will stop it will get stale it gets stopped up and that's where a lot of marriages are the honeymoon has been over now the marriage happens and all of a sudden they're like what happened because you're not putting in the work marriage is not dating marriage is not courting marriage is a covenant for the rest of your days and you have to put in the work for the rest of your days so in order to be fed if from your wife and other fed me refresh from your wife you got to have the continuous work you got to put in there verse 16 let thy fountains be dispersed abroad and rivers of waters in the streets let them be only thine own and not strangers with thee let that fountain be blessed hallelujah and rejoice with the wife of thy youth you need to be rejoicing with the wife without you rejoice pleasure with your wife it's amazing we can't we were just with everything else but we can't rejoice with your wife rejo spend time put in the work and then verse 19 let her be as the loving hind and pleasant role let her breasts satisfy thee all at all times and be thou ravished always with her love i'll tell you here i mean this is godly counsel to to you fathers again we're still talking about the fathers and the husbands in the role of the body right when it comes to your wife and her body you have a mentality for her that is lovely that is pleasant again verse nineteen let her be as a loving han hindsight mother dear in a pleasant role he said let her be ass that means my mentality of my wife is lovely it's pleasant it is fresh and gets this get this this is the thing about the mentality i have to my wife does not matter how she treats me in other words it's not dependent well she does right then i'm gonna treat her right no starts with you i don't treat my wife based on how she treats me you know love is called a choice remember i love my wife body as i love myself my own body i choose to love my wife i choose to treat her a certain way not based on how she treats me because again keep living right this time your wife won't treat you so well say things to you that are ugly but i'm not gonna i don't respond with evil with evil we learn these things in matthew anyway learn these things when it comes to the kingdom of god husbands my mentality chose my wife is always lovely always pleasant and i'm telling you so if there are times when i miss it i'm gonna go back and apologize to her if i say things to my wife that is not lovely that is not pleasant i'm gonna apologize to her i don't care if she went off on me and then i responded cause she went off on me i'm i was wrong for going off and responding back to her that way i have to go back to her this is the council right lovely loving always pleasant and then it says her breasts her breast is part of her body that means my sexual satisfaction needs to come from my wife and nobody else i like that her breasts so satisfy you at all times brothers learn this get don't get caught up in your own fantasies about somebody else's breasts or body remember the breast is part of the body somebody else's body you're caught up in and your wife's right there with her nice body well my wife's body's not nice you that's your wife go back to being lovely and pleasant because trust me you ask about your body she probably said some some things about your body as well but your wife's body she's there her body's there for pleasure for you and it should satisfy you at all times i love it satisfy you at all times that means i'm not looking for nobody else body to satisfy me you know she said at all times there is never a time in my life in my marriage covenant i need to go outside of that to get satisfaction sexually never she should satisfy you at all times your wife and be ravished where ravage means intoxicated i should be intoxicated always with her love well my wife's not that lovely she married you i'm gonna tell you if you if you can't think about anything else that's lovely about your wife she said i do too and you know how you are husbands again we're dealing with you know how you but she still agreed and because she said i do she's worth all that love back towards her at all times i'm intoxicated with her love that's why i tell you sometimes it's good to go back to your marriage vows go back if you got to record it or whatever go back when you said i do go back to what the preacher said get you know fast forward all the other prelim stuff get right to the vows of the five minutes of the program and listen listen the responses because that's what you're going to be accountable for husbands and from that point on i'm going to treat my wife as my wife because she is i'm not gonna disrespect her she's the only one who's gonna satisfy my body amen all right i'm out of time and we'll get to some more thing we'll get to the role of the the body for the wife and the children next time but it was all about the fathers and the husbands is born again prepare your hearts for our sunday morning service love your family be blessed [Music] 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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] and all that i hope to be [Applause] all of my desires [Applause] [Music] and all of my abilities i'm fully committed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'll make the sacrifice [Music] to do what you ask of me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i could never [Applause] [Music] but the least i can do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] every passing minute [Music] every hour of the day in every situation [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'll make the sacrifice to do what you ask me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now for the rest of my life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] every part of me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] i'm [Applause] yes [Applause] for the rest of my life [Applause] jesus [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everything that i [Music] [Applause] [Music] had my hands my [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can bend me you can break me [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] let me start by saying welcome everyone you are catching us and watching church of living water of austin for our sunday morning 10 a.m worship service glad to have you with us now right now we are continuing without in-person services so we're live streaming the services to you again it won't always be this way uh we will let you know when that gets to change but until then our services are being held in live stream to you so that you're not going to be here in person now with that said our message to our members is always consistent stay engaged that means you know stay apart with corporate prayer stay involved with women of covenant stay involved with men of integrity keep up with the services and follow along make sure your contact information is up to date so you stay abreast of whatever we have going on any information we want to get out to you also seeing uh if you're watching this live remember this is the last sunday in september so next sunday will be october so remember the assessment and as well because it's going to be the first sunday come prepared to take communion together even though we're not in person we can still do it and take it together virtually as we ought to do now for those of you who are not members of church living water we're glad to have you hope that you are blessed by our services and by ministry to you now if you don't know we do have other services and we always want to invite you to be a part and join in with our other services we have a wednesday night bible study every wednesday night at 7 pm if you're not aware we also have a family life class every sunday morning 8 45 specifically on family and domestic issues for the believer and as well we have a next generation service every fourth friday now we just had our last one so the next one is going to be in october but that fourth friday in october at 7 pm we'll have our next generation service and you're invited to each and to every one of those services and again until we're in person we will be live streaming those services to you and for everyone's sake remember for family life we are opening it up for questions we're doing a special ministry right now on the topic of ministering to the family spirit soul and body and so as you watch and you are hearing things and maybe you're not exactly hearing what you need to hear and you have a question go ahead and submit those questions we have a way or we have different ways that you can actually submit your questions and you can do so anonymously so no one has to know who asked you don't have to worry about uh can i really ask this because if they if i ask this they'll know no we won't have to know that it's you so you can submit those questions feel free in that and then as we are approaching the end of our teaching portion we'll come back and we will address those questions so tune in and take advantage of the opportunity it'll be over before you know it so don't let it pass you by and also after service remember if you need one-on-one ministry you need to speak with someone you need someone to pray with you you just need to speak with somebody we have ministry lines that are available for you right after service you can call 512-255-1959-512-255-1959 those lines will be open right after service for the duration of one hour if you need to speak with someone someone will be available to minister to you pray with you or whatever you might need also known wednesday nights right after our wednesday night bible study the same industry line is open right after service for the duration of one hour and if your schedule is a little bit different or maybe you think of something in this on the weekend it's open saturday from 3 p.m to 6 p.m again 512-255-1959 and as you're watching if you need to reach out to us through direct messaging you can do it as well we're watching that we'll get in touch with you now let's prepare to lift a praise to our god good morning good morning let's give god some praise for he is worthy of all the praise he's worthy of all the glory and all the honor and for this he he deserves all of our worship he deserves all of our praise and when i think about how good jesus is how good he was he would how he did in every single of the gospel mark john mark luke matthew i i think about how compassion he was upon the people and and how how he loved the people how he healed the people how he delivered them from their sins how he how he how he taught them how to live jesus deserves all the praise all the glory for he deserves all of our praise all of our worship and for this we give him praise amen you deserve my worship you deserve my praise [Applause] [Music] belongs to you always you deserve my worship and you deserve my praise adoration [Music] of the goodness of jesus my soul cries out hallelujah i just wanna thank him for saving me adoration and glory [Applause] adoration and glory belongs to you always [Applause] and glory [Applause] say you deserve my worship and only you deserve my praise adoration and glory it belongs to you and only you and only you [Applause] my always [Applause] you deserve my worship [Applause] my worship [Applause] [Music] amen and amen he deserves it we shouldn't even wait on it just you shouldn't wait for the praise team to come and give god worship and praise it should just be automatic you should just be glorifying him for his mercy endures forever what a great king we serve and i want to piggy on back that saying happy birthday to brother aberhart i was looking at a picture and i said he's becoming his father he looks just like him the only he get i said oh my god i hadn't seen that you know this pandemic just got you where you you're not walking it out and then i see the picture i said oh my god he's brother aberhart yeah he is he's brother abelard but it's a blessing and quite a young man he's becoming i'm saying becoming ever heart because you're still growing and developing and it's just a blessing to see it's just a blessing to just just have the eberhard family walking through this journey with us as well god is so faithful but we welcome you here at church of the living water we are here at teaching ministry we're here in austin texas if you're streaming from afar off we're here in austin texas we're based here in round rock texas a suburb of austin texas and we are a teaching ministry we teach here a little there a little i hope you were tuning in this morning you would have got there a little and uh because we we always connect and i was just so blessed this morning just hearing the word you know things that you know and things that you want the younger people to know and and and i can just see everything that god is doing in our ministry when he's saying preparing everyone where they need to be and i'm so thankful for it so we welcome you if you're streaming now if you're streaming later we welcome you here and we're so thankful to be able to minister into your life and that's our purpose for being here it's not just to be online just to be streaming our purpose is to make impact in your life to change your life and if we're not changing your life you need to move on and find somewhere stream somewhere that is but we we purpose to impact your life with teaching sound doctrine we want to be balanced in the word and we want you to be balanced so we're thankful i welcome my church family that are so faithful and i know that starting next sunday i got all confused i thought i had two sundays i had to go back and readjust my nose i was like what and then someone told me no you know friday pastor's appreciation started sunday i said oh my god i was thinking i had two more sundays i said okay okay the time is just moving so quick you know you have to keep up with it but i just want to say before pastor's appreciation i want you all to know how much i appreciate you all i appreciate you all through the good times and the bad times and i'm thankful and uh you know i don't take it lightly that you know that god has placed me over such a beautiful people uh people that love him that trust my leadership and i'm thankful for you and i want you to know how much i appreciate you i know you want to do a lot of special things but it's really about you for me so you know i'm thankful but i'm looking forward to sitting down and just being ministered to it's a blessing but i get ministered to all the time but it's a blessing to have all these ministers get up and let god use them however god is going to use them we just we just receive it and