9/19/2021 Family Life Class

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exhort everyone to make sure that you're sending in your questions so we can address those either through the teachings or all at a separate uh session as well so make sure you send them in you have questions that pertain to this and we have a way for you to send it in anonymously anonymously as well so i think that even works out for some of y'all so send in your questions i think it's nothing right it's gonna be found right here in the in his word um which is again that's what you need anyways a word of god that brings forth convictions we're to god that brings forth life so we stay with the word of god and let me also encourage you as well before we get started to go back and listen to these messages the ones that been taught before ministering to the family i got a chance to to go back and hear some things from the previous teachings and again it ministered to me again even more powerful i did the first time you know i'm telling you these things are our time like no you need to hear that plainly and when you go back let me just give you a little bit right when you go back and listen to the message again don't write no notes down just have your bible and listen right don't be so caught up in just listen now if it's sometimes good just close your eyes and just hear what god is saying um and because i'm telling you god is saying some powerful things to us in this ministry at this time all right so if you've brought your bibles let's lift our bibles and make our confession together this is my bible i can be what it says i can be i can do what it says i can do i'm about to receive the life-changing seed of the word of god and my life shall never be the same because i came to believe and where i have need i came to change and the devil cannot stop me by the help of god i shall believe i shall receive and i shall be changed in jesus name amen all right so again this is our family life class teaching ministering to the family spirit soul and body my portion of this is dealing with the body the role of the body in the family and subtitle this is the body is for the lord and maybe we'll get to that passage today maybe not we'll see see how this flows out um but again i want to mention like we said before when it comes to the body right it's really interesting to me because the spirit and the soul are those things that you can't see you can't really touch your soul you can't really touch your spirit you know you know people say i feel the spirit but what does the spirit feel you know it's kind of abstract but the body oh the body we all understand what the body is right again we all have a spirit and soul but the reality of the body is ever before you right and the body is just an expression of what's going on in your spirit and your soul your body will let you know hey this is what's really going on your spirit and so because again we can talk plenty again we can talk how we have our spirit in check we can talk how how again we have our soul and focus and conform to the things of this uh the things of god but your body's like no no we we're about us right your body will show you what's going on the expression of your spirit and your soul and so the body is the instrument you use to perform the intentions of your spirit and your soul so that means if you say your spirit and your soul is is where it needs to be at again go back and listen to all the teachings around the spirit and the soul but you say your spirit in the soul is where it needs to be at pertaining to god and his purpose then you use your body as an instrument to perform that your body just shows that right you should be able we should be able to see based on your body where your spirit and your soul is we can see your spiritual growth through your body through your actions your responses again understand what your body is right every part of your body is if that's your body right your mouth right your hands right you understand things that you use to pick up things with things you say that all part of your body right you know that's something about you know you we start talking and say thing well i didn't mean to say it yeah you you said what you meant it meant what you said that's your body and what you said and and what you did was came from your soul or your spirit so you know stop trying to hide behind no you you know it is what it is again that's why you better go back and hear them teaching to make sure you have your spirit and your soul where it needs to be at so your body can have the right expression because it's just the instrument being used whatever you have exposed your body to that's exactly how it's going to respond right it's going to but it's been supposed to it's going to respond and it's been exposed to this world understand you've been born into this into a sin nature right understand you're born on the sin so until you got born again that's all your body knew was sin that's it so now you're born again you got to retrain reteach read that's what we're going to get into in a minute about how that's why it's so important to believe what is expectation of your body because now i'm born again your body's like what is your body does not understand the born again experience right it doesn't all the body knew was hey this is what dominating me for now you've shown me something different and your body is going to resist you in that that's why it's the body that's what but you have the minion over your body so the objective here is really discuss what what is the standard of the body and what is each member of the family responsibility as pertains to the role of the body it's just two basic simple objectives and so last time