9/26/2021 || Sunday Service || Justin Bridges || 11am

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[Music] so [Music] come on chase let's get up and praise the lord put your hands together [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i've got a priest that will break off heavy chains i've got a song that makes hell begin to shake i've got a shout that brings statement from their grace [Music] why would i ever stay silent when you are the one who told me to speak and how could i ever be quiet when you've given me this authority i'm not ashamed i won't be afraid i've got to let it out i've got to praise that i've got a song that makes it all beginnings [Music] [Applause] [Music] and why is [Music] [Music] it is [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't care what people say i'm gonna praise you anyways [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it it's [Music] [Music] [Music] we're gonna make a victorious noise [Music] [Music] i don't care what people say is [Music] [Applause] i can let oh yeah oh we've got the victory oh yes we've got the victory hey oh we've got the victory oh we've got something to shout about oh yes i've got the victory oh i've got the victory yes i've got the victory hey i've got something to shout about oh i've got the victory yes i've got the victory god is good god is good [Music] folks i'm just telling you heaven is not quiet [Music] if you if you think you're going to get up into heaven everything's just like this no there's a party going on in heaven amen people are excited about jesus there right so we this is our practice right here on the earth amen there's power in your praise there's power in your praise there's power in your praise there's power in your shout there's power in your dance there's power in your worship there's power when you come to the altar [Music] oh it's a great exchange [Music] praise is this beautiful great exchange we offer to our father everything that we are and we tap into what he's already given us everything that he is it's a great [Music] oh i exchange you i love you i love you more there's no one like you no one can take your place you give life you are love you bring light [Music] you restore every heart that is broken [Music] your greater mind you give life you are love you bring glide into darkness you give hope you restore every heart that is broken [Music] [Music] create [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we pour out our praise to you [Music] of our you give life you are loved [Music] you restore every heart that is [Music] greatness [Music] [Music] praise [Music] [Applause] your plan [Music] [Music] praise you [Music] earth will shout your praise our hearts will cry these bones will sing [Music] create are you [Music] our hearts will cry these bones grace [Music] i say foreign is my foreign is um foreign [Music] to you do you oh there's no one else there's nothing else that deserves our praise [Music] there's no one else there's nothing else that deserves [Music] where [Music] worthy are you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] worthy are you know there's a lot of things in this earth that demand that are making a demand on our praise like of the praises of our mouth it has been for a long time i mean i think if i go to sporting events think of all the praise that goes for a touchdown right think of all the praise it goes for a three-point shot that wins the game but how much will the children of god praise the lord in the earth not just inside these four walls and if we can't do it in here we will not do it out there [Music] this is where we should be as free as we can to express our love and adoration of god amen because he's worthy sing it out worthy of you lord it's real easy [Music] oh where are you [Applause] is oh come on is [Music] is praise [Music] oh [Music] worthy wary of all i trust [Music] take up every space [Music] [Music] praises [Music] where are you [Music] full of trust you're worthy of our obedience you're worthy of our sacrifice [Music] with won't you lay your life down for [Music] see what i can do with what you bring [Music] see what i can do with what you bring to me [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] worthy of all our praise worthy of all our worship [Music] we bring ourselves today as living sacrifices holy and acceptable unto you which is our spiritual worship [Music] we lay our lives down we lay down every weight we lay down every burden we lay down every doctor's report lay down our dreams we lay down everything and we lay it at the feet of jesus this morning thank you father we submit and surrender to your will and your way this morning we bring ourselves under your word [Music] and we receive the instruction it brings and we will apply what it brings and as we apply it we will see manifestation thank you for taking us up higher today you see when we lay our lives down [Music] he takes our lives up [Music] jesus it said considered himself no reputation he laid down his rightful deity and he took on the form of a servant [Music] jesus talks about that if you take the lower and as you take the lower you'll receive the higher [Music] thank you father you know just look at me for a moment you know i didn't realize that in my life and [Music] before i made jesus the lord of my life 19 20 years of age [Music] i was so worried about what i was going to miss out on if i surrendered my life and when and when i and when i finally did i'm like oh my goodness that stuff was no life in it man it was like no then i kind of wish i wish i'd done this earlier i wish i wish i'd done this sooner you know um but i'm telling you the way higher is always to go lower he's the greatest of all let him be the servant of all that's the way the kingdom kingdom operates the kingdom operates totally different than the world things give and it will be given back to you good measure pressed down shade together running over that that is not the world's idea of of increase you know the world has an idea of like okay i've got to do i got to do i got to do i got to do i got to do but god's kingdom is i've got to be and he's going to do it through me [Music] and so so if we just we just take on being who he has created us to be which is his sons and daughters of god he takes us into greater things and does far greater things sue us than we could ever ask to think dream or imagine but always takes that position of surrender and i believe every