prepare our hearts to re receive and so i'm so thankful for that that's coming up but for now this sunday we got to complete some things and maybe we'll complete some things and maybe we won't but whatever we do we'll we'll flow amen because god is a faithful and a good god happy birthday again brother apple heart i hope you're going to do something special go spend some of your dad's money it is like i'm not going to be able to just say say pastor said [Laughter] but it's a blessing 18 is he 18 oh my god i remember he was a little baby around i remember when they all was a little baby i was at the hospital when rob was born and and here she is ministering on friday night like she knows god i'm like you know what what i'm like you know what instead i'm telling if you missed our friday night service you missed the blessing it was just it's it's always a blessing to hear those young adults just minister into the hearts of people in it and what it does for me it just it just makes me proud to know they're getting this they're they're getting this you know a lot of times you know we see uh young adults and they make mistakes and everything you think that's it but it's not it's not and you see them get on track in there you know and they're pressing toward the mall they're not perfect we're not saying that they're perfect but they're pressing toward the mark i just love it i just i was just just enjoying that so much and that that hour or whatever however time they do go so quick i'll be like oh it's already and then i wanted to hear some more from them and i'm like it was just a blessing and ebony we saw you a little bump and uh as you would i mean these i mean the the women the men just just truly a blessing truly a blessing get it all out ebony because you're gonna it's gonna be like having twins because right when you're when your son will just be turned in one you might be in the delivery room right it's all in march whoa jesus be offense all around me that's all i have to say all i have to say about that but you you you survive you survive i promise you you'll survive and you'll you'll you'll you'll enjoy it i hope you get a girl so you won't keep going back trying to get one and all that stuff you know people play that trick and they get a everybody want a girl and they get a football team and everybody will do it no yeah i want a boy and then they get a whole load of drama in their house you know just just you can only get one or the other you're not gonna get something different on the third it's gonna either be a girl or a boy so just if you got your pair do it and you know if you get it out the way early you're young you know sometimes and you know sometimes i forget about people still having babies and stuff and i walk in the store and i'll be like and i see somebody with the right i said they still doing that i'm like oh yeah i forgot they're young and i'm like you're old that's why they i'm like oh yeah they are still doing that i'm like whoo they'd be making me tired i'll be like i'll be leaning over the basket for them like oh god they just look like a load that's been actually it's been uh my son will be 38 on uh in next month november and i'm like so it's been 38 years so you know i'm you know and i'm on this side of life where you forget everything so i don't forgot about all that so but um but it's a it's it's a blessing to see you young people that have the energy and the stamina to just go with it to just go with it amen so we're we're so thankful for that but it was truly truly a blessing uh friday night very very much i'm i mean i just can't say enough about these young adults they're just i mean and i see i i see god in it all and i see god just setting the stage setting the just setting everything up and if you if you have your if you if you have spent any time with god you ought to see it too and so i'm i'm thankful for that but this is my favorite time of year the fall and the winter that's my favorite time some people love the spring and summer spring and summer is okay for me but fall and winter are my favorite times of the year i like the nip in the air in the morning and it's just just enjoyable and the upcoming coming holidays and just all those types of things so i'm thankful and it's going so fast and i know it's going to run through so fast that i'm like oh my god we'll be back in spring before you know it so you know even though you don't like the time change don't worry it'll come back real quick because that's just the way time does amen but this morning we're gonna we're going to continue on the um the line that we've been going through all the thread that we have been ministering out of understanding and and really checking yourself and we've been doing an introspection on ourselves to see if we really have a working relationship with god and i hope with these last couple of teachings and this will be our third teaching that you are examining yourself so that you can pass the test god will ever i believe that he will always come back to this teaching even when i'm gone somebody's gonna get these notes and they're gonna come back and teach you because god always gonna come back and give you something to let you look at yourself and let you see how did i pass that did i oh no i remember i failed that but i you know i corrected some things and i passed it this time this time it is and the the moral that we're closing and closing down 2021 we want to be in place in 2022. you know and we we here all the time we don't want to take something over in 2022 that was in 2021 i want on the only thing i want you to take over in 2022 is the fact that i know i have a relationship a working relationship with god that's what i want you to take into 2022. no doubt no thinking no i don't know because i've been you know no no no i want you to correct everything now so you will know amen and we're going to do that but for now we're going to say god is a good god and the devil is a bad devil and there is no goodness in the devil and there is no badness in god god is a good god the devil is a bad devil and there is no goodness in the devil and there is no badness in god therefore therefore this is my bible i can be what it says i can be i can do what it says i can do now i'm about to receive the life-changing seed of the word of god and my life shall never be the same because i came to believe and where i have need come on come on hear me let me hear you you know you need to listen to you know we say it so much all the time you need to stop and just kind of hear yourself you know i believe i receive and i i want to change if it's something that i hear that means for me to change i'm going to change you need to you know a lot of times we need to slow down and we need to hear it and you know i need to hear you that you hear it and i need to hear it because we just say it and even when we pray over over our giving and stuff we got to make sure that we're understanding exactly what we're saying you know like you know but let me slow down and just really listen to what i'm saying because all of that is the impact in our life and it's something that we need to believe and it puts us in remembrance of a lot of things when we tend to forget amen father we just thank you we come before your throne this morning unbelief soberly lord god we come attentively to every word that you say father we come with an expectation to be expanded and not only expanded but making adjustments that we make the adjustments ourselves father with every word that you say father we hand you our very life on because you are the reality of our very existence and we give you glory honor and praise in jesus name and let the church say amen and amen if you will go to first john chapter 3 which is our foundational scripture and remember we're going to go over some things and remember it is very important that we go over things that were taught i know you kind of get bored with it and be like okay this but let me tell you if you're a student of the word you need to go you need to walk right along with me and follow things that were said the last the previous sunday and the sunday before that so that you can be able to have continuity of thought not only continuity of thought that i can follow where god is leading me we always say i want my feet to be like hides feet well follow and so you follow by first going back to what was taught so that you can connect the knowledge a teaching ministry is always connecting knowledge and where there's gaps in your knowledge there's going to be gaps in your walk and so we want to make sure that we close every gap so that we'll know exactly what god is saying amen so we have been talking about a working relationship with god do i have a working relationship with god and we said the first thing that we need to know is how do we approach god and god has been dealing with us there's a way to approach god there's a way let me tell you there's a way to approach god's people which is actually god god said you know the way you do this and that with them and the way you do this that you're doing it to me you know because god doesn't see like man sees so be careful with that and then we wanted to know how to draw near to him in a a pathway that leads to him and we know the pathway is gonna he always have given us a narrow path he didn't even make it wide for you to get into everything he made it narrow so you could stay focused a straight path to him and then we want we said how what did it mean to have a relationship with him and enter into that relationship and make use of that relationship there's no sense in having a relationship with god and live in any kind of way that means you don't have a working relationship with god because you can't live any old kind of way when you have a working relationship with god and then we said that god is our father we need to establish some things on that that god is our father and since he's our father i want to have a working relationship in the fact that he's my father we need to know that god is our source and i need to have a working relationship with my source we also know that god is our provider and if i if god is my provider i want to know how do i have a working relationship so that i can know how to operate within that power within that power and that in that in in that provision that he has given amen and then we establish some things we established that sin began in adam and in the garden and and then when when adam broke that working relationship with god there was no working relationship with god until jesus came when jesus came that was that is when the working relationship was restored but until uh everything in the old testament types and shadows showing you what was to come but the working relationship was not there because it only come came through jesus christ and we looked over in john chapter 15 you don't have to go there just going over some of the things we see that jesus said i am the vine and you are the branches and you have to abide in me and i in you and he said and when you do you will bear much fruit so if i have a working relationship with god through jesus christ then i'm going to have to abide live remain and continue please write those down so you'll remember that if i'm going to have a working relationship with god i must abide live remain and continue in jesus we have to allow him to live in us and remain and continue us then i ask the question do you really have a relationship with god and so we begin to investigate if we did and to to prove that if it do we i and when i say a relation working relationship with god i'm not talking about a working relationship based on emotions based on feelings based on things that but based on uh uh based on the proof of the word see because you can say that you love god but if it if you're not loving him according to the word that's not proof that you have a working relationship with him you just talk in a good talk and plenty of people in the body of christ have the gift of gab but you have to make sure that it's according to the word amen and then i told you that my goal in this whole teaching is that we i wanted to minister to all of us that we be in the will of god that's the most important thing at the end of the day you must be in the will of god i want to teach us the importance of knowing that we have a relation that's the objective of and the importance it's important that we know that we have a working relationship with god and i say the first way that you'll know is that you purify yourself you not god god is not gonna purify you he did all his work with jesus that's it now you have something to do you must purify yourself and when i say purify yourself i mean clean it up you got to clean up your thought life clean up you know god has given you what to think on so that you can change your thought life god has given you everything that you need amen and i like what it says let's let let's just read over here in first john uh chapter three i mean yes first john chapter 3 verse 1. it says behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of god therefore the word the world knoweth us not because it knew him not so when when when your unsaved family members say i don't understand you i know i know they you're not gonna ever receive me like that no you didn't receive you you're not gonna understand me well you know i don't like going around because you know they uh you i i get it i get it be you know what don't be down when they do that be excited to say you know what i'm walking in the scriptures amen he said they knoweth us not because it knew him not verse two beloved now are we the sons of god and it does not yet appear that what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is and every man that hath this hope in him purifies himself even as he is pure whosoever committed sin transgresses also the law for sin is the transgression of the law and you know that he was not manifested he that he was manifested to take away our sins and in him is no sin whosoever abideth in him sinneth not or doesn't practice sin whosoever sinneth or practice sin hath not seen him neither know him so don't don't try to tell me that your child that your your family member your uncle your cousin your mother your father that they know him when they're practicing sin because god just said nope they've never seen him or know him well haven't nobody really seen god because i know one thing the bible said well you know nobody's seen god well seeing can be also be understood you you you see him right now you're seeing him when he's teaching you that's an understanding and so you can't even understand him so i don't