01/12/20 || Spirit of Seeing and Knowing Pt. 1 || Dr. Jerry Savelle

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] good morning heritage family we pray that you are blessed and well here is just a few of the things that we have going on here at Heritage dr. Seville has received a word that this will be the year that God will open a new door and he will cause his faithful ones to experience supernatural increase as never before we believe that this word is for each and every one of you and are so excited to see where God takes you in the year 2020 happy new year we are growing and we are expecting we have big vision and you are a part of that if you want to be more involved as part of our family we want to hear from you we believe that God has placed gifts on the inside of each one of you and that you each have a vital role in taking our church to another level of his glory take a moment to visit with one of our helps ministry volunteers to find out more on how to get plugged into serving and sowing into the growth at heritage of faith if today is your first time visiting we want to welcome you please take a moment to fill out one of the first time visitors cards that you can find in the seat back in front of you and turn it into the first time visitors lounge on your way out pick up your free gift if you need anything else please just let one of our amazing team members know thank you so much for choosing heritage and we look forward to seeing you again to know more on these events and others visit us at heritage of faith com flash events good morning here is your faith it's so good to see you today and we are excited about 2020 over the last several months our founding pastor has released a prophetic word into this church body and it says this that in 2020 God is opening a new door and bringing about supernatural increase like never before I don't bet you but I'm excited about increase when he was with us in December he gave us a mandate for us to seek the Lord and receive direction about a significant seed that we could sow about adding our agreement our point of contact to this prophetic word so our mandate to you and as your pastor is for you to come prepared on January 19 at 10 a.m. we're just gonna be doing one service there's gonna be a celebration service and I'm expecting great things also on that day at six o'clock in the evening dr. Chevelle is gonna be imparting something to us as well as a church as a church body and I believe is going to take us to another level as a church we love you we're so glad that you're here today and I believe that your life is about to be changed good morning everyone let's stand up in the presence of God did you come with expectation [Music] people shouting to God with the voice of praise to the Savior [Music] [Music] my pc for glory is here [Music] ha [Music] [Music] every day big to me [Music] Jesus [Music] god to [Music] ha [Music] very take me to me we won't stop shout we won't stop ringing [Music] we won't stop [Music] we won't stop we won't stop please [Music] to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we won't stop [Music] every day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I see [Music] [Music] she [Music] I know your side you [Music] my future [Music] freedom excuse me [Music] your plans for me [Music] [Music] your promise [Music] mommy said you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] every promise as you [Music] enjoy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as we sing this part I want you to put what what is supernatural increase look like in your life what would it look like what would that look like it's a promise that's a promise that came forth from the Prophet amen we believe in the Prophet we believe in the Lord our God sir show me possible we believe that promise manna that Rhema word for 2020 amen I want us to go back to them we will she come to pass it's in his name by His grace it's by his power and as they men [Music] that expectation [Music] we was [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah we will see it come to pass amen we will see it come to pass hallelu we will see it come to pass hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Father the Word says the promises of God are yes in amen amen they're ours we have a right to them the promise of God are yes and amen I mean I want us to go ahead and we're going to receive our tithes and offerings so so to go ahead and if you need to be seated to prepare you know the different ways to give we're its text to give it's so excited to have dr. svelte with us for both services today we're expecting great things and while you're preparing to give and some 68 and talked about this last week that when God shows up everything changes see that that promise of increase that is you know that I will increase you more and more you and your children that's a promise that's a promise those that worship and fears our Lord both small and great he said I will increase them more and more twenty twenty God is opening a new door and bringing about supernatural increase like never before do you have 20/20 vision for 2020 amen getting a vision for increase not not being satisfied with where you are not being satisfied with where you've been but realizing as you get hooked up with God as you get hooked up with the word amen it says here in some sixty eight it says thou has to send it on high thou has led captivity captive and thou has to receive gifts for men yay for the rebellious also that the Lord God might dwell among them then it says blessed be the Lord who daily load with us with benefits see this this is the heart of God this is the nature of the father see that's about getting a vision of increases getting a vision of the character of your heavenly father and his his nature and his heart is he wants the number one dwelt with you and secondly he's going to bless you and he's going to daily load you with benefit daily loads you with benefits the amplified says blessed be the Lord who bears our burdens and carries us day by day even the Lord who is our salvation then it says salem think about that think about that just for a moment that he daily you with benefits so hold your hold your seat I hold you'll hold your ties and your all things up and up in the air and just just close your eyes and just think about that for a moment like it says there in the psalm Scylla he deadly loads you with benefits man his blessing is coming on me and overtaking me hallelujah cuz it's his heart for me hallelujah it says it's his vision for me so father I thank you that you are daily loading us with benefits and we are increasing more and more in Jesus name uh sure you and receive the offering hallelujah so to make sure we're just I just want to give our founding pastor all the time he needs this morning I'm expecting I'm expecting great things it great things a man just just just a couple announcements reminder next Sunday say this with me next Sunday we're just going to have one service it's going to be a celebration service it's going to be at 10 a.m. and we're going to have a special service at 6 p.m. and I'm expecting we're going to receive from heaven and it's going to take me to another level [Music] amen hallelujah hallelujah as we continue to see the offering I just want to lay this word in your heart as they're continuing before dr. Savelle comes just with the scripture little gave me in Matthew chapter 13 when Jesus was talking to the disciples and he tells them tells them this because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven meaning it's possible it's it's possible for you to know what heaven thinks about you what God thinks about you he said it's given to you to know the mystery and I want you to know as your pastor is given to you to know everything God wants you to know then it says this it says but to them it is not given for whoever has has what well when it says ears to hear but it is as if you have ears to hear then