time we come to the house of god i think we might need to make that fresh fresh uh interaction so to speak i remember years ago when i first came to texas i was sitting in my first meeting it was at 30 days of glory out at eagle mountain it was 1999. brother copeland was speaking and remember the lord told me he dropped something to my heart and he said i want you to do this for the rest of your life and say it say it out loud say it under your breath whatever but but i want you to say this every time that that minister is about to preach the word and this is what the lord told me he said say this i counted an honor to be able to hear the word of god right now and it doesn't matter who's speaking it doesn't matter it doesn't matter who's speaking it could be someone i've never heard of but i counted to honor what i'm about to hear that's how we need to approach the house of god that's how we need to approach the word of god that what i'm about to hear because i submitted my life to be here in this place today and as i've i've made that submission then what i'm going to about to receive is going to what take me higher amen do you believe that well give him a shout of praise this morning amen thank you father thank you worship team now let's turn to someone give my high five tell her good to see them this morning [Music] thank you father thank you lord so good to have you this morning if you're visiting uh with us today and thank you for joining us uh there is a visitor card in the seat back in front of you and uh we have an information uh table there that we'd love to some of our leadership would love to connect with you and and meet you so thank you for being here today and i believe that your life will be changed by being in his presence and the hearing the word of god the word of god is where life changes you know the word says proverbs says the word is life and health to all are flesh amen the word the word the word the word that's we are a word church we believe that god's word is final authority and we believe that it's it's it's what will make us winners in life amen i've been doing a series on altars last week dr savelle ministered with an awesome message about god's god's will for us to prosper and succeed um this morning i'm going to continue on this this this aspect of altars you know we've we've learned that this altar the altar you know um you know like seven eight months ago now you know i went back to our modular building back there and place where we keep storage and these when i first moved here and in 1999 these were in the the front of the church and i was walking out of that room and i looked over and i saw these and i went over and sat down and just the presence of god came on me and he said i want you to instruct the family the church family about altars and the importance of understanding what altars are all about so so we've been on this journey we've been on this discovery of what altars are we've learned that the altar is always a place of mercy it's not a place of judgment it's a place of mercy we've learned that the altar is a place we learn that it's not just a a place that we can go to the front of a church or whatever it is but realizing that the altar is jesus hebrews 13 says we have an altar and it tells us who that altar is and tells us jesus we we've learned that the altar is a place where we celebrate the finished works of christ we learn where the altar is a place where we allow him to change our identity we allow we're where we discover who he is and then we understand who we are in him it's it's about about changing our identity and who we are and so this morning i want to i want to i want to continue talking about alters and and there's some words that that there's a word i'm going to use throughout today's service and and it's something and i i believe there's a grace on this word this morning and the word i'm going to talk about this morning is fire can you say fire can you can you can you say it a little louder than that one more time can you say a little laugh there you go that's a little better fire you know the altar the the altar when in the the tabernacle the altar that was established in the tabernacle was was something that that was to never go out if you have your bibles turn to leviticus chapter six leviticus chapter 6. now everything that god does within his word a lot of times he'll give instructions and then he'll give application and then you see manifestation we see this in exodus chapter 40. the first 16 verses god is telling moses now when you when you go into the temple i want you to do this i i want you to do this i want you to do this with the laver i want you to do this with the the the incense i want you to do this and i want you to do this so so god is giving instructions to moses for the first 16 verses and then in verse 17 it says and moses did as the lord commanded then it says in the lord and then moses did as the lord commanded and it keeps saying and and moses did as the lord commanded and it finally gets to the end of chapter 40 and he says and moses completed the work and it said in the glory of god fell so what do we see we see god gave instructions moses did application and then we saw manifestation so we're seeing a principle here that we're about to go into detail and here in verse in chapter 6 he's giving instructions and let's look at what these instructions are in verse 8 and the lord spoken to moses saying command aaron and his son saying this is the law of the burnt offering it is the burnt offering because of the burning upon the altar all night unto the morning and the fire of the altar shall be burning in it and the priest shall put on his linen garment and his linen breeches shall be she put upon the flesh and take up the ashes which the fire hath consumed with the burnt offering on the altar and he shall put them beside the altar and he shall and there's so many significant things in this that i could talk about that we won't get into but verse 11 says and he shall put off his garment and put on the other garments and carry forth the ashes outside the camp unto a clean place verse 12 and the fire upon the altar shall be burning in it it shall not be put out and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning and lay the burnt offering in order upon it and he shall burn thereon the fat of the peace offerings now listen to this the fire shall ever be burning upon the altar and it shall never go out never the