911 Called! 14,000 Square-foot Building Burns To Ashes Update! #Grimesfinds

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[Music] [Music] all right guys welcome to an all new episode of grounds funds uh ones that y'all usually click out of but don't click out y'all y'all stop doing that you're so mean another thing that y'all like to click out of videos at my house uh thrift videos and when i talk about jesus christ so let's talk about jesus y'all look at all of these bibles hey down in the comments let's give a shout out to cottonwood creek in allen texas that's our church home i messaged him and just said look we're out of bibles we ran short and like yo within like 30 minutes they already had us like basically set up with almost 100 bibles so you know the dang deal if you need a bible email us at grimesvines gmail.com with your address and if you don't have a copy of god's word we'll send you one for free hey check this out y'all i keep getting comments like hey man you need to keep that jesus stuff man for another channel i just want you to start another channel it's a problem with christianity these days everybody wants to compartmentalize things if you know jesus you can compartmentalize mentalize jesus you just can't do it that you can't do that if you're really living for god you can't separate it so no i won't be starting a second channel with jesus stuff staying here with me and you check it out like even if you're not a believer and you came in here and some so-called christians started attacking you guess who's showing getting shown the door the so-called believer i just don't like meanness period i don't care what color you are what religion you are i don't care any of that you're welcome here as long as you're nice and i'm not gonna force feed you my religion i expect the same respect don't come on my channel you know trying to force force me into something because i don't force you to know you can go find another channel [Music] yeah look out here's all the comics that we bought at the garage sale and i really didn't show y'all any of them i did uh we're just gonna i don't think we looked at him oh hey guys that might be a key issue i don't know um hey man you broke the voice out early oh it's broke i think that might be a key issue is it no that's not the first uh death lock no i don't remember uh i don't know something and he's already nightwing in there so look there's all these there's flash there's like fantastic four he said he didn't go through these i actually kind of believe them because they look like still how i sold them yeah uh five years ago when i sold them these you know was it that long yeah how do you how do you not sell four boxes about comments in six years you need to step up your game okay so check these out these are all older uh iron man they're in very good condition uh 90-95 so look they're kind of in order oh there's some x-men but what we'll do 98 so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go uh i'm gonna put these in the next auction a lot of you been asking how the auctions work a lot of you say you don't do online auctions that's really wild with the with it being 2021 and after the rona you think that there's nothing that people wouldn't do online but so check it out all this stuff we're gonna get this area picked up gina just got the shipping done for the last auction that's actually stuff that i started lotting and just didn't get to so we have a full truck we're gonna get that unloaded we started buying these these uh portable racks that way i can kind of roll them out there uh put this stuff on here like lot stuff on top of them so but i need about six more of these i'm gonna replace these black shelves and then we're gonna get this whole place even more clean than it is but believe it or not this is pretty organized for after an auction after this at the end of this video we should be all set up all road up everything allotted and we're gonna show you a lot of the items that you have not seen all right so check it out look at this all right so i got the snap tool in from scrap and pallet man he uses it to get heavy stuff on the truck i use it to clean my garage i don't think it worked all right y'all we're going to pop in and out of the video just because i want to do a better job of showing you like kind of how we set up our auctions and so because y'all know i'm an advocate for high bid i don't like ebay there's too many individual um transactions for me uh so anyway so check it out so i'm just kind of lighting stuff up here you know these are separate lots of comics i'm doing all the iron men in one big lot and then there's a bunch of teen titans down there that's going to be a big lot so what i do is i turn this sideways for gina that way when she comes to it she knows that these are separate lots and then like we've got some redline hot wheels some of the gold coins and so i put those in individual bags for her just so she knows that it's an individual lot and like see the records how i kind of i turn them like this way that way