care that you say they were born again and they know let's read again what he said and you know that he was manifested to take away our sins and in him is no sin at all verse 6 whosoever abideth lives in remains in and continues in him does not practice sin it wouldn't change that scripture to say that whosoever practiced him has not seen him neither known him oh he didn't say know him he said you ain't never known him little children let no man deceive you he that does righteousness is righteous even as he is righteous he that practice sin is of the devil i'm telling you cut and dry no gray lines in that at all he that practiced sin is of the devil like the minister said this morning you know sin is more than uh getting a baby you you practicing sex outside of marriage and guess what that doesn't make that right marriage see a lot of times we do all that stuff before man we like oh now as a married woman now i'm married now everything's gift that doesn't make it right repentance make it right you know we we say okay god i got it right let's go and god's like i dare you disrespect me like this like you don't owe me a repentance for what you've done and so god will say okay so you've never been forgiven for that and like he said there's consequences for your choices they're gonna come i don't care how i don't care how you got it right in marriage consequences for your choices and now or later they're coming let me tell you consequences for sin is just like death it's a sure thing it's a true thing you're not going to get around it i heard him say about david there's one i'm like god loved david and david repented but you're not going to get around your sin and think i know sometimes you feel like you got away let the years pass so make sure that you repent that's the most important thing amen if you if you've been if you were or if you are practicing sin amen whosoever is born of god does not commit sin or practice him for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot practice sin why because he's born of god in this the children are manifest this in other words in this this you will see that a person is a child of god you will be able to see it and you will be able to see the children of the devil you will be able to see it now you would if you look at somebody and you say well i know that's of the devil and i know that they're judging me well god did god said in this the children of god our manifestos are seen and the children of the devil how they met like what he just told you previously they are not committing sin and practicing sin whosoever does not righteousness is not of god neither he that loveth not his brother i mean god i mean he just put it just plain straight to the point so we purify ourselves we have to do that we have to take it upon ourselves say you know what i need to change i need to god has given you the ability to he gave you jesus you don't have to sin sometimes you know people and christians and they feel like well it's no such thing you have to sin why what what what make you what where is that scripturally based that you have to sin and again purify just means to cleanse it means to stop doing the things that don't glorify god the second thing is to wash wash your mind you got to wash you got to separate anything in your mind that's running through your mind that's separating you from god wash it out say you know that's separating me from god and let me tell you we all have thought patterns and then we said you must sacrifice the thing that christians hate sacrifice you have to be willing to sacrifice the lesser for the greater the lesser for the greater you and you cannot ever have the lesser and the greater at the same time you gotta sacrifice one for the other and the greater in whatever you have to give up is being in the will of god if you have to give up whatever to be in the will of god sacrifice it it's the lesser for the greater you give god room to bless you amen and when i feel like when i know that i have a working religious relationship with god i do not practice sin i just don't do it when i have a working relationship god i know why god sent jesus and i told you for three reasons he sent him to take our sins away he sent him to destroy the works of the devil and he sent him to seek and save the lost sin we just read is the transgression of the law so you can't do things that transgress the law when i break the law of sin i mean it's sin when i break the law when i break the natural laws the civil law is sin for us when i break the law of nature it's sin for us because god has already laid it down how it's supposed to go i don't care what society say i don't care who come out of the closet i don't care how big it is i don't care about no l-b-g-t-n-o-p it's a n-o-p-e nope nope it don't work it don't work with god's plan is just that simple you have now broke the law of god and you are in sin and then there's the law of man and that's also god placed all these laws in effect so that it'll keep us in line with his word so when i break those laws i'm in trouble i have sinned i have to repent and say you know what i was just i was just wrong for that no i got to get away from that amen when i know that i have a working relationship with god you cannot everybody say can i you cannot practice sin that's plain and simple you cannot get up because what did i say practice here when you practice in sin you plan it you plan when you practice sin just think about it when you sin every time there was a plan beforehand you're going to meet him somewhere you're going to do this you're going to go somewhere you're going to do this you're going to do that or we're going to you know if you if you if you're shoplifting you got a plan to go in with okay we're going to go if there's two or three of you we're going to go in this way and you go around here it's a plan because we practice this amen you look at uh different things on tv and where people have heights and stuff they do months and months of planning to do that saying they they it every time it's uh it has to be a plan because this is what we practice we we always rob so we gotta practice how we gonna do it so if i always sin i gotta practice how i'm gonna do it plain and simple everybody say practice and sin takes planning say it again practicing you know what i'm telling you those of you that have young young youngsters and before they go out that's that's what you tell them before they go so just remember practicing sin takes planning so if you plan something that has to do with sin just know you're taking god with you and when you take god with you with all of that sin and going on let me tell you god steps off and let you practice as much sin as you want because it because let me and god doesn't have to do anything it's not like he steps out to go and prepare your consequences oh no it's wrapped in the sin it's all it's already in the sin it's already there just like if you if you speed the the amount of the ticket it's already there they don't make it up when they stop you they already have it's already in there was so it so it is with that he steps off and said okay and because it doesn't happen right away have you noticed when you if you get a ticket the bill don't come just right away either so it doesn't matter that it didn't show up just then it will show up amen and then i told you that when you practice sin you might feel guilt but you don't feel condemnation condemnation makes you change that's why jesus said now there's no more condemnation you don't because what i've given you everything you don't have to practice sin so you won't fall into condemnation you don't you now you might can fall and guilt but you don't have no condemnation because i've taken care of it sin has no more dominion over you you've got let me tell you you got to plan practice and push your way through the sin because it doesn't have dominion over you and guess who knows that more than ever and make sure that you don't and that's your enemy he knows there's nothing he can do until you yield the proof or the to know and understand that i have a working relationship with god i must know that i'm clearly his child i am a child of god i must know that i am righteous i am righteous then if i'm righteous and i'm a child of his i have a working relationship with him amen when and when i say righteous i mean when you're near to god you know you're near to god you have entered into a relationship with him you have benefits from the relationship and you you you're that you love being around the world now if you're not a person that listen if you don't love to be around the word and love hearing the word you might want to check if you have a working relationship with him amen and righteousness simply means to be where god wants me to be so we ask yourself are you where god wants you to be and then we went over to genesis you don't have to go there we looked at adam and eve and we saw their transgression and their deceit and all the different things and we saw that one of the things they did is they hid themselves and that's what most christians do when they they always hide themselves they want to hide themselves from believers they want to hide themselves from god but you know what you can hide yourself from believers but where can you go that god is not you can never hide yourself from god you can't hide your thoughts you can't hide anything that god doesn't know about he's omnipresent he's omniscient he is the almighty god he's the all-knowing he's the great alpha and the maker he's the beginning he's the creator how are you going to hide from the creator when he created it all but the thing that gets you is because he's invisible so you don't think he knows either so if i hide from the believers i'm hiding from god oh you got that oh so wrong oh so wrong amen so when i have a working relationship with god i don't have to hide so are you hiding whatever it is are you hiding then you'll know if you have a working relationship with god amen and then to know if i have a working relationship with god uh we said that you have righteous character character is how you are regarded do you have a righteous character how are you regarded by others how you regarded by god how you regard yourself you need to you need to ask yourself how is my character oh don't use that little deal i know i'm a brat i know i'm this i know well if you know that you ought to change because if you know it others know it bad character listen this is another way that you know this if let's just say your child does something and does something that's that that's maybe wrong or something that you know children just do things and maybe it's wrong and somebody say they're just like their mother oh they got that from you oh they just like you that ought to tell you something about your character you see you see a child that does something sweet or nice they'd be like oh you know what they got they just like their mother that's just so sweet that's okay that's how they regard your character so now you know i need to go back and check and say you know what my character is not on point i don't want nobody to think that this is my character you know we'll laugh it often yeah but no it's not funny it's how you are regarded that's how people see you you know you you your child dive off and scream and hollering after fool and they be like oh lord where they got that from you start thinking oh god is that the way i uh i need to change how you regard it amen i know i know getting quiet won't change it amen and then to understand if i have a working knowledge with god i not only have a righteous character but i also have a righteous works righteous works not what you do in church listen work is not church well listen righteous works is not church works righteous works is how i work in the church there's a difference think on it i won't stop there just think on it how i know that i have a working relationship with god is that i bear righteous fruit how's your fruit i bear righteous fruit fr uh let me tell you fruit fruit flows from the heart did you hear me fruit flows from the heart so the fruit of my life is a result of the condition of my heart now notice this because see we like okay well then i you know if it flows from my heart i know i'm bearing fruit but there also can be artificial fruit that don't don't flow from the heart it looks i'm telling you order i have some lemons in my house they're artificial but they look real until you go up and touch them and they hurt as a rock and you'll be like oh and you smell them they don't smell like the lemons but they look just like it that kind of fruit it can even be hanging from your tree but when people get close up on you they'll be like that's not the real them artificial fruit that's not coming true good fruit will come from the heart then you're bearing fruit it has to come from the heart amen if i want to change the fruit that i have from artificial to true then i need to change the source of my heart if i want to change that artificial fruit that people see to the real thing then i must change the source of my heart amen and then we talked about if you're going to know if you have a working relationship with god you have to love your brother and when i say brother whenever i'm saying this i'm telling you neutral gender we're not that that's the way it's pronounced in the scriptures sons of god it means male and female i don't have to say male and female all the time brothers that means the brothers and sisters but for some people that really kind of bothers so i'll just say that for you i'll become all things so that you know you you can get it amen so in other words to know if you have a work relationship you must love the brothers and the sisters are you following me amen and who are those the brothers and sisters those that believe like you those that have the same struggle than you let me tell you we all have a common struggle every one of us have a common struggle and our common struggle is to live righteous because we're in these bodies and we got to contend with that daily we got to contend with i'm going to be righteous and let me tell you it always come you always have an opportunity to find out if i can you know i gotta contend with this thing i gotta this is a struggle i gotta press because you're gonna run into people that's gonna press that button so we all have that so that's my brother and my sister everybody we have that in coming that we have a common struggle but we all believe the same thing we believe that jesus is the son of god we believe that he died on the cross for our sin we believe that he rose from the dead we believe