you know the mysteries of the kingdom so it's this for whoever has the mysteries of the kingdom to him shall be given and he shall have more abundance so when I receive the mysteries of the kingdom when I receive the things that the mysteries the laws of prosperity the laws and the mysteries that are found in this word those mysteries cause me to operate in more abundance so I believe as we set our faith with expectancy stretch your hands where dr. Savelle father we as a church lay hold of the Apostolic gift on the inside of him we lay hold of the prophetic word and everything that you have shown him that everything every revelation that he needs to get out will be to be able to come out today because we lay hold of it and we pull on it by faith just like that woman with the issue of blood touch the hem of Jesus garment and received so we receive the gift that's the only inside of him I want you to stand and welcome dr. Jerry Savelle falen thank you for good morning good morning everybody praise God thank you so much good to be with you in the service this morning go ahead and be seated this is not my normal procedure the first service told people I've been there and done that hello do you not only that usually my voice is a little stronger a little later in the morning so but I had the Lord specifically tell me to do both services this morning in preparation for our next week service as many of you know Carol and I just returned from our annual vacation we usually leave on Christmas Day or the day after and we've been going to Hawaii now since 1972 I tell people over there where I preach usually I didn't preach this year but usually I start my year preaching in Honolulu I didn't this year because I since the Lord told me just relax just rest you preach everywhere all over the world all year long then you come over here and start all over again just relax I want to talk to you and so I didn't preach there this year but usually when I do I tell the people I'm more Hawaiian than most of you because some of you weren't even born when I first started coming over here and I like to tell them also during the millennium I will be the governor of the Hawaiian Islands so I invite all of you to come and visit me when you can okay this particular year just before we left I had a conversation with brother Copeland he called me and he said Jerry I've recognized years ago and I said it publicly in a meeting one of the believers conventions he said I recognized years ago that had moved you into a new office of ministry and he said if you remember I I said to you by the Spirit of God that you had moved into the office of the seer and that God will begin to show you things in the spirit things to come and he'll hold you responsible for sharing them with the body of Christ everywhere he sends you and he said you remember that service I said oh yes in fact I keep it right in this notebook all the time I read it before I go into services and he said but the Lord spoke to me a few days ago in prayer and he said that I have never laid my hands on you and and in a public setting and officially set you apart in that ministry and he said I'm going to do it into 2020 and so he said not only that but God has said to me that he's also moved you into another dimension of ministry and that is the Ministry of the Apostle and he said in when I lay hands on you I'm gonna publicly set you apart like Kenneth Hagin did him many years ago and I was in that service and brother Hagin did it he said someone officially lay hands on you and set you apart in those two ministries because it has everything to do with your future and so when I left to go on vacation I had that on my mind and knowing that that we were going to have this special service on the 19th Sunday morning and Sunday night that Justin just mentioned I felt like all of this came together and and had an importance for me to share some things with you as the founder of this church and so I'm going to talk about those things this morning and it's in preparation for next week service and I want to encourage you to make your plans if at all possible to be here next Sunday and Sunday night we don't have or I haven't done many Sunday night services here justin has from time to time I believe but I haven't done many Sunday night services here and so I wouldn't call this if I didn't believe it was God so 6 o'clock to Sunday night next Sunday night be here if at all possible not only that I'm going to talk about some continue talking about some things that we will begin this morning but not only that I'm gonna give you as they say with the president a State of the Union address I'm gonna give you the state of the ministry address where we're headed as a ministry as a church hallelujah and I will approve this message how they do so with that in mind and let me begin by sharing with you a few things about Kenneth Hagin I'm finding now that a lot of people were I preached all over the world they don't know who Kenneth Hagin was a lot of people are new how many of you are familiar with the ministry of Kenneth Hagin okay how many of you actually sit in a meeting where he preached and received from him and I'm not talking about you've listened to a CD recently or something or but you were actually in a meeting where Kenneth Hagin spoke okay Kenneth Hagin was one of my mentors along with Kenneth Copeland or Roberts and TL osburgh I'm also finding that a lot of people were I go now have never even heard of all Roberts that's shocking to me because all Roberts was one of the premier healing evangelists of the 20th century I heard the call of God watching all Roberts on television when I was a young boy 11 years old 1957 in my grandmother's home in Oklahoma City Joe was there all of our family was there family reunion and I heard the call of God watching him on television and I didn't I didn't know who wore Roberts was at that time there were some of my relatives who knew who he was because he was based in Oklahoma that's where my grandparents lived and but I'd never heard of him before but someone turned on my grandmother's old black-and-white Philco television set while we were all standing around and having lunch together my grandmother's home was very small I don't know how in the world all of us got in there but we did we managed to get in there and certainly didn't have room at the table or the kitchen that all of us to eat which we were all over the house and some of them outside on the front porch and you know and and Donnie one of my cousins and Jo and I we had got our plate of food walked in the living room and was standing there when someone turned the television set on and if you may remember black-and-white television you know no color television back then and it didn't come on immediately it took a little while for the picture to come home and somebody turned it on and as soon as it came home it was all Robert's preaching under the big tent in one of his healing Crusades and he was preaching which became one of his most famous tenth sermons called the forth men powerful powerful message if you never listen to it I encourage you to do so he describes Jesus in every book of the Bible as the fourth man and taken from the Book of Daniel I was captivated by it as a young boy and I heard it wasn't an audible voice because nobody else heard it but I heard in my spirit and of course I didn't know anything about spirit soul and body back then you know but I heard these words someday you'll preach like that some day you'll pray for people like that and I thought it was joke talking to me when I turned Joe was gone I looked at his side no thought it was Donnie and Donnie was gone I was standing there by myself and I thought who said that well I had to believe that it must have been God but I never told anybody because as you've heard me say in the past that's not what I wanted to do my plans were not to preach my plans were to race automobiles I was going to restore classic cars build hot