#384 Inlay Your Resin With Cake Molds! Plus How To Suspend Your Glitter!

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hey everyone welcome back to Glitz and glitter I have got something for you today that I have not seen done before so remember the other day and if you didn't see it it'll be linked at the end of this video so make sure you watch it because it was pretty cool so I went in my cake decorating cabinet which is enormous and I was just going through some molds to see if I had anything that I could use for resin and I had found the cakesicle mold the other day so I made those cute little cakesicles out of resin and in the same cabinet I have these These are silicone molds these are made for cakes so you make like cake collars out of these with uh sugar gel mixture so it's a gelatin and then you can wrap these around the cake like that to make these pretty designs and I have these designs in all sorts of different molds this one this was so hard to decide because I have so many of them so you would put your gelatin mixture in here you would let that set up and then you would um pull these out and then put them on your cake here's a couple more I have so many that one's really pretty and then I have this one which has smaller ones so I did a test run and this is resin look at that it came out perfectly I tried it on which one was it this one the most intricate one I tried and this is what came out of the mold so with my little brain thinking and thinking I wanted to somehow incorporate this into resin so what I'm thinking let me get these out of my way there are a ton of them what I was thinking was like a tray of some sort but I wanted a tray I have like a regular big tray but it had the geode edging on it I didn't really want geode edging then I remembered I had this large tray this one is well it's not large but it's bigger than the normal one so the inside measurement is 11 in and by five and A2 so it's a decent Siz tray and I'm thinking we're going to try something new today and see if it works cuz I know it'll pull out of here don't know how it'll do in here so what I'm going to do obviously I'm going to have to trim this which you can do with scissors I'm going to create this into resin I think I will pour a thin layer like put my edging in and glitter or whatever I'm going to do I don't know yet put the edging in a small thin layer embed this into that thin layer like that cuz that will be upside down let that cure so it doesn't move or float and then fill it up and what I'm thinking of doing I still have to measure this with water to see how much it holds so I could split it into two I think I'm going to paint it with gold M powder this is my metallic powder and do like really glassy colors use black my black epoxy for the back so just be real simple yet elegant so that's what I'm thinking if this comes out good you guys please give me comments because I have so many more to use of what color combinations you think would look cool it it doesn't have to be this big tray but it could be something smaller um or bigger depending on what you have or give me ideas what I can inlay these things into other than a tray cuz I don't know I'm like going blank here so first I'm just going to grab brush real quick and we're going to get started by painting this mold with my mici powder so just like any other mold just because it's made for cakes doesn't mean we do it any different so we'll just zoom in a little bit here and I'm going to do these two pieces because I don't know if I'm going to use them or not so I'll just do them since I'm doing it anyway and if I use them I use them or I can save them for another project so I'm just going to just paint this whole thing well the inlay [Music] sections and then I'm going to mix up probably an ounce and I I was going to mix up the black epoxy to back it in um but I'm not sure I think I'll do I don't even think it needs doesn't matter what color it would be so I could either just do clear and it'll probably it'll still come out metallic or or add white I don't know I'm not sure I don't think it's going to matter [Music] honestly so okay yeah just get everything done I don't think it matters if the sides get done cuz I don't think you're really going to see the sides of it but this stuff goes a long way I will link everything I'm using in the description box just like I always do in case you guys want to try any products it's an easy access to get to them so you don't have to go search in the web trying to find out what I'm using and then once I have this all covered I'm going to just take my little fat blush brush and I'm just going to kind of get all this extra powder out as much as I can just so it doesn't make a mess when I pour the and the way I spread it in here is I used a I think they're called I don't know if they're made for makeup I got it in the makeup section at Dollar Tree but that little silicone makeup brush type thing that's really wide at the end I don't need to do that end because pretty sure this is going to be cut off so yeah I'll show you all those brushes here in a second as soon as I get these painted [Music] all right so that's done so this is the brush I'm just going to kind of brush this all out over my garbage can so I can get all the loose dust out but this is the one I was talking about and I just took the resin cuz I did that test piece and I just kind of flattened it in here and let it cure so I'm going to do that and leave it on the heat mat so it can cure really quickly so let me get it cleaned out get some resin mixed up I'm so excited I hope this works right here is 1 oz and I just added a drop of my ocean white pigment paste cuz I don't know I think the white might make it Golder gold Golder I'm using my Fast cure res today for this part probably not for that part but this one's nice and thick and should stay in its place so I'm just going to start with the big one because I definitely am using the big one and I'm just going to take my little applicator thingy here and squish it into all the little crevices and let it cure and then we'll pull it out hopefully in one piece I have not tried this mold but if the very intricate one worked then I don't see why this one won't work now I do go several different ways because you could see like little areas that it doesn't get into so just kind of move your your brush several different um several different ways so you can get it into all these little holes [Music] so once you're getting