so that's so she knows each stack is a lot so anyway i love these rolling shelves so what i'm doing is i'm going through some of the boxes here um just kind of lot and stuff or if it's trash getting it out of the way and so this will all be pretty much lot ready look here's some comic book lots each stack is going to be a lot and like so like if she's moving a lot of stuff i try to put stuff like this because salt and pepper shakers like i know i'm not going to get like 100 bucks to set but you can probably get 15 20 bucks a set if they're cool and these are cool so but i don't want her to have to keep grabbing individual things so like i try to put like small lots in here so she can take it over here later and do her thing on the photo booth so anyway i try to make it as easy as i can for her so but look at all this this is like all one lot this is all the barbie stuff so i went through here and all the furniture that was like tour broke stuff i threw it away uh kept all the clothes the barbies are actually in here but because they are missing their latches like on these like these are cool but let's be honest like they're missing their latches you know what i mean and so i decided i'm gonna make this all one big lot if it was in better condition i would have done each case individual and all that stuff but look you got to be realistic about what you're selling so that's all one lot you all have records here i got records we have records i got silver i got record in tubs so i'm about to go through these and i'm gonna go ahead and lock these uh i've got this rolling shelf so what i like to do is you'll see like this so i put this this is new in the box it's a it's a south park rc car it's kind of cute it's kind of that's cute uh so look i have two of these so you'll notice i put one over there and then i went ahead and put one over here because i don't want to run those back to back in the auction you know what i mean you know so because you'll just get less per piece so i kind of like to try to hide my doubles in the back of the auction that's a little tip that probably made no sense to something y'all so what i mean is like if they're scrolling and they see two and two people come up on it they're gonna be like oh i'll bid on that one and then the second guy comes along he's like oh well i'm not gonna bid on that one because there's one right there with not a bid so i'll bid on that one so if i can put one in the back of the auction i'm telling y'all my secret so if you watch my videos you're getting the insider tips i always check the back of the auction because i'm hoping that guy one comes in a bid and then guy two comes in and gets feisty and bids on it before he sees the second one in the end so they get in a bid in battle and then they get it up to 20 bucks and then the second guy goes oh there's one in the back all right y'all so we set up a table uh we start so this is one of the boxes we started unwrapping in one of the videos so this was the remainder of the boxes like you just got cute little stuff in here little just little miniatures these are real cute y'all oh well they were cute look they're little glass fruits and stuff and there's baskets for them uh look gumball machines so remember we do have that vintage dollhouse like that you build a wood one that's brand new in the box so what both of those big things were all of this y'all i just looked up one it was like christopher something actually let me just show you i think it's still on my phone uh but y'all some miniatures they go for a lot but so i'm going to give you all a chance to win a lot of money or to make a lot of money for reseller so anyway let me find that little set um so i just put miniatures but like that's christopher white whitford dollhouse look that plate set sold for 1440 bombs y'all so anyway look that whole box was all this stuff so me and gina have been sitting here like real carefully like i'm wrapping all this stuff is that careful is it he's doing it for comments y'all i'm just kidding what all right so but look it's all of this stuff but anything chipped or anything we'll try to pick out if we notice it yeah i've thrown away the broken things but so look here's like kind of some of the other stuff so i might take some of these dishes out here i don't know how i'm a lot of it yet y'all but i'm gonna check some of this uh some of you are cringing right now ready cringe cam i'll carefully unwrapping all this stuff okay y'all i'll see that one's broke and i did not do it it was on film rewind it wasn't me i'm paranoid ever since i dressed up like a rabbi people don't see me uh i feel like they see me differently nowadays so anyway there's that all right y'all so we are done with the truck we have completely gone through the truck and got everything off the truck that we want to sell which is like in a big mass right here and we got to show you because you've seen not even half of it um i know you've seen these but let me just tell you so part of what we do is like we're trying to build up our buyers on our auctions