rods and race automobiles just like my daddy did I grew up on racetracks and God was fouling up my plans so as eleven-year-old boy I never told you about body about it because I thought if I ever if I ever voiced this if I ever tell anybody about this experience they don't have to do it but if I don't tell anybody God will realize he made a mistake and you'll find somebody that really wants to do that so I never told a soul not my parents not anybody and you know we we grew up in a little Baptist Church down at the end of our road we we lived in the country and it's a little Baptist Church down at the end of our road and I grew up in that little church and I've always believed in Jesus I've always believed what the preacher said that he he he was born he had this awesome ministry he died he was raised from the dead I believed he was coming back but you can believe all that never make him the Lord of your life you know and at that point even though I'd had experiences as a young boy with the Lord you know it didn't last because I didn't pursue it and but it wasn't that I was born a heathen well I was born in a then just like you were but I had experiences with God and it wasn't that God was foreign to me but I just didn't want to I didn't want to preach I didn't want to live my life that way and so anyway it wasn't until 1969 after Carolyn I've been married for three years and I was doing exactly what I dreamed of doing own my own automotive business I was restoring classic I was building hot rods with my dad hauled him all over the southern part of the United States and Carolyn's praying and knowing that that's not what I was supposed to do and I'd never told her about that experience that I had watching old Roberts I was not about to tell her about that because that would have been leverage you know and she does she would have brought up to me frequently yeah but you remember at 11 years old that experience you had I didn't want her to know about that but finally when Kenneth Copeland came in 1969 I couldn't run anymore and then he introduced me to the ministry of Kenneth Hagin he said that he learned a lot about faith from Kenneth Hagin he had worked with all Roberts he was copilot on Oral Roberts airplane so this was all coming together it's amazing to me how God can orchestrate a life you know it wasn't a coincidence that when Carolyn begged me to go here Kenneth Copeland for the first time and I didn't want to go I didn't like being in church because if I got under conviction then I knew it had to preach and I knew it wouldn't be under conviction at the pain bodyshop okay but in church oh I got uncomfortable in church sometimes I did walk out you know and and if it got to be and I didn't know anything about the anointing but if it got to where it was hitting me I ducked behind the chair in front of me you know so it wouldn't hit me and get the guy behind me you know and so Kenneth Copeland introduced me to the ministry of Kenneth Hagin and I think it's really a unique how that which she begged me to go here Kenneth Copeland that first night I remembered Kenneth Copeland as a rock and roll singer before he went into the ministry I wasn't sure it was the same man but I knew that there was a man named Kenneth Copeland had a hit record on the radio back in 1957 that was called the pledge of love and I said well I know who that is she said how would you know Kenneth Copeland you don't go to church I said well there was a Kenneth Copeland back in 1957 had a hit record called the pledge of love I even sung the lines to it I remembered all those songs back then I started singing it to her she said it's not the same man I said well how do you know if he asked him she said I've never talked to the man I've never met the man I just know it's not the same man well in the service that night 15 minutes into his service he just stopped and said I don't know why I'm saying this has absolutely nothing to do with my sermon but I guess somebody in here needs to hear this back in 1957 I hit record on the radio called the pledge of love I was headed for rock-and-roll stardom God used that to get my attention because I wouldn't pay any attention to him the first 15 minutes I was ready to leave and I'm told Carolyn before went to the service the moment I don't like him I'm gonna get up and leave and you get home the best way you can that's exactly what I told her she said okay if that's what it takes to get you there and so I was I was prepared not to like him and I was gonna get up and leave in the next few moments but God knew that isn't God's smart and so Kenneth Copeland just stops right in the middle of a sermon and says I had this hit record in 57 and that's what got my attention it wasn't the preaching that got my attention it was him making that remark and now I'm right out on the edge of my chair listing everything he said and that night when I went home I didn't go forward in the service but when I got home I couldn't sleep I got up in the middle of the night walked in the living room 3 o'clock in the morning lifted my hands I said god I don't know why you still want me I've been running from you all my life but if you do hear I am and I was gloriously saved immediately baptized in the Holy Spirit spoke in other tongues for three hours before I could quit and it was just a just a special presence of God that came in that living room and then I told Carolyn I'm through running told her about the experience I had I said I'm getting out of the automotive business I'm going into the ministry well Kenneth Hagen Kenneth Copeland rather it's the first one I'd ever heard talk about the word of faith so he became a mentor even though I didn't know him you can be mentored by people that you don't even know you know and so back then it was reel-to-reel tapes and I got all those reel-to-reel tapes I could get my hands on listen to him day and night I checked my business down used my guest bedroom as my study and I'd listened to those messages day and night and and through listening to them he kept talking about Kenneth Hagin Kenneth Hagin taught me this I learned from Kenneth Hagin this and come to find out that Kenneth Hagin was considered to be the apostle of faith in the 20th century a lot of people referred to him as the father of the Faith Movement it's not a movement but that's what a lot of people said in Christian circles he was the father of the Faith Movement and so as soon as I had an opportunity I started going to Kenneth Hagin meetings and of course remembering the effect that Oral Roberts had on my life as a young boy I started getting my hands on everything all Roberts talked the books and and the messages and so forth so these three men became my mentors now years later let's let's fast forward the 1991 1969 was the year I surrendered my life to the Lord so now it's 1991 okay and I'm in this meeting in Fort Worth believers Commission and brother Copeland says God's called you into the office of the seer and then he expound upon that and then shortly after that I was in Riverside California in Kenneth Hagins meeting and brother Hagin called me up spoke to me basically the same words just a little bit different wording and he said it's time for you to move into this and move out with it and then shortly after that all Roberts came to the believers convention in Anaheim California and said to me after the service as soon as I get home I'm gonna write you a letter and tell you what I heard and what I saw why you preach tonight so when I got back home I received a handwritten four-page letter from war Roberts describing the ministry that he believed God had called me into so all three of my mentors saw it at the same time within a couple of months of each other and from that moment I began to pursue that anointing and to flow in that office of ministry now I'm real hesitant I'm just the kind of person I'm real hesitant to go around and call myself a prophet okay because there's so many self-appointed prophets