it to the full stage drag it across so you're not going to have any trimming to do and get it nice and level and 1 oz was way too much but that's okay we're going to use it for something else just didn't [Music] know so since I have a lot of white left over I'll figure I'd show you if you guys have not yet seen me do it I'm going to Marble I have this mold of seashells going to Marble the rest of the white and pour some seashells so I always use cast and craft you need to use a very deeply pigmented pigment if you're doing it in white one drop if you can only do one drop sometimes two falls out so one drop into your white take your stick just kind of mix it little bit not all the way then pour it without drizzling it if you know what I mean so just pour it into your mold and you will get a beautiful marble effect let's do I need a small one I don't know if I have enough let's try um we'll do this one you don't need to fill them up either it doesn't matter then I will show you a bonus technique today I'm just going to spray it with my alcohol if I could find it not that it matters it's the back all right we're going to let everything cure be right back everything is cured you guys I took these out look how gorgeous they came out so pretty I love the marble effect you guys there's the backs but the fronts came out beautiful now let's try to get this out of the mold I did peel up a corner but it was really warm still I did turn my heat mat on so I'm just going to practice on the Disposable one if it doesn't work I'm just going to like push my fingers on the back of it to pop it out instead of pulling on it so a lot of this extra did come off with it but it looks like it's going to just peel right off because it's it's so so so thin from wiping it that it'll just come right off there and that will be easy enough now this isn't warm anymore so I let it cool down that's why it's just going to crumble right off so I'll take a a little tiny knife or something go through all there get all those pieces off but look at that a nice little resin inlay I'm so excited I don't know why I didn't think of this a long time ago with all this stuff that was in my cabinets so I'm just going to pull this one out pull the big one out slowly it's a little bit warm but I think the warmth will actually help it not break cuz I'm thinking if it's really cold it might just crack um yeah again I'm just going to push it up from the back I'm not going to pull it out very gently and then I will put you on a pause while I get all the little garbage pieces out from in between I don't know that there's any way to avoid those little pieces I did wipe it down with a paper towel on top as well but I didn't want to wipe any of the resin out so I didn't do that too [Applause] much so it will take a little bit of patience just to clean this up a little bit but I think it will be worth it in the end what do you guys think now I bought these molds years ago I'm not sure I can link them but if I can't I'll find do something similar I did it there it is it is out oh my gosh you guys look at that so I think even if it's cold and not flat I think I could warm it if it needs to be warmed to try to manipulate it into here so now I just have to figure out after I clean it let me clean it and then we'll see what pieces we want to use so I figured I'd show you what I'm doing so you don't have to guess I'm just taking my craft knife xacto knife and on the really loose Parts I'm just kind of running it in between but in the big pieces I'm kind of pulling it down so I don't cut off a piece you know what I mean but these little ones it's going to take a little time but you know me if I want something done I'm going to do it one way or the other so just you know put some music on whatever you're going to do turn the TV on and clean [Music] away [Music] it's time for the Moment of Truth so I trimmed it I cut off let me move this I'm just draining my mixed resin in here I cut off this edge here with these little snippers and it come came off really easy and I did it on both sides so I just kind of put it in the center where I wanted it and then I marked it and and then I cut it and then I decided I will use these let me move this out of the way I think I'm going to use these here now these are upside down because I didn't want to forget and put them the wrong way so they are upside down right now you're seeing the white side um this is the correct side so I decided I mixed up this holds 13 Oz by the way this is a pretty big tray and 8 oz covers the surface and then I will do the rest with the black when the surface is cured but I wanted a glittery Edge I need to grab a cup cuz I mixed up 8 oz I'm going to put four in here I'm going to start off with four I guess little more because I want my glitter to stay suspended and I'm going to use my crown of gold which is this one I thought that would look really pretty along this Edge uh but it's heavy cuz it's chunky medium mix so I do need to put some glue our little glue trick where's my glue right here couple drops of glue into my resin I need to move these out of the way so I don't get glitter all over them whoops and um get the edge poured I'll set these or I'll just get the whole thing poured I guess I'm hoping my glitter doesn't come up and out I should probably make it extra thick today uhoh what happened it's not coming out for some reason oh started to come out okay one two start with three drips now this is going to turn into a really thick gloopy consistency which is what we want see how it changed it's like hair gel really thick hair gel and I want it really thick and hopefully maybe I'll do even one more just do one drop at a time if you're new to doing this technique I've done it several times now so I kind of know what I'm looking for and then I'm going to pour a bunch of my glitter in I might transfer this to a paper cup actually because I won't be able to squeeze it on the edge and this should hold the glitter the only problem I'm thinking I might have which I shouldn't have mixed up 8 O of resin I'm hoping when I pour the clear on the back of it that it's not going to move my glitter onto the back of it so yeah I'm not sure what's going to happen I'm just going to put this in a paper cup kind of have to slice it off cuz it's so thick and so this way I can like pour it along the edge and you will have to definitely coax it down because you don't want to end up with big air bubbles and packets because of how gloopy this