for clothing these are the vintage logo seven dallas stuff okay so what we're about to do is go through all of this and start putting it on the shelves in its lots uh let me see if i can what was some of the cool stuff we just found i feel like we found some good cool so we found a lot of jerseys tiffany oh yeah y'all i never found a tiffany bowl i gotta look that up we gotta do that with them right now y'all look this is a botanical made in portugal exclusively for tiffany and co 1996 let me look this up all right so i just found it well i just pulled one up on ruby lane.com i don't know how legit ruby is so don't take my word on her but she's got one up for 73 bones but y'all that's why i'm telling you you got to go through the kitchen box i know sometimes you'll be like oh that's just junk in there i want to go through dishes but you find stuff like this found the cast iron i know i found some other good dishware in there i felt like oh yeah jadeite mixing bowl that's vintage for sure that is that's cool it almost looks like a shaving thing i found this old peter peter rabbit bunnykins bunnigans yeah that's really cute that's cute let's see what else over here we might have found there's that old we're gonna wash that uh there's the texas tech stuff uh i don't know if i showed them any of this stuff i don't think we did yeah look at all these little miniature like crystals crystal figures that have the tags on them like geo slabs like that's a pegasus or is it a unicorn it's a unicorn he's got a corn he's got corn on his head oh yeah hey look check this out so one of y'all hey thanks i would have looked this up the cool thing about it is is like i look stuff up or if you do the right marketing for an auction and you don't know what something is you'll find out real quick if it's valuable if you do the right kind of marketing because people fight over it but so this right here i said in the video it was definitely mcm uh but somebody knew this brand you know i looked these brands up sold pricing sold pricings this is new old stock like the ice bucket still on the plastic everything but these go for like anywhere from like this kind of set like from selling 250 to like seven 800 bucks a piece i didn't look up this specific one but as soon as i saw your your comment i looked it up and i was like sure enough they're right man that's like a two three hundred dollar set and look like junk all right y'all so look i found that's a cute shirt she had a lot of good shirts where'd you put all those jerseys and stuff over here did you yeah let's see y'all she had a lot of jerseys so i went through every one of those tubs you know that's like a buccaneers hoodie it's kind of neat um this is a cubs jersey stitched oh that's nice yeah right there it's a majestic it was a rizzo uh this is kind of killer y'all i know i like that i'm not cool enough to wear it yeah look that's adidas got that three stripe like i just i dig that here's the tag on it if you want to see the tag on it do they put years on that stuff i know so anyway that's kind of killer so that'll be an auction all their lots lots start at a dollar y'all uh this is some of the military stuff i've got to go through um oh what is this arthur you know the arthur what is arthur what you know arthur i know who i know is he is no he looks like an armadillo without a shell but i've never seen arthur nekkis so here's another jersey nba jersey booker phoenix she did have a lot of clothes y'all is this the donation one i think this yeah that's a donation one okay that's donation the rest of that is but that stuff's not all right y'all before we finish up in the garage i wanted to show you this real quick this is that macbook air that we found so it does charge it looks like everything's good so gina's gonna wipe this as long as everything's good we'll throw this in there look we got the charger so that will be in here a quick update because half you freaks are going to be like hi man what's going on man why is justin selling his toys check it out y'all so i fixed up this room we're turning this room behind me into the new youtube studio like the whole room we're putting a table in here we're mounting cameras for different angles because we're going to start doing just some some new kind of videos we'll still do all the resale videos but we're going to do some really cool videos too and like we're really going to up the production so check it out most of the stuff on the shelves in here i'm about to sell it why because when i look at that thing like i want you know when you see something like let me say for you guys like you know back to the future like that's new but that's nostalgic to me i'm not getting rid of my ninja turtle poster i've had that forever you know trolls i might keep some trolls but some stuff i did so i put this together for the news thing so we're still gonna do this kind of theme but we're gonna up our equipment i said but like a lot of this stuff like just like i look at him like oh yeah that's cool but it doesn't like it's not like nostalgic