I've heard some squirrely things in 50 years you can hear a lot of squirrely things am i right pastor you know people who want to be a prophet and I like to say they're nothing but a loss you know you know profit and loss just a little humor they're not much but a little bit you'll wake up tonight saying hey that was funny I'll start I'll start laughing now but I'm a little hesitant to go around and you know just call myself a prophet even though I know that that office of ministry is an office that I function in that's one of the reasons one the Lord gives me a prophetic word every year that I am to emphasize everywhere I go and just keep building on it until the Lord says differently and so some of you have been here long enough where you've heard me give the Fedak word each and every year that God wants us to emphasize sometimes it goes on into the next year but a lot of times it it it it changes and and and I never know when it's coming other than I do set aside some time during the month of October to pacifically get before the Lord and to see what he has on his agenda for the coming new year and usually it's happened during that time neither the first week or so of October but sometimes it's happened while I'm flying somewhere sometimes it's happens when I when I'm in my hotel room in preparation for a service somewhere and but nevertheless I'm not the one who dictates when it comes okay and I don't sit around just trying to come up with something clever I don't I have more respect for the Lord and respect for the respect that I have as a minister all over the world and I'm not going to just come up with something just because everybody else does and boy that seems to be something that's taking place right now I've heard people all of a sudden have a word from the Lord who's never had a word from the Lord in their lives coming up with the prophetic word I was watching on YouTube while I was walking down the beach this past week all these prophetic words all these prophetic words and I'm not saying they're not all accurate but some of them aren't don't just listen to any voice make sure it's a proven voice amen I don't just open myself up to anybody am I making sense to you make sure it's a proven voice if kenneth hagin stood up and said thus saith the lord yes brother copra used to say these catchers on the side of my head you know I listen very closely what demands about to say okay and if Kenneth Copeland stands up and says thus saith the Lord this is what the Lord showed me about the coming new year these catchers they they listen very closely and then I take what I just heard and run with it well because I wanted to come to pass in my life amen I've heard people say well brother Jerry I heard this prophet talk about doom and gloom is coming and then this other prophet he talked about you know good times are coming and great things are in store which ones right well they both could be right just depends on what camp you're in I'm not in that doom and gloom camp hallelujah glory to God and I believe the closer we get to the appearing of the Lord Oh God's got some great things in store for those who follow him and those who won't compromise and those who won't turn back and those who won't live backslidden Christian lives and those who won't straddle the fence God's got some good things in our future how they do it and you say in praise God so with all that in mind I was I was as I normally do when I go on vacation in Hawaii I have a I have a path that I have walked all these years every morning I get up between 5:30 and 6 o'clock before Carolyn even wakes and I'm out the door no later than six o'clock and I'm walk that path and it's a pretty good it's a pretty good distance and I pray in the spirit and I just listened to the Lord and I take a little notebook with me and I write down the things that he says and while I was walking this year starting on December the 27th we got there on the 26 on December the 27th I began my routine walk and I was impressed to the Lord to listen to several messages from Kenneth Hagin from years back but especially one about the gifts of the Spirit concerning the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge and I listen to it every morning I'd walk that path then I'd walk back and by the time I got back I'd already listened to it and then I'd started all over again the next day and I did that for several days and when I get back to the room then Carolin be up and ready and we'd go for breakfast and so forth but I was I was inspired again by these messages by Kenneth Hagin now once again let me let me just say something about Kenneth Hagin in case there are those of you in here that are not real familiar with his ministry once again he was referred to as the founder or the the apostle of the Word of Faith Movement in the 20th century mark 11:23 and 24 were the scriptures that he spoke about most frequently it's hardly a sermon that you heard Kenneth Hagin preached that mark 11:23 and 24 were not mentioned he was 86 years old when he went home to be with Lord on September the 19th 2003 I was I was in Texarkana preaching when I heard about in fact somebody walked up to the platform and whispered in my ear brother Hagin just went on to be with the Lord well as soon as I got out of that serves I flew straight to Tulsa to be with the family and and I was there at his home going and so forth because over the years I had developed a relationship with brother Hagin I preached with him many times and I thought highly of him respected him and he was one of my mentors as I said brother Hagin used to say quite often based on Psalm 91 he said the Lord promised us that with long life he will satisfy us brother Hagin would say frequently if you ever hear I'm going it's because I got satisfied well when somebody came up and whispered in my ear brother Hagin just went home to be with the Lord I smiled even though I knew I was gonna miss him greatly I smiled because I couldn't help but remember what he always said I got satisfied that's the way to go home end it when you're satisfied he meant praise God in fact as I was told he was sitting at the table with his wife and just kind of closed his eyes and slumped his head and checked out hallelujah that's a great way to go isn't it Amen he functioned primarily in the offices of the teacher and the Prophet and was well known for his accuracy in hearing from the Holy Spirit he laid hands on me and Carolyn numerous times over the years but once again in 1991 in Riverside California was a very specific time when he called me up to the front and said brother Jerry God's moving you into a new dimension of ministry and he talked about it was time that I began to to pursue it and go home arted Lee into it and don't turn back he said move into it and move out with it and move on up and later after that service I asked him I said brother Hagin do you Nora can you tell me specifically what you were talking about he said yes he said it's the spirit seeing and knowing is the spirit of seeing and knowing he said you'll know things in the spirit you'll see things in the spirit and then God wants you to tell what you see to the body of Christ everywhere he send you so that's that's basically the same thing brother Copeland had said just a month before that God's called you into the office of the seer so once again brother Hagin confirmed that he laid hands on me in that service and and spoke those words over me and then since that time I've endeavored upright in that now I don't always operate in here in this church but that's not to say I don't operate in it okay it doesn't function in me everywhere or all the time in a public setting but it does in my prayer time all the time I hear things I see things Joe has traveled with me 38 years almost 40 years he can verify this that a lot of times going into the service before I go into the service I'll see the whole service like on a monitor in my room it's just like a television screen set