that he's sitting at the right hand of the father we believe that he took all of our sins to the mercy seat and he poured out everything but so that we can be right with god we believe that and another thing that we all have in common as brothers and sisters is we all have a common enemy a common adversary he's the same devil and he's the same adversary and we all have him i know it looks like the adversary don't bother some like they bought it bothers you he bothers you but let me tell you everybody's individual but it's the same enemy we all have that common struggle and we must love each other and then i said that to know that you have a working relationship with god you cannot be a hurtful person you cannot be a hurtful person and you do not have a relationship with god if you are a hurtful person you cannot just go out and purposely hurt people see there's a difference let me show you the difference but so you know because there's a difference if i say something to you and i inadvertently hurt your feelings and i didn't know it now that's not being hurtful but now if i'm at home and i say oh i can't wait to see them oh yeah they i'm gonna let their tail have it now that's hurtful because you're planning it again but now if i said i'm like oh my god i didn't know that that hurt them that's why that's why it's not good let me tell you it's not good to say everything in your head it's not good to you know you don't have to tell everything you know you don't even have to tell everything you know about the past like maybe maybe something that your mother did or your father did you don't have to repeat that that's hurtful know when to sip it no i'm going to say nope not saying that if you just think a little before you speak you learn not to be hurtful and when you catch yourself saying oh no where are they wait i can't wait whoo let them come through that door let them come through the door just know you're a hurtful person and you're looking to be hurtful we you you let me what is the word i gave you you don't want to be derelict you're just a hurtful person no no i'm not going to do that i told you time and time pass i tell you again i'm never going to be derelict by anyone because you tell me something about them never i don't care and sometimes people don't understand because where they are and so they think that let me tell you let me let me let me satisfy you so you you'll know now you can take it whether you believe it or not or anything no one in here has my ear not even my children no one in here has my i don't care how you think what kind of relationship you think i have with them i don't care what god none of that means not no one has my ear but god now if you kind of hold back because you think uh i don't want to say it because you know uh you know she's real close to sister stinson so i don't want to or she's real close to sister whitfield i'm saying these i'm these are hypothetical because i see them sitting here and i really and well i'm not going to say nothing well that's on you i'm just telling you now no one has my ear i'll listen intently learned that from my pastor and i quietly go away and i assess the whole matter because i never want to be derelict to anyone amen and then we said you know loving your brother you have to you you know what you if to know that you have a working relationship and yet you abide you have to be abiding in life and not in death and when you are abiding in life you love when you are not in you know not abide in love you're abiding in death you're abiding in death so do how do you know if i'm abiding in life or death do you love your brother and sister all of your relationships that you have there is life in them if life is not in it then you do then let me tell you if you don't have love it produces death and you can feel that too now that brings us all us all the way up to our new information this morning go with me to galatians chapter six and we'll rest there keep your keep your bibles marked in john first john 3 but go to galatians 6. now let me tell you about this this one we're gonna deal with actually this is the fifth fifth thing to finding out if i have a relationship with god you will you restore your brother you have to restore your breath if i'm in a working relationship with god i will restore my brother my sister i will restore and the dispensation that we're in church of the living water god has already told us that he's using us for restoration so we must be able to restore are you following me now let me tell you one of the problems we have with restoration so that we can get it down here's the thing if we are honest and we're being honest and we're going to be honest we're not high on restoration that's why god said you know what let's deal with that because i'm calling you all to restore a whole a whole group of people a whole lineage of people we're not high on restoration it doesn't rank as one of our favorite things to do to restore it i'm talking about like when somebody mess up somebody blow it we are not so quick to restore we like [Music] well see that's i'm not trying to restore it's not at the top of our list i'm talking about i'm talking to believers period we would much rather let that person go and fix it themselves because they broke it believers you did it go through it fix it now but if i'm in a working relationship i got to know i have to be able to restore my brother restoration is just not big on the believer's list and i think part of the problem is is that we really don't understand restoration but we're going to understand it this morning a little better the reason why it's a problem is we don't understand restoration when a person has blown it when a person has messed up when you see their life messed up we confu this is what we do we confuse their position with them as a person see let's just say they were a leader in this church and they messed up or or or what whatever oh let's let's say they were the pastor's son and they messed up um see let's bring it on down we we we look and we s no it changed my whole view and i ain't trying to restore and i mean i mean those are just just some of the things listen it's not big on our list because what we confuse their position with them as a person and one thing you need to know restoration is about restoring the person never the position it's about restoring the person never the position and so what we think is we can't restore that person because we don't want them to get back in that position that they were in or we don't want to see them in another light we don't want to see we don't want to do we don't want to do anything and if they're restored i might have to see them differently but restoration doesn't have anything to do with the position they may or may not have hold or the position that they may or may not or or may had to give up or their position that they may have given up based on decisions that they made or wrong choices that they made we're talking about the person not the position did you hear that we're talking about the person not the position stop looking at positions they were a minister they was the pastor's son they was the pastor's daughter they were the minister oh they were this they was that oh that well she can get up and minister like that but look you don't want to restore you're that same hurtful person and this is what we need to understand we're not talking about the person we are talking about the person we're not talking about the position and some people when they're restored listen they know it and the person that's that's leading them know it some people that have been restored will never return back to the position they were once in some may or may not but some don't and for god everybody say for god for god he's not really concerned about the position as much as he's concerned about the person that's what god is concerned about he's not so much see that's people and you're not going to change the thoughts of people god's word has to wash you to change those thoughts so god is not concerned he's really not concerned about the position because god can always everybody say always he can always refill a position but he cannot god needs that person he needs them you don't need them because you know now you too holy now you're too holy and god's gonna get to that in a minute too but god said listen don't worry about who they belong to what position they have whether they were a minister whether they was a let me tell i know how to let me tell i got my leaders to handle that not you you just look to restore chapter six look at verse one brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness considering thyself lest thou also be tempted in other words they just messed up and it's over through with them that that meant that's what you're pretty much saying i love what he said i love the part that he says restore let's read it again brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault ye with your spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness considering thyself lest thou also be tempted now i love that part the reason that we want to restore why he said you better think about yourself i want to restore because i have to think about myself i need to think about myself he said lest you be tempted something will come up on you then what you're going to say so before i look with somebody and start judging and saying consider yourself how many of you know by the grace of god just by the grace of god it was not you know if not for his mercy and his grace and some of us did so many bad and wrong things we did everything we could do to be to be overthrown and god's mercy and grace kept us and we have the audacity we did everything we could we wouldn't listen to the pastor we ain't listening to the nobody we listen to our parents we ain't gonna do what we want to we're gonna stay out we're gonna do all of that we've we we i mean i'm talking about things that we used to do listen we we were all once there but god's mercy kept us when we were acting a fool his grace kept us when we were acting a fool so just just so you know it wasn't anything you've done on your own to change what anything well i decided i'll check you ain't done nothing and we're going to he going to tell you right here he's going to tell you just hold up it was all grace and mercy if it was up to our choices and the way the way that we were going all the things that we were doing we should have been destroyed we shouldn't even be here you let's put it you shouldn't even be in the church of the living water you should have been this out there on the byways and howard just anything if it wasn't for grace and mercy but god's grace and mercy let me give you a great illumination and maybe you can see it a little clearer absent from grace and absent from mercy we would be who we were it ain't nothing that you did of yourself let god take his grace and mercy away and see who you become you would be who you were so don't think you've been you know you've been in the gospel so long and you walking so holy that you cannot be who you were absent from god's grace absent from god's mercy we are exactly who we were so don't get so high-minded that now i'm holier than thou my light is too much for your darkness i know you no i i'm holy inside and out let god raise her just look well you know what he'll even have to do it from time to time you know that that that same person your words in there sometimes he peeped through you so you like oh it'll be like uh active food right now going in active food right now and sometimes you can almost get that you be like oh no so absent from god's grace and absent from his mercy we are exactly who we were it is his grace and his mercy that has made us different much different than we used to be if you take away that grace and mercy from anybody anybody that's streaming now anybody that's streaming later anybody in this room right now including myself take the mercy and grace away wait and we would be exactly what we once were every one of us i am who i am by the grace of god and i will boldly say it i know the word now it's the grace and without that grace i would be who i was and i'm here to tell you you do not want to know alva wilson who i was but the grace of god because if we all tell the truth again who you were is still in there again you can feel him from time to time still down on the inside let somebody do something to you real quick you'll say ooh and let me tell you and you can feel when the grace come through on it too because that that that that all you say what the and god said don't go there don't you dare misbeliever you'd be like get down get down get back down god's grace and his mercy i'm not just talking about me i hope you feeling this every once in a while when that old person be speaks you know just peep through just for whatever i believe that god allows that just enough to humble us let you know you don't really have that i want you to know i'm here i want you to know you're not in control that person can come out anytime i believe in my heart every non-good god will just ease back grace just a little and that old self start acting up and god said now come on back down just want you to and then you almost said say oh thank you jesus yeah god said justin that's enough to humble you especially when you should just start to act like you know you are there you've obtained he'll show you his grace and mercy you hear somebody falling behind you grace and mercy follow you all the days of your life thank you lord god i slow down try to let her catch me the twins catch me twins stay with me oh i can remember time none of that was in control none of it i mean you you remember i'm let me show you how quick that that person you could just be walking around here's some music from that old time and them hands go up and you and you'll be like uh oh wait a minute let me start swearing like yeah no because that whole person be like oh oh you know you like oh i know i hope they didn't see me you know because you you almost twerked you almost twerked and you remembered up you was like oh oh hallelujah yeah because thou oh if not for the grace of god you pass by one of them old spots and you even start saying it to yourself well i had some time god said listen you are born again i remember that oh yeah i remember god's like just remember just let you know grace is covering you and then you'll be like yeah that was the that was ooh thank god i'm out of you know you almost feel good about it then you realize that grace says that ain't you do you be like i'm glad i'm out of that mess but you almost got tickled about it i remember sometimes there you