#110 Gorgeous Resin Geode Coasters - 2 Techniques 1 Video!

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foreign hey everyone welcome back to Glitz and glitter I know I swore I was not going to do any coasters for a while because I wanted to get to my Teemu stuff but it's been killing me to wonder if I can mix three colors together with no white in a geode coaster so I'm going to mix this green color rainbow green by eye candy this purple indigo by tetrus I'll link everything below and this blue one and I'm not going to do any white in this one so I'm going to mix up these each hold four ounces but I don't want to fill them because I know I'm going to top coat them with a clear coat and it's easiest to do it inside the mold because we always use the top of the Geo coaster most of the time if the bottom comes out good we can always do the bottom with a clear coat as well so I'm only going to put uh so this would be 12 ounces I'm going to mix up 10. I'm going to save half in clear and then I will mix these three colors in those cups I'll let you know how much I mix I'm just going to kind of eyeball it and figure it out that way because the outside one would need a little bit more than the inside one so I don't want to do them in equal amounts I'm not going to puddle pour it actually I will puddle pour one and see the difference okay cool I'm glad we worked that out together okay I'm gonna mix up some resin okay I split up my colors aren't they so pretty so so pretty I didn't really measure my left five clear like I said this one's got more the purple since it's going on the Outer Edge and these have just a little bit less because with the puddle pour it's going to be a little bit different ratios so that's why I did that and my inspiration for these or this wild peacocks I saw if you watched my video on my channel from Memorial Day we went to this park which I didn't even know I live in Southwest Florida I had no idea that we have wild peacocks but there were a bunch of them there and their tails were so beautiful with these colors in them and I'm like I'm making something with those colors and then I'm like let's see if we could do this geode coaster if this works guys this opens up a whole new game for coasters because I always do one color and white that's it that's all I've ever done the other day I did do a couple colors and they it did work out so I'm just gonna start pouring here instead of talking and two of them I'm gonna do these top two the way I normally do them and then that bottom one I'm going to puddle pour it and see what happens with that so I'm not exactly sure if I'm going to get these evenly poured that way because I have nothing to gauge the puddle pour on um probably a little more and this one I hope they come out good I just never tried multiple colors I don't know why all right so that's is about half I think I only need about a third left so we'll put a little more in here and this one I'm just going to dump the rest in the center make sure you scrape your cups we don't want to waste any there's a lot left in here I will wipe that drip unless I just pour over it instead if you get drips like that you always want to kind of wipe them because you don't know what the other side is going to end up being like and if that one drip screws it up you're going to be upset you didn't wipe it all right next color I'm going to go in with the blue make sure your mic is now I don't measure my mica's I just go to I can't see the stick but make sure you mix them super well because you don't want the powder being like raw powder in there okay so one third of this I would like to put something in the center but if it starts closing in with all this color I have a feeling we won't be seeing the center so I'm not too hopeful about putting any kind of Silver Leaf or glass shards or anything in these because I highly doubt you're going to see the center with all this color and let's see just a little bit more okay now the rest I'm going to put into the center and scrape the cup oh man got some in the purple there I fixed it okay and now the green I'm so excited to see this I really hope this works I hope it works and I'm not wasting all these resin it's probably gonna close but I try not to let that Center close I like to pour the clear in there but it doesn't really make a difference at this point because there's so much color being poured into here and the only thing I do want to make sure is I get them all poured about equally so I can have the same kind of clear coat on top of them all right guys all that's left is let me spray them with alcohol get some of these bubbles out I've got five ounces of clear in here I'm just going to like I said pour it until it's about um equal the only thing is make it as Center as you can or you're going to end up turning them into flowers like I've done in the past if they don't come out Center then I Salvage it by swirling it so just get eye level and see which ones need more they're all about even so I'm going to go ahead and just pour a little bit more in each one and that leaves enough space for a top coat I would do a time lapse for you but unfortunately I can't leave my phone that long tonight so you're gonna have to be surprised tomorrow I'm excited I hope they work I really am so I spray mine with alcohol to pop bubbles so do that you can torch you can use a lighter whatever you feel comfortable with look at that one that's already moving I'm so excited these are going to be so pretty I hope they're going to be so pretty now if I do notice that I can see something in the middle I will come back and get the camera on and throw something in the center but if I see they're closing too much then I'm not going to bother with that all right guys see you in a bit so I decided to get this light blue foil and I will link the foil I got like a thousand sheets for 20 bucks or even less than that on Amazon all different colors so I'm losing a lot of my Blues but they are moving nicely this one's gonna have probably a clear Center this one not so much so I'm just going to take my foil kind of rip it up a little bit but I'm just going to stick it in the center of them because if this one has a clear Center and the rest don't then I want something in there probably not the best way to do it guys I've done it like this before and it worked out okay because I've already cleaned my container and if you want to know how I clean my containers in like a minute there's like a minute and a half video in my description on how I do it so quickly especially for the new ones who are just starting resin you don't have to leave those things sit overnight you can clean them out in just a minute and use them again right away but the best way to do the foil is to mix it up in your left over or intentionally mixing in clear resin but being that I didn't save any resin this is the next best way for me but look at those striations I'm loving the puddle pour I don't even know if you're going to see a difference this has only been about five minutes since I shut the camera off so they are moving beautifully all right and if they're sticking out it's okay because we are going over it with a clear coat and if you don't see them it's okay too it's not a big deal be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you hey guys they are all done and they look amazing I put the top coat on so these are not completely cured it's not been overnight but it's been since this morning so probably about I don't know eight or nine hours I'm gonna get them out of the molds the only thing I do notice the puddle pour gives all three colors a little bit better you could see the blue around the edge of this one that you can't see on the other ones so I think next time I will just do puddle pour because it came out great let's see okay yeah I knew the back wouldn't be anything spectacular but the fronts are gorgeous this one has a little see-through spot because of the clear getting poured in the center which is good that's what you kind of want on the geode how do you like that one give me some color ideas in the comments guys give me some color combinations to try so here's the difference between the two which one do you like better the ring pour or the puddle pour yeah I wouldn't say they're reversible or anything but one little piece up there it comes and this last one and then I'm going to trim them with my gold paint pen and they will be done as most of you know if you're new to my channel I do sell my demos at cost plus shipping if you can use these or know of anybody who would love them for a gift email me at the email in my description page and let me know which one you're thinking of and um yeah I'll get you the cost to make these and then I will check shipping to your area I'm just going to use my Deco color premium Prime Primo pen I love this thing I will just put that in my description as well it's got a nice chisel tip and I'm just going to do one and then um I'll do the rest off camera and get you some end photos there we go so it is still soft like I said it's not been 24 hours so be very gentle if you're not going to be patient but I recommend your patience since you're not making a video wanting to get the video out I also want to thank each and every one of you for watching my videos and for all of you that have already subscribed you are very appreciated if you have not yet subscribed please consider doing so it really would help me out tremendously also leave a comment or give me a thumbs up all of those things help out there we go basically I just put half the tip on the edge to get that it looks really good and I'm going to probably let's see I'm gonna do the sides another time when I can grab this side I don't want to leave a fingerprint here so I'm going to do that later and I will get you some photos in the end thank you guys for coming in today you guys have a blessed day I'll see you soon bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: Glitz N' Glitter By Michelle
Views: 12,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n9lQTa7doB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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