up in my room and I'll see the entire service exactly what I'm going to do when I go in there I just go in there and reenact what I saw that doesn't happen everywhere I go but many times it has I remember back in the early 80s late 70s actually about 79 I was invited to come and speak in a conference in Chicago and Billy brimm who at that time was Kenneth Hagins secretary and she edited his books and so forth and and I had known Billy just a short time but I knew who she was and knew what her job was at Kenneth Hagins ministry and she'd been invited to come and speak as well in this conference so Billy and I got to spend some time together you know over lunch or something and with the pastor that had coordinated this meeting and so we would the pastor would come pick us up at the hotel and and we would ride together over to the service and we'd pray in the spirit together all the way over there and one night when they turned the service over to me I had I had had that experience in the hotel about seeing that entire service before I ever got there seeing it in the spirit and the Lord said just go in reenact what you saw in the spirit so when I got over there and he turned the service over to me I didn't see myself preaching in that service I walked up to the podium he had my Bible in my notebook and then I started flowing in the gifts of the Spirit particularly the word of knowledge and I started calling people out and it was so accurate I mean it was phenomenal I remember one specific situation where I said there's a woman in here who has some children that you have been wanting to get out of public school and put into a Christian school and you didn't have all the money to get all of your children and in fact you're lacking a hundred and eighty six dollars and 76 cents would you come up here the woman came up there just crying and and the pastor knew her she was a member of his church she come up there crying and I said I saw this in the spirit before ever come over here and I have in my pocket a hundred eighty six dollars and 76 cents to give you well then it just started flowing I mean it was amazing and Billy said to me afterwards she said brother Jerry I haven't seen anybody flow in that other than brother Hagin she said I was just astounded at the accuracy and and then it started happening nearly everywhere I went and then I stopped and the reason being is because I had heard of people yielding to a familiar spirit and I didn't want that to happen and I'll be honest with you I got afraid that I'd opened myself up to a familiar spirit and so I backed off that's the reason later Kenneth Hagin said brother Jer it's time for you to move in this move out with it and move on up and I knew exactly what he's talking about because I had backed off now brother Copeland I weed flow in it quite often after that weed flowing into believers conventions here in Fort Worth I remember one one convention brother Copeland had just got through preaching called me up said come on up here Jerry and just obey the Lord and we were flowing in in the word of knowledge and so forth and I said there's someone in here you have a brother who's a mechanic and he's dying of a heart disease come up here in the Lord told me that brother Cobra now will lay hands on you and you'll stand in proxy for your brother and he'll be healed and nobody moved now we got what seven eight thousand people in there and no nobody moved and so you know the devil starts saying well you missed it this time you mean that happens to you brother Jerry well of course I'm human you know and and so I'm standing up there brother Copeland standing up there and it's all silence Oh silence is not golden sometimes and so it looks like I have missed this a hundred miles you know and and I said did you hear what I said there's someone in here who has a brother who is a mechanic and he's dying of heart disease and if you come up here and let brother Copeland lay hands on you God is going to heal your brother's heart and nobody moved and finally brother Copeland said he's a car dealer in Las Vegas I thought hmm car dealer mechanic hey that's what they call car dealers in Las Vegas mechanics and the guys stood up said that's my brother that's my brother they're not amazing brother Copeland picked up that in the spirit this reason why the guy wasn't moving is because his brother was a car dealer but car dealers are called mechanics at the gambling tables in Las Vegas hallelujah oh I felt so good when I walked out of there hallelujah praise God now I could miss it I'm human but that's one of the reasons why I'm not too quick to voice it if I'm not completely a hundred percent sure it's God because I remember one time years ago when I had another church that Carol and I had started called overcoming faith center back a long time ago and I stood up one morning I said the Lord just told me and I voiced what I thought the Lord had just told me and the word interrupted me and said I didn't say that I say excuse me folks I said Lord I thought that was you he said it wasn't me I said well who wasn't he said you that didn't come from the Holy Spirit that's just what you thought I said well what I do now he said tell him it wasn't me I said Lord what do they think of me if I don't tell them it wasn't you he said they'll think highly of you from being honest I said folks forgive me what I just said wasn't from the Lord it was from me apologized and I give you my word when I ever say again thus saith the Lord I will say it knowing that I heard the Lord accurately amen you understand what I'm saying so that's very that's that that's something very close to me I don't just jump up and throw my hand up in there thus saith the Lord unless I know that I know that I know but when I know that I know I know I said I know amen now once again I don't always flow in it in this church but that's not to say I don't flow in it because men that have traveled to me Tony Joe they can tell you nearly all the time everywhere we go and I think the reason sometimes that I'm hesitant to flow in it here is because familiar arity I know some of you I don't know everybody in this church some of you have never even met and I get embarrassed sometimes when I see somebody on the road or on the street or in a store or something hey brother Jerry I said hey how are you and shake hands with him I say where you go to church heritage of faith oh really how long you been going at five years you know and I've never even met I've never even met the majority of you in here but I'm a little hesitant because you might think Justin told me beforehand he knows most of you and Ed knows most of you I don't well Justin told him that before we went out there and that's why I'm a little bit hesitant however hesitancy is a thing of the past [Applause] the Lord specifically said to me on this trip and that's the reason why I communicated back with the office and and had them to say to pastor Justin that I wanted to do this service as well ahead of the special service on the 19 that I felt like I needed to share these things with you in preparation for that service and and the Lord said take it to another level now take it to another level now hallelujah stretch your hands out toward me just praying the Holy Ghost right now praise God hallelujah thank you Father I received the prayers of this church in the name of Jesus hallelujah thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father glory to God thank you lord now brother Copeland said in that conversation in December just before I went on vacation that he would lay hands on me either during the ministers conference or perhaps the Fort Worth believers convention I really hope he does it during the ministers conference and but that's between him and Lord but he said he would lay hands on me and officially publicly set me apart into those two offices of ministry the Prophet and the Apostle okay so that's important for you this church to know now as I was listening