we've really been talking about what is the standard of the body and for the believer here's the stand in the body turn to romans chapter 12. again this is part of the review the standard of little body romans chapter 12 and god is so good romans chapter 12 here's the standard for your body starting at verse number one it says i beseech you brethren i'm sorry i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you ye present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god so we see here in this passage of scripture that he says i perceive you by the mercies of god that you present your body so the so that tells you right now that you have responsibility to present your body as a believer now as a believer you understand now that the separation between spirit soul and body you may not really understood that before you came into the kingdom of god but now in the kingdom of god you understand there's a separation between spirit soul and body but all three makes up man right so but understand it now and so now he's telling you the real you need to present your body so that means there's you and there's your body you thought my body is me is you and there's your body because understand this one day when when when this body cease to exist and it returns to the dust of the ground you will still live on so this separation between you and this body right but while you're here on this side he said you need to present your bodies this is your standard first as a living sacrifice then he said holy then he says acceptable unto god then he says which is your reasonable service this is your expectation welcome to the kingdom of heaven right now you're believing like oh i'm a believer i don't know what i need i love jesus well you're you're loving jesus here's your ex responsibility now you need to present your body you lovers of jesus thank god but does your body show that you lovers of jesus see see i said we can say a lot of things but your body is going to show you exactly what you've been actually the reality of what you believe all right so again he says present your body as a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god so we talked about last time this living sacrifice and i love the first word living you know you're on this side of the living right that means your body is a living organism that means whatever you do in your body is going to respond to it it's not dead thing that's what i mean about everything you expose your body to has an effect it's going to respond it's living it's going to respond to it and that's how come your body has opposition it'll oppose you it's like it'll like resist you like no i don't want to do that your body because it's living but you got to present your body that means you got to put sacrifice you mean you got to put your body on the altar right you got to crucify this flesh you got to bring your body under right and how do you do that means you got to discipline buff it train your body that's what sacrifice means you got to discipline buffet or train your living body if you don't do that your body will still rule you you got to train it because again i said before you were born into sin all your body knew was sin now you're talking about the things that god the spirit of god and and how god's talking about you to be holy body like i don't know i have no idea what that means show me and then once you show it like i don't want to do that once you start talking to your body about fast anybody like fasting i thought what we want to eat what's this fast stuff or whatever it's getting it like i said it may not be just food you tell your father we're going fast we're not going to watch certain things we're going to turn off the television turn off the streaming service we're going to sit down and actually read the bible the word of god your body like that's no fun but remember your spirit your soul like yes renew my mind with this word and that's part of you training your body you got to bring your body under submission get this it sounds so fuc you have to bring your body under submission if you don't do that then your body will continue to dominate and you continue to go through cycles in your life and you're wondering what happened as you a believer or a christian you be living a defeated christian life because you have never put your body under submission that is your response that's your service let me tell you this god is not gonna do it you know you read that he said i beseech you god ain't putting your body on the submission you got to do that god's given you all the tools to do it what's the tool that god has given us to bring our body on this mission it's called the holy spirit that dwells in you then going back to listen i'm telling you listen to these messages that were taught before powerful things god didn't you know that's what i love about god like i gotta i'm gonna help you i'm gonna help i know how that body is but i'm gonna help you right the holy spirit dwells in you and the holy spirit gonna give you the conviction to bring forth the the authority of god to show you how to deal with your body the the holy spirit will check you so you can check your body he's in you what i love about the holy spirit being in me is like i said there's nothing that's not hidden from him he's in you he knows your thoughts he knows your motives he knows where you drives you he knows every the holy spirit knows everything because he's in you he's not on the outside looking in he's on the inside looking out so that means when you say something somebody says something to you and you respond the holy spirit like nah that was wrong response even on the outside people like oh that was nice but holy spirit like no but your heart was wrong