fire shall never go out you see so what we're saying we're seeing instructions this is not happening yet because because god is speaking to moses to speak to aaron on what they're to do so let's look at when this is applied and this isn't this is important for we're going and what we're going to deal with today and we could we could read if you if you look at in my bible at the very top of um chapter 9 of leviticus 9 it says the offerings of aaron the offerings of aaron so now we're seeing the application of leviticus chapter 6. but let's for the sake of time let's look in verse 22. then aaron lifted his hands toward the people he blessed them came down from the from the altar offering offering the sin offering the burnt offering and the peace offerings moses and aaron went into the attendant meeting and when they came they blessed the people and the glory of the lord appeared to all the people as promised there came a fire out from before the lord and consumed the burnt offering the fat offering the fat on the altar and when all the people saw it they shouted and fell on their now get a picture of this here aaron he's doing what what moses commanded now you should do this so they're taking they're taking these different offerings and they're putting it on the altar but wait a minute there's no fire okay we've he told them don't let the fire go out but we don't have a fire yet but who lit the fire then there came fire out from before the lord and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar and when all the people saw it they shouted and fell on their faces now if i had some some sheep like a sheep right here and we have an altar and we all said okay i did what you commanded then out of heaven that thing caught on fire would you shout i mean this is something that's supernatural so when we talk about the fire that was lit in the temple we're not talking about natural fire man didn't start the fire god started the fire but man has a part what was man's part to never let the fire go out so this morning i'm going to talk about the fire that consumes the altar is a place where we one receive fire and it's also a place where we have maintained fire you need the fire of god in your life this may come out different in this service it usually does anyway but i go back to different times in my life and there were seasons and times where where there were things that marked me some of you know the story of when i was healed of a respiratory disease when i talk about being born again i wasn't in a church i was in my sister's living room and there was something that came on me from the top of my head and went through my entire body and i felt heat but yet cool all at the same time because i had a fever so yeah naturally i was i was i was i was feverish i had a fever of 104 and the presence of god came on me and pushed out and and you could ring my clothes out with sweat from my fever breaking and all of a sudden i felt cool but yet i felt this burning in my body but yet i felt cool that was something that no one can say ah you're just saying no i no one can deny that that didn't happen in my life i remember in 1997 i was standing in the back of my church at abundant life worship center button like worship center in salisbury maryland and i remember standing back there and and and let me tell you well i remember standing in the back of the church and and everyone was just worshiping and and it was kind of like just this this blanket just came down on the whole auditorium and i remember you know at that time we probably had about 200 people in the church at that time and and and i remember all of a sudden and i heard this voice it was the same voice that told me tell me you love me and and so here i'm hearing that voice again and and i felt this this fire in my body to where it it came and and touched my and it was like in my right hand and he said he said you have healing in your right hand i don't tell people that often you might never help me tell that story but if i lay hands on people i always lay hands with that hand because i'm actually left-handed but the point is is is there was something that touched my body that touched my life at that moment that that no one can say that didn't happen to you i remember another time i was standing in front of a church service and in a church service at that same place an abundant life and and i was new to this i was six months of being born again and and i remember standing up at the at the altar the front of the church there was a minister that was ministering and he was singing but also i just could hear the music i didn't really hear the words anymore and as i'm as i'm standing there and i'm sitting there hearing the hearing uh hearing this what's all happening around me it's just i have this presence just came on me so strong and and so heavy and the next thing i know i felt someone hit my head like tapped me on the head and and i fell down i'm like this is crazy my mom brought me to this church i don't know if i like this church i i mean my life's changing i something's happening and then i and and and so i said who touched me and there and i went to the pastor i said and and and i actually lived with the pastor's son at that time we were roommates and and i said do you he was on the drums and i was like i was like who who touched me he said no one touched you you're there by yourself like and i said i don't believe you i had to go get the video and i went and watched the video i saw me fall down no one behind me so no one can say because i i was more the type is like you know show me the money i i i want to i want it for i want it to be real for me i don't want someone else to tell me about it it's got to be real for me it's got to be something living for me and and so i watched that video i was like why i'll be [Laughter] but it was the fire of god touched my life go back to that first story when after i got born again even i went back i was working at a liquor store at the time after that happened and and and i knew something i made jesus oh lord in my life but i knew i was like okay i got to make some changes but i didn't know what to change this is all i'd known and so i went back to the liquor store and and i and i i told my boss i went in and and i said you know i've got i've got i've gotta i quit and he goes why i said i just got saved he was saved saved from what i don't know but it's i'm saved three days later i went to i went to a party and