3 Horrific Stories that happened while Playing Fortnite

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I'm sure by now we all know what fortnight is I had known about it for the longest time but I never actually played it until my friends basically forced me to download it and play with them they wanted to play in squads which is what it's called when you play in groups of four my four friends were Evan Xavier and Braxton Evan was hands-down the best player and basically the initiator of this group match Xavier was the second best then there was Braxton Braxton only spoke on his headset when he was in trouble or needed help Evan Xavier and I on the other hand just goofed around and talked the whole time the two of them did their best to explain how to play to me over the headset anyway none of this really matters I'll skip ahead to the important part Evon stop talking and there was a good 10 seconds of silence then Evan it was leading us from one point to another stopped dead in his tracks his character just stood still for a while Xavier turned on his headset sounding annoying telling Evan to move his character still just stood in place and haven't said nothing but according to the screen Evans mic was making noise and I could hear background noise that seemed to be coming from Evans mic Xavier Braxton and I were all telling Evan to move or we ditch him but we all dropped silent when a horrific almost painfully loud screaming came from Evans mic it wasn't like he was screaming into the mic it seemed like Evan was somewhere in the background of the room then a door slammed shut in the background and the three of us were left not knowing what to say or do I told the two of them I'd call Evan immediately and turned off the console I tried calling him five times he never picked up though so I decided to drive over to his house which was two minutes away I got to his house and so on no cars in the driveway but the front door was open and the lights were on throughout the house I let myself in screaming Evans name and then screamed back from somewhere upstairs I followed the sound of his voice right up to the loft bedroom where I found him hiding under the bed he told me to hide I told him to get out from under the bed and tell me what happened he said there were someone in his bedroom he would speak in very limited sentences for the longest time until he calmed down and would finally explain in detail as Evan was playing fortnight with us he felt the tap under his bed he pulled the cloth material that covered the sides of the bed up and looked under the bed and saw a grown man hiding underneath that's when he threw his headset on the bed and screamed as he backed into the corner he says the man emerged from under the bed as Evan was still paralyzed in fear in the corner screaming then the man walked straight out the bedroom door and that was the last we ever saw of him at that moment he didn't know if the man was still in the house or not so he called the cops not knowing what else to do when they showed up we didn't know what to expect from them two cops actually showed up the male officer went inside of the house and looked around while the female officer stayed with us outside with a small pocket notebook in her hand writing down what Evan described to her and just like that the cops left I stayed over Evans house that night just to make him feel better we all still play fortnight together I'm much better now I've never been a huge fort night person but all my friends have been for a while I always feel like I'm being left out when they're it's saying to jump on fortnight and such yeah I've played the game a few times and I get the gist of the gameplay and whatnot I'm just not good at the game so one Monday night I hopped on the game and played alone just to practice I did that over and over and over and so I started actually getting pretty decent at the game then I started to play the game with other players not my friends just random people online I played a game of duos meaning with one other person on my team his gamertag was Bob Rockets 16 or something like that with a few extra C's and ease or whatever I didn't write it down we lost the game think we ranked like number 20 after the game was over I got a personal message from the guy saying he thought I was really good and that we should play again it was weird because really I didn't play too well at all that game nevertheless I played another game with him this time he turned on his microphone and was trying to talk to me I don't have a gaming microphone so I couldn't talk back I could only hear him through the TV speakers based on his tone and what he was saying he seemed to be getting annoyed that I wasn't talking to him I heard him say things like put your mic on and stop being a [ __ ] and he thought of this guy being cool was gone at this point and I thought he was just a straight-up douche I was gonna finish the game but after that that was it with this guy he kept saying stuff most of it incoherent simply because of my distance to the TV and the noise of the actual game itself but then I heard him say my name not just my first name my full name when I heard this I panicked and thought to myself weed is my real name displayed on my profile but I realized no it couldn't be the guy kept saying things over the mic but I wasn't listening at this point I went over to the console and turned it off in a panic just knowing