when you said that oh you said it because you had different motives see that's the holy spirit in us checking us to help us to check our bodies so we can present it as a living sacrifice i'm telling you flow with god and hey it's so easy just to flow with the lord fill with the spirit of god that's why you have to be sensitive to his spirit hear his counsel and just apply it and then guess what you your body will fall in line you can submit your body and that's in every area of your life the holy spirit will show you what you need to do so a living sacrifice so again i got to discipline buffett train my body again that means i have to deny my body those things that are not holy i gotta deny my body the things you know things in quotes that are not holy and i'm gonna tell you this before you came into the kingdom of god you know what holy meant so now you're the kingdom of god understand holy things that are separated for god's purpose so that means i gotta make sure my body i gotta deny my body things that are not separated for god's purpose that means let me be clear i have to i have to get to my body in place where i can't expose everything to my body that is not of god that is not holy again that's the part we're gonna get to eventually you know by holiness right there's exposure that i need to make sure that my body does not be exposed to certain things that is my responsibility that's my reasonable service it's things i expose my body to you know don't sit there and say with it you know the tv was going i had to see it no you didn't have to see that you didn't have to watch that you have to look at that you have to touch that you have to smell that no you can tell about no you can pull away from these things notice you can pull your body away right so again we keep this thing a living sacrifice things that are not uh holy that are not that are not acceptable on god i have to deny my body of these things so what are the things that are not acceptable to god right then we talked about first john chapter two let's go there first john chapter two things that are not acceptable unto god things that are not acceptable god first john chapter two starting at verse 15 it says love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man love the world the love of the father is not in them or not in him so again it was very clear he says here right that for you when it comes to bring your body as a present your body is a living sacrifice don't love the world that means i got to train my body to not love the world i'll say that statement again you have to train your body to not love the world not only the world but the things that are in the world because the things that are in the world are not of the father what are the things that are in the world for all verse 16 for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father but is of the world so here's the training process right i have to train my body to present it to not get caught up with the lust of my flesh the lust of my eyes and the pride of life and so we talked about these things because i when i read this and before the lord like i said before lord had it correct me by some things he said the lust the lust of the flesh that means your flesh has a lust what does that mean your flesh has an appetite your flesh has desires and we talk about the flesh we talk about the sinful part of man that sinful nature that you were born into guess what it's still there well i'm born again i'm gonna believe yes but that sinful flesh is still there and it still has a voice and it still talks to you and it in an imitation and it still wants to rule you you know i'ma tell you that's the thing about hey like i think it's in romans chapter seven there's war that's going on within you you haven't figured this out yet you will that's one thing once you come to the body of christ you realize that hey there's internal warfare that's happening because that sinful flesh like i don't care you got born again hey i'm dominating but then the spirit of god who lives in you like baby it's over your rule has come to an end right i'm lord and savior so now i'm telling you how to present your body and keep your flesh under crucified but that's saying that doesn't mean you're flesh like okay i'll just go ahead and bow down no your flesh is like please we're going to resist you in everything you do so now i have to bring down that's why it says the lust of the flesh there's a lust that's in the flesh then it's a lust that's in the eyes and we talk about this time it's it's perceived desires you know your eyes see things and then you have perception from what you perceive and also that becomes the lust it's things you perceive with your eyes that's why sometimes good just shut your eyes just close your eyes something you should not again that's what i mean by holding something you should not expose your eyes to because once you see it also the lust of the eyes will start generating those desires and appetites and your body responds to it so that looks good well i want to have some of that that's the lust of your eyes right think about this thing that happened with samson right i believe with samson right with the things that went he went through and with delilah and finally he got to a place where you know philistines was upon him and they took him the first thing he did was put out his eyes took his eyes out he said that was cruel but that helped samson out because that lust of god whatever he perceived hey there was no more delilah there was no more women that's going to decide his flesh anymore because he couldn't even see him you know where that i'm tell you that's what sometimes we take these things into spiritually right in in our lives right the