Sunday Service || Pt. 2: Days of Glory Part 2 || Dr. Jerry Savelle || Nov 5, 2017

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[Music] good morning everyone and welcome to heritage thank you for choosing to be here with us this morning we believe that God has something special just for you stay tuned and check out all of the exciting things happening with anointed teaching our Wednesday nights are the perfect midweek meal for your faith let's dive deep into the word this week and continue to grow from faith to faith and glory to glory don't forget to join us for pre service prayer at 6:45 here you have the opportunity to usher in his presence and to prepare our hearts to receive exactly what he has in store for us it's time for the holidays and that means lots of family time and lots of yummy home-cooked food this month we'll be celebrating the holidays from girlfriends style at our annual recipe swamp bring your favorite holiday dish along with this recipe and a hungry appetite and maybe just maybe if we ask her with a big smile pastor net will bring us her super yummy stuffing recipe hint hint wink wink what's up everybody if you're in grades 6 through 12 and want to grow in your relationship with the Lord Plus hang out with some of the coolest people ever come to g29 we have an amazing group of youth that not only know how to have a great time but how to chase after the presence of the Lord Sunday Wednesday nights g29 is the place to be we'll see you there young adults we had such a great time last month and we are so looking forward to another awesome night nothing says fall like a night by the fire with a s'more in your hand come spend an evening with friends food and worship this month that y'all if you're graduated in between the ages of eight 35 keep an eye out on social media for more details what a privilege it is to be in such an amazing company of faith we have the best teachers and the best work material around dr. Sibel and missive l have just released brand new books the faithful shall flourish and the power of the blood stop our books throughout the service or visit us online to get your copy today if you're a first time visitor welcome and thank you so much for joining our family this morning see this card we want to get to know you you can find one in the seat back in front of you fill it out and turn it into our first time visitors lounge after service for your special welcome again amen welcome to hair Jew faith how you doing this morning may be everyone stand on your feet I want to welcome here this morning I want to welcome those watching by way of internet and even though they may not be here they're part of our church family as well amen and then it's Alisa invite let's let's welcome our livestream audience amen let's welcome them and give them a hand for joining us and you know we just have faithful people all over the world all over the country that they actually sit down in front of their TVs and and have church with us in and faithfully every week and so it's awesome to be able to to just impact people's homes right where they are and and but we're having an awesome time today it's gonna be great having our founding pastor with us today but as we begin this morning I I want to I want to read a scripture in first Timothy chapter 2 chapter 2 verse 1 says I exhort therefore that first of all supplications and prayers and intercessions and giving of things be made for all men for kings and for all that are an authority that we may lead a quiet and a peaceful life in all godliness and honesty for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who will have all men to be saved and to come into the knowledge of the truth it says first of all you know if I want to start this service this morning by just lifting up our nation lifting up lifting of our president lifting up our city or our local government amen so this is just go to the Lord as we begin this morning father first of all we we lift up our president to you today father as he is as he is going into Asia and and having different meetings on this tour father either thank you for your wisdom father I thank you Lord that that that he has a self-control I thank you that he has he is taught of the Lord I just thank you that you surround about him with people of wisdom and people of character I thank you Father for your hand your presence your your anointing upon him to lead this nation father because it is good and acceptable father it's good and acceptable that people would come to know you so father we lift up our president we lift up our city our state our national government we lift up every nation of the world to you father that there is a visitation happening there is a there's an encountering coming there is a there is an awakening coming father - not just this nation but to the nations of the world so father I just thank you for for manifesting yourself father hallelujah I thank you revival in awakenings across this nation across the nations of the world we thank you Father for even in awakening this morning father that we would be awaken to righteousness we'd be awakened to the plan of God for our lives we'd be awakened to truth we'd been awakened to salvation healing wholeness we'd be awakened to your plan and your purpose being fulfilled in our lives and we just thank you for for your victory that reigns over this place father we give you this morning all of our heart our soul our mind and our strength we give you father everything that we have and father we refuse to hold anything back from you father because even that woman that you met father at the whale that you said there's coming a time that will people will worship you in spirit and in truth so so what you were saying father that that we come to you today with all of our heart or so our mind and our strength and we don't conceal anything we let you into every part of our lives every part of our hearts and and we just give you all the glory this morning we thank you that victory reigns in this place today we thank you that your joy reigns in this place today I thank you that we come up higher today we come over higher in amazing ways father and we just thank you for it in Jesus name give me a shout of praise this morning hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] what's my scene the slate is clean [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Peola [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you've never will you are always fine [Music] [Music] [Music] for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] worship your God has never failed and he never will he's been with you in times when you didn't think he saw but he still loved you he's been there he's my side carry on [Music] so worship you well he's here to receive the praise this is here [Music] [Music] [Music] he's he's favor he's my he's true he speaks true he's speaking truth to us right now today is the day of true [Music] I receive your worship oh yeah [Music] Laurey the presence of the Lord is in this place the Bible says how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about doing good healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him that's one of the great aspects of the Ministry of Jesus healing all who were oppressed of the devil hallelujah if you've experienced heaviness and oppression over the last several days I want you to step out into the out as we sing that again he's never failed me if you've experienced oppression or heaviness step out into the out closest to you right now sing it again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] search between the waters [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you lord thank you Father hallelujah Thank You Lauren voila Makarova cosas de la vez de lima man most rope Rivia kisi to lava come on lift your voice pray in the Holy Ghost hell I got deep robo calls so tell about captain I don't know any other way to extract but there is a righteous indignation that has arisen