to Kenneth Hagin brother Hagin made a statement and I thought I don't remember him ever saying that before or I don't remember ever hearing him say that before I had I had witnessed it in my own life but he said it's not uncommon for God to cause people into every office of ministry I started out as the street evangelist that was the first office of ministry I started out in in 1969 nobody wanted to hear what I had to say in church so I hit the streets in my city and it started as a street evangelist then when I moved to Fort Worth and begin to work with brother Copeland God added the office of the teacher I love teaching that's one of my favorite offices I love teaching and and then the Lord added the office of Pastor I pastored the other church that we started for a number of years and then I merged it with grace Temple Harold Nicolson Harold Nichols became my pastor and so that I could launch out into world evangelism I couldn't pastor a church and travel all over the worlds the same time so I pastored for a season several about I don't know from oh it doesn't matter but anyway a season I pastored and I was there every Sunday I'd be out of meetings all over the country and fly home on Saturday night after the meeting and being the service Sunday morning and I did that week after week year after year and and then the Lord began to launch me into world evangelism and then later the office of the Prophet was at it and then because of all the works that I've established all over the world Bible schools churches orphanages the the office of the Apostle was added to it so I've had the privilege of functioning in every office that's the reason a long times pastors tell me when I go preach brother Jerry we like for you to come because you understand us you pastored I said oh yes hallelujah thank God for deliverance well see Justin loves it as Rooney's a pastor and I love you so much I let him Pastor if I was pastoring I'd be pestering that he's fostering heaven amen and there are people that that's their calling and they know it I'm not called to be in one place a minute as somebody said I love them and leave them you know but but my my my audience is the world a priest and 46 different nations and I'm adding a bunch of new ones this year hallelujah praise got it thank you for sharing me with the world hallelujah amen because that's that's where my greatest anointings are amen so I heard brother Hagin say that and I thought I don't remember ever hearing him say that before but I thought I'm not gonna go in there and tell everybody I've had the privilege of functioning in every office but I have I've had the privilege of functioning in every office the fivefold ministry that Paul talks about in the book of Ephesians but the ones that the Lord specifically wants me to function in from this day forward is the Ministry of the Apostle and most apostles are teachers as well apostle teacher and prophet amen so that's what I intend to do now with all that in mind would you please open the first Corinthians chapter 12 and through my introduction and look at verse 1 now concerning spiritual gifts brethren I would not have you ignorant the message translation says I want you to be informed and knowledgeable and then Paul begins to talk about the nine gifts of the Spirit now I'm not going to dwell on all nine of them but I do want you to drop down to verse seven and eight but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal so that is telling us that every member of the body of Christ is qualified so to speak to be used by the Holy Spirit and one of these gifts are more amen you don't have to be one of the five fold ministries for these gifts to operate in your life however they are vitally important in the offices of profit and apostle amen now notice in verse 8 but two one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit now notice these two gifts mentioned in verse eight that's the ones I want to focus on the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge say those with me the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge along with the discerning of spirits which is another gift they are commonly referred to as revelation gifts because they come by revelation by the Spirit of God I've had times when when ministering to people and I would recognize the spirit that was controlling that person and I'd call that spirit by name and cast it out that's the discerning of spirits it's a revelation gift and and of course the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge of revelation gifts they are often referred to as revelation gifts so both of these gifts have to do with number one the past the present and the future the word of wisdom the word of knowledge they deal with the past the present and the future I remember in a meaning that Jo and I were in in Toronto a number of years ago and I was flowing in those gifts and I said there was a woman in here that the Lord instructed me to lay hands on you and to cast out the spirit of fear and I said it's not only a spirit of fear it's a tormenting spirit and and it's it's caused many problems in your marriage you know when God was getting very specific and sometimes you're a little hesitant you know to get that specific it's like Jesse Duplantis had a word one time during the believers convention he said there's somebody in here that's in the going into the ministry and you've had the thought of murdering a pastor oh wow and Jesse said I won't say that but the Lord told me to he said there's somebody in here that you're going into ministry but you've had this the the thoughts and you've had to cast him down several times of murdering killing another preacher and one of my bible school students raised up his hand he was in my Bible school right there it wasn't Justin he wasn't Tony I mean I mean remember bear Morgan it was bear bear Morgan they called him bear when when bear came to our Bible school he just gotten out of prison twenty-one years of prison most of which were in solitary confinement he would bad and he got saved and the girl that led him to the Lord and married him asked me if she could bring him to Bible School now thought dear Jesus and she brought in to Bible School she said no brother Jerry he's a little rough around the edges you know I loved it when I met him he was rough on every edge yeah wasn't he he didn't even know how to he didn't even know how to eat you put us a knife and a fork in his hand and that was a weapon he just eat everything with his hands and could've been in prison 21 years just you know he'd like a wild animal she had to teach him how to eat she couldn't he could barely read or write she had to teach him how to study and all that you know she said brother you're out promise I'll help him I'll help him get through the courses snow and and I remember one time I was getting ready to go to the school and and teach that morning and the Lord said to me he said you've been teaching these students on faith demonstrated this morning I said okay how he said take your I just bought I've just been blessed with a brand new I think was a 90 I wonder said 96 harley-davidson classic motorcycle and he said and I had less than 500 miles on he said take it to the school this morning and give it to bear Morgan and have all the class come outside you remember this have all the class come outside and and you present it to bear in front of the class sighs I told him that and I said now I didn't tell him what I wasn't gonna do I said everybody meet me out in the parking lot and that motorcycle was already sitting there and they all gathered around it and so I said bear God told me to give you this bike and you're gonna use it as a tool for ministry and he and of got on it and and I laid my hands on him and all the student body prayed over them and as soon as we got through bear was crying like a baby great big Oh God he he had tattoos from one end to the other in fact he believed God had started had called him into the