looking at and meditating on it that's who you were it's only grace and mercy everybody say grace and mercy grace and mercy i'm so thankful for i love when grace and mercy correct me and say you're a new creature old things are passed away you'd be like yes yes lord just calm down girl calm down it's amazing listen this old flesh and what the minister was talking about the body this old flesh gets crucified but it's amazing how the amazing power it has to take itself off the cross it has power i mean you'll be decked it out you will come off the cross in a minute all you got to do is hear something wrong on tv you what you you off the cross so if i know that and i know it's god's grace and mercy and it has nothing to do with me what do i do i travel with hammer and nails every time that flesh get off cause i say get back on it get back on it i'm hammering you right back up there thank you grace for reminding me of who i was because you're gonna run into people that they they're not where you are and the enemy knows i gotta pull them out because guess what the enemy knows sin has no more dominion over i got to get something to make them sin because i just can't have dominion over him like that this is what you need to ask yourself if you can't understand those of you that are streaming those are you in this room those that streaming later if you don't understand how a person can sometimes can get something wrong or can miss it you're in trouble something is wrong with you if you can't understand how a person can fall something is wrong with you if you don't understand i don't know how they can do this how they could do that no you are wrong something is wrong on the inside i don't know how they could blow you something is wrong on the inside and i'm gonna tell you what you need to do you need to put on the spirit of meekness lest you be tempted look at verse two bear ye one another burdens bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of christ for if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing he deceives himself see i told you you ain't nothing you ain't done nothing yeah i changed it you have to when a man thinks he's something or he's done something you've done nothing and you are nothing you deceived if not for the grace of god who what are you who are you you're nothing you deceive yourself you know that preaches itself that's just one of those verses he just plain outside no i mean no filters when a man thinking is something when he is nothing you deceive yourself you don't need greek hebrew arabic or anything to tell you that i mean it's just plain and simple thinking you're something when you're nothing so let's understand what does it mean to restore restore means to mend here's the thing when a person is overtaken in a fault they are broken listen listen to me when a person is overtaken in a fault they are broken when a person really blows it i mean make a big mistake make any kind of mistake i mean they really let me tell you they are broken because it has cost them something you mean you don't have a heart for that it has cost them something you're busy looking like the world looks you're busy trying to look at them and judge them for what they've done instead of understanding they are broken and it has cost them some things in their lives and when they realize what it has cost them it leaves them broken it leaves them in a broken state so they need to be restored and i don't get it we i mean we were once young too and made mistakes but see we get so religious and get so far away from we forget about all our mistakes now i need you to be perfect like me if not for the grace of god if not for the grace of god they need to be restored they need to be mended now think about it in your own life in your own life because all of us streaming in in this room all of us all of us at some point in our lives on some level we were left broken just think on it different things that happened in our lives in the past and different things there have been things in our lives every one of us stop trying to make people think that you were saved from the womb you were not you were broken with choices that you made and you know what guess what when you were broken you didn't even you didn't need nobody to tell you you messed up you knew it you knew it you didn't need anybody to tell you how bad you were you knew it this is really bad well they know it's bad you didn't need anyone to say man you really messed up this time this is this is you know but if we look at it how it left you on the inside was broken and what you needed was mended you needed mending and that's what people need now mending and let me tell you see we always look at the outer things we say okay they need men and they may need the very ones that you think don't need mending they're the ones that need it the most they're the ones that need it the most the ones that maybe never told you they were broken they need it the most so when i love my brother or my sister i mend them [Music] restore means i make them what they ought to be that's what i do i make them what they ought to be when a person is overtaken in a fault there's something in them that is that's not the way it ought to be so what am i gonna do i'ma help them be what they ought to be restoration says we're gonna work to make sure that you are the way you ought to be i'm going to do that i'm going to do why because i'm a believer now for i want you all to just think on this my whole job i'm talking about me as pastor here my whole job is restoration my title might be pastor but i mean what is what is what what falls upon the pastor restoration my whole job guess what the whole function of this church is restoration we got our orders the whole function so we need to tell ourselves if you can't come to be restored and don't want to help somebody else be restored that's the whole reason we exist is to restore think on it our whole reason to resist let me tell you you don't have to make up different things about your children doing better than what they do and they need restoring and that's what we're here for not to judge them but to restore them they are broken they can't tell you i'm broken but if you were on the inside but you don't have to be on the inside all you got to do is be on the inside of god he'll let you know they need restoring they're broken now could you imagine if you came to this church those of you that are streaming and i never ever taught you anything anything that uh of about the way you ought to be and you left broken i only allowed you to work in this ministry based on the mess or the mistakes that you've made before you got here you wouldn't like that like oh come on she's not giving me a break your founding pastor wasn't wasn't like that and neither am i now what you think on on on how techniques or what god tells us to do with you is on you but it's always to get you where you ought to be always i don't care how you get in somebody else's ear and you tell them that this is not what she really meant and i don't believe that everything like that none of that matters i'm telling you my heart nobody knows my heart but god and i'm telling you my heart and this is what i'm going to ask church of the living water do i want you to take my heart today the same heart that i have i want you to take i want you to take it and when you take it i want you to minister it to your brother and your sister so you know what i have to have the same heart my pastor have pastor you know so and so they're in ministry and i know that they're going through some things with their family you know they're broken and they're here to be minute mended so when you tell me that they're broken they're here to be mended if you would understand this about me and take my heart in this because i took my founding pastor's heart on this matter and if you could take my heart in this and you can understand this you won't you you won't walk outside your bounds because understand this every one of you it's not your job to decide who works in the ministry that's my job it's not your job it's not your job to decide who gets the mic and who don't that's my job i don't think they need to i don't think that this is not that's not your job it's not your job of who stands where that's my job see if you were busy restoring you won't you won't step out of bounds everybody is here for the same purpose and it's my job everybody says the pastor's job to give people the opportunity to become who they ought to be did you hear me it is my job to give everyone an opportunity to become who they ought to be sometimes that means sitting people down sometimes it means standing people up see see carnal people sitting down mean you're stopping me for being who i ought to be no no no when you've done something contrary then you sit down so i can teach you how you ought to be it's time for you to get up i make sure that i extend my hands every minute to extend their head everybody in extend their hands to lift you up to get you where you ought to be and i'm not trying to look at those that do i service take my heart take my heart and you'll know what i'm talking about restore also means to strengthen when a brother is overtaking in the fault they're in a weakened state i don't care how they play it off they're in a weakened state they need to be strengthened and put a pen in that statement need to be strengthened because in the coming months or in the new year we're gonna we're gonna deal with strength and strengthening what this ministry needs strengthening see strengthening each other they are in a weakened state we have to get to a point church of the living water we have to get to a point where we are strengthening one another not tearing one another down but strengthening one another we need to fortify one another listen to this and listen good i want you to listen and i want you to listen good this church church of the living water we don't need any new members we need to have a bigger heart for the members we already have first i know i know that fella threw you off didn't you we don't need new members why why do we need new members when we need to reach strength we need we need to have a heart for the ones we already have so when the new ones come we'll be ready we need to have a bigger heart for the members we have now god will always add to the church because the bible says that god adds to the church so we're not concerned about trying to go out and get members or trying to draw members or trying to do all of that because we need to just strengthen and we need to have a bigger heart for the ones that are here and let god add to the church when you do that god is gonna add see we can't get so worried about addition and then uh we have a huge subtraction over here because we can't even strengthen each other huge subtraction on the other side because see if people come in broken and nobody works to mend them works to restore them they leave the same way broken agent i don't want it ever to be said that someone left here broken i mean just left the service broken we cannot be so focused on how many people we get to the altar of god we we and forget who left the author altar without him just doing something who left the altar never came back that's what we're concerned with not how many came again i'm talking about the work of restoration restoring because see restoration happens after salvation it happens after salvation that's a working that's a working part now go back to first john chapter three go back to first john chapter three i told you to keep your pen there note this how do i know when i have a working relationship with god i lay down my life when i'm near to god and have entered into a relationship with god when i'm abiding in him living in him remaining in him continuing in him i will lay down my life now watch this i don't lay down my life for anybody just any anyone i lay down my life for the brethren did you hear me i'm not laying down my life for just anyone i'm laying down my life for the brethren and the sistering just to be safe all of us in the body of christ and listen laying down our lives for the brethren is is how we manifest our love it's not a bunch of talk jesus told us clearly no greater love than this than a man will lay down his life for his friend and in a few months we'll be celebrating the birth of jesus the fact that god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever will believe on him would not perish and have everlasting life that's what we celebrate and jesus made a conscious decision at the cross he said not my will but your will be done he made a conscious decision in the garden of gethsemane to lay down his life he made a conscious decision hearing his love not that we loved god but that he first loved us he first loved us and gave his son as a perpetuation our payment for our sins that's called a sacrifice that thing that christians don't want to do is sacrifice and you need to understand this if what you do or what you've done listen did not require a sacrifice to do then it may not have been love you may was doing it for a reason to be seen or to be what because it's gonna require sacrifice a sacrifice it's gonna require love because see if you only love up until it's not personally uncomfortable that's probably not love it got to be uncomfortable see all of you you you're willing to do certain things like the set the assessment that's coming up now i'm getting uncomfortable that's when it becomes a sacrifice see i'm good until it comes to personal sacrifice now i have an issue i'm good until you start talking about and they talk about having a meeting about pastors compensation now i'm getting personally uh uncomfortable i don't know i don't want to sacrifice there's no love involved because sacrifice will go beyond that and a matter of fact let me say this about pastor's compensation so you know i don't want you to think when pastor's compensation is not doing anything you're not doing something it's not a love offering for me your pastor's supposed to be taken care of and that's something that the founding pastor left in pain so if you never give to me oh you know what that just tell me just tell tell me what you think of my ministry and this ministry because that's what you're doing for you're not doing it personally for me like you're giving something personal to the back now now maybe i i don't know if you you all are doing something or not for pastors come uh pastor's appreciation now that's giving to me and that's something that you you can do if you won't do it or not but past this compensation so it's compensation go ask your boss what compensation means maybe