up in Mead this morning a righteous indignation we fed up with a devil the fed up with a devil hurting and harming and oppressing God's people in the name of Jesus break forth enjoy break forth enjoy [Applause] great fourth enjoy [Music] great Brentford enjoy [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you Father the spirit of joy replaces the spirit of heaviness you can't have the spirit of heaviness on you when you have the spirit of joy on break forth enjoy more than joy right for things [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah someone in here or you have a family member they're suffering from a lung disease who is that who is that come up here very quickly that's fine is it you or a family member it's you take this and put it on your lungs in the oh Jesus [Applause] [Music] in the name of Jesus he made hope Jesus name thank you Father Jesus name Jesus name Jesus met Jesus name halli dude come on continue to worship the Lord [Music] in the midst of praise and worship the enemy is stopped and he is still [Applause] Jesus thank you Father thank you Jesus Oh glory to God hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus [Music] put your hands right here her chest Jesus we made home in the name of Jesus Oh hallelu hallelujah [Music] singing out one more time he's never found me [Music] [Music] [Music] glory to God glory to God hallelujah thank your father there's a stirring stirring stirring in my spirit [Music] we have stepped across into a new dimension we've been talking about it for years we have entered into a new dimension of the glory of God hallelujah you can experience it just as much as you want to I determined I'm gonna be right in the middle of it froze bad I've had a I've had a major stirring in my heart in my spirit over this past weekend hallelujah thank you Father I've been on fire all morning I could hardly wait to get over here glory to God glory to God glory to God thank you Father me children touch somebody next to you and say the healing power of gods in my hands the anointing is in my hands and it's quite possible while I'm touching you it'll flow out of me and into you and remove every burden and destroy every yoke so why don't you just go ahead and receive it hallelujah hallelujah thank you Father thank you Father hallelujah I feel like shouting this morning I feel like shouting this morning [Music] Thank You Lord hallelujah hallelujah Vick Vick run for me son run [Applause] Hey Hey [Applause] Hey Thank You Father alleluia alleluia if a service like this disturbs you I promise you we're gonna get worse [Applause] hallelujah a lady thank you Father thank you Father singing one more time he's never felt [Music] let's see it as testimony to God never never [Music] Halas Blessed Lord this morning Ali we've never failed [Applause] he's not gonna start failing you praise God amen be seated if you can glory to God hallelujah I want to welcome our viewing audience into the service I hope you've been watching at all phrase God and I hope that same anointing has come into your living room your bedroom your car wherever it is you're watching this service and people watching all over the world and I want to welcome our television broadcast our viewing audience from our television broadcast and I'm gonna continue speaking on the prophetic word the Lord's given me so I guess you would call this part two I want to read that word once again now prior to this earlier in October when I went before the Lord asking him about what he want me to focus on in 2018 he said I want you to keep preaching teaching and emphasizing faithfulness and that the faithful shall flourish just as you did in 2016 and then I flew to Alabama to do a meeting on October the 27th and while I was in my hotel room preparing for that service the Lord said this these are indeed the days of my greater glory saith the Lord I will cause it to manifest for all who have remained faithful to me and faithful to my word and I will cause them to flourish and to abound even as I have promised them in my word I will honor their loyalty to me by enabling them to overcome every attack of the evil one somebody shout every attack not just a few but every attack I will enable them to overcome every attack of the Evil One and I will bring them into greater are the greatest breakthroughs that they have experienced the for rest assured that I'm working in their behalf even now and they shall triumph and they shall be victorious and all shall see that I am still the god of the breakthrough and I'm still the God who keeps covenant so lift up your hands and lift up your voices and praise your God the God who is unlike any other the God who blesses all those who have been loyal and faithful to himself the Lord hallelujah so let's do it again lift up our hands and lift up our voices and praise the God who is still the god of the breakthrough say my God is still the god of the breakthrough hallelujah so the Lord said to me that 2018 will be days of glory days of flourishing and days of abounding have we got it up there praise gun so get that into your spirit have we printed this yet so everybody can have a copy of it if not it's we're working on it praise God few Christians realize that God has always been committed to bringing goodness joy happiness prosperity and health to his people that was the primary reason why sent his son to shed his blood and to die the death of the cross one of the most famous scriptures in the Bible he learned it as a child John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son later this same John wrote in 1st John chapter 4 and verse 9 in this was manifested the love of God toward us and what Jesus did at Calvary it was God manifesting his love toward us because that God sent His only Son he's only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him the prior to Jesus going to the cross as you well know mankind was under the Dominion of Satan and that was certainly not the way that God had intended for man to live John also wrote in first John chapter 3 and verse 8 for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil amen that's the reason he came out of love and for the purpose of destroying the works of the devil in our lives we don't have to be under Satan's Dominion in your love whom the Sun sets free is free indeed look if somebody say and thank God I'm free that's what being redeemed is all about he paid the price for our redemption through his shed blood we're no longer under Satan's control now go with me to Ephesians chapter 2 Ephesians chapter 2 when the great letters in the Bible regarding what Jesus did at Calvary what he did in our behalf the love that he displayed and demonstrated in our behalf verse 1 says and you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins the Amplified Bible says and you he made alive I'm not spiritually dead anymore I said I'm not spiritually dead anymore the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death I'm free I'm free and I'm alive how to do you praise God not just physically but I'm alive in my spirit how they do it praise God verse 2 says we're in in times past you walked according to the course of this world according to the Prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience the amplified bible says you were under the control of the demon spirit that still constantly works in the sons of disobedience verses 4 and 5 say but God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he saved us even when we were dead in sins hath quickened us together with Christ by grace ye are saved and the amplified says but God listen to the statement in order to satisfy the great and wonderful and intense love which he loved us with which he loved us the great the wonderful and the intense love with which he loved us he made us alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ did you catch that phrase in order to satisfy the great and wonderful and intense love with which he loved us this kind of love doesn't stand