and i i i mean typically i i would drink 12 15 beers on a on a typical night that's typically what i would drink and bacardi 151 that's what i drank and and and so and so here i get to this party and i walk in and i'm i'm going in i'm walking around and and i'm seeing everything but everyone everything and everyone looks different i'm like it was like almost like i was a fish out of water it was like no i mean no one had to tell me that what i was doing or where i was living nothing no one said and all of a sudden i had this bit i came in and of course they know what i like and he gave me a beer and i'm and i i drink the beer i held onto that one beer for three hours and trying to figure out what's wrong with me and i walked out i walked out from that party earlier got in my car and i sat there and and he said i said look why don't i feel comfortable in an environment where i used to feel comfortable he said because once you touch the fire nothing else satisfies you see that fire touched that altar and that that god lit god lit a fire in my life when i yielded to him but the question is what will justin do with that fire the rest of his life what will you do with god's presence what will you do with god's word what will you do with the supernatural encounters i i didn't seek supernatural encounters i didn't seek any of these things i just was like i wanted i was tired of living and being sick and tired of being sick and tired of of of of disappointment disappointing disappointing people disappointing myself i was tired of that and and it was like it it finally got to a place where it was like i just lord if you're real then here i am and so when the fire touched my life there was nothing else that i can i can go back on and say you know there's something better there's something more and no matter even after let there's and i'll be honest with you there was tire it was you know nine month ten months after i got born again i started going back into some of the things i came out of but still every time i i tried to go farther in that life and far it was like there's just it doesn't satisfy there's just you know it's like we you know it's that phrase it's like when you've had the best there's no i don't know what the saying is but anyway it was there but it just went gone but you try this sometime so when you had the best why try the rest i don't know but but the point is is the fire of god is all about bringing change to humanity and they were never to let this fire go out they were god wasn't in charge of keeping the fire fire stoked it was it was the priests in revelation there's a scripture i've heard people taught on and i'm not taking against this revelation because i believe in the message of kings and priests but in revelations it talks about kings and priests but really the actual translation of that is not kings and priests it's actually a kingdom of priests and i heard that from a jewish rabbi and and in saying a kingdom of priests we are a kingdom of priests and we are a kingdom of priests that that we are all ministers of reconciliation and and we have a role to play and how far we go in god how far we go in the things of god it's not up to your pastor to fan your flame yeah i will fan your flame as hard as i can i will blow on that flame every sunday morning wednesday night whatever it is i'm going to blow on that flame because i want you burning hot for god i want you to to to having come in the church knowing that something is happening and something is changing in you just like when i that next week after i had that experience with god i was something had changed on the inside of me and no one could talk me out of it and no one could take it away from me that's why i'm doing what i'm doing today is because my life was changed if i could help save help heal help restore another justin so be it go to isaiah chapter chapter 10. isaiah chapter 10. verse 17. in the light of israel shall become a fire and his holy one aflame and it will burn and devour the thorns and the briars in one day now this isn't just talking about the object of fire it actually gives us a description and it actually capitalized it holy one holy one so this is referring prophesying about jesus and says and the light of israel shall become a fire and his holy one a flame and it will burn and devour the thorns and briars in one day i believe that there's things that can happen when you touch the fire of god the presence of god in the word of god that can change things in one day in one moment see it says thorns and briars what is what did thorns and briars come from thorns and briars were a result of the curse thorns and briars weren't there until after an adam and eve fell in the garden and so what do we know about thorns and briars jesus said that that that the sower sows the word and it says that thorns thorns and briars go up and they choke the word meaning they keep the word of god from coming to pass in your life and we know that the thorns and briars that he talks about was the deceitfulness of riches the lusts of other things right you know that's that's the thorns and the briars and i and i believe so often in life there can be so many things that are like thorns and briars that are trying to choke you out from being productive and being fruitful so what is he saying this holy one that's a flame and fire he he's gonna get rid of thorns and briars in one day what does that mean that let me know just communicating what i just did is he's out for you being fruitful and it's the fire of god that will come into your life and cause you to be fruitful productive and cause you to change your environment around you but it's all based on this fire let's go to matthew chapter 3. matthew chapter 3 and this is john the baptist talking and he says this verse 11 i indeed baptize you with water under repentance but he that comes after me is mightier than i whose shoes i'm not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with holy ghost and with fire so jesus john's saying i'm baptized under repentance but there's one coming whose shoes i can't i can't fit in he's he he's going to baptize you with holy ghost in fire he's going to immerse you so now we're seeing the fulfillment of isaiah chapter 10 verse 17 the holy one a flame of fire and he says this whose fan is in his hand and he will thoroughly purge his floor gather his wheat into the garner but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire what is chaff