litter of the spirit part of that something we need to cut off something like i said you need to shut your eyes on you need to be blinded to certain things when it came to this world because that's going to help you to bring your body under as a living sacrifice again we're talking about ministering to the to the spirit stolen by what time i'm ministering to the family right when it comes to husband in wise relationship with your children there's i'm tell you this there's things that you have to put your body under in order to minister effectively to your family because when if not those things are going to start coming out this world and you wonder where did that come from that's the lust of your eyes your perceived desires and now you passing on your perceived desires down to your children you train them to go after the same thing that your desires went after not god but you it's learned behavior that's why it's so important to understand these things that's why it's so important to get this thing down in you so you can pass it on to your children to train them and teach them and the bible talks about the nourishment and the admonition of the lord bring them up in that not bring them up in this world bring them up in the nourishment of the lord but that means you have to have your body under because your perceived desires will rule you that's how men say things to their their sons about you know doing things they shouldn't be doing like their sons are a whoremonger you know what a whoremonger is right the hormone is one that's sleeping with the and then you hear father say well at least he's not a homosexual what kind of comment is that that's coming from the world see that's your perceived desires from your flesh instead of saying no son be holy and if you sleep with this woman guess what now get get married if you can't contain yourself get married get show them the word of god then it's like with dad i'm gonna marry that girl then stop sleeping with her i mean it's you know i like it's cut and dry if you sleep with the girl then you need to marry her if you don't want to marry her then stop sleeping what is cut and dry there's no gray area with god stop it repent move on if you don't want to marry her then stop sleeping with her or we don't get married this time then stop sleeping with her eventually i want to marry stop sleeping with her why because that is sin towards god that's the lust that's the lust that's in your flesh based on the lust that's part of your perceived uh from your from the lust of the eyes that you perceive when you saw this woman sleeping with her cut it off see that's the counselor again that's what i mean by ministering to the family and see it's you know as a father you know it's hard to say that when you out there you ain't cut off your lust of your flesh the lust of your eyes you know son don't saw you out there paralyzing flirting got your little side chick on the side come on now see that's the lust that's this body hiding things that you think you're hiding from your children but it comes out the body the body will reveal everything that's going on your spirit and your soul you get to hide it all you go to the body you shouldn't see they pick up on little behavior things they're watching you you know why are we going here god your children see every little every look you make they see you driving in your car right and then your son is there with you and then you see this female and all of a sudden you just you look back to your son like like he wasn't watching or you're in the store or you wherever you are at and then you know you're instead of looking this way you kind of drop your eyes start watching something else and children see them like and then you start telling about the things of god like that what happened to the things of god with your with you the lust of your eyes see that's ministering to the family yeah all fathers be an example all the time again how may i be example father not for show that's what's in your heart you've gotten you got your spirit in your soul and checked so you know how to be an example to your children to your wife and some of y'all crazy enough do it in front of your wife see what you're wondering eyes we got let me go go gotta go gotta go thank you father come on stop it and this is the thing i don't care how old you are or how young you are you got to put this body under don't think because you're an older man now that oh your body's appetites are going to change you know your body that's all your body knows it may not move as fast but it still can look as fast right your body is this it still knows that put it under again the lust of the eyes then it gets into the pride of life now here to me you know there's something about the lust of the flesh there's a whole other thing about the lust of the eyes but man the pride of life is a whole different creature again that's just my perception now again when i read these things god doesn't put a a weight on them i don't want you understand that but the the pride of life is devastating so when we look at the pride of life we're gonna spend some time talking about the pride of life today now we talk about pride now again looked up these things look at the word pride and the greek you talk about pride is to boil up to boil up i mean it's interesting priority means to boil up that means in order for something to boil i mean you got to apply heat and the opposite of balling up is cooling down so pride is always boiled up it's always heated and it's amazing in order to get bored that means you got to get like yeah the ply heat that means there's something that intoxicates or not toxicates but something that that causes it to start boiling that means to compare