around forever and watch a spiritual outlaw named Satan run over his children attempt to keep them bound limited and restricted so that they can't live the way that God intended for them to live that's not the God we serve and that's the reason he he made the decision to send heavens best His only Son real love doesn't stand around and watch his children suffer I wouldn't do that with my children I don't do that with my children amen uuugh you may have an issue with them but they're my children you may not love them like I do but nothing will ever change my life not only that I will spend the rest of my life proving my love for them and my love language is gifts amen a lot of people it's just words you know and that's fine raise God now I tell him I love him I tell my wife I love her but I also do it with gifts how they do you God so love he gave I've been hanging around God so long I'm acting just like I love I give Holly do you that's that's one of the ways I express my love Carolyn was telling Richard Lindsay Roberts this weekend while they were here in this conference we had that many times when we go on vacation I kind of sneak around and and I watched Caroline when she's at the mall you know now just kind of she thinks I'm in the men's section but I'm hiding and and then sometimes a lot of times I am in the men's section but I'm hiding to watch something that gets her attention if I see her express in any way some kind of attraction to it then I'll make a mental note of that and soon as she leaves that area I go by it and then we'll come back to the hotel and she don't know I bought it and I'll hide it under her pillow or I'll hide it in the closet or sometimes I wait until we start flying back and I've got it in my suitcase now I got it overhead and while she's doing something else I reach up to get my briefcase out of the overhead and she'll think I'm getting something out to read or something and I'll just pull that out and lay it in her seat and she comes back says what's this I love doing stuff like that amen she's the object of my love we've been married 51 years hallelujah amen and she's still the object of my life and you're the object of God's love and he didn't stop giving when he sent Jesus to the cross that's probably the first time we were aware that God's love language is giving but he's still a giver in fact you could never out give him any say Amen so this is what Redemption is all about God showing his great wonderful and intense love so I've learned to do that with my own children I would do anything in my power to get my children free from someone who intended to hurt them or harm them not do anything in my power in fact I might forget that I'm a preacher amen you've never seen the jury Savelle that used to live in this body he would little you mad I didn't take anything off anybody I don't care how big they were my daddy taught me get it too before son bring him down to your level praise God so I don't live like that anymore but if someone was endeavoring the harm or hurt one of my children they would see a side of jury Sevilla they've never seen before I'll do everything I possibly can to hurt him now I'll pray for their healing later my dad my dad was a wonderful man I love my dad he was my best friend from a kid all the way throughout my life and one time we had we were in a service and the entire back like you've got a wall on this one the entire back was all glass you could see out in the parking lot from the pulpit and my dad always liked to kind of set in the back and sometimes he'd just stand to fold his arms just kind of you know view the audience and I was preaching one morning and this guy I've got some mad at me he got up and said something ugly to me and made an ugly gesture and walked out and I'm watching all this people heard it and they saw it but I'm still seemed going out to the parking lot what he didn't know was my dad was following him and I'm watching I'm still trying to preach and I'm watching and I saw my dad grab him by the collar of his shirt just right here and pick him up and set him on the hood of the car and then I saw my dad with his finger pointed in his face and in a little and I'm thinking oh my god he's gonna what is he gonna do and then I saw my dad take him off the hood of the car put his arm around him and walking back in the service and set down with him and a neighbor never took his arm off of that guy's shoulder I got just smiling boy a man holler boy he liked everything I said as soon as the service was over I called my dad up there and he still had his arm around this man and my dad said son and won't you meet my new friend I said dad I saw what you did what did you say to that man he said if you ever talked that way about my son again if you ever make that ugly gesture toward my son again I'll whip you all over this parking lot and then I'll drag you in there and let my son pray for you ailing understand to me you understand me I said dad we can't build a church like that we can't we can't threaten whip everybody they don't like me then I thought I'm gonna make him head Usher praise God training ball dad train them all hallelujah amen my dad was a strong man you know he used to tell me when I was a kid anybody remember that Arm & Hammer soda box that guy you know with he's flexing like this on the front of it my dad convinced me when I was a kid that he posed for that picture if I did something ugly you know or you know hateful to my mother or something like that he'd just come in here say son you see this you don't want any of this I said no I don't want any of that I apologized how to do you amen well no no I'm not as big as my daddy but I got his spirit I think you don't mess with my children you don't mess with my children amen and God don't want you messing with his kids either not you necessarily but the devil so this kind of love that he's talking about he's not going to just stand around and watch his people suffer and not do anything about it so that's exactly when Jesus went to the cross he was willing to shed his own blood pay the price in order that we might be free from this tyrant named Satan and Jesus didn't fail in his mission can you say Amen John chapter 15 and verse 13 says greater love hath this than no man greater love hath no man than this rather that a man be willing to lay down his life for another and that's what Jesus did doesn't it sound like someone who's deeply committed for our well-being it was never his will for us to live in bondage it was never his will for us to be controlled by sin or fear or sickness or disease or poverty or lack or want his will was and still is for us to live like David described Psalm 23 surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life amen surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I'll dwell in the house Lord forever what did we learn about goodness it's one of the manifestations of the glory of God these are days of glory folks I said these are days of glory [Applause] [Music] days of the manifested goodness of God like we have never experienced before amen and how often should we be experiencing it all the days of our lives amen God does something good for me every day I don't know where you folks have been living but he does something good for me every day amen sometimes this big major stuff and sometimes it's small stuff but nevertheless if it's good it's God amen but he's doing something good for me every day that's not to say that I don't have adversity that's not to say that I never come under attack but somehow because God is good he'll make something good out of it and he say then what Satan means for bad God will turn it into something good hallelujah so we are to experience the goodness of God in our lives every day in some way hallelujah the Revised Standard Version says surely goodness and mercy shall pursue me all the days of my life the goodness of God is chasing us down some of you need to stand still and let it come on amen pursuing you all