chaff is the thing is the stuff that grows up within the that's not the real thing it looks like wheat but it's not wheat is that right and so they he he separates that in what he he gets rid of that so so what is what is jesus saying here he's going to baptize you with the holy ghost and fire and he's going to fan he's going to fan and he's going to purge he's going to cleanse the floor with this unquenchable fire meaning meaning he's he's going to touch something and that thing is not going to be the same any longer that thing is not going to be the same anymore his fan is in his hand and and he's going to purge it and what he said he wants to get rid of the things that are hindering you from being fruitful wants to take away the chaff out of your life he wants to take away the things that are just just just secondary things that are taking away your identity things that are taking away your purpose the things that are taking away your strength but it's all based on being baptized with this holy ghost in fire thank you father go to psalms 27. thank you father as i continue to teach this morning i want to establish a point here now when the bible's being written there's a lot been a lot of inventions since a lot of these people had written the word i mean like when we when we see the word light you know we we have a concept of a light bulb a concept of these stage lights just something that we flick a switch and it comes on but when they were writing and they would use certain words when jesus would use certain words when the bible the disciples would use certain words you know thomas edison wasn't around yet i mean the light bulb hasn't been created yet so they didn't have a concept so their only concept to connect with light was fire they had two concepts they had two concepts of light the sun the sun and the moon and fire but yet the sun is fire and the moon just reflects the sun which is fire so really the bottom line to to when they're writing and they say use words is is their mind of light is not my idea of light their word of light is fire that's a word we're going to continue to use this morning so say fire say it again fire one more time hallelujah simon says verse 1 of psalms 27 david says this the lord is my light so what what is he what is he thinking about this he says the lord is my fire and he's my salvation for the sake of time let's we know after this and you've heard me preach on this number of times but he says when a host encamps about me when my enemy comes against me he says in this one thing i will be confident but he starts off to start saying the lord is my light the lord is my fire and so oh i have an enemy around me in this one thing i'm going to be confident in verse 4 he says one thing have i declared one thing i have desired of the lord that will i seek after that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the lord and to inquire in his temple see here david is saying the lord is my fire then he equates to this enemy that's around him and he said because he's my light i have this one thing that i'm confident in and because there's one thing i'm confident in i have one desire and that desire is to go into the house of the lord well we knew about the house of the lord in leviticus what the fire was there meaning when i go to the altar when i go into the temple and i go to the altar there's a fire that's burning the lord is my light meaning i'm going to the one i trust in i'm going to the one who is my salvation i'm going to the one that can change me i'm going to the fire that has the ability to work on my behalf and i love this he says this one thing i seek after this one thing i desire what was his one desire that i might dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life and to behold the beauty of the lord or the glory of the lord now i saw this reading the scripture one day that he went in to see just one thing i think that's all he said one thing i desire and i'm gonna seek that one thing and that one thing was to be at the altar where the fire is because he says this because and it says behold there's one thing i have a desire that will i seek after and it says and there i will behold the beauty of the lord so the word behold means to see so think he was seeking one thing but in seeking one thing he was able to see many things see it's not just seeking the lord for seeking the lord's sake but as i seek him he opens up my mind to other possibilities he gives me wisdom beyond my i've got to ask think dreamer imagine he gives ideas and insights behold the beauty of the lord so when i seek him then when i often things open up to me that i could i ca i couldn't see before and so often we may be seeking one thing and it's keeping us from everything that we really want instead of seeking the one thing and getting everything we need you know because there's one thing that could destroy your life and that's all you want and it's all you pursue after but yet deep down your heart you're wanting so much more but it's that one thing that's keeping you from everything else but david was saying i go to this one thing because when i go to this one thing i get everything else but it was based on his understanding of the fire the lord is my light let's go to matthew chapter 6. thank you father matthew chapter 6. sake of time we'll just look at one verse here verse 22. the light of the body is the eye if therefore thy eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light the light of the body is the eye and therefore thine i be single thy whole body will be full of light so it's interesting that that what will cause me to be full of light is when i my eye is single you see i think too much in in our world today there's just there's just too much mixture there's too many things vying for our attention there's too many things that's trying to uh get in our thought process there's too many things that are trying to distract us and here he said if your eye is single meaning if i have one pursuit if i have one focus if i have one thing i'm pursuing after then what happens he's saying my whole body will be filled with light but too often we're filled with darkness and we're filled with confusion we're we're distraught we're disappointed we're overtaken we're overwhelmed we're discouraged because we're focusing on so many things when really we're supposed to be focusing on one thing because it's in this being singly focused single my eye being single i have one focus