you'll understand it better you don't understand in god's terms but even this i'm telling you even the assessment i i heard the minister say it's coming up next sunday all of a sudden it made you uncomfortable because now it's it's personally invading what i want to do that's why a lot of marriages struggle because their love only up into their personal comfort but then when it requires me to be uncomfortable when i can get what i want to have what i want i don't want to go beyond that point now i'ma have an attitude when you walk in that door that's why you hear people say what about me you know in 43 years of marriage i never heard my husband say that he always said you and the children that was first i did all the buying for him because he was like just long as you and the children have i'm good once in 43 years had i ever heard him complain about one thing he never complained about one thing i did for the children or myself i never heard him say what about my life see that's what's wrong with marriages now that's what you need to know about marriage because seeing marriage you now you're asking me in marriage you asked me to love in a way now that that's gonna cost me something and yes men have a big responsibility in marriage but you women do too you women do too because see sometimes after the marriage goes you know because you don't last new long never does never does never does and so you you you know you married you know as it go on and then you start thinking yourself i really didn't get into marriage for it to cost me i got in it to benefit me now it's trying to cost me what you really said i'm ready i'm willing to love you up to a point but now you're asking me to make some sacrifices we don't need to spend money like that no more now you asking me to make some sacrifices because i want to spend every dime you have that you bring in this house i'm your wife see see there's a balance see because you know with what the minister was teaching his money which was straight truth from the bible and stuff but he's d he's he's ministered from an angle but he and he told you where he was coming from and i can remember and i can minister from this angle because i know where women come from know all about the armadillo so now it comes to sacrificing in marriages like i went in for all of this that's really not what i got in this for i got what i you know what i think i wanted out of but now all this other stuff is coming up but that's what you said at the altar or wherever you got married but that's what you said see you probably wasn't paying attention you probably weren't paying attention you never paid attention when you tried to get what you want you weren't paying attention to what was said let me tell you what's the most dangerous thing on a wedding day is repeat after me oh y'all missed that the other day because you better listen to what you repeat it's dangerous on the way today to say repeat after me marriage is not no play thing i'm not really in it for that but that's what you said at the altar pay and pray attention again it's a dangerous thing for someone to say repeat after me i mean you in sickness ended health and sickness and in hell the death was a death to his part richer poor richer boy and i do yeah i will i will yes i do i will do y'all see this stress do y'all see this do you don't even look at somebody yeah i do i will i do i do and i love the part and rich and poor and poor comes and you'll be like hey what happened what happened you said it at the altar you forgot and i give unto thee oh my g well okay she spend money what you saying that's all that she could yeah i know you don't remember cause you were getting what you wanted the dangerous thing on a wedding day you better know what you're saying because it's coming in the marriage a honeymoon is not a marriage the wedding day is not a marriage the wedding week is not a marriage actually the wedding month is not a marriage you're still playing house you opera i won't even have to tell you you don't know when it's really marriage oh married people don't know what i'm talking about you don't know when it's really marriage i only have to tell you you're like that this is marriage yeah and you don't sound all that marriage you that you don't even sound that good no more this is not marriage did you say marriage oh yes this is the marriage yeah marriage is work it's a beautiful thing if you know how to work it i thank god for you just getting married in here and i thank god for the birds you know the the uh the young berries his handsome self looking like one of the temptations low skinny he looks just like a saxophone don't he lowlifes looks good yeah you know i think of that i want the best for him in savannah i want them to wreck it but you but you better be paying attention you better be paying attention closely throw away all of your preconceived conception knows uh uh uh what you thought it should be or what you even what you think it should be throw it away and say god build us build us and he will right in this ministry i don't know what's in any other ministry i just know what's in this one and you're gonna be built are you with me so it's a dangerous thing but if i marry you uh the other pastor he'll marry you we're just gonna smile when i say repeat after me and you'll remember this day and say i'm ready amen so when you say all my worldly goods idea and thou and oh and i love the word say we want to write our own okay just remember everything you writing down cause somehow you're gonna forget when marriage really come into play not the wedding night not the honeymoon that's not marriage amen let's uh look at verse uh 16 verse 16 hereby perceive ye the love of god because he laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren but whosoever had the world's goods and seeing his brother have need and shedded up his bowels of compassion from him how dwelleth the love of god in him my little children let us not love in word neither in tongue but in deed and in truth watch this when i lay down my life what i'm saying is my life is not my own when i lay down my life and that's just not the husband's responsibility that's the wise responsibility as well the singles the ones that are unmarried that's your responsibility as well when i lay down my life is it i understand that my life is not my own when i lay down i'm saying i'm not listen listen to this closely when i lay down my life i'm saying to myself i'm not seeking earthly rewards but hold on this is laying down in your life you are saying to yourself i'm not really seeking an earthly reward you cannot seek an earthly reward and lay down your life you cannot now just because you're not seeking an earthly war reward doesn't mean that you're not gonna get a earthly reward so did you get that you're not seeking it but it don't mean you're not gonna get one it means that i'm not putting everything on in my life not just to get an earthly reward i don't have to seek that i lay down i'm not my own i'm not seeking all of that but it's not to say you won't get it you're not laying down your life for something in the natural now whenever you lay down your life there's always a natural temporal benefit did you hear me but that's not why we're doing it i said whenever you lay down your life there's always gonna be a natural temporal benefit to us but that's not why i'm doing it it's just gonna come on man it's always wrapped up in laying down your life it's you're gonna get benefits from it when we lay down our lives our fulfillment is in the life and in putting things in the life of others that's a fulfillment you get fulfillment when you put see i'm this morning i'm getting fulfillment because i'm i'm i'm giving out in the life of someone else you will always tell whether or not you have laid down your life if what about what you're looking to find fulfillment in what are you looking to find fulfillment in let me tell you if you think you looking to find fulfillment in a husband let me you ain't laid down your life yet if you feel like you're going to find fulfillment if you just get a wife you haven't laid down your life yet you got to lay down your life those things won't fulfill you and if you're if you're looking for what you can get what you can have what you can receive what you can obtain if that's all you're looking for you have not laid down your life i'm just looking for what i can get and i'll guarantee you you're unfulfilled because all you're doing is looking where when is somebody going to give me and what when am i going to get something and when am i when when when when when can i get something you know when where do they have something for me do they help i promise you you're not fulfilled because you'll never ever have all that you want unsatisfied never content you'll never have all that you want you know every year and pastel was always like this too every year and it's probably the same in all y'all in all of you all's homes you know they you know your children ask you what do you want what do you want for christmas what do you want for christmas and i really don't want anything because actually my satisfaction is making sure that they have that's just where my satisfaction that's what my husband's satisfaction was he didn't care about nothing i come out with something he'd be like babe you didn't i no i didn't have to i wanted to you know because i didn't you know nothing and then he'll put his to the side and then he'll watch the grandchildren do whatever they're doing or whatever you know because the fulfillment actually is in when others get not without you know it's not you know you'd be like well you know what everybody on you know i just want to sit down somewhere i'm good now i appreciate because every year they do get me something they'd be like okay and so i'll be like okay we'll do uh what do i want what do i say that i won't uh you know because that's not where my fulfillment is and when they do give me something i appreciate it i do appreciate it but it's that doesn't fulfill me the fulfillment is that they're fulfilled and that should be man and woman now husbands should lead up their home in it but a woman you let me tell you women you're not gonna get off the see i know how you hear especially those in church of living water see y'all heard this this morning and again he came from an angle and he told you he was but you didn't hear that quite as loudly as you heard all the other goodness of what he should be doing that fellow what he should be doing but now this fellow is telling you what you should be doing because you have your part you have your part amen so when you when when i see my children let me tell you in this ministry now i'm gonna tell you what my fulfillment is in this in this ministry well it always has been and it was in my pastor led in that and it's and it's been my heart even as a pastor's wife is the fulfillment when you see people walking in the word that's the greatest fulfillment ever when you see people walking in what they've been taught when you see people that you know may know personally that may be struggling every but you see them pressing that's fulfillment saying oh they get they go they're getting it they're getting they're going when i see people that i know i could read their face that is haven't been a good day at home but they pressed in anyway they tell me they trying they they they gonna get it because they they keep pressing they not bad now those that back off i ain't going because i'm mad and everything that's so unfulfilling it makes you go back to the drawing board and say well what are we oh we missed teaching something my god we didn't teach taught our brains they still there but the fulfillment that i see that when i see young couples living like they're supposed to live and doing what they and striving to live a good life and going on and raising their children under the things of god that's fulfillment that is fulfillment now i know for some people but i'ma tell you i don't care what you think and how you think because you don't know me like that my fulfillment is not in what i drive my fulfillment is not in where i live those things are fleeting and passing i want something that's going to last forever i'm going to impart into your life that's that's not i mean what whatever i drive it might be maybe it's it impresses you but that's not my fulfillment that's not my fulfillment i live there now was that your fulfillment that you live in a certain area now do you know you know that's temporal right i don't care if you own it it's still temporal you're gonna leave that place don't find your fulfillment in those things in not in any of those things amen and whatever i have to sacrifice to do it i'm all right with it to have the fulfillment that god gives whatever i have to sacrifice be all right with it and you'll you listen you'll never find fulfillment in yourself your search and search you're never going to find full fulfillment in life if you're not improving in somebody else's life if it's just all about you and just my family and nobody else you'll never find fulfillment never find fulfillment you take care of your family of course your family is important but do you put anything in anyone else's life it's just unfulfilling not only is it unfulfilling it's selfish because that's all i'm thinking about it's me whether you define it that way or not it is what it is it's selfish if you don't have any time in the day to bless anyone you're selfish whatever in whatever way it may be it's not in your work schedule it's not in your mindset that's what it is it's not in your mindset because watch this every person that's streaming every person in this room any of you that don't do anything to blessing the brotherhood or the sisterhood of whatever way you want to go you know because of this that i look somebody have the same job you have somebody have the same type of family demands that you have same kind some people or someone has the same obligations you have same type of bills same type of income and guess what the people in this room they show up every sunday they have the same thing and some of you this streaming you show up every sunday some of you don't but you everybody's got everybody got something going on and we were meeting in person and before when we came back that one time a minute let me tell you the same persons that have all the same obligations you had they came in and made sure this place was ready to go make sure you had a seat even when you didn't come so it's not about stuff it's not about what you have to do it's a mindset and it's a selfish mindset now let me give you three definitions