the days of your life I'd like to do this and I travel all the time as you well know but everywhere I go I don't care where it is Italy Sicily Canada wherever it is when I get off that airplane I say blessings if you're looking for me I'm in Canada now come on me overtake me Holly amen Vic here's about ready to go to Tanzania tomorrow hallelujah it's going over there and preaching some of our churches and work with some of the Bible schools Vic I've been speaking over you in the name of Jesus and every day that you're in Tanzania you're going to experience something good amen something good is going to happen to you amen hallelujah stretch your hands out toward Vic and say something good is going to happen to you hallelujah praise God and I might add he said I receive it and that's important receive it praise God receive it by faith so get up every day thinking no matter what you're going through goodness is looking for me goodness is pursuing me how to do it expect it amen in other words God is doing everything he possibly can to get his goodness into your life we were created to enjoy the goodness of God amen I wasn't created to to experience the wrath of God I was created to experience the goodness of God amen throughout the Psalms David talks about the goodness of God God is good he praises him for his goodness amen in fact David once referred to the goodness of God as a blessing in Psalm 21 3 4 thou prevents the word prevent us here means to go before or to proceed he says you go before me with the blessing of goodness hallelujah get up every morning and and expect God to go before you wherever you might be going and he's preparing a trail of goodness when you to follow how that he is Amen you you precede me with your goodness the New International Version says you came to greet me with rich blessings the New Living Translation says you welcomed me with success and prosperity so apparently success and prosperity are characteristics of the goodness of God get that deep down into your spirit that God's goodness is a blessing and that he wants you to enjoy every day of your life can you say Amen lift your hands right now and just thank him for his goodness amen so once again apparently the blessing of goodness includes prosperity and success the Bible tells us in the in Exodus chapter 18 verse 9 talking about Jethro the father-in-law father-in-law of Moses it says that Jethro rejoiced for all the goodness which the Lord had done for Israel I don't think God's people are rejoicing enough [Music] let's try over here I don't think God's people are rejoicing in it you know it it's almost like we observed one time our grandchildren at Christmastime and and you know they'd have so many gifts from from their mom their dad their their aunt or uncle Carolyn and I and and and we always celebrate Christmas New Year's Eve night you know New Year's Eve pardon me Christmas Eve what does say New Year's Eve Christmas Eve thank you sir that's three knees pastor and so we always celebrate December 24th that also happens to be my birthday amen and so we have my birthday first I want to gifts [Applause] we have my birthday first and then we celebrate Christmas and and the kids I mean you know we're extravagant we're we're hell she had a Papa and me were the grandparents to do exceedingly abundantly above all that NASCAR thing and so they got a lot of presents and what we observed was this they'd open one with excitement pull it out their thought decide go to the next one who to throw it to the side and and looking for something else to open when it's all open and there was very little thanks very little rejoicing the same way with God's people you know God gives them a breakthrough have you do you and they forget all about it and then the next time they need another breakthrough they stay down and depressed until something happens God is pouring out gifts but he'd like to receive some thanks every once in a while he'd like to hear some rejoicing ever once around the Bible says once again that Jethro rejoiced for all the goodness for all the goodness how many of you've ever expects the goodness of God have you experienced the goodness of God in some way just in the last few days will rejoice rejoice [Applause] now let me let me say something here and I'm not trying to be critical but if you have a hard time rejoicing in public it's because you're not practicing it in private amen so I'll give you one more opportunity if you've experienced any of the goodness of God in some way the last few days rejoice rejoice Holloway noon rejoice amen amen so we should be rejoicing regarding the goodness of God since God wants it to manifest in our lives every day of our lives then there should also be some rejoicing every day don't don't don't get like children with Christmas gifts just because there's so many of them you just go from one to the other and forget to give things forget to rejoice we trained our daughters that anytime somebody gives them a gift write a note write a thank-you note immediately don't wait three weeks down the road you'll forget it right let them know you're thankful for it that you thankful that they had you on their minds the Bible says the LORD hath been mindful of us he will bless us he will bring increase into our lives don't you don't you thank God that he's thinking about you and not it not a wonderful thought to get up every day thinking that God had me on his mind and he's dreaming up a new way to bless me how do you be thankful be thankful I think a lot of Christians fail to experience the goodness of God primarily because they don't show enough thankfulness they don't rejoice enough it's like spoiled kids hmm touch the nerve their dinner it's like small children let's not become spoiled children David in one of his Psalms declared in Psalm 31 1908 is that goodness which thou has laid up for them that fear they laid up if I say later you know sometimes just like I described earlier were sometimes I had gifts that I'll get for Carolyn you know and I laid them up I hide them somewhere and then I like to spring it on her and see the reaction you know one time Elmo tell her one time years ago back in the PTL hey Dave I used to be a guest on that program from time to time with the bakers and I had flown to Charlotte because they wanted me to come and do a broadcast with them and I checked into my hotel and they told me what time they wanted me to be at the studio so I went over did the program then they they said we'd like to do it another one tomorrow can you stay over I said sure and so I didn't have anything to do that evening so I asked the hotel management there if there was a mall nearby and they told me there was and so I got a taxi and I went to the mall so I'm looking for something special for Carolina and I'm walking around in this department store and I just walked by the the robes and you know night way you call it well I don't want to give the impression it was underwear I would I wouldn't lingerie okay robes and gowns and stuff like that I wasn't looking at underwear okay and some so anyway this I thought this was a one of the most beautiful rogues I've ever seen and it had all this fur on it feathers he she remembers this story well a pin wasit a pin wasit what I know about pin wha was it a 327 or 283 I don't know and so anyway the sales lady was standing there and she said oh that's beautiful I said well it does look beautiful it was it was long and you know it looked like something Loretta Young would wear you know on her television program it was flowing and everything and I said is this something that you would like I'm trying to determine if it's something my wife would like is it something you would like would you like for your husband to buy this for you she said oh if my husband bought that for me I'd be so grateful I can't imagine him buying something that beautiful for me I said then I'll take it so she wrapped it in a beautiful box and you know beautiful box so I brought it home I