and as i pursue that one focus my whole body now will be filled with light i don't know about you but i like dark i like light so much more than darkness thank you father let's go to john chapter 8 john chapter 8. the altar is a place thank you father where the fire of god is but it's also a place where you rekindle your fire john chapter 8 you know this is jesus is john john's writing the last little bit of jesus's life and and in the first chapters before chapter eight you know um he's talking about the feast of tabernacles and we're actually on the jewish calendar right now where we're towards the end of the feast of tabernacles it's from september 20 to the 27th on the jewish calendar and and so jesus was just finishing this he even in john chapter 7 he says it was on the last day of the feast and he stood up and he read he said if any man is thirsty let him come unto me and drink and and he goes on so it's this is the next day after the feast of tabernacle ends and and he's he's ministering to to his disciples he's talking to them and all sudden these pharisees come along and they they bring him they bring this woman caught in the act of adultery and you know you know the story he gets down and writes on the ground and all that he us stand throw the first stone and they all one by one leave and then jesus says this in in verse 12 then spoke jesus again unto them saying so this was again he said it so this was something that he constantly had to remind his disciples he again said it i am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life now remember light isn't the way you and i see light but but really what jesus really was kind of what he was saying is i am the torch to the world the father sent me as a torch as a fire the holy one a flame of fire isaiah 10 17 i am the light of the world and he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness he said i am the fire to the world and he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness now you've heard me say this the word followeth with th in the end i'm not saying that because so i can sound king james but in the king james it uses the th for a representation for something that's perpetual something that's constant something that's steadfast so what is he saying i am the fire to the world and he that continually steadfastly follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life meaning as i follow as i have one pursuit david had one pursuit and it was it was to go to the temple the altar of god and there he would behold god matthew chapter six if your eye is single your whole body would be filled with light and jesus is saying if you follow me if i am your primary pursuit if you're following me who is the altar and you're following me i am the fire to the world then it says you will have the light of life you will have the fire that produces life see there's a natural fire that we know that destroys but i'm telling you god's fire produces life what i felt in my body on that day it was the fire of god the glory of god but really what was it it was his life and jesus is saying hey he that follows after me won't walk walk in darkness but will have the fire of life i want the fire of life on the inside of me terry don't you amen just as you're rapping as you're as you're ministering as they drop the beat just the fire of god files also yeah i mean you know you say drop that beat but also god drops the fire you see you know you stand up and and preach or you lead worship or whatever you do because you've been spending time with the fire then all sudden the fire shows up as you're releasing fire and it's the life of god this this is why the altar is so important in our lives because it's where we fan the flame of his life on the inside of us let's go to a couple a couple chapters over here to john 12. john 12. you're receiving something this morning you know i'm going to a lot of scriptures but i believe the spirit of god is ministering to us thank you father thank you lord thank you father let's look at verse 33. this he said signifying what death you should die the people answered him we have heard out of the law that christ abides forever and how do you say us thou the son of man must be lifted up who is the son of man then jesus said to them yet a little while is the light with you walk while you have the light lest darkness should come upon you for he that walketh in darkness does not know where he's going yet a little while is the fire with you walk while you have the fire less darkness come upon you you see if you know there's no there's no neutral i've tried neutral and i'm telling you if you someone drive a clutch try to take off on a hill there's no neutral you see i'm either i'm either going to be walking with the fire i'm either going to get hotter and hotter or i'm going to get colder and colder there's no there's no there's no middle ground this is something that we constantly are pursuing as believers not like i'm trying to earn something with god but no it's something that we constantly have to be pursuing because if i walk yet a little while is the fire with you walk while you have the fire less darkness comes upon you meaning if i'm not walking with fire then what happens darkness will come upon me darkness will overtake me confusion will overtake me for he that walketh in darkness knows not whether he goes what is that phrase he knows not whether he goes that phrase in the original greek means our word for drifting meaning if you're not walking in the fire and you're walking in darkness then you're just drifting what is drifting drifting is you're just going with the current you're just going with the current you're just going with the wind that's not preached a message called the law of progression and one of the greatest messages i've ever heard him preach and he and he talks about going upstream you know going upstream but the whole world is is you know it's hard to go against stream you know you're going upstream and you you got to paddle harder than anyone else but yet people are just passing you they're go they're going with the current hey we're just having a good time yeah everything's great but yet to go in a different direction it takes it it's challenging because you know what it's easy to do nothing you know what it's it's easy to be a failure but to be great takes work you see so so the thing is is if we're walking in the fire walking with the fire then we know where we're going we're not