something you see something you know going back to the lust of the flesh the lust of the eye all sudden pride the pride of life kicks in and it boils up pride it boils and then it comes out your body will ex will express the pride of life look at this in proverbs chapter 16. we'll start there proverbs chapter 16. the pride of life proverbs 16. and again this like it says the pride of life as long as you're living there's the pride of life that's there in other words you have never arrived the pride of life will always have you boiling up for something else you know you go get a house and then somebody else get a house and the house is bigger than yours here come the pride of life holy you need they got a bigger house you need to get a bigger house something else new comes out if somebody else got something that you don't have the pride of life like oh you need to go after that now it's always going like the flesh is never satisfied what can satisfy me the word of god hunger and thirst after righteousness then you shall be satisfied if not you're going to always be striving for the pride of life and guess what you will never ever attain it proverbs 16 look at this starting in verse 17. it says the highway of the upright is to depart from evil the highway that means the role you need to be on as the uprights upright the believer is to depart from evil he that keepeth his way preserveth his soul verse 18 pride go before destruction in a halty spirit before a fall so your pride is always going to come before your destruction your demise because the pride is going to ball up and go after something what i mean by pride is going to bubble up and go after some it's going to cause you to go after something it's going to cause your body to respond and and when it goes after something it's not going after the things of god it's going after things that it wants that's the pride verse 19 better it is to be of a humble spirit with the lowly than to divide this war with the proud stay with those that are humble humility stay there if not you're going to be caught up in destruction and when the time of destruction become instruction not only for you but for your family pride will lead to destruction in your home the pride of life and again you would obtain some some things some stuff but look at your home life you know you rather be at work than being home because your home life is so regular now we're in this virtual world i know some of y'all hey you got some seriousness because you can't you can't separate work from home now because you're working at home so i mean all those issues are all ever before you that's the pro because of the pride of life has gotten you to that place so pride is self-recognition of accomplishments without acknowledging god pride is your self-recognition of accomplishments without ever acknowledging god and i'm not when i talk my knowledge of god i ain't talking about the stuff you see on the the war show when they're like oh i just look up and throw their hands and we thank god for this award that's no acknowledgement to god when you sing songs that curse and talk about women anyway and you're gonna stay up we give god glory for that i thank god god nothing to do with your soulless rewards that's not acknowledging god but pride is that self recognition of your accomplishment your achievements well you don't even knowledge god look at this in deuteronomy chapter 8. deuteronomy chapter 8. look at this in verse 11. deuteronomy chapter 8 and 11 says beware that thou forget not the lord thy god i say this again beware that thou that you forget not the lord that god in not keeping his commandments and his judgments and his statutes which i command you this day lest when thou has eaten in our food and has built goodly houses and dwelt there where therein and when thy herds and thy flocks multiply and thy silver and thy gold is multiply and all that thou has is multiplied called the pride of life then in thy heart be lifted up and thou forget the lord thy god which brought thee forth out of the land of egypt from the house of bondage you forget that god's brought you out of bondage but you got all your stuff the pride it's all there verse 15 who led thee through the great and terrible wilderness so you forgot that god led you through the wilderness man wherein were fiery serpents and scorpions in drought where there was no water who brought thee for water out of a rock of flint you forgot god here's what god has done for you why you caught up in your achievements and your confidence god has given you protection and provision god has provided you that god now you god provided you protection and provision and you forgot that because all you're looking as your accomplishments without god's protection without god's provision you would not have any accomplishment you would be gone the wilderness would have chewed you up all the fiery serpents would have got you every those things would have devoured you if it was not for god but you forgot about him see that's the pride of life you know i'm saying you don't remember the times when god has brought you through what i mean by god god has given you favor that you don't even know about when the times you're going through your schooling your training your job your work for whatever you're at it's god orchestrating things on your behalf and then here you are now you got your achievements you got your fat bank account whatever that is and you want to say look at me god's like really you forgot the lord like that's the pride of life verse 16 who fed thee in the wilderness with man again provision god fed you there's times in your life it was really i'm gonna tell you growing up you mean i never knew that in your parents home they may