office of tattoo artist I said bear I can't find that in one of the fivefold he was tattooing chaired so I don't everybody you know and anyway bears when he got through crying he looked up and he said brother Jerry this is a miracle this is the first harley-davidson I've ever owned that it didn't steal amen so that was a word of knowledge a word of knowledge okay so notice here these two specific gifts the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge they're revelation gifts now brother Hagin said in one of his Holy Ghost meetings before he went home to be with the Lord teaching on the subject of the gifts of the Spirit he said the Lord had been talking to him for quite some time that these two gifts would be in greater manifestation as we continue to grow closer to the appearing of Jesus and that it would bring many into the knowledge of the truth Joe and I were in neukölln Nova Scotia and this pastor had asked me to come up there and he rented a hotel ballroom in the Holiday Inn and we had several hundred people in that meeting and when he turned the service to me I ministered what the Lord had given me to teach and then I started flowing in the gifts of the Spirit and bought all kind of great things were happening and of course I've never been there before I didn't know one person other than the pastor and the pastor was verifying everything that we said that he knew those people and this was accurate and so forth and then we all stood up we were all praising God and then everybody sat down but there was one woman who was standing at the back door remember this joke she was standing at the back door and I pointed to her as as as soon as everybody said that I saw in the spirit I say the spirit is seeing and doing I saw in the spirit that she was dying of a heart attack I'm a heart disease I said lady standing in the back door she looked around I said you standing at the back door God is healing you of heart disease right now now she had a glass in her hand and I didn't know it at the time that that woman was not even in our meeting there was another meeting going on next door and they were all drinking and partying she had a she had a glass of alcohol in her head and she just came in to see what was going on on our side she wasn't even in the meetings and she's standing there with this glass of some kind of alcoholic beverage in her hand and the Lord showed me her in the spirit and said tell her I'm healing her of heart disease right now she dropped that glass she's who are you who are you how'd you know that you remember that joke I mean God healed her and she was just absolutely beside herself she just came in the right place at the right time amen hallelujah glory to God I said glory to God having it so brother Hagin said these two gifts would be in greater manifestation as we continue to grow closer to the appearing of the Lord Jesus he said that he was said he was told by the Lord to begin to refer to the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge as the spirit of seeing and knowing the spirit of seeing annoying now once again even though Paul makes it very clear that any member of the body of Christ the Holy Spirit can use in these gifts but it's particularly needful in the offices of the Apostle in the Prophet can you say Amen and by the way it's as the Spirit wills you can make it happen I can make it happen amen now I can prepare myself amen and be available to the Holy Spirit in fact that's one of the things we did this morning before coming out here I began praying in the spirit and I asked everybody in the room there lay hands on men let's pray in the spirit together for this service I can prepare myself to be used in it I can't turn it off and on at my will yes as the Spirit wills can you say Amen if God doesn't want to do anything then God doesn't want to do anything if he does then I want to be sensitive to it and if he wants to use me in it fine if not you know it's there's there's cases in the Bible where the God didn't even use the Prophet he used just someone in the congregation and gave them a phenomenal word that brought deliverance and victory to them amen hallelujah one commentary listen to this one commentary states that these two gifts relate to number one strategies and insights which only God can give the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge they they particularly deal with strategies and insights that only God could give now that's exactly what the prophetic word is that the Lord has given me for 2020 you remember how it came when I first began talking to you about it at the latter part of last year I was flying to Australia with Kenneth Copeland were on his plane and he and I had and then the crew that was with us had just left Honolulu to refuel and then we kept going right on to go coast or Brisbane Australia and we were talking we were just fellowshipping talking brother Copeland get together is preaching back and forth and it's and it's reminiscing of things we've experienced over the last 50 years and we were talking about some of those things and then brother Copeland said I'm gonna go back to the back of the airplane and and lay down take a nap he said if you want to do that to help yourself and I'll be back in a little while I said go ahead I've been reading some things and I just want to keep reading for a while and so I open up my Bible and I was reading some things that I'd been studying and then I got a little sleepy and I just I just pushed the seat back and laid back close my eyes for a moment and I had not been in that position more than 15 seconds all of a sudden I heard the Spirit of God say in 2020 I will open a new door that will cause you to experience supernatural increase as never before and I knew in my spirit that was the word of the Lord for 2020 I knew it and then of course after that I began studying it and preparing to preach on it and so forth which which I am presently doing and will continue to do all year long and until the Lord tells me to go in a different direction so that came by knowing amen and I've seen in the spirit some things since then and particularly over the last few weeks oh I'm ten you stay in faith stay close to God amen don't pay any attention to what the world says focus on Jesus focus on his word amen I've experienced supernatural increase ever since I've been in the ministry various times I could give you many stories of supernatural increase that that we've experienced personally and as a ministry but he said as never before as never before my goodness if if what I've experienced in the past was good then this must be going to be good or how they do it look your neighbors say it's gonna get good her and gooder amen now once again one commentary says that these two gifts relate to strategies and insights which only God can give now next Sunday I'm going to deal specifically with a strategy that will position you for Supernatural increase hallelujah and it came by the spirit of knowing and seeing I didn't come up with it I didn't just set around one does say oh this would be good it's by the Spirit of God a strategy hallelujah an insight now the commentary would only say the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge are given to assist God's people in continuing to go in the right direction the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge are specifically given to help God's people continue to go in the right direction amen remember Jesus said when the Holy Spirit comes he will lead and guide you into all truth and he will show you things to come that's keeping you in the right direction amen that's what the spirit of knowing and seeing is all about now strategy has to do with a plan of action a plan of action next Sunday we're going to talk about the plan of action that will position us for supernatural increase anybody interested in supernatural integrates we're going to talk about the plan of action insight has to do with having clear and deep perception