drifting bible talks about in the last days you know and it talks about there's gifts apostles prophets evangelists pastors teachers to bring them up grow them up to to where they do the work of the ministry and then it says don't be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine what does that mean you're it's all these voices all these things going on and what is it brings confusion and you end up just drifting instead of just following the fire the fire of god thank you father and he says this while you have the fire believe in the fire that you may be the children of fire wow jesus is instructing them that they could be like him while you have the light believe in the light that you may be children of light so what was happening as as jesus was as the disciples were rubbing next to jesus what they were walking in the light walking with the light they believed in the light and what happened is he said as you walk with that as you believe in that what happens is now you become it you become it see you will become who you hang out with you will become what what you're you know you're either going to get colder or hotter there's no middle ground in the day and age we're living in as a church as believers we need to be a place where people can experience the fire of god because it's the fire of god that changes things it's the fire of god that consumes things go to second corinthians chapter six thank you father thank you father second corinthians chapter 6 verse 14. it says be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness thank you father and what communion has light with darkness and what concord with christ with belial which is the devil and what part had he that believed with an infidel and what agreement has a temple of god with idols why because you're the temple of the living god meaning what agreement what agreement can there be between the temple of god and idols and what agreement had the temple of god with idols for you are the temple of the living god and has said i will dwell in them i will walk in them i will be their god and they shall be my people. so what is what are we seeing here he says don't be unequally yoked with unbelievers for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness so what what i believe that we're seeing too much is a lot of times you have the the church trying to be too much like the rest of the world [Music] and the church was never meant to be influenced by the world jesus didn't come to the earth to be like the church that it was at the current race why he had to do something different he had to do something else they had to see something different they had to be something different so he tested don't be unequally yoked with unbelievers and what what communion meaning nothing's ever going to be fruitful if all you're doing is having this mixture nothing's going to nothing's going to come up to its highest place it can be if you have too much if you have mixture and remember the temple of god it's where the fire would never go out and what does it say here you are the temple of the living god you are each one of you are the temple of the living god and he says this and i will dwell in them he's i i will dwell i will dwell in them god is fire the bible describes him he's he's fired from the loins up and the loins down he's fire i mean what was god really trying to get what was god really trying to do he was trying to get things back to the original intention of when he created humanity when he created adam and eve it said they were clothed with the glory glory of god what is the glory of god it's the fire of god so when they sinned what happened is they they they sinned and what they lost the fire and so now they had to they had to make something natural to cover themselves but yet jesus comes on the scene and what is he he's trying to get us back to what we were always meant to be clothed with the glory of god the fire i want this fire in my life i want this fire in your life it's his word it's his presence it's it's his still small voice directing you day in and day out it's him directing say do this don't do that let go of that embrace this and then he will take you into a life of fruitfulness stand to your feet thank you father thank you father thank you father for your word today thank you for your word today lord hallelujah thank you father we praise you father y'all read that thank you lord thank you lord we glorify you thank you lord in second timothy thank you paul says this to timothy says that is why i would remind you the amplified it says that is why i remind you to stir up rekindle the embers of fan the flame of and keep burning the gracious gift of god and he calls it this the inner fire wow you never really the fire is a gift of god the holy spirit's a gift of god and here he says fan the flame and keep burning the inner fire that is in you by means on the laying out of my hands he's saying timothy you have a part to play as your pastor i'm telling you you have a part to play and how far we go as a church how far you go in god but i believe this fire and i i just believe just kind of touching the iceberg maybe touching the tip of it i think there's more here and more here we'll discover but he says fan the flame fan the flame thank you father thank you father oh father i thank you for fresh encounters with you that we as a body make a quality decision to follow after the fire we make a determination to let our eye be single we make a determination that one thing have we will we seek after as we do that we will see you i thank you father for instruction this morning and as we leave here today father i thank you that we will apply it and i thank you as we apply it we will see manifestation i thank you that this is a place where the fire of god will burn bright as jesus declared to the disciples you take that light put it on a lamp stand take that fire put in a lamp stand that it would give light unto all the house i thank you that heritage of faith is a place that's burning brightly with the fire of god and it's changing us from the inside out we thank you for it father just put your hand on your heart and you received this message today and something resonated in your heart as i was teaching just repeat this after me heavenly father i bring my life to you i surrender my life to you thank you for sending jesus thank you for the holy spirit i receive fire into my life i thank you father that your fire changes me from the