could hardly wait for Carolyn to open it I thought she's gonna get her 22 and shoot it I mean you know what she opened it and all his feathers and all that stuff she pull it she picked it out and and picked it up you know and looked at it and put it back in the box she wouldn't wear it she started crying it it wasn't what she wanted she wanted a sewing machine well you could have put on that gown and sewed [Laughter] now she she didn't particularly care for it well come on help me out I went to I went to great lengths trying to find you a gift at least say thank you sweetheart for your endeavor don't just put it in a box and put it in the closet and never wear it again we might still have that thing around here somewhere you still have it we still have it and my children and my grandchildren have all ended up playing in it clothes their play clothes yeah I'm still endeavoring to get over this did I get thank you sweetheart knew that was 1981 have I heard thank you sweetheart yet new [Laughter] [Applause] I pardon you a part of me alleluiah some votes it takes a long time to get grateful amen I know yeah so once again getting back to the Word of God and my wife said thank you amen Psalm 31 19 again oh how great is thy faithfulness which thou has laid up for them that feared they the word fear here means to show reverence and respect towards God and notice he's got goodness laid up for people who show reverence and respect for God and that would also mean that there is so much goodness that we have yet to see it's stored up waiting for us I have not seen ear have not heard neither has entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those that love him they meant so there's there's goodness stored up that you and I haven't even seen yet I feel in my spirit we're gonna see a whole lot more of it in 2018 Wednesday hey mere days of glory somebody shout days of glory that's the manifested goodness presence and power of God hallelujah and it's laid up for those who reverence and respect him so once again that would imply that we haven't seen all the goodness that God has planned for us look at somebody and say I'm ready for more hallelujah 2018 days of glory the psalmist said that God has done this before and I believe he's ready to do it again Psalm 6511 thou crown us the year with thy goodness and that paths dropped fatness you crowned the year with your goodness hallelujah one of one of the things that as we keep marching toward the appearing of Jesus we'll look back on 2018 and say that was the air I have testimonies of something that God has done in my life every year since 1969 and I have a great memory Satan tried to take that away from me but he failed praise God I remember the days and places and times when manifestations of God's goodness took place in my life and I will look back on 2018 and say that was the year that he crowned the year with his goodness and his pads dropped fatness that word fatness means prosperity and abundance hallelujah God is leaving a path for us in 2018 and it will lead to prosperity and abundance how to do glory to God somebody give the Lord a good shout of praise Amen now the New Living Translation says the path the pathways overflow with abundance is anyone ready for the overflow no wonder the psalmist promises our proclaims rather in Psalm 107 verse 8 oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness notice this this sounds like a plead it's almost begging men praise the Lord for His goodness praise the Lord for His goodness apparently praising God for His goodness is so important that the psalmist repeats this in verses 15 verses 21 and verse 31 same phrase oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness how could the body of Christ see a principle at least four times and one chapter and don't pay any attention to it it's God trying to get our attention I really truly believe and I've been more convinced in the last couple of days that praise and worship our monument to the greatest breakthroughs we've ever seen in 1992 I was in Liberty Texas and I had a visitation of the Lord it was the second time that that I had experienced a supernatural visitation first one was 1981 Carolyn was in the room with me when it happened but I was in Liberty Texas in a little small motel and I was getting ready to preach for a pastor friend of mine and I believe this was November in 1992 and I'd laid down on the bed there set my alarm so I could take a one-hour nap before I got ready to go in that service and the moment I laid my head down the Lord appeared to me and he said these words he said my people know me as Savior some of them know me as baptized in the Holy Ghost some know me as healer some know me as delivered but most of them don't know me it's the god of the breakthrough he said if they did they wouldn't be so quick to give up and then he said this to me he said you go over there and tell those people and you preach it everywhere you go until I tell you otherwise you go tell them the god of the breakthrough wants to visit their house and then he said this and I'll never forget it I never forgot that part either but he said this tell them that the depth of their praise will determine the magnitude of their breakthrough I've never heard that phrase before never heard anything like that he said the depth of their praise will determine the magnitude of their breakthrough so no wonder the psalmist says four times in one song oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness so perhaps that's what we need to do right now just stop and praise God for His goodness can you do that just lift up your hands and praise God for His goodness that doesn't sound like a whole lot of praise going on to me praise God for His goodness how they do you oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness I'm pleading with you just like the psalmist did oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you Lord for your goodness hallelujah amen be seated if you will did you know that praise and thanksgiving is one of the greatest expressions of faith when you can praise God before it manifests that's great faith amen we should be praising him the moment we experienced the manifestation of his goodness but also we should be praising him in anticipation of his goodness a few moments ago I asked the question anybody experienced the goodness of God in the last few days number of hands were lifted how many of you in here are presently anticipating the goodness of God while praising highly do phrasing in anticipation for the goodness of God hallelujah hallelujah thank you Father thank you Lord hallelujah amen praise God David said in Psalm 145 verse seven they shall abundantly utter the memory of that goodness they shall abundantly utter the memory of thy goodness that's like I said earlier so many people forget so quickly when God manifested His goodness people believed him for a financial miracle God does it and they may thank him the moment had happened but they forget keeping in your memory many physicians of the goodness of God is vital to seeing it again the reason David was able to slay Goliath is before he went out to battle he remembered that this same God had delivered him from the land and the bear and this uncircumcised Philistine will be no different than them see he kept in his memory the goodness of God he brought it up from time to time he writes about he sings about he makes songs about it was the last time you wrote a song about the goodness of God was the last time you allowed a new song to come out of your spirit about the goodness of God I do that a lot in my room and in my room all alone I sing as good as Cassie I got up doing it this morning singing with her on her CD praising God for His goodness praising God for all the times that he's come through for me dear Lord in 40 almost forty nine years I I couldn't I couldn't tell you in a month of services all that God has done for me how many do you but the least I could do is attempt to express my