of what i mean by lay down your life because we hear these expressions and we want to move our minds past the generic christian expressions to really understanding these things what these things mean people say lay down your life what does that mean to lay down your life means to set aside feelings set aside desires and affections for the benefit of your brother or your sister to set aside feelings desires and affections for the benefit of your brother and your sister in other words i'm going to set aside how i feel that's called laying down your life sometimes that's hard to do i'm just going to set down my feelings that's laying down your life well i'm tired i just don't feel like it see that that's that's us well really what about me i mean i've been doing this so long i've been doing this i've been pouring out and pouring out when you know when is somebody gonna do something for me all those type of things get in our way and we don't see it well you know especially when we was in in in person service oh they want us to do this and they want us to do that and they want us to be there on wednesdays and they want us to do this and we're going to do that and you know they want us to give for this and they want us to give for that and they want to get i don't have none but a few dollars you know see it's all about you it's all about you and listen i understand that everybody don't always have resources but what about fixing the chair in the in the in in the church i don't even see you doing that let's say you don't have the resources to give to this that another have you ever just picked up paper around it have you ever just went in the parking lot without the deacons doing it and you pick up some paper ain't picking up nobody's trash why they probably picking up trash from your children in the children's ministry your trash ain't holy and there's default how come you can't walk up and down the house make sure nobody put chewing gum on anything or just that's the i might not have resources but this is my church selfish did you hear me it's called setting aside my desires what i want what i'd like to have i'mma set it all aside for the benefit of my brother and my sister amen i'm gonna set aside my affections of what i think i want or what i think i ought to have i i need to have that now or what i think i deserve i'ma set that aside for the benefits of my brother and my sister because it's our feelings and our desires and our affections that keep getting in our way of laying down our lives you don't see it it gets in the way it just it stays right there it's like no don't do it you don't have to do that don't do that laying down your life means to serve with my time lived on earth i need to serve with my time lived on earth and that's a powerful definition when you listen to it listen you have a limp you have a window of time here you have a limited time here and down my life says when that limited time on earth is up it's done so i'm gonna use it to serve someone else because you don't have forever know that you don't have forever you just have a block of time see some of you that that that um uh regret some things about your founding pastors regret some things you didn't do or you wish you would have did everything time was up that time won't ever come back again because you only had a block of time to get it done now you're in another dispensation and you only have a block of time to get this done just a block of time and you want to use it all for yourself you have to say i'm not using all my time for myself i'm going to use it to benefit some other i've been given a block of time i'm gonna use this time that's been blocked out for me to serve someone else to lay down my life means to give my very heart and soul to my brothers and my sisters so to understand if i have a working relationship with god i do not love the word only huh i do not love the word only i look at verse 18 my little children let us not love in word neither in tongue but in deed and in truth the word said love not in word neither in tongue you know i was wondering about that i was wondering why it said in word and in tongue being that you have to use your tongue to say words what does that mean in word and in tongue but that word tongue there would better translate as dialect in word and dialect so what he's saying is don't love in something you say in a way that your people say it in a dialect that you said you know and you know christians we got a dialect hallelujah praise god dialect amen amen step in that and you know we all kind of know the dialect that lets you that that that's our signal to somebody else we in because we all say the same dialect he said don't go calling yourself loving just in word and dialect just saying stuff that was good i mean because see we could say things at the end of the day tell somebody you love them that don't mean you really love them that's dialect i love you i love you love you do you really know the best one of all is i love you in the love of the lord and i still ain't figured out to this day what that means i love you in the love of the lord anything outside of that i hate your tale i mean what is i love you with the love of the lord i want somebody to if if if you would you inbox me or uh uh uh send it to the church and tell me what to love you with the love of the lord it's a dialect i love you with the love of the lord oh and we got the the a big thing oh praying for you you are when uh people got that big let somebody die we praying for you and then you add churches at the window but talking to them on there we praying for you you're ordering chicken you are not praying for them see all that's just dialect talking i'm praying for him oh yes amen yeah let's just pray but that love you in the love of the lord i really want somebody to tell me about that what does it mean don't ask me what it means because i don't know that's just something that somebody picked up somewhere now this is even a better one let's keep sow and so in our prayers let's keep them in our prayers what what happened well god had them on my heart i mean it's heavy too it was just heavy on my heart he just you know it was just burning into my heart oh really and you know you almost want to come in and just say okay let's say yeah because what okay amen what should we pray about that husband been acting up here we go and don't forget about that son blue he went back to jail yeah he's he's back in jail and you see they're a little testy you know you know they're kind of a little offended now you can tell and they they're talking it's because it's trouble in that house let's just pray let's pray for me it's just been heavy on my heart let's just pray for when are you going to pray you're telling them everything that's going on and yeah let's just pray for that and you know and you might as well throw it in let's just pray that the drinking don't start back because that drinking might start back they might be back to that too let's just pray oh and then we have this big let's pray that god break every chain you you know you get real religious yes we want to break every chain god break every chain break that chain of liquor you don't have to go through all that's just dialect just just just talk and that's called gossiping if you're going to pray pray you don't even need why do you need a multitude to pray you just go pray if you know all that you have to tell anybody just go pray but if you got to tell them everything that's going on that's called a lie and gossip and see we've learned these things over time we can see a lot of loving stuff i love them and i'm you know i love you with the love of the lord you know i'm you know i'm i love him so i'm gonna pray for him we can say all those things but do we actually do it is the question so god is reminding us this morning don't get caught up with a bunch of lovely stuff lovely sayings and forget to put the love in it we got all the lovely things we're going to do but we're going to put the love in it and if we're honest because i you you know i could hear you from the stream laughing but if we're honest let's say we all have sin and fallen short of the glory of god that'll help us we all have sin and fallen short of the glory of god we don't need to do all that knowing when i have a working relationship with god i have compassion i have compassion means that i'm touched with my brother my sister's need their pain in or their situation i am touched by it i'm not complaining about i'm touched by it listen when i know i have a working relationship with god you can't shut off compassion how many times do god have to tell you that you cannot shut off compassion when you have a working relationship with god you cannot hurt if you cannot hurt for people that are hurting you have shut off compassion when you have a working relationship with god you cannot not feel when a person is in need and not do anything when you're in a working relationship with god your heart is going to break when somebody's heart is broken i don't even care if they've done something to make you mad if something happened to them that hurt them it ought to hurt you when you have a working relationship with god you're going to mourn when they're mourning when you have a working relationship with god it does not allow you to have shut off your compassion a working relationship with god will never let you shut off compassion that's why i said you can't just look at people and never want to restore them or look at them like but you were once there listen when your compassion starts to wane you have to check your relationship with god when your compassion motivates you to do something let me tell you it or something to try to help that let you know i have a working relationship because i have compassion for them i i look at verse 17 but whosoever had this world's goods good and seeth his brother have need and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him how dwelleth the love of god in him in other words you have compassion but you choose to shut it up now that's amazing he said you shut off the compassion you have it but you shut it off from that person and i love that you notice that it didn't say when you see your brother have a need and you don't have compassion it doesn't say that it said when you see your brother have to have a need and you shut off the compassion like what i don't believe they need nothing um i think they come up here every time for something oh every time we have something they the first ones in line yeah i make sure they get the worst of the worst shut off your compassion you don't know what people's needs are you don't know what people's needs are you cannot just shut off compassion if you can shut off compassion from those that you need especially the brethren something is wrong on the inside something is wrong there just shut off the door of compassion you know you can be righteous or think you so holy so long that you just start closing compassion on people because you feel like they need to be like you nobody needs to be like you nobody's going to be like you they're going to be their own sale person and this is a good time before the end of the year to take this exam and pass it make sure you haven't closed the door of compassion and you can tell you can always tell if the door of compassion starts to close when you start to complain how much help somebody else is getting what does that have to do with you i don't care what somebody else is getting what does that have to do with you now i'm gonna tell you i'm gonna i'm gonna say this to those of you that are members of church of the living water anybody that have a need during the holiday season and you need food everything you need to get in touch with deacon burris as soon as possible and i know you know let me we we make it is very much so everybody don't know know anything they don't need to know but if you have a need you don't just sit there and say oh well i don't wanna i don't wanna if you if your family need a meal then we're here to provide it with much discretion as we can and the people that i have in charge are people with discretion and if i know that you have a problem with doing it you won't be on that and every one of our deacons have that kind of heart they have discretion and they know how to get the job done so if anyone have anything that they having a problem with and their suffering you don't have to sit at home and go without and just say you know no because you know by faith you know you know let god tell you god is telling us now that god tell him i'm just not going to ask well the god is telling you now and i'm telling you who to get in touch with so you and so i just told you you don't even have to get in touch with the office you can go straight to deacon berries and say this is what i want because it's a private matter and we'll make sure your family have some food we're not those guys saying oh wait yeah they both work why not listen this is what you need to understand that that's been your whole problem that's been your whole problem with pastor hill myself and anybody else this is how you look you can never tell by looking at some person what they have or don't have you really can't you think you can you you you really think you can you can find somebody to drive the nice car dress the finest everything and you don't know if they they probably don't have no food in their refrigeration if they went bankrupt they might still have the theme but you look at them like they have everything they need how do you know because you just look at them and see then you can look at somebody that don't dress worth nothing everything they might be a millionaire but just don't like to buy clothes how do you know you don't know but if you try to judge him by what you're looking at you already missed it that's why you ought to have your fingers on the pulse of god and have a working relationship with him so he'll tell you what to do and you'll know what to do but if you're trying to judge by what you think no they couldn't they couldn't need nothing they got good jobs how do i know i don't just look at people and give because i think that they need something and i don't give it to them because they do or don't need some i give it to it because i'm led to and they don't have to explain you can't shut off compassion you can't shut off compassion and you can't judge by what you think you see did you hear me you can't and you can't judge because what you what you see like in in in in-person services you see people do this or that i've been watching them and i saw this and i saw that that that doesn't mean anything that's not your