of the situation a clear and deep perception of a situation now I'm not I'm done I haven't covered nearly as much as I'd like to cover in this first service and it's almost time for us to stop I think you should stay over for the second amen let's just continue instance starting all over again amen because I want to give you some examples from the word of how important the spirit of seeing and knowing is to the body of Christ amen giving us a plan of action and causing us to have clear and deep perception of the situations that we find ourselves in amen now without having to get too deep into that because I only have time just to introduce it not expound upon it let me just say this that next Sunday the Lord specifically instructed me to teach you on the importance of a point of contact the importance of a point of contact the point of contact is vital in releasing your faith I learned this more Roberts years ago just for an example and I'm not going to expound upon because I don't have time but just as an example the little woman with the issue of blood she said if I but touch his clothes I shall be made whole that was her point of contact if I but touch his clothes I shall be made whole in other words she was convinced even before she approached Jesus she just heard that he was in the village but she said back in her own home or wherever it was at the time she said if I but touch his clothes I will be made whole and then she proceeded to go out in that crowd and there had to be several thousand people that were around Jesus and she has an issue of blood under Levitical law she's unclean and she's not allowed to be in that crowd they have a legal right to stone her and the man who had the ability to issue the command was J iris the ruler of the synagogue and he's in this story as well but she said if I but touch his clothes I shall be made holy and the Bible says she pressed her way through that crowd and as Jesus was walking away with Jairus because G iris had said my daughter's dead are my daughters dying she's at the point of death come lay your hands on her say that was Jairus his point of contact the moment Jesus laid his hands on his daughter that she would be healed and so Jesus started walking toward Jairus house which iris but that little woman grabbed him as he's walking away and touched the hem of his garment and stopped Jesus right in the crowd and Jesus said who touched me and the disciples were amazed they said master everybody's touching you and one translation I read years ago when commentary Jesus stopped and said no I'm not talking about a human natural touch I'm talking about the touch of faith it was a touch of faith they meant one because she said if I could just but touch his clothes that's when I'll let my faith go brother Roberts used to say if you establish a point of contact that's when your faith goes up to God and he sees it hallelujah so next Sunday we are going to talk about the point of contact and how important it is for you to position yourself for Supernatural in Greece in 2020 lift your hands and give the Lord a good shout of praise hallelujah Thank You Lauren Thank You Lauren thank you lord hallelujah standing feet real quickly praise God praise God praise God hallelujah pray in the spirit for a moment voilá baka rose so Telemachus T Brahma kotoba prayer AVO son bruh make acetyl Ibaka promo code a la vaca Thomason hey thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father bro double quarter add HCl on my cut time this is this is very sensitive so I'm not going to call the person forward unless you want to come forward but it's very sensitive because I don't want to embarrass you I went to bed last night praying in the spirit and I don't know when I fell off to sleep but I know how the moment I laid down I started praying in the spirit and when I woke up this morning I saw a man driving home and he just been made aware of a situation that he created himself it's going to cost him financially big time he was afraid to tell his wife about it I could see him driving down the road saying walk he told my wife this I don't know how she'd react to it and once again I'm not going to come forward because it might be embarrassing he may still have not told your wife about it but I heard the Spirit of God say tell that man tell his wife tell her don't hide it from her tell her and then get an agreement asked me to forgive you ask her to forgive you not me the Lord asked her to forgive you that's the Lord to forgive you and he'll turn that situation around how they do you he'll turn he had turned what would have been a tragedy into a triumph glory to God let's left her Hansen and thank God hallelujah I don't know who that is once again I wouldn't say it if I didn't know that I know that I know that I heard God and I saw it in the spirit hallelujah so let's just praise God and thank God that whoever that person might be would you simply obey the Holy Spirit and give God an opportunity to turn that situation around hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Father I also saw a couple here who's and I'm not sure about this whether it was a son or a daughter but they've got they've drifted off into some things that are not godly you've been praying for them and in the natural it looks like the more you pray for them the worse they get but God has heard your prayers I said God has heard your prayers and that situation is about to turn around amen it's about to turn around and that child is going to be more on fire for God than you have ever seen them in the past praise God hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah I command that deceiving spirit to come off of them right now in the name of Jesus of Nazareth hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah someone who's been offered a position making more money looks like he'd be the ideal job I heard the Lord say tell them don't take it yes it does look like a great opportunity but it won't last stay where you are I'll promote you there hallelujah let's lift our hands let's receive it in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah thank you Father thank your father thank your father oh my oh my it's coming it's coming it's coming somebody is about to marry the wrong person just pray in the spirit a little longer and God will reveal to you why it's not the right person then don't get upset and don't open the door to grief and sadness because God has something better someone better hallelujah come on lift your hands hallelujah thank you lord thank you Lord hallelujah thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father Oh glory glory glory glory glory glory thank you lord father we pray in the name of Jesus that each and every one of us will have a greater awareness of the Spirit of knowing and seeing that we'll be more sensitive to holy spirit-inspired strategies and plans be more perceptive to situations that we find ourselves in and how to get out of them if they're not from God and how to turn them into opportunities if they are for God or from God in the name of Jesus we thank you for it hallelujah give the Lord a good shout of praise amen amen and amen glory to God if you can stay over for the second service please do if not then I'll see you back here next Sunday but come with your faith running high amen you can be dismissed
Channel: Heritage of Faith CC
Views: 7,903
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: HFCC, Heritage of Faith Chirstian Center, Pastor Justin Bridges, Jerry Savelle Ministries International, Spirit of Seeing and Knowing, part 1, pt 1, heritage of faith, heritage of faith cc, crowley, tx, texas, fort worth, jerry, carolyn, savelle, ministries, dr., Pastor, justin, bridges, church, service, worship, kassi, solis, rick, annette, jsmi, hfcc, livestream, live stream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 24sec (6024 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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