thanks for it can you say Amen hallelujah this is a key to experiencing days of greater glory can you say Amen keep God's goodness in your memory look your neighbors they don't forget the goodness of God now David also said in Psalm 27 13 I had fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living notice and a great trial he says that I would have fainted if I had not believed that I would see the goodness of God in other words he wouldn't have had the strength the fortitude the ability to keep standing in faith if he hadn't believed that he's going to see the goodness of God just like he'd seen in days past Amen that's important so once again we see that that the greatest expression of faith is praise and thanksgiving in anticipation of what you believe God's going to do anybody can praise him after it happens it takes great faith to praise him while you're waiting for it to happen and great faith to praise it when it looks like it'll never happen and great faith to praise Him when the devil screaming at you and it'll never happen we'll just get up jump out of bed dance a jig before the Lord and say just hide watch devil in the name of Jesus he never failed me how to do can you say Amen hallelujah Amen now notice in Psalm 27 where he said I would have fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of thought what was he doing in the meantime while he's believing to see the goodness of the Lord verse 6 therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy I will sing yet I was sing praises to the Lord what was he doing while he's waiting to see this goodness manifest he was praising God before it happened he was singing under the Lord and praising God I'm telling you folks if you want days of greater glory in 2018 you need to spend more time praising God and rejoicing and thanking him and what he's already done and what he's about to do how do you practice praise how they do you amen Psalm 22 verse 3 says that he inhabits the praises of his people he inhabits the praises of his people inhabit means that he dwells in and he abides in our praise in other words he comes down and settles in with us right in the midst of praise and you know what happens when God shows up the enemy is stilled the enemy is stopped every assignment of the devil against you is broken in it wouldn't it be a good reason to spend more time in praise and worship hallelujah amen God shows up in the midst of our praise and where he is his glory is and where the glory is His goodness is he's like American Express he never leaves home without it now let him his goodness always shows up where he is celebrated ooh I like that his goodness always shows up where he is celebrated look you never tell him his goodness always shows up where he is celebrated Psalm 67 verse 5 through 7 let the people praise thee O Lord let all the people praise thee I want you to go to that song I want you to see this some very important principles here Psalm 67 in beginning in verse 5 let the people praise the O God let all the people praise they then next words then anybody say then you know what then means if the people will praise him they'll get a reaction from God if the people will praise him then something happens it's talking about the power of praise then means for this reason soon afterwards something will take place how do you let the people praise you O Lord and then something will take place and notice what he says will take place here he says then shall the earth yield her increase and he and God even our own God shall bless us God shall bless us and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him notice the blessing came after the prayers the increase came after the praise the glory came after the praise the goodness came after the pranks are you getting at this morning now one day most of God's people are not experiencing more of the goodness of God in their life it's not God holding out they're not participating we do our part and God never fails to do his part Holly do you look at somebody say if you just praise Him then you'll experience increase then you'll experience goodness then you experience blessing well why don't you just go ahead and praise Him right now hallelujah hallelujah glory to God and and in this particular verse the word bless means to make happy to make successful to prosper and to cause good things to come into your life holiday if we'll just praise him he'll cause good things to come into our life you want to know why I'm so glad I'm appraiser hallelujah I give thanks to my god I attribute every success in my life to the god I serve how to do without him I'm nothing without him I can't do anything hallelujah I've got the I've got Jehovah I've got it'll shatter help me do you he's on my side Loreena God glory to God somebody shout a little bit crazy this is one of the greatest desires of our Father is to bring happiness success and prosperity and causing good things to come into our life there John - beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and being helped even as thy soul prospers so once again perhaps one of the major reasons one that most Christians are not enjoying anymore of the goodness of God than they are they don't thank him enough they don't praise him enough they don't rejoice in him enough they don't express gratefulness enough can you say then now before I close today I want to remind you again that we have learned that the glory of God is the manifested presence of God the manifested goodness of God and the manifested power of God and we'll keep talking about those things as time goes we've also learned that praise will not only bring the presence of God on the scene but it also brings the goodness of God as well however it doesn't stop there praise will also bring the power of God at work in your life when his power comes then things change even things that seem impossible a great example of this is found in Acts chapter 16 with Paul and Silas having been thrown in prison and it says in verse 25 and 26 and at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises and did you notice the choir wasn't weed with them and the choir director wasn't signal it's all praise to God they did it on their own how often do you do it on your own it's the only time you praise God is when you come to church and Cassie stands up and begins to lead the praise and worship that's kind of like the question how long has it been since you've had a good bowl of wolf brand chili well that's too long do you not watch the commercials I don't watch TV i watch the commercials if you if you only wait to praise God if you only wait to praise God when somebody leads you you wave to them can you say Amen and you remember the story in acts it says the prisoners heard them what's the most amazed somebody heard you praise God well I have a praise in my heart but it doesn't come out of my mouth liar liar pants on fire how did the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks you got a praise in your heart you're not having a problem with it coming out you're having a problem shutting up and the prisoners heard them and suddenly how many of you would like some sudden ease in your life and suddenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were open and everyone's bands were loosed notice praise brought the presence of the power of God and it changed what seemed to be impossible it changed their circumstance and it will change your circumstances how many of you want to see more of the glory of God in your life in 2018 and if you want this word coming to pass in your life how to do it then I encourage you to spend more time praising God praise not only brings the presence of God the goodness of God but it'll bring the power of God and it also disarms the adversary amen several times it's recorded in the Old Testament that God would have the singers and the Prazeres to come up to the front lines when enemy forces were about to attack and God's people were totally outnumbered but what did God say