have tough times but you still hate you may never know the struggles your parents had but you still ate you still had clothes god provided said they in the wilderness with manna which thy fathers knew not that him that he might humble thee and that he might prove thee to do the good in thy latter end and thou say in thy heart here you are and thou say in thy heart my power in the might of my hand had gotten me this wealth right again now you're saying you're the one that provides protection you're the one that provides provision i'm the one that got this wealth that's the pride of life but thou shall remember the lord thy god for it is he that is given the power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant which he swear unto thy fathers all as it is this day you know he guys let me tell you something i'm giving you the power to get wealth understand you may have attained wealth but to ev in order for you to get to the place that you obtain well it was god and now you have your wealth what about him what are you what are you doing about ministry with all the wealth you have again we're talking about ministry to the family your family should see your hands on the ministry what ministry your local ministry you should make good every opportunity to give are you talking about money i'm talking about yeah part of it is financial but also your time that's not yours either your sacrifice your living sacrifice should be towards your ministry why should be towards you in terms of your mentor of the ministry why because that is god's establishment that's how you gotten fed that's how come you have been able to excel in the things you've done in your life it's through god teaching you the things of his strategies and his ways to get you a place where you can be successful god did that now you you've forgotten god that's why you can go off and do things that pertains to your flesh your body and then you sit and say well you sitting you sitting there on a sunday morning instead of hearing the program you out there doing whatever you're doing instead of watching the live stream and then whatever you're doing you say oh god ain't god good sitting there with your family eating some breakfast at some place not even watching the program tell me how good you sit there and bless your food like like god is doing all and you miss the word of god see that's so real that's the pride of life well before him before you got to that place you didn't miss no services but now the pride of life has happened you after it that's what's important to you that's your value sin god like you forgot me that's the pride of life and your body is showing expressing what you're what your spirit and your soul is you're about the things of this world god said love not the things of this world love the lord god with all thy heart not this world that's the pride of life and these prideful attitudes are showing up in the family they're there in the family so here's this thing that i want to get to and i just thank god for his grace and his mercy what i mean by that there's things that you need to do now to help you in this area of the pride of life in your home in your family there's a challenge we're going to i'm going to give you a challenge what i'm saying i i heard from god give you a challenge to help you when it comes to the pride of life right because again we think about pride what's the office of pride humility some of y'all need to humble yourself in your home and your family and i'm gonna give you a simple challenge to do to show that you can humble yourself in your home and your family and what i mean by challenging your home is for everybody remember the family unit is the husband the wife and the children so it means everybody has responsibility to do here's a challenge for the next five days starting today nothing like starting the day the next five days starting today husbands you're going to start this is you're going to wash your wife's feet what i thought it would be something you're going to wash your wife's feet for the next five days husbands wash your white feet and wives in the same five days you're going to wash your husband's feet and then children that live in your home for the next five days the children are going to wash their parents feet again it's a challenge you can do hey you do whatever you want to do i ain't watching that man's feet as nasty i wish i would have been and shooting like watch my daddy's peek five days because he was when the lord said this to him i said lord well this deal one time lord said no five days the next five days because you know one time you know you can go through it five days you're gonna be irritated that's the whole point dealing with your flesh in your body next five days the challenge is up to you hey i'm taste i ain't got i ain't got nothing to prove about what i heard from god and i know what the spirit of god said to me next five days wash husbands wash your wife feet wives wash your husband's feet children wash your parents feet well how do you wash feet i'm glad you asked that turn to john chapter 13. in my last few minutes john chapter 13. well i don't know what foot washing is john chapter 13. tell you everything we get is from the scripture it's the word of god we pass over in john chapter 13. you got to go son you got to go john chapter 13. look at this in verse starting at verse 3. since you think you above washing feet verse 13 john 13 i'm sorry john chapter 13 verse 3 excuse me jesus knowing that the father had given all things into his hands and that he was come from god and went to god again jesus knowing all this that god has given him all things into his hands and that he who has come from god and went to god he runs he rise it