does that make sense like when i look at it like i want it to be nostalgia overload like my buddy you know what my buddy is his sister you know what i mean uh my pet monster uh glow worms like i was on my car i was like man i'm gonna deck this thing out so i'm gonna sell all this stuff take the money of this and i'm gonna buy stuff on makari facebook uh if you've got stuff like 80s toys for sale e-mommy grimes me gromsfinds gmail.com let me know what you have maybe i can purchase from you um that would be awesome but those are some of the things i'm looking for uh like ducktales darkwing duck you know what i'm talking about like mr like the baby potato heads muppets man i love muffin babies so anyway that's what i'm gonna do so except the batman i got that like gina got me that for christmas one time or my birthday uh this is new i'm keeping this because i just love that yeah this is nostalgic look he's got his cool little hand look his hands disappear so but you know like stuff like this like i'll group like some of this stuff but i don't like this this stuff ain't no stall i'm keeping penny baby penny that's nostalgic to me i love baby penny um but you know like there's just all this stuff like it's cool like nwo like that was that was bad you don't remember that when wwf and wcw started going after his wild but you know there's stuff i keep the blockbuster because blockbuster's nostalgia to me like even the gi dell and stuff like i love gi joe but i want like a small like graded carded figure like not a snake eyes that would be expensive but you know like uh sergeant slaughter that would be the bomb.com so anyway like this kind of stuff like i like old wood pull toys you know like this charlie brown this charlie brown is cool what year was this 19 hey guys i can't find a date uh i'm gonna bet that's 60s wouldn't you you think so i think yeah it looks 60s 70s but so anyway so a lot of this stuff [Laughter] you're not supposed to put a heavy book on the top of the shelf man that's the marine book the marine book i'm keeping yeah then check it out but like even the m m like that's not just it's not me so anyway y'all get my point so any of this stuff on here i'm about to sell it in the next online auction and then we're going to redo it get it ready because we are going to do the once a week lives but y'all when we go back to lives like i'm telling you we're going to have like it's going gonna be the bomb.com y'all so hey check it out if you see something you like it's gonna be in the dollar auction all right y'all so we are we're a little backed up but um so anyway i want to update you real quick if you haven't seen the community post so unfortunately i was going to do something i didn't want to just because it's been a year and two months since the building burned down and we turned in the insurance claim uh or a year and two months since we turned in the claim and not one of our clients that had stuff in the building um has been paid out like for the stuff that was left over so uh anyway hey thank the lord we got a call like we spent an hour on the phone almost with uh one of the managers of the insurance company corporate office and so uh i think rob lunkers and [ __ ] i think they both got calls today uh since they were the ones that were not being dishonest i did ask that they get moved to the front of the list because honesty will get you everything so anyway so that's the update on that so look this is just like some stuff we got a lot out the tiffany bowl stuff like that but the truck is full of trash but i mean don't be judging us y'all we're resellers so look but you can walk circles around here so next time you see this garage this will all be lotted out i got to go through stuff i still got to go through some of this but the shelves will be all nice and beautiful in here y'all and they'll have all the stuff spread out look we got so many cameras i know we still got those really nice cameras and one of these boxes over here from that unit oh yeah so anyway hey follow the hybrid link down the uh the hybid link is in the details of it or in the it's in the description of every video every video so go check that guys out all of everything you've seen today and over the last two almost two weeks we'll be in the auction tomorrow night starting a dollar no reserves we got gold we got collectibles we got aunties we got clothes we got everything baby so just just be there
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 10,500
Rating: 4.9260969 out of 5
Keywords: 14000, 2020 distruction, 911 call, Grimes Finds Storage, Grimes Finds Storage Unit, Jeremy hales, Police called, building on fire, business burns down, disturbing 911 calls, grimes finds, grimes finds auction, grimes finds wife, jeana grimes, justin grimes, lil red heidi hood, mind seed, sd guy, storage unit auctions, storage wars clips, storage wars fight, storage wars fights, storage wars full episode, what the hales
Id: GhoXBZ50mQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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