inside out i thank you lord that you're going to continue to work in my life long after today we will see your fire move in our community like never before in jesus name amen give me a shout of praise and receive that word i was just reminded as uh in the first service when you were talking about jesus or the scripture about walking with the fire nikki leaned over and said nebuchadnezzar when he when they threw he said did we not throw three men bound into the fire he said look i see four men loosed and the one is like the son of god and so when you come and get close to the fire and you come inbound you're going to walk out loose amen [Applause] father we thank you for this word today lord we thank you lord i know we've already prayed father but i just lord i know you're moving on your people's hearts today thank you father that this fire has been kindled in our hearts and we give you praise for it in jesus name amen you may be seated just recently i was with dr savelle at a church in tampa florida rodney howard brown and rodney howard brown credits dr savelle in 1982 in south africa dr savelle came and ministered a word on sowing in times of famine and he credits him on that that message is what got him to the united states of america and and they've lived by those principles ever since and one of the things that they go around uh preaching is revivals and a lot of people say we want revival we want revival but one of the things that his wife said behind closed doors is that people will not open up their hearts to revival until they open up their wallets for where your treasure is there your heart is and so part of this of the altars and when you come to the altar it is about surrender but many people want to separate their money from what they surrender to god but this scripture says where your treasure is your heart is the message says the place where your treasure is is the place you will most want to be and end up so that tells me that you can lead your heart with what you sow and that you today may say i want this fire you can sow for the fire and one of the things i was thinking about you know a fire is you can always have a bigger fire than as you feed the fire and so we we never get to the place where we're burning too bright in fact i believe and i'm not going to preach the whole message but i believe that this is what the bible refers to as jesus returning for a glorious church a church that's full of his glory full of the fire of god that that has not only been in us burning so bright that it shows our on our countenance like isaiah 60 talks about that they will see it on you and so uh i was just sitting over there thinking you know money is made out of what paper is made from when you throw wood on the fire it makes the fire burn bright so are you ready to give today father we thank you lord for what you're doing in our midst lord we thank you for the holy spirit we sense your presence in this place lord i thank you lord as we come into this place that there are things that you're burning off of us as we get closer and closer to the fire lord there's things that we are surrendering to the fire that you're consuming from our lives and we thank you for it today lord we just give with cheerful heart of joy knowing that your word is true and that you are a faithful god and we thank you for it in jesus name and we all said say it like you got a little bit of fire good morning church a few announcements as we're getting ready to leave today um heritage christmas crew those of you in the christmas production you have a read-through of the script today at four o'clock right here in the sanctuary so set your alarm on your clock to wake up from your sunday afternoon nap christmas crew and be here at 4 pm and then lots of exciting things going on in october so this weekend we've got our first weekend of the month activities we've got our mobile food outreach from 9 to 11 on saturday victorious adults are meeting in here 11 to 1 and then heritage young adults you'll meet next sunday at 6 p.m all those events are here at the church but you can get more details online at heritagefaith.com also this month heritage is turning 21. yay so we celebrate our anniversary on sunday october 17th so we'll have one service everyone say one service 10 a.m say 10 am those of you that come to nine you'll be way early those that you come to 11 be way late 10 o'clock be here at 10 and then we have a picnic afterwards so we have kind of a casual sunday that day so if you want to come in a little bit more casual clothes that will be fine and we have water baptisms that day so if that's something you're pursuing after that's your day so you can sign up online and we have a picnic that afternoon food provided so you can check out all those details online of course we have a a taste off competition for those of you that like to compete so find those details online and those of you that are new i know pastor mentioned this earlier but these if you're new you should have gotten one of these today or it's in the seat back in front of you if you will take this out to the lobby and meet with our welcome team after we have a gift that we want to give you before you leave today we want to sow into your life so please let us so get that gift in the lobby because it's going to light your fire amen i was thinking about that we give them a gift but what better gift than the holy ghost so if you haven't received the holy ghost you're like what is pastor talking about come see us up here after the service because you don't want to leave without the greatest gift god ever gave the church after the resurrection amen amen so how many of you would like to set the world on fire amen jesus said i am the light of the world which means i am the fire so guys go give him jesus amen have a great week you
Channel: Heritage of Faith CC
Views: 214
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: HFCC, Heritage of Faith Chirstian Center, Pastor Justin Bridges, Jerry Savelle Ministries International, heritage of faith, heritage of faith cc, crowley, tx, texas, fort worth, jerry, savelle, ministries, dr., Pastor, justin, bridges, church, service, worship, kassi, annette, jsmi, hfcc, livestream, live stream, revival, 2021, Wednesday, Jerry, Savelle, Captain Rex
Id: Tm0wPZMPey8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 19sec (5659 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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