concern can't you just be happy that a need is met instead of complaining about what they get what they got that or how much what they get what that's why only certain people know certain things is not your concern everybody don't need to know every situation because everybody's heart is not in the same place they got a turkey well did you buy the turkey you didn't buy it so what difference does it make to you well if they want to spend their money like that yeah it's their money when i have a working relationship with god is i love indeed love indeed means i do something or i work that's what it means deeds are just works listen we can work we can have a relationship with god you're gonna do something you can't just sit on the sideline you can't make excuses we gotta put our love into action we have to put our love into motion and not only love indeed but we how we also our love and truth i love what it said there in the word love in truth in truth and we've learned about truth just previously that is our love according to the will of god that's how i'm going to love i'm going to love according to the will of god that's just how i'm going to love the bible tells us how to love everybody and i love them according to how the bible tells me to love them not how you think i ought to love them the law the bible tells me i need to pray for them i'm going to pray to them according to what the word tells me to pray for not how you think i should pray for them the bible tells us listen to be slow to speak if god say be slow to speak then shut up be very slow to speak did you hear however the bible have instructed you and me that is what we do however it has instructed us to love a person that is what how we love them not the way we think they ought to be loved now i'm gonna give them this kind of love but i ain't giving them all of that well no oh no you gotta give you gotta love them the way god said love them you got to love them freely that's how the bible tells us love without prejudice and without pretense ooh don't love with prejudice and pretense that means i'm gonna love without respect to what race a person is that's a good one i'm gonna love without respect of what class they are what color they are what ethnicity they are what income bracket they come from how they got to the church i'm gonna love out of you you know what i have to love past their what their physical appearance that's called loving without prejudice and with our pretense and listen there's a lot of prejudice other than color prejudice i want you to know that see that's that's that's the first thing we run to it's color prejudice but there's a lot of prejudice past that there's age prejudice appearance prejudice they don't dress like me they don't smell like me well nobody want to dress like you and nobody want to smell like you there's neighborhood prejudice yeah i don't talk to that one over there because you know i can tell right away they trailer park so i ain't even trying to hear them because i'm boujee have you ever have you ever met broken bougie yeah you that oh there's whether or not you know all the church stuff prejudice no you ain't in groups so you don't even know all of that see there's many other prejudices other than color i'm gonna love without prejudice and with our pretense then i know that i have a working relationship with god because it's in my heart and it's a heart condition when i'm close to god and i'm near to him when i have a working relationship with him when i'm abiding in him living in him remaining in him and continuing in him god knows my heart this is the thing about fit by god knowing our hearts god knows our heart but so do we let's take it we're going to end with this but let let's let's look at that for just a second i said god knows our heart but so does we we know our heart as well listen people know the fruit that at some point flows from the heart listen to me closely people know the fruit that at some point point flows from the heart but god knows our heart but he's not the only one that knows our heart we know our heart you know your heart just like god knows it did you did you hear me think of that you know your heart just like god knows it let me give you an example sometimes a person will praise you but you know your heart what you did really doesn't deserve the praise and you know it you to accept the praise but you know your heart and you know they giving you praise and you know in your heart you really don't deserve that but you receive it god and you know your heart while you did what you did there are times listen people criticize you and you know your heart and you know that what you meant did not deserve criticism but you know your heart you like what they could decide but i know what i meant and i know what's in my heart so it doesn't it doesn't matter because you know your heart and so does god are you understanding me i want you to know that god everything that god knows about your heart you know you know when you're not right in your heart even though you're grinning good morning heart nasty it's all get out you know it and god know it now the fruit that's coming out that people see is pleasant but god said but i ain't looking at that i'm looking at your heart there's some people listening this morning god knows your heart listen everybody may think something about you but god knows your heart and so do you it doesn't matter what people think about you you and god knows your heart and some of you have all kinds of thoughts and some people have all kind of thoughts about you but you know your heart look at verse 19. and hereby ye know that you are of truth and shall assure our hearts before him for if your heart condemns us god is greater than our heart and knoweth all things beloved if your heart condemns us not then have we confidence towards god church if you're listening and your heart is condemning you about what i just said god is greater than that he's greater than your heart and that's why he's giving it to you and showing it to you god is greater than your heart he knows you from the inside and you know you and i believe god has brought some of us here this morning i believe that with my whole heart because in our hearts we know that we're not right in your heart you know it we don't need anybody to tell us that we because our heart because we know our heart we know it you know where you were and you know who you are and you know your heart and i'm out of time but god is not but i want you to grab this grab this hold on to it and say god i see it i see where i've made the mistakes i see where i missed it i see i'm correcting all of my answers now i'm correcting them and getting right i'm not only correcting them in my mental state and on paper but i'm gonna get up and i'm gonna walk in all of this correction that i've been doing over my life so that i can be a blessing to others there's nothing like being a blessing to someone else god has an expectation of that he has an expectation of us being a blessing and if we are in a working relationship with god we can always be a blessing we can be a blessing to the brethren first of all we want to always first be a blessing to the brethren and then to those without they should be they should be able to see us being a blessing to the brethren that bring them in that is our responsibility that is something we have to do that's called purifying ourselves that's called changing and making the difference in our lives you can do it i can do it all of us can do it as one we're gonna strengthen each other with this we're gonna strengthen this ministry with this we're gonna move forward in the new year in this ministry with power and strength and togetherness and oneness and walking in this truth that god has opened up in our hearts that we know i want you to go into 2022 i know i have a working relationship with god because i've made the adjustment you got what two and a half months is it two in well october first is friday so october november december you got three months to just just just start practicing it i'm not going into 2022 without knowing am i really in a relationship with god i don't know oh it's just so much i got to let me tell you it's not so much just what he told you in these last three teachers is enough for you to get everything squared away and anything else you need to know let me tell you he's going to tell you within the next three months because this this is not the last teacher you're going to get until the new year you got plenty other teachers coming and god is always going to make you connect the knowledge so now what do i do what i got today the last two sundays and everything else we talked i'm ready to hook it on with all the pastor's appreciation because i guarantee i don't even know what all the ministers is going to teach but i guarantee it's going to connect because that's the way god works that's the way god works it probably it probably won't be on the same subject but let me tell you if you're a student of the word and if you are in a teaching ministry you'll see where to connect that's just the way god works that's just the way god works god is saying look you need to have a working relationship with me if you're going to have the benefits if you're going to do all that i've called you to do if you're going to be all of who i called you to be if you're going to be what you ought to be position yourself nobody's going to do it for you god's not going to do it for you and no one else is going to do it for you know that no for sure god is not going to do it for you neither is the church is going to do what you have to do it yourself you have to make a conscious decision none of the disciples did it for jesus he made a conscious decision to say not my will but your will be done you have to make a conscious decision it doesn't matter what anybody else does it doesn't matter what kind of what what kind of bondage they ended up it did that has nothing to do with me ah this is my walk and this is my relationship with god so ask yourself right now ask yourself where you are where am i with god ask yourself right there just just just right now am i in a working relationship with god how many of these things just in these past three weeks have i missed how many things have i began to correct now that's something you need to look at how many things have i corrected just in the just because see you you don't have to wait until three weeks to start correcting as soon as you hear it start correcting not just in paper and in mental but actually in the walk actually in the walk i you know what yeah i've been doing that i'm i'm you know what i'm not going to do that anymore that that's that's over i'm purifying myself in that area i think you've learned about grace and mercy if not for grace and mercy absent of grace and mercy you would be who you were and just the fact that grace and mercy is here and it's available to you and it's on your life make good this is the time to make good the opportunity to say father thank you for grace and mercy right now right where you are right where you are lift your hands whether you're in here are you not just lift your hands right where you are just right where you are it doesn't matter whether you you got it all together or you don't just lift your hands right where you are thank you father thank you father for your efficacious grace thank you lord thank you lord that your word is sufficient thank you lord that every ear that have heard this message today have found out where their heart is and found out if they have a working relationship with you and father i thank you that right now that you're giving them a conviction in their heart that they will desire to purify themselves in every area those specific areas father i thank you that you're omnipresent in each and every individual under the sound of my voice that father right now that you're there to answer them in every area that you have you're there to communicate those things that have been ministered to them today to open it up even bigger and greater that they can walk in this this truth father i thank you that no one lord god will have the arrogance to think that they walk in a perfect a perfectness toward you without going through all the things that you have taught us and that we can say god i make the change i'm doing things different and i'm staying with it i'm not going to go back and forth and i'm not and i'm not excited about this for the moment i'm not excited about it just for and i'm gonna forget it by the end of the week or when something else come up but father i'm gonna let this penetrate my very expand my life with this truth lord that i may have a working relationship that you will approve of father that my heart will be tendered that my compassion is open father if i have shut off my compassion from anyone father thank you that right now and purifying myself i want to open up compassion to all i want to be sensitive to the brethren i want to love my brother and my sister i want to be there for them i want to give into their lives in every area and father let us strengthen one another by encouraging one another let us strengthen one another in this ministry that this church will be what you've called it to be that everyone that come in will understand and know that this is a place of restoration that this is a church of the living water is a place of restoration that they can be restored let every heart father every heart that have a heart of restoration let them come forth in this ministry the way you open it up father god let them stand firm and let them have a heart of restoration of mending and that everyone that walked through the door father will know that they need mending and every person that you've placed in their heart that they will have the compassion to minister to the needs of others and we give glory and honor to your name for always and we bless you in jesus name and let the church say amen we are people of purpose with singleness of heart committing to spreading the gospel of jesus christ by freely giving of ourselves and our substance staying close to god through fervent prayer and living a holy life we are sensitive to his spirit and established in his truth as living testimonies being labored together with god out of our bellies flows rivers of living water you can be dismissed [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Living Water Austin
Views: 108
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: oyZwik-fj5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 19sec (13939 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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