bring those people they don't have any better sense than to praise me anyway bring all in Prazeres up front bring him singers up front and they go to praising God and it disarmed their enemy it can it confounded the enemy Satan don't know what to do with you when you're praising God and he thinks he's got you he don't know what to do when you praise God and and you're in the worst role you've ever experienced praising anyhow plays in anyway hallelujah then you say Amen hallelujah it disarms the adversary so if you truly want 2018 to be a year and what you experienced days of glory then I strongly suggest again spend more time praising your God spend more time rejoicing in the Lord rejoice in the Lord falsi and again I say rejoice and you say then now I'm gonna close it with this now I'm gonna close it with two other things praise broke the walls down in Jericho and it'll bring down every wall in your life and then this this is the thing I was about to say if you have trouble engaging in praise then my suggestion is and what I've done all these years get some good CDs with praise and worship you know what that does I go when I go travel when I and I'm travelled all the time before I ever unpack my suit a toothbrush anything the first thing I unpacked is either my CD player or my iPod with my praise and worship and I have this little external speaker where I can get the volume up a little bit I set that up on the desk in my room and I turn the praise and worship on i saturate the atmosphere because see I don't know who stayed in those rooms before I got there I don't know what they were doing I don't want those spirits they brought in with them hovering over me and hovering in that room and and trying to affect me in my study time in my preparation time so praise and worship stops and steals the enemy that's the first thing I do now this morning because of I was just handed this weekend Cassie's new CD and I'm telling you Cassie the presence of God is on that it brought the presence of God into my room this morning that that song I call you Father see I'm not bringing music in for entertainment a lot of Christian songs are not praising worship there is entertainment written by Christians but the praise and the worship it will magnify God it will uplift the Lord Jesus Christ he gets all the glory you don't walk away thinking wasn't that a good guitarist wasn't that guy you know on those drums outstanding hey that was all part of it but you walk away saying whoo the Lord is good my my my I was I was singing with Cassie for the last two hours before I came to this service in my study singing those songs on that album and when they'd finish I'd turn it over and do it again and then just keep playing keep playing it keep playing it keep playing you need more songs there's only three on there but those three they will they will create the atmosphere and and what I was what I was going to say was this listening to praise and worship I'm talking I'd really praise real praise and worship it's like jump-starting a battery see you could go into your room and you don't feel like praising God you've been through everything you can imagine and their God how is any of this gonna change and what in the world am I gonna do your battery's down and and the two things that will jumpstart your battery spiritually number one is praying in the Holy Ghost and number two praise and worship and and if you're down in your spirit and you're and you're a little bit concerned about whether this is going to turn out well or not and you don't know what you're gonna do take that praise and worship tape and it's like plugging it into your heart it's like connecting it to your heart like a jumper cable and you just walk around in that room and you you lift your hands and in a little while I promise you you will not be able to stop praising God it'll kick in it'll kick that battery in and the next thing you know you're singing right along with them your praise and run along with them and when the record stops the CD stop you just keep right on praise God in fact a lot of times new songs will come out of your spirit and that that you'd never heard before nobody else has heard before hallelujah amen I heard this come out of my spirit one day pass it on pass it on God's love is good God's love is free to everyone pass it on pass it on God's love is free to everyone he died to set us free he lives to whatever their other words were he lives for you and me pass it on pass it on God's love is free to everyone that came out of my spirit and I just started singing it I just started singing it around the room and I sang it over and over and over and one night Russ Taff was with me and he did a song on him he he made a song out of it and I'm still waiting for the royalties hello do you new songs come out of your spirit amen new songs coming out of your spirit jumpstart you battery don't walk around in sadness don't walk around without any joy don't walk around you know all saddened and grief and and oppressed no God has given you the tools that will cause his presence his power and his goodness to show up in your life and what did David say all the days of my life every day of your life can you say Amen I shouldn't have to say this but I'll go ahead and kind of help jump start you jump to your feet and begin to praise God hallelujah Lolita God Oh Rita God glory to God come on give the Lord a good shout of praise hallelujah hallelujah amen amen praise God go back get that CD Acastus is brand-new right sit back in the thing go back and get that how many'd you how many copies did you make 200 well what what they don't buy today I'm taking them with me when I leave Tuesday on a two-week tour and I'm gonna promote it in every Church outdoor valley dude praise God it's good it's good hallelujah Oh glory I didn't how you just spend all day in here today that's how tired I am praise God hey man we got some other things that need to be done though so I don't want to take away from Justin's time so go ahead and be seated if you don't don't worry about my time Lord hallelujah Cassie Lord give a testimony because we were talking about praising the Lord and I remember when my girls were little I lived in Waxahachie at the time and we had a futon did anybody else have a few time and we were just starting out and didn't have a whole lot and it was a good-looking futon but it was a futon and I was done with futons I want two couches and I asked Rick I said Rick we got to figure out what couches this was before smartphones Pinterest so we I made myself a vision but cut out stuff from magazines right and I had two leather couches one was light brown and one was dark brown and it was like that it was the Ashley couches with the what do you call them like they look like bullets kind of what the grommets thank you anyway I went to him and I that morning early that morning was big on me and I said which one do you like the lighter or the darker because I like the darker I was like all right so I put on I put on a CD I have to sturb myself up to you I put on a CD it was Israel and it was the pressed down shaken together you don't remember that song we used to do it here years ago and I just got to doing that and it was his album and Africa that he did in Africa I let that whole album just go I started dancing you guys see me dance up here you know I can't dance very well but I was having fun I started praising the Lord and out of my spirits I thank you God I've got those couches now in Jesus name I just go nuts my little ones were just what they don't remember they were just watching me like what are you doing mama later that day I get a phone call from someone and they say we're at a furniture store buying furniture for our house and I came across these couches and the Lord said we're supposed to buy them for you but I want to make sure they're what you want so will you meet us down there so we were like I was like people of course went down there exact conscious Amen you know