is it's not just falling directly to the bottom like it would if it was regular consistency resin I hope I didn't mix up too much glitter I mean I didn't know how much it was going to take and I probably did see how thick that's coming out it's just holding together as I'm pouring it and I'm thinking um let me get it down in this down inside real quick let me find a tool here I use a silicone tip tool and I'm just going to kind of Wiggle It Down get rid of any bubbles that might be holding it back that could be part of the problem cuz I think I should have used more than I've used but I don't know if it's going down all right so I've only used about 2 oz so I'm probably going to be short on resin I might be making a lot of extras with this and then mixing up extra resin all right oh whatever live and learn right now I'll know um actually I'm going to pour this first I'm going to pour this maybe it'll be okay I don't know what I don't want to happen is my um glitter coming up over this Edge but I guess we're going to find out this could be a fail but it's a partial success at this point so mark that down it's a partial success with my little inlays let's see and I just want barely because I need some space to put the black behind it you can't embedd it in Black because you won't see it so I definitely want enough I hope I don't have to mix up 1 o oh wow that just covers it but look it's already moving it's going to move guys crap there's no way to stop it so the only way to stop it was to pour this Edge cure it and then do what I'm doing now so because I've already done it it's too late we're going to end up with [Music] some with some glitter around the edge it's going to pull into the center I hope it doesn't look too bad I hope I don't lose this whole inlay so I'm just basically pushing it down below the surface where I can it's probably going to lift but I think it'll be okay enough to put the black in over it I guess we're going to find out I am the guinea pig there's the one here's the other hopefully these don't move try to get them as even as you can you guys know I don't practice this stuff before I come on here so we're basically learning together there was no way I wanted to take the time to practice this I was too excited to try it let's see let me grab another stick just going to get all this clear out since it's moving anyway so I only used six ounces of resin and then glitter obviously took up some space but not that much space glitter doesn't usually take up much space so we're going to have an invasion of glitter which is fine I guess but it's not what I wanted maybe I'll just sit here and babysit for a while I'm going to turn the heat mat on to get this going quicker hopefully what I'm hoping that there might that there's no air bubbles underneath this actually what we could do is lift it and put it back down that way it's kind of coated and if maybe maybe that'll help any air bubbles come out I'm not sure that or I'm creating them I don't know I don't know we're g to find out together I hope it's not a disappointing demold with all this work let's see let me grab some alcohol all right I'm going to find something to do with the extras and I will be back after I babysit it is cured already it's only been like an hour but it's good enough to put the back coat on so I mixed up 6 o of my black resin the pre black resin um and it should be enough I mean if it doesn't Dome it it doesn't I put the rest in this mold here make some little extras with the gold hopefully there was a little bit um of glitter that moved but not more than you already saw so actually it wasn't that bad it might just be enough to see that it was a mistake and this was perfect so yeah I used I think well I could probably put another ounce in here if I really wanted to but I don't I'm not going to worry about it so it was a total of 12 oz and it it held 13 domed so it just won't be Dom that's all I will have to trim it so I am just going to scir with some alcohol pop some bubbles put the cover back on it I still got the heat mat on and we should be demolding in like an hour so this is exciting this whole project in one day can't wait it is cured look at how glossy that black is these are ready too let's pop these out first keep the suspense these are from my uh cake fondant molds so I haven't used these yet but they look shiny I have a little trimming to do because it kind of was lopsided but not too bad actually can't really see I mean I guess I could brush in the lines of that shell just kind of testing this one out to see what what's going on although the glitter doesn't help either makes it a little too busy can't really see all the indentations of the shells with the [Music] glitter not bad I'll trim them up do something to them make them presentable let me get these out of the way because I don't care about those all right here we go it's still warm hopefully well look at that the Glitter has stayed suspended you guys I just love that glue trick it works every time I'm trying to be super careful because it's very very warm and very bendy and I hope my inlays are enclosed in the clear resin they should be I don't know why they wouldn't be all right little piece to chop off are we ready oh look at that I'm not happy about this stupid glitter but I know it won't ever happen again cuz I know what to do now what do you think think of all the color combinations or maybe this way I think that's that should be the top and this should be the bottom I like it and you know I don't say that very often I don't like the stupid glitter but I do like the idea that um I can use all those cake molds in here give me some ideas you guys what can I put this stuff in other than a tray there's got to be other things I could do with it you guys have the best suggestions ever I try to remember them all but I can't can't all the time I just love this I don't know if it's the colors or I don't know what do you think oh wow it worked it actually worked all right that's it for today that is today's experiment gone right almost right it went 90% right all right you guys stick around I've got some pictures of this for you you guys all have a blessed day thanks for stopping in and hanging out with me again [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Glitz N' Glitter By Michelle
Views: 38,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JwWWVsZrraU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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