that the sound of the guy's voice was gone now made me sign relief I texted my friends and told them about it they all seemed to think it was funny typing their lol's and lmao and whatnot I put my phone down on the desk as I went on my laptop the phone vibrated again I expected it to be one of my friends but it was an unknown number the message was high and then my full name I typed back who is this the typing bubbles with the three dots came up for the longest time I waited anxiously to see what this person was going to say the message was is this your address and then my actual address and once again typed who is this and then I lied and typed no that isn't my address the person never responded after that I started accusing my friends of [ __ ] with me they all swore they had nothing to do with it though low-key I didn't believe them but I didn't bother feeding into it I figured if it is them the more reaction I give the more cakes they get out of it I went to bed ignoring my friends I woke up to something I was almost positive I heard a noise you know how sometimes the sound will wake you up but you don't know what the sound was because you weren't awake yet to hear it well that was me at this moment i sat up looking around my room as anyone naturally would my whole body directed startled Minh as there was a set of knocks on my window instead of looking to see who was out there like a man I ran like a coward out of my room into the nearest bathroom where I locked myself in there were no windows in that bathroom so I felt safe I actually fell asleep in that bathroom and when I woke up I texted my friends again telling them all to go [ __ ] themselves they all got a kick out of it but when I saw them in person they seemed pretty genuine when they told me they had nothing to do with it to this day I really don't know if my friends were pranking me where if that guy who I was playing for at night with actually somehow got my information and came to my house my ten-year-old son Chris had been playing that fortnight game all day every day for the past few months and it had been driving me insane I would scream at him to go out once in a while well instead all I heard was that sound of that bus honking its horn every 10 minutes constant gunshots coming from his room eventually one night at like 9:00 p.m. Chris came out of his room and shouted out to the kitchen that he was having someone over I really asked him who he said some guy from fortnight who lives around here a fuse went off in my head as I heard this apparently he invited over some random person he was talking to on fortnight when I asked him how old Chris shrugged his shoulders and said I don't know he sounds kind of old I started to freak out knowing some random stranger who was probably well older than my 10 year old son was coming to my house I locked all the doors and turned on all the porch lights I told Chris to just keep playing his game in his room and not to talk to anyone else I waited around by the windows until a car pulled up in front of my house it stopped and the headlights turned off the door opened someone came out and started walking up the pathway to my front door I felt like my heart dropped into my stomach when I saw some middle-aged man probably 40 mildly overweight step into the light and then up the stairs to the front door he rang the bell three times I ignored it then he started pounding on the door for a bit I ignored that as well he walked down the stoop looking up through the windows as he walked down the pathway I made sure he couldn't see me I thought for sure he'd go to his car and leave but he went around to the side of my house out of sight from the windows he was actually going to my back door I heard from around back the door being nudged because he clearly tried to open it I stayed put where I was there were no other entry points to the house so once he gave up he would surely leave when the noises from the back door stopped I waited for five minutes in the kitchen until I thought it was time to check I wanted to hopefully get a look outside so I shut the lights and lifted the blinds in the kitchen there was the man's face two inches from the glass as he looked into the kitchen or rather he now looked at me I screamed with a shake in my yell that I was calling the cops I think that scared him off because he walked away and I watched as he got in his car and left I didn't call the cops though stead I marched right to Chris's room and scolded him I grounded him for two weeks for endangering not only the household but himself that men know video games for two weeks and after the two weeks you would have to go two months without access to his wireless headset now that the two weeks are up he's back on the game I get sick to my stomach thinking about what would have happened if I wasn't home you
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 6,752,872
Rating: 4.8457522 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite horror, fortnite scary stories, fortnite creep, scary fortnite stories, creepy fortnite stories, creepy fortnite, scary fortnite, true scary stories, horror stories, fortnite compliation, fortnite true stories, mr. nightmare, mrnightmare, mr nightmare, nightmare, stalker, hacker, fortnite hacker, scary true fortnite stories, true fortnite stories
Id: yX6QgtgrPZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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