from supper laid aside his garments took a towel and girded himself after that he poureth water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded so that means you're gonna get a towel you're gonna get a basin right and then you're gonna put water in there and then for husbands you start this put your wife's feet with white feet in the in the basin and wash it and not only wash it after you wash your feet dry it off until feet's dry and then the wife gonna go get a basin again fresh water don't use the same water that she just he just washed her feet with put it in a water in the towel i mean water in the basin get your husband's feet wash his feet and you know what wash means right wash is different than rinse i mean some of y'all need to understand what kind of washing dishes right this is called washing dishes not rinsing this anyway washing requires soap and a little you know a little elbow grease you know i guess y'all i'm sorry you're the dishwasher generation right i grew up i was i was a dishwasher in my home my father had a i got to go my father had a schedule for all his children in the house we had to wash we had to do the kitchen it was called the kitchen duty wouldn't even the kitchen dude included the the dishes but it was a whole kitchen had to be cleaned mop the floor washed the dishes dry them put them back up all the pots and pans wipe down the stove anyway so that washing is different than clint than uh rinsing so you got to wash your wife's feet let me just put some soap in there right some water that means you got to wash it her feet and then rinse it off make sure all the soap is in between the toes and it and then dry her feet off right and then what happens after that then i feed maybe a little after we have to put a little lotion on it hey i'm trying to help you out trying to help you she may even get a foot rod of a foot rub out just trying to help you brothers do what the spirit of god says wash your feet dry it off why ain't cd putting a lotion here you do that you anyway you'll figure it out after you wash and dry her feet with some soap all right and then dry it off okay so the husband's gonna do that first then the wife's gonna turn around and do that and then the children that's in your home gonna go get their own basin you know basically means like a bucket something that you know a pan something that you can put their feet in and then you can wash your mama's feet and your daddy's he start with your dad and it's not a play game we're not in here playing bubble you're gonna sit down they're gonna grab their feet you're gonna put their feet in there you're gonna wash their feet with some soap rinse it off take a towel and dry their feet off that's daddy's then you're gonna go to mom mom put her feet in there she's gonna be talking to you know mama's are with their children then you're gonna wash their feet dry it off because oh you did such a good job anyway you know anyway and then that's day one it's cute day one by the time day five come humility would have set in do that for five days straight why should i do that verse 6 again again jesus did this he said then cometh to sign peter and peter said unto him lord dost thou wash my feet jesus answered and said unto him what i do what i do thou knowest not now but thou shalt know hereafter peter said unto him thou shalt never wash my feet jesus answered him if i wash thee not thou has no part with me washing your feet is part of the family structure to show that we are a family we are here together we're part together we are connected together things we've been talking about in this ministry we are connected and watching our feet will show our connect this is an expression of our connection and our humility for one another that no one's better than the other we all have a part to play this hierarchy in the kingdom we understand that when it comes to the the other things we don't get caught up with those things those prideful things are like the lust of the flesh the lust of the eye wash the feet showing we have a part with one another sign peter said unto the lord not my feet only then but also my hands and my head and jesus said unto him he that is washed neither not saved to wash his feet but is clean every wit and ye are clean but not all for he knew who he should betray him therefore said he ye are not all clean so after he washed their feet and had taken his garments and was set down again he said unto them know ye what i have done to you ye call me master and lord and ye say well for i so i am if i then your lord and master have washed your feet you also ought to wash one another's feet for i've given you an example that you should do as i have done to you so now this is why you do it this is not a question who's a master that we know who is the master the lord is a master he's giving us examples in your home fathers you start with you because god's giving you the direction for your home wash your wife's feet and then your wife turn around wash your husband's feet and then children in the house you wash your parents feet for five days we're dealing with the pride of life will that bring you to a place of humility again that's a challenge you do whatever you want to do with it but if you want to see changes in your home and your life when it comes to the body it's for the lord start here amen all right that concludes this family life class this morning again get ready for our sunday morning service [Music] you
Channel: Living Water Austin
Views: 146
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 6WhinZGKP8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 33sec (2853 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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