you know what I hear dr. Seville saying and these are pertains to our offerings is the fact of of its just honoring God for what he's already done and what he's already established don't let giving a worshipper or giving of your offerings be be something that you do as a ritual it's something out of the overflow of your heart and as we talk about tithes and offerings you know I've heard I've seen these things it's like okay because we're under grace we don't we don't give tithes and offerings if that's your attitude then you're missing the whole point you're missing the whole point it shouldn't be about or what you can get away with because of you what were under no because of because of His grace because of His grace I bring ties I bring offerings I've bent bring out of the overflow and the abundance of what God has done in my life tithes and offerings it's a it's an overflow of your Thanksgiving it's an overflow of your worship you know in Psalm 96 he says sing unto the Lord a new song sing unto the Lord all the earth sing unto the Lord bless his name show forth his salvation from day to day declare his glory among the heathen his wonders among all the people for the Lord is great and greatly to be praised he is to be feared above all gods then it says this honor and Majesty r before him strength and beauty are in his sanctuary now just give unto the Lord all ye kinder to the people give unto the Lord glory and strength give unto the Lord the glory due in his name bring an offering bring an offering and come into his courts worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness now give us fear before him all the earth you know as I've been just praying about my own and our own lifestyle of giving the Lord says get back to a place where you honor me with your giving you know fear you know the fear of the Lord miss Carolyn talked about this last week and it's not about being afraid of God and and one okay I better give to God if not you know then then he's going to do no it's not about that it's just I give because it's just out of the reverence the heart of His goodness I'm just overwhelmed by his goodness and I can't help but bring him part of my life that Thanksgiving is bringing an offering Amen father we just thank you for the opportunity to give this morning and and father we just thank you out of the goodness of a heart out out of just a attitude of appreciation just an attitude of honor and fear in reverence to you Father that we bring just like Abraham did even before tithing was ever a command we we bring out it to you just our offerings and our tithes of Thanksgiving and we just thank you that we will give out have we purpose in our hearts this morning we'll give out of how you're directing us this morning it would be part of our worship this morning and we just bless you with it and we just thank you for your goodness in Jesus name Amen uh sure is that you and recently the offering and watch our announcement video good morning everyone and welcome to heritage thank you for choosing to be here with us this morning we believe that God has something special just for you stay tuned and check out all of the exciting things happen with the anointed teaching our Wednesday nights are the perfect midweek meal for your faith let's dive deep into the word this week and continue to grow some face to face and glory to glory don't forget to join us for pre service prayer at 6:45 here you have the opportunity to usher in this present and to prepare our hearts to receive exactly what he has in store for us it's time for the holidays and that means lots of family time and lots of yummy home-cooked food this month we'll be celebrating the holidays girlfriend style at our annual recipe swap bring your favorite holiday dish along with this recipe and a hungry appetite and maybe just maybe if we ask her with a big smile pastor net will bring us her super yummy stuffing recipe hint hint wink wink what's up everybody if you're in grades 6 through 12 and want to grow in your relationship with the Lord Plus hang out with some of the coolest people ever come to g29 we have an amazing group of youth that not only know how to have a great time but how to chase after the presence of the Lord Sunday Wednesday nights g29 is the place to be we'll see you there young adults we had such a great time last month and we are so looking forward to another awesome night nothing says fall like a night by the fire with a s'more in your hand come spend an evening with friends food and worship this month that y'all if you're graduated in between the ages of 18 and 35 keep an eye out on social media for more details what a privilege it is to be in such an amazing company of faith we have the best teachers and the best word material around dr. Sibel and missive l have just released brand-new books the faithful shall flourish and the power of the blood stop our bookstore after service or visit us online to get your copy today if you're a first-time visitor welcome and thank you so much for joining our family this morning see this card we want to get to know you you can find one in the seat back in front of you fill it out and turn it into our first time visitors lounge after service for your special welcome gift Amen even one more announcement that wasn't on the the amounts of video and that is I believe starting this week in the lobby if not be next week is for Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is coming up and we we have some people in our in our church family that may need assistance during this holiday season and and so what we're doing this year is just we're gonna be purchasing gift cards for meals for us for people within our church family so if you'd like to be a part of that we're gonna be sowing $50 gift cards to a grocery store for to help families within our church so we'd love for you to be a part of that everyone do something if you can't do a whole $50 of her family do whatever you can do but I Joseph will be in the lobby you know to be able to assist you and help helping with that now last but not least today you know we have someone to there's a birthday today and then there's special birthday and I'd like to have Sam Sam come up and come on Sam Sam is our administrator here and and she's an amazing blessing and she isn't she's done amazing things here and and we just we just think thank her for everything that she's done you know it does here on a weekly basis things a lot of times no one else sees and and but thank you for so when you're so in your life here and just just being on our team and thank you for your heart for this church by let's sing happy birthday to her happy birthday [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it's your mom it's your mom and your and your grandmother [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] man I love that I'm getting married hallelujah congratulations and something good has happened to you today [Applause] hallelujah Spectre hands towards their father I just thank you for salmon Matt Lord and I just thank you for your hand on them we know that you have brought them together and father I just thank you as they walk out this time between now and the day that they've set father that your hand would direct them thank you for even bringing provision into their lives to you for this big event father I just thank you Father for your goodness your faithfulness and everything you've done by bringing this couple it's an extraordinary thing and we just thank you for it in Jesus name Amen anyway we love you guys have a great week we'll see you Wednesday night god bless [Music] you
Channel: Heritage of Faith CC
Views: 11,033
Rating: 4.6965518 out of 5
Keywords: HFCC, Heritage of Faith Chirstian Center, Pastor Justin Bridges, Jerry Savelle Ministries International
Id: 8ebUDJH0vcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 35sec (7535 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2017
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